Florence Lefevre - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Florence Lefevre

Research paper thumbnail of Proprietes thermogelifiantes des myofibrilles et texture de la chair de truite

Http Www Theses Fr, 1997

La contribution de l'organisation de la chair a la texture a ete etudiee chez la truite. Les ... more La contribution de l'organisation de la chair a la texture a ete etudiee chez la truite. Les deux principaux muscles blanc et rouge qui composent la chair ont ete caracterises du point de vue taille et type de fibres et les structures de soutien contenant du collagene ont ete mises en evidence. La texture de la chair varie selon un gradient antero-posterieur en relation avec les changements de structure. L'effet de l'orientation de l'echantillon permet de distinguer des composantes rheologiques differentes dont la relation avec les structures contractiles et de soutien est discutee. Les proprietes thermogelifiantes des proteines myofibrillaires ont ete caracterisees. Les proprietes des myofibrilles sont similaires a celles observees chez les mammiferes et chez les poissons. La rigidite des gels formes apres chauffage depend de la concentration proteique, de la vitesse de chauffage et des conditions physico-chimiques (ph et force ionique). Les proteines myofibrillaires de truite presentent de fortes capacites d'interactions a basse temperature et un ph optimal de gelification assez bas ( 5,6). Les myofibrilles des deux types de muscles dont la composition en isoformes de myosine est differente presentent des proprietes thermogelifiantes distinctes et l'ultrastructure des gels formes apres chauffage est differente. Les proprietes thermogelifiantes et la resistance mecanique de la chair evoluent differemment lors de la cuisson. Un chauffage modere (40-55c) conduit a une moindre resistance mecanique de la chair alors que ses proprietes thermogelifiantes ne sont pas affectees. Dans tout les cas un traitement thermique a haute temperature (80c) provoque un durcissement de la chair. L'etude comparative des proprietes thermogelifiantes des myofibrilles et de la resistance mecanique de la chair sur des poissons soumis a des conditions d'elevage differentes permet de suggerer que ces proprietes evoluent dans le meme sens.

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualité nutritionnelle et diététique des poissons : Constituants de la chair et facteurs de variations : Poissons

Cahiers De Nutrition Et De Dietetique, 2003

... affecting flesh components. Auteur(s) / Author(s). MEDALE Francoise (1) ; LEFEVRE Florence (2... more ... affecting flesh components. Auteur(s) / Author(s). MEDALE Francoise (1) ; LEFEVRE Florence (2) ; CORRAZE Geneviève (1) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). ... Faire une nouvelle recherche Make a new search.

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection for muscle fat content and triploidy affect flesh quality in pan-size rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

Aquaculture, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Meat and fish flesh quality improvement with proteomic applications

Animal Frontiers, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological basis of fish quality

Sciences des Aliments, 2008

Le terme de « qualite », qu'il s'agisse de poisson ou de tout autre produit alimentaire, ... more Le terme de « qualite », qu'il s'agisse de poisson ou de tout autre produit alimentaire, integre de nombreuses caracteristiques, dont l'etude releve de domaines de competences tres varies. L'objectif de cette synthese est de passer en revue les determinismes, d'origine biologique, des qualites technologiques, nutritionnelles et organoleptiques des poissons. La qualite technologique est principalement reliee aux premieres etapes de transformation (evisceration, filetage, parage) et depend de la morphologie des poissons, et de la distribution et de la composition des tissus musculaires et adipeux. La qualite nutritionnelle depend directement de la composition de la chair en macro- et micro-nutriments. Les qualites organoleptiques recouvrent l'ensemble des perceptions sensorielles du produit incluant l'apparence, la couleur, la flaveur et la texture de la chair. Dans un objectif de maitrise de ces qualites par le controle des pratiques piscicoles, nous avons axe cette revue sur les differentes pratiques d'elevage (genetique, nutrition ou environnement d'elevage) qui peuvent modifier les caracteristiques des animaux et affecter ainsi la qualite des poissons et de leur chair.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics and metabolism of different adipose tissues in fish

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2013

Lipids are the predominant source of energy for fish and are stored in fat depots in different pa... more Lipids are the predominant source of energy for fish and are stored in fat depots in different parts of the body regions. This review focuses on visceral, subcutaneous and intramuscular adipose tissues that interfere with carcass and fillet yields and with flesh quality. The morphological, cellular and biochemical characteristics of these tissues are discussed as well as the different mechanisms involved in the regulation of their lipid metabolism. Particular emphasis is given to the modulation of these characteristics and mechanisms by different extrinsic (food composition, water parameters) and intrinsic (selective breeding, life cycle status) factors. This review focuses on recent studies that take into account the present challenges of fin-fish aquaculture, which are principally (1) the replacement of fish oil and meal by vegetable oil and meal due to the need for sustainability and the limited availability of fish to prepare food pellets, and (2) selective breeding programs to improve fish growth and flesh quality. These studies apply various modern technologies to different fish species, including the development of cell culture systems and transcriptomic and proteomic techniques. This review highlights that fish adipose tissues differ in their localization and their morphological characteristics and that they show a large plasticity in their responses to variations of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. These different responses reinforce the idea of their differential participation in fish lipid homeostasis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlated changes in skeletal muscle connective tissue and flesh texture during starvation and re-feeding in brown trout(Salmo trutta) reared in seawater

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2004

... We sincerely acknowledge Yvon Bizouarn, Jean-Christophe Billy and Stéphane Martin (SEMII Cama... more ... We sincerely acknowledge Yvon Bizouarn, Jean-Christophe Billy and Stéphane Martin (SEMII Camaret), Laurent Labbé, Luc Lebrun and Joel Aubin (SEMII Sizun) for rearing fish and for their technical assistance. Jérôme Bugeon ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in white muscle transcriptome induced by dietary energy levels in two lines of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) selected for muscle fat content

British Journal of Nutrition, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Rearing oxygen level and slaughter stress effects on rainbow trout flesh quality

Aquaculture, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils: effect of muscle type, heating rate and protein concentration

Journal of food …, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderate hypoxia or hyperoxia affect fillet yield and the proportion of red muscle in rainbow trout

Cybium, 2007

... growth (Dabrowski et al., 2004), in general, no effect was observed on rainbow trout growth w... more ... growth (Dabrowski et al., 2004), in general, no effect was observed on rainbow trout growth when oxygen concentration fluctuate around saturation (± 20%) (Edsall and Smith, 1990; Doulos and Kindschi ... DABROWSKI K., LEE KJ, GUZ L., VERLHAC V. & J. GABAUDAN, 2004. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modifications of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) muscle proteins by preslaughter activity

… of agricultural and …, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentially expressed proteins in rainbow trout adipocytes isolated from visceral and subcutaneous tissues

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-genomics & Proteomics, 2009

In rainbow trout, subcutaneous (in dorsal and ventral positions) and visceral fat deposits are kn... more In rainbow trout, subcutaneous (in dorsal and ventral positions) and visceral fat deposits are known to influence the yield of edible flesh, whilst their respective roles in metabolism, storage and release of fatty acids have not, so far, been directly studied. The present work aimed to identify, by using 2D electrophoresis, proteins differentially expressed in isolated mature adipocytes originating from

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Research paper thumbnail of Early Fish Myoseptal Cells: Insights from the Trout and Relationships with Amniote Axial Tenocytes

PLoS ONE, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Liver and muscle metabolic changes induced by dietary energy content and genetic selection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

AJP Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology

We combined genetic selection and dietary treatment to produce a model to study metabolic pathway... more We combined genetic selection and dietary treatment to produce a model to study metabolic pathways involved in genetic and nutritional control of fat deposition in fish muscle. Two experimental lines of rainbow trout, selected for a lean (L) or fat (F) muscle, were fed with diets containing either 10 or 23% lipids from the first feeding, up to 6 mo. At the end of the feeding trial, trout were distinguished by very different muscle fat content (from 4.2 to 10% wet weight), and line x diet interactions were observed for parameters related to fat storage. We analyzed the activity and gene expression of key enzymes involved in lipid metabolism (fatty acid synthase, hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 isoforms, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha) and glycolysis (hexokinase 1 and pyruvate kinase) as well as energy production (isocitrate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and cytochrome oxidase) in the liver and the white muscle of rainbow trout....

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal denaturation and aggregation properties of Atlantic salmon myofibrils and myosin from white and red muscles

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Jan 13, 2007

Thermal denaturation and aggregation abilities of salmon myofibrils and myosin were studied measu... more Thermal denaturation and aggregation abilities of salmon myofibrils and myosin were studied measuring turbidity, intrinsic fluorescence, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid binding, and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide cross-linking. The thermal behaviors of protein preparation from white and red muscles were compared, and the relationship with thermal gelation properties is discussed. The low gelation ability of salmon muscle proteins was related to a limited extent of protein denaturation and aggregation upon heating. These properties seemed to be carried by myosin molecules as a similar behavior was observed for both myofibrils and myosin preparations. The higher thermal stability observed for red muscle proteins with higher transition temperatures in rheological profiles was related to a shift to higher temperature in denaturation and aggregation processes. The extent of denaturation and aggregation was very similar for both muscle types as was the final rigidity...

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout crude myofibrils and myofibrillar proteins from white and red muscles

Sciences des Aliments, 2001


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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils from white and red muscles: effect of pH and ionic strength

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2002

ABSTRACT The effects of pH and ionic strength on the thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils f... more ABSTRACT The effects of pH and ionic strength on the thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils from white and red muscles were analysed by thermal scanning rheometry. The highest gelation ability was obtained at low pH (around 5.6) whatever the ionic strength. No effect of ionic strength was observed at pH 5.6; however, at pH 6.0, lowering the salt (KCl) concentration to 0.3 M or less improved the characteristics of the gels formed. The effects of pH and ionic strength on myofibrils from both muscle types appeared to be similar, but red muscle proteins were less sensitive to changes in their physicochemical environment. Consequently, the differences between muscle types appeared to be dependent on pH and ionic strength. Solubility measurements revealed large differences between muscle types and between different pH values. Ultrastructural observations confirmed that different kinds of gels were formed depending on the physicochemical conditions and muscle type origin.© 2002 Society of Chemical Industry

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Journal of Muscle Foods, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Fillet texture and muscle structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) subjected to long-term exercise

Aquaculture Research, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Proprietes thermogelifiantes des myofibrilles et texture de la chair de truite

Http Www Theses Fr, 1997

La contribution de l'organisation de la chair a la texture a ete etudiee chez la truite. Les ... more La contribution de l'organisation de la chair a la texture a ete etudiee chez la truite. Les deux principaux muscles blanc et rouge qui composent la chair ont ete caracterises du point de vue taille et type de fibres et les structures de soutien contenant du collagene ont ete mises en evidence. La texture de la chair varie selon un gradient antero-posterieur en relation avec les changements de structure. L'effet de l'orientation de l'echantillon permet de distinguer des composantes rheologiques differentes dont la relation avec les structures contractiles et de soutien est discutee. Les proprietes thermogelifiantes des proteines myofibrillaires ont ete caracterisees. Les proprietes des myofibrilles sont similaires a celles observees chez les mammiferes et chez les poissons. La rigidite des gels formes apres chauffage depend de la concentration proteique, de la vitesse de chauffage et des conditions physico-chimiques (ph et force ionique). Les proteines myofibrillaires de truite presentent de fortes capacites d'interactions a basse temperature et un ph optimal de gelification assez bas ( 5,6). Les myofibrilles des deux types de muscles dont la composition en isoformes de myosine est differente presentent des proprietes thermogelifiantes distinctes et l'ultrastructure des gels formes apres chauffage est differente. Les proprietes thermogelifiantes et la resistance mecanique de la chair evoluent differemment lors de la cuisson. Un chauffage modere (40-55c) conduit a une moindre resistance mecanique de la chair alors que ses proprietes thermogelifiantes ne sont pas affectees. Dans tout les cas un traitement thermique a haute temperature (80c) provoque un durcissement de la chair. L'etude comparative des proprietes thermogelifiantes des myofibrilles et de la resistance mecanique de la chair sur des poissons soumis a des conditions d'elevage differentes permet de suggerer que ces proprietes evoluent dans le meme sens.

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Research paper thumbnail of Qualité nutritionnelle et diététique des poissons : Constituants de la chair et facteurs de variations : Poissons

Cahiers De Nutrition Et De Dietetique, 2003

... affecting flesh components. Auteur(s) / Author(s). MEDALE Francoise (1) ; LEFEVRE Florence (2... more ... affecting flesh components. Auteur(s) / Author(s). MEDALE Francoise (1) ; LEFEVRE Florence (2) ; CORRAZE Geneviève (1) ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). ... Faire une nouvelle recherche Make a new search.

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection for muscle fat content and triploidy affect flesh quality in pan-size rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

Aquaculture, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Meat and fish flesh quality improvement with proteomic applications

Animal Frontiers, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Biological basis of fish quality

Sciences des Aliments, 2008

Le terme de « qualite », qu'il s'agisse de poisson ou de tout autre produit alimentaire, ... more Le terme de « qualite », qu'il s'agisse de poisson ou de tout autre produit alimentaire, integre de nombreuses caracteristiques, dont l'etude releve de domaines de competences tres varies. L'objectif de cette synthese est de passer en revue les determinismes, d'origine biologique, des qualites technologiques, nutritionnelles et organoleptiques des poissons. La qualite technologique est principalement reliee aux premieres etapes de transformation (evisceration, filetage, parage) et depend de la morphologie des poissons, et de la distribution et de la composition des tissus musculaires et adipeux. La qualite nutritionnelle depend directement de la composition de la chair en macro- et micro-nutriments. Les qualites organoleptiques recouvrent l'ensemble des perceptions sensorielles du produit incluant l'apparence, la couleur, la flaveur et la texture de la chair. Dans un objectif de maitrise de ces qualites par le controle des pratiques piscicoles, nous avons axe cette revue sur les differentes pratiques d'elevage (genetique, nutrition ou environnement d'elevage) qui peuvent modifier les caracteristiques des animaux et affecter ainsi la qualite des poissons et de leur chair.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics and metabolism of different adipose tissues in fish

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2013

Lipids are the predominant source of energy for fish and are stored in fat depots in different pa... more Lipids are the predominant source of energy for fish and are stored in fat depots in different parts of the body regions. This review focuses on visceral, subcutaneous and intramuscular adipose tissues that interfere with carcass and fillet yields and with flesh quality. The morphological, cellular and biochemical characteristics of these tissues are discussed as well as the different mechanisms involved in the regulation of their lipid metabolism. Particular emphasis is given to the modulation of these characteristics and mechanisms by different extrinsic (food composition, water parameters) and intrinsic (selective breeding, life cycle status) factors. This review focuses on recent studies that take into account the present challenges of fin-fish aquaculture, which are principally (1) the replacement of fish oil and meal by vegetable oil and meal due to the need for sustainability and the limited availability of fish to prepare food pellets, and (2) selective breeding programs to improve fish growth and flesh quality. These studies apply various modern technologies to different fish species, including the development of cell culture systems and transcriptomic and proteomic techniques. This review highlights that fish adipose tissues differ in their localization and their morphological characteristics and that they show a large plasticity in their responses to variations of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. These different responses reinforce the idea of their differential participation in fish lipid homeostasis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Correlated changes in skeletal muscle connective tissue and flesh texture during starvation and re-feeding in brown trout(Salmo trutta) reared in seawater

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2004

... We sincerely acknowledge Yvon Bizouarn, Jean-Christophe Billy and Stéphane Martin (SEMII Cama... more ... We sincerely acknowledge Yvon Bizouarn, Jean-Christophe Billy and Stéphane Martin (SEMII Camaret), Laurent Labbé, Luc Lebrun and Joel Aubin (SEMII Sizun) for rearing fish and for their technical assistance. Jérôme Bugeon ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in white muscle transcriptome induced by dietary energy levels in two lines of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) selected for muscle fat content

British Journal of Nutrition, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Rearing oxygen level and slaughter stress effects on rainbow trout flesh quality

Aquaculture, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils: effect of muscle type, heating rate and protein concentration

Journal of food …, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Moderate hypoxia or hyperoxia affect fillet yield and the proportion of red muscle in rainbow trout

Cybium, 2007

... growth (Dabrowski et al., 2004), in general, no effect was observed on rainbow trout growth w... more ... growth (Dabrowski et al., 2004), in general, no effect was observed on rainbow trout growth when oxygen concentration fluctuate around saturation (± 20%) (Edsall and Smith, 1990; Doulos and Kindschi ... DABROWSKI K., LEE KJ, GUZ L., VERLHAC V. & J. GABAUDAN, 2004. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Modifications of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) muscle proteins by preslaughter activity

… of agricultural and …, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Differentially expressed proteins in rainbow trout adipocytes isolated from visceral and subcutaneous tissues

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-genomics & Proteomics, 2009

In rainbow trout, subcutaneous (in dorsal and ventral positions) and visceral fat deposits are kn... more In rainbow trout, subcutaneous (in dorsal and ventral positions) and visceral fat deposits are known to influence the yield of edible flesh, whilst their respective roles in metabolism, storage and release of fatty acids have not, so far, been directly studied. The present work aimed to identify, by using 2D electrophoresis, proteins differentially expressed in isolated mature adipocytes originating from

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Research paper thumbnail of Early Fish Myoseptal Cells: Insights from the Trout and Relationships with Amniote Axial Tenocytes

PLoS ONE, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Liver and muscle metabolic changes induced by dietary energy content and genetic selection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

AJP Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology

We combined genetic selection and dietary treatment to produce a model to study metabolic pathway... more We combined genetic selection and dietary treatment to produce a model to study metabolic pathways involved in genetic and nutritional control of fat deposition in fish muscle. Two experimental lines of rainbow trout, selected for a lean (L) or fat (F) muscle, were fed with diets containing either 10 or 23% lipids from the first feeding, up to 6 mo. At the end of the feeding trial, trout were distinguished by very different muscle fat content (from 4.2 to 10% wet weight), and line x diet interactions were observed for parameters related to fat storage. We analyzed the activity and gene expression of key enzymes involved in lipid metabolism (fatty acid synthase, hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 isoforms, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha) and glycolysis (hexokinase 1 and pyruvate kinase) as well as energy production (isocitrate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and cytochrome oxidase) in the liver and the white muscle of rainbow trout....

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal denaturation and aggregation properties of Atlantic salmon myofibrils and myosin from white and red muscles

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Jan 13, 2007

Thermal denaturation and aggregation abilities of salmon myofibrils and myosin were studied measu... more Thermal denaturation and aggregation abilities of salmon myofibrils and myosin were studied measuring turbidity, intrinsic fluorescence, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid binding, and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide cross-linking. The thermal behaviors of protein preparation from white and red muscles were compared, and the relationship with thermal gelation properties is discussed. The low gelation ability of salmon muscle proteins was related to a limited extent of protein denaturation and aggregation upon heating. These properties seemed to be carried by myosin molecules as a similar behavior was observed for both myofibrils and myosin preparations. The higher thermal stability observed for red muscle proteins with higher transition temperatures in rheological profiles was related to a shift to higher temperature in denaturation and aggregation processes. The extent of denaturation and aggregation was very similar for both muscle types as was the final rigidity...

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout crude myofibrils and myofibrillar proteins from white and red muscles

Sciences des Aliments, 2001


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Research paper thumbnail of Thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils from white and red muscles: effect of pH and ionic strength

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2002

ABSTRACT The effects of pH and ionic strength on the thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils f... more ABSTRACT The effects of pH and ionic strength on the thermal gelation of brown trout myofibrils from white and red muscles were analysed by thermal scanning rheometry. The highest gelation ability was obtained at low pH (around 5.6) whatever the ionic strength. No effect of ionic strength was observed at pH 5.6; however, at pH 6.0, lowering the salt (KCl) concentration to 0.3 M or less improved the characteristics of the gels formed. The effects of pH and ionic strength on myofibrils from both muscle types appeared to be similar, but red muscle proteins were less sensitive to changes in their physicochemical environment. Consequently, the differences between muscle types appeared to be dependent on pH and ionic strength. Solubility measurements revealed large differences between muscle types and between different pH values. Ultrastructural observations confirmed that different kinds of gels were formed depending on the physicochemical conditions and muscle type origin.© 2002 Society of Chemical Industry

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Journal of Muscle Foods, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Fillet texture and muscle structure in brown trout (Salmo trutta) subjected to long-term exercise

Aquaculture Research, 2003

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