Maciej Kołodziejski - (original) (raw)


Papers by Maciej Kołodziejski

Research paper thumbnail of Reflection as a Basic Category of a Teacher’s Thinking and Action

Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education

Reflection in the work of a teacher is an important issue from the perspectives of linking educat... more Reflection in the work of a teacher is an important issue from the perspectives of linking educational theory and practice, a teacher’s personal and professional development and solving educational problems in multiple contexts. The world besets the modern teacher with new challenges, and (self-)reflection becomes a necessity as well as a difficult intellectual task. This paper focusses on the issue of a teacher’s reflection from the standpoint of linking educational theory and practice and examining the value of their work. Using numerous foreign and Polish publications on the subject, while also referring to classic authors such as Dewey and Schön, the authors analyse the essence of a teacher’s reflection in order to highlight the significance of reflective thinking as a key competence for teachers and educators. In the deliberations in this paper, reflection is the foundation of a teacher’s reflexivity in modern education, and a priority in preparing individuals for the professio...

Research paper thumbnail of Transgressions in artistic education. Person - music - art

In this paper we would like to point out current problems in the field of integrative arts educat... more In this paper we would like to point out current problems in the field of integrative arts education in the context of wider trends in the philosophical and psychological thinking, which points to the importance aims of arts education, but in teaching practice was not still sufficiently accepted. At the same time, the paper aims to draw attention to a very effective and unique concept as proposed by Slovak composer and pedagogue Juraj Hatrík. This musical-pedagogical method very effectively solves the identified problems of integrative art education.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza zdolności muzycznych - zbędna formalność czy istotny zabieg?

Research paper thumbnail of Musical Aptitudes Vs. Readiness of Pupils and Students For Harmonic and Rhythm Improvisation Based on Polish Research

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-Sided Upbringing of a Child in Family

Research paper thumbnail of Koncepcja ruchu kreatywnego w koncepcji Johna Feierabenda w edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Muzyka w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie elementów teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. Gordona w pracy z chórem szkolnym (Používanie komponentov teórie učenia sa hudby Edwina E. Gordona v práci so školským zboram)

Research paper thumbnail of Polish Concept of Universal Music Education: A Critique and an Overview of Required Changes

Research paper thumbnail of Piosenka jako materiał dydaktyczny służący rozwijaniu audiacji muzycznej u małego dziecka

Research paper thumbnail of Zwykli rodzice – niezwykłe dziecko. O uzdolnieniach i zamiłowaniach muzycznych dziecka – studium przypadku

Research paper thumbnail of Kreatywny nauczyciel wczesnej edukacji w obliczu procesów (auto)ewaluacyjnych. Rozważania w kontekście twórczości codziennej

Research paper thumbnail of Nauczyciel jako refleksyjny i krytyczny badacz w perspektywie procesów autoewaluacyjnych

Research paper thumbnail of Muzyka i ruch w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Tests and rating scales to research the musical aptitudes and achievements – a review of survey tools and methods for professional education

Research paper thumbnail of Inculturation of Child as Introduction to Musical Education in the Light of Edwin Elias Gordon Pedagogy Elements

Research paper thumbnail of Gordonova teória hudobnej edukácie v rámci všeobecného vzdelávania

Research paper thumbnail of Zdolności muzyczne rozwijające się młodszych uczniów ogólnokształcącej szkoły muzycznej I stopnia w relacji do ich gotowości do podjęcia improwizacji harmonicznej i rytmicznej

Younger pupils of a general music school (primary level) developing musical aptitudes in the rela... more Younger pupils of a general music school (primary level) developing musical aptitudes in the relation to pupils' readiness for harmonic and rhythmical improvisation The purpose of this research is also the presentation of the level of musical aptitude (gradually stabilising) of the pupils completing the third year of general music school (primary level) in the context of their readiness for harmonic and rhythmic improvisation, (their) gender, age at which they started their education at school (6- or 7-years old) as well as their main instrument type.

Research paper thumbnail of Music and Class Climate in Lower Secondary Education

The authors focus on positive improvement of class climate by using musical activities as educati... more The authors focus on positive improvement of class climate by using musical activities as educational tool in another school subjects. The use of musical activities in educational process contributes to positive class climate in lower secondary education, mainly to better relationships between pupils and the other participants of educational process, to their social integration, contentedness, co-operation, communication, and success. The study introduces the research results of how music affects the class climate in 11-12 year old elementary school pupils. A seven-month intervention programme consisting of music activities was integrated in English lessons and background music in art lessons at an experimental class of tested group of pubescents.

Research paper thumbnail of Od nauczyciela do refleksyjnego badacza procesów edukacyjnych na lekcjach muzyki czyli uwag kilka o kompetencjach pedagogiczno-badawczych nauczycieli muzyki

Streszczenie: Autor analizuje dostepną literature naukową dotyczącą kompetencji nauczyciela muzyk... more Streszczenie: Autor analizuje dostepną literature naukową dotyczącą kompetencji nauczyciela muzyki w kontekście budowania kultury ewaluacyjnej szkoly. Realizowany od lat 80. model nauczyciela-dyrygenta choru wydaje sie anachroniczny na potrzeby animowania środowiska szkolnego i pozaszkolnego do uczestnictwa w kulturze. Z tego wynika koniecznośc budowania modelu nauczyciela muzyki -badawcza zjawisk edukacyjnych wpisującego sie w nurt szybko zmienia­jącej sie kultury, ktora oczekuje reakcji na te przemiany i wymaga znajomości przez nauczycieli zdolności, preferencji, osobowości i inteligencji dziecka. Zaproponowano wiec nowy model nauczyciela muzyki z wiodącą kompetencją (auto)ewaluacyjną zwaną tez badawczą. Slowa kluczowe: nauczyciel muzyki, kompetencje nauczyciela muzyki, badanie, (auto)ewaluacja, szkola, powszechna edukacja muzyczna. Summary: The author analyses the available academic literature concerning a music teacher's competence in the context of building the evaluation culture of school. Applied since 1980s, the model of a teacher-choir conductor seems to be anachronic for the purposes of animating the school- and the after-school environments to get involved in culture. Owing to this fact, there appears the need of building the model of a music teacher-researcher of educational phenomena and meeting the ever-changing culture expecting the reaction to these transformations and requiring the teacher knowledge of child's ability, preference, personality and intelligence. What is suggested is the new model of a music teacher with the leading (self-)valuation competence, also called research-related. Keywords: a music teacher, a music teacher's competence, examination, (self-)evaluation, school, general music education.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflection as a Basic Category of a Teacher’s Thinking and Action

Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education

Reflection in the work of a teacher is an important issue from the perspectives of linking educat... more Reflection in the work of a teacher is an important issue from the perspectives of linking educational theory and practice, a teacher’s personal and professional development and solving educational problems in multiple contexts. The world besets the modern teacher with new challenges, and (self-)reflection becomes a necessity as well as a difficult intellectual task. This paper focusses on the issue of a teacher’s reflection from the standpoint of linking educational theory and practice and examining the value of their work. Using numerous foreign and Polish publications on the subject, while also referring to classic authors such as Dewey and Schön, the authors analyse the essence of a teacher’s reflection in order to highlight the significance of reflective thinking as a key competence for teachers and educators. In the deliberations in this paper, reflection is the foundation of a teacher’s reflexivity in modern education, and a priority in preparing individuals for the professio...

Research paper thumbnail of Transgressions in artistic education. Person - music - art

In this paper we would like to point out current problems in the field of integrative arts educat... more In this paper we would like to point out current problems in the field of integrative arts education in the context of wider trends in the philosophical and psychological thinking, which points to the importance aims of arts education, but in teaching practice was not still sufficiently accepted. At the same time, the paper aims to draw attention to a very effective and unique concept as proposed by Slovak composer and pedagogue Juraj Hatrík. This musical-pedagogical method very effectively solves the identified problems of integrative art education.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnoza zdolności muzycznych - zbędna formalność czy istotny zabieg?

Research paper thumbnail of Musical Aptitudes Vs. Readiness of Pupils and Students For Harmonic and Rhythm Improvisation Based on Polish Research

Research paper thumbnail of Multi-Sided Upbringing of a Child in Family

Research paper thumbnail of Koncepcja ruchu kreatywnego w koncepcji Johna Feierabenda w edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Muzyka w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie elementów teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. Gordona w pracy z chórem szkolnym (Používanie komponentov teórie učenia sa hudby Edwina E. Gordona v práci so školským zboram)

Research paper thumbnail of Polish Concept of Universal Music Education: A Critique and an Overview of Required Changes

Research paper thumbnail of Piosenka jako materiał dydaktyczny służący rozwijaniu audiacji muzycznej u małego dziecka

Research paper thumbnail of Zwykli rodzice – niezwykłe dziecko. O uzdolnieniach i zamiłowaniach muzycznych dziecka – studium przypadku

Research paper thumbnail of Kreatywny nauczyciel wczesnej edukacji w obliczu procesów (auto)ewaluacyjnych. Rozważania w kontekście twórczości codziennej

Research paper thumbnail of Nauczyciel jako refleksyjny i krytyczny badacz w perspektywie procesów autoewaluacyjnych

Research paper thumbnail of Muzyka i ruch w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

Research paper thumbnail of Tests and rating scales to research the musical aptitudes and achievements – a review of survey tools and methods for professional education

Research paper thumbnail of Inculturation of Child as Introduction to Musical Education in the Light of Edwin Elias Gordon Pedagogy Elements

Research paper thumbnail of Gordonova teória hudobnej edukácie v rámci všeobecného vzdelávania

Research paper thumbnail of Zdolności muzyczne rozwijające się młodszych uczniów ogólnokształcącej szkoły muzycznej I stopnia w relacji do ich gotowości do podjęcia improwizacji harmonicznej i rytmicznej

Younger pupils of a general music school (primary level) developing musical aptitudes in the rela... more Younger pupils of a general music school (primary level) developing musical aptitudes in the relation to pupils' readiness for harmonic and rhythmical improvisation The purpose of this research is also the presentation of the level of musical aptitude (gradually stabilising) of the pupils completing the third year of general music school (primary level) in the context of their readiness for harmonic and rhythmic improvisation, (their) gender, age at which they started their education at school (6- or 7-years old) as well as their main instrument type.

Research paper thumbnail of Music and Class Climate in Lower Secondary Education

The authors focus on positive improvement of class climate by using musical activities as educati... more The authors focus on positive improvement of class climate by using musical activities as educational tool in another school subjects. The use of musical activities in educational process contributes to positive class climate in lower secondary education, mainly to better relationships between pupils and the other participants of educational process, to their social integration, contentedness, co-operation, communication, and success. The study introduces the research results of how music affects the class climate in 11-12 year old elementary school pupils. A seven-month intervention programme consisting of music activities was integrated in English lessons and background music in art lessons at an experimental class of tested group of pubescents.

Research paper thumbnail of Od nauczyciela do refleksyjnego badacza procesów edukacyjnych na lekcjach muzyki czyli uwag kilka o kompetencjach pedagogiczno-badawczych nauczycieli muzyki

Streszczenie: Autor analizuje dostepną literature naukową dotyczącą kompetencji nauczyciela muzyk... more Streszczenie: Autor analizuje dostepną literature naukową dotyczącą kompetencji nauczyciela muzyki w kontekście budowania kultury ewaluacyjnej szkoly. Realizowany od lat 80. model nauczyciela-dyrygenta choru wydaje sie anachroniczny na potrzeby animowania środowiska szkolnego i pozaszkolnego do uczestnictwa w kulturze. Z tego wynika koniecznośc budowania modelu nauczyciela muzyki -badawcza zjawisk edukacyjnych wpisującego sie w nurt szybko zmienia­jącej sie kultury, ktora oczekuje reakcji na te przemiany i wymaga znajomości przez nauczycieli zdolności, preferencji, osobowości i inteligencji dziecka. Zaproponowano wiec nowy model nauczyciela muzyki z wiodącą kompetencją (auto)ewaluacyjną zwaną tez badawczą. Slowa kluczowe: nauczyciel muzyki, kompetencje nauczyciela muzyki, badanie, (auto)ewaluacja, szkola, powszechna edukacja muzyczna. Summary: The author analyses the available academic literature concerning a music teacher's competence in the context of building the evaluation culture of school. Applied since 1980s, the model of a teacher-choir conductor seems to be anachronic for the purposes of animating the school- and the after-school environments to get involved in culture. Owing to this fact, there appears the need of building the model of a music teacher-researcher of educational phenomena and meeting the ever-changing culture expecting the reaction to these transformations and requiring the teacher knowledge of child's ability, preference, personality and intelligence. What is suggested is the new model of a music teacher with the leading (self-)valuation competence, also called research-related. Keywords: a music teacher, a music teacher's competence, examination, (self-)evaluation, school, general music education.