Krassimir Garbev - (original) (raw)

Papers by Krassimir Garbev

Research paper thumbnail of CaCl2 as a Mineralizing Agent in Low-Temperature Recycling of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete: Cl-Immobilization by Formation of Chlorellestadite


The suitability of CaCl2 as a mineralizing agent in the synthesis of a low-temperature C2S-cement... more The suitability of CaCl2 as a mineralizing agent in the synthesis of a low-temperature C2S-cement clinker from wastes of autoclaved aerated concrete was investigated. As chlorellestadite is a potential host mineral for the immobilization of chlorine, the formation conditions for the highest joint content of chlorellestadite and C2S were studied in samples with different sulfate contents. Oven experiments were conducted at temperatures between 700 and 1200 °C. The samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction in combination with chemical and thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy. Calculation of the yield of C2S and ellestadite for all samples proves the optimum temperature range for the C2S-ellestadite clinker from 950 to 1000 °C. At lower temperatures, the formation of a carbonate-rich halogenide melt promotes the crystallization of a significant amount of spurrite at the expense of C2S. Ellestadite formation mainly depends on the sulfate content and to a lesser extent on the synthes...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring The Drying And Grinding Process During Production Of Celitement Through A Nir-Spectroscopy Based Approach

Online measurement of the product quality is a challenging task in cement production, especially ... more Online measurement of the product quality is a challenging task in cement production, especially in the production of Celitement, a novel environmentally friendly hydraulic binder. The mineralogy and chemical composition of clinker in ordinary Portland cement production is measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), where only crystalline constituents can be detected. But only a small part of the Celitement components can be measured via XRD, because most constituents have an amorphous structure. This paper describes the development of algorithms suitable for an on-line monitoring of the final processing step of Celitement based on NIR-data. For calibration intermediate products were dried at different temperatures and ground for variable durations. The products were analyzed using XRD and thermogravimetric analyses together with NIR-spectroscopy to investigate the dependency between the drying and the milling processes on one and the NIR-signal on the other si...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nanoporöser druckfester Porenbetonstein hergestellt unter Einsatz von Calciumhydrosilikat-Binder : Teilvorhaben 1: Nanoporöse, hydrothermal beständige C-S-H-Systeme aus hCHS : Teilvorhaben 2: Herstellen von nanoporösem Leichtzuschlag im 100kg Maßstab : Teilvorhaben 3: Verfahren zur Herstellung ei...

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[Research paper thumbnail of Einkristall-IR-Imaging und XRD-Untersuchung eines ungewöhnlichen Phasenübergangs Ca₂[SiO₃(OH)](OH) - Ca₆[Si₂O₇][SiO₄](OH)₂ (Dellait)](

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Research paper thumbnail of Totaloxidation von Kohlenmonoxid und VOCs mit katalytischen Keramik-Filterkerzen

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of catalytic ceramic filter candles for tar conversion

A catalyst with a high activity in tar conversion, impregnated on the ceramic hot gas filter mate... more A catalyst with a high activity in tar conversion, impregnated on the ceramic hot gas filter material was developed. The aim of the experiments was to estimate the light-offtemperature of the catalytic filter elements for naphthalene (tar model compounds) conversion and the long-term catalytic stability at a temperature of 700 °C. Configuration of the catalyst was optimized through improvements in coking re- sistance and long-term stability. The composition and morphology parameters of the filter material were considered. Both the impregnation methods and the composition of the impregnation solution were in- vestigated and validated. The catalyst composed of Ni, Fe, Cr oxides, promoted with Pt (AlSi-Cat43-Pt), and impregnated on the ceramic-fiber filter composed of Al 2 O 3 (44%)/SiO 2 (56%) was found to be the most active catalyst. The designated catalyst was catalytically active at temperatures of about 700 °C, with a naphthalene conversion of around 93% over 95 h without catalyst...

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Research paper thumbnail of Liant hydraulique monophasique, procédés de production et matériau de construction fabriqué avec ce liant

La presente invention concerne un liant hydraulique monophasique qui contient des atomes de silic... more La presente invention concerne un liant hydraulique monophasique qui contient des atomes de silicium, de calcium, d'oxygene et d'hydrogene selon une configuration qui comporte des unites structurelles silicate presentant un degre de reticulation moyen superieur a Q1,5 et des groupes silanol. Aucun atome de calcium ou une partie des atomes de calcium est remplacee par un atome de metal M[6]x+ coordonne au moins six fois avec de l'oxygene et/ou aucun des atomes de silicium ou une partie des atomes de silicium est remplacee par un atome de metal M[4]y+ coordonne avec de l'oxygene de facon tetraedrique. Le rapport molaire [CaO + (x/2) • (M[6]x+Ox/2)] : [SiO2 + M[4]y+0y/2] est compris entre 0,2 et 2,0. Le liant comprend de 3,5% en poids a 20% en poids de H2O. L'invention concerne egalement un melange comprenant ledit liant. Elle concerne aussi des procedes de production dudit liant ou d'un melange comprenant ledit liant, lesquels procedes consistent a broyer par r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Struktur, Eigenschaften und quantitative Rietveldanalyse von hydrothermal kristallisierten Calciumsilikathydraten (C-S-H-Phasen)

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Synthese, Die Kristallisation und die auftretenden Paragene... more In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Synthese, Die Kristallisation und die auftretenden Paragenesen technisch wichtiger, kristalliner Verbindungen im System CaO-SiO2-H2O untersucht. Damit wurde eine Grundlage fur sysstematische Entwicklung bzw. Verwertung von auf C-S-H-Phasen basierenden Baustoffen gelegt. Die Systematik der C-S-H-Phsen wurde kritisch uberarbeitet und auf den neuesetn Stand gebracht. Naturliche C-S-H-Phasen wurden als Model fur uberlange Zeitraume kristallisierte Systeme herangezogen. dazu wurden vergeleichende strukturelle Untersuchungen (XRD, DTA, IR-Spektroskopie, Mikrosondenanalyse und QXRD mit der Rietveldmethode)durchgefuhrt. Die bisher unbekannten Strukturen von Z-Phase, 10A-Tobermorit wurden untersucht. Ein neues Strukturmodel fur Foshagit wurde entwickelt. Strukturmodele fur bisher unbekannten Phasenubergange wie z.B. Z-Phase - K-Phase und Gyrolith-Truscottit wurden abgeleitet. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung zur Bearbeitung der strukturellen und phasenanal...

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Research paper thumbnail of Microchemical and micromechanical characterization of cement hydrates with coupled Raman- and nanoindentation measurements

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Research paper thumbnail of Synchrotron-based XRD in situ Hydrothermal Investigation of Novel Hydraulic Binding Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of α-C₂SH - dellaite phase transition: single crystal SR-IR, powder XRD and ²⁹SiNMR study

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Research paper thumbnail of Synchrotron-based XRD in situ Investigation of Novel Hydraulic Binding Materials: Formation of Alpha-C2SH from Ca(OH)2

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Research paper thumbnail of A reliable quantitative TA-FTIR method for cementitious material characterisation

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Research paper thumbnail of In Situ X-ray Diffraction at High Temperatures: Formation of Ca2SiO4 and Ternesite in Recycled Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Minerals, 2021

This study provides an insight into possible recycling processes for autoclaved aerated concrete ... more This study provides an insight into possible recycling processes for autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) at low temperatures (<1000 °C). Belite binders were synthesized from wastes of AAC by the addition of CaCO3 and adaption of the molar CaO/SiO2 (C/S ratio) in the range of 2 to 2.5. An in situ XRD study performed during heating up to 1000 °C and subsequent quenching to room temperature evidenced the formation of ternesite besides C2S in sulfate-containing systems. Several factors influencing the reaction kinetics and the evolution of the phase composition were investigated thoroughly. Increased sulfate content and dwelling time during heating increase the ternesite content and promote the formation of highly crystalline α’H-C2S. The C/S-ratio of the starting materials has to be adjusted to the sulfate content in order to prevent the formation of ternesite at the expense of C2S. Ternesite remains stable during quenching to room temperature or even increases in amount, except in ca...

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Research paper thumbnail of Coordination environment of Si in calcium silicate hydrates, silicate minerals, and blast furnace slags: A XANES database

Cement and Concrete Research, 2021

Abstract Understanding the silicate polymerization of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and it... more Abstract Understanding the silicate polymerization of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and its crystalline polymorphs is important in cement science. NMR can determine Si environments, but the measurement can be time-consuming and provides no spatial information. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy is a fast tool for probing Si coordination, possibly with spatial information. However, there lacks an understanding of Si K-edge XANES spectra of cement-related silicate phases. Here, a Si K-edge XANES spectral database of nanocrystalline C-S-H, C-S-H minerals, blast-furnace slags, and metakaolin is provided. Si K-edge of C-S-H minerals shifts to higher energies with higher polymerized Si and lower Ca Si connectivity in the Si second nearest neighbor shell. Si K-edge energy shows weak correlations with Ca/Si ratio, average Si O bond length, and SiO4 distortion due to the structural complexity of silicates. The substitution of Al for Si shifts the Si K-edge of tobermorite and slags to higher energies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catalytic Tar Conversion in Two Different Hot Syngas Cleaning Systems

Catalysts, 2021

Tar in the product gas of biomass gasifiers reduces the efficiency of gasification processes and ... more Tar in the product gas of biomass gasifiers reduces the efficiency of gasification processes and causes fouling of system components and pipework. Therefore, an efficient tar conversion in the product gas is a key step of effective and reliable syngas production. One of the most promising approaches is the catalytic decomposition of the tar species combined with hot syngas cleaning. The catalyst must be able to convert tar components in the synthesis gas at temperatures of around 700 °C downstream of the gasifier without preheating. A Ni-based doped catalyst with high activity in tar conversion was developed and characterized in detail. An appropriate composition of transition metals was applied to minimize catalyst coking. Precious metals (Pt, Pd, Rh, or a combination of two of them) were added to the catalyst in small quantities. Depending on the hot gas cleaning system used, both transition metals and precious metals were co-impregnated on pellets or on a ceramic filter material....

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental fracture sealing in reservoir sandstones and its relation to rock texture

Journal of Structural Geology, 2021

Faults and fractures are important fluid pathways in subsurface energy reservoirs. Especially in ... more Faults and fractures are important fluid pathways in subsurface energy reservoirs. Especially in geothermal energy production, hydrocarbon production, and energy storage in the subsurface, fractures can enhance reservoir quality and production or storage potential. However, mineral precipitations often reduce available fracture apertures, and thus fracture porosity and permeability. Hydrothermal experimental setups, natural samples, and numerical simulations have been studied to great extent. In fractured sandstones, the main focus has been on only some controlling factors, e.g. fracture opening rate and the orientation of crystallographic axes in substrates. Furthermore, substrates have mostly been fairly homogeneous or sediment textures have not been explicitly considered. Here, fracture sealing experiments are performed on a homogeneous, massive marine sandstone and heterogeneous, laminated fluvial sandstone. Hydrothermal flow-through experiments are performed at 421 ± 1 ◦C and 30.5 ± 0.5 MPa for 72 h to compare resulting precipitated quartz cement textures on fracture surfaces on natural sandstones. Results indicate a strong impact of grain size variations associated with lamination on observed syntaxial quartz crystal dimensions on fracture surfaces. In layers of finer grain sizes, smaller cement overgrowths develop, as opposed to coarser grained laminae in the same sample. In homogeneous sandstones, the overgrowths appear more uniform, apart from the differences induced by varying c-axis orientations. Some open fracture porosity may be preserved in areas of finer grained laminae, as opposed to coarser grained laminae. Additionally, the potential to stabilize fractures by cement growth spanning the aperture could preserve fracture porosity and permeability in generally unfavorable stress regimes. Furthermore, the relative abundance of suitable syntaxial precipitation sites and additional mineral dissolution as a function of varying detrital compositions appears to influence the mineralogy of the precipitate. [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of Celitement quality parameter determination by online NIR spectroscopy

Advances in Cement Research, 2019

A new process for the manufacture of a novel hydraulic binder (Celitement) with a high potential ... more A new process for the manufacture of a novel hydraulic binder (Celitement) with a high potential for saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions was developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. To obtain the ideal process conditions and to monitor the optimal product quality of the binder, it was necessary to develop a measurement system for the online determination of certain quality parameters. A method for the direct calculation of different quality parameters of both precursor and final product from online measured near-infrared (NIR) spectra is presented in this article. A successful transformation between calibration models gained with laboratory and online NIR is also demonstrated. This enables optimisation of the calibration models on a laboratory scale and a seamless transfer to industrial scale due to changes in composition of the raw materials, formulation or processing parameters.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calcium silicate hydrates: importance in disposal of nuclear wastes

Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of auxiliary quantities to characterize the product quality of a novel cementitious material

Materials Characterisation VII, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of CaCl2 as a Mineralizing Agent in Low-Temperature Recycling of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete: Cl-Immobilization by Formation of Chlorellestadite


The suitability of CaCl2 as a mineralizing agent in the synthesis of a low-temperature C2S-cement... more The suitability of CaCl2 as a mineralizing agent in the synthesis of a low-temperature C2S-cement clinker from wastes of autoclaved aerated concrete was investigated. As chlorellestadite is a potential host mineral for the immobilization of chlorine, the formation conditions for the highest joint content of chlorellestadite and C2S were studied in samples with different sulfate contents. Oven experiments were conducted at temperatures between 700 and 1200 °C. The samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction in combination with chemical and thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy. Calculation of the yield of C2S and ellestadite for all samples proves the optimum temperature range for the C2S-ellestadite clinker from 950 to 1000 °C. At lower temperatures, the formation of a carbonate-rich halogenide melt promotes the crystallization of a significant amount of spurrite at the expense of C2S. Ellestadite formation mainly depends on the sulfate content and to a lesser extent on the synthes...

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring The Drying And Grinding Process During Production Of Celitement Through A Nir-Spectroscopy Based Approach

Online measurement of the product quality is a challenging task in cement production, especially ... more Online measurement of the product quality is a challenging task in cement production, especially in the production of Celitement, a novel environmentally friendly hydraulic binder. The mineralogy and chemical composition of clinker in ordinary Portland cement production is measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF), where only crystalline constituents can be detected. But only a small part of the Celitement components can be measured via XRD, because most constituents have an amorphous structure. This paper describes the development of algorithms suitable for an on-line monitoring of the final processing step of Celitement based on NIR-data. For calibration intermediate products were dried at different temperatures and ground for variable durations. The products were analyzed using XRD and thermogravimetric analyses together with NIR-spectroscopy to investigate the dependency between the drying and the milling processes on one and the NIR-signal on the other si...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nanoporöser druckfester Porenbetonstein hergestellt unter Einsatz von Calciumhydrosilikat-Binder : Teilvorhaben 1: Nanoporöse, hydrothermal beständige C-S-H-Systeme aus hCHS : Teilvorhaben 2: Herstellen von nanoporösem Leichtzuschlag im 100kg Maßstab : Teilvorhaben 3: Verfahren zur Herstellung ei...

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[Research paper thumbnail of Einkristall-IR-Imaging und XRD-Untersuchung eines ungewöhnlichen Phasenübergangs Ca₂[SiO₃(OH)](OH) - Ca₆[Si₂O₇][SiO₄](OH)₂ (Dellait)](

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Research paper thumbnail of Totaloxidation von Kohlenmonoxid und VOCs mit katalytischen Keramik-Filterkerzen

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of catalytic ceramic filter candles for tar conversion

A catalyst with a high activity in tar conversion, impregnated on the ceramic hot gas filter mate... more A catalyst with a high activity in tar conversion, impregnated on the ceramic hot gas filter material was developed. The aim of the experiments was to estimate the light-offtemperature of the catalytic filter elements for naphthalene (tar model compounds) conversion and the long-term catalytic stability at a temperature of 700 °C. Configuration of the catalyst was optimized through improvements in coking re- sistance and long-term stability. The composition and morphology parameters of the filter material were considered. Both the impregnation methods and the composition of the impregnation solution were in- vestigated and validated. The catalyst composed of Ni, Fe, Cr oxides, promoted with Pt (AlSi-Cat43-Pt), and impregnated on the ceramic-fiber filter composed of Al 2 O 3 (44%)/SiO 2 (56%) was found to be the most active catalyst. The designated catalyst was catalytically active at temperatures of about 700 °C, with a naphthalene conversion of around 93% over 95 h without catalyst...

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Research paper thumbnail of Liant hydraulique monophasique, procédés de production et matériau de construction fabriqué avec ce liant

La presente invention concerne un liant hydraulique monophasique qui contient des atomes de silic... more La presente invention concerne un liant hydraulique monophasique qui contient des atomes de silicium, de calcium, d'oxygene et d'hydrogene selon une configuration qui comporte des unites structurelles silicate presentant un degre de reticulation moyen superieur a Q1,5 et des groupes silanol. Aucun atome de calcium ou une partie des atomes de calcium est remplacee par un atome de metal M[6]x+ coordonne au moins six fois avec de l'oxygene et/ou aucun des atomes de silicium ou une partie des atomes de silicium est remplacee par un atome de metal M[4]y+ coordonne avec de l'oxygene de facon tetraedrique. Le rapport molaire [CaO + (x/2) • (M[6]x+Ox/2)] : [SiO2 + M[4]y+0y/2] est compris entre 0,2 et 2,0. Le liant comprend de 3,5% en poids a 20% en poids de H2O. L'invention concerne egalement un melange comprenant ledit liant. Elle concerne aussi des procedes de production dudit liant ou d'un melange comprenant ledit liant, lesquels procedes consistent a broyer par r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Struktur, Eigenschaften und quantitative Rietveldanalyse von hydrothermal kristallisierten Calciumsilikathydraten (C-S-H-Phasen)

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Synthese, Die Kristallisation und die auftretenden Paragene... more In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Synthese, Die Kristallisation und die auftretenden Paragenesen technisch wichtiger, kristalliner Verbindungen im System CaO-SiO2-H2O untersucht. Damit wurde eine Grundlage fur sysstematische Entwicklung bzw. Verwertung von auf C-S-H-Phasen basierenden Baustoffen gelegt. Die Systematik der C-S-H-Phsen wurde kritisch uberarbeitet und auf den neuesetn Stand gebracht. Naturliche C-S-H-Phasen wurden als Model fur uberlange Zeitraume kristallisierte Systeme herangezogen. dazu wurden vergeleichende strukturelle Untersuchungen (XRD, DTA, IR-Spektroskopie, Mikrosondenanalyse und QXRD mit der Rietveldmethode)durchgefuhrt. Die bisher unbekannten Strukturen von Z-Phase, 10A-Tobermorit wurden untersucht. Ein neues Strukturmodel fur Foshagit wurde entwickelt. Strukturmodele fur bisher unbekannten Phasenubergange wie z.B. Z-Phase - K-Phase und Gyrolith-Truscottit wurden abgeleitet. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung zur Bearbeitung der strukturellen und phasenanal...

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Research paper thumbnail of Microchemical and micromechanical characterization of cement hydrates with coupled Raman- and nanoindentation measurements

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Research paper thumbnail of Synchrotron-based XRD in situ Hydrothermal Investigation of Novel Hydraulic Binding Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of α-C₂SH - dellaite phase transition: single crystal SR-IR, powder XRD and ²⁹SiNMR study

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Research paper thumbnail of Synchrotron-based XRD in situ Investigation of Novel Hydraulic Binding Materials: Formation of Alpha-C2SH from Ca(OH)2

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Research paper thumbnail of A reliable quantitative TA-FTIR method for cementitious material characterisation

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Research paper thumbnail of In Situ X-ray Diffraction at High Temperatures: Formation of Ca2SiO4 and Ternesite in Recycled Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Minerals, 2021

This study provides an insight into possible recycling processes for autoclaved aerated concrete ... more This study provides an insight into possible recycling processes for autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) at low temperatures (<1000 °C). Belite binders were synthesized from wastes of AAC by the addition of CaCO3 and adaption of the molar CaO/SiO2 (C/S ratio) in the range of 2 to 2.5. An in situ XRD study performed during heating up to 1000 °C and subsequent quenching to room temperature evidenced the formation of ternesite besides C2S in sulfate-containing systems. Several factors influencing the reaction kinetics and the evolution of the phase composition were investigated thoroughly. Increased sulfate content and dwelling time during heating increase the ternesite content and promote the formation of highly crystalline α’H-C2S. The C/S-ratio of the starting materials has to be adjusted to the sulfate content in order to prevent the formation of ternesite at the expense of C2S. Ternesite remains stable during quenching to room temperature or even increases in amount, except in ca...

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Research paper thumbnail of Coordination environment of Si in calcium silicate hydrates, silicate minerals, and blast furnace slags: A XANES database

Cement and Concrete Research, 2021

Abstract Understanding the silicate polymerization of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and it... more Abstract Understanding the silicate polymerization of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel and its crystalline polymorphs is important in cement science. NMR can determine Si environments, but the measurement can be time-consuming and provides no spatial information. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy is a fast tool for probing Si coordination, possibly with spatial information. However, there lacks an understanding of Si K-edge XANES spectra of cement-related silicate phases. Here, a Si K-edge XANES spectral database of nanocrystalline C-S-H, C-S-H minerals, blast-furnace slags, and metakaolin is provided. Si K-edge of C-S-H minerals shifts to higher energies with higher polymerized Si and lower Ca Si connectivity in the Si second nearest neighbor shell. Si K-edge energy shows weak correlations with Ca/Si ratio, average Si O bond length, and SiO4 distortion due to the structural complexity of silicates. The substitution of Al for Si shifts the Si K-edge of tobermorite and slags to higher energies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Catalytic Tar Conversion in Two Different Hot Syngas Cleaning Systems

Catalysts, 2021

Tar in the product gas of biomass gasifiers reduces the efficiency of gasification processes and ... more Tar in the product gas of biomass gasifiers reduces the efficiency of gasification processes and causes fouling of system components and pipework. Therefore, an efficient tar conversion in the product gas is a key step of effective and reliable syngas production. One of the most promising approaches is the catalytic decomposition of the tar species combined with hot syngas cleaning. The catalyst must be able to convert tar components in the synthesis gas at temperatures of around 700 °C downstream of the gasifier without preheating. A Ni-based doped catalyst with high activity in tar conversion was developed and characterized in detail. An appropriate composition of transition metals was applied to minimize catalyst coking. Precious metals (Pt, Pd, Rh, or a combination of two of them) were added to the catalyst in small quantities. Depending on the hot gas cleaning system used, both transition metals and precious metals were co-impregnated on pellets or on a ceramic filter material....

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental fracture sealing in reservoir sandstones and its relation to rock texture

Journal of Structural Geology, 2021

Faults and fractures are important fluid pathways in subsurface energy reservoirs. Especially in ... more Faults and fractures are important fluid pathways in subsurface energy reservoirs. Especially in geothermal energy production, hydrocarbon production, and energy storage in the subsurface, fractures can enhance reservoir quality and production or storage potential. However, mineral precipitations often reduce available fracture apertures, and thus fracture porosity and permeability. Hydrothermal experimental setups, natural samples, and numerical simulations have been studied to great extent. In fractured sandstones, the main focus has been on only some controlling factors, e.g. fracture opening rate and the orientation of crystallographic axes in substrates. Furthermore, substrates have mostly been fairly homogeneous or sediment textures have not been explicitly considered. Here, fracture sealing experiments are performed on a homogeneous, massive marine sandstone and heterogeneous, laminated fluvial sandstone. Hydrothermal flow-through experiments are performed at 421 ± 1 ◦C and 30.5 ± 0.5 MPa for 72 h to compare resulting precipitated quartz cement textures on fracture surfaces on natural sandstones. Results indicate a strong impact of grain size variations associated with lamination on observed syntaxial quartz crystal dimensions on fracture surfaces. In layers of finer grain sizes, smaller cement overgrowths develop, as opposed to coarser grained laminae in the same sample. In homogeneous sandstones, the overgrowths appear more uniform, apart from the differences induced by varying c-axis orientations. Some open fracture porosity may be preserved in areas of finer grained laminae, as opposed to coarser grained laminae. Additionally, the potential to stabilize fractures by cement growth spanning the aperture could preserve fracture porosity and permeability in generally unfavorable stress regimes. Furthermore, the relative abundance of suitable syntaxial precipitation sites and additional mineral dissolution as a function of varying detrital compositions appears to influence the mineralogy of the precipitate. [...]

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Research paper thumbnail of Celitement quality parameter determination by online NIR spectroscopy

Advances in Cement Research, 2019

A new process for the manufacture of a novel hydraulic binder (Celitement) with a high potential ... more A new process for the manufacture of a novel hydraulic binder (Celitement) with a high potential for saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions was developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. To obtain the ideal process conditions and to monitor the optimal product quality of the binder, it was necessary to develop a measurement system for the online determination of certain quality parameters. A method for the direct calculation of different quality parameters of both precursor and final product from online measured near-infrared (NIR) spectra is presented in this article. A successful transformation between calibration models gained with laboratory and online NIR is also demonstrated. This enables optimisation of the calibration models on a laboratory scale and a seamless transfer to industrial scale due to changes in composition of the raw materials, formulation or processing parameters.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calcium silicate hydrates: importance in disposal of nuclear wastes

Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of auxiliary quantities to characterize the product quality of a novel cementitious material

Materials Characterisation VII, 2015

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