Larry Dwyer - (original) (raw)
Papers by Larry Dwyer
Smart tourism, Nov 9, 2023
This paper attempts to clarify our understanding of the ability of smart tourism to underpin sust... more This paper attempts to clarify our understanding of the ability of smart tourism to underpin sustainable destination development and the theoretical and practical challenges that must be faced in this process. Several challenges must be overcome if smart tourism is to be associated with progress in achieving sustainable development at the destination level. One challenge involves formulating a clear and consistent conception of what sustainability entails. Another challenge is to reject the growth ethic that drives much of the research effort in smart tourism with its implicit assumption of the role played by technological progress in 'decoupling' environmental effects from tourism growth. A third challenge involves accounting for resident well-being and 'quality of life' issues that are essential elements of the sustainability concept. A further challenge is to integrate the ideas proposed in a way that progresses smart tourism research, providing guidance to researchers and destination managers wishing to take sustainability and well-being issues more seriously. The anticipated outcome is smart tourism development that is much more suitable to deliver valued economic, socio-cultural, and environmental outcomes to destinations locally and globally.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2017
The established mindset underpinning tourism planning, development and research is under attack f... more The established mindset underpinning tourism planning, development and research is under attack from many quarters on the grounds that "business as usual" seems impossible to reconcile with sustainability. The paper first highlights key characteristics of the prevailing paradigm associated with tourism industry expansion globally. It then identifies common elements of an alternative "sustainable futures" paradigm, contrasting its features with those of the established paradigm in relation to seven fundamental elements: neo-liberalism, anthropocentrism, shareholder orientation, growth, price, space and promotion. Next, the paper identifies the implications of the alternative paradigm in terms of the underpinning mindset (attitudes and behaviours) of major tourism stakeholders. Pathways to facilitate the transition to the new sustainable futures' paradigm are identified. The paper concludes with reflections on the power of the new paradigm, and its implications for a global sustainable tourism research and action agenda.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 2017
Pressures on the ocean's natural assets inevitably will increase in the coming years as world... more Pressures on the ocean's natural assets inevitably will increase in the coming years as world population growth, economic growth, and increased international trade generate increasing demands for marine sources of food, energy, minerals, and leisure pursuits. This article explores the consequences for coastal and marine tourism resulting both from its own growth and from the growth in the other established and emerging ocean industries. It estimates the present and future economic value of the world's ocean industries and the contribution of the tourism industry in particular, identifying the drivers of growth in ocean industries including tourism. Several types of challenges to the sustainable development of coastal and marine tourism, shared in common with other ocean industries, are identified. The article concludes with a discussion of strategies to minimize the adverse impacts of growth so that tourism and other ocean industries can develop in more sustainable ways.
Journal of Macromarketing, 2017
How we use, or do not use our natural resources is a question that has been debated for millennia... more How we use, or do not use our natural resources is a question that has been debated for millennia. Still an answer remains out of reach. It is a complex issue that often involves a social dilemma known as “the tragedy of the commons”. Many common pool resources, from fish stocks, to forests, to natural tourism destinations have an associated marketing system that may place pressure on the resource. If poorly managed, the resources sustainable future is questionable. This paper explains how commons and strategic action field theory can enhance a macromarketing analysis of marketing systems that involve a common pool resource (CPR) pointing to potential responses and solutions. The unique challenges faced are discussed, particularly in the interdependent areas of: property rights, power and equitable distribution. The findings from an empirical application confirm that CPRs destabilise a marketing system. Solutions may be found in the way the issue is negotiated, how the rules are str...
Journal of Travel Research, 2016
This article aims to examine the conjecture that geographic dispersal of visitors follows the pow... more This article aims to examine the conjecture that geographic dispersal of visitors follows the power law using data on international visitors’ spatial distribution in Australia. Our finding suggests that as tourism market matures, the pattern of tourist dispersal tends to converge toward a specific power law distribution. The article provides estimates of this unique power exponent for each country and tracks its temporal evolution using a novel method. One of the key implications for sustainable destination management is that for continued tourism growth, large destinations need a large number of small peripheral destinations. Our findings also shed light on the rich research literature that is fundamental in developing a power law–based theory to guide our understanding of the mechanics underpinning the spatial evolution of tourism.
Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2016
Tourism Recreation Research, 2015
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2014
Journal of Travel Research, 2016
Debates about competitiveness and productivity are practically unexplored with respect to tourism... more Debates about competitiveness and productivity are practically unexplored with respect to tourism. This article posits a productivity-related measure—total tourism contribution to GDP per employee in tourism—in order to examine destination competiveness. Comprehensive results based on a destination competitiveness model are obtained by analyzing tourism-specific and wider economy-based competitiveness factors. These are represented by six destination competitiveness factors measured by 55 indicators for 139 destinations over the period 2007–2011. Study findings demonstrate that tourism-specific factors, such as Tourism Infrastructure and Destination Management, are the major competitiveness drivers in developing countries, while destination competitiveness in developed countries depends on the tourism-specific factor of Destination Management as well as on wider economic conditions such as General Infrastructure, Macro-Environment, and Business Environment. The study offers a novel ...
Multilingual Matters eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Aug 25, 2022
Page 1. TOURISM ECONOMICS AND POLICY Page 2. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page i #1... more Page 1. TOURISM ECONOMICS AND POLICY Page 2. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page i #1 Tourism Economics and Policy Page 3. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page ii #2 ASPECTS ...
Acta turistica, 2019
Obalni i pomorski turizam za mnoge razvijene destinacije i one u nastajanju ima obećavajuće znače... more Obalni i pomorski turizam za mnoge razvijene destinacije i one u nastajanju ima obećavajuće značenje zbog potencijala za rast i zapošljavanje u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, kao i u drugim s njima povezanim sektorima. Premda je ovaj oblik turizma u porastu, postoje neki "ozbiljni problemi" koje treba riješiti kako bi se destinacije razvile u održivom smjeru. Uspješno rješavanje tih problema podrazumijeva preispitivanje tradicionalno uobičajenog poslovnog pristupa koji prevladava kod dionika u turizmu. U ovome radu prvo se ističe važnost morskog okoliša, kako na obali tako i u dubokim morima, a nakon toga slijedi opis prepreka održivom razvoju obalnog i pomorskog turizma. Zatim se objašnjava da je za postizanje održivosti ključno razvijati sustave upravljanja i institucije koji nude poticaje za smanjivanje negativnih utjecaja obalnog i pomorskog turizma, od čega korist imaju dionici i na lokalnoj i na državnoj razini. Zaključno se daje prikaz nekih elemenata učinkovitih struktura upravljanja koje obalnom i pomorskom turizmu omogućavaju održiviji razvoj. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: obalni i pomorski turizam, održivost, upravljačke strukture, dionici u turizmu ABSTRACT: Coastal and marine tourism holds particular promise for many developed and emerging destinations with potential for growth and employment in tourism and hospitality as well as related industry sectors. As this type of tourism grows however, some 'wicked problems' must be overcome if destinations are to develop in a sustainable way. Successfully resolving these problems involves reassessment of the traditional 'business as usual' approach adopted by tourism stakeholders. The paper highlights the importance of marine environments both along coastlines and into the deep oceans and identifi es barriers to sustainable growth of coastal and marine tourism. It argues that management systems and institutions that create incentives for minimising the negative impacts of coastal and marine tourism, while effectively sharing benefi ts between local and central stakeholders, promote the sustainability effort. The paper concludes with an exploration of some elements of effective governance structures enabling coastal and marine tourism to develop in more sustainable ways.
Springer eBooks, 2015
Tourism scholarship is the production, communication, and application of knowledge that builds th... more Tourism scholarship is the production, communication, and application of knowledge that builds the field. Its scholars use diverse media to disseminate their work, including journals, books, conferences, and teaching. As a themed area of scholarship, tourism has been constructed principally since the 1970s with contributors from different disciplines shaping the dynamic and expanding the scope of tourism. The efforts of the academic pioneers are especially important, and their work appears throughout this Encyclopedia. Some of the disciplinary contributions of these pioneers are described in Dwyer (2011), Nash (2007), Pearce (2011), and Smith (2011). Additionally, a set of biographies are being developed and published in Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research.
Journal of Sport Management, Jul 1, 2008
Cities, regions, and countries are making increasing use of special sport events in their economi... more Cities, regions, and countries are making increasing use of special sport events in their economic and social development mix. Governments and event organizers often justify special sport events on the grounds that such events can build social capital, attract visitors, foster trade, enhance the host destination’s brand, and serve as catalysts for the development of new infrastructure. As a result of the proliferation of special sport events, there is an increasing need to determine the means via which events do (and do not) contribute to their stated social and economic development objectives. Consequently, it is vital to understand the unique challenges of managing and marketing special sport events.
CAUTHE 2014: Tourism and Hospitality in the Contemporary World: Trends, Changes and Complexity, 2014
Many countries, including Australia, are imposing Air Passenger duties (APDs). This paper sets ou... more Many countries, including Australia, are imposing Air Passenger duties (APDs). This paper sets out the basic issues, theoretical and empirical, associated with them. There is a sharp difference between theoretical expectations and empirical results. Most theoretical analyses argue that it is in a country's interest to impose them- they are a way of exporting their taxes. In spite of this, most empirical discussions argue that the country which imposes them loses. This empirical work is examined, and most studies use a framework which is unreliable and which guarantees a negative outcome. There are some rigorous studies- these appear to differ, but the reasons for the differences can be explained. The upshot is that the theoretical view- that countries normally gain from imposing APDs - is the more plausible.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Aug 30, 2019
The book incorporates a selection of illustrative key case studies to ensure that it is highly ac... more The book incorporates a selection of illustrative key case studies to ensure that it is highly accessible and readable to a range of audiences, whilst ensuring academic rigour
Smart tourism, Nov 9, 2023
This paper attempts to clarify our understanding of the ability of smart tourism to underpin sust... more This paper attempts to clarify our understanding of the ability of smart tourism to underpin sustainable destination development and the theoretical and practical challenges that must be faced in this process. Several challenges must be overcome if smart tourism is to be associated with progress in achieving sustainable development at the destination level. One challenge involves formulating a clear and consistent conception of what sustainability entails. Another challenge is to reject the growth ethic that drives much of the research effort in smart tourism with its implicit assumption of the role played by technological progress in 'decoupling' environmental effects from tourism growth. A third challenge involves accounting for resident well-being and 'quality of life' issues that are essential elements of the sustainability concept. A further challenge is to integrate the ideas proposed in a way that progresses smart tourism research, providing guidance to researchers and destination managers wishing to take sustainability and well-being issues more seriously. The anticipated outcome is smart tourism development that is much more suitable to deliver valued economic, socio-cultural, and environmental outcomes to destinations locally and globally.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2017
The established mindset underpinning tourism planning, development and research is under attack f... more The established mindset underpinning tourism planning, development and research is under attack from many quarters on the grounds that "business as usual" seems impossible to reconcile with sustainability. The paper first highlights key characteristics of the prevailing paradigm associated with tourism industry expansion globally. It then identifies common elements of an alternative "sustainable futures" paradigm, contrasting its features with those of the established paradigm in relation to seven fundamental elements: neo-liberalism, anthropocentrism, shareholder orientation, growth, price, space and promotion. Next, the paper identifies the implications of the alternative paradigm in terms of the underpinning mindset (attitudes and behaviours) of major tourism stakeholders. Pathways to facilitate the transition to the new sustainable futures' paradigm are identified. The paper concludes with reflections on the power of the new paradigm, and its implications for a global sustainable tourism research and action agenda.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 2017
Pressures on the ocean's natural assets inevitably will increase in the coming years as world... more Pressures on the ocean's natural assets inevitably will increase in the coming years as world population growth, economic growth, and increased international trade generate increasing demands for marine sources of food, energy, minerals, and leisure pursuits. This article explores the consequences for coastal and marine tourism resulting both from its own growth and from the growth in the other established and emerging ocean industries. It estimates the present and future economic value of the world's ocean industries and the contribution of the tourism industry in particular, identifying the drivers of growth in ocean industries including tourism. Several types of challenges to the sustainable development of coastal and marine tourism, shared in common with other ocean industries, are identified. The article concludes with a discussion of strategies to minimize the adverse impacts of growth so that tourism and other ocean industries can develop in more sustainable ways.
Journal of Macromarketing, 2017
How we use, or do not use our natural resources is a question that has been debated for millennia... more How we use, or do not use our natural resources is a question that has been debated for millennia. Still an answer remains out of reach. It is a complex issue that often involves a social dilemma known as “the tragedy of the commons”. Many common pool resources, from fish stocks, to forests, to natural tourism destinations have an associated marketing system that may place pressure on the resource. If poorly managed, the resources sustainable future is questionable. This paper explains how commons and strategic action field theory can enhance a macromarketing analysis of marketing systems that involve a common pool resource (CPR) pointing to potential responses and solutions. The unique challenges faced are discussed, particularly in the interdependent areas of: property rights, power and equitable distribution. The findings from an empirical application confirm that CPRs destabilise a marketing system. Solutions may be found in the way the issue is negotiated, how the rules are str...
Journal of Travel Research, 2016
This article aims to examine the conjecture that geographic dispersal of visitors follows the pow... more This article aims to examine the conjecture that geographic dispersal of visitors follows the power law using data on international visitors’ spatial distribution in Australia. Our finding suggests that as tourism market matures, the pattern of tourist dispersal tends to converge toward a specific power law distribution. The article provides estimates of this unique power exponent for each country and tracks its temporal evolution using a novel method. One of the key implications for sustainable destination management is that for continued tourism growth, large destinations need a large number of small peripheral destinations. Our findings also shed light on the rich research literature that is fundamental in developing a power law–based theory to guide our understanding of the mechanics underpinning the spatial evolution of tourism.
Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2016
Tourism Recreation Research, 2015
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2014
Journal of Travel Research, 2016
Debates about competitiveness and productivity are practically unexplored with respect to tourism... more Debates about competitiveness and productivity are practically unexplored with respect to tourism. This article posits a productivity-related measure—total tourism contribution to GDP per employee in tourism—in order to examine destination competiveness. Comprehensive results based on a destination competitiveness model are obtained by analyzing tourism-specific and wider economy-based competitiveness factors. These are represented by six destination competitiveness factors measured by 55 indicators for 139 destinations over the period 2007–2011. Study findings demonstrate that tourism-specific factors, such as Tourism Infrastructure and Destination Management, are the major competitiveness drivers in developing countries, while destination competitiveness in developed countries depends on the tourism-specific factor of Destination Management as well as on wider economic conditions such as General Infrastructure, Macro-Environment, and Business Environment. The study offers a novel ...
Multilingual Matters eBooks, Dec 31, 2010
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Aug 25, 2022
Page 1. TOURISM ECONOMICS AND POLICY Page 2. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page i #1... more Page 1. TOURISM ECONOMICS AND POLICY Page 2. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page i #1 Tourism Economics and Policy Page 3. 978-1-84541-151-0 2010/9/25 6:44 page ii #2 ASPECTS ...
Acta turistica, 2019
Obalni i pomorski turizam za mnoge razvijene destinacije i one u nastajanju ima obećavajuće znače... more Obalni i pomorski turizam za mnoge razvijene destinacije i one u nastajanju ima obećavajuće značenje zbog potencijala za rast i zapošljavanje u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, kao i u drugim s njima povezanim sektorima. Premda je ovaj oblik turizma u porastu, postoje neki "ozbiljni problemi" koje treba riješiti kako bi se destinacije razvile u održivom smjeru. Uspješno rješavanje tih problema podrazumijeva preispitivanje tradicionalno uobičajenog poslovnog pristupa koji prevladava kod dionika u turizmu. U ovome radu prvo se ističe važnost morskog okoliša, kako na obali tako i u dubokim morima, a nakon toga slijedi opis prepreka održivom razvoju obalnog i pomorskog turizma. Zatim se objašnjava da je za postizanje održivosti ključno razvijati sustave upravljanja i institucije koji nude poticaje za smanjivanje negativnih utjecaja obalnog i pomorskog turizma, od čega korist imaju dionici i na lokalnoj i na državnoj razini. Zaključno se daje prikaz nekih elemenata učinkovitih struktura upravljanja koje obalnom i pomorskom turizmu omogućavaju održiviji razvoj. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: obalni i pomorski turizam, održivost, upravljačke strukture, dionici u turizmu ABSTRACT: Coastal and marine tourism holds particular promise for many developed and emerging destinations with potential for growth and employment in tourism and hospitality as well as related industry sectors. As this type of tourism grows however, some 'wicked problems' must be overcome if destinations are to develop in a sustainable way. Successfully resolving these problems involves reassessment of the traditional 'business as usual' approach adopted by tourism stakeholders. The paper highlights the importance of marine environments both along coastlines and into the deep oceans and identifi es barriers to sustainable growth of coastal and marine tourism. It argues that management systems and institutions that create incentives for minimising the negative impacts of coastal and marine tourism, while effectively sharing benefi ts between local and central stakeholders, promote the sustainability effort. The paper concludes with an exploration of some elements of effective governance structures enabling coastal and marine tourism to develop in more sustainable ways.
Springer eBooks, 2015
Tourism scholarship is the production, communication, and application of knowledge that builds th... more Tourism scholarship is the production, communication, and application of knowledge that builds the field. Its scholars use diverse media to disseminate their work, including journals, books, conferences, and teaching. As a themed area of scholarship, tourism has been constructed principally since the 1970s with contributors from different disciplines shaping the dynamic and expanding the scope of tourism. The efforts of the academic pioneers are especially important, and their work appears throughout this Encyclopedia. Some of the disciplinary contributions of these pioneers are described in Dwyer (2011), Nash (2007), Pearce (2011), and Smith (2011). Additionally, a set of biographies are being developed and published in Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research.
Journal of Sport Management, Jul 1, 2008
Cities, regions, and countries are making increasing use of special sport events in their economi... more Cities, regions, and countries are making increasing use of special sport events in their economic and social development mix. Governments and event organizers often justify special sport events on the grounds that such events can build social capital, attract visitors, foster trade, enhance the host destination’s brand, and serve as catalysts for the development of new infrastructure. As a result of the proliferation of special sport events, there is an increasing need to determine the means via which events do (and do not) contribute to their stated social and economic development objectives. Consequently, it is vital to understand the unique challenges of managing and marketing special sport events.
CAUTHE 2014: Tourism and Hospitality in the Contemporary World: Trends, Changes and Complexity, 2014
Many countries, including Australia, are imposing Air Passenger duties (APDs). This paper sets ou... more Many countries, including Australia, are imposing Air Passenger duties (APDs). This paper sets out the basic issues, theoretical and empirical, associated with them. There is a sharp difference between theoretical expectations and empirical results. Most theoretical analyses argue that it is in a country's interest to impose them- they are a way of exporting their taxes. In spite of this, most empirical discussions argue that the country which imposes them loses. This empirical work is examined, and most studies use a framework which is unreliable and which guarantees a negative outcome. There are some rigorous studies- these appear to differ, but the reasons for the differences can be explained. The upshot is that the theoretical view- that countries normally gain from imposing APDs - is the more plausible.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Aug 30, 2019
The book incorporates a selection of illustrative key case studies to ensure that it is highly ac... more The book incorporates a selection of illustrative key case studies to ensure that it is highly accessible and readable to a range of audiences, whilst ensuring academic rigour
Australasian Parks and …
Abstract This paper reports on a research project conducted in Sydney, Australia, to evaluate and... more Abstract This paper reports on a research project conducted in Sydney, Australia, to evaluate and assess urban tourism environments, including urban national parks, in the context of universal design principles. This research project incorporated all sectors of the tourism industry present within designated precincts that facilitate the'essence of experience'. Key findings are discussed under two major areas:(1) economic contribution of the accessible tourism market; and (2) accessible destination experience. Major benefits ...
This paper contributes to the literature on the linkages between tourism and migration. Though it... more This paper contributes to the literature on the linkages between
tourism and migration. Though it is widely recognised that the
two phenomena are closely linked, and that migration may induce visiting friends and relatives) tourism (VFR), there has been little econometric evaluation of the relationship. The present analysis draws upon Australian data to identify a strong quantitative link between migration and VFR tourism. It also demonstrates a strong link between migration and other forms of tourism. Indeed the latter are almost equally as strong as the links between migration and VFR tourism. This unexpected finding has implications for policymakers and for conceptualising the migration-tourism relationship.
This paper examines the prevalence of unethical practices within the business sector operating in... more This paper examines the prevalence of unethical practices within the business sector operating in the China to Australia tourism market. The range and nature of the practices is outlined in the context of the structure of outbound operations in China and inbound operations in Australia, taking account of the roles of the respective governments. The prospective impact of the practices on the growth of the market is evaluated. An estimation is provided of the potentially negative impacts of word-of-mouth recommendations on future China to Australia tourism flows.
Keywords: China outbound, unethical practices, Australia inbound