Krzysztof Marczewski - (original) (raw)
Papers by Krzysztof Marczewski
Diametros, Mar 1, 2009
W języku łacińskim czasownik citare oznaczał już w starożytności powoływanie się na wcześniejszyc... more W języku łacińskim czasownik citare oznaczał już w starożytności powoływanie się na wcześniejszych autorów i ich przytaczanie 1 . Od tego czasownika utworzono rzeczownik citatio. Formę czasownikową przyswoiły sobie w XVI wieku języki niemiecki, francuski, polski, angielski (w którym poza terminem citation występuje także quotation) 2 .
Endocrine Abstracts, 2015
Przegla̧d lekarski, 2007
Contemporary medicine, together with the increase in invasiveness into the patient's body, ex... more Contemporary medicine, together with the increase in invasiveness into the patient's body, exerts mounting pressure on state institutions and medical chambers aiming at the development of suitable regulations protecting patients against excessive interference with their bodies and psyche, and also allowing for their full autonomy. A gradual shift in the doctors' behaviour from a paternalistic approach towards partnership becomes more apparent. Its purpose is to take shared decisions concerning diagnostic methods and treatment. This process is best noticed when it comes to the issue of taking medical measures after obtaining patient's conscious agreement. The term 'conscious agreement' emerged in the legal terminology fairly late, in 1957, during the lawsuit Salgo vs. Leland Stanford Junior University Board of Trustees. Much later it found its place in the legal regulations concerning everyday medical routines. The fundamental factor of the patient's autonomy ...
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), 2012
Some lawful procedures are morally controversial and this situation can sometimes provoke conflic... more Some lawful procedures are morally controversial and this situation can sometimes provoke conflicts between patients and physicians (conscience clause problem). The aim of our survey was to collect opinions about medical procedures that are accepted by Polish law and unaccepted by the Catholic Church--dominating denomination in Poland, and analyzing conditions determining these opinions. Cross sectional study. An anonymous survey was distributed among 528 physicians who work in public hospitals in eastern Poland (turn = 61%). The sample consist of: 51% women, 49% men; 52% work AT surgical wards, 48% at non-surgical wards; average work period: 17.03 years (SD = 10.73; min. = 1, max. = 45); 93% Catholics; average religiosity (measured by the Scale of Religious Attitudes): M = 5.47 (SD = 1.01; min. = 1.60, max. = 6.80). The questionnaire contained questions about: hormonal contraceptives, artificial fertilization, abortion in the case of rape and fetus defect. The majority of responden...
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 2012
Many religions underline the value of merciful acts, especially the care of the sick. The aim of ... more Many religions underline the value of merciful acts, especially the care of the sick. The aim of the survey was to verify the hypothesis that a higher religiosity correlates with a more desirable ethical attitude towards patients. An anonymous questionnaire consisting of standardized tools: Scale of Attitudes towards the Patient (SAtP) (four dimensions: respect for autonomy, altruism, empathy and holistic approach to a patient), the Scale of Religious Attitudes (SReAt) evaluating the religiosity, and some questions related to the role of religious beliefs in respondents' professional lives. The research was carried out on a group of 528 Polish physicians, 324 of whom returned the questionnaire (return = 61%); 51% women, 49% men; average work experience: 17.03 years; 93% Catholics. Religiosity correlates positively with altruism (r=0.12; p<0.05), holistic approach (r=0.18; p<0.01) and empathy (r=0.20; p<0.01), but not with respect for autonomy. For the majority of physic...
Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 2005
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), 1996
The self-control is the important item in hypertension treatment. The results of blood pressure m... more The self-control is the important item in hypertension treatment. The results of blood pressure measurements were received by using various types using different of oscillometric equipment (thumb, wrist and arm manket) and compared with the outcomes of mercury sphygmomanometer which was used in the same trial. The satisfactory correlation of results from different types of equipment was confirmed with the exception of the thumb oscillometric apparatus results.
New England Journal of Medicine, 2009
Archives of Medical Science, 2011
Introduction: The dynamic development of biobanks causes some ethical, social, and legal problems... more Introduction: The dynamic development of biobanks causes some ethical, social, and legal problems. The most discussed problems are obtaining informed consent, especially for future research, from minors and from deceased people. The aim of this article is to present the current standards held by Polish biobanks concerning obtaining a participant's informed consent in some aspects. Material and methods: Survey was carried out by anonymous questionnaire among 59 institutions which deal with the collecting and storage of human cells and tissues in the year 2008. Twenty four filled-in copies of the questionnaires were sent back (return = 41%). Results: Almost every institution (92%) obtains written consent, but a third of the surveyed institutions (29%) do not obtain consent for the future use of the samples. The majority of the respondents (83%) support the idea of using biological materials for research purposes of a donor who died if he did not leave any written objection to such practices and 46% of respondents stated that biobanks should obtain the consent from the already mature donor who gave their samples as a child. Conclusions: The practice and rules for obtaining informed consent for the scientific research require improvement. The possibility to use the human materials in the future, conditions for getting access to the data, the possibility of their withdrawal from the database and using the materials and data after the death of the donor should be clearly determined when the informed consent to collect the material is obtained.
The American Journal of Medicine, 1968
1 Roszczenie wrongful life tłumaczy się w polskim piśmiennictwie jako roszczenie z tytułu złego ... more 1 Roszczenie wrongful life tłumaczy się w polskim piśmiennictwie jako roszczenie z tytułu złego życia. Angielskie wyrażenie pochodzi od wcześniejszego wyrażenia prawniczego wrongful death tłumaczonego jako bezprawne spowodowanie śmierci. Analogicznie można by ...
Biobanks create new opportunities for the public health (Public Health Genomics) but need some re... more Biobanks create new opportunities for the public health (Public Health Genomics) but need some regulations. Polish biobanks are in the phase of dynamic transformations aiming at integrating their activity and adjusting them to the international standards. The aim of this article is to present the current standards held in the most important Polish institutions collecting biological samples. A survey was conducted by the questionnaire filled by managers and directors of 24 Polish biobanks. Questions concerned obtaining patient informed consent (also a consent to some future researches and access to dates by other organizations), protection of privacy, storage of the samples and the relevant information, the opinion related to the need of establishing Polish national DNA data bank and possibilities of the scientific international cooperation. The written consent to carry out research on the samples is obtained almost everywhere, but 29% of biabanks does not acquire the consent for the future usage of the samples. Almost all inquired banks (93%, n = 22) declare the willingness to start an international cooperation. Most of respondents support the idea of establishing the Polish national DNA bank by the fusion of the already existing banks. The inquiry findings point that the current biobanks procedures do not differ to any relevant degree from procedures applied in the West European countries. Many of Polish biobanking organizations are willing to cooperate with foreign sites. It may enhance the European biobanking network and gene-environmental research.
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, Oct 1, 2004
Unstable angina in chronically haemodialysed patients has poor clinical outcome. Surgical treatme... more Unstable angina in chronically haemodialysed patients has poor clinical outcome. Surgical treatment of these patients is a procedure of high risk. According to guidelines left main coronary artery stenosis is the indication for by-pass grafting. In some cases the alternative to surgical treatment could become percutaneous coronary intervention. We present the case of the patient in which we have perform multivessel percutaneous coronary angioplasties including left main coronary artery.
Diabetologia Kliniczna, 2010
Efektywność fizjoterapii chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 z bólami dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa Effective... more Efektywność fizjoterapii chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 z bólami dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa Effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and low back pain STRESZCZENIE WSTĘP. Skuteczność leczenia w medycynie to uzyskanie poprawy stanu pacjenta w konsekwencji optymalnej terapii. Właściwe ukierunkowanie działań rehabilitacyjnych wiąże się z poznaniem przyczyń zespołu bólowego L-S oraz dostosowaniem działań do specyfiki chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Odpowiednia modyfikacja postępowania pozwoli na uzyskanie maksymalnej skuteczności leczenia. Zdefiniowanie skuteczności rehabilitacji jest zagadnieniem niezwykle ważnym i niezbadanym. Wymaga wnikliwej analizy i wszechstronnej znajomości psychofizyczności człowieka. Niezbędne jest więc doskonalenie wiedzy dotyczącej nowych wytycznych procesu rehabilitacyjnego. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie czynników determinujących skuteczność rehabilitacji w odniesieniu do pacjentów z zespołem bólowym kręgosłupa L-S chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto grup 300 osób z bólami odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego spowodowanego: zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi, dyskopatią, bólami przeciążeniowymi lub kręgozmykiem z zespołem metabolicznym, leczonych w Zamojskiej Klinice Rehabilitacji Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Administra-cji w Zamościu w okresie od maja 2009 roku do marca 2010 roku. WYNIKI. Poprawa możliwości poruszania się u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywana z poprawą u pacjentów bez cukrzycy. Zmniejszenie natężenia dolegliwości bólowych u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywalne do poprawy u osób bez tej choroby. Polepszenie jakości życia u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywalne z poprawą u pacjentów bez cukrzycy. WNIOSKI. Chorzy na cukrzycę nie różnili się istotnie statystycznie w odczuciu poprawy w zakresie bólu, lokomocji i jakości życia od pacjentów bez cukrzycy. Cukrzyca typu 2 nie jest czynnikiem determinującym skuteczność rehabilitacji w odniesieniu do subiektywnych odczuć pacjentów z bólami L-S kręgosłupa. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 210-215) Słowa kluczowe: skuteczność rehabilitacji, bóle dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa, cukrzyca typu 2
Wiadomości Lekarskie, Feb 1, 2006
Chronic nutrition deficiencies, economic or cultural in their nature are one of the most often re... more Chronic nutrition deficiencies, economic or cultural in their nature are one of the most often reason ofanaemia. From the other hand various diet restrictions may lead to different nutrition deficiencies. The occurrence of anaemia caused by diet restrictions is relatively rare among Catholics in Poland. We present a case of 51 years old woman with severe anaemia (Hgb 2.48 mmol/l), occasionally diagnosed. Anaemia occurred 20 years after she took a pledge never to eat meat. The aim of her oath was the begging for grace and quitting alcoholism by her husband, a habitual alcoholic. The iron and vitamin B12 supplementation led to quick improvement of hematological parameters.
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, Aug 1, 2004
Jacques Caroli for the first time described in the year 1958, cavernous dilatation of the hepatic... more Jacques Caroli for the first time described in the year 1958, cavernous dilatation of the hepatic bile ducts. It&amp;#39;s the rare abnormality; there have been reported less than 200 cases until now. The disease is caused by defects in the genetic program which are transmitted in an autosomal recessive way. There are two basic types of the disease: focal (so called. &amp;quot;simple type&amp;quot;) and diffuse, embracing entire bile tree. Both types maybe associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis and then the abnormality is usually called &amp;quot;Grumbach disease&amp;quot;. There is an excessive risk of cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) in patients with Caroli&amp;#39;s disease. Dominant symptoms are due to recurrent cholangitis, sometimes with signs of portal hypertension. Basic treatment is hepatic resection (focal form) and internal bypass of the biliary tree (diffuse form). The prognosis of the disease is reserved one.
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960)
In 6 patients treated with repeated peritoneal dialyses 48-hour ECG monitoring was carried out. I... more In 6 patients treated with repeated peritoneal dialyses 48-hour ECG monitoring was carried out. In no patient significant heart rhythm disturbances were demonstrated during the dialysis and 24 hours after its completion. On the ground of pathological results of Valsalva's manoeuvre function disturbances of the autonomic nervous system were disclosed but these showed no correlation with premature ventricular and supraventricular++ ectopic beats appearing periodically in some patients. The study showed that under conditions of sufficient control of electrolyte balance (especially potassium) the patients treated with peritoneal dialyses are not a group at risk for arrhythmia development.
Endocrine Abstracts, 2015
Otolaryngologia polska. The Polish otolaryngology, 2000
In this study was remain biography of two pioneers of polish laryngology--Teodor Heryng and Leopo... more In this study was remain biography of two pioneers of polish laryngology--Teodor Heryng and Leopold Lubliner. The first laryngological subdivision in Warsaw was localised in St. Roch hospital. The first full equipment laryngological division where was open in Jewish hospital.
Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 1996
Microproteinuria is a recognized sign of early nephropathy in the course of arterial hypertension... more Microproteinuria is a recognized sign of early nephropathy in the course of arterial hypertension. There is few data concerning the excretion of proteins other than albumin in this group of patients. The aim of the study was to examine circadian rhythm of alfa-l-microglobulin (AlMG), albumin (ALB), immunoglobulin G (IgG) excretion and N-acetyl-beta-glukosaminidase (beta NAG)-activity, then to compare the results with the results of 24 hour ambulatory monitoring of arterial blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension. The study comprised 28 patients. The control group included 27 healthy volunteers. Albumin concentration was determined by Beckman ICS2 nephelometer, using Beckman and Dako reagents. Blood pressure and ECG were monitored by analysis with ABP-system (AMP-USA). In patients with arterial hypertension significantly higher levels of ALB, AlMG, IgG and increased beta NAG activity were observed in morning urine samples. Despite hypotensive treatment blood pressure va...
Diametros, Mar 1, 2009
W języku łacińskim czasownik citare oznaczał już w starożytności powoływanie się na wcześniejszyc... more W języku łacińskim czasownik citare oznaczał już w starożytności powoływanie się na wcześniejszych autorów i ich przytaczanie 1 . Od tego czasownika utworzono rzeczownik citatio. Formę czasownikową przyswoiły sobie w XVI wieku języki niemiecki, francuski, polski, angielski (w którym poza terminem citation występuje także quotation) 2 .
Endocrine Abstracts, 2015
Przegla̧d lekarski, 2007
Contemporary medicine, together with the increase in invasiveness into the patient's body, ex... more Contemporary medicine, together with the increase in invasiveness into the patient's body, exerts mounting pressure on state institutions and medical chambers aiming at the development of suitable regulations protecting patients against excessive interference with their bodies and psyche, and also allowing for their full autonomy. A gradual shift in the doctors' behaviour from a paternalistic approach towards partnership becomes more apparent. Its purpose is to take shared decisions concerning diagnostic methods and treatment. This process is best noticed when it comes to the issue of taking medical measures after obtaining patient's conscious agreement. The term 'conscious agreement' emerged in the legal terminology fairly late, in 1957, during the lawsuit Salgo vs. Leland Stanford Junior University Board of Trustees. Much later it found its place in the legal regulations concerning everyday medical routines. The fundamental factor of the patient's autonomy ...
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), 2012
Some lawful procedures are morally controversial and this situation can sometimes provoke conflic... more Some lawful procedures are morally controversial and this situation can sometimes provoke conflicts between patients and physicians (conscience clause problem). The aim of our survey was to collect opinions about medical procedures that are accepted by Polish law and unaccepted by the Catholic Church--dominating denomination in Poland, and analyzing conditions determining these opinions. Cross sectional study. An anonymous survey was distributed among 528 physicians who work in public hospitals in eastern Poland (turn = 61%). The sample consist of: 51% women, 49% men; 52% work AT surgical wards, 48% at non-surgical wards; average work period: 17.03 years (SD = 10.73; min. = 1, max. = 45); 93% Catholics; average religiosity (measured by the Scale of Religious Attitudes): M = 5.47 (SD = 1.01; min. = 1.60, max. = 6.80). The questionnaire contained questions about: hormonal contraceptives, artificial fertilization, abortion in the case of rape and fetus defect. The majority of responden...
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 2012
Many religions underline the value of merciful acts, especially the care of the sick. The aim of ... more Many religions underline the value of merciful acts, especially the care of the sick. The aim of the survey was to verify the hypothesis that a higher religiosity correlates with a more desirable ethical attitude towards patients. An anonymous questionnaire consisting of standardized tools: Scale of Attitudes towards the Patient (SAtP) (four dimensions: respect for autonomy, altruism, empathy and holistic approach to a patient), the Scale of Religious Attitudes (SReAt) evaluating the religiosity, and some questions related to the role of religious beliefs in respondents' professional lives. The research was carried out on a group of 528 Polish physicians, 324 of whom returned the questionnaire (return = 61%); 51% women, 49% men; average work experience: 17.03 years; 93% Catholics. Religiosity correlates positively with altruism (r=0.12; p<0.05), holistic approach (r=0.18; p<0.01) and empathy (r=0.20; p<0.01), but not with respect for autonomy. For the majority of physic...
Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 2005
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960), 1996
The self-control is the important item in hypertension treatment. The results of blood pressure m... more The self-control is the important item in hypertension treatment. The results of blood pressure measurements were received by using various types using different of oscillometric equipment (thumb, wrist and arm manket) and compared with the outcomes of mercury sphygmomanometer which was used in the same trial. The satisfactory correlation of results from different types of equipment was confirmed with the exception of the thumb oscillometric apparatus results.
New England Journal of Medicine, 2009
Archives of Medical Science, 2011
Introduction: The dynamic development of biobanks causes some ethical, social, and legal problems... more Introduction: The dynamic development of biobanks causes some ethical, social, and legal problems. The most discussed problems are obtaining informed consent, especially for future research, from minors and from deceased people. The aim of this article is to present the current standards held by Polish biobanks concerning obtaining a participant's informed consent in some aspects. Material and methods: Survey was carried out by anonymous questionnaire among 59 institutions which deal with the collecting and storage of human cells and tissues in the year 2008. Twenty four filled-in copies of the questionnaires were sent back (return = 41%). Results: Almost every institution (92%) obtains written consent, but a third of the surveyed institutions (29%) do not obtain consent for the future use of the samples. The majority of the respondents (83%) support the idea of using biological materials for research purposes of a donor who died if he did not leave any written objection to such practices and 46% of respondents stated that biobanks should obtain the consent from the already mature donor who gave their samples as a child. Conclusions: The practice and rules for obtaining informed consent for the scientific research require improvement. The possibility to use the human materials in the future, conditions for getting access to the data, the possibility of their withdrawal from the database and using the materials and data after the death of the donor should be clearly determined when the informed consent to collect the material is obtained.
The American Journal of Medicine, 1968
1 Roszczenie wrongful life tłumaczy się w polskim piśmiennictwie jako roszczenie z tytułu złego ... more 1 Roszczenie wrongful life tłumaczy się w polskim piśmiennictwie jako roszczenie z tytułu złego życia. Angielskie wyrażenie pochodzi od wcześniejszego wyrażenia prawniczego wrongful death tłumaczonego jako bezprawne spowodowanie śmierci. Analogicznie można by ...
Biobanks create new opportunities for the public health (Public Health Genomics) but need some re... more Biobanks create new opportunities for the public health (Public Health Genomics) but need some regulations. Polish biobanks are in the phase of dynamic transformations aiming at integrating their activity and adjusting them to the international standards. The aim of this article is to present the current standards held in the most important Polish institutions collecting biological samples. A survey was conducted by the questionnaire filled by managers and directors of 24 Polish biobanks. Questions concerned obtaining patient informed consent (also a consent to some future researches and access to dates by other organizations), protection of privacy, storage of the samples and the relevant information, the opinion related to the need of establishing Polish national DNA data bank and possibilities of the scientific international cooperation. The written consent to carry out research on the samples is obtained almost everywhere, but 29% of biabanks does not acquire the consent for the future usage of the samples. Almost all inquired banks (93%, n = 22) declare the willingness to start an international cooperation. Most of respondents support the idea of establishing the Polish national DNA bank by the fusion of the already existing banks. The inquiry findings point that the current biobanks procedures do not differ to any relevant degree from procedures applied in the West European countries. Many of Polish biobanking organizations are willing to cooperate with foreign sites. It may enhance the European biobanking network and gene-environmental research.
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, Oct 1, 2004
Unstable angina in chronically haemodialysed patients has poor clinical outcome. Surgical treatme... more Unstable angina in chronically haemodialysed patients has poor clinical outcome. Surgical treatment of these patients is a procedure of high risk. According to guidelines left main coronary artery stenosis is the indication for by-pass grafting. In some cases the alternative to surgical treatment could become percutaneous coronary intervention. We present the case of the patient in which we have perform multivessel percutaneous coronary angioplasties including left main coronary artery.
Diabetologia Kliniczna, 2010
Efektywność fizjoterapii chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 z bólami dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa Effective... more Efektywność fizjoterapii chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 z bólami dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa Effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and low back pain STRESZCZENIE WSTĘP. Skuteczność leczenia w medycynie to uzyskanie poprawy stanu pacjenta w konsekwencji optymalnej terapii. Właściwe ukierunkowanie działań rehabilitacyjnych wiąże się z poznaniem przyczyń zespołu bólowego L-S oraz dostosowaniem działań do specyfiki chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Odpowiednia modyfikacja postępowania pozwoli na uzyskanie maksymalnej skuteczności leczenia. Zdefiniowanie skuteczności rehabilitacji jest zagadnieniem niezwykle ważnym i niezbadanym. Wymaga wnikliwej analizy i wszechstronnej znajomości psychofizyczności człowieka. Niezbędne jest więc doskonalenie wiedzy dotyczącej nowych wytycznych procesu rehabilitacyjnego. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie czynników determinujących skuteczność rehabilitacji w odniesieniu do pacjentów z zespołem bólowym kręgosłupa L-S chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto grup 300 osób z bólami odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego spowodowanego: zmianami zwyrodnieniowymi, dyskopatią, bólami przeciążeniowymi lub kręgozmykiem z zespołem metabolicznym, leczonych w Zamojskiej Klinice Rehabilitacji Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Administra-cji w Zamościu w okresie od maja 2009 roku do marca 2010 roku. WYNIKI. Poprawa możliwości poruszania się u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywana z poprawą u pacjentów bez cukrzycy. Zmniejszenie natężenia dolegliwości bólowych u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywalne do poprawy u osób bez tej choroby. Polepszenie jakości życia u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 jest porównywalne z poprawą u pacjentów bez cukrzycy. WNIOSKI. Chorzy na cukrzycę nie różnili się istotnie statystycznie w odczuciu poprawy w zakresie bólu, lokomocji i jakości życia od pacjentów bez cukrzycy. Cukrzyca typu 2 nie jest czynnikiem determinującym skuteczność rehabilitacji w odniesieniu do subiektywnych odczuć pacjentów z bólami L-S kręgosłupa. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 210-215) Słowa kluczowe: skuteczność rehabilitacji, bóle dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa, cukrzyca typu 2
Wiadomości Lekarskie, Feb 1, 2006
Chronic nutrition deficiencies, economic or cultural in their nature are one of the most often re... more Chronic nutrition deficiencies, economic or cultural in their nature are one of the most often reason ofanaemia. From the other hand various diet restrictions may lead to different nutrition deficiencies. The occurrence of anaemia caused by diet restrictions is relatively rare among Catholics in Poland. We present a case of 51 years old woman with severe anaemia (Hgb 2.48 mmol/l), occasionally diagnosed. Anaemia occurred 20 years after she took a pledge never to eat meat. The aim of her oath was the begging for grace and quitting alcoholism by her husband, a habitual alcoholic. The iron and vitamin B12 supplementation led to quick improvement of hematological parameters.
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego, Aug 1, 2004
Jacques Caroli for the first time described in the year 1958, cavernous dilatation of the hepatic... more Jacques Caroli for the first time described in the year 1958, cavernous dilatation of the hepatic bile ducts. It&amp;#39;s the rare abnormality; there have been reported less than 200 cases until now. The disease is caused by defects in the genetic program which are transmitted in an autosomal recessive way. There are two basic types of the disease: focal (so called. &amp;quot;simple type&amp;quot;) and diffuse, embracing entire bile tree. Both types maybe associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis and then the abnormality is usually called &amp;quot;Grumbach disease&amp;quot;. There is an excessive risk of cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) in patients with Caroli&amp;#39;s disease. Dominant symptoms are due to recurrent cholangitis, sometimes with signs of portal hypertension. Basic treatment is hepatic resection (focal form) and internal bypass of the biliary tree (diffuse form). The prognosis of the disease is reserved one.
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960)
In 6 patients treated with repeated peritoneal dialyses 48-hour ECG monitoring was carried out. I... more In 6 patients treated with repeated peritoneal dialyses 48-hour ECG monitoring was carried out. In no patient significant heart rhythm disturbances were demonstrated during the dialysis and 24 hours after its completion. On the ground of pathological results of Valsalva's manoeuvre function disturbances of the autonomic nervous system were disclosed but these showed no correlation with premature ventricular and supraventricular++ ectopic beats appearing periodically in some patients. The study showed that under conditions of sufficient control of electrolyte balance (especially potassium) the patients treated with peritoneal dialyses are not a group at risk for arrhythmia development.
Endocrine Abstracts, 2015
Otolaryngologia polska. The Polish otolaryngology, 2000
In this study was remain biography of two pioneers of polish laryngology--Teodor Heryng and Leopo... more In this study was remain biography of two pioneers of polish laryngology--Teodor Heryng and Leopold Lubliner. The first laryngological subdivision in Warsaw was localised in St. Roch hospital. The first full equipment laryngological division where was open in Jewish hospital.
Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnętrznej, 1996
Microproteinuria is a recognized sign of early nephropathy in the course of arterial hypertension... more Microproteinuria is a recognized sign of early nephropathy in the course of arterial hypertension. There is few data concerning the excretion of proteins other than albumin in this group of patients. The aim of the study was to examine circadian rhythm of alfa-l-microglobulin (AlMG), albumin (ALB), immunoglobulin G (IgG) excretion and N-acetyl-beta-glukosaminidase (beta NAG)-activity, then to compare the results with the results of 24 hour ambulatory monitoring of arterial blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension. The study comprised 28 patients. The control group included 27 healthy volunteers. Albumin concentration was determined by Beckman ICS2 nephelometer, using Beckman and Dako reagents. Blood pressure and ECG were monitored by analysis with ABP-system (AMP-USA). In patients with arterial hypertension significantly higher levels of ALB, AlMG, IgG and increased beta NAG activity were observed in morning urine samples. Despite hypotensive treatment blood pressure va...