Laura Bozomitu - (original) (raw)
Papers by Laura Bozomitu
2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), 2021
Melanoma is a malignant skin disease. Melanoma is difficult to be detected in the early stage, an... more Melanoma is a malignant skin disease. Melanoma is difficult to be detected in the early stage, and it is difficult to cure once this disease develops to the late stage. The mortality rate of patients with advanced melanoma is as high as 98%. Melanoma dermatosis can be effectively controlled by early screening and timely treatment. However, due to the unsufficient educated population and uneven distribution of medical resources in Romania, it is difficult for most melanoma patients to get early diagnosis and treatment from doctors. Therefore, it is necessary to study the computer-aided diagnosis technology of melanoma. Material and methods: 32 patients in 2 years (18 male and 14 female), age 24-63, multiple nevi all over the body, new dermatoscopy scanning for the bigger ones, history of sun exposure, dust and toxic agents, 2019-2021. Aim: corellate the early diagnosis of melanoma with the best treatment options and survival rate. Results: all the patients had melanoma detected in early stages (I and IInd) and could benefit from radical surgery and good treatment in oncology department with a good outcome after 1 year. Conclusion: early detection and constant scanning with the aid of dermatoscopy of all the nevi all over the body save lives. Not even one patient had any idea that their nevi could be a melanoma, the diagnosis was a total surprise, but the outcome was good, the survival rate also.
World Journal of Gastroenterology, Jun 7, 2023
PubMed, Mar 3, 2010
The purpose of this study is to evaluate symptomatology, endoscopic and histopathologic changes o... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate symptomatology, endoscopic and histopathologic changes of Helicobacter pylori infection and gastritis lesions without Helicobacter pylori infection on children diagnosed with celiac disease. Material and method: 15 children under gluten-free diet were selected and, because of the recurrence of the dyspeptic syndrome, an upper digestive endoscopy associated with histopathologic exam was performed. Considering the histopathologic result we made two groups: first group (8 children with celiac disease and Helicobacter pylori infection) and second group (7 children with celiac disease without Helicobacter pylori infection, but associated with gastritis lesions). Results: The main symptom was diffuse abdominal pain in both groups. The endoscopic antrum aspects were congestive with striped aspect (first group--12.5%, second group--42.9%) and congestive with nodulation (first group--25%, second group--14.3%). The histopathologic diagnosis were: moderate active chronic pangastritis (first group--25%, second group--14.3%) moderate active chronic gastritis (first group--25%,second group--14.3%), lymphocytic gastritis (first group--12.5%, second group--14.3%). Conclusion: The histopathologic exam remains the gold standard for celiac disease, gastritis lesions and Helicobacter pylori infection.
Introducere. Boala fi catului gras non-alcoolic (NAFLD), cea mai frecventă cauză a bolii hepatice... more Introducere. Boala fi catului gras non-alcoolic (NAFLD), cea mai frecventă cauză a bolii hepatice cronice la copii, cuprinde un spectru de afecţiuni variind de la steatoză simplă până la steatohepatită (NASH). Acidul ursodeoxicolic (UDCA) a fost utilizat la pacienţi adulţi cu NASH, demonstrându-şi efi cacitatea în doze crescute. Scop. De a evalua efectul tratamentului cu doze crescute de UDCA asupra parametrilor funcţiei hepatice la copii cu NASH. Metode. Lotul de studiu a fost constituit din 18 copii cu NASH cu vârste cuprinse între 2,5 şi 17 ani. NASH a fost operaţional defi nit ca fi catul difuz hiperechogenic la ecografi e cu valori persistent crescute (> 35 UI/l) ale alanin aminotransferazei (ALAT) sau aspartat aminotransferazei (AST), după excluderea cauzelor virale, drog sau alcool induse, colestatice sau genetice ale bolii hepatice. Pacienţii au fost trataţi cu acid ursodeoxicolic (20 mg/kg/zi), timp de şase luni. Rezultate. Tratamentul cu UDCA a determinat scăderea semnifi cativă a valorilor transaminazelor hepatice. Nivelurile ALT au variat între 68,5 (50-166) iniţial vs 47 (29-104) după şase luni, p < 0,001, AST între 43 (29-101) vs 34 (17-75), p < 0,001, şi GGT între 41,5 (11-150) vs. 22 (8-55). La sfârşitul tratamentului, niveluri ALT s-au normalizat la 4 dintre pacienţi. De asemenea, concentraţiile de colesterol au fost semnifi cativ reduse după tratament. Concluzii. Tratamentul cu doze crescute de acid ursodeoxicolic imbunătăţeşte parametrii funcţiei hepatice la copii cu NASH.
Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Dec 15, 2011
Journal of Hepatology, Apr 1, 2013
of life with jaundice, itching and high GGT. However, GGT can be high PFIC II (11%) and it can be... more of life with jaundice, itching and high GGT. However, GGT can be high PFIC II (11%) and it can be normal in PFIC III (6%). One third of patients required liver transplantation and patients with PFIC III are the least to required liver transplantation.
Among the systemic impairment in cystic fibrosis there is also hepatobiliary tract involvement, w... more Among the systemic impairment in cystic fibrosis there is also hepatobiliary tract involvement, with some genetic determinants of the disease manifesting as cystic fibrosis-associated liver disease (CFLD). The pathogenesis, natural history and cyrrhogenic evolution of CFLD are discussed in relation to the multiple phenotypes of cystic fibrosis. The CFLD therapy is nonspecific, the disease progression to cirrhosis is unpredictable, and the CFTR modulators offer a still underinvestigated therapeutic alternative.
2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), 2021
Enzymatic debridement is an effective minimal invasive method in deep burns treatment, proving go... more Enzymatic debridement is an effective minimal invasive method in deep burns treatment, proving good results in eschar removal. In our retrospective study, we included 12 patients, hospitalized in the Burn Department from the “ Sf. Spiridon” Emergency Country Hospital Iasi, during a 2-year period (2019-2020), which match on the application criteria for enzymatic debridement treatment. As an alternative to surgical treatment, enzymatic debridement has been proved as an important tool, reducing the number of hospitalisation days, as well as the bleeding, and thus saving the donor sites.
Transaminases correspond to a vast territory in the body (heart, liver, kidney, brain, muscle) an... more Transaminases correspond to a vast territory in the body (heart, liver, kidney, brain, muscle) and are defined as enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism, having the ability to catalyze a particular type of reaction. In medical practice, the most commonly determined are transaminases glutamyl oxalacetic (TGO) and glutamylopyruvic transaminase (TGP). An increase in their serum concentration is premature, occurs in the context of hepatocyte necrosis and their values become positive before other tests reflecting the liver function.
Implementing the sentinel surveillance program of rotavirus infection in infants beginning with ... more Implementing the sentinel surveillance program of rotavirus infection in infants beginning with the year 2008 in the Republic of Moldova has proven the high rate of this infection (40%), an argument for recommending the children’s immunization against rotavirus within the National Immunization Program. Acute gastroenteritis is one of the most prominent actual health problems in infants, rotaviral infection being a frequent cause of dehydration in infants and small children. Aim. The assessment of clinical-evolutive and epidemiological features, with treatment optimization of rotavirus family infection in nonvaccinated and vaccinated children. Materials and method. There were included in the trial infants with acute diarrhea, from the sentinel surveillance (2012-2016) of the Pediatrics Department from the IMSP Clinical Hospital for Children No. 1. There were examined 193 patients with acute gastroenteritis, included by a standard case definition. The biologic material was ...
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome characterized by intestinal and extraintestina... more Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome characterized by intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms related to the ingestion of gluten-containing foods in patients not affected by celiac disease or gluten allergy. Symptoms occur within hours or days after the ingestion of gluten. Three gluten-induced heterogeneous situations were identified: a) celiac disease (autoimmune); b) allergy to wheat (allergic); c) non-celiac gluten sensitivity (non-autoimmune and non-allergic). Sensitivity to gluten has been described under various names: gluten hypersensitivity, gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, so that in 2012 the consensus established the name non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) to distinguish it from celiac disease. The incidence of NCGS in patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms - autistic spectrum disorders or schizophrenia - has been discussed in recent years, suggesting that they may be part of the NCGS spectrum in some cases. In general, NCGS, like celiac disease an...
Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ a Societă̆ţ̜ii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i, Jul 1, 2010
The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a rare complication of liver cirrhosis, with poor outcome;... more The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a rare complication of liver cirrhosis, with poor outcome; the term includes liver disease, increased alveolo-arterial gradient and intrapulmonary vascular dilations, described by Fluckiger, Kennedy and Knudson. HPS impairs survival in cirrhotic patients and the posttransplant outcome is altered in correlation with severity of HPS. Combined determination of SaO2 in clino- and orthostatic position by a pulsoximeter is a simple test for HPS identification in patients with chronic liver disease or non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
Pediatric Annals, 2006
Rotavirus is a major worldwide cause of infant morbidity and mortality, and disease burden in the... more Rotavirus is a major worldwide cause of infant morbidity and mortality, and disease burden in the US is substantial. Vaccination is the only practical way to gain control over rotavirus disease. Prevention through the universal use of improved live oral vaccines is on the horizon.
Acute otitis media (AOM) in children is one of the leading causes of health care visits and antib... more Acute otitis media (AOM) in children is one of the leading causes of health care visits and antibiotic prescriptions worldwide. The overall aim of the current study is twofold: 1. to analyze and discuss the antibiotic prescription patterns in AOM in children without complications or risk factors and 2. to assess to what extent the watchful-waiting approach is a real practice or a mere desideratum. We performed an electronic search in the PubMed and Embase databases from 2013 to 2023 to capture original research studies investigating antibiotic prescribing patterns for AOM in children. Among the 12 papers included in the analysis, the antibiotic prescription rate ranged from 44.8% to 98%. Our study reveals similarities regarding the use of amoxicillin as a first-line antibiotic in pediatric AOM, but also discrepancies in the watchful-waiting approach attitude and in the choice of second or third-line antimicrobial agents. The proportion of cases managed with the watchful-waiting appr...
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the most studied compartments of the human body as it h... more The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the most studied compartments of the human body as it hosts the largest microbial community including trillions of germs. The relationship between the human and its associated flora is complex, as the microbiome plays an important role in nutrition, metabolism and immune function. With a dynamic composition, influenced by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors, there is an equilibrium maintained in the composition of GI microbiota, translated as “eubiosis”. Any disruption of the microbiota leads to the development of different local and systemic diseases. This article reviews the human GI microbiome’s composition and function in healthy individuals as well as its involvement in the pathogenesis of different digestive disorders. It also highlights the possibility to consider flora manipulation a therapeutic option when treating GI diseases.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Dec 31, 2016
Introducere. Sindroamele de malabsorbţie au drept consecinţă perturbarea dezvoltării şi funcţiei ... more Introducere. Sindroamele de malabsorbţie au drept consecinţă perturbarea dezvoltării şi funcţiei normale a sistemului osos. Obiective. Aprecierea densităţii osoase la copiii cu sindroame de malabsorbţie. Analiza factorilor de risc pentru osteopenie. Evaluarea corelaţiilor între osteopenie, markerii nutriţionali şi markerii metabolismului osos. Material şi metodă. 118 copii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie de diverse etiologii, în principal boală celiacă (41 cazuri) şi fibroză chistică (14 cazuri). Densitatea osoasă a fost evaluată prin Ultrasonografie cantitativă (QUS) utilizând un Osteodensitometru Sunlight Omnisense Ultrasonometer 7000P. QUS a fost efectuată la radius (86 de cazuri) şi tibie (78 de cazuri). 25 hidroxivitamina D a fost evaluată la 10 cazuri prin metoda RIA. Analiza statistică a fost realizată utilizând SPSS for Windows. Rezultate. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 32% dintre cazuri. Scăderea densităţii osoase la radius a fost asociată cu sindromul celiachiform. Osteopenia la tibie s-a asociat cu fibroza chistică. Osteopenia a fost mai frecventă la fete. Osteopenia s-a asociat cu durata bolii. Osteopenia nu s-a corelat cu BMI. Scorul Z la radius s-a corelat pozitiv cu nivelele fosfatazei alcaline, iar scorul Z la tibie cu colesterolemia. Scorul Z la tibie şi radius s-a corelat negativ cu valorile markerilor inflamatori. La copiii cu boală celiacă, valoarea anticorpilor anti-transglutaminază s-a corelat negativ cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Nivelele 25(OH) vitaminei D au fost deficiente la 8 copii şi insuficiente la 2, dar valorile sale nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism au fost prezente la 35% dintre bolnavii cu osteopenie. Concluzii. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 1/3 din bolnavii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie din lotul studiat. 30% dintre bolnavi au avut semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism. Valorile 25(OH) vitaminei D nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z. S-a observat o corelaţie negativă între parametrii osoşi şi markerii inflamaţiei şi anticorpii anti-transglutaminază. Cuvinte cheie: osteopenie, sindroame de malabsorbţie, boală celiacă STUDII CAZUISTICE
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Dec 31, 2016
Introduction. Malabsorption syndromes result in the disturbance of bone normal development and fu... more Introduction. Malabsorption syndromes result in the disturbance of bone normal development and function. Objective. The assessment of bone density in children with malabsorption syndromes. The analysis of risk factors for osteopenia. The correlation between osteopenia, nutritional markers and bone metabolism markers. Material and method. 118 children with malabsorbtion syndromes of different etiologies, mainly Celiac disease (41 cases) and Cystic fibrosis (14 cases). Bone density was assessed by Quantitative Ultrasonography (QUS) with a Sunlight Omnisense Ultrasonometer 7000P. QUS was performed at two sites-radius (86 cases) and tibia (78 cases). 25hydroxivitamin D was measured in 10 cases by RIA method. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS for Windows. Results. Osteopenia was present in 32% cases. Decreased bone density at the radius was associated with the celiac syndrome. Osteopenia at the tibia was associated with cystic fibrosis. Osteopenia was more frequent in girls. Osteopenia was related to the duration of the disease. Osteopenia wasn't related to BMI. Radius Z-score positively correlated to alkaline phosphatase levels and tibia Z-score to serum cholesterol levels. Radius and tibia Z-score negatively correlated with inflammatory marker levels. In children with celiac disease, the value of anti-transglutaminase antibodies was negatively correlated to radius and tibia Z-score values. 25(OH) vitamin D values were deficient in 8 patient and insufficient in 2, but its values didn't correlate to radius/tibia Z-score. Clinical, biological and radiological signs of rickets were found in 35% of patients with osteopenia. Conclusions. Osteopenia was found in 1/3 of patients with malabsorption syndromes of the studied group. In 30% of patients, clinical, biological and radiologic rickets signs were present. 25(OH) vitamin D values didn't correlate with the Z-score. A negative correlation between bone parameters and inflammation markers and anti-transglutaminase antibodies values was observed.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Mar 31, 2016
The immune system shows a complex role to defend the body in response to "non-self" antigens, res... more The immune system shows a complex role to defend the body in response to "non-self" antigens, respond abnormally to antigens allergens (hypersensitivity and autoimmunity) and shows immune tolerance by lack of reactivity to its own structures (self). Aim. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that in atopic dermatitis immune deficiency influences the development of atopy, disease severity and comorbidities. Material and methods. Following medical record review, 135 cases diagnosed with AD were included in the study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v20 for determining the frequency and testing the hypotheses, for p < 0.05, by t tests and One-Way ANOVA. Results. Of the 135 cases, 51.9% were male children and 48.1% female children aged 1 month to 127 months with a mean of 26.21. According to total serum IgE level, 64.4% of patients had elevated IgE levels, 35.6% normal levels. According to the SCORAD, children had mild AD in 20.7% of cases, moderate in 70.4%, and severe in 8.9%. IgA deficiency was found for 48.1% of cases, and for 51.9% normal. IgG deficiency was found in 38.5% of cases. The independent samples t tests showed statistical significant demonstrating correlations between IgE level and IgA immune deficiency, between SCORAD and IgG and IgA immune deficiency. Atopic march is influenced by elevated IgE, IgA and IgG immune deficiency, p <0.05. Conclusions. Atopy in AD can be influenced by complex factors, both internal and environmental, but this remains a controversial topic. External factors acting on a background genetically predisposed to atopy trigger the manifestation of AD.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Mar 31, 2016
Sistemul imunitar joacă un rol complex în apărarea organismului ca răspuns la "non-self", răspund... more Sistemul imunitar joacă un rol complex în apărarea organismului ca răspuns la "non-self", răspunde anormal la antigenii alergeni (hipersensibilitate şi autoimunitate) şi este caracterizat prin toleranţă imună cu lipsa de reactivitate la propriile structuri (auto). Scop. Scopul acestui studiu este de a demonstra că, în dermatita atopică, deficitul imun influenţează dezvoltarea atopiei, severitatea bolii şi dezvoltarea de comorbidităţi. Material şi metode. În urma analizei foilor de observaţie, 135 de cazuri diagnosticate cu AD au fost incluse în studiu. Analiza statistică a fost realizată cu ajutorul SPSS V20 pentru determinarea frecvenţei şi testarea ipotezelor, pentru p <0,05, prin testele T şi OneWay ANOVA. Rezultate. Din cele 135 de cazuri, 51,9% au fost copii de sex masculin şi 48,1% de copii de sex feminin, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 1 lună şi 127 luni, cu o medie de 26,21. Potrivit IgE serice totale, 64,4% dintre pacienţi au avut niveluri ridicate de IgE, 35,6% niveluri normale. În conformitate cu SCORAD, copiii au avut forma uşoară în 20,7% din cazuri, forma moderată în 70,4%, iar severă în 8,9% din cazuri. Deficitul de IgA a fost găsit în 48,1% din cazuri, iar deficitul de IgG a fost găsit în 38,5% din cazuri. Testele t de corelaţie pe eşantioane independente constată valori semnificative statistic între nivelul IgE şi deficitul de IgA, între SCORAD şi deficitul de IgG şi IgA. Marşul atopic este influenţat de valorile crescute ale IgE şi deficitul de IgA pentru un p<0,05. Concluzii. Atopia în DA poate fi influenţată de factori complecşi, atât interni, cât şi de mediu, dar acest lucru rămâne un subiect controversat. Factorii externi care acţionează pe un fundal genetic predispus la atopie poate declanşa manifestarea DA.
Today’s society is characterized by the interaction of new factors, social and environmental, whi... more Today’s society is characterized by the interaction of new factors, social and environmental, which have a certain impact on the child’s health. Identifying these factors and describing the influences on the pediatric population, at different ages, are essential elements for growth, development, prophylaxis and treatment of diseases. The living environment, the family environment, nutrition and the sociocultural level are all elements that interact with the child’s health, marking, sometimes decisively, its evolution and development.
2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), 2021
Melanoma is a malignant skin disease. Melanoma is difficult to be detected in the early stage, an... more Melanoma is a malignant skin disease. Melanoma is difficult to be detected in the early stage, and it is difficult to cure once this disease develops to the late stage. The mortality rate of patients with advanced melanoma is as high as 98%. Melanoma dermatosis can be effectively controlled by early screening and timely treatment. However, due to the unsufficient educated population and uneven distribution of medical resources in Romania, it is difficult for most melanoma patients to get early diagnosis and treatment from doctors. Therefore, it is necessary to study the computer-aided diagnosis technology of melanoma. Material and methods: 32 patients in 2 years (18 male and 14 female), age 24-63, multiple nevi all over the body, new dermatoscopy scanning for the bigger ones, history of sun exposure, dust and toxic agents, 2019-2021. Aim: corellate the early diagnosis of melanoma with the best treatment options and survival rate. Results: all the patients had melanoma detected in early stages (I and IInd) and could benefit from radical surgery and good treatment in oncology department with a good outcome after 1 year. Conclusion: early detection and constant scanning with the aid of dermatoscopy of all the nevi all over the body save lives. Not even one patient had any idea that their nevi could be a melanoma, the diagnosis was a total surprise, but the outcome was good, the survival rate also.
World Journal of Gastroenterology, Jun 7, 2023
PubMed, Mar 3, 2010
The purpose of this study is to evaluate symptomatology, endoscopic and histopathologic changes o... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate symptomatology, endoscopic and histopathologic changes of Helicobacter pylori infection and gastritis lesions without Helicobacter pylori infection on children diagnosed with celiac disease. Material and method: 15 children under gluten-free diet were selected and, because of the recurrence of the dyspeptic syndrome, an upper digestive endoscopy associated with histopathologic exam was performed. Considering the histopathologic result we made two groups: first group (8 children with celiac disease and Helicobacter pylori infection) and second group (7 children with celiac disease without Helicobacter pylori infection, but associated with gastritis lesions). Results: The main symptom was diffuse abdominal pain in both groups. The endoscopic antrum aspects were congestive with striped aspect (first group--12.5%, second group--42.9%) and congestive with nodulation (first group--25%, second group--14.3%). The histopathologic diagnosis were: moderate active chronic pangastritis (first group--25%, second group--14.3%) moderate active chronic gastritis (first group--25%,second group--14.3%), lymphocytic gastritis (first group--12.5%, second group--14.3%). Conclusion: The histopathologic exam remains the gold standard for celiac disease, gastritis lesions and Helicobacter pylori infection.
Introducere. Boala fi catului gras non-alcoolic (NAFLD), cea mai frecventă cauză a bolii hepatice... more Introducere. Boala fi catului gras non-alcoolic (NAFLD), cea mai frecventă cauză a bolii hepatice cronice la copii, cuprinde un spectru de afecţiuni variind de la steatoză simplă până la steatohepatită (NASH). Acidul ursodeoxicolic (UDCA) a fost utilizat la pacienţi adulţi cu NASH, demonstrându-şi efi cacitatea în doze crescute. Scop. De a evalua efectul tratamentului cu doze crescute de UDCA asupra parametrilor funcţiei hepatice la copii cu NASH. Metode. Lotul de studiu a fost constituit din 18 copii cu NASH cu vârste cuprinse între 2,5 şi 17 ani. NASH a fost operaţional defi nit ca fi catul difuz hiperechogenic la ecografi e cu valori persistent crescute (> 35 UI/l) ale alanin aminotransferazei (ALAT) sau aspartat aminotransferazei (AST), după excluderea cauzelor virale, drog sau alcool induse, colestatice sau genetice ale bolii hepatice. Pacienţii au fost trataţi cu acid ursodeoxicolic (20 mg/kg/zi), timp de şase luni. Rezultate. Tratamentul cu UDCA a determinat scăderea semnifi cativă a valorilor transaminazelor hepatice. Nivelurile ALT au variat între 68,5 (50-166) iniţial vs 47 (29-104) după şase luni, p < 0,001, AST între 43 (29-101) vs 34 (17-75), p < 0,001, şi GGT între 41,5 (11-150) vs. 22 (8-55). La sfârşitul tratamentului, niveluri ALT s-au normalizat la 4 dintre pacienţi. De asemenea, concentraţiile de colesterol au fost semnifi cativ reduse după tratament. Concluzii. Tratamentul cu doze crescute de acid ursodeoxicolic imbunătăţeşte parametrii funcţiei hepatice la copii cu NASH.
Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Dec 15, 2011
Journal of Hepatology, Apr 1, 2013
of life with jaundice, itching and high GGT. However, GGT can be high PFIC II (11%) and it can be... more of life with jaundice, itching and high GGT. However, GGT can be high PFIC II (11%) and it can be normal in PFIC III (6%). One third of patients required liver transplantation and patients with PFIC III are the least to required liver transplantation.
Among the systemic impairment in cystic fibrosis there is also hepatobiliary tract involvement, w... more Among the systemic impairment in cystic fibrosis there is also hepatobiliary tract involvement, with some genetic determinants of the disease manifesting as cystic fibrosis-associated liver disease (CFLD). The pathogenesis, natural history and cyrrhogenic evolution of CFLD are discussed in relation to the multiple phenotypes of cystic fibrosis. The CFLD therapy is nonspecific, the disease progression to cirrhosis is unpredictable, and the CFTR modulators offer a still underinvestigated therapeutic alternative.
2021 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), 2021
Enzymatic debridement is an effective minimal invasive method in deep burns treatment, proving go... more Enzymatic debridement is an effective minimal invasive method in deep burns treatment, proving good results in eschar removal. In our retrospective study, we included 12 patients, hospitalized in the Burn Department from the “ Sf. Spiridon” Emergency Country Hospital Iasi, during a 2-year period (2019-2020), which match on the application criteria for enzymatic debridement treatment. As an alternative to surgical treatment, enzymatic debridement has been proved as an important tool, reducing the number of hospitalisation days, as well as the bleeding, and thus saving the donor sites.
Transaminases correspond to a vast territory in the body (heart, liver, kidney, brain, muscle) an... more Transaminases correspond to a vast territory in the body (heart, liver, kidney, brain, muscle) and are defined as enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism, having the ability to catalyze a particular type of reaction. In medical practice, the most commonly determined are transaminases glutamyl oxalacetic (TGO) and glutamylopyruvic transaminase (TGP). An increase in their serum concentration is premature, occurs in the context of hepatocyte necrosis and their values become positive before other tests reflecting the liver function.
Implementing the sentinel surveillance program of rotavirus infection in infants beginning with ... more Implementing the sentinel surveillance program of rotavirus infection in infants beginning with the year 2008 in the Republic of Moldova has proven the high rate of this infection (40%), an argument for recommending the children’s immunization against rotavirus within the National Immunization Program. Acute gastroenteritis is one of the most prominent actual health problems in infants, rotaviral infection being a frequent cause of dehydration in infants and small children. Aim. The assessment of clinical-evolutive and epidemiological features, with treatment optimization of rotavirus family infection in nonvaccinated and vaccinated children. Materials and method. There were included in the trial infants with acute diarrhea, from the sentinel surveillance (2012-2016) of the Pediatrics Department from the IMSP Clinical Hospital for Children No. 1. There were examined 193 patients with acute gastroenteritis, included by a standard case definition. The biologic material was ...
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome characterized by intestinal and extraintestina... more Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome characterized by intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms related to the ingestion of gluten-containing foods in patients not affected by celiac disease or gluten allergy. Symptoms occur within hours or days after the ingestion of gluten. Three gluten-induced heterogeneous situations were identified: a) celiac disease (autoimmune); b) allergy to wheat (allergic); c) non-celiac gluten sensitivity (non-autoimmune and non-allergic). Sensitivity to gluten has been described under various names: gluten hypersensitivity, gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, so that in 2012 the consensus established the name non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) to distinguish it from celiac disease. The incidence of NCGS in patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms - autistic spectrum disorders or schizophrenia - has been discussed in recent years, suggesting that they may be part of the NCGS spectrum in some cases. In general, NCGS, like celiac disease an...
Revista medico-chirurgicală̆ a Societă̆ţ̜ii de Medici ş̧i Naturaliş̧ti din Iaş̧i, Jul 1, 2010
The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a rare complication of liver cirrhosis, with poor outcome;... more The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a rare complication of liver cirrhosis, with poor outcome; the term includes liver disease, increased alveolo-arterial gradient and intrapulmonary vascular dilations, described by Fluckiger, Kennedy and Knudson. HPS impairs survival in cirrhotic patients and the posttransplant outcome is altered in correlation with severity of HPS. Combined determination of SaO2 in clino- and orthostatic position by a pulsoximeter is a simple test for HPS identification in patients with chronic liver disease or non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
Pediatric Annals, 2006
Rotavirus is a major worldwide cause of infant morbidity and mortality, and disease burden in the... more Rotavirus is a major worldwide cause of infant morbidity and mortality, and disease burden in the US is substantial. Vaccination is the only practical way to gain control over rotavirus disease. Prevention through the universal use of improved live oral vaccines is on the horizon.
Acute otitis media (AOM) in children is one of the leading causes of health care visits and antib... more Acute otitis media (AOM) in children is one of the leading causes of health care visits and antibiotic prescriptions worldwide. The overall aim of the current study is twofold: 1. to analyze and discuss the antibiotic prescription patterns in AOM in children without complications or risk factors and 2. to assess to what extent the watchful-waiting approach is a real practice or a mere desideratum. We performed an electronic search in the PubMed and Embase databases from 2013 to 2023 to capture original research studies investigating antibiotic prescribing patterns for AOM in children. Among the 12 papers included in the analysis, the antibiotic prescription rate ranged from 44.8% to 98%. Our study reveals similarities regarding the use of amoxicillin as a first-line antibiotic in pediatric AOM, but also discrepancies in the watchful-waiting approach attitude and in the choice of second or third-line antimicrobial agents. The proportion of cases managed with the watchful-waiting appr...
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the most studied compartments of the human body as it h... more The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the most studied compartments of the human body as it hosts the largest microbial community including trillions of germs. The relationship between the human and its associated flora is complex, as the microbiome plays an important role in nutrition, metabolism and immune function. With a dynamic composition, influenced by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors, there is an equilibrium maintained in the composition of GI microbiota, translated as “eubiosis”. Any disruption of the microbiota leads to the development of different local and systemic diseases. This article reviews the human GI microbiome’s composition and function in healthy individuals as well as its involvement in the pathogenesis of different digestive disorders. It also highlights the possibility to consider flora manipulation a therapeutic option when treating GI diseases.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Dec 31, 2016
Introducere. Sindroamele de malabsorbţie au drept consecinţă perturbarea dezvoltării şi funcţiei ... more Introducere. Sindroamele de malabsorbţie au drept consecinţă perturbarea dezvoltării şi funcţiei normale a sistemului osos. Obiective. Aprecierea densităţii osoase la copiii cu sindroame de malabsorbţie. Analiza factorilor de risc pentru osteopenie. Evaluarea corelaţiilor între osteopenie, markerii nutriţionali şi markerii metabolismului osos. Material şi metodă. 118 copii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie de diverse etiologii, în principal boală celiacă (41 cazuri) şi fibroză chistică (14 cazuri). Densitatea osoasă a fost evaluată prin Ultrasonografie cantitativă (QUS) utilizând un Osteodensitometru Sunlight Omnisense Ultrasonometer 7000P. QUS a fost efectuată la radius (86 de cazuri) şi tibie (78 de cazuri). 25 hidroxivitamina D a fost evaluată la 10 cazuri prin metoda RIA. Analiza statistică a fost realizată utilizând SPSS for Windows. Rezultate. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 32% dintre cazuri. Scăderea densităţii osoase la radius a fost asociată cu sindromul celiachiform. Osteopenia la tibie s-a asociat cu fibroza chistică. Osteopenia a fost mai frecventă la fete. Osteopenia s-a asociat cu durata bolii. Osteopenia nu s-a corelat cu BMI. Scorul Z la radius s-a corelat pozitiv cu nivelele fosfatazei alcaline, iar scorul Z la tibie cu colesterolemia. Scorul Z la tibie şi radius s-a corelat negativ cu valorile markerilor inflamatori. La copiii cu boală celiacă, valoarea anticorpilor anti-transglutaminază s-a corelat negativ cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Nivelele 25(OH) vitaminei D au fost deficiente la 8 copii şi insuficiente la 2, dar valorile sale nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z la radius şi tibie. Semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism au fost prezente la 35% dintre bolnavii cu osteopenie. Concluzii. Osteopenia a fost prezentă la 1/3 din bolnavii cu sindrom de malabsorbţie din lotul studiat. 30% dintre bolnavi au avut semne clinice, biologice şi radiologice de rahitism. Valorile 25(OH) vitaminei D nu s-au corelat cu scorul Z. S-a observat o corelaţie negativă între parametrii osoşi şi markerii inflamaţiei şi anticorpii anti-transglutaminază. Cuvinte cheie: osteopenie, sindroame de malabsorbţie, boală celiacă STUDII CAZUISTICE
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Dec 31, 2016
Introduction. Malabsorption syndromes result in the disturbance of bone normal development and fu... more Introduction. Malabsorption syndromes result in the disturbance of bone normal development and function. Objective. The assessment of bone density in children with malabsorption syndromes. The analysis of risk factors for osteopenia. The correlation between osteopenia, nutritional markers and bone metabolism markers. Material and method. 118 children with malabsorbtion syndromes of different etiologies, mainly Celiac disease (41 cases) and Cystic fibrosis (14 cases). Bone density was assessed by Quantitative Ultrasonography (QUS) with a Sunlight Omnisense Ultrasonometer 7000P. QUS was performed at two sites-radius (86 cases) and tibia (78 cases). 25hydroxivitamin D was measured in 10 cases by RIA method. Statistical analysis was made using SPSS for Windows. Results. Osteopenia was present in 32% cases. Decreased bone density at the radius was associated with the celiac syndrome. Osteopenia at the tibia was associated with cystic fibrosis. Osteopenia was more frequent in girls. Osteopenia was related to the duration of the disease. Osteopenia wasn't related to BMI. Radius Z-score positively correlated to alkaline phosphatase levels and tibia Z-score to serum cholesterol levels. Radius and tibia Z-score negatively correlated with inflammatory marker levels. In children with celiac disease, the value of anti-transglutaminase antibodies was negatively correlated to radius and tibia Z-score values. 25(OH) vitamin D values were deficient in 8 patient and insufficient in 2, but its values didn't correlate to radius/tibia Z-score. Clinical, biological and radiological signs of rickets were found in 35% of patients with osteopenia. Conclusions. Osteopenia was found in 1/3 of patients with malabsorption syndromes of the studied group. In 30% of patients, clinical, biological and radiologic rickets signs were present. 25(OH) vitamin D values didn't correlate with the Z-score. A negative correlation between bone parameters and inflammation markers and anti-transglutaminase antibodies values was observed.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Mar 31, 2016
The immune system shows a complex role to defend the body in response to "non-self" antigens, res... more The immune system shows a complex role to defend the body in response to "non-self" antigens, respond abnormally to antigens allergens (hypersensitivity and autoimmunity) and shows immune tolerance by lack of reactivity to its own structures (self). Aim. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that in atopic dermatitis immune deficiency influences the development of atopy, disease severity and comorbidities. Material and methods. Following medical record review, 135 cases diagnosed with AD were included in the study. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v20 for determining the frequency and testing the hypotheses, for p < 0.05, by t tests and One-Way ANOVA. Results. Of the 135 cases, 51.9% were male children and 48.1% female children aged 1 month to 127 months with a mean of 26.21. According to total serum IgE level, 64.4% of patients had elevated IgE levels, 35.6% normal levels. According to the SCORAD, children had mild AD in 20.7% of cases, moderate in 70.4%, and severe in 8.9%. IgA deficiency was found for 48.1% of cases, and for 51.9% normal. IgG deficiency was found in 38.5% of cases. The independent samples t tests showed statistical significant demonstrating correlations between IgE level and IgA immune deficiency, between SCORAD and IgG and IgA immune deficiency. Atopic march is influenced by elevated IgE, IgA and IgG immune deficiency, p <0.05. Conclusions. Atopy in AD can be influenced by complex factors, both internal and environmental, but this remains a controversial topic. External factors acting on a background genetically predisposed to atopy trigger the manifestation of AD.
Romanian Journal of Pediatrics, Mar 31, 2016
Sistemul imunitar joacă un rol complex în apărarea organismului ca răspuns la "non-self", răspund... more Sistemul imunitar joacă un rol complex în apărarea organismului ca răspuns la "non-self", răspunde anormal la antigenii alergeni (hipersensibilitate şi autoimunitate) şi este caracterizat prin toleranţă imună cu lipsa de reactivitate la propriile structuri (auto). Scop. Scopul acestui studiu este de a demonstra că, în dermatita atopică, deficitul imun influenţează dezvoltarea atopiei, severitatea bolii şi dezvoltarea de comorbidităţi. Material şi metode. În urma analizei foilor de observaţie, 135 de cazuri diagnosticate cu AD au fost incluse în studiu. Analiza statistică a fost realizată cu ajutorul SPSS V20 pentru determinarea frecvenţei şi testarea ipotezelor, pentru p <0,05, prin testele T şi OneWay ANOVA. Rezultate. Din cele 135 de cazuri, 51,9% au fost copii de sex masculin şi 48,1% de copii de sex feminin, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 1 lună şi 127 luni, cu o medie de 26,21. Potrivit IgE serice totale, 64,4% dintre pacienţi au avut niveluri ridicate de IgE, 35,6% niveluri normale. În conformitate cu SCORAD, copiii au avut forma uşoară în 20,7% din cazuri, forma moderată în 70,4%, iar severă în 8,9% din cazuri. Deficitul de IgA a fost găsit în 48,1% din cazuri, iar deficitul de IgG a fost găsit în 38,5% din cazuri. Testele t de corelaţie pe eşantioane independente constată valori semnificative statistic între nivelul IgE şi deficitul de IgA, între SCORAD şi deficitul de IgG şi IgA. Marşul atopic este influenţat de valorile crescute ale IgE şi deficitul de IgA pentru un p<0,05. Concluzii. Atopia în DA poate fi influenţată de factori complecşi, atât interni, cât şi de mediu, dar acest lucru rămâne un subiect controversat. Factorii externi care acţionează pe un fundal genetic predispus la atopie poate declanşa manifestarea DA.
Today’s society is characterized by the interaction of new factors, social and environmental, whi... more Today’s society is characterized by the interaction of new factors, social and environmental, which have a certain impact on the child’s health. Identifying these factors and describing the influences on the pediatric population, at different ages, are essential elements for growth, development, prophylaxis and treatment of diseases. The living environment, the family environment, nutrition and the sociocultural level are all elements that interact with the child’s health, marking, sometimes decisively, its evolution and development.