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Papers/Theses by Lai Hin

Research paper thumbnail of A study of hydraulic characteristics for flow in equatorial rivers

This paper presents the results obtained from field measurements taken in several frequently floo... more This paper presents the results obtained from field measurements taken in several frequently flooded equitorial rivers, including velocity distributions,
stage discharge relationships, roughness behaviours and discharge estimation. These have illustrated the large difference in velocity between the main channel and floodplain under flood conditions, and the effects of momentum transfer between deep and shallow flow, which include reduction in main channel velocity and discharge capacity, leading to a reduction in compound section capacity at depth above bankfull.

Another significant characteristic that has been found is that the floodplain regions behave as storage reservoirs (V = 0 m/s) in most cases due to high resistance of long and thick grasses along the flood plains (n = 0.07−0.1). Flow resistance relationships have been presented in terms of Manning’s coefficient and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, showing the complex nature of flow resistance in the rivers and further explaining the danger inherent in the conventional practices of extrapolating inbank data for the analysis of overbank flows. Results for discharge estimation have been shown for comparison with actual data, the errors incurred by applying empirical methods to compound channel flows have been quantified and found to depend on the particular method used.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of apparent and composite friction factors for flooded equatorial natural rivers

This paper presents results, calculated from field measurements taken in several frequently flood... more This paper presents results, calculated from field measurements taken in several frequently flooded natural rivers, which include D and R relationships, variation of flow resistance with depth of flow, the apparent friction factor, and the composite friction factor for flooded natural rivers. The results obtained have shown the complexity of flow resistance in natural rivers due to the interaction between the main channel and floodplain flow. The
interaction has given rise to a pair of apparent shear stresses at the interface region, which can significantly reduce the discharge capacity of the rivers.

The apparent shear was quantified in terms of an apparent friction factor, fa, and it was found that the apparent shear stress is many times greater than the averaged boundary shear stress of the rivers. Based on the averaged boundary shear stress and apparent shear stress, the composite (actual) friction factor for the rivers can be estimated accurately (R2 = 0.99) using a statistical method that had been derived.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of BIOECODS for peak flow attenuation: an appraisal using InfoWorks SD

The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “c... more The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “control at source” approach for urban storm water management in Malaysia. This study attempts to model a small-scale BIOECODS using InfoWorks SD. New modelling techniques are used to fully integrate the surface and on-line subsurface conveyance system, in which overland flow routing is described by a storm water management model that uses a nonlinear reservoir method and the kinematic wave approximation of the St Venant equation, and subsurface flow is described by the Horton method in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method. The observed water levels at primary outlets are compared with those obtained from model simulation. The modelling approach has been proven successful as the hydrographs (predicted and observed) match each other closely, with a mean error in the range of 4.58–7.32%. Results from the model showed that the BIOECODS is able to attenuate peak flow by 60–75%, and increase the lag time by 20 min within an area of <28 300 m2 when compared with a traditional drainage system

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Papers by Lai Hin

Research paper thumbnail of Design factors affecting the dynamic performance of soil suspension in an agitated, baffled tank

Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the streamflow of a river basin using enhanced hydro-meteorological data in Malaysia

Acta Horticulturae, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of RainIDF: automated derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency relationship from annual maxima and partial duration series

Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2013

RainIDF, a software tool for derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relationsh... more RainIDF, a software tool for derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relationship is developed as an Excel add-in by using Visual Basics for Applications (VBA). The tool is integrated with two of the most widely used statistical distributions for determination of IDF relationship: the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution for annual maxima series, and the generalized Pareto (GPA) distribution for partial duration series (PDS). It provides automated distribution fitting for rainfall data in the form of annual maxima or PDS for multiple intervals, solving and plotting of rainfall IDF curves. RainIDF uses the Solver add-in function in Excel to solve the coefficients of the empirical IDF formula in one step. The methodology built into RainIDF is discussed and rainfall IDF relationships for several stations in Peninsular Malaysia are derived and compared. RainIDF is available for download on GitHub ( as an Excel add-in.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing and Calibrating a Stochastic Rainfall Generator Model for Simulating Daily Rainfall by Markov Chain Approach

Jurnal Teknologi, 2015

Rainfall is an important parameter in tropical humid regions for which paddy production systems d... more Rainfall is an important parameter in tropical humid regions for which paddy production systems depend. A significant portion of paddy water requirements is supplied by natural rainfall. Several studies have predicted changes in rainfall patterns and in the amount of rain that may be obtainable in future owing to climate change. There is increased concern about future water availability for an important crop such as rice. Need to develop new water management tools for sustainable production is inevitable, but such tools require long-term climate data that is credible and consistent with the time. This study concerns itself with evaluating a stochastic weather generator (WGEN) model for simulating daily rainfall series. The model is assessed using long-term historical rainfall data obtained from a rice growing irrigation schemes in Malaysia. The model is based on a first-order two-state Markov chain approach which uses two transition probabilities and random number to generate rainfa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Non-Discrete Dynamic Game Model and Corresponding Monthly Collocation Solution Considering Variability in Reservoir Inflow

Water Resources Management, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative dam break analysis on a reservoir earth dam

International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Programming to Predict Ski-Jump Bucket Spill-Way Scour

Journal of Hydrodynamics, Aug 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Drought Conditions in Peninsular Malaysia during 1989-2018 using SPI and EDDI

Proceedings of International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022

Droughts are constantly threatening the global water availability and food securities worldwide. ... more Droughts are constantly threatening the global water availability and food securities worldwide. This study aims to evaluate the short- and long-term (1-, 6- and 12-month) drought conditions in Peninsular Malaysia during 1989-2018 using Standardized Precipitation Index and Evaporative Demand Drought Index. Historical trends of drought conditions were analyzed using modified Mann-Kendall test. Spearman’s ρ approach was also applied to examine the spatial patterns of correlations between these drought indices. Based on the findings, Evaporative Demand Drought Index shows increasing tendency towards drier conditions in the northern half of Peninsular Malaysia, but opposite trends are observed for Standardized Precipitation Index. The time series of Evaporative Demand Drought Index are generally well-correlated to that of Standardized Precipitation Index at all three timescales for the whole study area, except for the northern region. The evidence presented suggests Evaporative Demand D...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Permeable Pavement with Subsurface Micro Detention Storage as Rainwater Harvesting Device

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the changes of precipitation extremes in Peninsular Malaysia

International Journal of Climatology

The rise of global surface temperature due to warming climate is expected to increase the intensi... more The rise of global surface temperature due to warming climate is expected to increase the intensity and occurrence of extreme precipitation events. Previous studies in Southeast Asia revealed complex variations in changes of precipitation extremes. This study presents a spatial-temporal analysis on changes of precipitation extremes in Peninsular Malaysia by utilizing long-term daily rainfall records at 64 observed stations during 1989-2018. The modified Mann-Kendall and Sen&#39;s slope tests were performed to detect the significance and magnitude of trends in eight extreme precipitation indices recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices. Statistically significant increasing trends are observed for four of these extreme indices in the annual assessment. Spatial analysis demonstrates an obvious contrast between

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Research paper thumbnail of Vegetation cover and management factor(C) derivation through digital photographs

Vegetation cover and management factor (C) of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is usually ... more Vegetation cover and management factor (C) of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is usually can be found from guideline. However, the value would actually bias for small scale area. This study was therefore aimed to use digital photograph to obtain the vegetation cover and management factor (C) at small scale. A total of 8 photographs were taken at the centre of the 8 experimental plots location. These photographs were processed using ArcGIS 10.1 whereby the vegetation cover and bared soil were identified using the maximum likelihood algorithm method. For validation purposes, the results obtained were compared with that of the previous studies. We found that the newly derived value of C is of comparable with that of the previous studies. This indicates the simple technique is beneficial for quantification of the vegetation ground cover for small scale and sloping topography as we applied to hilly area beside highway. The proposed technique is also applicable for large area but ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Hybrid Evolutionary Data-Intelligence Algorithm for Irrigation and Power Production Management: Application to Multi-Purpose Reservoir Systems

Sustainability, 2019

Multi-purpose advanced systems are considered a complex problem in water resource management, and... more Multi-purpose advanced systems are considered a complex problem in water resource management, and the use of data-intelligence methodologies in operating such systems provides major advantages for decision-makers. The current research is devoted to the implementation of hybrid novel meta-heuristic algorithms (e.g., the bat algorithm (BA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm) to formulate multi-purpose systems for power production and irrigation supply. The proposed hybrid modelling method was applied for the multi-purpose reservoir system of Bhadra Dam, which is located in the state of Karnataka, India. The average monthly demand for irrigation is 142.14 (106 m3), and the amount of released water based on the new hybrid algorithm (NHA) is 141.25 (106 m3). Compared with the shark algorithm (SA), BA, weed algorithm (WA), PSO algorithm, and genetic algorithm (GA), the NHA decreased the computation time by 28%, 36%, 39%, 82%, and 88%, respectively, which represents an excelle...

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Response in Ecological Swale with On-Line Subsurface Detention Using Infoworks SD

Water Environment Research, 2017

The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage (SUDS) to demonstrate t... more The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage (SUDS) to demonstrate the &#39;control at source&#39; approaches for urban stormwater management in Malaysia. It is an environmentally friendly drainage system that was designed to increase infiltration, reduce peak flow at outlet, improve water quality, through different BMPs, such as grass swale, retention pond, etc. A special feature of BIOECODS is ecological swale with on-line subsurface detention. This study attempted to create a model of ecological swale with on-line subsurface conveyance system with InfoWorks SD. The new technique has been used Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) model to describe overland flow routing and Soil Conservation Service Method (SCS) used to model infiltration or subsurface flow. The modeling technique has been proven successful, as the predicted and observed closely match each other, with a mean error of 4.58 to 7.32%. The calibrated model then used to determine the ratio of the flow exchange between the surface and subsurface drainage system. Results from the model showed that the runoff ratio exchange between the surface and subsurface is 60 to 90%.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of BIOECODS for peak flow attenuation: an appraisal using InfoWorks SD

Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016

ABSTRACTThe Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which ado... more ABSTRACTThe Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “control at source” approach for urban storm water management in Malaysia. This study attempts to model a small-scale BIOECODS using InfoWorks SD. New modelling techniques are used to fully integrate the surface and on-line subsurface conveyance system, in which overland flow routing is described by a storm water management model that uses a nonlinear reservoir method and the kinematic wave approximation of the St Venant equation, and subsurface flow is described by the Horton method in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method. The observed water levels at primary outlets are compared with those obtained from model simulation. The modelling approach has been proven successful as the hydrographs (predicted and observed) match each other closely, with a mean error in the range of 4.58–7.32%. Results from the model showed that the BIOECODS is able to attenuate peak flow ...

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Research paper thumbnail of An investigation into the effects of particle texture, water content and parallel plates׳ diameters on rheological behavior of fine sediment

International Journal of Sediment Research, 2016

Siltation, a phenomenon resulted from the presence of fine particles in an aqueous environment, d... more Siltation, a phenomenon resulted from the presence of fine particles in an aqueous environment, dominated by silt and clay, is a known and common environmental issue worldwide. The accumulation of fine sediments engenders murky water with low oxygen levels, which leads to the death of aquatic life. Thus, investigating the physical and mechanical properties of fine sediment by rheological methods has expanded. Rheology is the science of deformation and flow of matter in stress. This survey investigates the rheological behavior of six samples of soil as the fine particles structure (Do63 mm) from different regions of Malaysia by using a rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring (using two sizes: 25 mm and 50 mm) device to explore the flow and viscoelastic properties of fine particles. The samples were examined in two rheological curve and amplitude sweep test methods to investigate the effect of water content ratio, texture, and structure of particles on rheological properties. It was found that the content of fine sand, clay, and silt had an effect on the stiffness, structural stability, and shear behavior. Thus, the pseudoplastic and viscoelastic behavior are respectively shown. Moreover, the amount of fine sediments present in water i.e. the concentration of these particles, has a direct effect on the rheological curve. A reduction in viscosity of samples with higher concentrations of water has been observed. As a consequence, a considerable quantity of fine sediments are distributed within the water body and remain suspended over the time. As a result, the sedimentation rate slows down. It needs to be asserted that the storage modulus G0 , loss modulus G′′, and yield point can vary depending on particle type. The G0 and G′′ were instigated for samples (70% and 45% concentrations) that demonstrated viscoelastic characteristics using the same rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring device. & 2015 International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation/the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Fine Sediment on TSS and Turbidity in Retention Structure

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of A study of hydraulic characteristics for flow in equatorial rivers

International Journal of River Basin Management, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of A study of hydraulic characteristics for flow in equatorial rivers

This paper presents the results obtained from field measurements taken in several frequently floo... more This paper presents the results obtained from field measurements taken in several frequently flooded equitorial rivers, including velocity distributions,
stage discharge relationships, roughness behaviours and discharge estimation. These have illustrated the large difference in velocity between the main channel and floodplain under flood conditions, and the effects of momentum transfer between deep and shallow flow, which include reduction in main channel velocity and discharge capacity, leading to a reduction in compound section capacity at depth above bankfull.

Another significant characteristic that has been found is that the floodplain regions behave as storage reservoirs (V = 0 m/s) in most cases due to high resistance of long and thick grasses along the flood plains (n = 0.07−0.1). Flow resistance relationships have been presented in terms of Manning’s coefficient and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, showing the complex nature of flow resistance in the rivers and further explaining the danger inherent in the conventional practices of extrapolating inbank data for the analysis of overbank flows. Results for discharge estimation have been shown for comparison with actual data, the errors incurred by applying empirical methods to compound channel flows have been quantified and found to depend on the particular method used.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of apparent and composite friction factors for flooded equatorial natural rivers

This paper presents results, calculated from field measurements taken in several frequently flood... more This paper presents results, calculated from field measurements taken in several frequently flooded natural rivers, which include D and R relationships, variation of flow resistance with depth of flow, the apparent friction factor, and the composite friction factor for flooded natural rivers. The results obtained have shown the complexity of flow resistance in natural rivers due to the interaction between the main channel and floodplain flow. The
interaction has given rise to a pair of apparent shear stresses at the interface region, which can significantly reduce the discharge capacity of the rivers.

The apparent shear was quantified in terms of an apparent friction factor, fa, and it was found that the apparent shear stress is many times greater than the averaged boundary shear stress of the rivers. Based on the averaged boundary shear stress and apparent shear stress, the composite (actual) friction factor for the rivers can be estimated accurately (R2 = 0.99) using a statistical method that had been derived.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of BIOECODS for peak flow attenuation: an appraisal using InfoWorks SD

The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “c... more The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “control at source” approach for urban storm water management in Malaysia. This study attempts to model a small-scale BIOECODS using InfoWorks SD. New modelling techniques are used to fully integrate the surface and on-line subsurface conveyance system, in which overland flow routing is described by a storm water management model that uses a nonlinear reservoir method and the kinematic wave approximation of the St Venant equation, and subsurface flow is described by the Horton method in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method. The observed water levels at primary outlets are compared with those obtained from model simulation. The modelling approach has been proven successful as the hydrographs (predicted and observed) match each other closely, with a mean error in the range of 4.58–7.32%. Results from the model showed that the BIOECODS is able to attenuate peak flow by 60–75%, and increase the lag time by 20 min within an area of <28 300 m2 when compared with a traditional drainage system

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Research paper thumbnail of Design factors affecting the dynamic performance of soil suspension in an agitated, baffled tank

Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling the streamflow of a river basin using enhanced hydro-meteorological data in Malaysia

Acta Horticulturae, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of RainIDF: automated derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency relationship from annual maxima and partial duration series

Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2013

RainIDF, a software tool for derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relationsh... more RainIDF, a software tool for derivation of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) relationship is developed as an Excel add-in by using Visual Basics for Applications (VBA). The tool is integrated with two of the most widely used statistical distributions for determination of IDF relationship: the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution for annual maxima series, and the generalized Pareto (GPA) distribution for partial duration series (PDS). It provides automated distribution fitting for rainfall data in the form of annual maxima or PDS for multiple intervals, solving and plotting of rainfall IDF curves. RainIDF uses the Solver add-in function in Excel to solve the coefficients of the empirical IDF formula in one step. The methodology built into RainIDF is discussed and rainfall IDF relationships for several stations in Peninsular Malaysia are derived and compared. RainIDF is available for download on GitHub ( as an Excel add-in.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing and Calibrating a Stochastic Rainfall Generator Model for Simulating Daily Rainfall by Markov Chain Approach

Jurnal Teknologi, 2015

Rainfall is an important parameter in tropical humid regions for which paddy production systems d... more Rainfall is an important parameter in tropical humid regions for which paddy production systems depend. A significant portion of paddy water requirements is supplied by natural rainfall. Several studies have predicted changes in rainfall patterns and in the amount of rain that may be obtainable in future owing to climate change. There is increased concern about future water availability for an important crop such as rice. Need to develop new water management tools for sustainable production is inevitable, but such tools require long-term climate data that is credible and consistent with the time. This study concerns itself with evaluating a stochastic weather generator (WGEN) model for simulating daily rainfall series. The model is assessed using long-term historical rainfall data obtained from a rice growing irrigation schemes in Malaysia. The model is based on a first-order two-state Markov chain approach which uses two transition probabilities and random number to generate rainfa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing a Non-Discrete Dynamic Game Model and Corresponding Monthly Collocation Solution Considering Variability in Reservoir Inflow

Water Resources Management, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantitative dam break analysis on a reservoir earth dam

International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Programming to Predict Ski-Jump Bucket Spill-Way Scour

Journal of Hydrodynamics, Aug 1, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Drought Conditions in Peninsular Malaysia during 1989-2018 using SPI and EDDI

Proceedings of International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022

Droughts are constantly threatening the global water availability and food securities worldwide. ... more Droughts are constantly threatening the global water availability and food securities worldwide. This study aims to evaluate the short- and long-term (1-, 6- and 12-month) drought conditions in Peninsular Malaysia during 1989-2018 using Standardized Precipitation Index and Evaporative Demand Drought Index. Historical trends of drought conditions were analyzed using modified Mann-Kendall test. Spearman’s ρ approach was also applied to examine the spatial patterns of correlations between these drought indices. Based on the findings, Evaporative Demand Drought Index shows increasing tendency towards drier conditions in the northern half of Peninsular Malaysia, but opposite trends are observed for Standardized Precipitation Index. The time series of Evaporative Demand Drought Index are generally well-correlated to that of Standardized Precipitation Index at all three timescales for the whole study area, except for the northern region. The evidence presented suggests Evaporative Demand D...

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Research paper thumbnail of Performance of Permeable Pavement with Subsurface Micro Detention Storage as Rainwater Harvesting Device

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the changes of precipitation extremes in Peninsular Malaysia

International Journal of Climatology

The rise of global surface temperature due to warming climate is expected to increase the intensi... more The rise of global surface temperature due to warming climate is expected to increase the intensity and occurrence of extreme precipitation events. Previous studies in Southeast Asia revealed complex variations in changes of precipitation extremes. This study presents a spatial-temporal analysis on changes of precipitation extremes in Peninsular Malaysia by utilizing long-term daily rainfall records at 64 observed stations during 1989-2018. The modified Mann-Kendall and Sen&#39;s slope tests were performed to detect the significance and magnitude of trends in eight extreme precipitation indices recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices. Statistically significant increasing trends are observed for four of these extreme indices in the annual assessment. Spatial analysis demonstrates an obvious contrast between

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Research paper thumbnail of Vegetation cover and management factor(C) derivation through digital photographs

Vegetation cover and management factor (C) of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is usually ... more Vegetation cover and management factor (C) of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is usually can be found from guideline. However, the value would actually bias for small scale area. This study was therefore aimed to use digital photograph to obtain the vegetation cover and management factor (C) at small scale. A total of 8 photographs were taken at the centre of the 8 experimental plots location. These photographs were processed using ArcGIS 10.1 whereby the vegetation cover and bared soil were identified using the maximum likelihood algorithm method. For validation purposes, the results obtained were compared with that of the previous studies. We found that the newly derived value of C is of comparable with that of the previous studies. This indicates the simple technique is beneficial for quantification of the vegetation ground cover for small scale and sloping topography as we applied to hilly area beside highway. The proposed technique is also applicable for large area but ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Hybrid Evolutionary Data-Intelligence Algorithm for Irrigation and Power Production Management: Application to Multi-Purpose Reservoir Systems

Sustainability, 2019

Multi-purpose advanced systems are considered a complex problem in water resource management, and... more Multi-purpose advanced systems are considered a complex problem in water resource management, and the use of data-intelligence methodologies in operating such systems provides major advantages for decision-makers. The current research is devoted to the implementation of hybrid novel meta-heuristic algorithms (e.g., the bat algorithm (BA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm) to formulate multi-purpose systems for power production and irrigation supply. The proposed hybrid modelling method was applied for the multi-purpose reservoir system of Bhadra Dam, which is located in the state of Karnataka, India. The average monthly demand for irrigation is 142.14 (106 m3), and the amount of released water based on the new hybrid algorithm (NHA) is 141.25 (106 m3). Compared with the shark algorithm (SA), BA, weed algorithm (WA), PSO algorithm, and genetic algorithm (GA), the NHA decreased the computation time by 28%, 36%, 39%, 82%, and 88%, respectively, which represents an excelle...

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Research paper thumbnail of Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Response in Ecological Swale with On-Line Subsurface Detention Using Infoworks SD

Water Environment Research, 2017

The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage (SUDS) to demonstrate t... more The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage (SUDS) to demonstrate the &#39;control at source&#39; approaches for urban stormwater management in Malaysia. It is an environmentally friendly drainage system that was designed to increase infiltration, reduce peak flow at outlet, improve water quality, through different BMPs, such as grass swale, retention pond, etc. A special feature of BIOECODS is ecological swale with on-line subsurface detention. This study attempted to create a model of ecological swale with on-line subsurface conveyance system with InfoWorks SD. The new technique has been used Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) model to describe overland flow routing and Soil Conservation Service Method (SCS) used to model infiltration or subsurface flow. The modeling technique has been proven successful, as the predicted and observed closely match each other, with a mean error of 4.58 to 7.32%. The calibrated model then used to determine the ratio of the flow exchange between the surface and subsurface drainage system. Results from the model showed that the runoff ratio exchange between the surface and subsurface is 60 to 90%.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of BIOECODS for peak flow attenuation: an appraisal using InfoWorks SD

Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016

ABSTRACTThe Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which ado... more ABSTRACTThe Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) is a sustainable drainage system, which adopts a “control at source” approach for urban storm water management in Malaysia. This study attempts to model a small-scale BIOECODS using InfoWorks SD. New modelling techniques are used to fully integrate the surface and on-line subsurface conveyance system, in which overland flow routing is described by a storm water management model that uses a nonlinear reservoir method and the kinematic wave approximation of the St Venant equation, and subsurface flow is described by the Horton method in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method. The observed water levels at primary outlets are compared with those obtained from model simulation. The modelling approach has been proven successful as the hydrographs (predicted and observed) match each other closely, with a mean error in the range of 4.58–7.32%. Results from the model showed that the BIOECODS is able to attenuate peak flow ...

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Research paper thumbnail of An investigation into the effects of particle texture, water content and parallel plates׳ diameters on rheological behavior of fine sediment

International Journal of Sediment Research, 2016

Siltation, a phenomenon resulted from the presence of fine particles in an aqueous environment, d... more Siltation, a phenomenon resulted from the presence of fine particles in an aqueous environment, dominated by silt and clay, is a known and common environmental issue worldwide. The accumulation of fine sediments engenders murky water with low oxygen levels, which leads to the death of aquatic life. Thus, investigating the physical and mechanical properties of fine sediment by rheological methods has expanded. Rheology is the science of deformation and flow of matter in stress. This survey investigates the rheological behavior of six samples of soil as the fine particles structure (Do63 mm) from different regions of Malaysia by using a rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring (using two sizes: 25 mm and 50 mm) device to explore the flow and viscoelastic properties of fine particles. The samples were examined in two rheological curve and amplitude sweep test methods to investigate the effect of water content ratio, texture, and structure of particles on rheological properties. It was found that the content of fine sand, clay, and silt had an effect on the stiffness, structural stability, and shear behavior. Thus, the pseudoplastic and viscoelastic behavior are respectively shown. Moreover, the amount of fine sediments present in water i.e. the concentration of these particles, has a direct effect on the rheological curve. A reduction in viscosity of samples with higher concentrations of water has been observed. As a consequence, a considerable quantity of fine sediments are distributed within the water body and remain suspended over the time. As a result, the sedimentation rate slows down. It needs to be asserted that the storage modulus G0 , loss modulus G′′, and yield point can vary depending on particle type. The G0 and G′′ were instigated for samples (70% and 45% concentrations) that demonstrated viscoelastic characteristics using the same rotational rheometer with a parallel-plate measuring device. & 2015 International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation/the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Fine Sediment on TSS and Turbidity in Retention Structure

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of A study of hydraulic characteristics for flow in equatorial rivers

International Journal of River Basin Management, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Discharge estimation for equatorial natural rivers with overbank flow

International Journal of River Basin Management, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling of a hydraulic structure: Batu Kitang Submersible Weir in Kuching, Sarawak State

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of SWMM for Urban Stormwater Management: A Case Study with Modelling

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