Kristina Detelj - (original) (raw)

Papers by Kristina Detelj

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurship Education at Croatian Universities

Revija za socijalnu politiku, Mar 1, 2024

The paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is implemented at Croatian ... more The paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is implemented at Croatian universities. The research was conducted through in-depth interviews with five professors who teach the Social Entrepreneurship course or a related one that covers this topic. The undertaken research identified the dominant themes within the content of the analysed courses, the teaching techniques used, and the target competencies of SEE. The comparison of the results with SEE in other countries resulted in three opportunities for the development of the analysed courses: (1) emphasizing the importance of social enterprise scaling and local adaptation of existing social innovations; (2) greater use of service learning; (3) more significant focus on sales skills and financial management with an emphasis on new sources of financing aimed at social enterprises. The results will help policy creators support the recommended improvements of the SEE at Croatian universities.

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse of social entrepreneurs in Croatia

The aim of this paper is to examine the possibility of applying entrepreneurial discourse to soci... more The aim of this paper is to examine the possibility of applying entrepreneurial discourse to social entrepreneurs in Croatia. The research adopts a qualitative approach by using phenomenological enquiry in collecting empirical material. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted on a sample of ten social entrepreneurs in Croatia. The research material was analyzed by critical discourse analysis technique. In the first stage of the research material analysis, micro discourse that shaped the text was analyzed. In the second stage, the analysis examined practice of reproducing social structures in the spoken text of social entrepreneurs. The results show that social entrepreneurs in Croatia are concerned with issues related to the social context and community rather than with commercial goals such as efficiency and financial independence.

Research paper thumbnail of The potential of ICT-enabled social innovation

2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2019

Although social innovation is an old paradigm, social innovation courses appeared in the curricul... more Although social innovation is an old paradigm, social innovation courses appeared in the curricula in the approximately last ten years. By doing so educational institutions acknowledged the existence of new approaches to obstacles that the world is facing. The courses regarding the social innovations give the students valuable knowledge and skills related to solving different social problems, increasing the motivation for being active in the society, and raising awareness about specific topics that need attention. An important role in implementing social innovation have ICT technologies. The role of the ICT is multiple: (1) administrative (members of the certain social initiative collaborate on the project through different ICT tools that enable communication and information organization), (2) disseminative and educational (the topic of the social initiative is disseminated through different tools and social media), and sometimes (3) topical (it the topic of social innovation project is directly connected to specific ICT technology). Based on the roles that the ICT takes upon in the process of social innovation implementation, the authors present ICT solutions that could be included in the realization of a social innovation course for business students at the graduate level.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Potentials of Cultural and Creative Cities: The Case Study of the City of Varaždin

Poslovna izvrsnost - Business excellence

Modern society is based on intellectual capital, and creativity is the key to competitiveness, wh... more Modern society is based on intellectual capital, and creativity is the key to competitiveness, which is why cultural and creative industries are projected to grow rapidly in the future, and they are included in development strategies. Since regions, nations and cities have different models of representation and measurement of cultural and creative industries due to their own specifics, the aim of this paper is a comparison of mapping cultural and creative industries. Through an analysis of previous studies in the field of creative and cultural industries within cities, this paper identifies several different approaches to mapping the industry. This study also categorizes European countries based on the analysis of the latest edition of The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor by the European Commission, and by the existence of clusters and support networks for cultural and creative entrepreneurs. As a baroque city, with a tradition of cultural and creative industries, the city of Varaždin, Croatia is selected for a deeper analysis of creative and cultural potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing intellectual capital of a technology park

International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship

Technology parks are organizations that are supporting innovative entrepreneurial activity cooper... more Technology parks are organizations that are supporting innovative entrepreneurial activity cooperating with knowledge-based institutions and using advanced technology. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of intellectual capital in technology parks. Through an analysis of current models for the assessment of intellectual capital, a preposition of a model for Croatian science and technology parks has been made. The main contribution of this paper is an intellectual capital measurement model which can be used in other existing science and technology parks, but also in research centers, entrepreneurial incubators and other entrepreneurship supporting institutions. Using the case study method, the paper identifies components of intellectual capital in a technology park, as well as the gaps between the level of development of each determinant. Data were collected through an interview with representatives of a technology park in Croatia. Results of this study can...

Research paper thumbnail of Connetion Between Education Level and Source of 3R Knowledge with the Practical Use of 3R Principles

Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Construction of Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurship Education Influences Students’ Perceptions

Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022

The aim of this paper is to examine how students in Croatia construct the concept of entrepreneur... more The aim of this paper is to examine how students in Croatia construct the concept of entrepreneur and what is the role of entrepreneurship education in creating students' perceptions. The paradigmatic framework of the research is social constructivism, and in the methodological sense the study is based on a qualitative methodology. Primary data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with 25 students from different faculties in the Republic of Croatia. Research findings show that our students perceive a typical entrepreneur as a person with excellent communication and listening skills, who is also very proactive, flexible and people-oriented, and has a strong desire to achieve and dedication to work. Students with less strong entrepreneurial education believe that entrepreneurs are driven primarily by material gain, senior students with strong entrepreneurial education or experience perceive the heterogeneity of goals and interests of entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship as a lifestyle and self-actualization. The image of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship among students involved in some form of entrepreneurship education is predominantly positive, sometimes reinforced by feelings of admiration, which differs significantly from the view of entrepreneurship within the wider community. Such results are optimistic as they confirm that quality entrepreneurship education could influence the gradual reshaping of social and cultural norms in a way that they would support the strengthening of entrepreneurial capacity in Croatia. In addition to the new empirical knowledge, the main contribution of the research includes a set of recommendations for practice directed to creators of entrepreneurship education programs in Croatia and other comparable countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Konverzije kapitala poduzetnika u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

Ekonomski pregled, 2021

Ciljevi ovog rada su identificirati vrste kapitala koje koriste poduzetnici u kreativnim i kultur... more Ciljevi ovog rada su identificirati vrste kapitala koje koriste poduzetnici u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama u Hrvatskoj te ispitati mogućnosti konverzije kapitala iz jednog oblika u drugi. Teorijski okvir istraživanja je Bourdieuova teorija kapitala u kojoj se kapital pojavljuje u četiri forme: ekonomski, kulturni, socijalni i simbolički kapital. Da bi se odgovorilo na postavljeno istraživačko pitanje koristi se interpretativna paradigma, a kao primarni istraživački alat koristi se fenomenološko intervjuiranje. Provedeno je dubinsko intervjuiranje 10 poduzetnika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na raznolike prakse korištenja kapitala poduzetnika te značajne mogućnosti konverzije kapitala. Visoki stupanj konverzije kapitala prisutan je kod kulturnog i socijalnog kapitala.

Research paper thumbnail of The Socially Constructed Nature of Entrepreneurship Education: The Case of Higher Education in Croatia

In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field, habitus and capital in the analysis of hi... more In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field, habitus and capital in the analysis of higher entrepreneurship education in Croatia. We apply a critical analysis of institutional influence over shaping perceptions and social construction of entrepreneurship education, as well as influence on the perception of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. The research is based on identifying and analysing the qualitative data: policy documents on entrepreneurship education at the national level (strategy for entrepreneurship education, curriculum) and the scientific papers on the topic of higher education concerning entrepreneurship education in Croatia. We identify the main categories of discourses which may impact students' entrepreneurship desirability and feasibility beliefs. Using the critical discourse analysis we identified the dominant discourses related to the subjects of entrepreneurship education: entrepreneurs, students, teachers and the institutions of higher educat...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative research in entrepreneurship: Learning how to play the game

The main objective of this study is to look into the degree to which Croatian researchers of entr... more The main objective of this study is to look into the degree to which Croatian researchers of entrepreneurship tend to apply qualitative methods, as well as to check the quality and coherence of the used methodological designs. Therefore, we conducted a content analysis of the existing scientific and professional articles with topics on entrepreneurship, that were available in the Croatian scientific database. The first step comprised searching the database and selecting the relevant economic journals. Next, we selected the papers with focus on entrepreneurship topics, whose methodological frameworks employed a qualitative or mixed approach. The analysis confirmed major underrepresentation of qualitative methods in Croatian entrepreneurial research. Even those authors that utilize qualitative approach are inclined to apply their methods in an incomplete and fragmentary way. It uncovers a certain lack of awareness of the significance of correct and transparent application of qualitati...

Research paper thumbnail of Javna naročila kot orodje za spodbujanje inovacij

Ena izmed najpomembnejsih nalog sodobne države je doseganje zadovoljive gospodarske rasti s cilje... more Ena izmed najpomembnejsih nalog sodobne države je doseganje zadovoljive gospodarske rasti s ciljem zadovoljevanja osnovnih potreb državljanov. Z usmerjanjem proracunskih sredstev v spodbujanje inovativnosti v okviru nacionalnega inovacijskega sistema države vplivajo na inovativnost podjetij in posledicno na svojo konkurencnost, kar prinasa boljse gospodarsko stanje in visji življenjski standard državljanov. Inovacije lahko vidimo, podobno kot tudi druge izdelke in storitve, ki kotirajo na trgih, in na podlagi tega lahko identificiramo ponudbo in povprasevanje po inovacijah. Prav zato se lahko ukrepi za spodbujanje razvoja in sirjenje inovacij na trgu osredotocijo na povprasevalno ali ponudbeno stran. Na ponudbeni strani lahko država spodbuja inovatorje, na povprasevalni strani pa uporabnike inovacij. V doktorski disertaciji prikazujemo pregled raziskav o nacinih spodbujanja inovacij. V prejsnjih studijah je bilo ugotovljeno, da so države veliko vec instrumentov za spodbujanje inovac...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematične pojave na tržištu kapitala

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Public Procurement for Innovation on the Country Level and the Role of ICT Support

Journal of information and organizational sciences, 2015

Using of public procurement as a tool for promoting innovations has captured interest of many res... more Using of public procurement as a tool for promoting innovations has captured interest of many researchers in recent years. However, most of the research is focused on the impact of public procurement on the company's innovativeness. The article discusses the findings of the literature on this topic and proposes a model on how to transfer the concept from the company level to the level of the whole country. One of the biggest problems is unavailability of appropriate measures of this phenomenon, so the authors suggest that the concept of Public procurement for innovation can be approximated by participation of criterion of the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). Implementation of this criterion in choosing the best offer can be supported and facilitated by using of ICT which can improve the efficiency of procurement process and enable more innovations.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Efficiency of Croatian Counties in Entrepreneurship Using Data Envelopment Analysis

U ovom radu ocjenjuje se efikasnost hrvatskih županija kao donositelja odluka u poduzetnistvu pri... more U ovom radu ocjenjuje se efikasnost hrvatskih županija kao donositelja odluka u poduzetnistvu primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka (eng. Data Envelopment Analysis – DEA). Cilj rada jest identificirati efikasne županije koje predstavljaju primjere dobre prakse u poduzetnistvu (benchmarking) te neefikasne županije ciju je neefikasnost potrebno minimizirati primjenom odgovarajucih mjera. Na temelju rezultata dobivenih primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka kao efikasne županije prema BCC-O modelu identificirane su Istarska, Karlovacka, Krapinsko-zagorska, Licko-senjska, Požesko-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Varaždinska i Vukovarsko-srijemska županija te Zagrebacka županija i Grad Zagreb dok su sve ostale županije prepoznate kao relativno neefikasne te su za navedene definirani njihovi referentni skupovi efikasnih županija odnosno dostižni primjeri dobre prakse. Među navedenih devet županija koje su se pokazale efikasnima u poduzetnistvu, najefikasnijom se prema kriteriju ukupnog bro...

Research paper thumbnail of Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with University North Economic and Social Development

In the last few years the geopolitical structure of the contemporary world has been rapidly evolv... more In the last few years the geopolitical structure of the contemporary world has been rapidly evolving. The hegemony of the United States is visibly being replaced with bipolar international political and economic power and relations. In the first half of 2013 there were no signs of changes in the existing situation on the horizon. Successful were the relations between the USA and China in the areas of economy, culture, research, and commerce. The relations between the USA and the Russian Federation at the beginning of the 21 century could also be described as good. It seemed that the co-existence of said nations would last on the same conditions for several dozen years at the very least. However, Kiev protests that marked the end of the year 2013, the Crimean crisis that started 2014, and then the still ongoing rebellion in East Ukraine, significantly transformed the existing balance of power. The well-established subtle balance of the mutual interests and spheres of influence was ir...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematic phenomena in the capital market

Problematicne pojave trajna su sastavnica tržista kapitala. Promatranje i analiziranje problemati... more Problematicne pojave trajna su sastavnica tržista kapitala. Promatranje i analiziranje problematicnih pojava na tržistu kapitala sve vise preuzima važnu ulogu u razlicitim procesima nacionalne ekonomije. Ucestalost njihova pojavljivanja kao i intenzitet utjecaja na nacionalna gospodarstva ne smanjuju se protekom vremena, niti ovisi o razvijenosti gospodarskog i demokratskog sustava u pojedinoj zemlji. U radu ce se obuhvatom povijesnih događanja, ali i događanja u suvremeno doba analizirati dvije skupine negativnih pojava: (1) prijevare te (2) skandali i krize. Prijevare danas predstavljaju ucestalu pojavu na svim tržistima, bez obzira na njihovu razvijenost, dok su skandali i krize pojave koje su se razvile pod utjecajem strukturnih promjena sto je i osnovni razlog zasto su dobra praksa i nacela korporacijskog upravljanja postala važan preduvjet ekonomskog razvoja. Aktualna kriza, kao i sve krize kroz povijest predstavljaju važan cimbenik utjecaja na fiskalno i financijsko okružje u...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for using public procurement for innovation in small transition countries

This paper reviews the state of the art in the field of using public procurement as an innovation... more This paper reviews the state of the art in the field of using public procurement as an innovation policy instrument, known in the literature as Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI). Modern states have the task of ensuring favorable conditions for achieving satisfactory levels of economic growth, which reflect in the growth of their standard of living. Innovation is extremely important for achieving higher international competitiveness and many states use public funds to support the creation of innovation. However, due to recent financial and economic crises, austerity measures have been introduced on public budgets, forcing the state to use public money more wisely and efficiently. For a long time, developed countries have been directing public procurement towards purchasing innovative products, services and works. In those countries, this has been the subject of a growing body of research in the last 15 years, which cannot be said for the less developed countries. Our analysis o...


In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field and habitus in the analysis of entrepreneu... more In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field and habitus in the analysis of entrepreneurship in creative industries in Croatia. The aim of this paper is to identify the main fields in which entrepreneurs play their business game. In the real world of the individual there are many fields, some of which are better marked than others, and all fields are in a hierarchical relationship. For example, according to Bourdieu, the business field tends to be more powerful than the field of art. We also want to examine what kind of habitus is needed for a successful business. We use an interpretative paradigm based on the phenomenological approach in collecting and analyzing empirical material. Through the interpretative phenomenological analysis, it is possible to explore in detail how participants construct meanings, and how they shape their personal and social world. In this way, we gain insight into the special experiences, events and conditions of the actors of a particular inter...

Research paper thumbnail of Ocjenjivanje efikasnosti hrvatskih županija u poduzetništvu primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka

Research paper thumbnail of In the Quest of Sustainability Principle "Reuse": Awareness of Northern Croatia Adult Population


The world has found itself spinning ever faster and economies producing ever more. But this proce... more The world has found itself spinning ever faster and economies producing ever more. But this process cannot go on forever. The Earth we live on is one and only and it has limited resources in comparison with what the people are ready to use. Sustainability of the environment is bitten by recklessness of many but critical voices are being raised in recent decades. As Stahel (2016) noted, contrary to nature and its processes, people are still primarily functioning in linear way – "make, use, dispose". This is fundamentally supported by consumerism approach and the view that the economy prospers only by permanent growth driven by infinite desires of consumers (Rojek 2004). But critical voices emphasize the social role of entrepreneurship (Zahra and Wright 2016) with the conclusion that the entrepreneurship can benefit from lowering their environmental impact (wasteful resource usage) thus also resulting in personal and societal benefits, beside the economic value creation (see...

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurship Education at Croatian Universities

Revija za socijalnu politiku, Mar 1, 2024

The paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is implemented at Croatian ... more The paper aims to examine how social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is implemented at Croatian universities. The research was conducted through in-depth interviews with five professors who teach the Social Entrepreneurship course or a related one that covers this topic. The undertaken research identified the dominant themes within the content of the analysed courses, the teaching techniques used, and the target competencies of SEE. The comparison of the results with SEE in other countries resulted in three opportunities for the development of the analysed courses: (1) emphasizing the importance of social enterprise scaling and local adaptation of existing social innovations; (2) greater use of service learning; (3) more significant focus on sales skills and financial management with an emphasis on new sources of financing aimed at social enterprises. The results will help policy creators support the recommended improvements of the SEE at Croatian universities.

Research paper thumbnail of Discourse of social entrepreneurs in Croatia

The aim of this paper is to examine the possibility of applying entrepreneurial discourse to soci... more The aim of this paper is to examine the possibility of applying entrepreneurial discourse to social entrepreneurs in Croatia. The research adopts a qualitative approach by using phenomenological enquiry in collecting empirical material. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted on a sample of ten social entrepreneurs in Croatia. The research material was analyzed by critical discourse analysis technique. In the first stage of the research material analysis, micro discourse that shaped the text was analyzed. In the second stage, the analysis examined practice of reproducing social structures in the spoken text of social entrepreneurs. The results show that social entrepreneurs in Croatia are concerned with issues related to the social context and community rather than with commercial goals such as efficiency and financial independence.

Research paper thumbnail of The potential of ICT-enabled social innovation

2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2019

Although social innovation is an old paradigm, social innovation courses appeared in the curricul... more Although social innovation is an old paradigm, social innovation courses appeared in the curricula in the approximately last ten years. By doing so educational institutions acknowledged the existence of new approaches to obstacles that the world is facing. The courses regarding the social innovations give the students valuable knowledge and skills related to solving different social problems, increasing the motivation for being active in the society, and raising awareness about specific topics that need attention. An important role in implementing social innovation have ICT technologies. The role of the ICT is multiple: (1) administrative (members of the certain social initiative collaborate on the project through different ICT tools that enable communication and information organization), (2) disseminative and educational (the topic of the social initiative is disseminated through different tools and social media), and sometimes (3) topical (it the topic of social innovation project is directly connected to specific ICT technology). Based on the roles that the ICT takes upon in the process of social innovation implementation, the authors present ICT solutions that could be included in the realization of a social innovation course for business students at the graduate level.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Potentials of Cultural and Creative Cities: The Case Study of the City of Varaždin

Poslovna izvrsnost - Business excellence

Modern society is based on intellectual capital, and creativity is the key to competitiveness, wh... more Modern society is based on intellectual capital, and creativity is the key to competitiveness, which is why cultural and creative industries are projected to grow rapidly in the future, and they are included in development strategies. Since regions, nations and cities have different models of representation and measurement of cultural and creative industries due to their own specifics, the aim of this paper is a comparison of mapping cultural and creative industries. Through an analysis of previous studies in the field of creative and cultural industries within cities, this paper identifies several different approaches to mapping the industry. This study also categorizes European countries based on the analysis of the latest edition of The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor by the European Commission, and by the existence of clusters and support networks for cultural and creative entrepreneurs. As a baroque city, with a tradition of cultural and creative industries, the city of Varaždin, Croatia is selected for a deeper analysis of creative and cultural potential.

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing intellectual capital of a technology park

International journal of contemporary business and entrepreneurship

Technology parks are organizations that are supporting innovative entrepreneurial activity cooper... more Technology parks are organizations that are supporting innovative entrepreneurial activity cooperating with knowledge-based institutions and using advanced technology. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of intellectual capital in technology parks. Through an analysis of current models for the assessment of intellectual capital, a preposition of a model for Croatian science and technology parks has been made. The main contribution of this paper is an intellectual capital measurement model which can be used in other existing science and technology parks, but also in research centers, entrepreneurial incubators and other entrepreneurship supporting institutions. Using the case study method, the paper identifies components of intellectual capital in a technology park, as well as the gaps between the level of development of each determinant. Data were collected through an interview with representatives of a technology park in Croatia. Results of this study can...

Research paper thumbnail of Connetion Between Education Level and Source of 3R Knowledge with the Practical Use of 3R Principles

Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Construction of Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurship Education Influences Students’ Perceptions

Proceedings of INTCESS 2022- 9th International Conference on Education & Education of Social Sciences, 2022

The aim of this paper is to examine how students in Croatia construct the concept of entrepreneur... more The aim of this paper is to examine how students in Croatia construct the concept of entrepreneur and what is the role of entrepreneurship education in creating students' perceptions. The paradigmatic framework of the research is social constructivism, and in the methodological sense the study is based on a qualitative methodology. Primary data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with 25 students from different faculties in the Republic of Croatia. Research findings show that our students perceive a typical entrepreneur as a person with excellent communication and listening skills, who is also very proactive, flexible and people-oriented, and has a strong desire to achieve and dedication to work. Students with less strong entrepreneurial education believe that entrepreneurs are driven primarily by material gain, senior students with strong entrepreneurial education or experience perceive the heterogeneity of goals and interests of entrepreneurs through entrepreneurship as a lifestyle and self-actualization. The image of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship among students involved in some form of entrepreneurship education is predominantly positive, sometimes reinforced by feelings of admiration, which differs significantly from the view of entrepreneurship within the wider community. Such results are optimistic as they confirm that quality entrepreneurship education could influence the gradual reshaping of social and cultural norms in a way that they would support the strengthening of entrepreneurial capacity in Croatia. In addition to the new empirical knowledge, the main contribution of the research includes a set of recommendations for practice directed to creators of entrepreneurship education programs in Croatia and other comparable countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Konverzije kapitala poduzetnika u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

Ekonomski pregled, 2021

Ciljevi ovog rada su identificirati vrste kapitala koje koriste poduzetnici u kreativnim i kultur... more Ciljevi ovog rada su identificirati vrste kapitala koje koriste poduzetnici u kreativnim i kulturnim industrijama u Hrvatskoj te ispitati mogućnosti konverzije kapitala iz jednog oblika u drugi. Teorijski okvir istraživanja je Bourdieuova teorija kapitala u kojoj se kapital pojavljuje u četiri forme: ekonomski, kulturni, socijalni i simbolički kapital. Da bi se odgovorilo na postavljeno istraživačko pitanje koristi se interpretativna paradigma, a kao primarni istraživački alat koristi se fenomenološko intervjuiranje. Provedeno je dubinsko intervjuiranje 10 poduzetnika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na raznolike prakse korištenja kapitala poduzetnika te značajne mogućnosti konverzije kapitala. Visoki stupanj konverzije kapitala prisutan je kod kulturnog i socijalnog kapitala.

Research paper thumbnail of The Socially Constructed Nature of Entrepreneurship Education: The Case of Higher Education in Croatia

In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field, habitus and capital in the analysis of hi... more In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field, habitus and capital in the analysis of higher entrepreneurship education in Croatia. We apply a critical analysis of institutional influence over shaping perceptions and social construction of entrepreneurship education, as well as influence on the perception of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. The research is based on identifying and analysing the qualitative data: policy documents on entrepreneurship education at the national level (strategy for entrepreneurship education, curriculum) and the scientific papers on the topic of higher education concerning entrepreneurship education in Croatia. We identify the main categories of discourses which may impact students' entrepreneurship desirability and feasibility beliefs. Using the critical discourse analysis we identified the dominant discourses related to the subjects of entrepreneurship education: entrepreneurs, students, teachers and the institutions of higher educat...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative research in entrepreneurship: Learning how to play the game

The main objective of this study is to look into the degree to which Croatian researchers of entr... more The main objective of this study is to look into the degree to which Croatian researchers of entrepreneurship tend to apply qualitative methods, as well as to check the quality and coherence of the used methodological designs. Therefore, we conducted a content analysis of the existing scientific and professional articles with topics on entrepreneurship, that were available in the Croatian scientific database. The first step comprised searching the database and selecting the relevant economic journals. Next, we selected the papers with focus on entrepreneurship topics, whose methodological frameworks employed a qualitative or mixed approach. The analysis confirmed major underrepresentation of qualitative methods in Croatian entrepreneurial research. Even those authors that utilize qualitative approach are inclined to apply their methods in an incomplete and fragmentary way. It uncovers a certain lack of awareness of the significance of correct and transparent application of qualitati...

Research paper thumbnail of Javna naročila kot orodje za spodbujanje inovacij

Ena izmed najpomembnejsih nalog sodobne države je doseganje zadovoljive gospodarske rasti s cilje... more Ena izmed najpomembnejsih nalog sodobne države je doseganje zadovoljive gospodarske rasti s ciljem zadovoljevanja osnovnih potreb državljanov. Z usmerjanjem proracunskih sredstev v spodbujanje inovativnosti v okviru nacionalnega inovacijskega sistema države vplivajo na inovativnost podjetij in posledicno na svojo konkurencnost, kar prinasa boljse gospodarsko stanje in visji življenjski standard državljanov. Inovacije lahko vidimo, podobno kot tudi druge izdelke in storitve, ki kotirajo na trgih, in na podlagi tega lahko identificiramo ponudbo in povprasevanje po inovacijah. Prav zato se lahko ukrepi za spodbujanje razvoja in sirjenje inovacij na trgu osredotocijo na povprasevalno ali ponudbeno stran. Na ponudbeni strani lahko država spodbuja inovatorje, na povprasevalni strani pa uporabnike inovacij. V doktorski disertaciji prikazujemo pregled raziskav o nacinih spodbujanja inovacij. V prejsnjih studijah je bilo ugotovljeno, da so države veliko vec instrumentov za spodbujanje inovac...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematične pojave na tržištu kapitala

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Public Procurement for Innovation on the Country Level and the Role of ICT Support

Journal of information and organizational sciences, 2015

Using of public procurement as a tool for promoting innovations has captured interest of many res... more Using of public procurement as a tool for promoting innovations has captured interest of many researchers in recent years. However, most of the research is focused on the impact of public procurement on the company's innovativeness. The article discusses the findings of the literature on this topic and proposes a model on how to transfer the concept from the company level to the level of the whole country. One of the biggest problems is unavailability of appropriate measures of this phenomenon, so the authors suggest that the concept of Public procurement for innovation can be approximated by participation of criterion of the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). Implementation of this criterion in choosing the best offer can be supported and facilitated by using of ICT which can improve the efficiency of procurement process and enable more innovations.

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Efficiency of Croatian Counties in Entrepreneurship Using Data Envelopment Analysis

U ovom radu ocjenjuje se efikasnost hrvatskih županija kao donositelja odluka u poduzetnistvu pri... more U ovom radu ocjenjuje se efikasnost hrvatskih županija kao donositelja odluka u poduzetnistvu primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka (eng. Data Envelopment Analysis – DEA). Cilj rada jest identificirati efikasne županije koje predstavljaju primjere dobre prakse u poduzetnistvu (benchmarking) te neefikasne županije ciju je neefikasnost potrebno minimizirati primjenom odgovarajucih mjera. Na temelju rezultata dobivenih primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka kao efikasne županije prema BCC-O modelu identificirane su Istarska, Karlovacka, Krapinsko-zagorska, Licko-senjska, Požesko-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Varaždinska i Vukovarsko-srijemska županija te Zagrebacka županija i Grad Zagreb dok su sve ostale županije prepoznate kao relativno neefikasne te su za navedene definirani njihovi referentni skupovi efikasnih županija odnosno dostižni primjeri dobre prakse. Među navedenih devet županija koje su se pokazale efikasnima u poduzetnistvu, najefikasnijom se prema kriteriju ukupnog bro...

Research paper thumbnail of Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with University North Economic and Social Development

In the last few years the geopolitical structure of the contemporary world has been rapidly evolv... more In the last few years the geopolitical structure of the contemporary world has been rapidly evolving. The hegemony of the United States is visibly being replaced with bipolar international political and economic power and relations. In the first half of 2013 there were no signs of changes in the existing situation on the horizon. Successful were the relations between the USA and China in the areas of economy, culture, research, and commerce. The relations between the USA and the Russian Federation at the beginning of the 21 century could also be described as good. It seemed that the co-existence of said nations would last on the same conditions for several dozen years at the very least. However, Kiev protests that marked the end of the year 2013, the Crimean crisis that started 2014, and then the still ongoing rebellion in East Ukraine, significantly transformed the existing balance of power. The well-established subtle balance of the mutual interests and spheres of influence was ir...

Research paper thumbnail of Problematic phenomena in the capital market

Problematicne pojave trajna su sastavnica tržista kapitala. Promatranje i analiziranje problemati... more Problematicne pojave trajna su sastavnica tržista kapitala. Promatranje i analiziranje problematicnih pojava na tržistu kapitala sve vise preuzima važnu ulogu u razlicitim procesima nacionalne ekonomije. Ucestalost njihova pojavljivanja kao i intenzitet utjecaja na nacionalna gospodarstva ne smanjuju se protekom vremena, niti ovisi o razvijenosti gospodarskog i demokratskog sustava u pojedinoj zemlji. U radu ce se obuhvatom povijesnih događanja, ali i događanja u suvremeno doba analizirati dvije skupine negativnih pojava: (1) prijevare te (2) skandali i krize. Prijevare danas predstavljaju ucestalu pojavu na svim tržistima, bez obzira na njihovu razvijenost, dok su skandali i krize pojave koje su se razvile pod utjecajem strukturnih promjena sto je i osnovni razlog zasto su dobra praksa i nacela korporacijskog upravljanja postala važan preduvjet ekonomskog razvoja. Aktualna kriza, kao i sve krize kroz povijest predstavljaju važan cimbenik utjecaja na fiskalno i financijsko okružje u...

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for using public procurement for innovation in small transition countries

This paper reviews the state of the art in the field of using public procurement as an innovation... more This paper reviews the state of the art in the field of using public procurement as an innovation policy instrument, known in the literature as Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI). Modern states have the task of ensuring favorable conditions for achieving satisfactory levels of economic growth, which reflect in the growth of their standard of living. Innovation is extremely important for achieving higher international competitiveness and many states use public funds to support the creation of innovation. However, due to recent financial and economic crises, austerity measures have been introduced on public budgets, forcing the state to use public money more wisely and efficiently. For a long time, developed countries have been directing public procurement towards purchasing innovative products, services and works. In those countries, this has been the subject of a growing body of research in the last 15 years, which cannot be said for the less developed countries. Our analysis o...


In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field and habitus in the analysis of entrepreneu... more In this paper we take Bourdieu's approach of field and habitus in the analysis of entrepreneurship in creative industries in Croatia. The aim of this paper is to identify the main fields in which entrepreneurs play their business game. In the real world of the individual there are many fields, some of which are better marked than others, and all fields are in a hierarchical relationship. For example, according to Bourdieu, the business field tends to be more powerful than the field of art. We also want to examine what kind of habitus is needed for a successful business. We use an interpretative paradigm based on the phenomenological approach in collecting and analyzing empirical material. Through the interpretative phenomenological analysis, it is possible to explore in detail how participants construct meanings, and how they shape their personal and social world. In this way, we gain insight into the special experiences, events and conditions of the actors of a particular inter...

Research paper thumbnail of Ocjenjivanje efikasnosti hrvatskih županija u poduzetništvu primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka

Research paper thumbnail of In the Quest of Sustainability Principle "Reuse": Awareness of Northern Croatia Adult Population


The world has found itself spinning ever faster and economies producing ever more. But this proce... more The world has found itself spinning ever faster and economies producing ever more. But this process cannot go on forever. The Earth we live on is one and only and it has limited resources in comparison with what the people are ready to use. Sustainability of the environment is bitten by recklessness of many but critical voices are being raised in recent decades. As Stahel (2016) noted, contrary to nature and its processes, people are still primarily functioning in linear way – "make, use, dispose". This is fundamentally supported by consumerism approach and the view that the economy prospers only by permanent growth driven by infinite desires of consumers (Rojek 2004). But critical voices emphasize the social role of entrepreneurship (Zahra and Wright 2016) with the conclusion that the entrepreneurship can benefit from lowering their environmental impact (wasteful resource usage) thus also resulting in personal and societal benefits, beside the economic value creation (see...