Lina Milteniene - (original) (raw)

Papers by Lina Milteniene

Research paper thumbnail of Tėvų, auginančių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintį vaiką, nuostatų į dalyvavimą ugdymo procese struktūra ir raiška

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogų bendradarbiavimas inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekste

Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of Pupils with Severe Special Educational Needs at Special Education Institutions / Mokinių, Turinčių Didelių Specialiųjų Ugdymosi Poreikių, Mokymosi Specialiojo Ugdymo Įstaigose Patirys

Specialusis ugdymas, Jul 31, 2019

Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos mokinių, turinčių didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP), mokymos... more Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos mokinių, turinčių didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP), mokymosi specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose patirtys, kurios analizuojamos inkliuzinio ugdymo nuostatų bei užsienio šalyse atliktų tyrimų kontekste. Tyrime laikomasi kokybinio tyrimo metodologinių nuostatų. Pristatomi pusiau struktūruoto mokinių individualaus interviu metodu surinkti duomenys. Tyrime išryškėja mokinių nuomonės apie ugdymosi specialiojo ir bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose galimybes ir ribotumus, požiūris į mokymąsi, atskleidžiami psichosocialinės aplinkos specialiosiose mokyklose ypatumai. Esminiai žodžiai: mokiniai, turintys specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, dideli specialieji ugdymosi poreikiai, ugdymosi specialiojo ugdymo įstaigoje patirtys, inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekstas. Įvadas Problemos aktualumas. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais Europos šalių ir JAV švietimo sistemų siekiamybė-inkliuzinis ugdymas, tačiau išlieka ir kontroversiškai vertinama problema-specialiųjų mokyklų vaidmuo inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekste. Svarstymai apie švietimo struktūrą, kuriems mokiniams ir kur turėtų būti teikiama pagalba, kaip jie turėtų būti mokomi, buvo ir tebėra nuolatiniai specialiojo ugdymo klausimai. Inkliuzinis ugdymas nereiškia, kad ankstesnių dešimtmečių "integracijos" politika tęsiasi (Powell, 2009). Inkliuziniu ugdymu siekiama pertvarkyti švietimą taip, kad apimtų visas besimokančiųjų įvairovės kategorijas-negalios, socialinės klasės, lyties, etninės ir tautinės kilmės, seksualinės orientacijos, religijos-ir besimokančiųjų įvairovės plėtra taptų švietimo reformavimo pagrindu (Booth ir Ainscow, 2002). Svarbiausios inkliuzinio ugdymo vertybės yra šios: pagarba mokinių įvairovei-skirtybės laikomos galimy

Research paper thumbnail of The Power of the School Community in Increasing Inclusion

Research paper thumbnail of Vadovų požiūris ir veikmė kuriant įtraukią mokyklą

Specialusis ugdymas, Dec 7, 2022

Straipsnyje analizuojamas vadovų požiūris ir veiksmai įgyvendinant mokyklos pasi rinktą įtraukųjį... more Straipsnyje analizuojamas vadovų požiūris ir veiksmai įgyvendinant mokyklos pasi rinktą įtraukųjį ugdymą stiprinantį projektą. Projekto įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje remia mas programos "Renkuosi mokyti-mokyklų kaitai!", kuria siekiama įtraukiojo ugdy mo kaip dėmesio kiekvienam vaikui bei nuolatinės jo mokymosi pažangos didinimo. Straipsnyje pateikti interviu su keturiolika programos "Renkuosi mokytis-mokyklų kaitai!" pirmajame etape dalyvavusių Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų vadovų. In terviu siekta išsiaiškinti, koks yra mokyklų vadovų požiūris į įtraukųjį ugdymą ir kaip jie planuoja ir valdo mokykloje vykstančius transformacinius procesus stiprindami įtrau kųjį ugdymą. Taikant induktyvios kokybinės turinio analizės metodą išskirtos keturios temos, atskleidusios mokyklų vadovų požiūrių ir veiksmų įvairovę kuriant įtraukią mokyklą: 1) įtraukties fenomeno dekonstrukcija, kurioje išskirtos individualumo pri pažinimo ir lygių galimybių, kiekvieno vaiko pažangos ir dalyvavimo, bendrųjų kom petencijų ugdymo kategorijos; 2) asmeninė parengtis stiprinti įtrauktį, kur išryškėjo kaitos prasmės internalizacijos ir kaitos iššūkių pripažinimo elementai; 3) lyderystės projekcijos, pasireiškiančios vertybinių prioritetų "deklaravimu" asmeniniu pavyzdžiu, mokytojus palaikančiomis ir įkvepiančiomis iniciatyvomis; 4) organizacinių struktūrų pertvarkymas kuriant ir formalizuojant vidines tvarkas ir susitarimus, kolegialaus mo kymosi sistemą ir priimant įvairaus pobūdžio išteklius mobilizuojančius sprendimus. Esminiai žodžiai: įtrauki mokykla, vadovo požiūris ir veikmė, mokyklos transformacija.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity and inclusion. Shared meanings between Italy and Lithuania. International comparative analysis of inclusive trajectories in eduvational policies and practices


The meaning of inclusion is complex and related to every form of diversity; it needs to be define... more The meaning of inclusion is complex and related to every form of diversity; it needs to be defined in broad horizons, within and beyond the school context, with the aim of overcoming all forms of exclusion and discrimination. The concept of inclusive education concerns proper and appropriately agreed terminology and meanings expressed in the 2006 UN Convention ratifying the need of recognizing the same rights for all individuals, as human beings, beyond stigma and categorising labels. In this article we examine the Italian and Lithuanian inclusive systems, within the paradigm of social constructivism and the contribution of both national and international scientific literature referring to bio-psycho-social pedagogical meanings. In order to reveal the developments towards inclusive education in two countries contexts, the methodology of this article is based on the relevant literature, document and research reports review.

Research paper thumbnail of Withdrawal Phenomenon and Coping Mechanisms in Students of Forms 5-8 Experiencing Learning Difficulties, in Remote Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Teachers and Students


The article presents a novel phenomenon, namely, the phenomenon of withdrawal in the students of ... more The article presents a novel phenomenon, namely, the phenomenon of withdrawal in the students of forms 5 to 8 with learning difficulties when learning remotely under the critical conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. The phenomenon was revealed through focus group discussions with the teachers of forms 5 to 8, educational assistance professionals, and school leaders from 23 schools (n-175), as well as through the material of depersonalized deliberations of the students, provided by the teachers.The process of quality content analysis of the research material highlighted the phenomenon of student withdrawal when learning remotely, and its following stages: partial or episodic self-removal from the lesson; muting; invisibility; confusion; demotivation; apathy; loss of social connections; exhaustion; helplessness, and complete withdrawal. The following external reasons prompting the emergence of the withdrawal phenomenon in students under the critical conditions of COVID-19 pandemic were id...

Research paper thumbnail of Komandinio darbo ypatumai tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje

Ukmergės mokykla-darželis „Varpelis“Šiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Gera mokykla. Kokią ją mato šiauliečiai

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Teacher Education Through Personalised Learning: Designing Teaching and Learning Scenarios

INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021

The growing diversity of the student population twinned with a shift towards more learner-centred... more The growing diversity of the student population twinned with a shift towards more learner-centred education provides the impetus to develop innovative teaching approaches. Imagined as personalised learning (PL), this approach argues for greater flexibility for the learner and more opportunities to include students' voice in the design and enactment of learning. This paper distils the learning from the members of the INTERPEARL project consortium including

Research paper thumbnail of Komandinio darbo struktūra ir kryptingumas tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius mokykloje

Research paper thumbnail of Personalized learning within teacher education: A framework and guidelines

UNESCO International Bureau of Education, Aug 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of STEFANIJA ALIŠAUSKIENĖ | Inclusive education-the need for systemic changes

Kształcenie integracyjne-konieczność zmian systemowych Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedst... more Kształcenie integracyjne-konieczność zmian systemowych Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały zmiany systemowe w strukturze edukacji na Li-twie; prezentujemy również ruch na rzecz kształcenia integracyjnego. Litwa stosuje międzyna-rodowe podejście do kształcenia integracyjnego (UNECSO, 2008). Zrozumienie tego rodzaju edukacji spowodowało przesunięcie uwagi od zaburzeń do praw i potrzeb człowieka. W świe-tle prawa uznaje się, że dla dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi niezbędna jest pomoc i opieka w procesie edukacji, która pojawia się w związku z ich wyjątkowym talentem, wrodzonymi lub nabytymi zaburzeniami lub niekorzystną sytuacją w otoczeniu osobistym. Celem autorów opracowania jest przegląd zmian systemowych litewskiego systemu eduka-cji prowadzących do kształcenia integracyjnego. Podstawą badań była teoria systemów przy uwzględnieniu dwóch ogólnych podejść: 1) podejścia przekrojowego, w którym nacisk kładzie się na interakcje zachodzące między dwoma ...

Research paper thumbnail of Withdrawal Phenomenon of Students with Learning Difficulties in Distance Learning in the Context of Covid-19

2021 5th International Conference on Education and E-Learning, 2021

The withdrawal phenomenon of students with special educational needs (SEN) and other learning dif... more The withdrawal phenomenon of students with special educational needs (SEN) and other learning difficulties in distance learning in the context of Covid-19. The withdrawal phenomenon was revealed by a qualitative study involving mixed groups of teachers, support specialists, and managers in 23 schools (236 participants in total). The focus group discussion method was used for data collection, and inductive content analysis was applied for data analysis. The results revealed the following stages of the deepening of withdrawal phenomenon: partial or occasional withdrawal; silencing, invisibility, confusion; demotivation and apathy; imitation of participation; loss of social connections; exhaustion, helplessness, and complete withdrawal. The withdrawal phenomenon has been triggered by the sudden shift from eye-to-eye to distance learning without prior preparation, as well as by the digital divide of students with learning difficulties due to a lack of digital skills or the slow development of digital skills in the absence of contact support.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture and Practice of Inclusive Education in Lithuanian School: The Students’ Perspective

ICERI Proceedings, 2020

The aim of this study was to look at the processes of inclusive education in the eyes of the stud... more The aim of this study was to look at the processes of inclusive education in the eyes of the students, without distinguishing them by age, gender, socio-cultural factors, disability, etc., and give them a voice and an opportunity to express their views about the barriers and the recourses for inclusive school culture and practice. 3761 students from 3-12 grades participated in the survey. From the students' point of view, it was found that main barriers for inclusive school culture and practice were: noisy physical environment at school, bullying; inefficient organization of teaching, too difficult and irrelevant learning content; students’ intolerance to diversity and segregationist and discriminatory attitudes toward peers who do not conform to “normality” standards; not managed discipline and behavioural problems in the classroom, discrimination and the practice of exclusion of some groups of pupil; lack of teachers’ respectful and equal communication, cooperation, lack of effective teaching competences. Resources of the inclusive school culture and practice are: assurance of a favourable physical and emotional environment; organization of education, when the curriculum corresponds to the student’s abilities, interests and is available to everyone; students are provided with the opportunity to build friendship relationships, and acknowledge diversity; students’ involvement in decision-makingEdukologijos tyrimų institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Heterogene Lerngruppen in Europa inklusionsorientiert unterrichten

Handbuch Inklusion international / International Handbook of Inclusive Education, 2021

Inklusive Bildung ist zu einem globalen Ziel geworden. Dieses Ziel wird durch die Anerkennung des... more Inklusive Bildung ist zu einem globalen Ziel geworden. Dieses Ziel wird durch die Anerkennung des Menschenrechts auf Bildung für alle und die Vision einer demokratischen Gesellschaft unterstützt, die Vielfalt in all ihren Facetten wertschätzt. Die Förderung angesichts der Vielfalt der Schüler*innen mit dem Ziel der Verbesserung des Lernens aller, bleibt für Lehrer*innen in allen nationalen Kontexten eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da sowohl die gemeinsame Bildung für alle ausgeweitet als auch inklusive Bildung universell werden soll. Die erfolgreiche Unterstützung verschiedener Schüler*innen in ihren Lernprozessen gilt seit Jahrzehnten als das Herzstück einer ausgezeichneten Pädagogik. Dennoch finden wir in ganz Europa signifikante, persistente Unterschiede, sowohl hinsichtlich des Umfangs als auch der Qualität der inklusiven Schulbildung, die auf einer Reihe von institutionalisierten Strukturen und Kulturen beruhen und sich unter anderem in organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen und Lehrmethoden heterogener Bildungssysteme niederschlagen. Aufbauend auf einer dreijährigen Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen des von der Europäischen Kommission finanzierten Comenius-Netzwerkprojekts "Teaching Diverse Learners in School Subjects" (TdiverS), werden in diesem Beitrag Erkenntnisse über "inspirierende Praktiken" der inklusiven Bildung, die in den sechs teilnehmenden Ländern-Deutschland, Island, Litauen, Luxemburg, Schweden und Spanien-gefunden wurden, zusammengefasst. Trotz erheblicher Unterschiede in den Bildungssystemen in Europa sind überall inklusive Bildungspraktiken zu finden. Bei den Schulhospitationen fanden wir inspirierende Inklusionspraktiken in allen Ländern, auch wenn diese durchaus sehr differente Niveaus der (inklusiven) Bildungssysteme aufweisen.

Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Personalized Learning-Based Teacher Education

Changes in the education from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach requires changes ... more Changes in the education from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach requires changes in schools and in teacher education. One of possible ways is personalized learning (PL). It is a new concept in many countries around the world. PL is closely related to individualized, differentiated learning, inclusive education principles (Abbot, 2014; EDUCAUSE, 2013). PL builds on an understanding of learner: individual development, seeking of personal goals, taking into consideration individual differences and inclusion. PL “challenges teachers to search for pedagogy and practices that will help them addressing diversity in their classroom” (Guðjónsdóttir, 2000, p.9). Different methods and tools (e-tools as well) might be used for PL such as digital storytelling, three step interview, e-portfolio. Paper presents theoretical analysis of links between aspects of effective learning (good knowledge of each student; shared teacher and student responsibility within the learning process; p...

Research paper thumbnail of Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Field Studies in Higher Education: Lithuanian Experience

The significant change in education in general and in higher education in particular has been obv... more The significant change in education in general and in higher education in particular has been obvious in post-soviet countries, including Lithuania, in the last two decades. The most evident characteristics of change in higher education is a paradigm shift from teaching towards learning and collaboration with the student at the centre. The shift from teaching to learning requires new teaching methods and strategies. The use of, and evidence behind, three related student-centred approaches to teaching has grown significantly over the past decades: problem-based learning (PBL), inquiry-based learning (IBL) and undergraduate research (Hudspith and Jenkins, 2001). IBL is a method of teaching that puts the student at the centre through a focus on real problem solving through collaborative effort. It is both an individual and a group process whilst receiving support from an experienced teacher. [...]Šiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Diverse Learners in Europe: Inspiring Practices and Lessons Learned from Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden

The Sage Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive or engaging (‘absorbing’) education: interpretations of social constructs in the context of change in education


Lithuania, like other European countries, has committed to develop and implement inclusive educat... more Lithuania, like other European countries, has committed to develop and implement inclusive education systems. The ideology of inclusive education must be closely linked with proper and appropriately agreed terminology and concepts. Based on the paradigm of social constructivism, discussions and debates among representatives of various related structures, systems and areas both in the international and national context enable to construct social constructs with reconciled and comparable content. Otherwise, new concepts simply replace the old ones but do not change either policy or practice. In various social cultural contexts, such concepts as integration, integrated education, inclusion, inclusive education, school for all, quality education for all can be interpreted differently. This article aims to reveal the concept of inclusive education and how the content of this concept is reflected in the latest national legal documents. The article is based on the study of theoretica...

Research paper thumbnail of Tėvų, auginančių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintį vaiką, nuostatų į dalyvavimą ugdymo procese struktūra ir raiška

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogų bendradarbiavimas inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekste

Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of Pupils with Severe Special Educational Needs at Special Education Institutions / Mokinių, Turinčių Didelių Specialiųjų Ugdymosi Poreikių, Mokymosi Specialiojo Ugdymo Įstaigose Patirys

Specialusis ugdymas, Jul 31, 2019

Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos mokinių, turinčių didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP), mokymos... more Straipsnyje atskleidžiamos mokinių, turinčių didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP), mokymosi specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose patirtys, kurios analizuojamos inkliuzinio ugdymo nuostatų bei užsienio šalyse atliktų tyrimų kontekste. Tyrime laikomasi kokybinio tyrimo metodologinių nuostatų. Pristatomi pusiau struktūruoto mokinių individualaus interviu metodu surinkti duomenys. Tyrime išryškėja mokinių nuomonės apie ugdymosi specialiojo ir bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose galimybes ir ribotumus, požiūris į mokymąsi, atskleidžiami psichosocialinės aplinkos specialiosiose mokyklose ypatumai. Esminiai žodžiai: mokiniai, turintys specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, dideli specialieji ugdymosi poreikiai, ugdymosi specialiojo ugdymo įstaigoje patirtys, inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekstas. Įvadas Problemos aktualumas. Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais Europos šalių ir JAV švietimo sistemų siekiamybė-inkliuzinis ugdymas, tačiau išlieka ir kontroversiškai vertinama problema-specialiųjų mokyklų vaidmuo inkliuzinio ugdymo kontekste. Svarstymai apie švietimo struktūrą, kuriems mokiniams ir kur turėtų būti teikiama pagalba, kaip jie turėtų būti mokomi, buvo ir tebėra nuolatiniai specialiojo ugdymo klausimai. Inkliuzinis ugdymas nereiškia, kad ankstesnių dešimtmečių "integracijos" politika tęsiasi (Powell, 2009). Inkliuziniu ugdymu siekiama pertvarkyti švietimą taip, kad apimtų visas besimokančiųjų įvairovės kategorijas-negalios, socialinės klasės, lyties, etninės ir tautinės kilmės, seksualinės orientacijos, religijos-ir besimokančiųjų įvairovės plėtra taptų švietimo reformavimo pagrindu (Booth ir Ainscow, 2002). Svarbiausios inkliuzinio ugdymo vertybės yra šios: pagarba mokinių įvairovei-skirtybės laikomos galimy

Research paper thumbnail of The Power of the School Community in Increasing Inclusion

Research paper thumbnail of Vadovų požiūris ir veikmė kuriant įtraukią mokyklą

Specialusis ugdymas, Dec 7, 2022

Straipsnyje analizuojamas vadovų požiūris ir veiksmai įgyvendinant mokyklos pasi rinktą įtraukųjį... more Straipsnyje analizuojamas vadovų požiūris ir veiksmai įgyvendinant mokyklos pasi rinktą įtraukųjį ugdymą stiprinantį projektą. Projekto įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje remia mas programos "Renkuosi mokyti-mokyklų kaitai!", kuria siekiama įtraukiojo ugdy mo kaip dėmesio kiekvienam vaikui bei nuolatinės jo mokymosi pažangos didinimo. Straipsnyje pateikti interviu su keturiolika programos "Renkuosi mokytis-mokyklų kaitai!" pirmajame etape dalyvavusių Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų vadovų. In terviu siekta išsiaiškinti, koks yra mokyklų vadovų požiūris į įtraukųjį ugdymą ir kaip jie planuoja ir valdo mokykloje vykstančius transformacinius procesus stiprindami įtrau kųjį ugdymą. Taikant induktyvios kokybinės turinio analizės metodą išskirtos keturios temos, atskleidusios mokyklų vadovų požiūrių ir veiksmų įvairovę kuriant įtraukią mokyklą: 1) įtraukties fenomeno dekonstrukcija, kurioje išskirtos individualumo pri pažinimo ir lygių galimybių, kiekvieno vaiko pažangos ir dalyvavimo, bendrųjų kom petencijų ugdymo kategorijos; 2) asmeninė parengtis stiprinti įtrauktį, kur išryškėjo kaitos prasmės internalizacijos ir kaitos iššūkių pripažinimo elementai; 3) lyderystės projekcijos, pasireiškiančios vertybinių prioritetų "deklaravimu" asmeniniu pavyzdžiu, mokytojus palaikančiomis ir įkvepiančiomis iniciatyvomis; 4) organizacinių struktūrų pertvarkymas kuriant ir formalizuojant vidines tvarkas ir susitarimus, kolegialaus mo kymosi sistemą ir priimant įvairaus pobūdžio išteklius mobilizuojančius sprendimus. Esminiai žodžiai: įtrauki mokykla, vadovo požiūris ir veikmė, mokyklos transformacija.

Research paper thumbnail of Diversity and inclusion. Shared meanings between Italy and Lithuania. International comparative analysis of inclusive trajectories in eduvational policies and practices


The meaning of inclusion is complex and related to every form of diversity; it needs to be define... more The meaning of inclusion is complex and related to every form of diversity; it needs to be defined in broad horizons, within and beyond the school context, with the aim of overcoming all forms of exclusion and discrimination. The concept of inclusive education concerns proper and appropriately agreed terminology and meanings expressed in the 2006 UN Convention ratifying the need of recognizing the same rights for all individuals, as human beings, beyond stigma and categorising labels. In this article we examine the Italian and Lithuanian inclusive systems, within the paradigm of social constructivism and the contribution of both national and international scientific literature referring to bio-psycho-social pedagogical meanings. In order to reveal the developments towards inclusive education in two countries contexts, the methodology of this article is based on the relevant literature, document and research reports review.

Research paper thumbnail of Withdrawal Phenomenon and Coping Mechanisms in Students of Forms 5-8 Experiencing Learning Difficulties, in Remote Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Teachers and Students


The article presents a novel phenomenon, namely, the phenomenon of withdrawal in the students of ... more The article presents a novel phenomenon, namely, the phenomenon of withdrawal in the students of forms 5 to 8 with learning difficulties when learning remotely under the critical conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. The phenomenon was revealed through focus group discussions with the teachers of forms 5 to 8, educational assistance professionals, and school leaders from 23 schools (n-175), as well as through the material of depersonalized deliberations of the students, provided by the teachers.The process of quality content analysis of the research material highlighted the phenomenon of student withdrawal when learning remotely, and its following stages: partial or episodic self-removal from the lesson; muting; invisibility; confusion; demotivation; apathy; loss of social connections; exhaustion; helplessness, and complete withdrawal. The following external reasons prompting the emergence of the withdrawal phenomenon in students under the critical conditions of COVID-19 pandemic were id...

Research paper thumbnail of Komandinio darbo ypatumai tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje

Ukmergės mokykla-darželis „Varpelis“Šiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Gera mokykla. Kokią ją mato šiauliečiai

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative Teacher Education Through Personalised Learning: Designing Teaching and Learning Scenarios

INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021

The growing diversity of the student population twinned with a shift towards more learner-centred... more The growing diversity of the student population twinned with a shift towards more learner-centred education provides the impetus to develop innovative teaching approaches. Imagined as personalised learning (PL), this approach argues for greater flexibility for the learner and more opportunities to include students' voice in the design and enactment of learning. This paper distils the learning from the members of the INTERPEARL project consortium including

Research paper thumbnail of Komandinio darbo struktūra ir kryptingumas tenkinant specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius mokykloje

Research paper thumbnail of Personalized learning within teacher education: A framework and guidelines

UNESCO International Bureau of Education, Aug 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of STEFANIJA ALIŠAUSKIENĖ | Inclusive education-the need for systemic changes

Kształcenie integracyjne-konieczność zmian systemowych Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedst... more Kształcenie integracyjne-konieczność zmian systemowych Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały zmiany systemowe w strukturze edukacji na Li-twie; prezentujemy również ruch na rzecz kształcenia integracyjnego. Litwa stosuje międzyna-rodowe podejście do kształcenia integracyjnego (UNECSO, 2008). Zrozumienie tego rodzaju edukacji spowodowało przesunięcie uwagi od zaburzeń do praw i potrzeb człowieka. W świe-tle prawa uznaje się, że dla dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi niezbędna jest pomoc i opieka w procesie edukacji, która pojawia się w związku z ich wyjątkowym talentem, wrodzonymi lub nabytymi zaburzeniami lub niekorzystną sytuacją w otoczeniu osobistym. Celem autorów opracowania jest przegląd zmian systemowych litewskiego systemu eduka-cji prowadzących do kształcenia integracyjnego. Podstawą badań była teoria systemów przy uwzględnieniu dwóch ogólnych podejść: 1) podejścia przekrojowego, w którym nacisk kładzie się na interakcje zachodzące między dwoma ...

Research paper thumbnail of Withdrawal Phenomenon of Students with Learning Difficulties in Distance Learning in the Context of Covid-19

2021 5th International Conference on Education and E-Learning, 2021

The withdrawal phenomenon of students with special educational needs (SEN) and other learning dif... more The withdrawal phenomenon of students with special educational needs (SEN) and other learning difficulties in distance learning in the context of Covid-19. The withdrawal phenomenon was revealed by a qualitative study involving mixed groups of teachers, support specialists, and managers in 23 schools (236 participants in total). The focus group discussion method was used for data collection, and inductive content analysis was applied for data analysis. The results revealed the following stages of the deepening of withdrawal phenomenon: partial or occasional withdrawal; silencing, invisibility, confusion; demotivation and apathy; imitation of participation; loss of social connections; exhaustion, helplessness, and complete withdrawal. The withdrawal phenomenon has been triggered by the sudden shift from eye-to-eye to distance learning without prior preparation, as well as by the digital divide of students with learning difficulties due to a lack of digital skills or the slow development of digital skills in the absence of contact support.

Research paper thumbnail of Culture and Practice of Inclusive Education in Lithuanian School: The Students’ Perspective

ICERI Proceedings, 2020

The aim of this study was to look at the processes of inclusive education in the eyes of the stud... more The aim of this study was to look at the processes of inclusive education in the eyes of the students, without distinguishing them by age, gender, socio-cultural factors, disability, etc., and give them a voice and an opportunity to express their views about the barriers and the recourses for inclusive school culture and practice. 3761 students from 3-12 grades participated in the survey. From the students' point of view, it was found that main barriers for inclusive school culture and practice were: noisy physical environment at school, bullying; inefficient organization of teaching, too difficult and irrelevant learning content; students’ intolerance to diversity and segregationist and discriminatory attitudes toward peers who do not conform to “normality” standards; not managed discipline and behavioural problems in the classroom, discrimination and the practice of exclusion of some groups of pupil; lack of teachers’ respectful and equal communication, cooperation, lack of effective teaching competences. Resources of the inclusive school culture and practice are: assurance of a favourable physical and emotional environment; organization of education, when the curriculum corresponds to the student’s abilities, interests and is available to everyone; students are provided with the opportunity to build friendship relationships, and acknowledge diversity; students’ involvement in decision-makingEdukologijos tyrimų institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Heterogene Lerngruppen in Europa inklusionsorientiert unterrichten

Handbuch Inklusion international / International Handbook of Inclusive Education, 2021

Inklusive Bildung ist zu einem globalen Ziel geworden. Dieses Ziel wird durch die Anerkennung des... more Inklusive Bildung ist zu einem globalen Ziel geworden. Dieses Ziel wird durch die Anerkennung des Menschenrechts auf Bildung für alle und die Vision einer demokratischen Gesellschaft unterstützt, die Vielfalt in all ihren Facetten wertschätzt. Die Förderung angesichts der Vielfalt der Schüler*innen mit dem Ziel der Verbesserung des Lernens aller, bleibt für Lehrer*innen in allen nationalen Kontexten eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da sowohl die gemeinsame Bildung für alle ausgeweitet als auch inklusive Bildung universell werden soll. Die erfolgreiche Unterstützung verschiedener Schüler*innen in ihren Lernprozessen gilt seit Jahrzehnten als das Herzstück einer ausgezeichneten Pädagogik. Dennoch finden wir in ganz Europa signifikante, persistente Unterschiede, sowohl hinsichtlich des Umfangs als auch der Qualität der inklusiven Schulbildung, die auf einer Reihe von institutionalisierten Strukturen und Kulturen beruhen und sich unter anderem in organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen und Lehrmethoden heterogener Bildungssysteme niederschlagen. Aufbauend auf einer dreijährigen Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen des von der Europäischen Kommission finanzierten Comenius-Netzwerkprojekts "Teaching Diverse Learners in School Subjects" (TdiverS), werden in diesem Beitrag Erkenntnisse über "inspirierende Praktiken" der inklusiven Bildung, die in den sechs teilnehmenden Ländern-Deutschland, Island, Litauen, Luxemburg, Schweden und Spanien-gefunden wurden, zusammengefasst. Trotz erheblicher Unterschiede in den Bildungssystemen in Europa sind überall inklusive Bildungspraktiken zu finden. Bei den Schulhospitationen fanden wir inspirierende Inklusionspraktiken in allen Ländern, auch wenn diese durchaus sehr differente Niveaus der (inklusiven) Bildungssysteme aufweisen.

Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Personalized Learning-Based Teacher Education

Changes in the education from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach requires changes ... more Changes in the education from a teacher-centered to a student-centered approach requires changes in schools and in teacher education. One of possible ways is personalized learning (PL). It is a new concept in many countries around the world. PL is closely related to individualized, differentiated learning, inclusive education principles (Abbot, 2014; EDUCAUSE, 2013). PL builds on an understanding of learner: individual development, seeking of personal goals, taking into consideration individual differences and inclusion. PL “challenges teachers to search for pedagogy and practices that will help them addressing diversity in their classroom” (Guðjónsdóttir, 2000, p.9). Different methods and tools (e-tools as well) might be used for PL such as digital storytelling, three step interview, e-portfolio. Paper presents theoretical analysis of links between aspects of effective learning (good knowledge of each student; shared teacher and student responsibility within the learning process; p...

Research paper thumbnail of Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Field Studies in Higher Education: Lithuanian Experience

The significant change in education in general and in higher education in particular has been obv... more The significant change in education in general and in higher education in particular has been obvious in post-soviet countries, including Lithuania, in the last two decades. The most evident characteristics of change in higher education is a paradigm shift from teaching towards learning and collaboration with the student at the centre. The shift from teaching to learning requires new teaching methods and strategies. The use of, and evidence behind, three related student-centred approaches to teaching has grown significantly over the past decades: problem-based learning (PBL), inquiry-based learning (IBL) and undergraduate research (Hudspith and Jenkins, 2001). IBL is a method of teaching that puts the student at the centre through a focus on real problem solving through collaborative effort. It is both an individual and a group process whilst receiving support from an experienced teacher. [...]Šiaulių universiteta

Research paper thumbnail of Teaching Diverse Learners in Europe: Inspiring Practices and Lessons Learned from Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden

The Sage Handbook of Inclusion and Diversity in Education, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive or engaging (‘absorbing’) education: interpretations of social constructs in the context of change in education


Lithuania, like other European countries, has committed to develop and implement inclusive educat... more Lithuania, like other European countries, has committed to develop and implement inclusive education systems. The ideology of inclusive education must be closely linked with proper and appropriately agreed terminology and concepts. Based on the paradigm of social constructivism, discussions and debates among representatives of various related structures, systems and areas both in the international and national context enable to construct social constructs with reconciled and comparable content. Otherwise, new concepts simply replace the old ones but do not change either policy or practice. In various social cultural contexts, such concepts as integration, integrated education, inclusion, inclusive education, school for all, quality education for all can be interpreted differently. This article aims to reveal the concept of inclusive education and how the content of this concept is reflected in the latest national legal documents. The article is based on the study of theoretica...