Kristian Brink - (original) (raw)
Papers by Kristian Brink
New Perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium held in Gothenburg 9th to 13th June 2015. Eds. Bergerbrant, S. & Wessman, A., 2017
Österlent , 2019
After a devastating fire in 2016 when a 18th century building in the historic city centre of Simr... more After a devastating fire in 2016 when a 18th century building in the historic city centre of Simrishamn was destroyed an archaeological excavation was needed before any redevelopment could take place. After the remains of the Stenbergska gården were removed its medieval predecessor could be documented - with traces of metal crafts, a building from the 13th century and terraced gardening areas in the slope to the north of the plot. Beneath these "lerbottnar" - clay lined storage pits used during the early medieval herring fisheries - were discovered and a strech of an hitherto unknown road that could be dated to the Iron Age. Hidden beneath thick layers of drifting sand were ground surfaces from the Early Bronze Age/ Late Neolithic with finds connected with farming and the elegant flint technology of that period. Further down, under more sand, were cultural layers from a costal settlement from the Middle Neolitic, around 3000 BC. Among the find were waste material from production of flint axes. The Stenbergska tomten site shows the long continuity of this protected place, situated favourably between land and sea - a place where people did chose to live over and over again from the late mesolithic until today.
Late Neolithic metal axes are rarely found during archaeological excavations. In the autumn of 20... more Late Neolithic metal axes are rarely found during archaeological excavations. In the autumn of 2015, however, it did happen. Metal detecting at Eskilstorp in south-west Scania ( ) revealed a Late Neolithic axe of the Pile type (figs 2-3). The Eskilstorp axe turned out to be unique. It is a silvercoated copper axe. In this note we present the results of the initial analyses performed on the axe.
In the autumn of 2011 a site with remains of huts, pits and burial monuments from the Early Neoli... more In the autumn of 2011 a site with remains of huts, pits and burial monuments from the Early Neolithic–early Middle Neolithic was investigated in Malmö, southwest Scania, Sweden. The aim of this article is to relate the site to the surrounding settled landscape in order to understand some of its social significance during the time when it was initially used. In doing this, aspects of Funnel Beaker Culture landscape use will be discussed. This entails a discussion about our understanding of settlements as spatially clearly definable places and our often clear-cut categorization of sites. In the Early Neolithic I the burial site with two long barrows is connected to a farm of a possibly leading household living near the burials. Activities connected to the farm can be related to a large area. During the Early Neolithic II–early Middle Neolithic II there seems to be an increase in the number of farms in the area. Continued and intensified use of the burial site, including the construction of two long dolmens and the extension of one of them, indicates the importance of the burial site to all the farms in the area.
The last two decades of excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, have given substantial new resul... more The last two decades of excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, have given substantial new results regarding Early Neolithic society (4000–3300 cal. BC). The overall aim here is to discuss and synthesize these results, and a number of important excavations are also presented in detail. The results are both on a macro scale concerning overall settlement pattern, landscape use and the scale of monumental landscapes, and on a micro scale concerning, for example, houses and huts, monumental sites and their complexity, and pits-omy of the region as well as the socio-political organization are discussed based on interpretations of the material presented.
Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe: Volume 1. BAR S2771.
Over the last two decades several large-scale developer-funded archaeological investigations in t... more Over the last two decades several large-scale developer-funded archaeological investigations in the Malmö area have resulted in a deeper knowledge of the variation in how people formed their surroundings, especially in terms of the ways in which they created and manifested social and economic status and the existence of external contacts during the Late Neolithic and earliest Bronze Age. As a whole, settlement structure was varied containing examples of both single farms and villages. Burial traditions differed on the local level, suggesting that choices were made by individual families or that clans actively formed these traditions as part of a social strategy. For example, a high-status cemetery close to the shore has been interpreted as important in terms of the manifestation of over-sea contacts.
Landscapes, Histories and Societies in the Northern European Neolithic., 2014
Lund Archaeological Review vol 19 2013, 2014
ALE nr 2 2013, Historisk tidsskrift för Skåne, Halland och Blekinge, 2013
Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe, 2013
European Journal of Archaeology, 2013
Fornvännen. 2010/3., 2010
Vid uppdragsarkeologiska undersökningar vid Hyllie i södra Malmö kommun åren 2002 och 2005 påträf... more Vid uppdragsarkeologiska undersökningar vid Hyllie i södra Malmö kommun åren 2002 och 2005 påträffades omfattande lämningar från den sena trattbägarkulturen, period III av mellanneolitikum A (fig. 1). Denna fas var omkring två århundraden lång och dateras till omkring år 3000 cal BC. Man tog till vara rika och varierade fynd från tre stora nedgrävningar på fastigheten Hyllie 155:91 (se Andréasson et al. 2008; Skoglund 2008 för utförliga presentationer av platsen och utgrävningsresultaten). Syftet med denna artikel är att presentera de analyser som utförts vilka leder fram till en tolkning där vi menar att platsen kan ha fungerat som en festplats för familjegrupper från trakten. Ytterligare ett syfte är att diskutera de konsekvenser som tolkningen
Antologin Arkeologiska och förhistoriska världar. Fält, erfarenheter och stenålders platser i syd... more Antologin Arkeologiska och förhistoriska världar. Fält, erfarenheter och stenålders platser i sydvästra Skåne är en av tre syntespublikationer inom Citytunnel projektet. Som titeln antyder innehåller boken kulturhistoriska bilder ur det avlägset förflutna, men även resonemang kring förutsättningarna för att nå kunskap om forntiden i samband med arkeologiska utgrävningar. Boken innehåller tre artiklar. Den första diskuterar några av arkeologins förut sättningar och karaktärsdrag och belyser även mer informella aspekter av det arkeologiska yrkeslivet. Sedan följer en omfattande studie av en för Skandinavien unik gravplats och samlingsplats från den tidiga trattbägar kulturen. Den sista artikeln är en handlingsteoretisk närstudie av ett antal mellanneolitiska stridsyxegravar. Artiklarna exemplifierar på olika sätt hur de storskaliga arkeologiska undersökningarna i Malmöområdet leder till en ny syn på den yngre stenåldern.
Current Swedish Archaeology vol 17, 2009
In 2006 a palisade enclosure dated to the late Middle Neolithic was excavated at Bunkeflostrand, ... more In 2006 a palisade enclosure dated to the late Middle Neolithic was excavated at Bunkeflostrand, Malmö, Sweden. The excavation of pits and wells containing flints, animal bones and pottery revealed a wide range of activities at the site, which is exceptional in comparison with most other palisade enclosures of southern Scandinavia. Palisade enclosures have emerged as places of great significance to our understanding of cultural relations traditionally associated with the transition from the Funnel Beaker culture to the Battle Axe culture. The results of the excavation at Bunkeflostrand and other palisade enclosures in the region can be used to understand social relations and cultural change in the Middle Neolithic in southern Scandinavia.
Tematisk rapportering av Citytunnelprojektet. Malmö Museer Rapport nr 48., 2009
Med sina närmare fyrtio hus utgör Almhov den enskilda lokal i Sydskandinavien som innehåller den ... more Med sina närmare fyrtio hus utgör Almhov den enskilda lokal i Sydskandinavien som innehåller den största koncentrationen av huslämningar från senneolitikum och äldre bronsålder. Den skiljer sig således från andra platser med bebyggelse från den här tiden. Almhov kan för den sakens skull inte betraktas isolerat i ett lokalt bebyggelseperspektiv. Platsen utgör endast en yta inom ett uppdragsarkeo logiskt projekt där arkeologiskt belagd avgränsning saknas. Som kommer att framgå visar kringliggande bebyggelse tydligt på detta. Avstampet för detta arbete tas i de omfattande platsanknutna rapporterna från de olika lokaler som behandlas här. I dessa finns mer specifik information om bland annat detaljer i huskonstruktioner, fynd, utgrävningsmetodik, provtagning och källkritiska as pekter som inte kommer att redovisas systematiskt i detta sammanhang.
JONAS, Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science 2004, 2004
Malmö Heritage carried out an archaeological excavation of the Middle Neolithic palisade enclosur... more Malmö Heritage carried out an archaeological excavation of the Middle Neolithic palisade enclosure at Hyllie in Malmö in 2001-2002, including the remaining parts of the enclosure that had not been investigated previously and some areas outside the palisades. This made it the most extensively excavated palisade enclosure in Scandinavia so far. The radiocarbon results and finds in post-holes and a few other related features place the enclosure within the Battle Axe Culture. Flakes from the production of square-sectioned axes/chisels were found in post-holes and pits, together with flake scrapers, bones of both domestic and wild animals and pottery. The finds will make an important contribution to our understanding of activities linked to the palisade enclosure. General questions concerning the chronology, economy, social structure and ritual tradition of the Battle Axe Culture can also be discussed in the light of the palisade enclosure and its finds, and also the classical archaeological problem of the Middle Neolithic A -Middle Neolithic B transition.
Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett seminarium. , 2002
New Perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age symposium held in Gothenburg 9th to 13th June 2015. Eds. Bergerbrant, S. & Wessman, A., 2017
Österlent , 2019
After a devastating fire in 2016 when a 18th century building in the historic city centre of Simr... more After a devastating fire in 2016 when a 18th century building in the historic city centre of Simrishamn was destroyed an archaeological excavation was needed before any redevelopment could take place. After the remains of the Stenbergska gården were removed its medieval predecessor could be documented - with traces of metal crafts, a building from the 13th century and terraced gardening areas in the slope to the north of the plot. Beneath these "lerbottnar" - clay lined storage pits used during the early medieval herring fisheries - were discovered and a strech of an hitherto unknown road that could be dated to the Iron Age. Hidden beneath thick layers of drifting sand were ground surfaces from the Early Bronze Age/ Late Neolithic with finds connected with farming and the elegant flint technology of that period. Further down, under more sand, were cultural layers from a costal settlement from the Middle Neolitic, around 3000 BC. Among the find were waste material from production of flint axes. The Stenbergska tomten site shows the long continuity of this protected place, situated favourably between land and sea - a place where people did chose to live over and over again from the late mesolithic until today.
Late Neolithic metal axes are rarely found during archaeological excavations. In the autumn of 20... more Late Neolithic metal axes are rarely found during archaeological excavations. In the autumn of 2015, however, it did happen. Metal detecting at Eskilstorp in south-west Scania ( ) revealed a Late Neolithic axe of the Pile type (figs 2-3). The Eskilstorp axe turned out to be unique. It is a silvercoated copper axe. In this note we present the results of the initial analyses performed on the axe.
In the autumn of 2011 a site with remains of huts, pits and burial monuments from the Early Neoli... more In the autumn of 2011 a site with remains of huts, pits and burial monuments from the Early Neolithic–early Middle Neolithic was investigated in Malmö, southwest Scania, Sweden. The aim of this article is to relate the site to the surrounding settled landscape in order to understand some of its social significance during the time when it was initially used. In doing this, aspects of Funnel Beaker Culture landscape use will be discussed. This entails a discussion about our understanding of settlements as spatially clearly definable places and our often clear-cut categorization of sites. In the Early Neolithic I the burial site with two long barrows is connected to a farm of a possibly leading household living near the burials. Activities connected to the farm can be related to a large area. During the Early Neolithic II–early Middle Neolithic II there seems to be an increase in the number of farms in the area. Continued and intensified use of the burial site, including the construction of two long dolmens and the extension of one of them, indicates the importance of the burial site to all the farms in the area.
The last two decades of excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, have given substantial new resul... more The last two decades of excavations in southwest Scania, Sweden, have given substantial new results regarding Early Neolithic society (4000–3300 cal. BC). The overall aim here is to discuss and synthesize these results, and a number of important excavations are also presented in detail. The results are both on a macro scale concerning overall settlement pattern, landscape use and the scale of monumental landscapes, and on a micro scale concerning, for example, houses and huts, monumental sites and their complexity, and pits-omy of the region as well as the socio-political organization are discussed based on interpretations of the material presented.
Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe: Volume 1. BAR S2771.
Over the last two decades several large-scale developer-funded archaeological investigations in t... more Over the last two decades several large-scale developer-funded archaeological investigations in the Malmö area have resulted in a deeper knowledge of the variation in how people formed their surroundings, especially in terms of the ways in which they created and manifested social and economic status and the existence of external contacts during the Late Neolithic and earliest Bronze Age. As a whole, settlement structure was varied containing examples of both single farms and villages. Burial traditions differed on the local level, suggesting that choices were made by individual families or that clans actively formed these traditions as part of a social strategy. For example, a high-status cemetery close to the shore has been interpreted as important in terms of the manifestation of over-sea contacts.
Landscapes, Histories and Societies in the Northern European Neolithic., 2014
Lund Archaeological Review vol 19 2013, 2014
ALE nr 2 2013, Historisk tidsskrift för Skåne, Halland och Blekinge, 2013
Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe, 2013
European Journal of Archaeology, 2013
Fornvännen. 2010/3., 2010
Vid uppdragsarkeologiska undersökningar vid Hyllie i södra Malmö kommun åren 2002 och 2005 påträf... more Vid uppdragsarkeologiska undersökningar vid Hyllie i södra Malmö kommun åren 2002 och 2005 påträffades omfattande lämningar från den sena trattbägarkulturen, period III av mellanneolitikum A (fig. 1). Denna fas var omkring två århundraden lång och dateras till omkring år 3000 cal BC. Man tog till vara rika och varierade fynd från tre stora nedgrävningar på fastigheten Hyllie 155:91 (se Andréasson et al. 2008; Skoglund 2008 för utförliga presentationer av platsen och utgrävningsresultaten). Syftet med denna artikel är att presentera de analyser som utförts vilka leder fram till en tolkning där vi menar att platsen kan ha fungerat som en festplats för familjegrupper från trakten. Ytterligare ett syfte är att diskutera de konsekvenser som tolkningen
Antologin Arkeologiska och förhistoriska världar. Fält, erfarenheter och stenålders platser i syd... more Antologin Arkeologiska och förhistoriska världar. Fält, erfarenheter och stenålders platser i sydvästra Skåne är en av tre syntespublikationer inom Citytunnel projektet. Som titeln antyder innehåller boken kulturhistoriska bilder ur det avlägset förflutna, men även resonemang kring förutsättningarna för att nå kunskap om forntiden i samband med arkeologiska utgrävningar. Boken innehåller tre artiklar. Den första diskuterar några av arkeologins förut sättningar och karaktärsdrag och belyser även mer informella aspekter av det arkeologiska yrkeslivet. Sedan följer en omfattande studie av en för Skandinavien unik gravplats och samlingsplats från den tidiga trattbägar kulturen. Den sista artikeln är en handlingsteoretisk närstudie av ett antal mellanneolitiska stridsyxegravar. Artiklarna exemplifierar på olika sätt hur de storskaliga arkeologiska undersökningarna i Malmöområdet leder till en ny syn på den yngre stenåldern.
Current Swedish Archaeology vol 17, 2009
In 2006 a palisade enclosure dated to the late Middle Neolithic was excavated at Bunkeflostrand, ... more In 2006 a palisade enclosure dated to the late Middle Neolithic was excavated at Bunkeflostrand, Malmö, Sweden. The excavation of pits and wells containing flints, animal bones and pottery revealed a wide range of activities at the site, which is exceptional in comparison with most other palisade enclosures of southern Scandinavia. Palisade enclosures have emerged as places of great significance to our understanding of cultural relations traditionally associated with the transition from the Funnel Beaker culture to the Battle Axe culture. The results of the excavation at Bunkeflostrand and other palisade enclosures in the region can be used to understand social relations and cultural change in the Middle Neolithic in southern Scandinavia.
Tematisk rapportering av Citytunnelprojektet. Malmö Museer Rapport nr 48., 2009
Med sina närmare fyrtio hus utgör Almhov den enskilda lokal i Sydskandinavien som innehåller den ... more Med sina närmare fyrtio hus utgör Almhov den enskilda lokal i Sydskandinavien som innehåller den största koncentrationen av huslämningar från senneolitikum och äldre bronsålder. Den skiljer sig således från andra platser med bebyggelse från den här tiden. Almhov kan för den sakens skull inte betraktas isolerat i ett lokalt bebyggelseperspektiv. Platsen utgör endast en yta inom ett uppdragsarkeo logiskt projekt där arkeologiskt belagd avgränsning saknas. Som kommer att framgå visar kringliggande bebyggelse tydligt på detta. Avstampet för detta arbete tas i de omfattande platsanknutna rapporterna från de olika lokaler som behandlas här. I dessa finns mer specifik information om bland annat detaljer i huskonstruktioner, fynd, utgrävningsmetodik, provtagning och källkritiska as pekter som inte kommer att redovisas systematiskt i detta sammanhang.
JONAS, Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science 2004, 2004
Malmö Heritage carried out an archaeological excavation of the Middle Neolithic palisade enclosur... more Malmö Heritage carried out an archaeological excavation of the Middle Neolithic palisade enclosure at Hyllie in Malmö in 2001-2002, including the remaining parts of the enclosure that had not been investigated previously and some areas outside the palisades. This made it the most extensively excavated palisade enclosure in Scandinavia so far. The radiocarbon results and finds in post-holes and a few other related features place the enclosure within the Battle Axe Culture. Flakes from the production of square-sectioned axes/chisels were found in post-holes and pits, together with flake scrapers, bones of both domestic and wild animals and pottery. The finds will make an important contribution to our understanding of activities linked to the palisade enclosure. General questions concerning the chronology, economy, social structure and ritual tradition of the Battle Axe Culture can also be discussed in the light of the palisade enclosure and its finds, and also the classical archaeological problem of the Middle Neolithic A -Middle Neolithic B transition.
Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett seminarium. , 2002
Eds. Kristian Brink, Susan Hydén, Kristina Jennbert, Lars Larsson & Deborah Olausson
On the site of the ESS plant in the north-eastern outskirts of Lund, archaeologists excavated a l... more On the site of the ESS plant in the north-eastern outskirts of Lund, archaeologists excavated a large number of prehistoric remains in the autumn of 2013; these were dated to the Stone Age and Iron Age. The work and results of the archaeological excavation are illustrated and briefly described here.
The book is in swedish with english translation of the texts.
Bakgrund -vägen till en avhandling 13