Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert - (original) (raw)
Articles by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Alpha Omega XXII/1, 2019
Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his las... more Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his last visit to Germany in 2011, relaunched the debate on the relationship between the Church and world. Many theologians of different provenance share the conviction that the model elaborated by Vatican II has lost its plausibility in the context of postmodernity and has to be rethought. However, their solutions differ significantly. In view of a certain ambiguity in theological speaking of the “world”, my article proposes to review some aspects of Romano Guardini’s idea of the Catholic faith as Weltanschauung. After drawing on the historical context, in which Guardini urged us to reintegrate the positive meaning of the world into Catholic thinking, his constant effort to distinguish the specificity of the Christian message, as well as his lifelong research into the indispensable tension between proximity and distance between the world and God, are presented.
Teresianum, 2017
In her work Finite and Eternal Being, Edith Stein bears witness to her lively exchange of ideas w... more In her work Finite and Eternal Being, Edith Stein bears witness to her lively exchange of ideas with Erich Przywara, influential in her philosophical research after her conversion. She also points out the similarities and the differences between her philosophy of being and Przywara’s major philosophical work Analogia Entis I. This article draws on the development and the basic concern of Przywara’s teaching on analogy, which is characterized by emphasis on dissimilarity in the relationship between God and the world. The consequences of analogia entis (thus interpreted) on the imago relationship between God and the world are especially brought forth. In conclusion, Przywara’s interpretation of Stein’s philosophical concerns and her position in regard to his teaching on analogy are presented, and some interpretations of his view are proposed.
In ihrem Werk Endliches und ewiges Sein betont Edith Stein den regen Gedankenaustausch mit Erich Przywara, der auf ihre philosophische Fragestellung nach der Konversion eingewirkt hat. Darüber hinaus verweist sie auf die Überschneidungen und Differenzen zwischen ihrer Seinslehre mit Przywaras religionsphilosophischen Hauptwerk Analogia Entis I. Der Artikel zeichnet die Entwicklung und das Grundanliegen von Przywaras Analogielehre, die sich durch die Hervorhebung des Unähnlichkeitsmomentes im Verhältnis zwischen Gott und Welt auszeichnet. Vor allem die Konsequenzen der so interpretierten analogia entis für das Bild-Verhältnis zwischen Gott und Welt werden aufgezeigt. Schließlich wird Przywaras Deutung von Steins philosophischen Anliegen und ihrer Gestalt aus dem Standpunkt seiner Analogielehre dargestellt, sowie einige Interpretationen seiner Sichtweise vorgeschlagen.
Book Reviews by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Teresianum 2020 by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Teresianum, 2020
In den frühen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Bae... more In den frühen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts
entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Baeck und der Jesuit Erich Przywara einen verblüffend ähnlichen Gedanken: Die Polarität ist die formale Seite des Wesens des Judentums bzw. des Katholizismus. Dieser Artikel hat zum Ziel, die im Anschluss an den 1. Weltkrieg entstandene Konstellation der kulturellen, politischen als auch religiösen Strömungen zu betrachten und das Zusammenspiel der vielen Faktoren, aus denen heraus Baecks und Przywaras Idee der jüdischen bzw. katholischen Polarität erwachsen sind, zum Vorschein zu bringen (I.), die beiden Polaritätssystem in ihrer internen Logik und ihrem je eigenen Anspruch abzubilden (II.), sowie abschließend die beiden Denkwege und Lösungen zu vergleichen und einige Fragen nach der Relevanz des Polaritätsdenkens zu formulieren (III.). Als indirekter Beitrag möchte dieser Artikel den Horizont der anhaltenden Debatte um Przywaras spätere Auseinandersetzung mit der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie erweitern.
New by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Guida accademica, 2022
La guida accademica 2022-23 contiene tutte le indicazioni per studiare al Teresianum insieme alla... more La guida accademica 2022-23 contiene tutte le indicazioni per studiare al Teresianum insieme alla presentazione dei diversi programmi.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Guida accademica, 2021
La guida accademica del Teresianum presenta la Facoltà con i suoi professori, modalità d'iscrizi... more La guida accademica del Teresianum presenta la Facoltà con i suoi professori, modalità d'iscrizione, i cicli accademici insieme ad altri percorsi formativi, tra i quali tre corsi interamente online.
Editorial by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Teresianum , 2021
STUDI IN ONORE DI LUIS JORGE GONZÁLEZ, OCD Saluto e ringraziamento Christof Betschart, ocd L’art... more STUDI IN ONORE DI LUIS JORGE GONZÁLEZ, OCD
Saluto e ringraziamento
Christof Betschart, ocd
L’arte del Counseling spirituale
Stefania Tassotti
Spiritual Counseling
Ramiro Casale, ocd
Deseo de plenitud… plenitud realizada
Myrna Torbay, ocds
Medicina e misticismo
Antonina Bonarrigo
Le spirituel et le psychique, sans confusion ni séparation.
Repères pour l’accompagnement spirituel
Jean-Baptiste Lecuit, ocd
Reading John’s Dark Night: A Theological event
Iain Matthew, ocd
A Dayspring to the Dimness of Us:
The Symbolic Reality of Edith Stein,
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Marie-Dominique Chenu
Peter Tyler
Dimensione personale e comunitaria
della direzione spirituale nella visione di San Basilio
Kornelia (Halyna) Zhupnyk, osbm
Hyacinthe Loyson.
Itinéraire vers une inévitable « chute » (1863-1869)
Stéphane-Marie Morgain, ocd
Papers by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Alpha Omegan, 2019
Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his las... more Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his last visit to Germany in 2011, relaunched the debate on the relationship between the Church and world.Many theologians of different provenance share the conviction that the model elaborated by Vatican II has lost its plausibility in the context of postmodernity and has to be rethought. However, their solutions differ significantly. In view of a certain ambiguity in theological speaking of the “world”, my article proposes to review some aspects of Romano Guardini’s idea of the Catholic faith as Weltanschauung. After drawing on the historical context, in which Guardini urged us to reintegrate the positive meaning of the world into Catholic thinking, his constant effort to distinguish the specificity of the Christian message, as well as his lifelong research into the indispensable tension between proximity and distance between the world and God, are presente
In den fruhen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Bae... more In den fruhen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Baeck und der Jesuit Erich Przywara einen verbluffend ahnlichen Gedanken: Die Polaritat ist die formale...
Drafts by Lukasz Strzyz-Steinert
Teresianum, 2023
Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma 8-9 giugno 2023 Pontifical Faculty of Theology ... more Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma
8-9 giugno 2023
Pontifical Faculty of Theology Teresianum, Rome
June 8th-9th, 2023
Alpha Omega XXII/1, 2019
Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his las... more Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his last visit to Germany in 2011, relaunched the debate on the relationship between the Church and world. Many theologians of different provenance share the conviction that the model elaborated by Vatican II has lost its plausibility in the context of postmodernity and has to be rethought. However, their solutions differ significantly. In view of a certain ambiguity in theological speaking of the “world”, my article proposes to review some aspects of Romano Guardini’s idea of the Catholic faith as Weltanschauung. After drawing on the historical context, in which Guardini urged us to reintegrate the positive meaning of the world into Catholic thinking, his constant effort to distinguish the specificity of the Christian message, as well as his lifelong research into the indispensable tension between proximity and distance between the world and God, are presented.
Teresianum, 2017
In her work Finite and Eternal Being, Edith Stein bears witness to her lively exchange of ideas w... more In her work Finite and Eternal Being, Edith Stein bears witness to her lively exchange of ideas with Erich Przywara, influential in her philosophical research after her conversion. She also points out the similarities and the differences between her philosophy of being and Przywara’s major philosophical work Analogia Entis I. This article draws on the development and the basic concern of Przywara’s teaching on analogy, which is characterized by emphasis on dissimilarity in the relationship between God and the world. The consequences of analogia entis (thus interpreted) on the imago relationship between God and the world are especially brought forth. In conclusion, Przywara’s interpretation of Stein’s philosophical concerns and her position in regard to his teaching on analogy are presented, and some interpretations of his view are proposed.
In ihrem Werk Endliches und ewiges Sein betont Edith Stein den regen Gedankenaustausch mit Erich Przywara, der auf ihre philosophische Fragestellung nach der Konversion eingewirkt hat. Darüber hinaus verweist sie auf die Überschneidungen und Differenzen zwischen ihrer Seinslehre mit Przywaras religionsphilosophischen Hauptwerk Analogia Entis I. Der Artikel zeichnet die Entwicklung und das Grundanliegen von Przywaras Analogielehre, die sich durch die Hervorhebung des Unähnlichkeitsmomentes im Verhältnis zwischen Gott und Welt auszeichnet. Vor allem die Konsequenzen der so interpretierten analogia entis für das Bild-Verhältnis zwischen Gott und Welt werden aufgezeigt. Schließlich wird Przywaras Deutung von Steins philosophischen Anliegen und ihrer Gestalt aus dem Standpunkt seiner Analogielehre dargestellt, sowie einige Interpretationen seiner Sichtweise vorgeschlagen.
Teresianum, 2020
In den frühen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Bae... more In den frühen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts
entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Baeck und der Jesuit Erich Przywara einen verblüffend ähnlichen Gedanken: Die Polarität ist die formale Seite des Wesens des Judentums bzw. des Katholizismus. Dieser Artikel hat zum Ziel, die im Anschluss an den 1. Weltkrieg entstandene Konstellation der kulturellen, politischen als auch religiösen Strömungen zu betrachten und das Zusammenspiel der vielen Faktoren, aus denen heraus Baecks und Przywaras Idee der jüdischen bzw. katholischen Polarität erwachsen sind, zum Vorschein zu bringen (I.), die beiden Polaritätssystem in ihrer internen Logik und ihrem je eigenen Anspruch abzubilden (II.), sowie abschließend die beiden Denkwege und Lösungen zu vergleichen und einige Fragen nach der Relevanz des Polaritätsdenkens zu formulieren (III.). Als indirekter Beitrag möchte dieser Artikel den Horizont der anhaltenden Debatte um Przywaras spätere Auseinandersetzung mit der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie erweitern.
Guida accademica, 2022
La guida accademica 2022-23 contiene tutte le indicazioni per studiare al Teresianum insieme alla... more La guida accademica 2022-23 contiene tutte le indicazioni per studiare al Teresianum insieme alla presentazione dei diversi programmi.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Guida accademica, 2021
La guida accademica del Teresianum presenta la Facoltà con i suoi professori, modalità d'iscrizi... more La guida accademica del Teresianum presenta la Facoltà con i suoi professori, modalità d'iscrizione, i cicli accademici insieme ad altri percorsi formativi, tra i quali tre corsi interamente online.
Teresianum , 2021
STUDI IN ONORE DI LUIS JORGE GONZÁLEZ, OCD Saluto e ringraziamento Christof Betschart, ocd L’art... more STUDI IN ONORE DI LUIS JORGE GONZÁLEZ, OCD
Saluto e ringraziamento
Christof Betschart, ocd
L’arte del Counseling spirituale
Stefania Tassotti
Spiritual Counseling
Ramiro Casale, ocd
Deseo de plenitud… plenitud realizada
Myrna Torbay, ocds
Medicina e misticismo
Antonina Bonarrigo
Le spirituel et le psychique, sans confusion ni séparation.
Repères pour l’accompagnement spirituel
Jean-Baptiste Lecuit, ocd
Reading John’s Dark Night: A Theological event
Iain Matthew, ocd
A Dayspring to the Dimness of Us:
The Symbolic Reality of Edith Stein,
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Marie-Dominique Chenu
Peter Tyler
Dimensione personale e comunitaria
della direzione spirituale nella visione di San Basilio
Kornelia (Halyna) Zhupnyk, osbm
Hyacinthe Loyson.
Itinéraire vers une inévitable « chute » (1863-1869)
Stéphane-Marie Morgain, ocd
Alpha Omegan, 2019
Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his las... more Pope Benedict’s call to a new Entweltlichung [unworldliness] of the Church, issued during his last visit to Germany in 2011, relaunched the debate on the relationship between the Church and world.Many theologians of different provenance share the conviction that the model elaborated by Vatican II has lost its plausibility in the context of postmodernity and has to be rethought. However, their solutions differ significantly. In view of a certain ambiguity in theological speaking of the “world”, my article proposes to review some aspects of Romano Guardini’s idea of the Catholic faith as Weltanschauung. After drawing on the historical context, in which Guardini urged us to reintegrate the positive meaning of the world into Catholic thinking, his constant effort to distinguish the specificity of the Christian message, as well as his lifelong research into the indispensable tension between proximity and distance between the world and God, are presente
In den fruhen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Bae... more In den fruhen 20er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entwickelten der liberale Rabbiner Leo Baeck und der Jesuit Erich Przywara einen verbluffend ahnlichen Gedanken: Die Polaritat ist die formale...
Teresianum, 2023
Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma 8-9 giugno 2023 Pontifical Faculty of Theology ... more Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma
8-9 giugno 2023
Pontifical Faculty of Theology Teresianum, Rome
June 8th-9th, 2023