Goran Leko - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Goran Leko
U ovom istraživanju su se pokušali utvrditi učinci treninga unutar bazičnih perioda u plivanju u ... more U ovom istraživanju su se pokušali utvrditi učinci treninga unutar bazičnih perioda u plivanju u trajanju od 12 tjedana na brzinu, brzinsku izdržljivost i izdržljivost tijekom tri uzastopne godine kod plivača kronološke dobi 12-13-14 godina. Za procjenu brzine koristio se test 25 metara kraul sa startom iz vode, za procjenu brzinske izdržljivosti se koristio test 6X50 metara kraul sa startom svakih 60 sekundi iz vode dok se za procjenu izdržljivosti koristio test 1500 metara kraul. Analizom efekata (T-test) za svaku pojedinu godinu utvrđeno je da primijenjeni program u sve tri godine ima statistički značaj pozitivan učinak na sve tri prematane sposobnosti što je u suprotnosti s nekim dosadašnjim saznanjima. Analizirajući napredovanje u rezultatima testova tijekom godine u inicijalnom testiranu (ANOVA) utvrđeno je da su ostvarene statistički značajne razlike u svim testovima svake naredne godine. Međutim, pozitivni učinci treninga na brzinsku izdržljivost i izdržljivost, iako statist...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim antropometrijskim karakteristikama i motor... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim antropometrijskim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima kod dječaka starosti 14-15 godina tijekom razdoblja od 6 mjeseci. Podaci dobiveni ovim istraživanjem dati će odgovor da li je promatrana kronološka dob adekvatna za intenziviranje treninga u vodi i na suhom. U tu svrhu izmjereno je 39 plivača zagrebačkih plivačkih klubova starosti 14-15 godina sa baterijom od 23 antropometrijske dimenzije koje obuhvaćaju dužine kostiju, širine kostiju, volumen i masu tijela i potkožno masno tkivo. Za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti izmjereno je 10 testova. Deskriptivni satistički pokazatelji ukazuju na izuzetno veliku varijabilnost vrijednosti svih mjerenih karakteristika i sposobnosti od kojih neki pokazuju nepravilnu distribuciju rezultata. Studentovim T-testom za zavisne uzorke je utvrđeno da sve mjere dužine kostiju, širine kostiju i volumena i mase tijela pokazuju statistički značajne razlike u smislu porasta vrijednosti. Mjere p...
Zbornik radova 7. godišnje međunarodne konferencije Kondicisjka priprema sportaša 2009, "Trening izdržljivosti", 2009
Kondicijska priprema sportaša 2012 - Specifična kondicijska priprema, 2012
Odgovor kineziologije na suvremeni način života, 2019
7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, 2014
6th Annual Scientifi c Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy “Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives”, 2019
The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor... more The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor abilities were the best predictors for performance in 50 m front crawl swimming in pre-adolescent boys. For this purpose 37 male swimmers, aged 9-10 years, were tested. The swimmers have participated in the training process for 2-4 years. The second objective was to utilize the obtained findings in the construction of swimming tests that would be used for testing the primary-school children to be initially selected for swimming-school participation. Therefore, the study was aimed at identifying those anthropometric and motor tests that would help select potential future swimmers regardless of whether they were able or not to swim over a 25 m distance prior to the testing procedure. From the whole set of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities predictors, only five characteristics and abilities can be singled out as significant for predicting success in the 50 m front crawl ev...
BECKGROUND: Many scientists suggested swimmer specialization begins at 14 or 15. Premature or fal... more BECKGROUND: Many scientists suggested swimmer specialization begins at 14 or 15. Premature or false specialization can hinder realization of maximum results in the senior category. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence some anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities as predictor of performance of the 100 m in 4 competitive strokes. Thereafter, obtained results could be used as guidelines in the specialization of younger swimmers. METHODS: Sample consisted of 43 male junior swimmers. They underwent a battery of 16 anthropometric characteristic and 10 basic motor abilities’ tests. Results were processed by "Statistics for Windows". A regression analysis was applied. RESULTS: The predictors explained 51% of the total variance for crawl swimming, 45% for backstroke, 27% for breaststroke and 63% for butterfly swimming (p>0, 05). DISCISSION: In crawl swimming only two variables showed notability level of influence (p>0, 05). Extracted ...
Plivanje se kao kinezioloski operator može ukljuciti u treninge judasa, te se na taj nacin mogu o... more Plivanje se kao kinezioloski operator može ukljuciti u treninge judasa, te se na taj nacin mogu osvježiti trenažne aktivnosti, usvajati neke nove motoricke informacije i utjecati na globalni prihosomatski razvoj sportasa. U pripremnom periodu kod razvoja bazicnih motorickih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti plivanje se može koristiti kao relaksaciona aktivnost te na taj nacin biti izuzetno efikasan kinezioloski operator. Plivanje je sport koji se preporuca za vrijeme rehabilitacije, a nakon ozljeda nastalih treningom ili natjecanjem.
Osnovni cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike, odnose i razlike unutar antropometrijskih i motorickih... more Osnovni cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike, odnose i razlike unutar antropometrijskih i motorickih sposobnosti hrvatskih plivaca kadeta (12, 13 i 14 godina) i mlađih juniora (15, 16 godina). Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 80 plivaca u dobi od 12-16 godina koji su podijeljeni u dvije dobne grupe prema statutu Hrvatskog plivackog saveza. Ispitanici su u redovitom trenažnom procesu 5 do 8 godine (najmanje 5 puta tjedno). Uzorak varijabli sacinjavao je 27 mjera za procjenu antropometrijskih karakteristika i 11 mjera za procjenu motorickih sposobnosti. Sve varijable bile su podvrgnute standardnim deskriptivnim postupcima za određivanje njihovih osnovnih statistickih parametara. Za utvrđivanje statisticki znacajnih razlika između grupa ispitanika koristena je MANOVA, a za utvrđivanje razlika unutar varijabli obje grupe ispitanika koristen je t-test. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zakljuciti da postoji statisticki znacajna razlika između grupe plivaca kadeta i mlađih juniora u pro...
Grad Varaždin u suradnji s MZOS-om su podržali program obuke neplivaca koji je obuhvatio sve ucen... more Grad Varaždin u suradnji s MZOS-om su podržali program obuke neplivaca koji je obuhvatio sve ucenike prvih razreda 7 osnovnih skola u Varaždinu. Sam program se sastojao od 4 etape (edukacija roditelja o važnosti znanja plivanja, inicijalno provjeravanje, provedba obuke neplivaca i usmjeravanje ucenika u skolu plivanja ili druge vodene sportove).
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2017
Swimming tests are used in every training cycle and seasons with purpose of estimating swimming p... more Swimming tests are used in every training cycle and seasons with purpose of estimating swimming performance and evaluate certain training types. Th e focus of this study is an attempt to distinguish between the potential short-distance and longer-distance swimmers, as well as the swimmers who could have desirable profi les for particular swimming styles. For this purpose, several aims are given: () to determine the latent dimensions of the performances in swimming tests, conducted on various distances and performed using diff erent swimming styles; 2) to determine the correlations between speeds on various distances using diff erent swimming styles; 3) to determine the diff erences in various distance speeds at the same swimmers ; 4) to determine the profi les of swimmers, based on the various distance speeds (4). Male swimmers (N=68), aged 14 to 16 from fi ve Zagreb clubs were tested. Four swimming tests were used to measure speed (25m freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfl y), fi ve swimming tests measured speed endurance (50-m freestyle, 100-m freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfl y), while only one test measured endurance (800m freestyle). Th e results revealed two interpretable and highly reliable latent dimensions of swimming tests. Factor analysis of the scores in swimming tests diff erentiated the variables of swimming tests that describe breaststrokes and other strokes. Most of the scores in the swimming tests are positively correlated (in range 0.25-0.85), while no diff erences in various distance speeds among the same swimmers are found. Th e results indicate the importance of using swimming tests, especially in breaststrokes styles, because of their specifi c motor structure.
Integrative Power of Kinesiology, 2011
... Journal. Authors: Leko, Goran; iljeg, Klara; Zoretić, Dajana. Title: FULLY TETHERED SWIMMING... more ... Journal. Authors: Leko, Goran; iljeg, Klara; Zoretić, Dajana. Title: FULLY TETHERED SWIMMING vs. SPRINT SWIMMING. Source: 6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology / Milanović,Dragan ; Spori, Goran (ed). - Zagreb : Kinezioloki fakultet , 2011. ...
Biology of Sport, 2009
There is no doubt that many swimmers do benefit from wearing bodysuit. The questions whether thes... more There is no doubt that many swimmers do benefit from wearing bodysuit. The questions whether these suits improve performance and should they be allowed in competition are still being asked. The first aim of the study was to determine the influence of swimming suit (FS) on 50 m crawl overall time. Furthermore, possible differences of different segments of the race as well as their impact on total time for two different conditions were also examined. Fifteen male national and international level swimmers completed two trials of 50 m-crawl swimming in regular suit and swimming body suit. Block-off time, Start time, Turn time, Split time, Race time and number of strokes per 50 m were recorded. The second part of the study analysed the differences in fatigue parameters (heart rate, blood lactate concentrations, and number of strokes) in 400 m crawl constant pace test. The results show that the FS suit appears to enhance performance on 50 m crawls. Furthermore turn time, split time and race time were significantly faster while swimming wearing FS. Most of the difference (0.31 s) was gained after first 25 m and turn had been completed. In this research swimming body suit improved performance by 1.6% (0.41 s). It appears that the suit is more beneficial for start and turn (streamlining and kicking) than for swimming the full stroke. The 400 mcrawl constant pace trial determined the differences in fatigue parameters. The post-swim blood lactate concentrations and heart rate values were significantly lower while swimming in the FS suit even though there were no differences in number of strokes. These findings suggest that the FS suit seems to reduce the level of fatigue during 400 m-crawl constant pace test.
U ovom istraživanju su se pokušali utvrditi učinci treninga unutar bazičnih perioda u plivanju u ... more U ovom istraživanju su se pokušali utvrditi učinci treninga unutar bazičnih perioda u plivanju u trajanju od 12 tjedana na brzinu, brzinsku izdržljivost i izdržljivost tijekom tri uzastopne godine kod plivača kronološke dobi 12-13-14 godina. Za procjenu brzine koristio se test 25 metara kraul sa startom iz vode, za procjenu brzinske izdržljivosti se koristio test 6X50 metara kraul sa startom svakih 60 sekundi iz vode dok se za procjenu izdržljivosti koristio test 1500 metara kraul. Analizom efekata (T-test) za svaku pojedinu godinu utvrđeno je da primijenjeni program u sve tri godine ima statistički značaj pozitivan učinak na sve tri prematane sposobnosti što je u suprotnosti s nekim dosadašnjim saznanjima. Analizirajući napredovanje u rezultatima testova tijekom godine u inicijalnom testiranu (ANOVA) utvrđeno je da su ostvarene statistički značajne razlike u svim testovima svake naredne godine. Međutim, pozitivni učinci treninga na brzinsku izdržljivost i izdržljivost, iako statist...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim antropometrijskim karakteristikama i motor... more Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim antropometrijskim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima kod dječaka starosti 14-15 godina tijekom razdoblja od 6 mjeseci. Podaci dobiveni ovim istraživanjem dati će odgovor da li je promatrana kronološka dob adekvatna za intenziviranje treninga u vodi i na suhom. U tu svrhu izmjereno je 39 plivača zagrebačkih plivačkih klubova starosti 14-15 godina sa baterijom od 23 antropometrijske dimenzije koje obuhvaćaju dužine kostiju, širine kostiju, volumen i masu tijela i potkožno masno tkivo. Za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti izmjereno je 10 testova. Deskriptivni satistički pokazatelji ukazuju na izuzetno veliku varijabilnost vrijednosti svih mjerenih karakteristika i sposobnosti od kojih neki pokazuju nepravilnu distribuciju rezultata. Studentovim T-testom za zavisne uzorke je utvrđeno da sve mjere dužine kostiju, širine kostiju i volumena i mase tijela pokazuju statistički značajne razlike u smislu porasta vrijednosti. Mjere p...
Zbornik radova 7. godišnje međunarodne konferencije Kondicisjka priprema sportaša 2009, "Trening izdržljivosti", 2009
Kondicijska priprema sportaša 2012 - Specifična kondicijska priprema, 2012
Odgovor kineziologije na suvremeni način života, 2019
7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, 2014
6th Annual Scientifi c Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy “Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives”, 2019
The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor... more The main goal of this study was to determine which anthropometric characteristics and which motor abilities were the best predictors for performance in 50 m front crawl swimming in pre-adolescent boys. For this purpose 37 male swimmers, aged 9-10 years, were tested. The swimmers have participated in the training process for 2-4 years. The second objective was to utilize the obtained findings in the construction of swimming tests that would be used for testing the primary-school children to be initially selected for swimming-school participation. Therefore, the study was aimed at identifying those anthropometric and motor tests that would help select potential future swimmers regardless of whether they were able or not to swim over a 25 m distance prior to the testing procedure. From the whole set of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities predictors, only five characteristics and abilities can be singled out as significant for predicting success in the 50 m front crawl ev...
BECKGROUND: Many scientists suggested swimmer specialization begins at 14 or 15. Premature or fal... more BECKGROUND: Many scientists suggested swimmer specialization begins at 14 or 15. Premature or false specialization can hinder realization of maximum results in the senior category. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence some anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities as predictor of performance of the 100 m in 4 competitive strokes. Thereafter, obtained results could be used as guidelines in the specialization of younger swimmers. METHODS: Sample consisted of 43 male junior swimmers. They underwent a battery of 16 anthropometric characteristic and 10 basic motor abilities’ tests. Results were processed by "Statistics for Windows". A regression analysis was applied. RESULTS: The predictors explained 51% of the total variance for crawl swimming, 45% for backstroke, 27% for breaststroke and 63% for butterfly swimming (p>0, 05). DISCISSION: In crawl swimming only two variables showed notability level of influence (p>0, 05). Extracted ...
Plivanje se kao kinezioloski operator može ukljuciti u treninge judasa, te se na taj nacin mogu o... more Plivanje se kao kinezioloski operator može ukljuciti u treninge judasa, te se na taj nacin mogu osvježiti trenažne aktivnosti, usvajati neke nove motoricke informacije i utjecati na globalni prihosomatski razvoj sportasa. U pripremnom periodu kod razvoja bazicnih motorickih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti plivanje se može koristiti kao relaksaciona aktivnost te na taj nacin biti izuzetno efikasan kinezioloski operator. Plivanje je sport koji se preporuca za vrijeme rehabilitacije, a nakon ozljeda nastalih treningom ili natjecanjem.
Osnovni cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike, odnose i razlike unutar antropometrijskih i motorickih... more Osnovni cilj rada bio je utvrditi razlike, odnose i razlike unutar antropometrijskih i motorickih sposobnosti hrvatskih plivaca kadeta (12, 13 i 14 godina) i mlađih juniora (15, 16 godina). Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 80 plivaca u dobi od 12-16 godina koji su podijeljeni u dvije dobne grupe prema statutu Hrvatskog plivackog saveza. Ispitanici su u redovitom trenažnom procesu 5 do 8 godine (najmanje 5 puta tjedno). Uzorak varijabli sacinjavao je 27 mjera za procjenu antropometrijskih karakteristika i 11 mjera za procjenu motorickih sposobnosti. Sve varijable bile su podvrgnute standardnim deskriptivnim postupcima za određivanje njihovih osnovnih statistickih parametara. Za utvrđivanje statisticki znacajnih razlika između grupa ispitanika koristena je MANOVA, a za utvrđivanje razlika unutar varijabli obje grupe ispitanika koristen je t-test. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zakljuciti da postoji statisticki znacajna razlika između grupe plivaca kadeta i mlađih juniora u pro...
Grad Varaždin u suradnji s MZOS-om su podržali program obuke neplivaca koji je obuhvatio sve ucen... more Grad Varaždin u suradnji s MZOS-om su podržali program obuke neplivaca koji je obuhvatio sve ucenike prvih razreda 7 osnovnih skola u Varaždinu. Sam program se sastojao od 4 etape (edukacija roditelja o važnosti znanja plivanja, inicijalno provjeravanje, provedba obuke neplivaca i usmjeravanje ucenika u skolu plivanja ili druge vodene sportove).
Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2017
Swimming tests are used in every training cycle and seasons with purpose of estimating swimming p... more Swimming tests are used in every training cycle and seasons with purpose of estimating swimming performance and evaluate certain training types. Th e focus of this study is an attempt to distinguish between the potential short-distance and longer-distance swimmers, as well as the swimmers who could have desirable profi les for particular swimming styles. For this purpose, several aims are given: () to determine the latent dimensions of the performances in swimming tests, conducted on various distances and performed using diff erent swimming styles; 2) to determine the correlations between speeds on various distances using diff erent swimming styles; 3) to determine the diff erences in various distance speeds at the same swimmers ; 4) to determine the profi les of swimmers, based on the various distance speeds (4). Male swimmers (N=68), aged 14 to 16 from fi ve Zagreb clubs were tested. Four swimming tests were used to measure speed (25m freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfl y), fi ve swimming tests measured speed endurance (50-m freestyle, 100-m freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfl y), while only one test measured endurance (800m freestyle). Th e results revealed two interpretable and highly reliable latent dimensions of swimming tests. Factor analysis of the scores in swimming tests diff erentiated the variables of swimming tests that describe breaststrokes and other strokes. Most of the scores in the swimming tests are positively correlated (in range 0.25-0.85), while no diff erences in various distance speeds among the same swimmers are found. Th e results indicate the importance of using swimming tests, especially in breaststrokes styles, because of their specifi c motor structure.
Integrative Power of Kinesiology, 2011
... Journal. Authors: Leko, Goran; iljeg, Klara; Zoretić, Dajana. Title: FULLY TETHERED SWIMMING... more ... Journal. Authors: Leko, Goran; iljeg, Klara; Zoretić, Dajana. Title: FULLY TETHERED SWIMMING vs. SPRINT SWIMMING. Source: 6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology / Milanović,Dragan ; Spori, Goran (ed). - Zagreb : Kinezioloki fakultet , 2011. ...
Biology of Sport, 2009
There is no doubt that many swimmers do benefit from wearing bodysuit. The questions whether thes... more There is no doubt that many swimmers do benefit from wearing bodysuit. The questions whether these suits improve performance and should they be allowed in competition are still being asked. The first aim of the study was to determine the influence of swimming suit (FS) on 50 m crawl overall time. Furthermore, possible differences of different segments of the race as well as their impact on total time for two different conditions were also examined. Fifteen male national and international level swimmers completed two trials of 50 m-crawl swimming in regular suit and swimming body suit. Block-off time, Start time, Turn time, Split time, Race time and number of strokes per 50 m were recorded. The second part of the study analysed the differences in fatigue parameters (heart rate, blood lactate concentrations, and number of strokes) in 400 m crawl constant pace test. The results show that the FS suit appears to enhance performance on 50 m crawls. Furthermore turn time, split time and race time were significantly faster while swimming wearing FS. Most of the difference (0.31 s) was gained after first 25 m and turn had been completed. In this research swimming body suit improved performance by 1.6% (0.41 s). It appears that the suit is more beneficial for start and turn (streamlining and kicking) than for swimming the full stroke. The 400 mcrawl constant pace trial determined the differences in fatigue parameters. The post-swim blood lactate concentrations and heart rate values were significantly lower while swimming in the FS suit even though there were no differences in number of strokes. These findings suggest that the FS suit seems to reduce the level of fatigue during 400 m-crawl constant pace test.