LESTARI SUKMAWATI Lestari - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Sambas International Islamic Center

JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur

Islam developed rapidly in Sambas Regency during the era of the Sambas Sultanate of Sultan Muhamm... more Islam developed rapidly in Sambas Regency during the era of the Sambas Sultanate of Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin II (1688-1922) and was nicknamed "The Veranda of Mecca". The strategic position of Sambas Regency on the border with Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam and close to Southeast Asian countries has the opportunity to establish an international standard forum. One of these forums is in the form of an Islamic Center carrying an international standard to continue to foster the spirit and Islamic values based on the Qur'an and As-Sunnah in Sambas Regency in this modern era. The Islamic Center is a forum that accommodates various activities of fostering and developing muslim communities based on Islamic teachings such as worship, muamalah, science, da'wah, information centers, and Islamic symbols, as well as community empowerment centered in one area. The method used in this design is the five-step method by McGinty (1979) which includes initiation, preparation, propo...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Percaya Diri Siswa Menggunakan Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Melalui Pendekatan Person Centered

Prosiding Seminar Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2017

Percaya diri merupakan satu hal yang terdapat di dalam diri siswa, ada siswa yang memiliki percay... more Percaya diri merupakan satu hal yang terdapat di dalam diri siswa, ada siswa yang memiliki percaya diri tinggi namun ada juga siswa yang memiliki percaya diri rendah. Salah fungsi guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam layanan bimbingan kelompok adalah untuk meningkatkan percaya diri siswa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan percayadiri menggunakan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Masalah penelitian ini kurang percaya diri. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode Pre Eksperimen dengan menggunakan Pre-Posttestdesign. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 10 siswa yang kurang percaya diri. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon menunjukkan peningkatan percaya diri sebesar 22,5% dan diketahui bahwa sig= 0,000 < 0,05. Maka kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat peningkatan percaya diri siswa setelah pengunaan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Saran yang dapat dikemukakan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah: (1) Kepada guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dapat mengadakan layanan bimbingan kelompok melalui pendekatan person centered dengan menggunakan tema penugasan untuk meningkatkan percaya diri siswa, sebagai salah satu program unggulan di sekolah; (2) Kepada Peneliti Selanjutnya, dapat melakukan penelitian mengenai masalah yang sama dengan subjek yang berbeda.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Visual Berbasis Kartun Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

Journal of Basic Education Research, 2020

Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan media visual berbasis kartun pem... more Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan media visual berbasis kartun pembelajaran matematika di kelas II Sekolah Dasar 122/IX Petaling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur pengembangan kartun pembelajaran matematika, dan bagaimana kelayakan kartun pembelajaran matematika dilihat dari kevalidan, kemenarikan dan keefektifan kartun pembelajaran matematika. Metodologi: Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan Model pengembangan Dick and Carey. Prosedur pengembangan melalui sepuluh tahap yaitu analisis kebutuhan, analisis pembelajaran, analisis peserta didik, merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran, mengembangkan instrumen penilaian, mengembangkan strategi instruksional, mengembangkan dan memilih bahan media, merancang dan melakukan evaluasi formatif, melakukan revisi, evaluasi sumatif. Temuan Utama: Hasil penelitian ini berupa prosedur pengembangan yang menghasilkan kartun pembelajaran matematika yang layak dilihat dari kevalidan, kemenarikan dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Talent

International Journal of Applied Guidance and Counseling, 2020

This article provides an overview of multicultural competencies from a global perspective, specif... more This article provides an overview of multicultural competencies from a global perspective, specifically as it relates to counseling students in Indonesia. An overview will be given of the cultural interactions observed by counselor educators who were visiting professors at a university in Indonesia. While racial and ethnic diversity in countries such as Indonesia remain homogenous, cultural differences were noted with respect to the intersectionality of gender and disability. The intersection of culture, gender, and disability present unique challenges for counselors trying to assist their clients. Thus, it is imperative that counseling students become culturally competent so they can assist their clients who come from varying backgrounds. Implications are given to counseling programs to increase their students’ multicultural competencies when working with global populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Adsorption Models for Cd and Zn in the Berau Delta: Water–Sediment System (Perbandingan Model Penyerapan Cd dan Zn di Delta Berau: Sistem Perairan-Sedimen)

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2013

Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari larutan ke padatan. Cd dan... more Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari larutan ke padatan. Cd dan Zn merupakan logam yang banyak digunakan manusia sehingga berpotensi banyak dibuang ke lingkungan. Penelitian ini membandingkan model adsorpsi Cd dan Zn dalam sistem air laut-sedimen di delta Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Sampel air dan sedimen didapat di 12 stasiun. Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi Cd dan Zn, sampel air dianalisis menggunakan metode back extraction yang menggunakan bahan kimia organik (Amonium pirolidinditio karbamat dan metili sobutil keton) dan anorganik (asam nitrat). Sampel sedimen dianalisis menggunakan distruksi asam yang mengacu metode dari USEPA 3050b. Data yang didapat dikalkulasi berdasar model adsorpsi yaitu: Model partisi, Freundlich Model dan Langmuir Model. Dalam perhitungan di studi ini, Delta Berau dibagi menjadi dua bagian: bagian utara dan bagian selatan. Dari kedua bagian ini, Model isotermis langmuir merupakan model yang paling cocok untuk proses adsorpsi d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Positioning Produk Berdasarkan Persepsi Konsumen Pada Industri Batik Di Jawa Timur

Background - Competition in the Batik industry in Indonesia is quite sharp. Therefore it is neces... more Background - Competition in the Batik industry in Indonesia is quite sharp. Therefore it is necessary to apply the right marketing strategy in this industry. Whereas each batik industry that originates from the region has its own uniqueness that can attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, a positioning strategy for batik products is needed to be able to create more value in the minds of consumers compared to its competitors. Purpose - This research purposed to describe the position of competition (positioning) on batik industry in East Java based on the perceptions of local batik consumers. Design / Methodology / Approach - The study took samples of batik consumers in 9 cities in East Java, namely Bangkalan, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, Tuban, Pasuruan, Tulungagung, Mojokerto, Ponorogo and Banyuwangi. The population was taken by using purposive sampling technique. Respondents were taken as many as 200 respondents from selected batik producing cities. The research was conducted on 9 ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk-Bentuk Penyesuaian Ruang Unit Hunian DI Rusunawa Kota Pontianak

Tesa Arsitektur, 2017

The Government of Pontianak have built rusunawa (low cost rent apartemen) in Sungai Beliung, West... more The Government of Pontianak have built rusunawa (low cost rent apartemen) in Sungai Beliung, West Pontianak to solve the problem of housing needs. Rusunawa residents from various backgrounds and characteristics are facilitated with same dwelling unit design and same size is 24 m2. Same dwelling units, with various residents backgrounds and characteristics, allow residents to make adjustments to dwelling units including the use of space available for occupant activities. This paper aims to describe the form of space utilization as well as the occupant adjustment made to a dwelling unit. The expectations are could be consideration to the design of the next rusunawa. The method is performed through observation on 30 samples of dwelling units, and interviews to determine the another factors of the occupant. As results, there are several types of space utilization and adjustment of dwelling units. Utilization of the space tended to be formed due to facilitating occupant activities. Adjustments with changing the furniture provided in accordance with the needs of residents.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Angkutan Udara Rute Sumenep – Surabaya pp

Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis (JRMB) Fakultas Ekonomi UNIAT, 2017

This study is aimed to examine the effect of institutional ownership and capital structure on the... more This study is aimed to examine the effect of institutional ownership and capital structure on the company’s value. The population used in this study are all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 until 2014. The main data used in this research is the financial data in 2010 until 2014. Completed and selected financial data this research are 32 companies so that the samples in this research using five periods are 160. For examining data, this research uses panel data regression model. After running chow test and Hausman test, the most suitable method for the regression is fixed effects method. This research shows that institutional ownership has positive influence significantly on the company’s value, capital structure has no influence significantly on the company’s value Keywords: institutional ownership, capital structure, the company’s value

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Ditinjau Dari Keterampilan Berkomunikasi

Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 2019

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan model pembelaja... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran think pair share ditinjau dari keterampilan berkomunikasi dan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran think pair share terhadap hasil belajar ditinjau dari keterampilan berkomunikasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas X MIPA1 dan X MIPA3 SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung pada tahun ajaran 2017/2018 menggunakan desain control group pretest-posttest. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,60 dan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 0,38. Peningkatan pada kedua kelas memiliki kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran think pair share terhadap hasil belajar dengan nilai sig. pada uji two way anova sebesar 0,00<0,05. Rata-rata nilai keterampilan berkomunikasi siswa pada kelas eksperimen yaitu 69,71...

Research paper thumbnail of Speciation of copper and nickel in sediment from Benoa Bay, Bali by modified BCR procedure

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018

Metals are bound to a different phase in sediment and that speciation reflects their bioavailabil... more Metals are bound to a different phase in sediment and that speciation reflects their bioavailability for an organism. The speciation of Cu and Ni in sediment in Benoa Bay, Bali was not well investigated. Thus, this study was aimed to determine Cu and Ni speciation in sediment from Benoa Bay, Bali and to assess their mobility. Sediment samples were collected from 11 observation points (stations) in Benoa Bay in March 2017. Modified BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) protocol was applied to extract different Cu and Ni species in the sediment namely metal associated with carbonate fraction (F1), iron/manganese oxide (F2), organic and sulfides (F3) and mineral (F4). The result revealed that Cu was dominantly associated with mineral (>50% of Cu in F4), therefore, Cu resembled the lithogenic origin. Opposite, Ni was associated with carbonate and iron/manganese oxide almost in all observation points indicating anthropogenic origin. Risk assessment code (RAC) was computed to determine the possibility of that Cu and Ni to be released. The computation of RAC indicated Cu was at low-risk level and Ni was at a medium to high-risk level to be released. However, the total Cu and Ni were below sediment quality guideline so the level of metals was at a minimum possibility to stimulate adverse effect to an organism. The spatial distribution of Ni in the bay reflected the anthropogenic source thus the activity should be well managed to control the contamination.

Research paper thumbnail of Chaetoceros gracilis AS A BIOINDICATOR OF SEDIMENT QUALITY

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2014

Chronic sediment toxicity tests could be used to evaluate the effects of sediment on critical sta... more Chronic sediment toxicity tests could be used to evaluate the effects of sediment on critical stages in the life of an organism like invertebrate larvae and microalgae. Microalgae play an important role in aquatic ecosystem due to their role as producer in food chain producing organic matter and oxygen through photosynthesis process. This paper aimed to assess sediment quality of Semarang water using chronic sediment toxicity test. Research was conducted by testing 13 sediment samples from Semarang coastal region in August, 2010. Results showed that sediments exposed for 96 hours were still able to stimulate the growth of C. gracilis eventhough the copper concentration was above standard value provided by the CCME. The conclusion from this research was that sediment in Semarang still in good condition and can support growth of C. gracilis as primary producer. Chronic sediment toxicity test using C. gracilis could be combined with heavy metal measurement for sediment quality asessment.


Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2013

Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due... more Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due to anthropogenic activities. Water and sediment samples were collected to determin metals concentration and to identify sediment quality in February 2012. Twelve samples were collected for analysis of mercury (Hg) and four other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). Mercury was analyzed using USEPA method 7471B with Flameless-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) varian type SpectarAA VGA 20-76 and the other metals were analyzed using USEPA 30050B with Flame-AAS. Results showed that ranges and average concentrations of Hg were 0.04-0.33 (0.13) mg/kg, Cd 0.08-3.05 (0.64) mg/kg, Cu 23.7-234.0 (85.5) mg/kg, Pb 1.74-12.7 (4.29) mg/kg, and Zn 77.0-405.0 (133.0) mg/kg. Metals with high concentrations were detected in some places and by SQG-Q, surface sediment showed a moderate impact level of biological adverse effects in aquatic sediments.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso

Lestari, Wulan Edi. 2010. Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiy... more Lestari, Wulan Edi. 2010. Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Pembimbing I Dr. Teguh Supriyanto, M.Hum. Pembimbing II Drs. Hardyanto. Kata kunci: struktur dramatik, lakon, Palguna-Palgunadi. Lakon adalah karangan berbentuk drama yang ditulis dengan maksud untuk dipentaskan. Setiap lakon pewayangan, digarap berbeda oleh masing-masing dalang yang mementaskannya. Begitu juga lakon Palguna-Palgunadi. Lakon wayang ini digarap pula oleh beberapa dalang, sehingga mempunyai banyak versi cerita. Salah satu dalang yang menggarap lakon ini adalah Bambang Murtiyoso. Murtiyoso menyuguhkan cerita yang sangat berbeda dengan lakon Palguna-Palgunadi versi aslinya maupun dengan sanggit garapan dalang lain, oleh karena itu karya Murtiyoso ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan penelitian. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Hal yang diteliti dalam struktur dramatik ini meliputi (1) Bagaimana alur ceritanya? (2) Bagaimana tokoh dan penokohannya? (3) Bagaimana latarnya? (4) Serta apa tema dan amanatnya? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi menurut sanggit garapan Bambang Murtiyoso. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan objektif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data tertulis, yaitu naskah lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik baca dan catat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bagaimana struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi menurut sanggit Bambang Murtiyoso. Dalam naskah ini, alur yang dipakai Murtiyoso dalam lakon garapannya adalah alur ganda maju. Tokoh utamanya adalah Dewi Anggraini. Tokoh protagonis yang menyertai Dewi Anggraini adalah Palgunadi dan Kridhamanggala. Tokoh antagonisnya Arjuna, Aswatama dan Durna. Sedangkan tokoh tritagonisnya adalah Semar, yang selalu memberi nasihat pada Arjuna. Latar dalam lakon ini keseluruhannya ada di alam ngarcapada (alam manusia), antara lain di Taman Sokalima, hutan belantara dan Pesanggrahan Kurumandhala. Tema yang diangkat Murtiyoso adalah kesetiaan istri kepada suaminya. Dalam hal ini tentu saja kesetiaan Anggraini kepada Palgunadi. Anggraini menunjukkan kesetiaannya dengan menjaga kesuciannya dari niat buruk Aswatama. Ia juga menolak Arjuna yang ingin memperistrinya, dan menyusul kematian Palgunadi. Amanat yang terkandung dalam lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Murtiyoso ini adalah kita harus selalu setia pada pasangan, dan jangan memaksakan kehendak pada orang lain. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, saran yang diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah para peneliti diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan hasil penelitian ini untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan. Selain itu, untuk menumbuhkan rasa ketertarikan pembaca terhadap wayang, baik itu cerita, maupun pementasannya, serta dapat melestarikannya sebagai bagian dari kebudayaan. .

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Bank (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2012)

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Permainan Kooperatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Sosial Emosional Penelitian Tindakan Kelas DI Paud Bunda PKK Lubuklinggau

Permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu apakah dengan permainan kucing dan tikus dapat meningkatkan sos... more Permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu apakah dengan permainan kucing dan tikus dapat meningkatkan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini. Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus, yang terdiri dari kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Dengan indikator keberhasihan adalah 75%. Hasil penelitian ini pun menunjukkan bahwa dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan logika matematika anak dengan pengenalan warna dan bentuk diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut; pada siklus satu dalam pembelajaran tikus dan kucing untuk meningkatkan sosial emosional anak memperoleh hasil rata-rata 62 dengan kategori cukup. Pada siklus kedua mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dengan dengan pengenalan permainan tikus dan kucing memperoleh hasil rata-rata 81% dengan kategori sangat baik dan sudah mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan kooperatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini pada siswa Paud PAUD Bunda PKK Kelompok B tahun pembelajaran 2014 /2015.

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Teaching Technique in Listening Comprehension in Class at Second Yearof Sma Muhammadiyah I Malang

One language skill that should be learnt by English learners is Listening. Listening is the one o... more One language skill that should be learnt by English learners is Listening. Listening is the one of four important skills to study and it is a basic skill that is needed to communicate. Teaching listening must use techniques in order to make students interested and increase the student’s ability with listening English. The purposes of the study are 1) to describe the teaching technique of listening comprehension used by the teacher at the second year of SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. 2) to find out the reason of the teaching techniques listening comprehension used by the teacher at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. 3) to know how the teaching techniques implemented of listening class at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. The research design, which was used in this study, was descriptive research design. The subject of the study was one English teacher at the second year of SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. To collect the data in this study, the researcher used two kinds of instruments: interview and observation. The researcher used semi structured interview because in addition to the questions prepared in advance, the researcher asked other related questions to the teacher freely during the interview about the teaching technique used in teaching listening, the reason was that techniques and implementation of the techniques are used in teaching listening comprehension at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. In this study, the researcher was a non participant observer because the researcher observed without participating in the situation but the researcher observed about techniques used by the teacher in teaching listening in the classroom for five times. One of observation purposes is to confirm the result of interview. The result of this study showed that, the techniques used by English teacher of the teaching listening at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang were answering question, guessing, whispering, dictation, songs and identification topic sentences. The teacher combined the techniques in order that the students could easily understand the lesson that the teacher tought. The teacher’s reasons used that technique (1) to make students to study English easier, especially listening. (2) to make the students does not easily get bored. (3) to create more attractive and fun atmosphere at the classroom.(4) to reduce the problems by the teacher in teaching listening in using those techniques.(5) to make the students to be more active in class. Meanwhile, in implementing the teaching technique, the teacher usually used three phases in teaching listening, those were; Pre­Listening, Whilst­Listening, and Post­Listening.

Research paper thumbnail of Analsis relationship marketing dengan menggunakan model Servqual pada PT. Bank Mutiara, TBK kantor cabang pembantu Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Tesis Manajemen, May 29, 2012

The banking industry in Indonesia is one of the sectors experiencing strong growth. Therefore, th... more The banking industry in Indonesia is one of the sectors experiencing strong growth. Therefore, the national banking industry should be able to compete against foreign banks in Indonesia. As a result of intense competition in the banking industry, caused increasingly demanding customers and create lower customer loyalty in the transaction at a bank. It takes the right strategy in responding to customer behavior which has changed by maintaining existing customers and attract new customers by improving the quality of service. That will generate customer satisfaction and loyalty of the company. In this thesis. The author focuses on the application and implementation of strategies based on the concept of service. The reasons underlying the topic of this thesis is that every company services including banking industry in maintaining its clients, companies need to establish good relationship while providing quality and service excellence that will ultimately result in customer loyalty an satisfaction. Relationship marketing is a strategy other than a service strategy which can be implemented to support the achievement of these goals so that customers do not switch to another bank. This research was carried out on PT. Mutiara Bank, TBK branch Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta in order to find out which services strategies implemented by Mutiara Bank branch Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta in order to retain customers by providing quality and excellent service so as not to be abandoned by its customers by improving the IT systems and banking facilities. Data used in this study were collected through the method of collecting data by interview and questionnaire of 200 customers Mutiara Bank branch hayam Wuruk, Jakarta and with observational data collection methods or direct observation.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitatif Pengalaman Menyontek Pada Mahasiswa

Humaniora, 2010

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perilaku menyontek di kalangan mahasiswa melalui pendekat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perilaku menyontek di kalangan mahasiswa melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 26 orang mahasiswa di sebuah PTS di Surakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan meminta mahasiswa untuk mengisi kuesioner terbuka tentang perilaku menyontek. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis isi (content analysis). Tiga tema yang muncul dalam data adalah pandangan terhadap perilaku menyontek, pengalaman mahasiswa dalam menyontek, dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku menyontek. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian terhadap pendidikan anak dalam keluarga didiskusikan dalam artikel ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Airflow in Type 36 Low-Income Housing Unit Using CFD Simulation

DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2021

Type 36 houses are built for people who have low income. Because of this, the buildings’ ventilat... more Type 36 houses are built for people who have low income. Because of this, the buildings’ ventilation relies on natural airflow. One of the variables that affects natural ventilation is airflow. Airflow can affect the quality of indoor air, influencing the comfort and health of those within. This study aims to evaluate the designs of type 36 buildings from the perspective of the airflow through the unit. It uses computational fluid dynamics simulations to compare the pattern and velocity of airflow in each building design. There are six designs of type 36 house that have different layouts and placements of air vents. The results of the simulation and analysis show that rooms arranged in a way that allows for the placement of vents that were facing each other, even if they were in different rooms, generated continuous airflow without experiencing turbulence.

Research paper thumbnail of Sambas International Islamic Center

JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur

Islam developed rapidly in Sambas Regency during the era of the Sambas Sultanate of Sultan Muhamm... more Islam developed rapidly in Sambas Regency during the era of the Sambas Sultanate of Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin II (1688-1922) and was nicknamed "The Veranda of Mecca". The strategic position of Sambas Regency on the border with Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam and close to Southeast Asian countries has the opportunity to establish an international standard forum. One of these forums is in the form of an Islamic Center carrying an international standard to continue to foster the spirit and Islamic values based on the Qur'an and As-Sunnah in Sambas Regency in this modern era. The Islamic Center is a forum that accommodates various activities of fostering and developing muslim communities based on Islamic teachings such as worship, muamalah, science, da'wah, information centers, and Islamic symbols, as well as community empowerment centered in one area. The method used in this design is the five-step method by McGinty (1979) which includes initiation, preparation, propo...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Percaya Diri Siswa Menggunakan Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Melalui Pendekatan Person Centered

Prosiding Seminar Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2017

Percaya diri merupakan satu hal yang terdapat di dalam diri siswa, ada siswa yang memiliki percay... more Percaya diri merupakan satu hal yang terdapat di dalam diri siswa, ada siswa yang memiliki percaya diri tinggi namun ada juga siswa yang memiliki percaya diri rendah. Salah fungsi guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam layanan bimbingan kelompok adalah untuk meningkatkan percaya diri siswa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan percayadiri menggunakan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Masalah penelitian ini kurang percaya diri. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode Pre Eksperimen dengan menggunakan Pre-Posttestdesign. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 10 siswa yang kurang percaya diri. Hasil dari penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data dengan menggunakan uji wilcoxon menunjukkan peningkatan percaya diri sebesar 22,5% dan diketahui bahwa sig= 0,000 < 0,05. Maka kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat peningkatan percaya diri siswa setelah pengunaan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Saran yang dapat dikemukakan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah: (1) Kepada guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dapat mengadakan layanan bimbingan kelompok melalui pendekatan person centered dengan menggunakan tema penugasan untuk meningkatkan percaya diri siswa, sebagai salah satu program unggulan di sekolah; (2) Kepada Peneliti Selanjutnya, dapat melakukan penelitian mengenai masalah yang sama dengan subjek yang berbeda.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Media Visual Berbasis Kartun Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

Journal of Basic Education Research, 2020

Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan media visual berbasis kartun pem... more Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan media visual berbasis kartun pembelajaran matematika di kelas II Sekolah Dasar 122/IX Petaling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur pengembangan kartun pembelajaran matematika, dan bagaimana kelayakan kartun pembelajaran matematika dilihat dari kevalidan, kemenarikan dan keefektifan kartun pembelajaran matematika. Metodologi: Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan Model pengembangan Dick and Carey. Prosedur pengembangan melalui sepuluh tahap yaitu analisis kebutuhan, analisis pembelajaran, analisis peserta didik, merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran, mengembangkan instrumen penilaian, mengembangkan strategi instruksional, mengembangkan dan memilih bahan media, merancang dan melakukan evaluasi formatif, melakukan revisi, evaluasi sumatif. Temuan Utama: Hasil penelitian ini berupa prosedur pengembangan yang menghasilkan kartun pembelajaran matematika yang layak dilihat dari kevalidan, kemenarikan dan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Talent

International Journal of Applied Guidance and Counseling, 2020

This article provides an overview of multicultural competencies from a global perspective, specif... more This article provides an overview of multicultural competencies from a global perspective, specifically as it relates to counseling students in Indonesia. An overview will be given of the cultural interactions observed by counselor educators who were visiting professors at a university in Indonesia. While racial and ethnic diversity in countries such as Indonesia remain homogenous, cultural differences were noted with respect to the intersectionality of gender and disability. The intersection of culture, gender, and disability present unique challenges for counselors trying to assist their clients. Thus, it is imperative that counseling students become culturally competent so they can assist their clients who come from varying backgrounds. Implications are given to counseling programs to increase their students’ multicultural competencies when working with global populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Adsorption Models for Cd and Zn in the Berau Delta: Water–Sediment System (Perbandingan Model Penyerapan Cd dan Zn di Delta Berau: Sistem Perairan-Sedimen)

ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2013

Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari larutan ke padatan. Cd dan... more Adsorpsi merupakan proses penting dalam mengontrol transfer logam dari larutan ke padatan. Cd dan Zn merupakan logam yang banyak digunakan manusia sehingga berpotensi banyak dibuang ke lingkungan. Penelitian ini membandingkan model adsorpsi Cd dan Zn dalam sistem air laut-sedimen di delta Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Sampel air dan sedimen didapat di 12 stasiun. Untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi Cd dan Zn, sampel air dianalisis menggunakan metode back extraction yang menggunakan bahan kimia organik (Amonium pirolidinditio karbamat dan metili sobutil keton) dan anorganik (asam nitrat). Sampel sedimen dianalisis menggunakan distruksi asam yang mengacu metode dari USEPA 3050b. Data yang didapat dikalkulasi berdasar model adsorpsi yaitu: Model partisi, Freundlich Model dan Langmuir Model. Dalam perhitungan di studi ini, Delta Berau dibagi menjadi dua bagian: bagian utara dan bagian selatan. Dari kedua bagian ini, Model isotermis langmuir merupakan model yang paling cocok untuk proses adsorpsi d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Strategi Positioning Produk Berdasarkan Persepsi Konsumen Pada Industri Batik Di Jawa Timur

Background - Competition in the Batik industry in Indonesia is quite sharp. Therefore it is neces... more Background - Competition in the Batik industry in Indonesia is quite sharp. Therefore it is necessary to apply the right marketing strategy in this industry. Whereas each batik industry that originates from the region has its own uniqueness that can attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, a positioning strategy for batik products is needed to be able to create more value in the minds of consumers compared to its competitors. Purpose - This research purposed to describe the position of competition (positioning) on batik industry in East Java based on the perceptions of local batik consumers. Design / Methodology / Approach - The study took samples of batik consumers in 9 cities in East Java, namely Bangkalan, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, Tuban, Pasuruan, Tulungagung, Mojokerto, Ponorogo and Banyuwangi. The population was taken by using purposive sampling technique. Respondents were taken as many as 200 respondents from selected batik producing cities. The research was conducted on 9 ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk-Bentuk Penyesuaian Ruang Unit Hunian DI Rusunawa Kota Pontianak

Tesa Arsitektur, 2017

The Government of Pontianak have built rusunawa (low cost rent apartemen) in Sungai Beliung, West... more The Government of Pontianak have built rusunawa (low cost rent apartemen) in Sungai Beliung, West Pontianak to solve the problem of housing needs. Rusunawa residents from various backgrounds and characteristics are facilitated with same dwelling unit design and same size is 24 m2. Same dwelling units, with various residents backgrounds and characteristics, allow residents to make adjustments to dwelling units including the use of space available for occupant activities. This paper aims to describe the form of space utilization as well as the occupant adjustment made to a dwelling unit. The expectations are could be consideration to the design of the next rusunawa. The method is performed through observation on 30 samples of dwelling units, and interviews to determine the another factors of the occupant. As results, there are several types of space utilization and adjustment of dwelling units. Utilization of the space tended to be formed due to facilitating occupant activities. Adjustments with changing the furniture provided in accordance with the needs of residents.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Angkutan Udara Rute Sumenep – Surabaya pp

Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis (JRMB) Fakultas Ekonomi UNIAT, 2017

This study is aimed to examine the effect of institutional ownership and capital structure on the... more This study is aimed to examine the effect of institutional ownership and capital structure on the company’s value. The population used in this study are all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 until 2014. The main data used in this research is the financial data in 2010 until 2014. Completed and selected financial data this research are 32 companies so that the samples in this research using five periods are 160. For examining data, this research uses panel data regression model. After running chow test and Hausman test, the most suitable method for the regression is fixed effects method. This research shows that institutional ownership has positive influence significantly on the company’s value, capital structure has no influence significantly on the company’s value Keywords: institutional ownership, capital structure, the company’s value

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Ditinjau Dari Keterampilan Berkomunikasi

Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 2019

Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan model pembelaja... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran think pair share ditinjau dari keterampilan berkomunikasi dan pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran think pair share terhadap hasil belajar ditinjau dari keterampilan berkomunikasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas X MIPA1 dan X MIPA3 SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung pada tahun ajaran 2017/2018 menggunakan desain control group pretest-posttest. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,60 dan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 0,38. Peningkatan pada kedua kelas memiliki kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran think pair share terhadap hasil belajar dengan nilai sig. pada uji two way anova sebesar 0,00<0,05. Rata-rata nilai keterampilan berkomunikasi siswa pada kelas eksperimen yaitu 69,71...

Research paper thumbnail of Speciation of copper and nickel in sediment from Benoa Bay, Bali by modified BCR procedure

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018

Metals are bound to a different phase in sediment and that speciation reflects their bioavailabil... more Metals are bound to a different phase in sediment and that speciation reflects their bioavailability for an organism. The speciation of Cu and Ni in sediment in Benoa Bay, Bali was not well investigated. Thus, this study was aimed to determine Cu and Ni speciation in sediment from Benoa Bay, Bali and to assess their mobility. Sediment samples were collected from 11 observation points (stations) in Benoa Bay in March 2017. Modified BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) protocol was applied to extract different Cu and Ni species in the sediment namely metal associated with carbonate fraction (F1), iron/manganese oxide (F2), organic and sulfides (F3) and mineral (F4). The result revealed that Cu was dominantly associated with mineral (>50% of Cu in F4), therefore, Cu resembled the lithogenic origin. Opposite, Ni was associated with carbonate and iron/manganese oxide almost in all observation points indicating anthropogenic origin. Risk assessment code (RAC) was computed to determine the possibility of that Cu and Ni to be released. The computation of RAC indicated Cu was at low-risk level and Ni was at a medium to high-risk level to be released. However, the total Cu and Ni were below sediment quality guideline so the level of metals was at a minimum possibility to stimulate adverse effect to an organism. The spatial distribution of Ni in the bay reflected the anthropogenic source thus the activity should be well managed to control the contamination.

Research paper thumbnail of Chaetoceros gracilis AS A BIOINDICATOR OF SEDIMENT QUALITY

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2014

Chronic sediment toxicity tests could be used to evaluate the effects of sediment on critical sta... more Chronic sediment toxicity tests could be used to evaluate the effects of sediment on critical stages in the life of an organism like invertebrate larvae and microalgae. Microalgae play an important role in aquatic ecosystem due to their role as producer in food chain producing organic matter and oxygen through photosynthesis process. This paper aimed to assess sediment quality of Semarang water using chronic sediment toxicity test. Research was conducted by testing 13 sediment samples from Semarang coastal region in August, 2010. Results showed that sediments exposed for 96 hours were still able to stimulate the growth of C. gracilis eventhough the copper concentration was above standard value provided by the CCME. The conclusion from this research was that sediment in Semarang still in good condition and can support growth of C. gracilis as primary producer. Chronic sediment toxicity test using C. gracilis could be combined with heavy metal measurement for sediment quality asessment.


Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2013

Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due... more Gresik coastal waters is one of the areas that have a potential risk for environmental damage due to anthropogenic activities. Water and sediment samples were collected to determin metals concentration and to identify sediment quality in February 2012. Twelve samples were collected for analysis of mercury (Hg) and four other metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn). Mercury was analyzed using USEPA method 7471B with Flameless-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) varian type SpectarAA VGA 20-76 and the other metals were analyzed using USEPA 30050B with Flame-AAS. Results showed that ranges and average concentrations of Hg were 0.04-0.33 (0.13) mg/kg, Cd 0.08-3.05 (0.64) mg/kg, Cu 23.7-234.0 (85.5) mg/kg, Pb 1.74-12.7 (4.29) mg/kg, and Zn 77.0-405.0 (133.0) mg/kg. Metals with high concentrations were detected in some places and by SQG-Q, surface sediment showed a moderate impact level of biological adverse effects in aquatic sediments.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso

Lestari, Wulan Edi. 2010. Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiy... more Lestari, Wulan Edi. 2010. Analisis Struktur Dramatik Lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Pembimbing I Dr. Teguh Supriyanto, M.Hum. Pembimbing II Drs. Hardyanto. Kata kunci: struktur dramatik, lakon, Palguna-Palgunadi. Lakon adalah karangan berbentuk drama yang ditulis dengan maksud untuk dipentaskan. Setiap lakon pewayangan, digarap berbeda oleh masing-masing dalang yang mementaskannya. Begitu juga lakon Palguna-Palgunadi. Lakon wayang ini digarap pula oleh beberapa dalang, sehingga mempunyai banyak versi cerita. Salah satu dalang yang menggarap lakon ini adalah Bambang Murtiyoso. Murtiyoso menyuguhkan cerita yang sangat berbeda dengan lakon Palguna-Palgunadi versi aslinya maupun dengan sanggit garapan dalang lain, oleh karena itu karya Murtiyoso ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan penelitian. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Hal yang diteliti dalam struktur dramatik ini meliputi (1) Bagaimana alur ceritanya? (2) Bagaimana tokoh dan penokohannya? (3) Bagaimana latarnya? (4) Serta apa tema dan amanatnya? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi menurut sanggit garapan Bambang Murtiyoso. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan objektif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data tertulis, yaitu naskah lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Bambang Murtiyoso. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik baca dan catat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bagaimana struktur dramatik lakon Palguna-Palgunadi menurut sanggit Bambang Murtiyoso. Dalam naskah ini, alur yang dipakai Murtiyoso dalam lakon garapannya adalah alur ganda maju. Tokoh utamanya adalah Dewi Anggraini. Tokoh protagonis yang menyertai Dewi Anggraini adalah Palgunadi dan Kridhamanggala. Tokoh antagonisnya Arjuna, Aswatama dan Durna. Sedangkan tokoh tritagonisnya adalah Semar, yang selalu memberi nasihat pada Arjuna. Latar dalam lakon ini keseluruhannya ada di alam ngarcapada (alam manusia), antara lain di Taman Sokalima, hutan belantara dan Pesanggrahan Kurumandhala. Tema yang diangkat Murtiyoso adalah kesetiaan istri kepada suaminya. Dalam hal ini tentu saja kesetiaan Anggraini kepada Palgunadi. Anggraini menunjukkan kesetiaannya dengan menjaga kesuciannya dari niat buruk Aswatama. Ia juga menolak Arjuna yang ingin memperistrinya, dan menyusul kematian Palgunadi. Amanat yang terkandung dalam lakon Palguna-Palgunadi karya Murtiyoso ini adalah kita harus selalu setia pada pasangan, dan jangan memaksakan kehendak pada orang lain. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, saran yang diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah para peneliti diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan hasil penelitian ini untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan. Selain itu, untuk menumbuhkan rasa ketertarikan pembaca terhadap wayang, baik itu cerita, maupun pementasannya, serta dapat melestarikannya sebagai bagian dari kebudayaan. .

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Bank (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2012)

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Permainan Kooperatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Sosial Emosional Penelitian Tindakan Kelas DI Paud Bunda PKK Lubuklinggau

Permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu apakah dengan permainan kucing dan tikus dapat meningkatkan sos... more Permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu apakah dengan permainan kucing dan tikus dapat meningkatkan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini. Tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus, yang terdiri dari kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Dengan indikator keberhasihan adalah 75%. Hasil penelitian ini pun menunjukkan bahwa dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan logika matematika anak dengan pengenalan warna dan bentuk diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut; pada siklus satu dalam pembelajaran tikus dan kucing untuk meningkatkan sosial emosional anak memperoleh hasil rata-rata 62 dengan kategori cukup. Pada siklus kedua mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dengan dengan pengenalan permainan tikus dan kucing memperoleh hasil rata-rata 81% dengan kategori sangat baik dan sudah mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan kooperatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional anak pada usia dini pada siswa Paud PAUD Bunda PKK Kelompok B tahun pembelajaran 2014 /2015.

Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Teaching Technique in Listening Comprehension in Class at Second Yearof Sma Muhammadiyah I Malang

One language skill that should be learnt by English learners is Listening. Listening is the one o... more One language skill that should be learnt by English learners is Listening. Listening is the one of four important skills to study and it is a basic skill that is needed to communicate. Teaching listening must use techniques in order to make students interested and increase the student’s ability with listening English. The purposes of the study are 1) to describe the teaching technique of listening comprehension used by the teacher at the second year of SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. 2) to find out the reason of the teaching techniques listening comprehension used by the teacher at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. 3) to know how the teaching techniques implemented of listening class at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. The research design, which was used in this study, was descriptive research design. The subject of the study was one English teacher at the second year of SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. To collect the data in this study, the researcher used two kinds of instruments: interview and observation. The researcher used semi structured interview because in addition to the questions prepared in advance, the researcher asked other related questions to the teacher freely during the interview about the teaching technique used in teaching listening, the reason was that techniques and implementation of the techniques are used in teaching listening comprehension at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang. In this study, the researcher was a non participant observer because the researcher observed without participating in the situation but the researcher observed about techniques used by the teacher in teaching listening in the classroom for five times. One of observation purposes is to confirm the result of interview. The result of this study showed that, the techniques used by English teacher of the teaching listening at SMA Muhammadiyah I Malang were answering question, guessing, whispering, dictation, songs and identification topic sentences. The teacher combined the techniques in order that the students could easily understand the lesson that the teacher tought. The teacher’s reasons used that technique (1) to make students to study English easier, especially listening. (2) to make the students does not easily get bored. (3) to create more attractive and fun atmosphere at the classroom.(4) to reduce the problems by the teacher in teaching listening in using those techniques.(5) to make the students to be more active in class. Meanwhile, in implementing the teaching technique, the teacher usually used three phases in teaching listening, those were; Pre­Listening, Whilst­Listening, and Post­Listening.

Research paper thumbnail of Analsis relationship marketing dengan menggunakan model Servqual pada PT. Bank Mutiara, TBK kantor cabang pembantu Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Tesis Manajemen, May 29, 2012

The banking industry in Indonesia is one of the sectors experiencing strong growth. Therefore, th... more The banking industry in Indonesia is one of the sectors experiencing strong growth. Therefore, the national banking industry should be able to compete against foreign banks in Indonesia. As a result of intense competition in the banking industry, caused increasingly demanding customers and create lower customer loyalty in the transaction at a bank. It takes the right strategy in responding to customer behavior which has changed by maintaining existing customers and attract new customers by improving the quality of service. That will generate customer satisfaction and loyalty of the company. In this thesis. The author focuses on the application and implementation of strategies based on the concept of service. The reasons underlying the topic of this thesis is that every company services including banking industry in maintaining its clients, companies need to establish good relationship while providing quality and service excellence that will ultimately result in customer loyalty an satisfaction. Relationship marketing is a strategy other than a service strategy which can be implemented to support the achievement of these goals so that customers do not switch to another bank. This research was carried out on PT. Mutiara Bank, TBK branch Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta in order to find out which services strategies implemented by Mutiara Bank branch Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta in order to retain customers by providing quality and excellent service so as not to be abandoned by its customers by improving the IT systems and banking facilities. Data used in this study were collected through the method of collecting data by interview and questionnaire of 200 customers Mutiara Bank branch hayam Wuruk, Jakarta and with observational data collection methods or direct observation.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitatif Pengalaman Menyontek Pada Mahasiswa

Humaniora, 2010

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perilaku menyontek di kalangan mahasiswa melalui pendekat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perilaku menyontek di kalangan mahasiswa melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 26 orang mahasiswa di sebuah PTS di Surakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan meminta mahasiswa untuk mengisi kuesioner terbuka tentang perilaku menyontek. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis isi (content analysis). Tiga tema yang muncul dalam data adalah pandangan terhadap perilaku menyontek, pengalaman mahasiswa dalam menyontek, dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku menyontek. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian terhadap pendidikan anak dalam keluarga didiskusikan dalam artikel ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Airflow in Type 36 Low-Income Housing Unit Using CFD Simulation

DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment), 2021

Type 36 houses are built for people who have low income. Because of this, the buildings’ ventilat... more Type 36 houses are built for people who have low income. Because of this, the buildings’ ventilation relies on natural airflow. One of the variables that affects natural ventilation is airflow. Airflow can affect the quality of indoor air, influencing the comfort and health of those within. This study aims to evaluate the designs of type 36 buildings from the perspective of the airflow through the unit. It uses computational fluid dynamics simulations to compare the pattern and velocity of airflow in each building design. There are six designs of type 36 house that have different layouts and placements of air vents. The results of the simulation and analysis show that rooms arranged in a way that allows for the placement of vents that were facing each other, even if they were in different rooms, generated continuous airflow without experiencing turbulence.