Kurt Jörnsten - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Kurt Jörnsten

Research paper thumbnail of Pricing the generalized assignment problem

The generalized assignment problem (GAP) examines the maximum profit assignment of jobs to proces... more The generalized assignment problem (GAP) examines the maximum profit assignment of jobs to processors such that each job is assigned to precisely one processor subject to capacity restrictions on the processors. Due to the fact that the GAP is an NP-hard integer program dual prices are not readily available. In this paper we propose a family of linear programming models the optimal solution of which is integral "almost always". We provide a computational proof of this conjecture by an in-depth experimental study of 1500 instances generated according to the standard procedure adopted in literature. Summarizing this analysis we have linear prices for all but 17 of the whole bunch of instances and, hence, there exists a linear price function that supports the optimal assignment of jobs to processors.

Research paper thumbnail of A mathematical programming model for the development of petroleum fields and transport systems

European journal of …, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model

European Journal of Operational Research

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Ability to Apply Their Knowledge in a Gaming Exercise: An Exploratory Study

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An improved Lagrangian relaxation and dual ascent approach to facility location problems

Computational Management Science, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Modellierung nichtkooperativer und kooperativer Formen der multidivisionalen Organisation mittels Linearer Programmierung

Quantitative Modelle und nachhaltige Ansätze der Unternehmungsführung, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Constructive and blocking power in collaborative transportation

Research paper thumbnail of Gravity models with multiple objectives— Theory and applications

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Solutions in the Multi-location Inventory System with Transshipments

Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2007

We consider a single-period multi-location inventory system where inventory choices at each locat... more We consider a single-period multi-location inventory system where inventory choices at each location are centrally coordinated. Transshipments are allowed as recourse actions in order to reduce the cost of shortage or surplus inventory after demands are realized. This problem has not been solved to optimality before for more than two locations with general cost parameters. In this paper we present

Research paper thumbnail of A long range forestry planning problem with multiple objectives

European Journal of Operational Research, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of A new Lagrangian relaxation approach to the generalized assignment problem

European Journal of Operational Research, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium prices supported by dual price functions in markets with non-convexities

European Journal of Operational Research, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Benefits from coordinating congestion management—The Nordic power market

Energy Policy, 2007

We consider the possibility of improving the utilization of the capacity of the Nordic transmissi... more We consider the possibility of improving the utilization of the capacity of the Nordic transmission grid, by improving on the methods for congestion management. We use a simplified model of the Nordic power market, and different load-scenarios are developed in order to illustrate the effects. By improving the coordination of the system operator function, we may achieve that the actual

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling petroleum fields with movable platforms

Applied Mathematical Modelling, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of A bilinear approach to the pooling problem†

Research paper thumbnail of A decomposition approach to multi-region optimal power flow in electricity networks

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Heterogeneity in Trip-distributions with Partial Information

In this paper we propose a modified gravity model that takes into account that a population gener... more In this paper we propose a modified gravity model that takes into account that a population generally consists of heterogeneous groups, and we suggest a new statistical test for heterogeneity. We apply our new model to two real world data sets, and it turns out that this new model fits the data surpricingly well. Not only is the effect of

Research paper thumbnail of Non-linear anonymous pricing in combinatorial auctions

In combinatorial auctions the pricing problem is of main concern since it is the means by which t... more In combinatorial auctions the pricing problem is of main concern since it is the means by which the auctioneer signals the result of the auction to the participants. In order for the auction to be regarded as fair among the various participants the price signals should be such that a participant that has won a subset of items knows why

Research paper thumbnail of Tabu Search for General Zero-One Integer Programs Using the Pivot and Complement Heuristic

ORSA Journal on Computing, 1994


Research paper thumbnail of Dual search procedures for the exact formulation of the simple plant location problem with spatial interaction

Research paper thumbnail of Pricing the generalized assignment problem

The generalized assignment problem (GAP) examines the maximum profit assignment of jobs to proces... more The generalized assignment problem (GAP) examines the maximum profit assignment of jobs to processors such that each job is assigned to precisely one processor subject to capacity restrictions on the processors. Due to the fact that the GAP is an NP-hard integer program dual prices are not readily available. In this paper we propose a family of linear programming models the optimal solution of which is integral "almost always". We provide a computational proof of this conjecture by an in-depth experimental study of 1500 instances generated according to the standard procedure adopted in literature. Summarizing this analysis we have linear prices for all but 17 of the whole bunch of instances and, hence, there exists a linear price function that supports the optimal assignment of jobs to processors.

Research paper thumbnail of A mathematical programming model for the development of petroleum fields and transport systems

European journal of …, 1989

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model

European Journal of Operational Research

Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Ability to Apply Their Knowledge in a Gaming Exercise: An Exploratory Study

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of An improved Lagrangian relaxation and dual ascent approach to facility location problems

Computational Management Science, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Modellierung nichtkooperativer und kooperativer Formen der multidivisionalen Organisation mittels Linearer Programmierung

Quantitative Modelle und nachhaltige Ansätze der Unternehmungsführung, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Constructive and blocking power in collaborative transportation

Research paper thumbnail of Gravity models with multiple objectives— Theory and applications

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Optimal Solutions in the Multi-location Inventory System with Transshipments

Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2007

We consider a single-period multi-location inventory system where inventory choices at each locat... more We consider a single-period multi-location inventory system where inventory choices at each location are centrally coordinated. Transshipments are allowed as recourse actions in order to reduce the cost of shortage or surplus inventory after demands are realized. This problem has not been solved to optimality before for more than two locations with general cost parameters. In this paper we present

Research paper thumbnail of A long range forestry planning problem with multiple objectives

European Journal of Operational Research, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of A new Lagrangian relaxation approach to the generalized assignment problem

European Journal of Operational Research, 1986

Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium prices supported by dual price functions in markets with non-convexities

European Journal of Operational Research, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Benefits from coordinating congestion management—The Nordic power market

Energy Policy, 2007

We consider the possibility of improving the utilization of the capacity of the Nordic transmissi... more We consider the possibility of improving the utilization of the capacity of the Nordic transmission grid, by improving on the methods for congestion management. We use a simplified model of the Nordic power market, and different load-scenarios are developed in order to illustrate the effects. By improving the coordination of the system operator function, we may achieve that the actual

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling petroleum fields with movable platforms

Applied Mathematical Modelling, 1991

Research paper thumbnail of A bilinear approach to the pooling problem†

Research paper thumbnail of A decomposition approach to multi-region optimal power flow in electricity networks

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling Heterogeneity in Trip-distributions with Partial Information

In this paper we propose a modified gravity model that takes into account that a population gener... more In this paper we propose a modified gravity model that takes into account that a population generally consists of heterogeneous groups, and we suggest a new statistical test for heterogeneity. We apply our new model to two real world data sets, and it turns out that this new model fits the data surpricingly well. Not only is the effect of

Research paper thumbnail of Non-linear anonymous pricing in combinatorial auctions

In combinatorial auctions the pricing problem is of main concern since it is the means by which t... more In combinatorial auctions the pricing problem is of main concern since it is the means by which the auctioneer signals the result of the auction to the participants. In order for the auction to be regarded as fair among the various participants the price signals should be such that a participant that has won a subset of items knows why

Research paper thumbnail of Tabu Search for General Zero-One Integer Programs Using the Pivot and Complement Heuristic

ORSA Journal on Computing, 1994


Research paper thumbnail of Dual search procedures for the exact formulation of the simple plant location problem with spatial interaction

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