Kristina Thorell - (original) (raw)

Papers by Kristina Thorell

Research paper thumbnail of Lärande och digital kompetens En teoretisk orientering inom utbildningsvetenskap

Shelon Art Academy , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Kulturarv: perspektiv och förmedling

Shelon Art Academy , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Planering av det nordiska landskapet: en kunskapsöversikt om vindkraft

Shelon Art Academy (andra upplagan) , 2022

Föreliggande kunskapsöversikt fokuserade vindkraft i ett landskapsperspektiv. I detta sammanhang ... more Föreliggande kunskapsöversikt fokuserade vindkraft i ett landskapsperspektiv. I detta sammanhang definierades landskapet som en helhet där natur och kultur samspelar. Vindkraften förändrar landskapet på flera olika sätt; tidigare värden försvinner och nya kommer istället. Vid planering av vindkraft genomförs landskapsanalyser, d.v.s. processer för att bedöma hur vindkraften passar in i olika typer av landskap. Den genomförs ofta av landskapsarkitekter som analyserar landskapets tålighet för vindkraftsetablering. Inställningar och attityder till vindkraft är komplexa. Vetenskapliga opinionsundersökningar visar dock att den övervägande delen av befolkningen är positivt inställda till vindkraft i Sverige. Detta gäller såväl enkätundersökningar som fokuserat platser där det finns en omfattande vindkraftsetablering, som rikstäckande SIFO-undersökningar. NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) representerar att människor som är positiva till vindkraft på ett generellt plan, är negativa till ett specifikt vindkraftsprojekt i deras närområde. Detta syndrom är dock enbart en av flera faktorer som påverkar människans attityder gentemot vindkraft.

Research paper thumbnail of Planering av det nordiska landskapet: turism, estetik och värde

Shelon Art Academy (andra upplagan), 2022

Boken behandlar landskapet som resurs i turismutvecklingens samt den mångfald av landskap som fin... more Boken behandlar landskapet som resurs i turismutvecklingens samt den mångfald av landskap som finns i Norden. Särskilt tonvikt läggs vid världsarv och Biosfärområden. Vidare berörs destinationsutveckling, marknadsföring av platser och paketering av upplevelser. Härtill fokuseras hållbar turism, ekoturism och lokalt deltagande vid utveckling av viltturism.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Techniques for Participatory Planning Processes


The project named “Digital techniques for participatory processes” develops and tests digital E-p... more The project named “Digital techniques for participatory processes” develops and tests digital E-participation techniques for increasing the public involvement within heritage planning and research. Special attention is paid to strategies for handling challenges within three areas: (1) problems associated with Information System (IS), (2) problems related to the public sector context and (3) specific challenges that arise from the complex context (Toot 2019). Four different degrees of citizen involvement could be applied within participatory processes. Information involves one way information from authorities to citizens. Consultation means meetings where authorities listen to citizens but they do not have to take their opinions into consideration. Partnership includes collaborative processes where citizens formulate goals and strategies in cooperation with authorities. Mobilization is a term for actions initiated by citizens within the civil society. Participatory processes are often structured around five phases: (1) undertake SWOT-analysis, (2) describe a common vision for the future, (3) formulate a strategy for fulfilling the goals, (4) implement and (5) evaluate the process (Thorell 2008).

Thorell, K. (2008). Naturvårdsplanering med förankring i det lokala: villkor för delaktighet och underifrånperspektiv i vården av värden i odlingslandskapet. Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Toots, M. (2019). Why E-participation systems fail: The case of Estonia's Government Information Quarterly (In press).

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Heritage Preservation : The Past, the Present and the Future

This anthology describes heritage preservation, development and management from different theoret... more This anthology describes heritage preservation, development and management from different theoretical views and disciplines. It integrates perspectives from history, human geography, archaeology, s ...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital techniques for participatory city planning processes

Innovation Conference 2019, 19 september, 2019, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sverige, 2019

The project concerns digital techniques for participatory city planning processes. Four different... more The project concerns digital techniques for participatory city planning processes. Four different levels of citizen involvement could be applied within participatory processes. Information involves information from authorities to citizens. Consultation is associated with meetings where authorities listen to citizens but they do not have to take their opinions into consideration. Partnership means collaborative processes where citizens formulate strategies in cooperation with authorities. Mobilization denotes actions initiated by citizens within the civil society. The poster illustrates approaches, methods and products for E-participation, E-government, Web Collaboration and online forums. It also introduces tools for the collecting and exhibiting historical and more current data. The digital tools for participatory planning processes are structured in four groups: tool for (1) structuring ideas, (2) communication, (3) cooperation between the public sector and civil society and (4) collecting and exhibiting data.

Research paper thumbnail of Naturvårdsplanering med förankring i det lokala. Villkor för delaktighet och underifrånperspektiv i vården av värden i odlingslandskapet

Research paper thumbnail of BTRS Wildlife

Research paper thumbnail of Bottom-up approaches within planning of the cultural landscape; preconditions for participation and decentralization i

Research paper thumbnail of Food security from a spatial perspective; the situation in advanced and less advanced economies

Food security has been one of the most important policy issues on the global arena after the Seco... more Food security has been one of the most important policy issues on the global arena after the Second World War. The overall aim of this presentation is to describe preconditions for a sustainable food supply from a spatial perspective. Special attention is paid to the differences between advanced and less advanced economies around the world. The theoretical framework is based upon models which are explaining complex systems of factors that affect the preconditions for agricultural productions. In additions to this, theories about how population and environmental pollution change through different stages of societal development are explained. The results are based on data of agricultural practices, population growth, hunger and nutrition levels from different countries around the world. The analysis shows that factors which affect preconditions for agricultural production are dynamic. Factors which support the food security in the near future are a decreasing population growth, technological development and innovation but the environmental crisis is associated to high risks. It is, therefore, important to develop environmental policies and improved methods for organic farming. A final conclusion is that the spatial pattern is clear; the food supply is sufficient within advanced economies but rather complicated in development countries.

Books by Kristina Thorell

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating the dark dimensions of the past: a case study of museum management in Västra Götaland

Halmstad University Press. , 2018

Heritage is a result of cultural and social constructions rather than received values from the pa... more Heritage is a result of cultural and social constructions rather than received values from the past (Barrere et al. 2015, p 4 p 4). Dark heritage is a concept which is synonymous to heritage that hurts, difficult heritage, heritage of atrocity and places of pain or shame (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 900). Dark heritage sites (DHS) are places and institutions "that stand as legacy to painful periods in history; massacre and genocide sites, places related to former penal institutions, prisoners of war, battlefields and many more." (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 899). DHS management is a structured activity which supports a meaningful and holistic experience for visitors within the context of diverse and complex servicescapes (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 899). The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how dark dimensions of the past are expressed within museum management in Västra Götaland. In order to fulfil this purpose, three research questions have been formulated: Which dimensions of dark heritage are highlighted? Which ideological approaches permeate the exhibitions of the dark? How is heritage classified as dark heritage? The study involved documentary work at Västergötland Museum, Lödöse Museum and the Museum of Gothenburg. The researcher accomplished a documentary work, focusing upon artefacts, information text and multimedia. A qualitative analysis of the data with some inspiration from discourse theory was then carried out. Discourse refers to the meanings and understandings of worldviews that are formed within sociohistorical processes (Howarth 2007; Jorgensen & Phillips 2002). Discourse theory provides a framework of how history is constructed and maintained (Howarth 2007). Discourses are transformed and maintained within formal practices and everyday lives (Jorgensen & Phillips 2002, p 12). The results show: (1) Dark heritage that is highlighted within the three museums refers to war, conflicts, crimes, sanitary problems, death, epidemics, hard living conditions, and unequal treatment of people. (2) The exhibitions were based on a mixture of different approaches, such as romantic chivalry, local separatist/patriotic, socialistic, and peace/ international understanding approaches (Timothy & Boyd 2003, p 27-28). (3) The discourse within society involves classifications of the dark. It is therefore possible to see a cultural pattern of how war, conflicts, epidemics and sanitary problems become dark dimensions. 14 (180625) 15 (180625). 16 Research based upon Marxist theory is a kind of structuralism. This kind of research was common on the 60 th and 70 th decade when researchers made invisible phenomena within the society clear such as the class system. Parts of the gender research are also based upon a kind of structuralism. This became common in the end of the 20 th century and made it clear how social worlds constructed men and women into different positions.

Research paper thumbnail of The Difficult Sami Heritage: a study of museum practices

This study focuses on the difficult Sami heritage which is exhibited within local history museums... more This study focuses on the difficult Sami heritage which is exhibited within local history museums in northern Sweden. The study incorporates theories from cultural science and sociology but it is written within religious history as a philological and text-oriented discipline where discourses and social constructions of the Sami heritage and worldviews are in focus.

The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of the difficult Sami heritage. This means that the analysis focuses on perspectives and discourses within local museums and Sami organisations.
• The first research question revolves around the significances and meanings of the difficult Sami heritage: What phenomena (artefacts) and dimensions (immaterial culture) of the difficult past in Sapmi are highlighted?
• The second research question revolves around the power to represent the Sami heritage: How is the difficult Sami heritage represented?
• The third research question revolves around perspectives within museum practices: What approaches are the museum practice based upon?

This study focuses on four museums in northern Sweden; Ajtte museum, Samgården, Norrbottens museums and Hägnan museum. They are all local history museums which exhibit the past within a specific region from a rather broad or holistic historical perspective. The student visited each museum and observed the exhibitions then. She read texts, analysed artefacts and watched movies. Facts and interpretations were documented with a pen and the most important phenomena authenticated with a camera.

The difficult phenomena and dimensions within the museums were structured in three groups: living conditions, dark artefacts and colonization. The group living condition refers to poor people, risks, cold climate, hard work, illnesses and social classes. Dark artefacts refer
to very old graves and drums which have been lost to the external society. Colonization refers to representations of Sápmi, uses of lands and resources, wounds, lack of local participation within decision-making processes, conflicts and women's rights.

The analysis of representations highlights reflections about the meanings of the difficult and how subjective this is. Many dimensions within the Sami culture which have appeared as difficult from a colonialist perspective may be bright from an insider perspective. The museum practices follow discourses but there are few expressions within the museums which are associated with ethnocentrism. The external society is not presented as something higher, better or more valuable, but it is obvious that the government did hurt the region in the past.

The museums which were included in this study, based practices on a local separatist/patriotic approach since the unique Sami culture was in focus. It was portrayed as something which stays in contrast to the overall society. The Sami culture was associated with positive characteristics such as traditional, peaceful, original and authentic. The peace and international understanding approach was also embedded since exhibitions were based on ideas expressed within The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) about the rights indigenous people have. The study also concludes that these museums rather based
the practice on patriotic thinking, than a cosmopolitan. The museums made use of a bottom up approach into a varying extent. When the local perceptions were in focus are the following phenomena highlighted: the inner compass (director with wisdom), wounds of colonization,
local worldviews and interaction with nature and animals.

Drafts by Kristina Thorell

Research paper thumbnail of Det mörka kulturarvet: en fältstudie i Visby


Det övergripande syftet med denna fältrapport är att belysa innebörden av det mörka kulturarvet i... more Det övergripande syftet med denna fältrapport är att belysa innebörden av det mörka kulturarvet i Visby. För att besvara detta syfte har följande frågor formulerats: Vilka mörka dimensioner har förhandlats fram? Hur uttrycks och kommuniceras det? Studien bygger på ett dokumenterande arbetet. Jag började med att vandra i staden för att lära känna kulturarvet bättre. Sedan gick jag runt hela ringmuren och läste informationsskyltarna. Samtliga svarta skyltar vid portarna fotograferades och analyserades tillsammans med anteckningar i efterhand. Parallellt påbörjades arbetet med att dokumentera ruinerna i staden på samma sätt. En heldag ägnades vid Gotlands museum där jag läste informationstexter och betraktade fenomen noga. Jag besökte också Almedalsbiblioteket där avdelningen lokal litteratur fokuserades. Resultaten visar att det mörka kulturarvet i Visby kopplar till krig och oro, bränder, ekonomiska kriser, fattigdom, sjukdomar, arv som förstörs, kristna martyrer, graven som fyndplats, inhumana brott och straff samt hög dödlighet och bristande sjukvård. Kulturarvet kring muren och portarna kommuniceras genom informationstexter. Museet visar upp arkeologiska fynd och använder texter för att fördjupa bilden av dåtiden. Det finns också berättelser om enskilda individer med. Det förekommer multimedia och vissa kommersiella arrangemang kring kulturarven.

Research paper thumbnail of RIST 4 Det mörka kulturarvet

RIST 4, 2017

Denna studie handlar om hur det mörka kulturarvet i Västra Götalands län definieras, värderas och... more Denna studie handlar om hur det mörka kulturarvet i Västra Götalands län definieras, värderas och levandegörs inom ramen för museal verksamhet. 100 tjänstemän fick en enkät med flera slutna och öppna svarsalternativ som bearbetades kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Resultaten visar att den övervägande delen av respondenterna instämmer i att det mörka kulturarvet förknippas med (1) krig, konflikter och oroligheter, (2) epidemier, sjukdomar och pester samt (3) svält, hårt liv och lidande. Det förefaller inte vara lika tydligt att gravstenar, begravningsfält, kyrkogårdar och katastrofer hör hit. Det mörka kulturarvet har en betydelse för att få en nyanserad och helhetlig bild av historien. Det ger förståelse för samhället i ett dåtida och nutida perspektiv. Några betonar också att det är viktigt för att vi inte ska glömma det obehagliga, traumatiska och hemska. Kulturmiljövården som grundas i olika typer av källor förmedlar kunskap genom berättelser, film, utställningar, föredrag, rapporter och skrifter. Den övervägande delen av respondenterna anser att det förgångna återges på ett objektivt och neutralt sätt men en del betonar att dåtiden skönmålas. Endast ett fåtal menar att dåtiden mörkas/dramatiseras.


BTRS Working Report , 2021

The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on landowners' perceptions of wind powe... more The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on landowners' perceptions of wind power. To fulfil this purpose, the following research questions have been formulated:
• How do landowners perceive the establishment of wind power?
• What values are attributed to the wind power landscape?

Questionnaires were sent out to representatives of agricultural organizations in Halland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten, Lapland and Gotland. After 2 mailings, 163 responses had been received. This means that the response rate was 27% when about 600 questionnaires had been sent out. 79.8% of those who responded to the survey were men and 20.2% were women. Those who responded were between 21 and 84 years old. Slightly more were between 45 and 65 years old than in other age groups.

This study confirms that landowners appear to be relatively positive about wind power establishment. Of the 163 respondents who answered the survey, 76.1% were positive to wind power, 18.4% were neutral and 5.5% were negative. The survey also highlighted the attitude to wind power on one's own land. The results show that 63.8% were positive, 19% neutral and 11.7% negative. 6% of respondents did not own land.

According to landowners, the wind power landscape is primarily associated with a symbolic value, economic value, future value, environmental value and life-sustaining value.

Research paper thumbnail of Hur kunde hon bli tärna? Teoretiska perspektiv på mobbning i skolan

BTRS , 2019

The overview of bullying shows different explanations behind this behaviour. The biological expla... more The overview of bullying shows different explanations behind this behaviour. The biological explanation model describes that deviant people are bullied (Granström 2007: 48-49). The social-psychological explanation model describes that bullying is linked to processes where people seek roles and identities in social contexts. Those who are left then get the role of scapegoat or pickpocket (Granström 2007: 49-50). According to explanatory models, bullying is based on previous wrong learning processes. The importance of behaving empathetically and morally has, for example, been hidden away. (Granström 2007: 50-51). According to the psychoanalytic explanatory model, the bully comes from problematic home conditions. Risk factors are parents who are punitive, authoritarian, inconsistent, disinterested, absent or dismissive. The bullies are already so oppressed that they can not cope with more subordination. They take on bullying to end up in a higher hierarchy (Granström 2007: 51-52). According to the group psychological explanation model, bullying is a consequence of unclear leadership (Granström 2007: 52-53). According to the value pedagogical explanation model, bullying is due to the fact that role models have taken a passive stance when it comes to values that are important in counteracting bullying. The values of tolerance, equal value, etc. are not highlighted (Granström 2007: 54). Bullying can also be linked to stigma. Erving Goffman describes stigma as a characteristic of a person that diminishes him in the eyes of others and makes him a spotted person, a person you can not count on (Ekerwald & Säftröm, 2012: 54).

Research paper thumbnail of Vindkraftlandskapets symbolik och associationer

BTRS PAPER 2021:1, 2021

The purpose of this article is to shed light on what the local population in Norrland associates ... more The purpose of this article is to shed light on what the local population in Norrland associates the wind power landscape with and the symbolism this is connected to. The first survey reached about 150 representatives of heritage associations in Norrland and 52 people answered the survey. In connection with the second field study an electronic survey was conducted that focused on actors in tourism, sports and outdoor life. It was sent out to 234 organizations and 51 responses were received. Field surveys were also distributed to about 100 organizations and 46 respondents sent back the questionnaire. The results indicate that the wind power landscape is primarily associated with environmental and sustainable development. Thereafter, it is associated with a disturbing phenomenon on the landscape. Quite a few also considered that the wind power landscape is linked to innovation and technological development as well as reduced oil dependence. It was not so clear that the wind power landscape would be associated with long-term solutions and only a small proportion of the respondents agreed that it was associated with liveliness and something backward. The wind power landscape is thus embedded with deeper dimensions of meanings and symbolisms.

Research paper thumbnail of Åsikter om vindkraft i Norrland

Åsikter om vindkraft i Norrland , 2021

The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on local perspectives on wind power in Norrland in Sweden. Special emphasis is placed on clarifying opinions through a qualitative method. Three electronic surveys were conducted to achieve an overall picture of the complexity of public opinion. The first focused on heritage associations and it was sent to about 150 representants. 52 association representants answered the survey. The second electronic survey focused on actors in tourism, sports and outdoor life, and was sent out to 234 organizations. After a second mailing, 51 responses had been received. The third electronic survey was sent out to 159 landowners and after a second mailing, 44 respondents had answered the questionnaire. During field studies in Arvidsjaur, Skellefteå Jokkmokk, Gällivare and Kiruna 2017 and 2018, field surveys were distributed. A total of 570 questionnaires were distributed to 94 organizations. 28 women and 18 men in different age groups sent back the survey. The qualitative surveys show that there into some extent is a negative attitude towards wind power establishment in Norrland. The region is not suitable for wind power because it threatens unique values there such as the untouched wilderness, the idyll of the countryside and the silence. The Northern regions are also considered an unsuitable region for locating wind power because ice is easily moulded at the turbines. As elsewhere, wind power can also affect the environment, outdoor life and biodiversity. Wind power may also have negative effects on the landscape and human health, according to the respondents. It was explicitly stated that wind power should not be located in Norrland where there is no need for additional electricity production. There were also expressions that wind power on a smaller scale is positive, but that it must be anchored locally. Overall, landowners expressed more positive comments than other respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of What is postmodernism

Liberated Research Paper in Progress , 2020

This paper defines the concept postmodernism. Jean-François Lyotard's "La Condition postmodern" (... more This paper defines the concept postmodernism. Jean-François Lyotard's "La Condition postmodern" (1979) had an important role for forming the concept postmodernism. Lyotard saw this an era when the “great stories" are over. No religions, metaphysical systems or ideologies gain longer public confidence. Under postmodern conditions, there are only partial, subjective and individual truths. It also means that believing in the "modern project" is lost. Science, technology and rationality, have become questioned as and criticized for producing a subjective knowledge that is relative in its character. According to many of its theorists, postmodernism is associated with multiculturalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Lärande och digital kompetens En teoretisk orientering inom utbildningsvetenskap

Shelon Art Academy , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Kulturarv: perspektiv och förmedling

Shelon Art Academy , 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Planering av det nordiska landskapet: en kunskapsöversikt om vindkraft

Shelon Art Academy (andra upplagan) , 2022

Föreliggande kunskapsöversikt fokuserade vindkraft i ett landskapsperspektiv. I detta sammanhang ... more Föreliggande kunskapsöversikt fokuserade vindkraft i ett landskapsperspektiv. I detta sammanhang definierades landskapet som en helhet där natur och kultur samspelar. Vindkraften förändrar landskapet på flera olika sätt; tidigare värden försvinner och nya kommer istället. Vid planering av vindkraft genomförs landskapsanalyser, d.v.s. processer för att bedöma hur vindkraften passar in i olika typer av landskap. Den genomförs ofta av landskapsarkitekter som analyserar landskapets tålighet för vindkraftsetablering. Inställningar och attityder till vindkraft är komplexa. Vetenskapliga opinionsundersökningar visar dock att den övervägande delen av befolkningen är positivt inställda till vindkraft i Sverige. Detta gäller såväl enkätundersökningar som fokuserat platser där det finns en omfattande vindkraftsetablering, som rikstäckande SIFO-undersökningar. NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) representerar att människor som är positiva till vindkraft på ett generellt plan, är negativa till ett specifikt vindkraftsprojekt i deras närområde. Detta syndrom är dock enbart en av flera faktorer som påverkar människans attityder gentemot vindkraft.

Research paper thumbnail of Planering av det nordiska landskapet: turism, estetik och värde

Shelon Art Academy (andra upplagan), 2022

Boken behandlar landskapet som resurs i turismutvecklingens samt den mångfald av landskap som fin... more Boken behandlar landskapet som resurs i turismutvecklingens samt den mångfald av landskap som finns i Norden. Särskilt tonvikt läggs vid världsarv och Biosfärområden. Vidare berörs destinationsutveckling, marknadsföring av platser och paketering av upplevelser. Härtill fokuseras hållbar turism, ekoturism och lokalt deltagande vid utveckling av viltturism.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Techniques for Participatory Planning Processes


The project named “Digital techniques for participatory processes” develops and tests digital E-p... more The project named “Digital techniques for participatory processes” develops and tests digital E-participation techniques for increasing the public involvement within heritage planning and research. Special attention is paid to strategies for handling challenges within three areas: (1) problems associated with Information System (IS), (2) problems related to the public sector context and (3) specific challenges that arise from the complex context (Toot 2019). Four different degrees of citizen involvement could be applied within participatory processes. Information involves one way information from authorities to citizens. Consultation means meetings where authorities listen to citizens but they do not have to take their opinions into consideration. Partnership includes collaborative processes where citizens formulate goals and strategies in cooperation with authorities. Mobilization is a term for actions initiated by citizens within the civil society. Participatory processes are often structured around five phases: (1) undertake SWOT-analysis, (2) describe a common vision for the future, (3) formulate a strategy for fulfilling the goals, (4) implement and (5) evaluate the process (Thorell 2008).

Thorell, K. (2008). Naturvårdsplanering med förankring i det lokala: villkor för delaktighet och underifrånperspektiv i vården av värden i odlingslandskapet. Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Toots, M. (2019). Why E-participation systems fail: The case of Estonia's Government Information Quarterly (In press).

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Heritage Preservation : The Past, the Present and the Future

This anthology describes heritage preservation, development and management from different theoret... more This anthology describes heritage preservation, development and management from different theoretical views and disciplines. It integrates perspectives from history, human geography, archaeology, s ...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital techniques for participatory city planning processes

Innovation Conference 2019, 19 september, 2019, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sverige, 2019

The project concerns digital techniques for participatory city planning processes. Four different... more The project concerns digital techniques for participatory city planning processes. Four different levels of citizen involvement could be applied within participatory processes. Information involves information from authorities to citizens. Consultation is associated with meetings where authorities listen to citizens but they do not have to take their opinions into consideration. Partnership means collaborative processes where citizens formulate strategies in cooperation with authorities. Mobilization denotes actions initiated by citizens within the civil society. The poster illustrates approaches, methods and products for E-participation, E-government, Web Collaboration and online forums. It also introduces tools for the collecting and exhibiting historical and more current data. The digital tools for participatory planning processes are structured in four groups: tool for (1) structuring ideas, (2) communication, (3) cooperation between the public sector and civil society and (4) collecting and exhibiting data.

Research paper thumbnail of Naturvårdsplanering med förankring i det lokala. Villkor för delaktighet och underifrånperspektiv i vården av värden i odlingslandskapet

Research paper thumbnail of BTRS Wildlife

Research paper thumbnail of Bottom-up approaches within planning of the cultural landscape; preconditions for participation and decentralization i

Research paper thumbnail of Food security from a spatial perspective; the situation in advanced and less advanced economies

Food security has been one of the most important policy issues on the global arena after the Seco... more Food security has been one of the most important policy issues on the global arena after the Second World War. The overall aim of this presentation is to describe preconditions for a sustainable food supply from a spatial perspective. Special attention is paid to the differences between advanced and less advanced economies around the world. The theoretical framework is based upon models which are explaining complex systems of factors that affect the preconditions for agricultural productions. In additions to this, theories about how population and environmental pollution change through different stages of societal development are explained. The results are based on data of agricultural practices, population growth, hunger and nutrition levels from different countries around the world. The analysis shows that factors which affect preconditions for agricultural production are dynamic. Factors which support the food security in the near future are a decreasing population growth, technological development and innovation but the environmental crisis is associated to high risks. It is, therefore, important to develop environmental policies and improved methods for organic farming. A final conclusion is that the spatial pattern is clear; the food supply is sufficient within advanced economies but rather complicated in development countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Communicating the dark dimensions of the past: a case study of museum management in Västra Götaland

Halmstad University Press. , 2018

Heritage is a result of cultural and social constructions rather than received values from the pa... more Heritage is a result of cultural and social constructions rather than received values from the past (Barrere et al. 2015, p 4 p 4). Dark heritage is a concept which is synonymous to heritage that hurts, difficult heritage, heritage of atrocity and places of pain or shame (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 900). Dark heritage sites (DHS) are places and institutions "that stand as legacy to painful periods in history; massacre and genocide sites, places related to former penal institutions, prisoners of war, battlefields and many more." (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 899). DHS management is a structured activity which supports a meaningful and holistic experience for visitors within the context of diverse and complex servicescapes (Magee & Gilmore 2015, p 899). The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how dark dimensions of the past are expressed within museum management in Västra Götaland. In order to fulfil this purpose, three research questions have been formulated: Which dimensions of dark heritage are highlighted? Which ideological approaches permeate the exhibitions of the dark? How is heritage classified as dark heritage? The study involved documentary work at Västergötland Museum, Lödöse Museum and the Museum of Gothenburg. The researcher accomplished a documentary work, focusing upon artefacts, information text and multimedia. A qualitative analysis of the data with some inspiration from discourse theory was then carried out. Discourse refers to the meanings and understandings of worldviews that are formed within sociohistorical processes (Howarth 2007; Jorgensen & Phillips 2002). Discourse theory provides a framework of how history is constructed and maintained (Howarth 2007). Discourses are transformed and maintained within formal practices and everyday lives (Jorgensen & Phillips 2002, p 12). The results show: (1) Dark heritage that is highlighted within the three museums refers to war, conflicts, crimes, sanitary problems, death, epidemics, hard living conditions, and unequal treatment of people. (2) The exhibitions were based on a mixture of different approaches, such as romantic chivalry, local separatist/patriotic, socialistic, and peace/ international understanding approaches (Timothy & Boyd 2003, p 27-28). (3) The discourse within society involves classifications of the dark. It is therefore possible to see a cultural pattern of how war, conflicts, epidemics and sanitary problems become dark dimensions. 14 (180625) 15 (180625). 16 Research based upon Marxist theory is a kind of structuralism. This kind of research was common on the 60 th and 70 th decade when researchers made invisible phenomena within the society clear such as the class system. Parts of the gender research are also based upon a kind of structuralism. This became common in the end of the 20 th century and made it clear how social worlds constructed men and women into different positions.

Research paper thumbnail of The Difficult Sami Heritage: a study of museum practices

This study focuses on the difficult Sami heritage which is exhibited within local history museums... more This study focuses on the difficult Sami heritage which is exhibited within local history museums in northern Sweden. The study incorporates theories from cultural science and sociology but it is written within religious history as a philological and text-oriented discipline where discourses and social constructions of the Sami heritage and worldviews are in focus.

The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of the difficult Sami heritage. This means that the analysis focuses on perspectives and discourses within local museums and Sami organisations.
• The first research question revolves around the significances and meanings of the difficult Sami heritage: What phenomena (artefacts) and dimensions (immaterial culture) of the difficult past in Sapmi are highlighted?
• The second research question revolves around the power to represent the Sami heritage: How is the difficult Sami heritage represented?
• The third research question revolves around perspectives within museum practices: What approaches are the museum practice based upon?

This study focuses on four museums in northern Sweden; Ajtte museum, Samgården, Norrbottens museums and Hägnan museum. They are all local history museums which exhibit the past within a specific region from a rather broad or holistic historical perspective. The student visited each museum and observed the exhibitions then. She read texts, analysed artefacts and watched movies. Facts and interpretations were documented with a pen and the most important phenomena authenticated with a camera.

The difficult phenomena and dimensions within the museums were structured in three groups: living conditions, dark artefacts and colonization. The group living condition refers to poor people, risks, cold climate, hard work, illnesses and social classes. Dark artefacts refer
to very old graves and drums which have been lost to the external society. Colonization refers to representations of Sápmi, uses of lands and resources, wounds, lack of local participation within decision-making processes, conflicts and women's rights.

The analysis of representations highlights reflections about the meanings of the difficult and how subjective this is. Many dimensions within the Sami culture which have appeared as difficult from a colonialist perspective may be bright from an insider perspective. The museum practices follow discourses but there are few expressions within the museums which are associated with ethnocentrism. The external society is not presented as something higher, better or more valuable, but it is obvious that the government did hurt the region in the past.

The museums which were included in this study, based practices on a local separatist/patriotic approach since the unique Sami culture was in focus. It was portrayed as something which stays in contrast to the overall society. The Sami culture was associated with positive characteristics such as traditional, peaceful, original and authentic. The peace and international understanding approach was also embedded since exhibitions were based on ideas expressed within The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) about the rights indigenous people have. The study also concludes that these museums rather based
the practice on patriotic thinking, than a cosmopolitan. The museums made use of a bottom up approach into a varying extent. When the local perceptions were in focus are the following phenomena highlighted: the inner compass (director with wisdom), wounds of colonization,
local worldviews and interaction with nature and animals.

Research paper thumbnail of Det mörka kulturarvet: en fältstudie i Visby


Det övergripande syftet med denna fältrapport är att belysa innebörden av det mörka kulturarvet i... more Det övergripande syftet med denna fältrapport är att belysa innebörden av det mörka kulturarvet i Visby. För att besvara detta syfte har följande frågor formulerats: Vilka mörka dimensioner har förhandlats fram? Hur uttrycks och kommuniceras det? Studien bygger på ett dokumenterande arbetet. Jag började med att vandra i staden för att lära känna kulturarvet bättre. Sedan gick jag runt hela ringmuren och läste informationsskyltarna. Samtliga svarta skyltar vid portarna fotograferades och analyserades tillsammans med anteckningar i efterhand. Parallellt påbörjades arbetet med att dokumentera ruinerna i staden på samma sätt. En heldag ägnades vid Gotlands museum där jag läste informationstexter och betraktade fenomen noga. Jag besökte också Almedalsbiblioteket där avdelningen lokal litteratur fokuserades. Resultaten visar att det mörka kulturarvet i Visby kopplar till krig och oro, bränder, ekonomiska kriser, fattigdom, sjukdomar, arv som förstörs, kristna martyrer, graven som fyndplats, inhumana brott och straff samt hög dödlighet och bristande sjukvård. Kulturarvet kring muren och portarna kommuniceras genom informationstexter. Museet visar upp arkeologiska fynd och använder texter för att fördjupa bilden av dåtiden. Det finns också berättelser om enskilda individer med. Det förekommer multimedia och vissa kommersiella arrangemang kring kulturarven.

Research paper thumbnail of RIST 4 Det mörka kulturarvet

RIST 4, 2017

Denna studie handlar om hur det mörka kulturarvet i Västra Götalands län definieras, värderas och... more Denna studie handlar om hur det mörka kulturarvet i Västra Götalands län definieras, värderas och levandegörs inom ramen för museal verksamhet. 100 tjänstemän fick en enkät med flera slutna och öppna svarsalternativ som bearbetades kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Resultaten visar att den övervägande delen av respondenterna instämmer i att det mörka kulturarvet förknippas med (1) krig, konflikter och oroligheter, (2) epidemier, sjukdomar och pester samt (3) svält, hårt liv och lidande. Det förefaller inte vara lika tydligt att gravstenar, begravningsfält, kyrkogårdar och katastrofer hör hit. Det mörka kulturarvet har en betydelse för att få en nyanserad och helhetlig bild av historien. Det ger förståelse för samhället i ett dåtida och nutida perspektiv. Några betonar också att det är viktigt för att vi inte ska glömma det obehagliga, traumatiska och hemska. Kulturmiljövården som grundas i olika typer av källor förmedlar kunskap genom berättelser, film, utställningar, föredrag, rapporter och skrifter. Den övervägande delen av respondenterna anser att det förgångna återges på ett objektivt och neutralt sätt men en del betonar att dåtiden skönmålas. Endast ett fåtal menar att dåtiden mörkas/dramatiseras.


BTRS Working Report , 2021

The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on landowners' perceptions of wind powe... more The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on landowners' perceptions of wind power. To fulfil this purpose, the following research questions have been formulated:
• How do landowners perceive the establishment of wind power?
• What values are attributed to the wind power landscape?

Questionnaires were sent out to representatives of agricultural organizations in Halland, Västerbotten, Norrbotten, Lapland and Gotland. After 2 mailings, 163 responses had been received. This means that the response rate was 27% when about 600 questionnaires had been sent out. 79.8% of those who responded to the survey were men and 20.2% were women. Those who responded were between 21 and 84 years old. Slightly more were between 45 and 65 years old than in other age groups.

This study confirms that landowners appear to be relatively positive about wind power establishment. Of the 163 respondents who answered the survey, 76.1% were positive to wind power, 18.4% were neutral and 5.5% were negative. The survey also highlighted the attitude to wind power on one's own land. The results show that 63.8% were positive, 19% neutral and 11.7% negative. 6% of respondents did not own land.

According to landowners, the wind power landscape is primarily associated with a symbolic value, economic value, future value, environmental value and life-sustaining value.

Research paper thumbnail of Hur kunde hon bli tärna? Teoretiska perspektiv på mobbning i skolan

BTRS , 2019

The overview of bullying shows different explanations behind this behaviour. The biological expla... more The overview of bullying shows different explanations behind this behaviour. The biological explanation model describes that deviant people are bullied (Granström 2007: 48-49). The social-psychological explanation model describes that bullying is linked to processes where people seek roles and identities in social contexts. Those who are left then get the role of scapegoat or pickpocket (Granström 2007: 49-50). According to explanatory models, bullying is based on previous wrong learning processes. The importance of behaving empathetically and morally has, for example, been hidden away. (Granström 2007: 50-51). According to the psychoanalytic explanatory model, the bully comes from problematic home conditions. Risk factors are parents who are punitive, authoritarian, inconsistent, disinterested, absent or dismissive. The bullies are already so oppressed that they can not cope with more subordination. They take on bullying to end up in a higher hierarchy (Granström 2007: 51-52). According to the group psychological explanation model, bullying is a consequence of unclear leadership (Granström 2007: 52-53). According to the value pedagogical explanation model, bullying is due to the fact that role models have taken a passive stance when it comes to values that are important in counteracting bullying. The values of tolerance, equal value, etc. are not highlighted (Granström 2007: 54). Bullying can also be linked to stigma. Erving Goffman describes stigma as a characteristic of a person that diminishes him in the eyes of others and makes him a spotted person, a person you can not count on (Ekerwald & Säftröm, 2012: 54).

Research paper thumbnail of Vindkraftlandskapets symbolik och associationer

BTRS PAPER 2021:1, 2021

The purpose of this article is to shed light on what the local population in Norrland associates ... more The purpose of this article is to shed light on what the local population in Norrland associates the wind power landscape with and the symbolism this is connected to. The first survey reached about 150 representatives of heritage associations in Norrland and 52 people answered the survey. In connection with the second field study an electronic survey was conducted that focused on actors in tourism, sports and outdoor life. It was sent out to 234 organizations and 51 responses were received. Field surveys were also distributed to about 100 organizations and 46 respondents sent back the questionnaire. The results indicate that the wind power landscape is primarily associated with environmental and sustainable development. Thereafter, it is associated with a disturbing phenomenon on the landscape. Quite a few also considered that the wind power landscape is linked to innovation and technological development as well as reduced oil dependence. It was not so clear that the wind power landscape would be associated with long-term solutions and only a small proportion of the respondents agreed that it was associated with liveliness and something backward. The wind power landscape is thus embedded with deeper dimensions of meanings and symbolisms.

Research paper thumbnail of Åsikter om vindkraft i Norrland

Åsikter om vindkraft i Norrland , 2021

The overall purpose of the present study is to shed light on local perspectives on wind power in Norrland in Sweden. Special emphasis is placed on clarifying opinions through a qualitative method. Three electronic surveys were conducted to achieve an overall picture of the complexity of public opinion. The first focused on heritage associations and it was sent to about 150 representants. 52 association representants answered the survey. The second electronic survey focused on actors in tourism, sports and outdoor life, and was sent out to 234 organizations. After a second mailing, 51 responses had been received. The third electronic survey was sent out to 159 landowners and after a second mailing, 44 respondents had answered the questionnaire. During field studies in Arvidsjaur, Skellefteå Jokkmokk, Gällivare and Kiruna 2017 and 2018, field surveys were distributed. A total of 570 questionnaires were distributed to 94 organizations. 28 women and 18 men in different age groups sent back the survey. The qualitative surveys show that there into some extent is a negative attitude towards wind power establishment in Norrland. The region is not suitable for wind power because it threatens unique values there such as the untouched wilderness, the idyll of the countryside and the silence. The Northern regions are also considered an unsuitable region for locating wind power because ice is easily moulded at the turbines. As elsewhere, wind power can also affect the environment, outdoor life and biodiversity. Wind power may also have negative effects on the landscape and human health, according to the respondents. It was explicitly stated that wind power should not be located in Norrland where there is no need for additional electricity production. There were also expressions that wind power on a smaller scale is positive, but that it must be anchored locally. Overall, landowners expressed more positive comments than other respondents.

Research paper thumbnail of What is postmodernism

Liberated Research Paper in Progress , 2020

This paper defines the concept postmodernism. Jean-François Lyotard's "La Condition postmodern" (... more This paper defines the concept postmodernism. Jean-François Lyotard's "La Condition postmodern" (1979) had an important role for forming the concept postmodernism. Lyotard saw this an era when the “great stories" are over. No religions, metaphysical systems or ideologies gain longer public confidence. Under postmodern conditions, there are only partial, subjective and individual truths. It also means that believing in the "modern project" is lost. Science, technology and rationality, have become questioned as and criticized for producing a subjective knowledge that is relative in its character. According to many of its theorists, postmodernism is associated with multiculturalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Utforska min kulturgeografi

Länk till blogg, 2021

Geografi betyder i grunden jordbeskrivning. Människan har sedan länge velat kartlägga jordklotet ... more Geografi betyder i grunden jordbeskrivning. Människan har sedan länge velat kartlägga jordklotet och lära sig mer om omgivningen. Efter den vetenskapliga revolutionen medverkade Alexander Humboldt och Carl Ritter till att geografiämnet utvecklades.

Geografiämnet präglas av ett rumsligt perspektiv vilket innebär att följande frågor analyseras: Vad finns på jordytan? Var finns det någon stans? Varför just där? Vidare analyseras rumsliga skillnader samt spännvidden mellan det unika och det generella inom och mellan olika regioner. Inom ämnet fokuseras också samhällsfenomen i ett rumsligt perspektiv och relationen mellan människa och landskap.

Det är i grunden en empirisk vetenskap som fokuserar den fysiska miljön. Ansatsen kännetecknas av att vara holistisk då både natur och kultur integreras och förklaringar söks utifrån kontexten.

Från början var geografi ett syntesämne med gräns-överskridande position mellan natur- och samhällsvetenskapen vid universiteten. I takt med att forskningen blev mer specialiserad blev dock denna ansats för komplex och holistisk. Därför delades ämnet upp i:

*Naturgeografi (studerar hur naturlandskapet skapats, förändras och påverkas samt hur det är sammansatt och uppbyggt.)
*Kulturgeografi (studerar samhället i ett rumsligt perspektiv, hur människan påverkar landskapet, hur vi organiserar oss i rummet, sammanbindning mellan regioner o.s.v.)

Kulturgeografi har utvecklats från den empiriskt präglade regionalgeografin till att fokusera forskning som leder till generella kunskaper och teoriutveckling. Vetenskapliga metoder och ansatser har influerat ämnet. Idag finns flera olika inriktningar inom kulturgeografi såsom historisk geografi, humanistisk geografi, miljögeografi, regionalgeografi, utvecklingsgeografi, transport/ mobilitetsgeografi, befolkningsgeografi, beteendegeografi, tidsgeografi, landskapsgeografi, politisk geografi, ekonomisk geografi och feministisk geografi.

När jag skriver "utforska min geografi" som rubrik betonas att de delar av ämnet som jag själv forskat och/eller undervisat inom behandlas i denna blogg.

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