Laetitia Hugot - (original) (raw)
Papers by Laetitia Hugot
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, Dec 31, 2022
From 2019 to 2021, scientific field campaigns have been organised in Corsica by the Muséum nation... more From 2019 to 2021, scientific field campaigns have been organised in Corsica by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, the Office français de la biodiversité and the Collectivité de Corse as part of the "Our Planet Reviewed" naturalist exploration programme. This paper presents the context, the state of biogeographical and taxonomic knowledge prior to our expeditions, and the objectives, the methods and the first results obtained. The aim was to establish a modern survey of the species present in a selection of sites representative of different Corsican ecosystems, and to further develop the natural history collections through depositing new specimens and species with associated standard DNA barcodes, useful for their identification. Over a period of three years, nineteen sites were surveyed with a semi-standardised protocol and a large-scale trapping scheme was organised in three of these. Sampling efforts focused on forest habitats at higher altitudes and on coastal dune and lowland marshland habitats. A vast array of methods was used to collect invertebrates, with a specific effort on flightinterception traps and pan traps. A total of 34 experts participated to the field surveys and more than 80 further contributed to the study of the specimens. Occurrence data are available in the Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel ( and, for specimens processed through DNA barcoding, specimen and DNA sequencing data will be accessible in the Barcode of Life datasystems (BOLD : In early 2023, the assembled datasets included 31,100 occurrence data for 3,900 taxa of terrestrial arthropods, representing a 53% increase in publicly available data for the island. More than 6,800 DNA barcode sequences have been produced for arthropods, representing a 14-fold increase in available sequences of Corsican insects compared to those available before the start of the programme. So far, these efforts resulted in producing the first Corsican records for 148 species and in the description of 12 species new to science. Résumé.-La Planète Revisitée en Corse 2019-2021 : un grand inventaire de la biodiversité négligée dans une île méditerranéenne. De 2019 à 2021, des missions scientifiques de terrain ont été organisées en Corse par le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, l'Office français de la biodiversité et la Collectivité de Corse dans le cadre du programme d'exploration naturaliste "La Planète Revisitée". Cet article présente le contexte, l'état des connaissances biogéographiques et taxinomiques avant le début du programme, les objectifs, les méthodes ainsi que les premiers résultats obtenus. L'objectif était d'établir un inventaire moderne des espèces présentes
Salicornia Sect. Dolichostachyae consists of approximately ten species which are mainly distribut... more Salicornia Sect. Dolichostachyae consists of approximately ten species which are mainly distributes in lower parts of coastal salt marshes in Eurasia. Taxonomy of the section is problematic like the other sections of the genus and very little known about the section from Turkey. Before our study, known species of the section from Turkey are S. fragilis Ball & Tutin and S. dolichostachya Moss. without certainty. We determined S. fragilis as a doubtfull record and confirmed the presence of S. dolichostachya Moss. and recorded S.emerici Duval-Jouve as a new species record from Turkey. Finally three species belonging to this section recognised from Turkey, namely: S. dolichostachya, S.emerici and S.freitagii Yaprak & Yurdakulol. Chromosome number of S. dolichostachya, S.emerici are reported first time from Turkey and S.freitagii first time for science. We have discussed morphological and ecological characteristics of these species. Since rDNA ETS sequences of these species are identical, Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were utilized to examine systematic relationships in the section.
Insect vectors are key actors of the Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) pathosystem. Studies on their host p... more Insect vectors are key actors of the Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) pathosystem. Studies on their host plants, population dynamics and natural enemies as well as large-scale screening of populations for the presence of Xf are essential to understand and control the bacterium spread across agro-ecosystems. In this communication, we will summarize the studies conducted in Corsica since 2017 using field observations, molecular biology, statistical modeling and species distribution modelling. We will elaborate on results transferable to other European areas and, by contrast, on results indicating situations where a case-by-case management strategy appears more appropriate. We will report on the ecological factors driving the abundance of Philaenus spumarius (Ps), which is mostly associated with Cistus monspeliensis and shows preference for cool but relatively dry conditions. In corsican agrosystems, Ps is not the only vector found on crop foliage and other insects could play a role for disease...
VertigO, 2018
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Scientific Reports
Philaenus spumarius (Ps) is considered the main insect vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa... more Philaenus spumarius (Ps) is considered the main insect vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) in Europe. As such, it is a key actor of the Xf pathosystem on which surveillance and management strategies could be implemented. Although research effort has increased in the past years, the ecological factors shaping Ps abundance and distribution across landscapes are still poorly known in most regions of Europe. We selected 64 plots of 500m2 in Corsican semi-natural habitats in which we sampled nymphs and adults of Ps during three years. While local or surrounding vegetation structure (low or high scrubland) had little effect on Ps abundance, we highlighted a positive relationship between Ps abundance and the density of Cistus monspeliensis in the plots. We also found larger populations of Ps in cooler and moister plots. The pattern of host association highlighted here is unique, which calls for more studies on the ecology of Ps in Europe, to help designing surveillance and mana...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
13-19 aprilInternational audienc
Frontiers in Plant Science
Recent divergence can obscure species boundaries among closely related taxa. Silene section Itali... more Recent divergence can obscure species boundaries among closely related taxa. Silene section Italicae (Caryophyllaceae) has been taxonomically controversial, with about 30 species described. We investigate species delimitation within this section using 500 specimens sequenced for one nuclear and two plastid markers. Despite the use of a small number of genes, the large number of sequenced samples allowed confident delimitation of 50% of the species. The delimitation of other species (e.g., Silene nemoralis, S. nodulosa and S. andryalifolia) was more challenging. We confirmed that seven of the ten chasmophyte species in the section are not related to each other but are, instead, genetically closer to geographically nearby species belonging to Italicae yet growing in open habitats. Adaptation to chasmophytic habitats therefore appears to have occurred independently, as a result of convergent evolution within the group. Species from the Western Mediterranean Basin showed more conflictin...
The Mediterranean region under climate change, 2016
Ecologia mediterranea, 2011
Le Bassin mediterraneen est a la fois identifie comme l'un des 34 points chauds mondiaux de d... more Le Bassin mediterraneen est a la fois identifie comme l'un des 34 points chauds mondiaux de diversite en especes animales et vegetales, maisaussi comme l'une des regions les plus menacees par les changements environnementaux. La Corse est au centre de ces enjeux de conservation du fait de sa grande diversite floristique,d'un fort endemisme et de la rarete d'un grand nombre de ses taxons. Dans ce contexte, les retours d'experience sur les operations de conservation realisees in situ sont particulierement precieux. C'est pour beneficier de tels acquis que nous presentons ici le bilan d'un ensemble heterogene d'operations de conservation d'especes vegetales realisees en Corse sur seize annees (1987-2004). Ces operations ont en commun d'avoir integre le deplacement d'individus vegetaux, soit a des fins de restauration d'habitat naturel, soit dans le but de transferer pour leur sauvegarde des populations de taxons rares menaces par des amenagements. Ce bilan resume 40 operations dont il presente le detail des issues, soit 20 introductions, 18 renforcements de population et 2 operations de transfert de population. Elles se sont soldees par 21 succes et 16 echecs, pour 3 operations non evaluees. Les acquis methodologiques (modalites d'intervention dans un cadre reglementaire,synergies entre partenaires) et biologiques (connaissance des modeles biologiques) generes par ces programmes sont presentes. Enfin, les limites en termes de jeux de donnees disponibles et les perspectives d'amelioration de l'operationnalite (synergie et reactivite des acteurs) sont exposees pour optimiser la mise en oeuvre de futurs programmes de restauration d'habitats ou de suivi de taxons rares.
Ecologia mediterranea, 2017
EnglishIn France, the geographical map called the etatmajor map, drawn between 1818 and 1866, cov... more EnglishIn France, the geographical map called the etatmajor map, drawn between 1818 and 1866, covers the whole country in 273 sheets. The realization of this immense task was ordered under Louis XVIII, in 1817, having in mind at first civil and military needs. Corsica was the last region mapped in France (between 1864 and 1866); it is represented by 22 sheets published at a scale 1:40.000. These maps choose a new way to represent the slopes. However, today, they are a great source of spatialised data indicating land uses, such as agriculture, vineyards, swamps, scrublands, forests but also urbanisation. At that time, Corsican territory was very open with 83% of the land area not covered by trees and in particular pastoral activity, human footprint had strongly modified the landscapes (60% of land area was pasture lands). 20% of Corsica was cultivated, and there was already more than 7.000ha of vineyards. Concerning forest lands, 150 years ago, it represented about 154.000ha, while current estimation gives more than 500.000ha (IGN-National Geographical Institute-2013). Thus, forest cover has been multiplied by 3 during this period. Calculation based on reference date corresponding to the date of the etat-major map, ancient forests have an estimated area of 80.000ha in Corsica. Mountain forest stands show the best continuity in time of forest cover, especially those dominated by Corsican pine and beech. On the contrary, cork-oak forest stands present the strongest deforestation due to urbanisation and agricultural development of the territory. Another interesting piece of information brought by the etat-major map is the presence of forests in the subalpine level (between 1.600 and 2.100m above sea level), where they are absent today. However, for the past few decades, we observe an upward recolonisation of some forest tree species, such as mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia subsp. praemorsa (Guss) Nyman.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) at this elevation, obviously in relation to decreasing intensity of mountain grazing francaisEn France, la carte geographique d’etat-major, levee de 1818 a 1866, couvre l’ensemble du pays en 273 feuilles. C’est sous Louis XVIII que la realisation de cet immense chantier a commence, en 1817, pour repondre au depart a des besoins civils et militaires. La Corse a ete la derniere region francaise cartographiee (entre 1864 et 1866) ; elle est representee par 22 feuilles de minutes editees au 1:40 000. La reproduction du relief est la grande nouveaute apportee par ces cartes. Mais elles sont surtout une formidable source de donnees historiques spatialisees qui nous indique l’occupation du sol par les cultures, les vignes, les marais, les maquis, les forets ou encore les habitations. A cette epoque, le territoire etait tres ouvert avec 83 % de la surface non boisee ou les activites humaines, notamment pastorales, marquaient fortement le paysage (60 % du territoire en pacage ou en parcours). 20 % de la Corse etait cultivee et il y avait deja plus de 7 000 ha de vignes. Concernant la part de la foret, il y a 150 ans, elle representait pres de 154 000 ha, alors qu’aujourd’hui on l’estime a plus de 500 000 ha (IGN 2013). C’est-a-dire qu’elle a ete multipliee par un coefficient 3 pendant cette periode. Calculee avec comme date de reference celle de la carte d’etat-major, la part des forets anciennes serait egale a 80 000 ha en Corse. Ce sont vraiment les essences de montagne qui ont garde le plus longtemps un continuum de leur etat boise, avec les forets de pin laricio (Pinus nigra subsp. laricio Maire) et de hetre (Fagus sylvatica L.). A contrario, ce sont les suberaies (chenes-lieges, Quercus suber L.) qui ont paye le plus fort tribut au developpement urbanistique et agricole du territoire. Une autre information interessante que nous apportent les donnees de l’etat-major, est la presence de forets a l’etage subalpin (entre 1 600 et 2 100 m d’altitude) que l’on ne retrouve plus aujourd’hui. Cependant, depuis quelques decennies, on observe une remontee de quelques essences forestieres comme le sorbier des oiseleurs (Sorbus aucuparia subsp. praemorsa (Guss) Nyman.) et l’erable sycomore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) a ces altitudes, fortement liee a la deprise des territoires d’estives.
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, Dec 31, 2022
From 2019 to 2021, scientific field campaigns have been organised in Corsica by the Muséum nation... more From 2019 to 2021, scientific field campaigns have been organised in Corsica by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, the Office français de la biodiversité and the Collectivité de Corse as part of the "Our Planet Reviewed" naturalist exploration programme. This paper presents the context, the state of biogeographical and taxonomic knowledge prior to our expeditions, and the objectives, the methods and the first results obtained. The aim was to establish a modern survey of the species present in a selection of sites representative of different Corsican ecosystems, and to further develop the natural history collections through depositing new specimens and species with associated standard DNA barcodes, useful for their identification. Over a period of three years, nineteen sites were surveyed with a semi-standardised protocol and a large-scale trapping scheme was organised in three of these. Sampling efforts focused on forest habitats at higher altitudes and on coastal dune and lowland marshland habitats. A vast array of methods was used to collect invertebrates, with a specific effort on flightinterception traps and pan traps. A total of 34 experts participated to the field surveys and more than 80 further contributed to the study of the specimens. Occurrence data are available in the Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel ( and, for specimens processed through DNA barcoding, specimen and DNA sequencing data will be accessible in the Barcode of Life datasystems (BOLD : In early 2023, the assembled datasets included 31,100 occurrence data for 3,900 taxa of terrestrial arthropods, representing a 53% increase in publicly available data for the island. More than 6,800 DNA barcode sequences have been produced for arthropods, representing a 14-fold increase in available sequences of Corsican insects compared to those available before the start of the programme. So far, these efforts resulted in producing the first Corsican records for 148 species and in the description of 12 species new to science. Résumé.-La Planète Revisitée en Corse 2019-2021 : un grand inventaire de la biodiversité négligée dans une île méditerranéenne. De 2019 à 2021, des missions scientifiques de terrain ont été organisées en Corse par le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, l'Office français de la biodiversité et la Collectivité de Corse dans le cadre du programme d'exploration naturaliste "La Planète Revisitée". Cet article présente le contexte, l'état des connaissances biogéographiques et taxinomiques avant le début du programme, les objectifs, les méthodes ainsi que les premiers résultats obtenus. L'objectif était d'établir un inventaire moderne des espèces présentes
Salicornia Sect. Dolichostachyae consists of approximately ten species which are mainly distribut... more Salicornia Sect. Dolichostachyae consists of approximately ten species which are mainly distributes in lower parts of coastal salt marshes in Eurasia. Taxonomy of the section is problematic like the other sections of the genus and very little known about the section from Turkey. Before our study, known species of the section from Turkey are S. fragilis Ball & Tutin and S. dolichostachya Moss. without certainty. We determined S. fragilis as a doubtfull record and confirmed the presence of S. dolichostachya Moss. and recorded S.emerici Duval-Jouve as a new species record from Turkey. Finally three species belonging to this section recognised from Turkey, namely: S. dolichostachya, S.emerici and S.freitagii Yaprak & Yurdakulol. Chromosome number of S. dolichostachya, S.emerici are reported first time from Turkey and S.freitagii first time for science. We have discussed morphological and ecological characteristics of these species. Since rDNA ETS sequences of these species are identical, Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were utilized to examine systematic relationships in the section.
Insect vectors are key actors of the Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) pathosystem. Studies on their host p... more Insect vectors are key actors of the Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) pathosystem. Studies on their host plants, population dynamics and natural enemies as well as large-scale screening of populations for the presence of Xf are essential to understand and control the bacterium spread across agro-ecosystems. In this communication, we will summarize the studies conducted in Corsica since 2017 using field observations, molecular biology, statistical modeling and species distribution modelling. We will elaborate on results transferable to other European areas and, by contrast, on results indicating situations where a case-by-case management strategy appears more appropriate. We will report on the ecological factors driving the abundance of Philaenus spumarius (Ps), which is mostly associated with Cistus monspeliensis and shows preference for cool but relatively dry conditions. In corsican agrosystems, Ps is not the only vector found on crop foliage and other insects could play a role for disease...
VertigO, 2018
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Scientific Reports
Philaenus spumarius (Ps) is considered the main insect vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa... more Philaenus spumarius (Ps) is considered the main insect vector of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) in Europe. As such, it is a key actor of the Xf pathosystem on which surveillance and management strategies could be implemented. Although research effort has increased in the past years, the ecological factors shaping Ps abundance and distribution across landscapes are still poorly known in most regions of Europe. We selected 64 plots of 500m2 in Corsican semi-natural habitats in which we sampled nymphs and adults of Ps during three years. While local or surrounding vegetation structure (low or high scrubland) had little effect on Ps abundance, we highlighted a positive relationship between Ps abundance and the density of Cistus monspeliensis in the plots. We also found larger populations of Ps in cooler and moister plots. The pattern of host association highlighted here is unique, which calls for more studies on the ecology of Ps in Europe, to help designing surveillance and mana...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
13-19 aprilInternational audienc
Frontiers in Plant Science
Recent divergence can obscure species boundaries among closely related taxa. Silene section Itali... more Recent divergence can obscure species boundaries among closely related taxa. Silene section Italicae (Caryophyllaceae) has been taxonomically controversial, with about 30 species described. We investigate species delimitation within this section using 500 specimens sequenced for one nuclear and two plastid markers. Despite the use of a small number of genes, the large number of sequenced samples allowed confident delimitation of 50% of the species. The delimitation of other species (e.g., Silene nemoralis, S. nodulosa and S. andryalifolia) was more challenging. We confirmed that seven of the ten chasmophyte species in the section are not related to each other but are, instead, genetically closer to geographically nearby species belonging to Italicae yet growing in open habitats. Adaptation to chasmophytic habitats therefore appears to have occurred independently, as a result of convergent evolution within the group. Species from the Western Mediterranean Basin showed more conflictin...
The Mediterranean region under climate change, 2016
Ecologia mediterranea, 2011
Le Bassin mediterraneen est a la fois identifie comme l'un des 34 points chauds mondiaux de d... more Le Bassin mediterraneen est a la fois identifie comme l'un des 34 points chauds mondiaux de diversite en especes animales et vegetales, maisaussi comme l'une des regions les plus menacees par les changements environnementaux. La Corse est au centre de ces enjeux de conservation du fait de sa grande diversite floristique,d'un fort endemisme et de la rarete d'un grand nombre de ses taxons. Dans ce contexte, les retours d'experience sur les operations de conservation realisees in situ sont particulierement precieux. C'est pour beneficier de tels acquis que nous presentons ici le bilan d'un ensemble heterogene d'operations de conservation d'especes vegetales realisees en Corse sur seize annees (1987-2004). Ces operations ont en commun d'avoir integre le deplacement d'individus vegetaux, soit a des fins de restauration d'habitat naturel, soit dans le but de transferer pour leur sauvegarde des populations de taxons rares menaces par des amenagements. Ce bilan resume 40 operations dont il presente le detail des issues, soit 20 introductions, 18 renforcements de population et 2 operations de transfert de population. Elles se sont soldees par 21 succes et 16 echecs, pour 3 operations non evaluees. Les acquis methodologiques (modalites d'intervention dans un cadre reglementaire,synergies entre partenaires) et biologiques (connaissance des modeles biologiques) generes par ces programmes sont presentes. Enfin, les limites en termes de jeux de donnees disponibles et les perspectives d'amelioration de l'operationnalite (synergie et reactivite des acteurs) sont exposees pour optimiser la mise en oeuvre de futurs programmes de restauration d'habitats ou de suivi de taxons rares.
Ecologia mediterranea, 2017
EnglishIn France, the geographical map called the etatmajor map, drawn between 1818 and 1866, cov... more EnglishIn France, the geographical map called the etatmajor map, drawn between 1818 and 1866, covers the whole country in 273 sheets. The realization of this immense task was ordered under Louis XVIII, in 1817, having in mind at first civil and military needs. Corsica was the last region mapped in France (between 1864 and 1866); it is represented by 22 sheets published at a scale 1:40.000. These maps choose a new way to represent the slopes. However, today, they are a great source of spatialised data indicating land uses, such as agriculture, vineyards, swamps, scrublands, forests but also urbanisation. At that time, Corsican territory was very open with 83% of the land area not covered by trees and in particular pastoral activity, human footprint had strongly modified the landscapes (60% of land area was pasture lands). 20% of Corsica was cultivated, and there was already more than 7.000ha of vineyards. Concerning forest lands, 150 years ago, it represented about 154.000ha, while current estimation gives more than 500.000ha (IGN-National Geographical Institute-2013). Thus, forest cover has been multiplied by 3 during this period. Calculation based on reference date corresponding to the date of the etat-major map, ancient forests have an estimated area of 80.000ha in Corsica. Mountain forest stands show the best continuity in time of forest cover, especially those dominated by Corsican pine and beech. On the contrary, cork-oak forest stands present the strongest deforestation due to urbanisation and agricultural development of the territory. Another interesting piece of information brought by the etat-major map is the presence of forests in the subalpine level (between 1.600 and 2.100m above sea level), where they are absent today. However, for the past few decades, we observe an upward recolonisation of some forest tree species, such as mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia subsp. praemorsa (Guss) Nyman.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) at this elevation, obviously in relation to decreasing intensity of mountain grazing francaisEn France, la carte geographique d’etat-major, levee de 1818 a 1866, couvre l’ensemble du pays en 273 feuilles. C’est sous Louis XVIII que la realisation de cet immense chantier a commence, en 1817, pour repondre au depart a des besoins civils et militaires. La Corse a ete la derniere region francaise cartographiee (entre 1864 et 1866) ; elle est representee par 22 feuilles de minutes editees au 1:40 000. La reproduction du relief est la grande nouveaute apportee par ces cartes. Mais elles sont surtout une formidable source de donnees historiques spatialisees qui nous indique l’occupation du sol par les cultures, les vignes, les marais, les maquis, les forets ou encore les habitations. A cette epoque, le territoire etait tres ouvert avec 83 % de la surface non boisee ou les activites humaines, notamment pastorales, marquaient fortement le paysage (60 % du territoire en pacage ou en parcours). 20 % de la Corse etait cultivee et il y avait deja plus de 7 000 ha de vignes. Concernant la part de la foret, il y a 150 ans, elle representait pres de 154 000 ha, alors qu’aujourd’hui on l’estime a plus de 500 000 ha (IGN 2013). C’est-a-dire qu’elle a ete multipliee par un coefficient 3 pendant cette periode. Calculee avec comme date de reference celle de la carte d’etat-major, la part des forets anciennes serait egale a 80 000 ha en Corse. Ce sont vraiment les essences de montagne qui ont garde le plus longtemps un continuum de leur etat boise, avec les forets de pin laricio (Pinus nigra subsp. laricio Maire) et de hetre (Fagus sylvatica L.). A contrario, ce sont les suberaies (chenes-lieges, Quercus suber L.) qui ont paye le plus fort tribut au developpement urbanistique et agricole du territoire. Une autre information interessante que nous apportent les donnees de l’etat-major, est la presence de forets a l’etage subalpin (entre 1 600 et 2 100 m d’altitude) que l’on ne retrouve plus aujourd’hui. Cependant, depuis quelques decennies, on observe une remontee de quelques essences forestieres comme le sorbier des oiseleurs (Sorbus aucuparia subsp. praemorsa (Guss) Nyman.) et l’erable sycomore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) a ces altitudes, fortement liee a la deprise des territoires d’estives.
Silene mollissima (L.) Pers. aggregate is included in the Siphonomorpha Otth. section of the genu... more Silene mollissima (L.) Pers. aggregate is included in the Siphonomorpha Otth. section of the genus Silene L. and currently comprises 11 endemic species of the Western Mediterranean Basin. Five of these species have a distribution which is centered in the Tyrrhenian area. The three species investigated were S. velutina Pourr. ex Loisel., S. ichnusae Brullo, De Marco & De Marco and S. badaroi Bestr., all occurring in coastal habitats. Inter- and intra-specific variability in the responses to light, constant (5-25°C) and alternating temperatures (25/10°C), NaCl (0-600mM), KNO3 (20 mM) under salinity and recovery of seed germination was evaluated for all the species. Seeds of the three taxa were non-dormant and light significantly improved their germination, which showed high percentages (> 80%) at the low temperatures (5-15°C) and under the alternating temperature regime (25/10°C) decreasing significantly at the highest temperature (25°C). S.
velutina and S. ichnusae seeds germinated up to 300 mM NaCl, while S. badaroi until 100 mM. For all the species, salt did not affect seed viability and recovery did not decrease whit increasing salinity and temperature, except for S. badaroi. Inter-population variability both in salt tolerance and recovery was detected for S. velutina. The adding of KNO3 did not affect germination and its recovery under salt conditions. Our results highlighted that these species have their optimum of germination during autumn-winter when, under the Mediterranean climate, water availability is highest and soil salinity levels are minimal, but they are also able to germinate until spring.