Laura Burocco - (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Laura Burocco
ABSTRACT BUROCCO, Laura. Creative Hubs of Coloniality in the South, Thesis (Doctorate in Tecnolog... more ABSTRACT
BUROCCO, Laura. Creative Hubs of Coloniality in the South, Thesis (Doctorate in Tecnology of Communication and Estetic) - School of Communication, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2018, p252.
The promotion of the creative economy has been seen in Europe and in the United States as a mean of economic recovery in response to the global financial crisis. In the South the promotion of this model becomes not only a possible economic revival but also an instrument of modernization and internationalization of cities and actors involved in this process of renewal. Regarding this situation, we are going to focus on a trans-regional study in order to compare the transformation of the productive vocation (from manufacturing to creative) of two city centre territories: Distrito Criativo in Rio de Janeiro and Maboneng Precinct in Johannesburg. Our observations focus on effects of the economic mobilisation of these two territories and its consequences on the ongoing transformations of two post-colonial societies which both still violently suffer from deep social and economic inequalities. We will point out the insertion of what Florida defines as new creative class in countries like Brazil and South-Africa, which entered the cognitive capitalism without even going through the development of their industrial capitalism. The arising of creative economy is here analysed within a context of local and global productive relations in the post-fordism. Gentrification is a new form for an old practice of real estate valorisation. We observe that the action undertaken by “creatives” which came to occupy both these territories, contributes to the creation of urban enclaves of homogeneous consumption, resulting in: locally pacification, depoliticization, and territorial submission; globally the creation of a network that feeds information flows, financial transactions, and economic disparity relating the economy to creativity, and in turn to governance. We will question ourselves to figure out if these creatives, apart from being part of the gentrification, have the capability to turn themselves into a collective power, able to create a bio-politic answer against the situation of bio-power (Negri and Hardt) assumed by the society, the state and more of all by the cognitive capitalism (Negri and Hardt; Vercellone; Fumagalli 2015). The study is based on an inductive- qualitative analysis, making use of a series of complementary methods applied to both the
cities of Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg. The methodology aims to contribute to a literature about gentrification and creative economy originating from the South, in order to establish an approach which would be able to point out the specific reasons for this phenomenon to arise in two post-colonial cities. In this sense, a comparison is undertaken through differences and singularities of the histories of two societies from which our two case studies arise. Our aim is to contribute to practices of decolonization of knowledge. This work will also contribute to a consideration of the gentrification phenomena in these two territories as a manifestation of what Mignolo calls the “dark side of modernity” in post-modernity, as remains of the logic of colonialism. In order to overcome this logic, it is necessary to put in question the “dependence” and the forms of intern colonialism which, in different ways, define the identities of the two societies we propose to study. If it undeniable that to some extent o Distrito Criativo do Rio de Janeiro e o Maboneng Precinct in Johannesburg contribute to the insertion of Johannesburg and Rio de Janeiro in the global economic creative circuit, it is necessary to raise a public concern about power relations practiced in this space both in symbolic terms and in term of aggravation of an already existing economic inequality.
Key Words: Gentrification, Cognitive Capitalism, Creative Economy, Decoloniality.
Papers by Laura Burocco
Terremoto, 2022
Finlandia) se convirtió en el Pabellón Sami en reconocimiento al movimiento de soberanía sami. El... more Finlandia) se convirtió en el Pabellón Sami en reconocimiento al movimiento de soberanía sami. El pabellón contaba con Pauliina Feodoroff, Máret Ánne Sara y Anders Sunna, tres artistas autóctones originaries de la
Terremoto, 2022
Reflection on the presence of the Nordic Pavilion (Sami) as one of those that was able to dismant... more Reflection on the presence of the Nordic Pavilion (Sami) as one of those that was able to dismantle the deeply and historically rooted nation-state reflection at the Venice Biennale.
KRONOS, 2022
One of the intended aims of the ‘On Decoloniality’ series published by Duke University Press, as ... more One of the intended aims of the ‘On Decoloniality’ series published by Duke University Press, as stated by the editors, Catherine E. Walsh and Walter Mignolo, is to create and illuminate ‘pluriversal and interversal paths, that disturb the totality from which the universal and the global are most often perceived’.1 This does not amount to a rejection of western thought, which is also part of the pluriversal, but a disavowal of the western construction of universality. It stands as a search for a respectful non-competitive coexistence of multiple, reciprocal recognitions among different intellectual traditions and geopolitical struggles from below, emerging from different parts of the world, in addition to South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and the ‘south in the north’. It requires the deployment of energies and forces towards affirmative, and not merely defensive, actions.
On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis, jointly authored by Mignolo and Walsh, is the first offering in the series. Structurally, the book is divided into two parts, each written by one of the editors, while the concluding section ‘After-word(s)’ takes the form of a conversation between the two authors. The book is an invitation to interrogate our beliefs, understandings and our readings of the world through a process of unlearning. Drawing on Paolo Freire’s pedagogical approach, the authors describe their joint work as one of ‘two engaged intellectuals still learning to unlearn in order to relearn’.2
Lugar Comum – Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia, Jan 21, 2021
Sicurezza in città: pratiche di controllo all'interno dello spazio urbano, 2015
Informazioni sul catalogo e sulle ristampe dell'editore: Le riproduzioni a uso d... more Informazioni sul catalogo e sulle ristampe dell'editore: Le riproduzioni a uso differente da quello personale potranno avvenire, per un numero di pagine non superiore al 15% del presente volume, solo a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da Ledizioni. Volume finanziato con il bando "1000 lire" dell'Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca e dal bando "Attività culturali" dell'Università Statale di Milano.
Arte filosofia. Filosofia, teatro, música, 2020
A partir da constatação que ao se reconhecer arte africana, e a própria estética africana, signif... more A partir da constatação que ao se reconhecer arte africana, e a própria estética africana, significa reconhecer 'o outro' em quanto ser humano negro, o artigo investiga as formas pelas quais esse reconhecimento se dá. O artigo apresenta casos de autodeterminação por parte de artistas e acadêmicos africanos na África contemporânea, e criticamente aborda a introdução do multiculturalismo no mundo das artes, e do ligado mercado cultural, especialmente a partir dos anos 90. Vinte anos depois, ao reviver um segundo momento de deslumbramento com a produção artística negra, a manutenção de um discurso que sustenta uma visão universalista e nega a coexistência de múltiplas modernidades parece continuar inalterada.
New Global Studies, 2020
The essay presents the dynamics of what we call “new globalization,” a second stage of the emerge... more The essay presents the dynamics of what we call “new globalization,” a second stage of the emergence of a new regime, which, as a result of capital’s need to continuously find new frontiers of accumulation, is extending to countries previously considered as residual peripheries. It analyzes cultural diplomacy and university education as two tools used to manage power and reproduce class divisions now designed by an economic meritocratic system of global intellectual creative elites locally circumscribed and globally connected.
Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2017
Using as a starting point the experience of direct participation in the Designing Politics: Desig... more Using as a starting point the experience of direct participation in the Designing Politics: Designing Respect challenger promoted by the international partnership Theatrum Mundi in Rio de Janeiro, the article intends to highlight the practices of culture privatization fomented by the local partners of the initiative in the territory of Porto Maravilha, as well as the power relations and institutional marketing involved in these forms of international cultural partnerships. Keywords: creative economy, cultural diplomacy, soft power.
This chapter analyzes the cases of two cities of the Global South (Rio de Janeiro and Johannesbur... more This chapter analyzes the cases of two cities of the Global South (Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg) to understand how the " creative city " model's application could encourage practices of control and neutralization of urban space. In the case of Rio de Janeiro the author analyzes the creation of the Distrito Criativo do Porto in the harbor area of the city and the application of the security public policy called " Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora 2 (UPP ") destined for the favelas of Rio. Similarly, in the case of Johannesburg the author analyzes the Maboneng Precinct, an urban regeneration project in the heart of the inner city of Johannesburg.
In March 2021 Arjun Appadurai published an article, ‘Beyond Domination: The future and past of de... more In March 2021 Arjun Appadurai published an article, ‘Beyond Domination: The future and past of decolonization’,1 commenting on the launch of two recently published books: On Decoloniality, by Walter Mignolo and Catherine Walsh,2 and Out of the Dark Night by Achille Mbembe.3 The latter is actually the English translation, updated with recent reflections, of a book first published in French in 2001.
Reversing Urban Inequality in Johannesburg
PÓS: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da EBA/UFMG
O artigo apresenta as duas campanhas de lambe-lambe que o coletivo Tupinambá Lambido realizou no ... more O artigo apresenta as duas campanhas de lambe-lambe que o coletivo Tupinambá Lambido realizou no biênio 2017/2018 em um movimento nacional chamado Aparelhamento, que conseguiu financiar de forma autônoma 46 intervenções contra o estado de exceção e retrocesso no qual o país se encontra. As campanhas são observadas a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, estabelecendo um vínculo com o coletivo Atrocidades Maravilhosas, ativo no começo de 2000, do qual alguns dos integrantes do coletivo Tupinambá faziam parte. Ao analisar as duas intervenções, pode-se observar como os artistas vêm modificando e repensando a própria ação ao longo do tempo, a partir das mudanças da sociedade e do próprio entendimento do trabalho da arte.
arte e ensaios
O artigo situa algumas reflexões sobre práticas de decolonização do saber no contexto afro brasil... more O artigo situa algumas reflexões sobre práticas de decolonização do saber no contexto afro brasileiro. Alerta sobre um possível esvaziamento de termos e teorias, concentrando a atenção no movimento afrofuturista lido em conjunto com o debate sobre o que define afropolitanismo.Versão ampliada deste artigo foi publicada com o título "Afrofuturismo e Perspectivismo Ameríndio: duas ferramentas para um pensamento decolonial" no portal BUALA:
Image & Text
This article aims to present the audience reception of Black Panther by an Afro-Brazilian public.... more This article aims to present the audience reception of Black Panther by an Afro-Brazilian public. It raises questions about the autonomous appropriation of the film's messages by an Afro-Brazilian diasporic community. It also questions the construction of a black identity, present and future, linked to an apparent rediscovery of the African continent by the global cultural industry. The theoretical framework is Afrofuturism. The methodology is audience reception studies as well as thematic content analysis.
ABSTRACT BUROCCO, Laura. Creative Hubs of Coloniality in the South, Thesis (Doctorate in Tecnolog... more ABSTRACT
BUROCCO, Laura. Creative Hubs of Coloniality in the South, Thesis (Doctorate in Tecnology of Communication and Estetic) - School of Communication, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2018, p252.
The promotion of the creative economy has been seen in Europe and in the United States as a mean of economic recovery in response to the global financial crisis. In the South the promotion of this model becomes not only a possible economic revival but also an instrument of modernization and internationalization of cities and actors involved in this process of renewal. Regarding this situation, we are going to focus on a trans-regional study in order to compare the transformation of the productive vocation (from manufacturing to creative) of two city centre territories: Distrito Criativo in Rio de Janeiro and Maboneng Precinct in Johannesburg. Our observations focus on effects of the economic mobilisation of these two territories and its consequences on the ongoing transformations of two post-colonial societies which both still violently suffer from deep social and economic inequalities. We will point out the insertion of what Florida defines as new creative class in countries like Brazil and South-Africa, which entered the cognitive capitalism without even going through the development of their industrial capitalism. The arising of creative economy is here analysed within a context of local and global productive relations in the post-fordism. Gentrification is a new form for an old practice of real estate valorisation. We observe that the action undertaken by “creatives” which came to occupy both these territories, contributes to the creation of urban enclaves of homogeneous consumption, resulting in: locally pacification, depoliticization, and territorial submission; globally the creation of a network that feeds information flows, financial transactions, and economic disparity relating the economy to creativity, and in turn to governance. We will question ourselves to figure out if these creatives, apart from being part of the gentrification, have the capability to turn themselves into a collective power, able to create a bio-politic answer against the situation of bio-power (Negri and Hardt) assumed by the society, the state and more of all by the cognitive capitalism (Negri and Hardt; Vercellone; Fumagalli 2015). The study is based on an inductive- qualitative analysis, making use of a series of complementary methods applied to both the
cities of Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg. The methodology aims to contribute to a literature about gentrification and creative economy originating from the South, in order to establish an approach which would be able to point out the specific reasons for this phenomenon to arise in two post-colonial cities. In this sense, a comparison is undertaken through differences and singularities of the histories of two societies from which our two case studies arise. Our aim is to contribute to practices of decolonization of knowledge. This work will also contribute to a consideration of the gentrification phenomena in these two territories as a manifestation of what Mignolo calls the “dark side of modernity” in post-modernity, as remains of the logic of colonialism. In order to overcome this logic, it is necessary to put in question the “dependence” and the forms of intern colonialism which, in different ways, define the identities of the two societies we propose to study. If it undeniable that to some extent o Distrito Criativo do Rio de Janeiro e o Maboneng Precinct in Johannesburg contribute to the insertion of Johannesburg and Rio de Janeiro in the global economic creative circuit, it is necessary to raise a public concern about power relations practiced in this space both in symbolic terms and in term of aggravation of an already existing economic inequality.
Key Words: Gentrification, Cognitive Capitalism, Creative Economy, Decoloniality.
Terremoto, 2022
Finlandia) se convirtió en el Pabellón Sami en reconocimiento al movimiento de soberanía sami. El... more Finlandia) se convirtió en el Pabellón Sami en reconocimiento al movimiento de soberanía sami. El pabellón contaba con Pauliina Feodoroff, Máret Ánne Sara y Anders Sunna, tres artistas autóctones originaries de la
Terremoto, 2022
Reflection on the presence of the Nordic Pavilion (Sami) as one of those that was able to dismant... more Reflection on the presence of the Nordic Pavilion (Sami) as one of those that was able to dismantle the deeply and historically rooted nation-state reflection at the Venice Biennale.
KRONOS, 2022
One of the intended aims of the ‘On Decoloniality’ series published by Duke University Press, as ... more One of the intended aims of the ‘On Decoloniality’ series published by Duke University Press, as stated by the editors, Catherine E. Walsh and Walter Mignolo, is to create and illuminate ‘pluriversal and interversal paths, that disturb the totality from which the universal and the global are most often perceived’.1 This does not amount to a rejection of western thought, which is also part of the pluriversal, but a disavowal of the western construction of universality. It stands as a search for a respectful non-competitive coexistence of multiple, reciprocal recognitions among different intellectual traditions and geopolitical struggles from below, emerging from different parts of the world, in addition to South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and the ‘south in the north’. It requires the deployment of energies and forces towards affirmative, and not merely defensive, actions.
On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis, jointly authored by Mignolo and Walsh, is the first offering in the series. Structurally, the book is divided into two parts, each written by one of the editors, while the concluding section ‘After-word(s)’ takes the form of a conversation between the two authors. The book is an invitation to interrogate our beliefs, understandings and our readings of the world through a process of unlearning. Drawing on Paolo Freire’s pedagogical approach, the authors describe their joint work as one of ‘two engaged intellectuals still learning to unlearn in order to relearn’.2
Lugar Comum – Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia, Jan 21, 2021
Sicurezza in città: pratiche di controllo all'interno dello spazio urbano, 2015
Informazioni sul catalogo e sulle ristampe dell'editore: Le riproduzioni a uso d... more Informazioni sul catalogo e sulle ristampe dell'editore: Le riproduzioni a uso differente da quello personale potranno avvenire, per un numero di pagine non superiore al 15% del presente volume, solo a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da Ledizioni. Volume finanziato con il bando "1000 lire" dell'Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca e dal bando "Attività culturali" dell'Università Statale di Milano.
Arte filosofia. Filosofia, teatro, música, 2020
A partir da constatação que ao se reconhecer arte africana, e a própria estética africana, signif... more A partir da constatação que ao se reconhecer arte africana, e a própria estética africana, significa reconhecer 'o outro' em quanto ser humano negro, o artigo investiga as formas pelas quais esse reconhecimento se dá. O artigo apresenta casos de autodeterminação por parte de artistas e acadêmicos africanos na África contemporânea, e criticamente aborda a introdução do multiculturalismo no mundo das artes, e do ligado mercado cultural, especialmente a partir dos anos 90. Vinte anos depois, ao reviver um segundo momento de deslumbramento com a produção artística negra, a manutenção de um discurso que sustenta uma visão universalista e nega a coexistência de múltiplas modernidades parece continuar inalterada.
New Global Studies, 2020
The essay presents the dynamics of what we call “new globalization,” a second stage of the emerge... more The essay presents the dynamics of what we call “new globalization,” a second stage of the emergence of a new regime, which, as a result of capital’s need to continuously find new frontiers of accumulation, is extending to countries previously considered as residual peripheries. It analyzes cultural diplomacy and university education as two tools used to manage power and reproduce class divisions now designed by an economic meritocratic system of global intellectual creative elites locally circumscribed and globally connected.
Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2017
Using as a starting point the experience of direct participation in the Designing Politics: Desig... more Using as a starting point the experience of direct participation in the Designing Politics: Designing Respect challenger promoted by the international partnership Theatrum Mundi in Rio de Janeiro, the article intends to highlight the practices of culture privatization fomented by the local partners of the initiative in the territory of Porto Maravilha, as well as the power relations and institutional marketing involved in these forms of international cultural partnerships. Keywords: creative economy, cultural diplomacy, soft power.
This chapter analyzes the cases of two cities of the Global South (Rio de Janeiro and Johannesbur... more This chapter analyzes the cases of two cities of the Global South (Rio de Janeiro and Johannesburg) to understand how the " creative city " model's application could encourage practices of control and neutralization of urban space. In the case of Rio de Janeiro the author analyzes the creation of the Distrito Criativo do Porto in the harbor area of the city and the application of the security public policy called " Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora 2 (UPP ") destined for the favelas of Rio. Similarly, in the case of Johannesburg the author analyzes the Maboneng Precinct, an urban regeneration project in the heart of the inner city of Johannesburg.
In March 2021 Arjun Appadurai published an article, ‘Beyond Domination: The future and past of de... more In March 2021 Arjun Appadurai published an article, ‘Beyond Domination: The future and past of decolonization’,1 commenting on the launch of two recently published books: On Decoloniality, by Walter Mignolo and Catherine Walsh,2 and Out of the Dark Night by Achille Mbembe.3 The latter is actually the English translation, updated with recent reflections, of a book first published in French in 2001.
Reversing Urban Inequality in Johannesburg
PÓS: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da EBA/UFMG
O artigo apresenta as duas campanhas de lambe-lambe que o coletivo Tupinambá Lambido realizou no ... more O artigo apresenta as duas campanhas de lambe-lambe que o coletivo Tupinambá Lambido realizou no biênio 2017/2018 em um movimento nacional chamado Aparelhamento, que conseguiu financiar de forma autônoma 46 intervenções contra o estado de exceção e retrocesso no qual o país se encontra. As campanhas são observadas a partir de uma perspectiva histórica, estabelecendo um vínculo com o coletivo Atrocidades Maravilhosas, ativo no começo de 2000, do qual alguns dos integrantes do coletivo Tupinambá faziam parte. Ao analisar as duas intervenções, pode-se observar como os artistas vêm modificando e repensando a própria ação ao longo do tempo, a partir das mudanças da sociedade e do próprio entendimento do trabalho da arte.
arte e ensaios
O artigo situa algumas reflexões sobre práticas de decolonização do saber no contexto afro brasil... more O artigo situa algumas reflexões sobre práticas de decolonização do saber no contexto afro brasileiro. Alerta sobre um possível esvaziamento de termos e teorias, concentrando a atenção no movimento afrofuturista lido em conjunto com o debate sobre o que define afropolitanismo.Versão ampliada deste artigo foi publicada com o título "Afrofuturismo e Perspectivismo Ameríndio: duas ferramentas para um pensamento decolonial" no portal BUALA:
Image & Text
This article aims to present the audience reception of Black Panther by an Afro-Brazilian public.... more This article aims to present the audience reception of Black Panther by an Afro-Brazilian public. It raises questions about the autonomous appropriation of the film's messages by an Afro-Brazilian diasporic community. It also questions the construction of a black identity, present and future, linked to an apparent rediscovery of the African continent by the global cultural industry. The theoretical framework is Afrofuturism. The methodology is audience reception studies as well as thematic content analysis.