Laudenice Pereira - (original) (raw)

Papers by Laudenice Pereira

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da forma fosforilada do fator de choque térmico 1 (pHSF 1) em carcinomas de células escamosas de língua oral

O carcinoma de celulas escamosas de lingua oral (CCELO) apresenta altas taxas de morbimortalidade... more O carcinoma de celulas escamosas de lingua oral (CCELO) apresenta altas taxas de morbimortalidade, apesar dos avancos recentes no tratamento das neoplasias. Assim, varias pesquisas vem tentando detectar alteracoes morfologicas ou identificar biomarcadores que possam apresentar poder preditivo de recidiva e metastase e novas estrategias e/ou opcoes terapeuticas mais individualizadas com intuito de melhorar o prognostico destes pacientes. O fator do choque termico 1 (HSF1) atua de diferentes formas na progressao tumoral, favorecendo o surgimento, desenvolvimento e invasividade tumoral e sua superexpressao vem sendo pesquisada em neoplasias. Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar se a forma fosforilada do fator de choque termico 1 (p-HSF1) exerce alguma influencia na patogenese do CCELO. Foi realizado um estudo imunoistoquimico em 69 casos de CCELO, verificando-se a expressao do p-HSF1 e correlacionado esta imunoexpressao com alguns parâmetros clinicopatologicos e sobrevida dos pacientes. Fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na durabilidade da união entre um cimento resinoso e uma cerâmica policristalina de zircônia tetragonal parcialmente estabilizada com ítria

Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a influencia do jateamento com particulas de O2Al3 e de diferentes ... more Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a influencia do jateamento com particulas de O2Al3 e de diferentes solucoes na resistencia ao cisalhamento entre um cimento resinoso e a cerâmica de zirconia (Y-TZP). Materiais e metodo: Blocos de zirconia sinterizados (N = 180) (Lava, 3M ESPE), com dimensoes finais de 5,25 x 3,74 x 4,5 mm foram incluidos em resina acrilica, polidos e aleatoriamente distribuidos em 18 grupos (n = 10), de acordo com os fatores: "solucao" (8 niveis) e "jateamento" (2 niveis): Ctr (controle sem tratamento), AP- Alloy Primer/Kuraray, MP- Monobond Plus/Ivoclar, MZP- Metal zirconia Primer/Ivoclar, MZ- MZ Primer/Angelus, Rex- Relyx Primer para Cerâmica/3M ESPE, Sg- Signum Zirconia Bond/Kulzer, SbU- Scotchbond Adesivo Universal/3M ESPE e ZP- Z Prime Plus/Bisco. As mesmas solucoes tambem foram utilizadas apos o jateamento da zirconia: Ctr.S, AP.S, MP.S, MZ.S, ReX.S, Sg.S, SbU.S e ZP.S(* S = jateamento). Anteriormente ao Jateamento os bloco de zirconia foram s...

Research paper thumbnail of PP - Systemic Corticotherapy on Oral Pemphigus Vulgaris Management

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of PP - Intraosseous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mimicking Acute Dentoalveolar Abscess

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Eficácia Do Uso De Corticosteroide Sistêmico No Tratamento Do Pênfigo Vulgar Oral

Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde, 2016

Introdução: O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença autoimune, caracterizada pela presença de lesões ulcera... more Introdução: O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença autoimune, caracterizada pela presença de lesões ulcerativas e bolhosas em pele e mucosas. Os objetivos deste trabalho são relatar um caso de pênfigo vulgar oral, com ênfase no tratamento e abordar algumascaracterísticas clínicas e histopatológicas da doença. Relato de Caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 38 anos, feoderma, compareceuao serviço especializado em diagnóstico oral da cidade de João Pessoa – PB, com queixa de múltiplas lesões ulceradas na cavidadeoral, disfagia, disfonia e perda acentuada de peso com dois meses de evolução. As hipóteses foram pênfigo vulgar e pênfigoidedas membranas mucosas. Foi realizada uma biópsia incisional na “túnica mucosa jugal”, na qual foi confirmado o diagnóstico depênfigo vulgar. O tratamento de escolha, inicialmente, foi a administração sistêmica de prednisona 80 mg, cuja remissão das lesões ocorreu a partir das primeiras semanas e a dosagem reduzida gradativamente até a dose atual de 2,5 mg Conclusão: ...

Research paper thumbnail of Leiomyomatous hamartoma of the tongue: Case report

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Delayed diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma following dental treatment

The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2013

Introduction Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can present with a wide range of clinical appeara... more Introduction Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can present with a wide range of clinical appearances. Consequently, an oral SCC, particularly in its early stage, may not be considered suspicious by a clinician, thereby delaying diagnosis. Delayed diagnosis of an oral SCC could result in more advanced disease at the time of treatment, leading to more extensive and costly treatment, greater morbidity and poorer survival. The aim of this study was to identify cases of oral SCC treated at Southern Heath (Melbourne, Australia) with a history of prediagnosis dental treatment, and to determine the delay between dental treatment and appropriate surgical assessment of the oral SCC. Methods Patients were identified from the head and neck tumour database at Southern Health who met the inclusion criteria and relevant data were recorded. Results Twelve patients met the inclusion criteria and 83% of cases involved the mandible. Dental extraction was the most common prediagnosis treatment perform...

Research paper thumbnail of Desafios da monitoria acadêmica de Estomatologia frente à pandemia COVID-19

Revista da ABENO, 2021

O presente artigo possui caráter descritivo e tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da monitori... more O presente artigo possui caráter descritivo e tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da monitoria na disciplina de Estomatologia, desenvolvida no curso de graduação em Odontologia do [texto ocultado], frente à pandemia do novo Coronavírus (COVID-19). Diante do cenário pandêmico, o Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC), por meio da Portaria Nº 343, autorizou a utilização de recursos digitais como alternativa para a continuidade das atividades acadêmicas. Nesse contexto, a vivência do Programa de Monitoria Acadêmica ocorreu através da plataforma digital Blackboard, sendo necessário ressignificar as atividades do aluno-monitor e metodologias de ensino utilizadas, desenvolvendo habilidades inerentes à docência e contribuindo significativamente para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos discentes monitorados frente a nova realidade estabelecida pela pandemia. Conclui-se que a utilização de plataformas digitais foi fundamental para o exercício da atividade de monitoria e a continuidade ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recidiva de mieloma múltiplo em mandíbula mimetizando lesão endodôntica: relato de caso

Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, 2020

On-line a 21 de setembro de 2020 O mieloma múltiplo é uma neoplasia maligna disseminada que afeta... more On-line a 21 de setembro de 2020 O mieloma múltiplo é uma neoplasia maligna disseminada que afeta os plasmócitos. O envolvimento da região maxilofacial é incomum, mas pode envolver os ápices dentários. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso clínico de mieloma múltiplo recidivante que mimetizou lesão endodôntica. Doente, 75 anos, sexo feminino, procurou atendimento odontológico de urgência devido a aumento de volume na mandíbula, na região dos dentes 44 e 45, semelhante a celulite odontogénica. Foi realizado o tratamento odontológico de urgência do dente 45, seguido de posterior tomografia computadorizada e biópsia incisional, devido a diagnóstico pregresso de mieloma múltiplo. O exame de imagem revelou lesão osteolítica, envolvendo o ápice dos dentes 44 e 45. O exame histológico evidenciou proliferação de células com morfologia plasmocitóide e atipia, que invadiam o tecido conjuntivo, confirmando o diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo recidivante. A paciente foi encaminhada a tratamento oncológico e encontra-se estável até hoje. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor de Células Granulosas bifocal en mucosa oral

Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and s... more Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and shows low taxes of recurrence being treated with simple surgical removal. Objective: showing a case of a bifocal granular cell tumor affecting buccal mucosa and revealing some clinical and microscopic characteristics of this lesion. Clinic Case: This paper showed a case of a 60 yr-old female who presented two small nodules with smooth and regular surfaces, fibroelastic consistence and yellowish coloration. These two lesions were excised and granular cell tumor was diagnosed microscopically for both. The patient are following without signs of recurrence. Comment: the definitive diagnosis of this lesion was obtained across to microscopic analysis, due to non specific clinical features, being mandatory to perform excisional biopsy. The patient is following up for six months without signs of recurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor de células granulares bifocal em mucosa jugal

Research paper thumbnail of Lipoma gigante en el labio inferior: Un caso inusual

Introduction: lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors which consist essentially of mature adipocyte... more Introduction: lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors which consist essentially of mature adipocytes, and are relatively uncommon in the oral cavity comparing with other body surfaces. Large lesions are relatively rare and lower lip is not a very usual site. This is characterized as a slow growing lesion which might reach large dimensions and are usually asymptomatic. Objective: to show a case of giant lipoma affecting lower lip and to comment on its clinical and microscopic features. Case report: in this study, we describe a case of giant lipoma affecting lower lip of a 55 years-old male with an asymptomatic evolution of eight years. We performed a complete excision, and the histopathological examination revealed a lipoma. Conclusions: actually, the patient is under follow up without signs of recurrence. The clinical and microscopic characteristics were very important for the diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Granulous cell bifocal tumor in the oral mucosa

Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and s... more Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and shows low taxes of recurrence being treated with simple surgical removal. Objective: showing a case of a bifocal granular cell tumor affecting buccal mucosa and revealing some clinical and microscopic characteristics of this lesion. Clinic Case: This paper showed a case of a 60 yr-old female who presented two small nodules with smooth and regular surfaces, fibroelastic consistence and yellowish coloration. These two lesions were excised and granular cell tumor was diagnosed microscopically for both. The patient are following without signs of recurrence. Comment: the definitive diagnosis of this lesion was obtained across to microscopic analysis, due to non specific clinical features, being mandatory to perform excisional biopsy. The patient is following up for six months without signs of recurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Anais III Jornada Odontológica do UNIPÊ – Edição Online


Editorial Caro(a) Leitor(a), É com muita satisfação que damos início à III Jornada Odontológica d... more Editorial Caro(a) Leitor(a), É com muita satisfação que damos início à III Jornada Odontológica do Unipê, cujo tema é Odontologia em Tempos de Pandemia. Acredito que não poderíamos ter um tema mais pertinente, já que 2020 foi um ano marcante em todo o mundo devido aos impactos gerados pela pandemia da COVID-19 em nossa organização social. Ao se falar em pandemia, é impossível não lembrar das milhares de famílias brasileiras que sofreram de forma mais intensa os efeitos dela em suas vidas, principalmente pela perda de entes queridos. Por isso, em nome de toda a Comissão Organizadora do evento deixo aqui registrada a nossa solidariedade a todas estas famílias. A palavra do ano foi ADAPTAÇÃO, e no âmbito acadêmico não foi diferente. Os professores tiveram que sair da zona de conforto e se adaptarem a novas formas de ensinar, e os alunos a formas inovadoras de aprender tornando-se mais autônomos e protagonistas do processo de aprendizagem. A III JOUNIPÊ surgiu como uma iniciativa da coo...

Research paper thumbnail of Giant Sialolith in the Wharton's Duct: an Unusual Case

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2018

to enucleate the lesion, with preservation of the involved teeth. After a histopathological analy... more to enucleate the lesion, with preservation of the involved teeth. After a histopathological analysis, the diagnosis was of a paradental cyst. A patient was followed-up with for 3 years, with an appropriate result, including complete root formation of elements 36 and 46, without damaging their development, as observed on a computerized tomography analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Lymphoepithelial Cyst in the Posterior Tongue: a Case Report

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2018

We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian approach to tackle the challenging problem of size recommend... more We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian approach to tackle the challenging problem of size recommendation in e-commerce fashion. Our approach jointly models a size purchased by a customer, and its possible return event: 1. no return, 2. returned too small 3. returned too big. Those events are drawn following a multinomial distribution parameterized on the joint probability of each event, built following a hierarchy combining priors. Such a model allows us to incorporate extended domain expertise and article characteristics as prior knowledge, which in turn makes it possible for the underlying parameters to emerge thanks to sufficient data. Experiments are presented on real (anonymized) data from millions of customers along with a detailed discussion on the efficiency of such an approach within a large scale production system.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical-pathological aspects of oral lymphoepithelial cyst: case report

Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2020

Oral lymphoepithelial cyst (OLEC) is an uncommon lesion whose pathogenesis remains poorly underst... more Oral lymphoepithelial cyst (OLEC) is an uncommon lesion whose pathogenesis remains poorly understood. The purpose of this paper is to report a case of OLEC. Female patient, white, 62 years old, presented asymptomatic nodular swelling of soft consistency in the lateral border of the tongue. Under the clinical hypothesis of lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, an excisional biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination revealed a pathological epithelial-lined cavity and a cystic connective tissue capsule containing lymphoid tissue. The diagnosis of OLEC was established and the patient showed no signs of recurrence after surgical removal of the lesion.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of air-particle abrasion and a zirconia primer application on resin cement bonding strength to zirconia

Minerva Stomatologica, 2019

BACKGROUND This study aimed to evaluate the influence of surface treatments on the bond strength ... more BACKGROUND This study aimed to evaluate the influence of surface treatments on the bond strength between a zirconia-based ceramic and two resin cements. METHODS Eighty blocks (5.25×3.74×4.5 mm) of a zirconia-based ceramic were divided into eight groups (N.=10) according to the factors "surface treatment" (air-particle abrasion with Al2O3 or Al2O3/SiO2 and zirconia primer) and "cement" (conventional resin cement and self-adhesive resin cement). After the surface treatments, cylinders of each resin cement (Ø=3.5 mm, height: 3 mm) were built up on the zirconia surface and photo-activated (40 s). The samples were stored in water for 30 days at 37 °C, followed by shear bond strength test in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). RESULTS Regarding the surface treatments, all strategies were statistically different from each other. The Cojet achieved the higher bond strength values, followed by Signum Zirconia Bond. The resin cements were also statistically different from each other, since the U200 achieved higher bond strength values. The interaction between the factors was also significant. Most of the failures were adhesive and mixed. CONCLUSIONS Regardless of the cement used, the air-particle abrasion with alumina coated by silica particles improved bond strength.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst: Report of a rare case and review of the literature

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2018

Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is very rare and its etiology remains uncertain. To the be... more Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is very rare and its etiology remains uncertain. To the best of our knowledge, only 9 cases of pigmented OKC have been published in English-language literature. This report describes a pigmented OKC in a 14-year-old black male patient. Radiographically, the lesion appeared as a well-circumscribed, unilocular, and radiolucent image. A surgical excision was performed. Histopathological examination revealed an OKC. Additionally, a brownish, sparsed, intracytoplasmic pigmentation was observed in the basal cell layer, which was positive for Fontana-Masson staining. Immunohistochemistry reactions revealed positive dendritic cells for S-100 protein, HMB45 and Melan A. No clinical and imaging signs of recurrence were observed after 24 months. In conclusion, melanin apparently does not represent a factor for distinct biological behavior in OKC.

Research paper thumbnail of Lymphoma of Large B Cells of High Degree

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Análise da forma fosforilada do fator de choque térmico 1 (pHSF 1) em carcinomas de células escamosas de língua oral

O carcinoma de celulas escamosas de lingua oral (CCELO) apresenta altas taxas de morbimortalidade... more O carcinoma de celulas escamosas de lingua oral (CCELO) apresenta altas taxas de morbimortalidade, apesar dos avancos recentes no tratamento das neoplasias. Assim, varias pesquisas vem tentando detectar alteracoes morfologicas ou identificar biomarcadores que possam apresentar poder preditivo de recidiva e metastase e novas estrategias e/ou opcoes terapeuticas mais individualizadas com intuito de melhorar o prognostico destes pacientes. O fator do choque termico 1 (HSF1) atua de diferentes formas na progressao tumoral, favorecendo o surgimento, desenvolvimento e invasividade tumoral e sua superexpressao vem sendo pesquisada em neoplasias. Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar se a forma fosforilada do fator de choque termico 1 (p-HSF1) exerce alguma influencia na patogenese do CCELO. Foi realizado um estudo imunoistoquimico em 69 casos de CCELO, verificando-se a expressao do p-HSF1 e correlacionado esta imunoexpressao com alguns parâmetros clinicopatologicos e sobrevida dos pacientes. Fo...

Research paper thumbnail of Influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na durabilidade da união entre um cimento resinoso e uma cerâmica policristalina de zircônia tetragonal parcialmente estabilizada com ítria

Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a influencia do jateamento com particulas de O2Al3 e de diferentes ... more Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a influencia do jateamento com particulas de O2Al3 e de diferentes solucoes na resistencia ao cisalhamento entre um cimento resinoso e a cerâmica de zirconia (Y-TZP). Materiais e metodo: Blocos de zirconia sinterizados (N = 180) (Lava, 3M ESPE), com dimensoes finais de 5,25 x 3,74 x 4,5 mm foram incluidos em resina acrilica, polidos e aleatoriamente distribuidos em 18 grupos (n = 10), de acordo com os fatores: "solucao" (8 niveis) e "jateamento" (2 niveis): Ctr (controle sem tratamento), AP- Alloy Primer/Kuraray, MP- Monobond Plus/Ivoclar, MZP- Metal zirconia Primer/Ivoclar, MZ- MZ Primer/Angelus, Rex- Relyx Primer para Cerâmica/3M ESPE, Sg- Signum Zirconia Bond/Kulzer, SbU- Scotchbond Adesivo Universal/3M ESPE e ZP- Z Prime Plus/Bisco. As mesmas solucoes tambem foram utilizadas apos o jateamento da zirconia: Ctr.S, AP.S, MP.S, MZ.S, ReX.S, Sg.S, SbU.S e ZP.S(* S = jateamento). Anteriormente ao Jateamento os bloco de zirconia foram s...

Research paper thumbnail of PP - Systemic Corticotherapy on Oral Pemphigus Vulgaris Management

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of PP - Intraosseous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mimicking Acute Dentoalveolar Abscess

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Eficácia Do Uso De Corticosteroide Sistêmico No Tratamento Do Pênfigo Vulgar Oral

Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde, 2016

Introdução: O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença autoimune, caracterizada pela presença de lesões ulcera... more Introdução: O pênfigo vulgar é uma doença autoimune, caracterizada pela presença de lesões ulcerativas e bolhosas em pele e mucosas. Os objetivos deste trabalho são relatar um caso de pênfigo vulgar oral, com ênfase no tratamento e abordar algumascaracterísticas clínicas e histopatológicas da doença. Relato de Caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 38 anos, feoderma, compareceuao serviço especializado em diagnóstico oral da cidade de João Pessoa – PB, com queixa de múltiplas lesões ulceradas na cavidadeoral, disfagia, disfonia e perda acentuada de peso com dois meses de evolução. As hipóteses foram pênfigo vulgar e pênfigoidedas membranas mucosas. Foi realizada uma biópsia incisional na “túnica mucosa jugal”, na qual foi confirmado o diagnóstico depênfigo vulgar. O tratamento de escolha, inicialmente, foi a administração sistêmica de prednisona 80 mg, cuja remissão das lesões ocorreu a partir das primeiras semanas e a dosagem reduzida gradativamente até a dose atual de 2,5 mg Conclusão: ...

Research paper thumbnail of Leiomyomatous hamartoma of the tongue: Case report

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Delayed diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma following dental treatment

The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2013

Introduction Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can present with a wide range of clinical appeara... more Introduction Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can present with a wide range of clinical appearances. Consequently, an oral SCC, particularly in its early stage, may not be considered suspicious by a clinician, thereby delaying diagnosis. Delayed diagnosis of an oral SCC could result in more advanced disease at the time of treatment, leading to more extensive and costly treatment, greater morbidity and poorer survival. The aim of this study was to identify cases of oral SCC treated at Southern Heath (Melbourne, Australia) with a history of prediagnosis dental treatment, and to determine the delay between dental treatment and appropriate surgical assessment of the oral SCC. Methods Patients were identified from the head and neck tumour database at Southern Health who met the inclusion criteria and relevant data were recorded. Results Twelve patients met the inclusion criteria and 83% of cases involved the mandible. Dental extraction was the most common prediagnosis treatment perform...

Research paper thumbnail of Desafios da monitoria acadêmica de Estomatologia frente à pandemia COVID-19

Revista da ABENO, 2021

O presente artigo possui caráter descritivo e tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da monitori... more O presente artigo possui caráter descritivo e tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da monitoria na disciplina de Estomatologia, desenvolvida no curso de graduação em Odontologia do [texto ocultado], frente à pandemia do novo Coronavírus (COVID-19). Diante do cenário pandêmico, o Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC), por meio da Portaria Nº 343, autorizou a utilização de recursos digitais como alternativa para a continuidade das atividades acadêmicas. Nesse contexto, a vivência do Programa de Monitoria Acadêmica ocorreu através da plataforma digital Blackboard, sendo necessário ressignificar as atividades do aluno-monitor e metodologias de ensino utilizadas, desenvolvendo habilidades inerentes à docência e contribuindo significativamente para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos discentes monitorados frente a nova realidade estabelecida pela pandemia. Conclui-se que a utilização de plataformas digitais foi fundamental para o exercício da atividade de monitoria e a continuidade ...

Research paper thumbnail of Recidiva de mieloma múltiplo em mandíbula mimetizando lesão endodôntica: relato de caso

Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial, 2020

On-line a 21 de setembro de 2020 O mieloma múltiplo é uma neoplasia maligna disseminada que afeta... more On-line a 21 de setembro de 2020 O mieloma múltiplo é uma neoplasia maligna disseminada que afeta os plasmócitos. O envolvimento da região maxilofacial é incomum, mas pode envolver os ápices dentários. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso clínico de mieloma múltiplo recidivante que mimetizou lesão endodôntica. Doente, 75 anos, sexo feminino, procurou atendimento odontológico de urgência devido a aumento de volume na mandíbula, na região dos dentes 44 e 45, semelhante a celulite odontogénica. Foi realizado o tratamento odontológico de urgência do dente 45, seguido de posterior tomografia computadorizada e biópsia incisional, devido a diagnóstico pregresso de mieloma múltiplo. O exame de imagem revelou lesão osteolítica, envolvendo o ápice dos dentes 44 e 45. O exame histológico evidenciou proliferação de células com morfologia plasmocitóide e atipia, que invadiam o tecido conjuntivo, confirmando o diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo recidivante. A paciente foi encaminhada a tratamento oncológico e encontra-se estável até hoje. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor de Células Granulosas bifocal en mucosa oral

Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and s... more Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and shows low taxes of recurrence being treated with simple surgical removal. Objective: showing a case of a bifocal granular cell tumor affecting buccal mucosa and revealing some clinical and microscopic characteristics of this lesion. Clinic Case: This paper showed a case of a 60 yr-old female who presented two small nodules with smooth and regular surfaces, fibroelastic consistence and yellowish coloration. These two lesions were excised and granular cell tumor was diagnosed microscopically for both. The patient are following without signs of recurrence. Comment: the definitive diagnosis of this lesion was obtained across to microscopic analysis, due to non specific clinical features, being mandatory to perform excisional biopsy. The patient is following up for six months without signs of recurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Tumor de células granulares bifocal em mucosa jugal

Research paper thumbnail of Lipoma gigante en el labio inferior: Un caso inusual

Introduction: lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors which consist essentially of mature adipocyte... more Introduction: lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors which consist essentially of mature adipocytes, and are relatively uncommon in the oral cavity comparing with other body surfaces. Large lesions are relatively rare and lower lip is not a very usual site. This is characterized as a slow growing lesion which might reach large dimensions and are usually asymptomatic. Objective: to show a case of giant lipoma affecting lower lip and to comment on its clinical and microscopic features. Case report: in this study, we describe a case of giant lipoma affecting lower lip of a 55 years-old male with an asymptomatic evolution of eight years. We performed a complete excision, and the histopathological examination revealed a lipoma. Conclusions: actually, the patient is under follow up without signs of recurrence. The clinical and microscopic characteristics were very important for the diagnosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Granulous cell bifocal tumor in the oral mucosa

Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and s... more Introduction: Granular cell tumor is a uncommon lesion which presents prediction for tongue and shows low taxes of recurrence being treated with simple surgical removal. Objective: showing a case of a bifocal granular cell tumor affecting buccal mucosa and revealing some clinical and microscopic characteristics of this lesion. Clinic Case: This paper showed a case of a 60 yr-old female who presented two small nodules with smooth and regular surfaces, fibroelastic consistence and yellowish coloration. These two lesions were excised and granular cell tumor was diagnosed microscopically for both. The patient are following without signs of recurrence. Comment: the definitive diagnosis of this lesion was obtained across to microscopic analysis, due to non specific clinical features, being mandatory to perform excisional biopsy. The patient is following up for six months without signs of recurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Anais III Jornada Odontológica do UNIPÊ – Edição Online


Editorial Caro(a) Leitor(a), É com muita satisfação que damos início à III Jornada Odontológica d... more Editorial Caro(a) Leitor(a), É com muita satisfação que damos início à III Jornada Odontológica do Unipê, cujo tema é Odontologia em Tempos de Pandemia. Acredito que não poderíamos ter um tema mais pertinente, já que 2020 foi um ano marcante em todo o mundo devido aos impactos gerados pela pandemia da COVID-19 em nossa organização social. Ao se falar em pandemia, é impossível não lembrar das milhares de famílias brasileiras que sofreram de forma mais intensa os efeitos dela em suas vidas, principalmente pela perda de entes queridos. Por isso, em nome de toda a Comissão Organizadora do evento deixo aqui registrada a nossa solidariedade a todas estas famílias. A palavra do ano foi ADAPTAÇÃO, e no âmbito acadêmico não foi diferente. Os professores tiveram que sair da zona de conforto e se adaptarem a novas formas de ensinar, e os alunos a formas inovadoras de aprender tornando-se mais autônomos e protagonistas do processo de aprendizagem. A III JOUNIPÊ surgiu como uma iniciativa da coo...

Research paper thumbnail of Giant Sialolith in the Wharton's Duct: an Unusual Case

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2018

to enucleate the lesion, with preservation of the involved teeth. After a histopathological analy... more to enucleate the lesion, with preservation of the involved teeth. After a histopathological analysis, the diagnosis was of a paradental cyst. A patient was followed-up with for 3 years, with an appropriate result, including complete root formation of elements 36 and 46, without damaging their development, as observed on a computerized tomography analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Lymphoepithelial Cyst in the Posterior Tongue: a Case Report

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2018

We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian approach to tackle the challenging problem of size recommend... more We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian approach to tackle the challenging problem of size recommendation in e-commerce fashion. Our approach jointly models a size purchased by a customer, and its possible return event: 1. no return, 2. returned too small 3. returned too big. Those events are drawn following a multinomial distribution parameterized on the joint probability of each event, built following a hierarchy combining priors. Such a model allows us to incorporate extended domain expertise and article characteristics as prior knowledge, which in turn makes it possible for the underlying parameters to emerge thanks to sufficient data. Experiments are presented on real (anonymized) data from millions of customers along with a detailed discussion on the efficiency of such an approach within a large scale production system.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical-pathological aspects of oral lymphoepithelial cyst: case report

Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2020

Oral lymphoepithelial cyst (OLEC) is an uncommon lesion whose pathogenesis remains poorly underst... more Oral lymphoepithelial cyst (OLEC) is an uncommon lesion whose pathogenesis remains poorly understood. The purpose of this paper is to report a case of OLEC. Female patient, white, 62 years old, presented asymptomatic nodular swelling of soft consistency in the lateral border of the tongue. Under the clinical hypothesis of lymphoid tissue hyperplasia, an excisional biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination revealed a pathological epithelial-lined cavity and a cystic connective tissue capsule containing lymphoid tissue. The diagnosis of OLEC was established and the patient showed no signs of recurrence after surgical removal of the lesion.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of air-particle abrasion and a zirconia primer application on resin cement bonding strength to zirconia

Minerva Stomatologica, 2019

BACKGROUND This study aimed to evaluate the influence of surface treatments on the bond strength ... more BACKGROUND This study aimed to evaluate the influence of surface treatments on the bond strength between a zirconia-based ceramic and two resin cements. METHODS Eighty blocks (5.25×3.74×4.5 mm) of a zirconia-based ceramic were divided into eight groups (N.=10) according to the factors "surface treatment" (air-particle abrasion with Al2O3 or Al2O3/SiO2 and zirconia primer) and "cement" (conventional resin cement and self-adhesive resin cement). After the surface treatments, cylinders of each resin cement (Ø=3.5 mm, height: 3 mm) were built up on the zirconia surface and photo-activated (40 s). The samples were stored in water for 30 days at 37 °C, followed by shear bond strength test in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). RESULTS Regarding the surface treatments, all strategies were statistically different from each other. The Cojet achieved the higher bond strength values, followed by Signum Zirconia Bond. The resin cements were also statistically different from each other, since the U200 achieved higher bond strength values. The interaction between the factors was also significant. Most of the failures were adhesive and mixed. CONCLUSIONS Regardless of the cement used, the air-particle abrasion with alumina coated by silica particles improved bond strength.

Research paper thumbnail of Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst: Report of a rare case and review of the literature

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 2018

Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is very rare and its etiology remains uncertain. To the be... more Pigmented odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is very rare and its etiology remains uncertain. To the best of our knowledge, only 9 cases of pigmented OKC have been published in English-language literature. This report describes a pigmented OKC in a 14-year-old black male patient. Radiographically, the lesion appeared as a well-circumscribed, unilocular, and radiolucent image. A surgical excision was performed. Histopathological examination revealed an OKC. Additionally, a brownish, sparsed, intracytoplasmic pigmentation was observed in the basal cell layer, which was positive for Fontana-Masson staining. Immunohistochemistry reactions revealed positive dendritic cells for S-100 protein, HMB45 and Melan A. No clinical and imaging signs of recurrence were observed after 24 months. In conclusion, melanin apparently does not represent a factor for distinct biological behavior in OKC.

Research paper thumbnail of Lymphoma of Large B Cells of High Degree

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2017