Ninik Kristiani - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ninik Kristiani
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif sub-kategori survei. Tujuan penelitian untuk men... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif sub-kategori survei. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri dan permasalahannya dalam pembelajaran biologi SMA di Kota Malang.Secara umum penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yakni:1) Menentukan masalah penelitian; 2) Membuat desain survei; 3) Mengembangkan instrumen survei; 4) Menentukan sampel; 5) Melakukan penyebaran instrumen penelitian; 6) Mengumpulkan data; 7) Memeriksa data (editing); 8) Mengkode data; 9) Data entry; 10) Pengolahan dan analisis data; 11) Interpretasi data; dan 12) Membuat kesimpulan serta rekomendasi.Populasi penelitian sebanyak 41 sekolah terdiri dari 10 sekolah negeri dan 31 sekolah swasta. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara berlapis (stratified sampling). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) pembelajaran inkuiri yang diterapkan oleh guru biologi SMA di Kota Malang tidak sesuai dengan sintaks inkuiri yang benar, 2) pemahaman tentang inkuiri terbimbing tidak t...
Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies, 2019
Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan supervisi pembelajaran berbasis kolab... more Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan supervisi pembelajaran berbasis kolaborasi dengan pendekatan sedayung tipat puter dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja sekolah meliputi (1) kompetensi supervisi kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi, (2) kompetensi pedagogi guru, dan (3) terlaksananya Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB). Data dikumpulkan selama 2 siklus dengan melakukan reduksi, interpretasi, inferensi, tindak lanjut, dan mengambil kesimpulan dari 3 kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi pembelajaran dan 20 orang guru dari 3 sekolah penyelenggara Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS). Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) kompetensi supervisi pembelajaran kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi meningkat, (2) kompetensi pedagogi guru meningkat, dan (3) terlaksana PKB yang ditandai dengan dihasilkannya 1 PTS (Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah), 1 penelitian eksperimen semu, dan 17 PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas).
Prosiding Seminar Biologi, Oct 16, 2013
This research is a descriptive sub-categories of the survey. Research purposes to determine the a... more This research is a descriptive sub-categories of the survey. Research purposes to determine the application of inquiry and problem-based learning in teaching high school biology in the city of Malang. In general,the research carried out in several stages, namely: 1) Determine the research problem; 2) Make a survey design; 3) Develop a survey instrument; 4) Determinethe sample; 5) Conduct research instrument deployment; 6) Collecting data;7) Examine the data (editing); 8) encodes the data; 9) Data entry; 10) Processing and analysis of data; 11) Interpretation ofthe data, and 12) Makingconclusions andrecommendations.The study population consisted of as many as 41 schools 10 public schools and 31 private schools. Sampling is done in layers (stratified sampling). Conclusions of this study are 1) inquiry learning is implemented by high school biology teacher in Malang inquiry incompatible with the correct syntax, 2) understanding of guided inquiryis not appropriate, 3) inquiry-basedl earning problems occur due to the misconception inquiry syntax-based learning and understanding of the concept of guided inquiry. 4) inquiry based learning assessment conducted by high school biology teacher in Malangi s not in accordance with the characteristics of the assessment proceedings.Suggested follow-up activities that are held that providen on teaching experience to become teachers inquiry through modeling the activities of lesson study. Authors also provide recommendations to other researchers to conduct research in order to dispel misconceptions about the development of inquiry-based learning and assessment development appropriate for inquiry-based learning
Disertasi Dan Tesis Program Pascasarjana Um, Aug 27, 2009
Prosiding Seminar Biologi, Nov 17, 2014
This research is a class act. This study aims to determine the application of learning patterns P... more This research is a class act. This study aims to determine the application of learning patterns PBMP (Empowerment Through Thinking Questions) to increase awareness of metacognition in learning Biology MIA in class X - 2 at SMAN 8 Malang . This research was conducted during two cycles , each cycle includes stages : 1) initial Reflection / pre-action, 2) action planning, 3) Implementation and observation , 4) Reflection. The number of students in the class XMIA - 2 as many as 34 students . After analyzing the data , metacognition skills in the first cycle was 56.8 while the second cycle of 70.5. This metacognition skills measured using metacognition rubric (adapted from Corebima, 2011). This column is used to determine the metacognition skills by analyzing the answers to the written test in narrative form of KD 3.7 and 3.8. The conclusion of this research study PBMP patterns can improve the skills of metacognition in learning biology at XMIA - 2 grade students of SMAN 8 Malang . The author gives advice to other researchers to integrate pattern into PBMP teaching models on Curriculum 2013. Key words : learning patterns PBMP, metacognition skills , high school biology subjects
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, May 3, 2014
Abstract:School action research conducted during two cycles of 8 Malang in high school to improve... more Abstract:School action research conducted during two cycles of 8 Malang in high school to improve the attitude of care for the environment, from August to December 2012. Actions takenin the first cycle through the top-downpolicies. The results of onecycle of environmentally conscious attitude has not appeared at all, this is indicated by the number of motor cyclist severy Friday reached 50.14%. Cycle IIapply button up policy, increase denvironmental awareness of the first cycle, as shown by motorcy clist severy Friday as much as 25.42%. The conclusion of this study the application of eco transport improve environmental care attitude in SMAN 8 Malang. Keywords:conscious attitude, ecotransport, pollution
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 2, 2014
Attitude is defined as a psychological tendency expressed by a particular entity, supportive or n... more Attitude is defined as a psychological tendency expressed by a particular entity, supportive or not supportive (Eagly & Chaiken, 1998). Attitude has three main components, namely the cognitive component, affective component, and behavior component (Triandis, 1971). The cognitive component refers to the idea generally containing several categories used by humans in their thinking process; those categories are derived from the consistency of response toward different stimuli. Affective component refers to the emotional component that generates ideas, while behavior component is associated with the tendency to act. The involvement of cognitive component in someone’s attitude will give him or her the power to be able to think systematically as a scientist does. Such attitude reflects the mind-set which is in accordance with the science principle or science ethics. Science ethics represents the reflection of scientific ethics. If a reaction of a certain attitude is in line with science e...
There is no research yet investigating the correlation between students' metacognitive skills and... more There is no research yet investigating the correlation between students' metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes simultaneously towards their academic achievements in a class taught using TEQ learning integrated with inquiry learning (TEQI). This is a correlational research designed to investigate the contribution of metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes towards academic achievements of higher secondary school students in Malang, Indonesia. Twenty-three students participated in this correlational study. The students' metacognitive skills were measured by an essay test integrated with academic achievement measurement. The students' scientific attitudes were measured with a questionnaire. The research results showed that metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes contributed 71.42% to students' academic achievements. The contribution of metacognitive skills towards students' academic achievements was much greater (61.93%) than that of scientific attitude (9.49%). Teachers should consider implementing a learning strategy which can empower students' metacognitive skills.
Metacognitive skills is seen as one of the factors that influence the cognitive learning. Relatio... more Metacognitive skills is seen as one of the factors that influence the cognitive learning. Relations metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes can be achieved through the use of specific instructional strategies. Thus the relationship has been much studied. However, the study of the relationship of metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes in learning biology curriculum implemented in 2013 is still lacking. This study is a correlational study revealing the relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes on the use of scientific learning strategies. The study was conducted during the semester. The study population was class X SMA Negeri 1 Malang, Indonesia. Samples taken as a single class taught using scientific learning strategy which is often known as 5M. The results show that there is a relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes in the application of scientific learning. The regression equation...
Journal of Baltic Science Education
This research was conducted during one year in three different classes that were taught biology b... more This research was conducted during one year in three different classes that were taught biology by using three different learnings, Inquiry-based learning, Thinking Empowerment by Questioning integrated with Inquiry learning (TEQI), and Scientific learning. This study investigated the correlation between attitude toward science and cognitive learning results in the three different learnings, and compared the three regression lines whether or not they are parallel. The results of this study show that the correlations between attitude toward science and cognitive learning results in the three biology learnings are significant, with the value of contribution as much as 0.634, 0.448, and 0.708 respectively. The results of the analysis of variance related to the regression equation in the three different learnings are parallel and do not coincide; the regression line of TEQI strategy is at the highest position. It indicated that TEQI strategy has the advantage of training attitude toward...
Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies
This study aims to investigate the implementation of the strategy of zone-based lesson study by e... more This study aims to investigate the implementation of the strategy of zone-based lesson study by exchanging teachers in order to improve teacher performance, including (1) designing RPPs in accordance with the Circular Letter (SE) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) No. 14 of 2019 concerning the Simplification of RPPs (lesson plans); (2) designing teaching materials such as UKBM (Self-Study Activity Unit) and LKPD (Student Worksheet); (3) implementing Freedom to Learn (FTL); and (4) increasing student participation during FTL. Besides, the strategy can also prepare teachers to become zone organizer teachers. Data were collected for two cycles in which each cycle had two meetings. Data were analyzed through reduction, interpretation, inferences, follow-up, and conclusion. The research subjects were the best quality teachers in their subjects: 1 Biology teacher and 1 History teacher from three schools in cycle 1; and 1 Math teacher and 1 Sociology teacher fr...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif sub-kategori survei. Tujuan penelitian untuk men... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif sub-kategori survei. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri dan permasalahannya dalam pembelajaran biologi SMA di Kota Malang.Secara umum penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, yakni:1) Menentukan masalah penelitian; 2) Membuat desain survei; 3) Mengembangkan instrumen survei; 4) Menentukan sampel; 5) Melakukan penyebaran instrumen penelitian; 6) Mengumpulkan data; 7) Memeriksa data (editing); 8) Mengkode data; 9) Data entry; 10) Pengolahan dan analisis data; 11) Interpretasi data; dan 12) Membuat kesimpulan serta rekomendasi.Populasi penelitian sebanyak 41 sekolah terdiri dari 10 sekolah negeri dan 31 sekolah swasta. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara berlapis (stratified sampling). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) pembelajaran inkuiri yang diterapkan oleh guru biologi SMA di Kota Malang tidak sesuai dengan sintaks inkuiri yang benar, 2) pemahaman tentang inkuiri terbimbing tidak t...
Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies, 2019
Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan supervisi pembelajaran berbasis kolab... more Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan supervisi pembelajaran berbasis kolaborasi dengan pendekatan sedayung tipat puter dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja sekolah meliputi (1) kompetensi supervisi kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi, (2) kompetensi pedagogi guru, dan (3) terlaksananya Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB). Data dikumpulkan selama 2 siklus dengan melakukan reduksi, interpretasi, inferensi, tindak lanjut, dan mengambil kesimpulan dari 3 kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi pembelajaran dan 20 orang guru dari 3 sekolah penyelenggara Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS). Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) kompetensi supervisi pembelajaran kepala sekolah dan/atau tim supervisi meningkat, (2) kompetensi pedagogi guru meningkat, dan (3) terlaksana PKB yang ditandai dengan dihasilkannya 1 PTS (Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah), 1 penelitian eksperimen semu, dan 17 PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas).
Prosiding Seminar Biologi, Oct 16, 2013
This research is a descriptive sub-categories of the survey. Research purposes to determine the a... more This research is a descriptive sub-categories of the survey. Research purposes to determine the application of inquiry and problem-based learning in teaching high school biology in the city of Malang. In general,the research carried out in several stages, namely: 1) Determine the research problem; 2) Make a survey design; 3) Develop a survey instrument; 4) Determinethe sample; 5) Conduct research instrument deployment; 6) Collecting data;7) Examine the data (editing); 8) encodes the data; 9) Data entry; 10) Processing and analysis of data; 11) Interpretation ofthe data, and 12) Makingconclusions andrecommendations.The study population consisted of as many as 41 schools 10 public schools and 31 private schools. Sampling is done in layers (stratified sampling). Conclusions of this study are 1) inquiry learning is implemented by high school biology teacher in Malang inquiry incompatible with the correct syntax, 2) understanding of guided inquiryis not appropriate, 3) inquiry-basedl earning problems occur due to the misconception inquiry syntax-based learning and understanding of the concept of guided inquiry. 4) inquiry based learning assessment conducted by high school biology teacher in Malangi s not in accordance with the characteristics of the assessment proceedings.Suggested follow-up activities that are held that providen on teaching experience to become teachers inquiry through modeling the activities of lesson study. Authors also provide recommendations to other researchers to conduct research in order to dispel misconceptions about the development of inquiry-based learning and assessment development appropriate for inquiry-based learning
Disertasi Dan Tesis Program Pascasarjana Um, Aug 27, 2009
Prosiding Seminar Biologi, Nov 17, 2014
This research is a class act. This study aims to determine the application of learning patterns P... more This research is a class act. This study aims to determine the application of learning patterns PBMP (Empowerment Through Thinking Questions) to increase awareness of metacognition in learning Biology MIA in class X - 2 at SMAN 8 Malang . This research was conducted during two cycles , each cycle includes stages : 1) initial Reflection / pre-action, 2) action planning, 3) Implementation and observation , 4) Reflection. The number of students in the class XMIA - 2 as many as 34 students . After analyzing the data , metacognition skills in the first cycle was 56.8 while the second cycle of 70.5. This metacognition skills measured using metacognition rubric (adapted from Corebima, 2011). This column is used to determine the metacognition skills by analyzing the answers to the written test in narrative form of KD 3.7 and 3.8. The conclusion of this research study PBMP patterns can improve the skills of metacognition in learning biology at XMIA - 2 grade students of SMAN 8 Malang . The author gives advice to other researchers to integrate pattern into PBMP teaching models on Curriculum 2013. Key words : learning patterns PBMP, metacognition skills , high school biology subjects
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, May 3, 2014
Abstract:School action research conducted during two cycles of 8 Malang in high school to improve... more Abstract:School action research conducted during two cycles of 8 Malang in high school to improve the attitude of care for the environment, from August to December 2012. Actions takenin the first cycle through the top-downpolicies. The results of onecycle of environmentally conscious attitude has not appeared at all, this is indicated by the number of motor cyclist severy Friday reached 50.14%. Cycle IIapply button up policy, increase denvironmental awareness of the first cycle, as shown by motorcy clist severy Friday as much as 25.42%. The conclusion of this study the application of eco transport improve environmental care attitude in SMAN 8 Malang. Keywords:conscious attitude, ecotransport, pollution
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Nov 2, 2014
Attitude is defined as a psychological tendency expressed by a particular entity, supportive or n... more Attitude is defined as a psychological tendency expressed by a particular entity, supportive or not supportive (Eagly & Chaiken, 1998). Attitude has three main components, namely the cognitive component, affective component, and behavior component (Triandis, 1971). The cognitive component refers to the idea generally containing several categories used by humans in their thinking process; those categories are derived from the consistency of response toward different stimuli. Affective component refers to the emotional component that generates ideas, while behavior component is associated with the tendency to act. The involvement of cognitive component in someone’s attitude will give him or her the power to be able to think systematically as a scientist does. Such attitude reflects the mind-set which is in accordance with the science principle or science ethics. Science ethics represents the reflection of scientific ethics. If a reaction of a certain attitude is in line with science e...
There is no research yet investigating the correlation between students' metacognitive skills and... more There is no research yet investigating the correlation between students' metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes simultaneously towards their academic achievements in a class taught using TEQ learning integrated with inquiry learning (TEQI). This is a correlational research designed to investigate the contribution of metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes towards academic achievements of higher secondary school students in Malang, Indonesia. Twenty-three students participated in this correlational study. The students' metacognitive skills were measured by an essay test integrated with academic achievement measurement. The students' scientific attitudes were measured with a questionnaire. The research results showed that metacognitive skills and scientific attitudes contributed 71.42% to students' academic achievements. The contribution of metacognitive skills towards students' academic achievements was much greater (61.93%) than that of scientific attitude (9.49%). Teachers should consider implementing a learning strategy which can empower students' metacognitive skills.
Metacognitive skills is seen as one of the factors that influence the cognitive learning. Relatio... more Metacognitive skills is seen as one of the factors that influence the cognitive learning. Relations metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes can be achieved through the use of specific instructional strategies. Thus the relationship has been much studied. However, the study of the relationship of metacognitive skills and cognitive learning outcomes in learning biology curriculum implemented in 2013 is still lacking. This study is a correlational study revealing the relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes on the use of scientific learning strategies. The study was conducted during the semester. The study population was class X SMA Negeri 1 Malang, Indonesia. Samples taken as a single class taught using scientific learning strategy which is often known as 5M. The results show that there is a relationship metacognitive skills of students with cognitive learning outcomes in the application of scientific learning. The regression equation...
Journal of Baltic Science Education
This research was conducted during one year in three different classes that were taught biology b... more This research was conducted during one year in three different classes that were taught biology by using three different learnings, Inquiry-based learning, Thinking Empowerment by Questioning integrated with Inquiry learning (TEQI), and Scientific learning. This study investigated the correlation between attitude toward science and cognitive learning results in the three different learnings, and compared the three regression lines whether or not they are parallel. The results of this study show that the correlations between attitude toward science and cognitive learning results in the three biology learnings are significant, with the value of contribution as much as 0.634, 0.448, and 0.708 respectively. The results of the analysis of variance related to the regression equation in the three different learnings are parallel and do not coincide; the regression line of TEQI strategy is at the highest position. It indicated that TEQI strategy has the advantage of training attitude toward...
Indonesian Journal of Educational Studies
This study aims to investigate the implementation of the strategy of zone-based lesson study by e... more This study aims to investigate the implementation of the strategy of zone-based lesson study by exchanging teachers in order to improve teacher performance, including (1) designing RPPs in accordance with the Circular Letter (SE) of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) No. 14 of 2019 concerning the Simplification of RPPs (lesson plans); (2) designing teaching materials such as UKBM (Self-Study Activity Unit) and LKPD (Student Worksheet); (3) implementing Freedom to Learn (FTL); and (4) increasing student participation during FTL. Besides, the strategy can also prepare teachers to become zone organizer teachers. Data were collected for two cycles in which each cycle had two meetings. Data were analyzed through reduction, interpretation, inferences, follow-up, and conclusion. The research subjects were the best quality teachers in their subjects: 1 Biology teacher and 1 History teacher from three schools in cycle 1; and 1 Math teacher and 1 Sociology teacher fr...