Leonardo Lelis de Macedo Costa (original) (raw)

Papers by Leonardo Lelis de Macedo Costa

Research paper thumbnail of Broilers’ behavioural adjustments when submitted to natural heat stress and fed different maize particle sizes in the diet

The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020

Since behavioural adjustments are an important line of defence against thermal stress, either due... more Since behavioural adjustments are an important line of defence against thermal stress, either due to their energy efficiency or to efficiency at preventing overheating, we aimed to evaluate whether broilers fed different maize particle sizes adjusted their behaviour to deal with heat stress challenges. At several times a day, the behaviour of 220 naked neck broilers was evaluated. These broilers were fed with isonutritive diets containing maize with different geometric mean diameters (GMD): 605 and 2280 μm. The thermal environment was monitored during the experiment. Panting and open wings were the only behaviours that showed differences between the times of day (P < 0.05). However, GMD showed a significant effect on feed intake and panting (P < 0.05). The interaction between GMD and time of day was significant only on panting (P < 0.05). Although no daily variation was observed, the highest feed intake was observed in broilers fed the diet containing maize with a GMD of 22...

Research paper thumbnail of Criopreservação de sêmen canino em diluente Tris adicionado de dodecil sulfato de sódio

Research paper thumbnail of An updated review on cattle thermoregulation: physiological responses, biophysical mechanisms, and heat stress alleviation pathways

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021

Heat stress is one of the main obstacles to achieving efficient cattle production systems, and it... more Heat stress is one of the main obstacles to achieving efficient cattle production systems, and it may have numerous adverse effects on cattle. As the planet undergoes climatic changes, which is predicted to raise the earth’s average temperature by 1.5 °C between 2030 and 2052, its impact may trigger several stressful factors for livestock. Among these, an increase in core body temperature would trigger physiological imbalance, consequently affecting reproduction, animal health, and dry matter intake adversely. Core body temperature increase is commonly observed and poses challenges to livestock farmers. In cattle farming, thermal stress severely affects milk production and weight gain, and can compromise food security in the coming years. This review presents an updated approach to the physiological and thermoregulatory responses of cattle under various environmental conditions. Strategies for mitigating the harmful effects of heat stress on livestock are suggested as viable alternatives for the betterment of production systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermoregulatory Behavior of Naked Neck Broilers in Semiarid Environment: A Study of Daily Variation

This study aimed to evaluate daily variation of the thermorregulatory behavior of naked neck broi... more This study aimed to evaluate daily variation of the thermorregulatory behavior of naked neck broilers in semi-arid region of Brazil. 220 Label Rouge broilers between 4 and 6 week old were evaluated in Mossoró, RN. The 1-0 focal animal observation method and scan sampling were used to record the behavior from 6 h to 18 h. Ethogram was based in behavioral responses: panting, sitting or lying, spread-wings, feed and water intake. The hours were divided into classes: C H 1 (6-8 h), C H 2 (9-11 h), C H 3 (12-15 h) and C H 4 (16-18 h). Results showed significant effect of class of hour for all behavioural responses (P<0.01), except for water intake (F=1.35; P=0.2616). The highest records of spread-wings (45.48%), panting (32.42%) and sitting or lying (57.25%) were found in C H 3, where the average air temperature (33.74°C) and radiant heat load (519.38 W m -2 ) were the highest in this study. In this same C H , was found the lowest feed intake (12.40%). Thus, the increase in air temper...

Research paper thumbnail of Correlations Between Thermal Comfort Indices and Behavioral Responses of Broilers in Semiarid Region of Brazil

The present study aimed to relate the main behavioral activities of naked neck broilers in respon... more The present study aimed to relate the main behavioral activities of naked neck broilers in response to weather conditions of the semiarid region in Northeastern Brazil. 220 Label Rouge broilers between 4 and 6 week old were evaluated in Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The thermal comfort indices used were the radiant heat load (R HL ) and enthalpy (H). Scan sampling and 1-0 observation method were used to register the animal behavior at intervals of 1 h, starting at 6 am and ending at 6 pm. The behaviors observed included: sitting or lying, spread-wings, panting, food and water intake. The coefficients of correlation (P<0.05) and conditions of normality by the Shapiro-Wilk test were performed with SAS software. For feed intake, the results showed negative correlation with only the H (r=-0.31, P=0.001). Water intake was positively correlated with R HL (r=0.24, P=0.009). The behavior spread-wings presented the highest correlations (P<0.01) with H and R HL (r=0.62 and r=0.66, respectively)....

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação de protocolos de IATF em vacas mestiças sob efeito do estresse térmico criadas no semiárido nordestino

Heat stress is a factor of economic losses linked to low results in pregnant cows. Artificial ins... more Heat stress is a factor of economic losses linked to low results in pregnant cows. Artificial insemination results can be intensively harmed in regions with high ambient temperatures, like the Brazilian semiarid. This study aimed to determine the impact of heat stress on time fixed artificial insemination protocols (TFAI) in heifers. Five different TFAI protocols were performed in groups of 12 heifers under heat stress. In all groups, the mean rectal temperature was equal to or above the limit physiologically accepted of 39.2 o C. In the period of treatment, it was observed a mean of 70.00 ± 2.0% for relative humidity and air temperature with a mean of 27.5 ± 2.0 ° C. These environmental parameters directly interfered in rectal temperature and may have affected the results of pregnant/artificial insemination that was above 25% in all treatments.

Research paper thumbnail of Parâmetros Reprodutivos De Fêmeas Caprinas Jovens Suplementadas Com Sal Mineral Adicionado Ou Não Com Ionóforos

Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2012

Avaliou-se o efeito da adicao de ionoforos ao sal mineral sobre o ganho de peso, idade e peso a p... more Avaliou-se o efeito da adicao de ionoforos ao sal mineral sobre o ganho de peso, idade e peso a puberdade de femeas caprinas jovens. Trinta e tres cabritas nascidas na epoca seca foram confinadas, pesadas e agrupadas, aleatoriamente para tres tratamentos (T0 – controle; TI e TII) apos o desmame. Ao To foi disponibilizado sal mineral; ao TI, sal mineral com 1,50% de salinomicina e ao TII, sal mineral com 1,50% de monensina sodica. Os animais foram pesados a cada 28 dias. Duas semanas apos o inicio da epoca chuvosa, as cabritas tiveram contato com os rufioes para deteccao do estro. Quatro a oitavo dias apos, a femea era pesada e submetida a laparotomia para avaliacao da funcao dos ovarios. O ganho de peso, o peso e idade ao primeiro estro nao diferiram (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Oito cabritas do To, nove do TI e oito do TII, apresentaram estro clinico. A media de peso a puberdade foi de 19,73 ± 0,64. Para a idade a puberdade, a media geral foi de 333,04 ± 11,59 dias. Sete cabri...

Research paper thumbnail of Conservação Do Sêmen Canino Sob Refrigeração Em Diferentes Caixas Isotérmicas

Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2007

The aim of this study was to determine the maximum time of conservation in different isothermal b... more The aim of this study was to determine the maximum time of conservation in different isothermal boxes of the diluted canine semen under cooling. Semen from eight dogs was collected by digital manipulation. The sperm fraction was evaluated for volume, color, motility, vigor, sperm morphology, acrossomal integrity, osmotic answer and sperm concentration. Then, it was diluted in skimmed UHT milk plus egg yolk (20%) and divided in samples, which were stored in 3L or 5L expanded polystyrene isothermal boxes, containing recyclable ice. These boxes were open after 12h, 18h, 24h and 30h of storage and semen was reevaluated for the characteristics already mentioned. The temperature into the boxes and the environmental temperature were monitored. As main results, the progressive sperm motility was acceptably conserved up to 30h in both boxes, which did not present differences in the conservation of none of the seminal characteristics (P>0.05). However, the temperature into the 3L-box showe...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilização da termografia infravermelha como técnica de detecção de mastite em vacas leiteiras a campo

A mastite bovina e uma das principais doencas que acomete o rebanho leiteiro, sendo a forma subcl... more A mastite bovina e uma das principais doencas que acomete o rebanho leiteiro, sendo a forma subclinica com maior prevalencia, exigindo, portanto, maior atencao. O seu diagnostico pode ser obtido atraves de exames auxiliares, tais como California Mastitis Test (CMT), contagem de celulas somaticas (CCS) e termografia de infravermelho (TIV). A TIV absorve a radiacao infravermelha e gera imagens com base na quantidade de calor gerado, desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, pela primeira vez, a eficiencia da TIV como metodo de diagnostico da mastite subclinica em vacas leiteiras a campo, quando comparada a CCS e ao CMT. Foram avaliadas amostras de leite de 60 vacas da raca Girolando, as quais foram submetidas ao CMT e a CCS, alem do registro de imagens termograficas com o equipamento infravermelho. O experimento foi conduzido no municipio de Limoeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brasil. Os resultados do CMT foram comparados a CCS e apresentaram uma correlacao positiva, onde o numero de cel...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação do efeito do estresse térmico sobre a expressão do estro induzido em novilhas puras holandesas

The seasonal reduction in reproductive efficiency as a result of heat stress, one of the most ser... more The seasonal reduction in reproductive efficiency as a result of heat stress, one of the most serious problems in inter-tropical areas of the world for dairy cattle. This study aimed to verify the influence of heat stress on the estrous cycle of Holstein heifers. Ten Holstein helfers was maintained on a ambient with direct insolation during hormonal treatment for fixed time artificial insemination. Another group was maintained on a barn, on shade. The hormonal treatment was based on progesterone, estradiol, prostaglandin and gonadotropin. Rectal temperature and the radiant, air and room temperature from the ambient was measured every 4 hours. At the time of insemination (day 9) was observed by ultrasonography a smallest area on the follicles from animals exposed under direct insolation, compared to stabled, suggesting that heat stress exerts influence on follicular growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapeamento Da Variabilidade Espacial Das Plantas Daninhas Em Repolho Roxo

Enciclopédia Biosfera, 2020

RESUMO Colocar em prática as várias ferramentas advindas da agricultura de precisão se torna cada... more RESUMO Colocar em prática as várias ferramentas advindas da agricultura de precisão se torna cada dia uma solução mais viável na forma econômica e ambiental. Ampliar domínios dessa tecnologia das áreas de concentração de variabilidade espacial de ciência de solos para as ciências de plantas daninhas auxiliará na lixiviação de produtos químicos e na tomada de decisão de manejos. Este experimento tem como objetivo identificar a inibição de plantas daninhas por diferentes plantas de cobertura na produção de repolho. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do setor no hortifrúti da faculdade de agronomia da Universidade de Rio Verde. As plantas de cobertura (PC) utilizadas foram braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens), girassol (Helianthus annuus) e milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L)). Este experimento já segue no segundo ano de condução. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise geoestatística para variabilidade espacial das famílias das plantas daninhas. Para a confecção dos mapas e os cálculos geoestátisticos foi utilizado o software Gamma Design. 1. A incidência de plantas daninhas apresentou dependência espacial em relação às plantas de cobertura, com exceção de braquiária. A presença das ordens de plantas daninhas em braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) foi maior a ausência, para girassol (Helianthus annuus) foi Asteraceae e milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L)) foi Portulaceae.

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil hematológico de cães em diferentes concentrações de anticoagulante e bioquímica sérica em tempos diferentes de armazenamento

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos da utilização de sombreamento em pastagens

Research paper thumbnail of Infrared thermography applied to rhea (Rhea americana)

Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving anima... more Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving animal. This tool used to study heat stress, thermoregulation, behavior, disease diagnosis, mainly in the animal production and animal welfare. Wild birds are animals that get tense with the presence of man in his environment, causing changes in its thermal physiology and behavior. In the Brazilian semiarid, high temperatures cause further stress the birds, in studies involving animal welfare and animal production is important to use procedur es and tools that do not cause stress to the animal, hence the implementation of infrared thermography. The Rhea americana is a wild bird, native to Brazil, which is gaining market share because of its meat is healthy and other products that are extracted from it. Little is known about the thermal physiology and behavior of this ratita, it is essential to improve poultry facilities in order to provide a pleasant environment and increase production. Birds...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação da Termografia Infravermelha para Determinar os Padrões de Temperatura da Bolsa Escrotal de Catetos (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2014

Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic ch... more Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic chain as part of the diet of great felines. Therefore, the populational decrease of collared peccaries, as well as the possibility of their local extinction can interfere on the local biodiversity, since the presence of those animals can assure the existence of other species. So, the aim of this study was to test the use of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the scrotal temperature of collared peccary, listing seminal and scrotal thermography parameters, aiming the achievement of a precise and rapid technique of reproducer selection. To do this, we used 12 adult male to do the semen collection, then data of their scrotal thermography was obtained. However, the data showed that there was observed no relationship between the seminal quality pattern and the thermography. Furthermore, the animals presented a scrotal thermography pattern (31.5 °C) different from other mammalians. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to perform more studies with more animals and also using animals with testicular alteration to certify the use of thermography as a tool of reproducer selection of collared peccary. Abstract Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic chain as part of the diet of great felines. Therefore, the populational decrease of collared peccaries, as well as the possibility of their local extinction can interfere on the local biodiversity, since the presence of those animals can assure the existence of other species. So, the aim of this study was to test the use of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the scrotal temperature of collared peccary, listing seminal and scrotal thermography parameters, aiming the achievement of a precise and rapid technique of reproducer selection. To do this, we used 12 adult male to do the semen collection, then data of their scrotal thermography was obtained. However, the data showed that there was observed no relationship between the seminal quality pattern and the thermography. Furthermore, the animals presented a scrotal thermography pattern (31.5 °C) different from other mammalians. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to perform more studies with more animals and also using animals with testicular alteration to certify the use of thermography as a tool of reproducer selection of collared peccary.

Research paper thumbnail of Termografia Infravermelha Aplicada a Emas (Rhea americana)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2015

Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving anima... more Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving animal. This tool used to study heat stress, thermoregulation, behavior, disease diagnosis, mainly in the animal production and animal welfare. Wild birds are animals that get tense with the presence of man in his environment, causing changes in its thermal physiology and behavior. In the Brazilian semiarid, high temperatures cause further stress the birds, in studies involving animal welfare and animal production is important to use procedures and tools that do not cause stress to the animal, hence the implementation of infrared thermography. The Rhea americana is a wild bird, native to Brazil, which is gaining market share because of its meat is healthy and other products that are extracted from it. Little is known about the thermal physiology and behavior of this ratita, it is essential to improve poultry facilities in order to provide a pleasant environment and increase production. Birds and other ratites as the ostrich, emu, kiwi and cassowary use some body areas to dissipate body heat, the areas are: legs, beak and neck. All these body areas used by birds to dissipate heat were found using infrared thermography. Being a ratita, Rhea Americana can use the same body regions to reduce heat stress. So, infrared thermography is critical to the thermoregulatory studies of rheas in hot environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Short-wave solar radiation level willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows in an equatorial semi-arid environment

Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2014

The amount of short-wave solar radiation willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows on pastur... more The amount of short-wave solar radiation willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows on pasture was determined in an equatorial semi-arid environment. The study was carried out on a dairy farm located in Limoeiro do Norte, CE, northeastern Brazil. The observed behaviours were as follows: grazing, under the sun, under the shade, standing, lying, ruminating, idling and wallowing in the water. The behaviours were recorded using instantaneous scan sampling at regular intervals of 15 min from 0600 to 1800 hours over 5 days. On all sampling days, the meteorological variables, including local short-wave solar radiation (R S-W, W m(-2)), were recorded. The R S-W data were divided into five levels. The sun exposure was more frequent under low (100 %) and moderately low (97 %) levels, when R S-W remained below 500 W m(-2). The grazing was more intense under low (100 %) and moderately low (93 %) levels. Above 500 W m(-2), the grazing time significantly decreased (11 %). The cows avoided grazing under high (0 %) and very high (0 %) levels, when R S-W exceeded 700 W m(-2). The ruminating behaviour was more frequent under high (33 %) and very high (37 %) levels, in which the highest averages of R S-W were recorded (815 and 958 W m(-2), respectively). The standing posture was more frequent under low (100 %) and moderately low (97 %) levels. Therefore, the critical R S-W level that motivates cows to stop grazing and seek shade was in the interval between 500 and 700 W m(-2).

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Differences of Surface Temperature of Naked Neck Laying Hens in Semiarid Environment

This study aimed to evaluate the regional variation of the surface temperature of naked neck hens... more This study aimed to evaluate the regional variation of the surface temperature of naked neck hens in semi-arid environment using infrared thermography. The surface temperature was measured (776 observations) in four body regions (face, neck, legs and body) of 60 laying hens Label Rouge (naked neck). Were Measured environmental variables in the center of the shed: black globe temperature (TG), air temperature (TA), wind speed (U) and relative humidity (RH). TA was divided into three classes: Class 1 (24.0°C to 26°C), Class 2 (26.1°C to 28.9°C) and Class 3 (29.0°C to 31.0°C). Analysis of variance was performed by the least squares method and comparison of means by Tukey-Kramer test (p<0.05). Results showed significant effect of class TA, body region and the interaction between these two effects on surface temperature. There was no statistical difference between the TA classes for the face and neck. Legs and body presented difference between the TA classes. Averages between the body...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação termográfica de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2013

The present study aimed to determine variations in the body surface temperature (TS) of quails by... more The present study aimed to determine variations in the body surface temperature (TS) of quails by infrared thermography. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Biometeorology and Animal Welfare, campus Mossoro/RN, Brazil. Ten adult quails were used, males and females, in a controlled environment. The air temperature (TA) was divided into three classes (CT): CT 1 (TA < 18 °C); CT 2 (18  TA < 22 °C) CT 3 (TA  22 °C). The cloacal temperature (TC) was measured. The TS was measured in three regions (legs, face and feathered region). The analysis of variance for TS revealed a significant effect of the body region, CT and interaction between body region and CT. The region of the face presented TS (33.68 °C) higher than the area covered by feathers (24.73 °C) and the region of the legs (24.68 °C). The region of legs was the one that suffered the greatest variation in TS. Thus, it is concluded that Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) have a difference in the body surface temperature according to the body region.

Research paper thumbnail of Description of semen characteristics from six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) collected by electroejaculation

Animal Reproduction Science, 2010

The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of the semen from six-banded armadillos ... more The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of the semen from six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) collected by electroejaculation. Six mature males were physically restrained and electroejaculated twice for the collection of semen. Semen collected was immediately evaluated for appearance, volume, pH, sperm motility, vigor, morphology, percentage of live sperm and functional membrane integrity by light microscopy. Semen was obtained from all (100%) twelve attempts conducted for electroejaculation. Armadillos&amp;amp;#39; semen had a white-translucent appearance, and great viscosity. Mean values obtained in analysis of the semen were: 353+/-86 microl for volume, 9 for pH, 45+/-14 x 10(6)sperm/ml for concentration, 61+/-7% motile sperm with 2+/-0.2 for vigor, 55+/-7% live sperm, 86+/-2% morphologic normal sperm, and 46+/-6% functional membrane integrity. In conclusion, semen from six-banded armadillos can be efficiently obtained by electroejaculation. The characteristics of semen collected by electroejaculation in six-banded armadillos provide background information that may be useful for assisted breeding programs in the members of the Xenarthra family.

Research paper thumbnail of Broilers’ behavioural adjustments when submitted to natural heat stress and fed different maize particle sizes in the diet

The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2020

Since behavioural adjustments are an important line of defence against thermal stress, either due... more Since behavioural adjustments are an important line of defence against thermal stress, either due to their energy efficiency or to efficiency at preventing overheating, we aimed to evaluate whether broilers fed different maize particle sizes adjusted their behaviour to deal with heat stress challenges. At several times a day, the behaviour of 220 naked neck broilers was evaluated. These broilers were fed with isonutritive diets containing maize with different geometric mean diameters (GMD): 605 and 2280 μm. The thermal environment was monitored during the experiment. Panting and open wings were the only behaviours that showed differences between the times of day (P < 0.05). However, GMD showed a significant effect on feed intake and panting (P < 0.05). The interaction between GMD and time of day was significant only on panting (P < 0.05). Although no daily variation was observed, the highest feed intake was observed in broilers fed the diet containing maize with a GMD of 22...

Research paper thumbnail of Criopreservação de sêmen canino em diluente Tris adicionado de dodecil sulfato de sódio

Research paper thumbnail of An updated review on cattle thermoregulation: physiological responses, biophysical mechanisms, and heat stress alleviation pathways

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021

Heat stress is one of the main obstacles to achieving efficient cattle production systems, and it... more Heat stress is one of the main obstacles to achieving efficient cattle production systems, and it may have numerous adverse effects on cattle. As the planet undergoes climatic changes, which is predicted to raise the earth’s average temperature by 1.5 °C between 2030 and 2052, its impact may trigger several stressful factors for livestock. Among these, an increase in core body temperature would trigger physiological imbalance, consequently affecting reproduction, animal health, and dry matter intake adversely. Core body temperature increase is commonly observed and poses challenges to livestock farmers. In cattle farming, thermal stress severely affects milk production and weight gain, and can compromise food security in the coming years. This review presents an updated approach to the physiological and thermoregulatory responses of cattle under various environmental conditions. Strategies for mitigating the harmful effects of heat stress on livestock are suggested as viable alternatives for the betterment of production systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermoregulatory Behavior of Naked Neck Broilers in Semiarid Environment: A Study of Daily Variation

This study aimed to evaluate daily variation of the thermorregulatory behavior of naked neck broi... more This study aimed to evaluate daily variation of the thermorregulatory behavior of naked neck broilers in semi-arid region of Brazil. 220 Label Rouge broilers between 4 and 6 week old were evaluated in Mossoró, RN. The 1-0 focal animal observation method and scan sampling were used to record the behavior from 6 h to 18 h. Ethogram was based in behavioral responses: panting, sitting or lying, spread-wings, feed and water intake. The hours were divided into classes: C H 1 (6-8 h), C H 2 (9-11 h), C H 3 (12-15 h) and C H 4 (16-18 h). Results showed significant effect of class of hour for all behavioural responses (P<0.01), except for water intake (F=1.35; P=0.2616). The highest records of spread-wings (45.48%), panting (32.42%) and sitting or lying (57.25%) were found in C H 3, where the average air temperature (33.74°C) and radiant heat load (519.38 W m -2 ) were the highest in this study. In this same C H , was found the lowest feed intake (12.40%). Thus, the increase in air temper...

Research paper thumbnail of Correlations Between Thermal Comfort Indices and Behavioral Responses of Broilers in Semiarid Region of Brazil

The present study aimed to relate the main behavioral activities of naked neck broilers in respon... more The present study aimed to relate the main behavioral activities of naked neck broilers in response to weather conditions of the semiarid region in Northeastern Brazil. 220 Label Rouge broilers between 4 and 6 week old were evaluated in Mossoró, RN, Brazil. The thermal comfort indices used were the radiant heat load (R HL ) and enthalpy (H). Scan sampling and 1-0 observation method were used to register the animal behavior at intervals of 1 h, starting at 6 am and ending at 6 pm. The behaviors observed included: sitting or lying, spread-wings, panting, food and water intake. The coefficients of correlation (P<0.05) and conditions of normality by the Shapiro-Wilk test were performed with SAS software. For feed intake, the results showed negative correlation with only the H (r=-0.31, P=0.001). Water intake was positively correlated with R HL (r=0.24, P=0.009). The behavior spread-wings presented the highest correlations (P<0.01) with H and R HL (r=0.62 and r=0.66, respectively)....

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação de protocolos de IATF em vacas mestiças sob efeito do estresse térmico criadas no semiárido nordestino

Heat stress is a factor of economic losses linked to low results in pregnant cows. Artificial ins... more Heat stress is a factor of economic losses linked to low results in pregnant cows. Artificial insemination results can be intensively harmed in regions with high ambient temperatures, like the Brazilian semiarid. This study aimed to determine the impact of heat stress on time fixed artificial insemination protocols (TFAI) in heifers. Five different TFAI protocols were performed in groups of 12 heifers under heat stress. In all groups, the mean rectal temperature was equal to or above the limit physiologically accepted of 39.2 o C. In the period of treatment, it was observed a mean of 70.00 ± 2.0% for relative humidity and air temperature with a mean of 27.5 ± 2.0 ° C. These environmental parameters directly interfered in rectal temperature and may have affected the results of pregnant/artificial insemination that was above 25% in all treatments.

Research paper thumbnail of Parâmetros Reprodutivos De Fêmeas Caprinas Jovens Suplementadas Com Sal Mineral Adicionado Ou Não Com Ionóforos

Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2012

Avaliou-se o efeito da adicao de ionoforos ao sal mineral sobre o ganho de peso, idade e peso a p... more Avaliou-se o efeito da adicao de ionoforos ao sal mineral sobre o ganho de peso, idade e peso a puberdade de femeas caprinas jovens. Trinta e tres cabritas nascidas na epoca seca foram confinadas, pesadas e agrupadas, aleatoriamente para tres tratamentos (T0 – controle; TI e TII) apos o desmame. Ao To foi disponibilizado sal mineral; ao TI, sal mineral com 1,50% de salinomicina e ao TII, sal mineral com 1,50% de monensina sodica. Os animais foram pesados a cada 28 dias. Duas semanas apos o inicio da epoca chuvosa, as cabritas tiveram contato com os rufioes para deteccao do estro. Quatro a oitavo dias apos, a femea era pesada e submetida a laparotomia para avaliacao da funcao dos ovarios. O ganho de peso, o peso e idade ao primeiro estro nao diferiram (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Oito cabritas do To, nove do TI e oito do TII, apresentaram estro clinico. A media de peso a puberdade foi de 19,73 ± 0,64. Para a idade a puberdade, a media geral foi de 333,04 ± 11,59 dias. Sete cabri...

Research paper thumbnail of Conservação Do Sêmen Canino Sob Refrigeração Em Diferentes Caixas Isotérmicas

Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2007

The aim of this study was to determine the maximum time of conservation in different isothermal b... more The aim of this study was to determine the maximum time of conservation in different isothermal boxes of the diluted canine semen under cooling. Semen from eight dogs was collected by digital manipulation. The sperm fraction was evaluated for volume, color, motility, vigor, sperm morphology, acrossomal integrity, osmotic answer and sperm concentration. Then, it was diluted in skimmed UHT milk plus egg yolk (20%) and divided in samples, which were stored in 3L or 5L expanded polystyrene isothermal boxes, containing recyclable ice. These boxes were open after 12h, 18h, 24h and 30h of storage and semen was reevaluated for the characteristics already mentioned. The temperature into the boxes and the environmental temperature were monitored. As main results, the progressive sperm motility was acceptably conserved up to 30h in both boxes, which did not present differences in the conservation of none of the seminal characteristics (P>0.05). However, the temperature into the 3L-box showe...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilização da termografia infravermelha como técnica de detecção de mastite em vacas leiteiras a campo

A mastite bovina e uma das principais doencas que acomete o rebanho leiteiro, sendo a forma subcl... more A mastite bovina e uma das principais doencas que acomete o rebanho leiteiro, sendo a forma subclinica com maior prevalencia, exigindo, portanto, maior atencao. O seu diagnostico pode ser obtido atraves de exames auxiliares, tais como California Mastitis Test (CMT), contagem de celulas somaticas (CCS) e termografia de infravermelho (TIV). A TIV absorve a radiacao infravermelha e gera imagens com base na quantidade de calor gerado, desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, pela primeira vez, a eficiencia da TIV como metodo de diagnostico da mastite subclinica em vacas leiteiras a campo, quando comparada a CCS e ao CMT. Foram avaliadas amostras de leite de 60 vacas da raca Girolando, as quais foram submetidas ao CMT e a CCS, alem do registro de imagens termograficas com o equipamento infravermelho. O experimento foi conduzido no municipio de Limoeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brasil. Os resultados do CMT foram comparados a CCS e apresentaram uma correlacao positiva, onde o numero de cel...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação do efeito do estresse térmico sobre a expressão do estro induzido em novilhas puras holandesas

The seasonal reduction in reproductive efficiency as a result of heat stress, one of the most ser... more The seasonal reduction in reproductive efficiency as a result of heat stress, one of the most serious problems in inter-tropical areas of the world for dairy cattle. This study aimed to verify the influence of heat stress on the estrous cycle of Holstein heifers. Ten Holstein helfers was maintained on a ambient with direct insolation during hormonal treatment for fixed time artificial insemination. Another group was maintained on a barn, on shade. The hormonal treatment was based on progesterone, estradiol, prostaglandin and gonadotropin. Rectal temperature and the radiant, air and room temperature from the ambient was measured every 4 hours. At the time of insemination (day 9) was observed by ultrasonography a smallest area on the follicles from animals exposed under direct insolation, compared to stabled, suggesting that heat stress exerts influence on follicular growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapeamento Da Variabilidade Espacial Das Plantas Daninhas Em Repolho Roxo

Enciclopédia Biosfera, 2020

RESUMO Colocar em prática as várias ferramentas advindas da agricultura de precisão se torna cada... more RESUMO Colocar em prática as várias ferramentas advindas da agricultura de precisão se torna cada dia uma solução mais viável na forma econômica e ambiental. Ampliar domínios dessa tecnologia das áreas de concentração de variabilidade espacial de ciência de solos para as ciências de plantas daninhas auxiliará na lixiviação de produtos químicos e na tomada de decisão de manejos. Este experimento tem como objetivo identificar a inibição de plantas daninhas por diferentes plantas de cobertura na produção de repolho. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do setor no hortifrúti da faculdade de agronomia da Universidade de Rio Verde. As plantas de cobertura (PC) utilizadas foram braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens), girassol (Helianthus annuus) e milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L)). Este experimento já segue no segundo ano de condução. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise geoestatística para variabilidade espacial das famílias das plantas daninhas. Para a confecção dos mapas e os cálculos geoestátisticos foi utilizado o software Gamma Design. 1. A incidência de plantas daninhas apresentou dependência espacial em relação às plantas de cobertura, com exceção de braquiária. A presença das ordens de plantas daninhas em braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens) foi maior a ausência, para girassol (Helianthus annuus) foi Asteraceae e milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L)) foi Portulaceae.

Research paper thumbnail of Perfil hematológico de cães em diferentes concentrações de anticoagulante e bioquímica sérica em tempos diferentes de armazenamento

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos da utilização de sombreamento em pastagens

Research paper thumbnail of Infrared thermography applied to rhea (Rhea americana)

Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving anima... more Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving animal. This tool used to study heat stress, thermoregulation, behavior, disease diagnosis, mainly in the animal production and animal welfare. Wild birds are animals that get tense with the presence of man in his environment, causing changes in its thermal physiology and behavior. In the Brazilian semiarid, high temperatures cause further stress the birds, in studies involving animal welfare and animal production is important to use procedur es and tools that do not cause stress to the animal, hence the implementation of infrared thermography. The Rhea americana is a wild bird, native to Brazil, which is gaining market share because of its meat is healthy and other products that are extracted from it. Little is known about the thermal physiology and behavior of this ratita, it is essential to improve poultry facilities in order to provide a pleasant environment and increase production. Birds...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação da Termografia Infravermelha para Determinar os Padrões de Temperatura da Bolsa Escrotal de Catetos (Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2014

Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic ch... more Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic chain as part of the diet of great felines. Therefore, the populational decrease of collared peccaries, as well as the possibility of their local extinction can interfere on the local biodiversity, since the presence of those animals can assure the existence of other species. So, the aim of this study was to test the use of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the scrotal temperature of collared peccary, listing seminal and scrotal thermography parameters, aiming the achievement of a precise and rapid technique of reproducer selection. To do this, we used 12 adult male to do the semen collection, then data of their scrotal thermography was obtained. However, the data showed that there was observed no relationship between the seminal quality pattern and the thermography. Furthermore, the animals presented a scrotal thermography pattern (31.5 °C) different from other mammalians. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to perform more studies with more animals and also using animals with testicular alteration to certify the use of thermography as a tool of reproducer selection of collared peccary. Abstract Collared peccaries possess an important ecological function because they belong to the trophic chain as part of the diet of great felines. Therefore, the populational decrease of collared peccaries, as well as the possibility of their local extinction can interfere on the local biodiversity, since the presence of those animals can assure the existence of other species. So, the aim of this study was to test the use of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the scrotal temperature of collared peccary, listing seminal and scrotal thermography parameters, aiming the achievement of a precise and rapid technique of reproducer selection. To do this, we used 12 adult male to do the semen collection, then data of their scrotal thermography was obtained. However, the data showed that there was observed no relationship between the seminal quality pattern and the thermography. Furthermore, the animals presented a scrotal thermography pattern (31.5 °C) different from other mammalians. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to perform more studies with more animals and also using animals with testicular alteration to certify the use of thermography as a tool of reproducer selection of collared peccary.

Research paper thumbnail of Termografia Infravermelha Aplicada a Emas (Rhea americana)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2015

Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving anima... more Infrared thermography is an innovative tool that has been used in several studies involving animal. This tool used to study heat stress, thermoregulation, behavior, disease diagnosis, mainly in the animal production and animal welfare. Wild birds are animals that get tense with the presence of man in his environment, causing changes in its thermal physiology and behavior. In the Brazilian semiarid, high temperatures cause further stress the birds, in studies involving animal welfare and animal production is important to use procedures and tools that do not cause stress to the animal, hence the implementation of infrared thermography. The Rhea americana is a wild bird, native to Brazil, which is gaining market share because of its meat is healthy and other products that are extracted from it. Little is known about the thermal physiology and behavior of this ratita, it is essential to improve poultry facilities in order to provide a pleasant environment and increase production. Birds and other ratites as the ostrich, emu, kiwi and cassowary use some body areas to dissipate body heat, the areas are: legs, beak and neck. All these body areas used by birds to dissipate heat were found using infrared thermography. Being a ratita, Rhea Americana can use the same body regions to reduce heat stress. So, infrared thermography is critical to the thermoregulatory studies of rheas in hot environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Short-wave solar radiation level willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows in an equatorial semi-arid environment

Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2014

The amount of short-wave solar radiation willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows on pastur... more The amount of short-wave solar radiation willingly tolerated by lactating Holstein cows on pasture was determined in an equatorial semi-arid environment. The study was carried out on a dairy farm located in Limoeiro do Norte, CE, northeastern Brazil. The observed behaviours were as follows: grazing, under the sun, under the shade, standing, lying, ruminating, idling and wallowing in the water. The behaviours were recorded using instantaneous scan sampling at regular intervals of 15 min from 0600 to 1800 hours over 5 days. On all sampling days, the meteorological variables, including local short-wave solar radiation (R S-W, W m(-2)), were recorded. The R S-W data were divided into five levels. The sun exposure was more frequent under low (100 %) and moderately low (97 %) levels, when R S-W remained below 500 W m(-2). The grazing was more intense under low (100 %) and moderately low (93 %) levels. Above 500 W m(-2), the grazing time significantly decreased (11 %). The cows avoided grazing under high (0 %) and very high (0 %) levels, when R S-W exceeded 700 W m(-2). The ruminating behaviour was more frequent under high (33 %) and very high (37 %) levels, in which the highest averages of R S-W were recorded (815 and 958 W m(-2), respectively). The standing posture was more frequent under low (100 %) and moderately low (97 %) levels. Therefore, the critical R S-W level that motivates cows to stop grazing and seek shade was in the interval between 500 and 700 W m(-2).

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Differences of Surface Temperature of Naked Neck Laying Hens in Semiarid Environment

This study aimed to evaluate the regional variation of the surface temperature of naked neck hens... more This study aimed to evaluate the regional variation of the surface temperature of naked neck hens in semi-arid environment using infrared thermography. The surface temperature was measured (776 observations) in four body regions (face, neck, legs and body) of 60 laying hens Label Rouge (naked neck). Were Measured environmental variables in the center of the shed: black globe temperature (TG), air temperature (TA), wind speed (U) and relative humidity (RH). TA was divided into three classes: Class 1 (24.0°C to 26°C), Class 2 (26.1°C to 28.9°C) and Class 3 (29.0°C to 31.0°C). Analysis of variance was performed by the least squares method and comparison of means by Tukey-Kramer test (p<0.05). Results showed significant effect of class TA, body region and the interaction between these two effects on surface temperature. There was no statistical difference between the TA classes for the face and neck. Legs and body presented difference between the TA classes. Averages between the body...

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação termográfica de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, 2013

The present study aimed to determine variations in the body surface temperature (TS) of quails by... more The present study aimed to determine variations in the body surface temperature (TS) of quails by infrared thermography. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Biometeorology and Animal Welfare, campus Mossoro/RN, Brazil. Ten adult quails were used, males and females, in a controlled environment. The air temperature (TA) was divided into three classes (CT): CT 1 (TA < 18 °C); CT 2 (18  TA < 22 °C) CT 3 (TA  22 °C). The cloacal temperature (TC) was measured. The TS was measured in three regions (legs, face and feathered region). The analysis of variance for TS revealed a significant effect of the body region, CT and interaction between body region and CT. The region of the face presented TS (33.68 °C) higher than the area covered by feathers (24.73 °C) and the region of the legs (24.68 °C). The region of legs was the one that suffered the greatest variation in TS. Thus, it is concluded that Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) have a difference in the body surface temperature according to the body region.

Research paper thumbnail of Description of semen characteristics from six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) collected by electroejaculation

Animal Reproduction Science, 2010

The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of the semen from six-banded armadillos ... more The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of the semen from six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) collected by electroejaculation. Six mature males were physically restrained and electroejaculated twice for the collection of semen. Semen collected was immediately evaluated for appearance, volume, pH, sperm motility, vigor, morphology, percentage of live sperm and functional membrane integrity by light microscopy. Semen was obtained from all (100%) twelve attempts conducted for electroejaculation. Armadillos&amp;amp;#39; semen had a white-translucent appearance, and great viscosity. Mean values obtained in analysis of the semen were: 353+/-86 microl for volume, 9 for pH, 45+/-14 x 10(6)sperm/ml for concentration, 61+/-7% motile sperm with 2+/-0.2 for vigor, 55+/-7% live sperm, 86+/-2% morphologic normal sperm, and 46+/-6% functional membrane integrity. In conclusion, semen from six-banded armadillos can be efficiently obtained by electroejaculation. The characteristics of semen collected by electroejaculation in six-banded armadillos provide background information that may be useful for assisted breeding programs in the members of the Xenarthra family.