Ellysa Kusuma Laksanawati - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Ellysa Kusuma Laksanawati

Research paper thumbnail of Cacat Dan Proses Perawatan Mesin Mould Gapping DI Pt. Ideal Fastener

Mold Gapping Machine is one of the first machines in zipper product in manufacturing process. To ... more Mold Gapping Machine is one of the first machines in zipper product in manufacturing process. To competition with other zipper manufactures, PT. IDEAL FASTANER INDONESIA must able to make good product using Gapping Machine itselft so quality product, maintenance and repair machine must be routinely aware, that make components fuction properly. Maintenance and repair also have affect to components quality that durable and long lasting usage. Product quality can also be seen from the number of defect products produced. After finding defect products, the next step is to analyze the cause using Fishbone Diagram. After cause of defect products found, the solution can be taken. When it refer to machine, there is a need for engine to maintenance. Maintenance is an activity to maintain production facility and hold repairs or need improvements so the production process can run well. Preventive maintenance can be done as prevention of defact that will occur during the production process. Rese...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Waktu Proses Pengujian Tarik Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Mesin Dan Operator Optimal

Jurnal Teknik, 2017

Waktu merupakan faktor utama keberasilan dalam proses industri. Dengan melihat waktu proses, memu... more Waktu merupakan faktor utama keberasilan dalam proses industri. Dengan melihat waktu proses, memudahkan perusahaan untuk menentukan langkah yang harus diambil kedepan. Demi terciptanya tujuan tersebut maka pabrik HSM (Hot Strip Mill) PT Krakatau Steel, salah satu perusahan baja terkemuka di Indonesia melakukan pengendalian terhadap hasil produk dalam bentuk coil dengan melakukan uji mekanik di Lab Uji HSM. Adapun Uji Mekanik yang dilakukan salah satunya adalah pengujian tarik yaitu untuk melihat kekuatan dari baja.Upaya mempercepat proses pengujian diantaranya yang dapat dilakukan, analisis terhadap mesin maupun operator secara proporsional (optimal) baik jumlah maupun kemampuannya. Pertama yang dilakukan adalah menentukan waktu standar proses pengujian. Dengan memperhitungkan faktor – faktor pengaruh seperti penyesuaian dan allowance. Data yang diambil untuk melengkapi penelitian berisi mengenai tahapan inpeksi, jumlah sample yang diambil perbulan, kapasitas mesin, jumlah mesin dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Tata Letak Material DI Gudang PT GGS Dalam Meningkatkan Efektifitas Kerja

Fa si l i t a sp e n y i m p a n a ngud a ng m e rup a k a ns a lahs a tub a g ian d a risi s tem... more Fa si l i t a sp e n y i m p a n a ngud a ng m e rup a k a ns a lahs a tub a g ian d a risi s temsupl a i mat e ri a l.Gu d a n g m e r u p a k a ntem p a tp e n y i m p a n a n s e ment a r a mat e r i a ls e b e lum dialirk a nd a nb e r f u n g simend e k a tkan mat e ri a lk e p a da b a g ian prod u ksihing g a t e rj a m i n k e lan c a r a n p e rmint aa n d a nk ea ma n a np e rs e dia a n. P e rm a s a lah a n y a n g a d adi P T.G G S te r jadidi g u d a n g mat e ri a l,kur a n g b a ik n y apro s e d urp e n a t a a nmat e r i a ld a nkur a n g n y a a lat p a da g ud a n g m e ni m bulkan a d a n y a mas a l a h p a da g ud a n g t e rs e b ut, s e hingga g ud a n gt e rk e s a ns e mp i td a nkur a n gte r tat a . B a n y a kmas a lah y a n gte r jadij i kad a lam tata let a kmat e ri a ld i gud a ngt i d a kte r a tur,te r jadik ec a ca tan p a da m a te r ial, a rus p e k e rj a a nd a nlalul i ntas g ud a n g menj a dite r s e nd a t,sul i tmen g a w a si k ea d a a...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengujian Kekuatan Rig Untuk Uji Tarik Baja A36 Diameter 30 MM Bentuk Standard Dengan Analisa Software Solidwork

Pengujian Rig dengan Besi Beton A36 dilakukan sesuai dengan penggunaan dilapangan sebagai struktu... more Pengujian Rig dengan Besi Beton A36 dilakukan sesuai dengan penggunaan dilapangan sebagai struktur pada bangunan. Biasanya yang menjadi fokus perhatian adalah kemampuan maksimum bahan tersebut dalam menahan beban. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan rig, apakah mampu menahan kekuatan uji tarik statis baja A36 yang diberi beban uji sebesar 200 kN adalah selain melalui pengujian dilapangan juga dengan menggunakan software solidwork’s 2013. Pengujian dan analisa dilakukan di Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur (B2TKS) yang bertempat di kawasan PUSPITEK Serpong Tangerang Gedung 220. Dari hasil pengujian di Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur dan analisa menggunakan software solidwork 2013 yang dilakukan, bahwa Rig yang diuji mampu menahan kekuatan uji tekan statis Baja A36. Kata Kunci: Baja Beton A36, Uji Tekan Statis, Rig, software Solidwork’s 2013, Beban Uji 200 kN.

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course

This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilit... more This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and selfefficacy. The population in this study were Mechanical Engineering students in semester 4 of the 2020 academic year at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang who took Engineering Mathematics courses on the topic of Differential Equations. Two classes of the population were analyzed as research samples by treating one class as a control group and the other as an experimental class. The experimental group applied the Problem Based Learning method while the control group applied conventional learning. Data collection was carried out by analyzing student worksheets Problem Based Learning on the topic of Differential Equations to evaluate students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy. The statistical methods used were the mean rank and the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the mean ranking of students in the experimental class obtained an aver...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Chemical Properties and Heavy Metals from Cisadane River, Tangerang, Indonesia

This paper explained heavy metals and chemical properties from the Cisadane River in Tangerang Ci... more This paper explained heavy metals and chemical properties from the Cisadane River in Tangerang City. A survey method was used to determine the place for sampling the test material. Water measurement is carried out in situ and laboratory tests. Data retrieval was done by purposive sampling determining three observation stations, namely in the Taman Gajah Tunggal park area (station1), Babakan Cikokol residential area (station 2), and Karawaci paper mill area (station 3). The analysis was carried out exactly using analysis. Namely, analysis carried out in the laboratory. The parameters observed were COD, phosphate, DO, BOD, pH. Results of this study informed the water quality in the Cisadane City river did not meet Class II Water Quality Standards based on Government Regulation Number 82, the year 2001. The COD content only meets class II water quality standards at stations 1 and 3. BOD and phosphate content is high and exceeds class II water quality standards. Heavy metal content stil...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Lingkungan Kerja DI Pt. Irc Inoac Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Yang Optimal

PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia ingin meraih kinerja yang optimal sesuai dengan target yang telah di tent... more PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia ingin meraih kinerja yang optimal sesuai dengan target yang telah di tentukan, maka perusahaan harus mampu menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang memadai seperti lingkungan fisik (tata letak yang baik, lingkungan yang bersih, pertukaran udara yang baik, dan penerangan yang baik), serta lingkungan non fisik (suasana kerja karyawan, kesejahteraan karyawan, hubungan antar sesama karyawan, hubungan antar karyawan dengan pimpinan). Dengan ditemukannya presentasi kerja yang fluktuatif di PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia, mengidentifikasi banyak karyawan yang kurang peduli dengan lingkungan kerja masing-masing, seperti adanya alat-alat produksi yang tidak diletakkannya pada tempatnya, lingkungan kerja yang kotor dan juga masih banyak ditemukannya sarana yang disediakan oleh perusahaan yang tidak dimanfaatkan oleh karyawannya. Dalam hal ini motivasi karyawan sangat diperlukan untuk meraih kinerja yang otimal. Karena motivasi merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan kinerja. Motivas...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pemanfaatan Turbin Ventilator Sebagai Sumber Listrik Skala Rumah Tangga

Jurnal Teknik, 2019

AbstrakPemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia saat ini sedang dikembangkan untuk menggantikan... more AbstrakPemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia saat ini sedang dikembangkan untuk menggantikan energi konvensional hal ini dikarenakan menipisnya cadangan energi fosil di Indonesia. Melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 05 tahun 2006 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional (KEN) telah menetapkan target pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) sebesar 25% pada tahun 2025.Energi angin adalah salah satu bentuk energi alternatif yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi mekanik oleh turbin angin untuk diubah menjadi energi listrik oleh generator. Turbin ventilator mampu berputar selama 24 jam berfungsi seabagai kipas hisap, biasanya digunakan diatap pabrik, gudang, gedung olahraga dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini mencoba memanfaatkan turbin ventilator sebagai sumber listrik skala rumah tangga dengan kapasitas 900 Watt. Dari hasil penelitian ini turbin ventilator dapat digunakan sebagai sumber listrik dengan daya 5,57 Watt. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik skala rumah tangga dengan kapasitas 900 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities ... more This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and selfefficacy. The population in this study were Mechanical Engineering students in semester 4 of the 2020 academic year at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang who took Engineering Mathematics courses on the topic of Differential Equations. Two classes of the population were analyzed as research samples by treating one class as a control group and the other as an experimental class. The experimental group applied the Problem Based Learning method while the control group applied conventional learning. Data collection was carried out by analyzing student worksheets Problem Based Learning on the topic of Differential Equations to evaluate students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy. The statistical methods used were the mean rank and the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the mean ranking of students in the experimental class obtained an average score of 31.89 higher than students in the control class with an average score of 13.11. In addition, the results of the Mann Whitney U test with a U value of 35,500 and p less than 0.05 indicate that the Problem Based Learning method affects students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Decreasing of musculoskeletal complaints through redesigns handling arit and palu products

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Arrester and hammer products are products that are often used by construction workers and agricul... more Arrester and hammer products are products that are often used by construction workers and agricultural workers. Arrester products are often used as the main tool for farmers who work in the fields every day, while hammer products are the main tools of construction workers when they will connect wood to one another using nails, or a hammer is used as a tool to destroy certain objects. Tool design that does not consider work comfort, has an impact on increasing musculoskeletal complaints felt by the user. The design of this study is treatment by subject design. The sample in this study amounted to 46 workers who were included in the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there was a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints of the workers after using the results of the design of the handle of sickle and hammer products. Arit products have an impact on the reduction of users' musculoskeletal complaints by 15.517%, the results of statistical calculations show a significant difference between the use of sickle products before and after the design. The Palu product has an impact on the reduction of the user's musculoskeletal complaints by 3.681%, the results of statistical calculations show no significant difference. The mean value of musculoskeletal complaints of conventional sickle products was 189,805 ± 5,569; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Arit products designed as much as 75.870 ± 9.985; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Conventional Hammer products 89,174 ± 6,775; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Palu products were 85.891 ± 7.388. This difference is influenced by the frequency level of product use.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas Outsole DI Line Press Outsole Departement Technical PT KMK Global Sports (K2)

Jurnal Teknik

PT. KMK Global Sports 2 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur industri sepat... more PT. KMK Global Sports 2 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur industri sepatu. Produk yang dihasilkan di PT. KMK Global Sports 2 adalah sepatu dengan merk Converse. Seperti kita ketahui industri sepatu di Indonesia telah mengalami kemajuan yang cukup berarti. Kondisi tersebut diawali dengan produsen sepatu dalam negeri yang umumnya merupakan industri kecil (home industri) dengan kualitas yang masih rendah, kini telah berkembang menjadi produsen sepatu berskala besar yang mampu memproduksi sepatu berstandar internasional oleh karena itu selaku produsen yang memproduksi sepatu PT. KMK Global Sports 2 diharuskan untuk selalu menjaga bahkan meningkatkan kualitas produk. Permasalahan kualitas produk yang ada di Line Hot Press Outsole di Departement Technical, PT KMK Global Sports (K2) yaitu banyaknya defect Outsole yang terjadi pada saat proses produksi. Untuk langkah awal dicari jenis-jenis defect outsole yang ada di PT.KMK Global Sports pada sepatu Converse Japan. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Cacat Dan Proses Perawatan Mesin Mould Gapping DI Pt. Ideal Fastener

Mold Gapping Machine is one of the first machines in zipper product in manufacturing process. To ... more Mold Gapping Machine is one of the first machines in zipper product in manufacturing process. To competition with other zipper manufactures, PT. IDEAL FASTANER INDONESIA must able to make good product using Gapping Machine itselft so quality product, maintenance and repair machine must be routinely aware, that make components fuction properly. Maintenance and repair also have affect to components quality that durable and long lasting usage. Product quality can also be seen from the number of defect products produced. After finding defect products, the next step is to analyze the cause using Fishbone Diagram. After cause of defect products found, the solution can be taken. When it refer to machine, there is a need for engine to maintenance. Maintenance is an activity to maintain production facility and hold repairs or need improvements so the production process can run well. Preventive maintenance can be done as prevention of defact that will occur during the production process. Rese...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Waktu Proses Pengujian Tarik Untuk Menentukan Jumlah Mesin Dan Operator Optimal

Jurnal Teknik, 2017

Waktu merupakan faktor utama keberasilan dalam proses industri. Dengan melihat waktu proses, memu... more Waktu merupakan faktor utama keberasilan dalam proses industri. Dengan melihat waktu proses, memudahkan perusahaan untuk menentukan langkah yang harus diambil kedepan. Demi terciptanya tujuan tersebut maka pabrik HSM (Hot Strip Mill) PT Krakatau Steel, salah satu perusahan baja terkemuka di Indonesia melakukan pengendalian terhadap hasil produk dalam bentuk coil dengan melakukan uji mekanik di Lab Uji HSM. Adapun Uji Mekanik yang dilakukan salah satunya adalah pengujian tarik yaitu untuk melihat kekuatan dari baja.Upaya mempercepat proses pengujian diantaranya yang dapat dilakukan, analisis terhadap mesin maupun operator secara proporsional (optimal) baik jumlah maupun kemampuannya. Pertama yang dilakukan adalah menentukan waktu standar proses pengujian. Dengan memperhitungkan faktor – faktor pengaruh seperti penyesuaian dan allowance. Data yang diambil untuk melengkapi penelitian berisi mengenai tahapan inpeksi, jumlah sample yang diambil perbulan, kapasitas mesin, jumlah mesin dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Tata Letak Material DI Gudang PT GGS Dalam Meningkatkan Efektifitas Kerja

Fa si l i t a sp e n y i m p a n a ngud a ng m e rup a k a ns a lahs a tub a g ian d a risi s tem... more Fa si l i t a sp e n y i m p a n a ngud a ng m e rup a k a ns a lahs a tub a g ian d a risi s temsupl a i mat e ri a l.Gu d a n g m e r u p a k a ntem p a tp e n y i m p a n a n s e ment a r a mat e r i a ls e b e lum dialirk a nd a nb e r f u n g simend e k a tkan mat e ri a lk e p a da b a g ian prod u ksihing g a t e rj a m i n k e lan c a r a n p e rmint aa n d a nk ea ma n a np e rs e dia a n. P e rm a s a lah a n y a n g a d adi P T.G G S te r jadidi g u d a n g mat e ri a l,kur a n g b a ik n y apro s e d urp e n a t a a nmat e r i a ld a nkur a n g n y a a lat p a da g ud a n g m e ni m bulkan a d a n y a mas a l a h p a da g ud a n g t e rs e b ut, s e hingga g ud a n gt e rk e s a ns e mp i td a nkur a n gte r tat a . B a n y a kmas a lah y a n gte r jadij i kad a lam tata let a kmat e ri a ld i gud a ngt i d a kte r a tur,te r jadik ec a ca tan p a da m a te r ial, a rus p e k e rj a a nd a nlalul i ntas g ud a n g menj a dite r s e nd a t,sul i tmen g a w a si k ea d a a...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengujian Kekuatan Rig Untuk Uji Tarik Baja A36 Diameter 30 MM Bentuk Standard Dengan Analisa Software Solidwork

Pengujian Rig dengan Besi Beton A36 dilakukan sesuai dengan penggunaan dilapangan sebagai struktu... more Pengujian Rig dengan Besi Beton A36 dilakukan sesuai dengan penggunaan dilapangan sebagai struktur pada bangunan. Biasanya yang menjadi fokus perhatian adalah kemampuan maksimum bahan tersebut dalam menahan beban. Metode yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan rig, apakah mampu menahan kekuatan uji tarik statis baja A36 yang diberi beban uji sebesar 200 kN adalah selain melalui pengujian dilapangan juga dengan menggunakan software solidwork’s 2013. Pengujian dan analisa dilakukan di Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur (B2TKS) yang bertempat di kawasan PUSPITEK Serpong Tangerang Gedung 220. Dari hasil pengujian di Balai Besar Teknologi Kekuatan Struktur dan analisa menggunakan software solidwork 2013 yang dilakukan, bahwa Rig yang diuji mampu menahan kekuatan uji tekan statis Baja A36. Kata Kunci: Baja Beton A36, Uji Tekan Statis, Rig, software Solidwork’s 2013, Beban Uji 200 kN.

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course

This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilit... more This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and selfefficacy. The population in this study were Mechanical Engineering students in semester 4 of the 2020 academic year at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang who took Engineering Mathematics courses on the topic of Differential Equations. Two classes of the population were analyzed as research samples by treating one class as a control group and the other as an experimental class. The experimental group applied the Problem Based Learning method while the control group applied conventional learning. Data collection was carried out by analyzing student worksheets Problem Based Learning on the topic of Differential Equations to evaluate students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy. The statistical methods used were the mean rank and the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the mean ranking of students in the experimental class obtained an aver...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Chemical Properties and Heavy Metals from Cisadane River, Tangerang, Indonesia

This paper explained heavy metals and chemical properties from the Cisadane River in Tangerang Ci... more This paper explained heavy metals and chemical properties from the Cisadane River in Tangerang City. A survey method was used to determine the place for sampling the test material. Water measurement is carried out in situ and laboratory tests. Data retrieval was done by purposive sampling determining three observation stations, namely in the Taman Gajah Tunggal park area (station1), Babakan Cikokol residential area (station 2), and Karawaci paper mill area (station 3). The analysis was carried out exactly using analysis. Namely, analysis carried out in the laboratory. The parameters observed were COD, phosphate, DO, BOD, pH. Results of this study informed the water quality in the Cisadane City river did not meet Class II Water Quality Standards based on Government Regulation Number 82, the year 2001. The COD content only meets class II water quality standards at stations 1 and 3. BOD and phosphate content is high and exceeds class II water quality standards. Heavy metal content stil...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Lingkungan Kerja DI Pt. Irc Inoac Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Yang Optimal

PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia ingin meraih kinerja yang optimal sesuai dengan target yang telah di tent... more PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia ingin meraih kinerja yang optimal sesuai dengan target yang telah di tentukan, maka perusahaan harus mampu menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang memadai seperti lingkungan fisik (tata letak yang baik, lingkungan yang bersih, pertukaran udara yang baik, dan penerangan yang baik), serta lingkungan non fisik (suasana kerja karyawan, kesejahteraan karyawan, hubungan antar sesama karyawan, hubungan antar karyawan dengan pimpinan). Dengan ditemukannya presentasi kerja yang fluktuatif di PT. IRC INOAC Indonesia, mengidentifikasi banyak karyawan yang kurang peduli dengan lingkungan kerja masing-masing, seperti adanya alat-alat produksi yang tidak diletakkannya pada tempatnya, lingkungan kerja yang kotor dan juga masih banyak ditemukannya sarana yang disediakan oleh perusahaan yang tidak dimanfaatkan oleh karyawannya. Dalam hal ini motivasi karyawan sangat diperlukan untuk meraih kinerja yang otimal. Karena motivasi merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan kinerja. Motivas...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Pemanfaatan Turbin Ventilator Sebagai Sumber Listrik Skala Rumah Tangga

Jurnal Teknik, 2019

AbstrakPemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia saat ini sedang dikembangkan untuk menggantikan... more AbstrakPemanfaatan energi terbarukan di Indonesia saat ini sedang dikembangkan untuk menggantikan energi konvensional hal ini dikarenakan menipisnya cadangan energi fosil di Indonesia. Melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 05 tahun 2006 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional (KEN) telah menetapkan target pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) sebesar 25% pada tahun 2025.Energi angin adalah salah satu bentuk energi alternatif yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi mekanik oleh turbin angin untuk diubah menjadi energi listrik oleh generator. Turbin ventilator mampu berputar selama 24 jam berfungsi seabagai kipas hisap, biasanya digunakan diatap pabrik, gudang, gedung olahraga dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini mencoba memanfaatkan turbin ventilator sebagai sumber listrik skala rumah tangga dengan kapasitas 900 Watt. Dari hasil penelitian ini turbin ventilator dapat digunakan sebagai sumber listrik dengan daya 5,57 Watt. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik skala rumah tangga dengan kapasitas 900 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Based Learning Method to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving and Self Efficacy of Students in Engineering Course

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities ... more This study aims to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and selfefficacy. The population in this study were Mechanical Engineering students in semester 4 of the 2020 academic year at the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang who took Engineering Mathematics courses on the topic of Differential Equations. Two classes of the population were analyzed as research samples by treating one class as a control group and the other as an experimental class. The experimental group applied the Problem Based Learning method while the control group applied conventional learning. Data collection was carried out by analyzing student worksheets Problem Based Learning on the topic of Differential Equations to evaluate students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy. The statistical methods used were the mean rank and the Mann Whitney U test. The results showed that the mean ranking of students in the experimental class obtained an average score of 31.89 higher than students in the control class with an average score of 13.11. In addition, the results of the Mann Whitney U test with a U value of 35,500 and p less than 0.05 indicate that the Problem Based Learning method affects students' mathematical problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Decreasing of musculoskeletal complaints through redesigns handling arit and palu products

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Arrester and hammer products are products that are often used by construction workers and agricul... more Arrester and hammer products are products that are often used by construction workers and agricultural workers. Arrester products are often used as the main tool for farmers who work in the fields every day, while hammer products are the main tools of construction workers when they will connect wood to one another using nails, or a hammer is used as a tool to destroy certain objects. Tool design that does not consider work comfort, has an impact on increasing musculoskeletal complaints felt by the user. The design of this study is treatment by subject design. The sample in this study amounted to 46 workers who were included in the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there was a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints of the workers after using the results of the design of the handle of sickle and hammer products. Arit products have an impact on the reduction of users' musculoskeletal complaints by 15.517%, the results of statistical calculations show a significant difference between the use of sickle products before and after the design. The Palu product has an impact on the reduction of the user's musculoskeletal complaints by 3.681%, the results of statistical calculations show no significant difference. The mean value of musculoskeletal complaints of conventional sickle products was 189,805 ± 5,569; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Arit products designed as much as 75.870 ± 9.985; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Conventional Hammer products 89,174 ± 6,775; mean musculoskeletal complaints using Palu products were 85.891 ± 7.388. This difference is influenced by the frequency level of product use.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengendalian Kualitas Outsole DI Line Press Outsole Departement Technical PT KMK Global Sports (K2)

Jurnal Teknik

PT. KMK Global Sports 2 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur industri sepat... more PT. KMK Global Sports 2 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur industri sepatu. Produk yang dihasilkan di PT. KMK Global Sports 2 adalah sepatu dengan merk Converse. Seperti kita ketahui industri sepatu di Indonesia telah mengalami kemajuan yang cukup berarti. Kondisi tersebut diawali dengan produsen sepatu dalam negeri yang umumnya merupakan industri kecil (home industri) dengan kualitas yang masih rendah, kini telah berkembang menjadi produsen sepatu berskala besar yang mampu memproduksi sepatu berstandar internasional oleh karena itu selaku produsen yang memproduksi sepatu PT. KMK Global Sports 2 diharuskan untuk selalu menjaga bahkan meningkatkan kualitas produk. Permasalahan kualitas produk yang ada di Line Hot Press Outsole di Departement Technical, PT KMK Global Sports (K2) yaitu banyaknya defect Outsole yang terjadi pada saat proses produksi. Untuk langkah awal dicari jenis-jenis defect outsole yang ada di PT.KMK Global Sports pada sepatu Converse Japan. ...