Léonie-Clémence Kouonon - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Léonie-Clémence Kouonon
Koffi ADJOUMANI*, Léonie Clémence KOUONON, Guillaume Kouamé KOFFI, Beket Sévérin BONY, Kouakou Fu... more Koffi ADJOUMANI*, Léonie Clémence KOUONON, Guillaume Kouamé KOFFI, Beket Sévérin BONY, Kouakou Fulgence BROU, Doffou S. Akaffou and Raoul S. SIE Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Université NanguiAbrogoua, laboratoire de Biologie et Amélioration des Productions Végétales. 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, (Côte d’Ivoire) Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, BP 150 Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire). *E-mail and address of corresponding author: adjoumani.koffi@yahoo.fr
International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2020
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual crop, particularly appreciated for its food and medicin... more Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual crop, particularly appreciated for its food and medicinal uses in Côte d'Ivoire. Its uses and by-products depend on the varieties. So, this study aims to characterize the ginger production system in Côte d'Ivoire and the morphological variability of rhizomes among local accessions. Eighty accessions were collected where 114 respondents were questioned individually. Qualitative traits (color of flesh and skin, appearance of ridges on skin, presence or absence of scales on skin and fingers arrangement) of rhizomes were studied. Length and fiber content of the rhizome were measured. This study reveals that ginger is grown exclusively for rhizome and primarily for marketing fresh (88% of producers). Overall producers distinguish white and yellow flesh. Ginger cultivation is practiced by both women (46%) and men (54%) from 20 to 75 years. Cultivation takes place on small areas (0.25 to 1 ha). The most common modalities are yellow flesh (65%), absence of ridge on skin (78.75%), light brown skin (41.25%), scales on the skin (68.75%), medium fiber content (61.25%), short (61.25%) and packed (68.75%) fingers. Studies accessions constituted eight morphological groups. Two of them respectively with 41 and 15 accessions are widely distributed in six regions and seven regions.
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2020
In order to characterize neglected and underutilized legumes seeds (NULs), prospection, collectio... more In order to characterize neglected and underutilized legumes seeds (NULs), prospection, collection and characterization were carried out in five administrative regions from Côte d'Ivoire. Two thousand and fifty-four accessions were collected. NULs cultivation is done mainly by women (88.1% compared to 11.9% of men). Productors distinguish 22 morphotypes of NULs based on seeds shapes, colors and patterns. Morphological traits of the collected morphotypes revealed a significant phenotypic polymorphism. Quantitative analyses showed a clear structure of accessions; three main groups were revealed. The first group contains accessions with large and thick seeds, but a low index shape opposite to group II with high index shape. Seeds of group III are characterized by small width and thickness, but a high shape index. Analyses of qualitative traits revealed five groups characterized by heterogeneous or homogeneous coloured integument, inked or elevated edge of hilum, presence or absence of eye.
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2019
Pterocarpus erinaceus is a high socioeconomic tree of African savannahs. It is overexploited due ... more Pterocarpus erinaceus is a high socioeconomic tree of African savannahs. It is overexploited due to technological qualities of its wood, forage value and medicinal uses. The main objective of this study is the assessment of the morphological variability within this species in Côte d'Ivoire, in sight of rational management. Fourteen morphological traits were used to appraise the variability within 144 trees in production from six sites (Yalo, Moyenne Marahoué, Kahanso, Kouassi-Ndawa, Ouarigué and Téguirdouo). The results indicate that the variability reaches 6.60 for the height of the fruit and 45.99 for the weight of the fruit. The results reveal also that there are three morphological groups of P. erinaceus in Côte d'Ivoire. Of the four traits that revealed a distinction among the three morphotypes, only the width of leaves and the number of leaflets enabled their complete distinction. Trees of group 1 have long leaves with a high number of leaflets and large fruits. Trees of group 2 have small leaves with a reduced number of leaflets and large fruits. Then trees of group 3 have intermediate value of width of leaves and number of leaflet and small fruits. The three morphological groups could be useful for varietal selection of P. erinaceus in Côte d'Ivoire.
Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) est un arbre des forêts claires et des savanes arborées d’... more Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) est un arbre des forêts claires et des savanes arborées d’Afrique, très prisé pour son bois, son fourrage et ses vertus thérapeutiques, cause de sa surexploitation en Côte d’Ivoire. La présente étude analyse la structure démographique des peuplements naturels et les potentialités de régénération de cette essence en fonction de l’intensité d’exploitation dans les trois types de savanes (guinéenne, subsoudanienne et soudanienne) de la Côte d’Ivoire en vue de leur conservation. Des mesures dendrométriques (diamètre à 1,30 m du sol, hauteur totale et hauteur du fût de l’arbre) ont été effectuées dans 30 transects de 200 m de large, sur des individus de P. erinaceus de diamètre égal ou supérieur à 5 cm dans six sites. La régénération a été évaluée dans 186 placettes de 30 m x 30 m équidistantes de 50 m à l’intérieur des transects. Les résultats révèlent que les plus grandes valeurs moyennes de densité d’arbres et de densité de régénération ont été o...
Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 2019
Characterization of four Bambara groundnut populations regrouping one hundred one accessions coll... more Characterization of four Bambara groundnut populations regrouping one hundred one accessions collected from four agro-ecological zones in Côte d'Ivoire was made using 19 agro-morphological traits. Descriptive statistics indicated a wide range and high phenotypic variability within each population. Analyses of variance showed highly significant agro-morphological differentiation among populations. Factorial discriminant analysis explained 93.84% of the total variability and revealed that agro-morphological diversity was structured according to the geographical origin of the populations. Traits responsible for the agro-morphological divergence among populations were phenological, vegetative and yield types. The hierarchical cluster analysis structured the populations into two diversity sets. The first set represented the northern population located in the north of the country. That region is characterized by dry climate conditions. The northern population appeared more diversified and accessions were typically of the bunch type with lower phenological, vegetative and yield traits. The second set was less diversified. It consisted of the western, central and eastern populations. It was located in wet climate conditions where accessions were of the spreading type with higher phenological, vegetative and yield traits. Rainfall and temperature seemed to be two of the most important climatic factors contributing to the differentiation of local populations. Results could help to design collection and conservation strategies and to develop breeding and improvement programs for local Bambara groundnut.
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2019
The objectives of this study were to assess phenotypic diversity of Bambara groundnut germplasm f... more The objectives of this study were to assess phenotypic diversity of Bambara groundnut germplasm from Côte d'Ivoire using qualitative traits and to understand the genetic diversity at different levels. Hundred and one accessions collected from four agro-ecological zones (central, eastern, northern, western) were characterized in a randomised complete block design with three replications. Thirteen qualitative traits were recorded from seedling emergence to physiological maturity of the crop species. All recorded traits were found to be polymorphic with three or four phenotypic classes. The results revealed a considerable amount of phenotypic variation in the germplasm studied. The phenotypic variation was expressed in color, shape, texture, flexibility, growth habit, pilosity and hardness in both the aerial organs and the underground pods. Cluster analysis grouped together accessions into six genetically distinct groups independently to their geographical origin, suggesting seeds exchanges between growing-zones. The chi-square analysis highlighted the presence of phenotypic variability within and between accessions from each agro-climatic zone for most of the traits evaluated indicating some adaptive forms related to the four zones. Estimates of Shanon-Weaver diversity index (H') for all agro-climatic zones ranged from 0.32 to 0.66 with a mean of 0.46. The northern zone appeared phenotypically more diversified (H' = 0.66) than the others. These results are useful to ensure efficient germplasm collection, conservation and management strategies.
African Crop Science Journal, 2016
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura and Nakai (Cucurbitaceae) is an important cucurbit crop worl... more Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura and Nakai (Cucurbitaceae) is an important cucurbit crop worldwide. Global production of watermelon is about 90 million metric tonnes per annum, making it among the top five most consumed fresh fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed variability in different segregating populations, and determine heritability of traits of watermelon. Interspecific crosses were made between two cultivars of C. lanatus (Bebu and Wlêwlê Small Seeds (WSS) were performed at Research Station of Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. There was wide variability between parental, F 1 , BC 1 (first generation of back-crossing) and F 2 seeds. Seeds of all hybrid populations were intermediate versus those of the parents. Also, crossing did not affect F 1 and F 2 seed characters, but affected those of BC 1 because of maternal effects. Thus, back-crossing on Bebu cultivar produced seeds which looked like those of Bebu; while backcrossing on WSS cultivar produced seeds similar to those of WSS. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and individuals repartitioning revealed that Bebu and WSS cultivars were genetically distinct and showed three main groups: two groups from each parental line and one from a recombinant line (hybrids). F 2 population had a wide individual's dispersion, and contained seeds of all other populations. High heritability was observed for all evaluated characters.
Base, Nov 22, 2007
Le melon africain, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, est une espèce cultivée dont les graines à l état ... more Le melon africain, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, est une espèce cultivée dont les graines à l état séché sont utilisées pour faire la sauce pistache, un mets très prisé en Côte d Ivoire. L espèce reste cependant peu étudiée contrairement aux espèces de melon cultivées dans les pays tempérés. Les caractéristiques agromorphologiques de C. melo var. agrestis ont été étudiées à partir de huit caractères : le taux de germination, le temps d émergence, la date de fl oraison, la durée du cycle, le poids des baies matures, le nombre moyen de graines par baie, le poids de 100 graines et la forme des graines. La biologie fl orale et le système de reproduction ont été étudiés à l aide de 19 paramètres. Les résultats de ces études ont montré que C. melo var. agrestis a un cycle de développement de 110 à 150 jours selon les saisons. Le nombre moyen de baies par plante est variable (5 à 15) et la production en graines par baie est faible (6,83 %). Le melon africain est une espèce andromonoïque avec un décalage phénologique entre l apparition des fl eurs mâles et hermaphrodites. Le pollen de la fl eur hermaphrodite est viable et les stigmates sont réceptifs avant l ouverture de la fl eur. Les implications de la biologie fl orale sur le système de reproduction sont discutées dans une perspective d amélioration génétique du rendement et d étude du fl ux génique entre individus au sein de la culture. Mots-clés. Cucumis melo var. agrestis, caractères botaniques, caractères agronomiques, biologie fl orale, système de reproduction, Côte d Ivoire. Study of botanic, agronomic characters and fl oral biology of African melon (Cucumis melo L. var. agrestis Naudin, Cucurbitaceae). African melon, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, is a cultivated crop for which dried seeds are used in preparation of sauce pistachio, a valuable food in Côte d Ivoire. Few studies are concerned with this crop as compared to melon species cultivated in temperate countries. Agronomic and morphological characteristics of C. melo var. agrestis are studied based on eight characters: germination rate, emergence time, date of fl owering, duration of life cycle, weight of mature berries, mean number of seeds per berry, weight of 100 seeds and seeds shape. Floral biology and mating system are studied on the basis of 19 parameters. Results of these studies showed that C. melo var. agrestis has a life cycle duration of 110 to 150 days varying with seasons. The mean number of berries per plant is variable (5 to 15) and the percentage of seeds per berry is low (6,83%). African melon is andromonoecious with a phenological interval between male and hermaphrodite fl owers occurrence. The pollen grains of hermaphrodite fl owers are viable and the stigmata are mature before fl owers are opening. The implications of fl oral biology on the mating system are discussed in view of yield breeding and study of gene fl ow among individuals on fi elds.
Annals of Botany, 2009
† Background and Aims Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis (Cucurbitaceae) is cultivated in many African ... more † Background and Aims Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis (Cucurbitaceae) is cultivated in many African regions for its edible kernels used as a soup thickener. The plant, an annual, andromonoecious, trailing-vine species, is of high social, cultural and economic value for local communities. In order to improve the yield of this crop, the first step and our aim were to elucidate its breeding system. † Methods Eight experimental pollination treatments were performed during three growing seasons to assess spontaneous selfing, self-compatibility and effects of pollen source (hermaphroditic vs. male flowers). Pollination success was determined by pollen tube growth and reproductive success was assessed by fruit, seed and seedling numbers and characteristics. The pollinator guild was surveyed and the pollination distance determined both by direct observations and by indirect fluorescent dye dispersal. † Key Results The species is probably pollinated by several Hymenoptera, principally by Hypotrigona para. Pollinator flight distances varied from 25 to 69 cm. No evidence for apomixis or spontaneous self-pollination in the absence of insect visitors was found. The self-fertility index (SFI ¼ 0) indicated a total dependence on pollinators for reproductive success. The effects of hand pollination on fruit set, seed number and seedling fitness differed among years. Pollen tube growth and reproductive success did not differ between self-and cross-pollinations. Accordingly, a high self-compatibility index for the fruit set (SCI ¼ 1. 00) and the seed number (SCI ¼ 0. 98) and a low inbreeding depression at all developmental stages (cumulative d ¼ 0. 126) suggest a high selfing ability. Finally, pollen origin had no effect on fruit and seed sets. † Conclusions This andromonoecious species has the potential for a mixed mating system with high dependence on insect-mediated pollination. The selfing rate through geitonogamy should be important.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2020
Afin de préserver les nombreux biens et services fournis par Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G... more Afin de préserver les nombreux biens et services fournis par Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don, Fabaceae, il est fondamental de connaître la variabilité phénotypique de l’espèce pour sa domestication. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer des caractères morphologiques permettant d’identifier des arbres-plus dans les savanes de Côte d’Ivoire. La variabilité phénotypique d’arbres distants d’au moins 100 m des trois types de savane a été étudiée à travers 22 caractères quantitatifs relatifs aux troncs, feuilles, fruits et graines. La matrice de données obtenue a été analysée avec différents tests tels que MANOVA suivie de ANOVA 1, AFD et la CAH. Les paramètres permettant de distinguer les arbres selon leur origine sont : hauteur totale d’arbre, épaisseur graine, poids de graine et pulpe par fruit, longueur du fruit, longueur et épaisseur du pédicelle, longueur et épaisseur du pédoncule. Les arbres en savane guinéenne ont de longs et épais pédoncules, des pédicelles épais...
Koffi ADJOUMANI*, Léonie Clémence KOUONON, Guillaume Kouamé KOFFI, Beket Sévérin BONY, Kouakou Fu... more Koffi ADJOUMANI*, Léonie Clémence KOUONON, Guillaume Kouamé KOFFI, Beket Sévérin BONY, Kouakou Fulgence BROU, Doffou S. Akaffou and Raoul S. SIE Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Université NanguiAbrogoua, laboratoire de Biologie et Amélioration des Productions Végétales. 02 BP 801 Abidjan 02, (Côte d’Ivoire) Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, BP 150 Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire). *E-mail and address of corresponding author: adjoumani.koffi@yahoo.fr
International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology, 2020
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual crop, particularly appreciated for its food and medicin... more Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual crop, particularly appreciated for its food and medicinal uses in Côte d'Ivoire. Its uses and by-products depend on the varieties. So, this study aims to characterize the ginger production system in Côte d'Ivoire and the morphological variability of rhizomes among local accessions. Eighty accessions were collected where 114 respondents were questioned individually. Qualitative traits (color of flesh and skin, appearance of ridges on skin, presence or absence of scales on skin and fingers arrangement) of rhizomes were studied. Length and fiber content of the rhizome were measured. This study reveals that ginger is grown exclusively for rhizome and primarily for marketing fresh (88% of producers). Overall producers distinguish white and yellow flesh. Ginger cultivation is practiced by both women (46%) and men (54%) from 20 to 75 years. Cultivation takes place on small areas (0.25 to 1 ha). The most common modalities are yellow flesh (65%), absence of ridge on skin (78.75%), light brown skin (41.25%), scales on the skin (68.75%), medium fiber content (61.25%), short (61.25%) and packed (68.75%) fingers. Studies accessions constituted eight morphological groups. Two of them respectively with 41 and 15 accessions are widely distributed in six regions and seven regions.
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2020
In order to characterize neglected and underutilized legumes seeds (NULs), prospection, collectio... more In order to characterize neglected and underutilized legumes seeds (NULs), prospection, collection and characterization were carried out in five administrative regions from Côte d'Ivoire. Two thousand and fifty-four accessions were collected. NULs cultivation is done mainly by women (88.1% compared to 11.9% of men). Productors distinguish 22 morphotypes of NULs based on seeds shapes, colors and patterns. Morphological traits of the collected morphotypes revealed a significant phenotypic polymorphism. Quantitative analyses showed a clear structure of accessions; three main groups were revealed. The first group contains accessions with large and thick seeds, but a low index shape opposite to group II with high index shape. Seeds of group III are characterized by small width and thickness, but a high shape index. Analyses of qualitative traits revealed five groups characterized by heterogeneous or homogeneous coloured integument, inked or elevated edge of hilum, presence or absence of eye.
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2019
Pterocarpus erinaceus is a high socioeconomic tree of African savannahs. It is overexploited due ... more Pterocarpus erinaceus is a high socioeconomic tree of African savannahs. It is overexploited due to technological qualities of its wood, forage value and medicinal uses. The main objective of this study is the assessment of the morphological variability within this species in Côte d'Ivoire, in sight of rational management. Fourteen morphological traits were used to appraise the variability within 144 trees in production from six sites (Yalo, Moyenne Marahoué, Kahanso, Kouassi-Ndawa, Ouarigué and Téguirdouo). The results indicate that the variability reaches 6.60 for the height of the fruit and 45.99 for the weight of the fruit. The results reveal also that there are three morphological groups of P. erinaceus in Côte d'Ivoire. Of the four traits that revealed a distinction among the three morphotypes, only the width of leaves and the number of leaflets enabled their complete distinction. Trees of group 1 have long leaves with a high number of leaflets and large fruits. Trees of group 2 have small leaves with a reduced number of leaflets and large fruits. Then trees of group 3 have intermediate value of width of leaves and number of leaflet and small fruits. The three morphological groups could be useful for varietal selection of P. erinaceus in Côte d'Ivoire.
Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) est un arbre des forêts claires et des savanes arborées d’... more Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) est un arbre des forêts claires et des savanes arborées d’Afrique, très prisé pour son bois, son fourrage et ses vertus thérapeutiques, cause de sa surexploitation en Côte d’Ivoire. La présente étude analyse la structure démographique des peuplements naturels et les potentialités de régénération de cette essence en fonction de l’intensité d’exploitation dans les trois types de savanes (guinéenne, subsoudanienne et soudanienne) de la Côte d’Ivoire en vue de leur conservation. Des mesures dendrométriques (diamètre à 1,30 m du sol, hauteur totale et hauteur du fût de l’arbre) ont été effectuées dans 30 transects de 200 m de large, sur des individus de P. erinaceus de diamètre égal ou supérieur à 5 cm dans six sites. La régénération a été évaluée dans 186 placettes de 30 m x 30 m équidistantes de 50 m à l’intérieur des transects. Les résultats révèlent que les plus grandes valeurs moyennes de densité d’arbres et de densité de régénération ont été o...
Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 2019
Characterization of four Bambara groundnut populations regrouping one hundred one accessions coll... more Characterization of four Bambara groundnut populations regrouping one hundred one accessions collected from four agro-ecological zones in Côte d'Ivoire was made using 19 agro-morphological traits. Descriptive statistics indicated a wide range and high phenotypic variability within each population. Analyses of variance showed highly significant agro-morphological differentiation among populations. Factorial discriminant analysis explained 93.84% of the total variability and revealed that agro-morphological diversity was structured according to the geographical origin of the populations. Traits responsible for the agro-morphological divergence among populations were phenological, vegetative and yield types. The hierarchical cluster analysis structured the populations into two diversity sets. The first set represented the northern population located in the north of the country. That region is characterized by dry climate conditions. The northern population appeared more diversified and accessions were typically of the bunch type with lower phenological, vegetative and yield traits. The second set was less diversified. It consisted of the western, central and eastern populations. It was located in wet climate conditions where accessions were of the spreading type with higher phenological, vegetative and yield traits. Rainfall and temperature seemed to be two of the most important climatic factors contributing to the differentiation of local populations. Results could help to design collection and conservation strategies and to develop breeding and improvement programs for local Bambara groundnut.
African Journal of Biotechnology, 2019
The objectives of this study were to assess phenotypic diversity of Bambara groundnut germplasm f... more The objectives of this study were to assess phenotypic diversity of Bambara groundnut germplasm from Côte d'Ivoire using qualitative traits and to understand the genetic diversity at different levels. Hundred and one accessions collected from four agro-ecological zones (central, eastern, northern, western) were characterized in a randomised complete block design with three replications. Thirteen qualitative traits were recorded from seedling emergence to physiological maturity of the crop species. All recorded traits were found to be polymorphic with three or four phenotypic classes. The results revealed a considerable amount of phenotypic variation in the germplasm studied. The phenotypic variation was expressed in color, shape, texture, flexibility, growth habit, pilosity and hardness in both the aerial organs and the underground pods. Cluster analysis grouped together accessions into six genetically distinct groups independently to their geographical origin, suggesting seeds exchanges between growing-zones. The chi-square analysis highlighted the presence of phenotypic variability within and between accessions from each agro-climatic zone for most of the traits evaluated indicating some adaptive forms related to the four zones. Estimates of Shanon-Weaver diversity index (H') for all agro-climatic zones ranged from 0.32 to 0.66 with a mean of 0.46. The northern zone appeared phenotypically more diversified (H' = 0.66) than the others. These results are useful to ensure efficient germplasm collection, conservation and management strategies.
African Crop Science Journal, 2016
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura and Nakai (Cucurbitaceae) is an important cucurbit crop worl... more Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumura and Nakai (Cucurbitaceae) is an important cucurbit crop worldwide. Global production of watermelon is about 90 million metric tonnes per annum, making it among the top five most consumed fresh fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate seed variability in different segregating populations, and determine heritability of traits of watermelon. Interspecific crosses were made between two cultivars of C. lanatus (Bebu and Wlêwlê Small Seeds (WSS) were performed at Research Station of Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. There was wide variability between parental, F 1 , BC 1 (first generation of back-crossing) and F 2 seeds. Seeds of all hybrid populations were intermediate versus those of the parents. Also, crossing did not affect F 1 and F 2 seed characters, but affected those of BC 1 because of maternal effects. Thus, back-crossing on Bebu cultivar produced seeds which looked like those of Bebu; while backcrossing on WSS cultivar produced seeds similar to those of WSS. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and individuals repartitioning revealed that Bebu and WSS cultivars were genetically distinct and showed three main groups: two groups from each parental line and one from a recombinant line (hybrids). F 2 population had a wide individual's dispersion, and contained seeds of all other populations. High heritability was observed for all evaluated characters.
Base, Nov 22, 2007
Le melon africain, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, est une espèce cultivée dont les graines à l état ... more Le melon africain, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, est une espèce cultivée dont les graines à l état séché sont utilisées pour faire la sauce pistache, un mets très prisé en Côte d Ivoire. L espèce reste cependant peu étudiée contrairement aux espèces de melon cultivées dans les pays tempérés. Les caractéristiques agromorphologiques de C. melo var. agrestis ont été étudiées à partir de huit caractères : le taux de germination, le temps d émergence, la date de fl oraison, la durée du cycle, le poids des baies matures, le nombre moyen de graines par baie, le poids de 100 graines et la forme des graines. La biologie fl orale et le système de reproduction ont été étudiés à l aide de 19 paramètres. Les résultats de ces études ont montré que C. melo var. agrestis a un cycle de développement de 110 à 150 jours selon les saisons. Le nombre moyen de baies par plante est variable (5 à 15) et la production en graines par baie est faible (6,83 %). Le melon africain est une espèce andromonoïque avec un décalage phénologique entre l apparition des fl eurs mâles et hermaphrodites. Le pollen de la fl eur hermaphrodite est viable et les stigmates sont réceptifs avant l ouverture de la fl eur. Les implications de la biologie fl orale sur le système de reproduction sont discutées dans une perspective d amélioration génétique du rendement et d étude du fl ux génique entre individus au sein de la culture. Mots-clés. Cucumis melo var. agrestis, caractères botaniques, caractères agronomiques, biologie fl orale, système de reproduction, Côte d Ivoire. Study of botanic, agronomic characters and fl oral biology of African melon (Cucumis melo L. var. agrestis Naudin, Cucurbitaceae). African melon, Cucumis melo var. agrestis, is a cultivated crop for which dried seeds are used in preparation of sauce pistachio, a valuable food in Côte d Ivoire. Few studies are concerned with this crop as compared to melon species cultivated in temperate countries. Agronomic and morphological characteristics of C. melo var. agrestis are studied based on eight characters: germination rate, emergence time, date of fl owering, duration of life cycle, weight of mature berries, mean number of seeds per berry, weight of 100 seeds and seeds shape. Floral biology and mating system are studied on the basis of 19 parameters. Results of these studies showed that C. melo var. agrestis has a life cycle duration of 110 to 150 days varying with seasons. The mean number of berries per plant is variable (5 to 15) and the percentage of seeds per berry is low (6,83%). African melon is andromonoecious with a phenological interval between male and hermaphrodite fl owers occurrence. The pollen grains of hermaphrodite fl owers are viable and the stigmata are mature before fl owers are opening. The implications of fl oral biology on the mating system are discussed in view of yield breeding and study of gene fl ow among individuals on fi elds.
Annals of Botany, 2009
† Background and Aims Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis (Cucurbitaceae) is cultivated in many African ... more † Background and Aims Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis (Cucurbitaceae) is cultivated in many African regions for its edible kernels used as a soup thickener. The plant, an annual, andromonoecious, trailing-vine species, is of high social, cultural and economic value for local communities. In order to improve the yield of this crop, the first step and our aim were to elucidate its breeding system. † Methods Eight experimental pollination treatments were performed during three growing seasons to assess spontaneous selfing, self-compatibility and effects of pollen source (hermaphroditic vs. male flowers). Pollination success was determined by pollen tube growth and reproductive success was assessed by fruit, seed and seedling numbers and characteristics. The pollinator guild was surveyed and the pollination distance determined both by direct observations and by indirect fluorescent dye dispersal. † Key Results The species is probably pollinated by several Hymenoptera, principally by Hypotrigona para. Pollinator flight distances varied from 25 to 69 cm. No evidence for apomixis or spontaneous self-pollination in the absence of insect visitors was found. The self-fertility index (SFI ¼ 0) indicated a total dependence on pollinators for reproductive success. The effects of hand pollination on fruit set, seed number and seedling fitness differed among years. Pollen tube growth and reproductive success did not differ between self-and cross-pollinations. Accordingly, a high self-compatibility index for the fruit set (SCI ¼ 1. 00) and the seed number (SCI ¼ 0. 98) and a low inbreeding depression at all developmental stages (cumulative d ¼ 0. 126) suggest a high selfing ability. Finally, pollen origin had no effect on fruit and seed sets. † Conclusions This andromonoecious species has the potential for a mixed mating system with high dependence on insect-mediated pollination. The selfing rate through geitonogamy should be important.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2020
Afin de préserver les nombreux biens et services fournis par Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G... more Afin de préserver les nombreux biens et services fournis par Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don, Fabaceae, il est fondamental de connaître la variabilité phénotypique de l’espèce pour sa domestication. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer des caractères morphologiques permettant d’identifier des arbres-plus dans les savanes de Côte d’Ivoire. La variabilité phénotypique d’arbres distants d’au moins 100 m des trois types de savane a été étudiée à travers 22 caractères quantitatifs relatifs aux troncs, feuilles, fruits et graines. La matrice de données obtenue a été analysée avec différents tests tels que MANOVA suivie de ANOVA 1, AFD et la CAH. Les paramètres permettant de distinguer les arbres selon leur origine sont : hauteur totale d’arbre, épaisseur graine, poids de graine et pulpe par fruit, longueur du fruit, longueur et épaisseur du pédicelle, longueur et épaisseur du pédoncule. Les arbres en savane guinéenne ont de longs et épais pédoncules, des pédicelles épais...