Kristina Toplak - (original) (raw)
Papers by Kristina Toplak
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012
Posted workers La condizione dei lavoratori in distacco transnazionale in Europa
Slovenia is one of the main sending states when it comes to posting of workers to provide service... more Slovenia is one of the main sending states when it comes to posting of workers to provide services in the EU Member States. A significant percentage of those workers are third country nationals (TCN) coming from the Western Balkans countries, particularly from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The chapter first outlines the scale and characteristics of posting of workers from Slovenia based on the analysis of issued A1 forms and then moves on to explore the persistent trend of TCN posting, focusing primarily on safety and health concerns related to workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The discussion builds on the insights provided by representatives of the national policymaking and enforcement authorities, including ministries of labour, labour inspectorates and public employment agencies, posted workers, trade unions and employers’ organizations, NGOs, and research institutions in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Two Homelands, 2017
Mobility, especially labour mobility, is being promoted and highly praised as an economic and pol... more Mobility, especially labour mobility, is being promoted and highly praised as an economic and political cornerstone of the European Union, essential for its future development and growth. At the same time, people on the move are faced with many impediments to mobility, artists active in transnational art worlds being particularly vulnerable in this respect. Analysing and comparing various written sources (text and hypertext), the author focuses on the international mobility of artists in and to the European Union. The aim of the article is twofold: to outline artists’ mobility as a particular type of mobility, and to highlight the divergences between praising of the mobility concept on the decision-making level and the ‘naturalization’ of mobility in academic discourse on one side and the critical assessment of artists’ mobility and impediments to it by art practitioners and experts on the other.
Dve Domovini, 2005
The contribution deals with artistic creativity in the context of international migrations. In th... more The contribution deals with artistic creativity in the context of international migrations. In the first part, emphasis is on creativity as a psychological, social, anthropological category and its linkages with migrations. The second part brings in detail the theory of creativity called the theory of the six Ps, which the author partially applies to the concrete migration situation of Slovenians in Germany.
Two Homelands
V članku avtorji sprva predstavijo pravno ozadje napotitev, ki določa statusnopravno opredelitev ... more V članku avtorji sprva predstavijo pravno ozadje napotitev, ki določa statusnopravno opredelitev čezmejnega dela oziroma opravljanja začasnega dela v državi članici Evropske unije ali Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, ki ni država, v kateri delavec običajno dela. V nadaljevanju se na primeru napotitev iz Slovenije dotaknejo težav in vprašanj, ki jih ta statusno pravna kategorija čezmejnega opravljanja dela oziroma storitev prinaša v praksi. S konkretnimi primeri obravnavajo dve področji sistemskih problemov – administrativno in izvršilno. Izhodišče članka je, da napotitve v različnih državah EU odpirajo različne specifične probleme in vprašanja, povezana s posebnostmi na trgu dela, specifično delovno, socialno idr. zakonodajo, z delovanjem pristojnih institucij in njihovim medsebojnim sodelovanjem.
The welfare state and its impact on emigration: The case of Slovenia The article provides an impo... more The welfare state and its impact on emigration: The case of Slovenia The article provides an important but often overlooked insight into the links between welfare state generosity and increased emigration. The complexity of establishing this connection requires careful methodological planning and is an ambitious undertaking that is beyond the scope of this article. The purpose is rather to outline the simultaneously emerging trends in decreasing social expenditure and rising emigration rates and point out the challenges and pitfalls in linking the two phenomena. The authors develop their argumentation on the case of Slovenia. Povzetek V članku je predstavljen pomemben, a premalokrat poudarjen razmislek o povezavi med drža-vo blaginje in povečanim izseljevanjem. Kompleksnost vzpostavljanja te povezave sicer zahteva poglobljeno metodološko načrtovanje in je ambiciozni podvig, ki presega doseg tega prispevka. Tako se prispevek osredinja predvsem na oris in problematizacijo sočasno pora...
Dve Domovini, 2009
The authors deal with the impact of migration, demographic and ethnic dynamics on employment in t... more The authors deal with the impact of migration, demographic and ethnic dynamics on employment in the Slovenian Army in connection with the contemporary dimensions of patriotism. The authors argue that the Slovenian Army as an employment organization is not prepared to adapt to contemporary social change, and is fostering traditional social values as army values. These are incongruent with contemporary social values among Slovenian youth. In their discussion the authors refer to the employment policy of the Slovenian Army that restricts the employment of immigrants/residents in Slovenia without Slovenian citizenship and people with dual citizenship on the basis of patriotism. Therefore, they put the so-called military values and especially patriotism under scrutiny. Conception of patriotism as authoritarian has a negative impact on the representative role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in Slovenian society, and in consequence also discredits its legitimacy. The negative role of the armed forces in Slovenian society is diminishing people's interest in seeking employment in it.
Two Homelands
The COVID-19 pandemic and the government measures to curb it in the past two years have had a sig... more The COVID-19 pandemic and the government measures to curb it in the past two years have had a significant impact on the mobility of workers within the EU. In this article, we analyze the measures adopted by the Slovenian government and the governments of some neighboring countries in the first half of 2020 and examine how these have affected international mobile workers. We identified the economic and social risks to which workers have been exposed following their return to Slovenia or while working in neighboring countries. Such risks were largely due to inconsistently adopted measures on an international level and the adoption of measures at short notice.
Ethnologists have already researched many fields related to Slovene emigrants. Nevertheless, some... more Ethnologists have already researched many fields related to Slovene emigrants. Nevertheless, some of the numerous themes have yet to be researched, among others the plastics arts among the emigrants. This study is a first attempt to shed light on this hardly known segment of cultural and artistic activities among these emigrants. In ethnological terms, research into the plastic arts is a major challenge as it opens up questions on the connections between the plastic arts and the way of living, the influence of the environment and, last but not least, the expression and preservation of a cultural identity. The A. sketches the way of living of plastic artists in Australia, their works of art, and the issue of expressing ethnic identity.
Dve Domovini-two Homelands, 2004
The contribution attempts to problematize the returning of Slovenes to source environment. Connec... more The contribution attempts to problematize the returning of Slovenes to source environment. Connected with it are motives and causes of returning. The central question is connected with the perception of integration of return migrants into Slovene society. Through difficulties returnees alleged in questionnaires and interviews, an approximate image of that perception demonstrates.
Dve Domovini-two Homelands, 2003
The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos... more The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos Aires presents one of the three attempts to establish art education among Slovene emigrants all over the world. Differently from the other two, which were projects if individual artists, the mentioned is a collective emigrant project based on the model of European art colleges. The founders of the school, particularly the SKA leadership, wished to preserve the continuity of Slovene art tradition and indirectly influence through art on cultural and especially ethnic perception of Slovene emigrants. The outlines of activity of the school and of the position of art within the frame of the SKA are given on the basis of publications in the SKA gazette - GLAS Slovenske kulturne akcije, individual narrations of students, notes by Marijan Marolt, and other sources. Acknowledged artists were giving lessons at the SKA art school: the painters Bara Remec and Milan Volovsek, sculptor France Ahcin, ...
The problem this text sets out to examine can be described as the social consequences of the lega... more The problem this text sets out to examine can be described as the social consequences of the legal encoding of the Slovenian nation and its membership versus citizenry in the Slovenian post-independence constitution and laws, illustrated by two cases in which the conflict between the two came into full play. What is the nation, what is its relationship to the state, who are its members, what is the relationship between belonging to the nation, and being a citizen; and finally, what are the possible relationships between the members of the nation that live outside the Slovenian state, and the said state? These seemingly legalistic questions that every modern state defines on the basis of empirical and practical insights into its population have, in their application, entirely practical consequences for the lives of the people. In Slovenia, the people who are deemed members of the Slovenian nation, whether living in Slovenia or not, are privileged in both the constitution and legislat...
Zwischenräume der Migration
Traditiones Institut Za Slovensko Narodopisje Ljubljana, 2008
Two Homelands
Avtorica v članku analizira življenje Bare Remec – umetnice, učiteljice, begunke, planinke, filan... more Avtorica v članku analizira življenje Bare Remec – umetnice, učiteljice, begunke, planinke, filantropinje, ženske, in to od otroštva in mladosti v Ljubljani ter izobraževanja v Zagrebu do begunstva in konca življenja v Barilochah v Argentini. Biografski portret sloni na številnih virih, med katerimi je le malo intervjujev z umetnico in prvoosebnih zapisov njenih sodobnikov. Poleg metodoloških izzivov med pisanjem biografskega portreta avtorica postavlja v ospredje umetničin življenjski potek, ki ga je pisala s pomočjo manj znanih podatkov o odvisnosti Bare Remec od migracije ter spolne in identitetne definiranosti njenega časa.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012
Posted workers La condizione dei lavoratori in distacco transnazionale in Europa
Slovenia is one of the main sending states when it comes to posting of workers to provide service... more Slovenia is one of the main sending states when it comes to posting of workers to provide services in the EU Member States. A significant percentage of those workers are third country nationals (TCN) coming from the Western Balkans countries, particularly from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The chapter first outlines the scale and characteristics of posting of workers from Slovenia based on the analysis of issued A1 forms and then moves on to explore the persistent trend of TCN posting, focusing primarily on safety and health concerns related to workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The discussion builds on the insights provided by representatives of the national policymaking and enforcement authorities, including ministries of labour, labour inspectorates and public employment agencies, posted workers, trade unions and employers’ organizations, NGOs, and research institutions in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Two Homelands, 2017
Mobility, especially labour mobility, is being promoted and highly praised as an economic and pol... more Mobility, especially labour mobility, is being promoted and highly praised as an economic and political cornerstone of the European Union, essential for its future development and growth. At the same time, people on the move are faced with many impediments to mobility, artists active in transnational art worlds being particularly vulnerable in this respect. Analysing and comparing various written sources (text and hypertext), the author focuses on the international mobility of artists in and to the European Union. The aim of the article is twofold: to outline artists’ mobility as a particular type of mobility, and to highlight the divergences between praising of the mobility concept on the decision-making level and the ‘naturalization’ of mobility in academic discourse on one side and the critical assessment of artists’ mobility and impediments to it by art practitioners and experts on the other.
Dve Domovini, 2005
The contribution deals with artistic creativity in the context of international migrations. In th... more The contribution deals with artistic creativity in the context of international migrations. In the first part, emphasis is on creativity as a psychological, social, anthropological category and its linkages with migrations. The second part brings in detail the theory of creativity called the theory of the six Ps, which the author partially applies to the concrete migration situation of Slovenians in Germany.
Two Homelands
V članku avtorji sprva predstavijo pravno ozadje napotitev, ki določa statusnopravno opredelitev ... more V članku avtorji sprva predstavijo pravno ozadje napotitev, ki določa statusnopravno opredelitev čezmejnega dela oziroma opravljanja začasnega dela v državi članici Evropske unije ali Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, ki ni država, v kateri delavec običajno dela. V nadaljevanju se na primeru napotitev iz Slovenije dotaknejo težav in vprašanj, ki jih ta statusno pravna kategorija čezmejnega opravljanja dela oziroma storitev prinaša v praksi. S konkretnimi primeri obravnavajo dve področji sistemskih problemov – administrativno in izvršilno. Izhodišče članka je, da napotitve v različnih državah EU odpirajo različne specifične probleme in vprašanja, povezana s posebnostmi na trgu dela, specifično delovno, socialno idr. zakonodajo, z delovanjem pristojnih institucij in njihovim medsebojnim sodelovanjem.
The welfare state and its impact on emigration: The case of Slovenia The article provides an impo... more The welfare state and its impact on emigration: The case of Slovenia The article provides an important but often overlooked insight into the links between welfare state generosity and increased emigration. The complexity of establishing this connection requires careful methodological planning and is an ambitious undertaking that is beyond the scope of this article. The purpose is rather to outline the simultaneously emerging trends in decreasing social expenditure and rising emigration rates and point out the challenges and pitfalls in linking the two phenomena. The authors develop their argumentation on the case of Slovenia. Povzetek V članku je predstavljen pomemben, a premalokrat poudarjen razmislek o povezavi med drža-vo blaginje in povečanim izseljevanjem. Kompleksnost vzpostavljanja te povezave sicer zahteva poglobljeno metodološko načrtovanje in je ambiciozni podvig, ki presega doseg tega prispevka. Tako se prispevek osredinja predvsem na oris in problematizacijo sočasno pora...
Dve Domovini, 2009
The authors deal with the impact of migration, demographic and ethnic dynamics on employment in t... more The authors deal with the impact of migration, demographic and ethnic dynamics on employment in the Slovenian Army in connection with the contemporary dimensions of patriotism. The authors argue that the Slovenian Army as an employment organization is not prepared to adapt to contemporary social change, and is fostering traditional social values as army values. These are incongruent with contemporary social values among Slovenian youth. In their discussion the authors refer to the employment policy of the Slovenian Army that restricts the employment of immigrants/residents in Slovenia without Slovenian citizenship and people with dual citizenship on the basis of patriotism. Therefore, they put the so-called military values and especially patriotism under scrutiny. Conception of patriotism as authoritarian has a negative impact on the representative role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in Slovenian society, and in consequence also discredits its legitimacy. The negative role of the armed forces in Slovenian society is diminishing people's interest in seeking employment in it.
Two Homelands
The COVID-19 pandemic and the government measures to curb it in the past two years have had a sig... more The COVID-19 pandemic and the government measures to curb it in the past two years have had a significant impact on the mobility of workers within the EU. In this article, we analyze the measures adopted by the Slovenian government and the governments of some neighboring countries in the first half of 2020 and examine how these have affected international mobile workers. We identified the economic and social risks to which workers have been exposed following their return to Slovenia or while working in neighboring countries. Such risks were largely due to inconsistently adopted measures on an international level and the adoption of measures at short notice.
Ethnologists have already researched many fields related to Slovene emigrants. Nevertheless, some... more Ethnologists have already researched many fields related to Slovene emigrants. Nevertheless, some of the numerous themes have yet to be researched, among others the plastics arts among the emigrants. This study is a first attempt to shed light on this hardly known segment of cultural and artistic activities among these emigrants. In ethnological terms, research into the plastic arts is a major challenge as it opens up questions on the connections between the plastic arts and the way of living, the influence of the environment and, last but not least, the expression and preservation of a cultural identity. The A. sketches the way of living of plastic artists in Australia, their works of art, and the issue of expressing ethnic identity.
Dve Domovini-two Homelands, 2004
The contribution attempts to problematize the returning of Slovenes to source environment. Connec... more The contribution attempts to problematize the returning of Slovenes to source environment. Connected with it are motives and causes of returning. The central question is connected with the perception of integration of return migrants into Slovene society. Through difficulties returnees alleged in questionnaires and interviews, an approximate image of that perception demonstrates.
Dve Domovini-two Homelands, 2003
The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos... more The Art school of the Slovenska kulturna akcija, which was active between 1995 and 1960 in Buenos Aires presents one of the three attempts to establish art education among Slovene emigrants all over the world. Differently from the other two, which were projects if individual artists, the mentioned is a collective emigrant project based on the model of European art colleges. The founders of the school, particularly the SKA leadership, wished to preserve the continuity of Slovene art tradition and indirectly influence through art on cultural and especially ethnic perception of Slovene emigrants. The outlines of activity of the school and of the position of art within the frame of the SKA are given on the basis of publications in the SKA gazette - GLAS Slovenske kulturne akcije, individual narrations of students, notes by Marijan Marolt, and other sources. Acknowledged artists were giving lessons at the SKA art school: the painters Bara Remec and Milan Volovsek, sculptor France Ahcin, ...
The problem this text sets out to examine can be described as the social consequences of the lega... more The problem this text sets out to examine can be described as the social consequences of the legal encoding of the Slovenian nation and its membership versus citizenry in the Slovenian post-independence constitution and laws, illustrated by two cases in which the conflict between the two came into full play. What is the nation, what is its relationship to the state, who are its members, what is the relationship between belonging to the nation, and being a citizen; and finally, what are the possible relationships between the members of the nation that live outside the Slovenian state, and the said state? These seemingly legalistic questions that every modern state defines on the basis of empirical and practical insights into its population have, in their application, entirely practical consequences for the lives of the people. In Slovenia, the people who are deemed members of the Slovenian nation, whether living in Slovenia or not, are privileged in both the constitution and legislat...
Zwischenräume der Migration
Traditiones Institut Za Slovensko Narodopisje Ljubljana, 2008
Two Homelands
Avtorica v članku analizira življenje Bare Remec – umetnice, učiteljice, begunke, planinke, filan... more Avtorica v članku analizira življenje Bare Remec – umetnice, učiteljice, begunke, planinke, filantropinje, ženske, in to od otroštva in mladosti v Ljubljani ter izobraževanja v Zagrebu do begunstva in konca življenja v Barilochah v Argentini. Biografski portret sloni na številnih virih, med katerimi je le malo intervjujev z umetnico in prvoosebnih zapisov njenih sodobnikov. Poleg metodoloških izzivov med pisanjem biografskega portreta avtorica postavlja v ospredje umetničin življenjski potek, ki ga je pisala s pomočjo manj znanih podatkov o odvisnosti Bare Remec od migracije ter spolne in identitetne definiranosti njenega časa.