Katerina Lesnaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Katerina Lesnaya

Research paper thumbnail of Burial XIV c. from excavations of the temple on the Agora of Tauric Chersonese (Crimean Peninsula) // Лесная Е.С., Гинькут Н.В., Костромичёва А.В. Погребение 14 в. из раскопок храма на Агоре Херсонеса Таврического (Крымский полуостров)

Исторические, культурные, межнациональные, религиозные и политические связи Крыма со Средиземноморским регионом и странами Востока: Материалы VIII Международной научной конференции (Севастополь, 3–8 июня 2024 г.)., 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Дорошко В.В., Лесная Е.С., Неделькин Е.В., Тюрин М.И. Археологические исследования на раскопе 2 // Бюллетень Института истории материальной культуры Российской академии наук (охранная археология). – 2024. – № 15. – С. 46-60.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biya-Sala Sanctuary of the Roman Time in the South-Western Crimea / Святилище римского времени Бия-Сала в Юго-Западном Крыму

Stratum plus № 4, 2022

The authors publish the materials of research in Biya-Sala sanctuary, located on the top of the h... more The authors publish the materials of research in Biya-Sala sanctuary, located on the top of the hill in the upper reaches of Kacha valley. The finds are mainly represented by the fragments of hand-made and red glazed pottery, amphorae, glass vessels, as well as animal bones and teeth. The fragments of terracottas, mirror-pendant, jewelry, a bronze fibula and an arrowhead are attributed to votive offerings. The analysis of the objects showed that the sanctuary functioned in the early 2 nd — 4 th century AD. Most of these objects are similar to those from the barbarian sites of the South-Western and Central Crimea. At the same time, some finds are unique to the south-western part of the peninsula and were previously known only in the Central and Mountain Crimea.

В научный оборот вводятся материалы исследований святилища Бия-Сала, расположенного на вершине взгорья в верховьях долины р. Кача. Обнаруженные находки в основном представлены обломками лепной, краснолаковой посуды, амфор, стеклянных сосудов, а также костей и зубов животных. К вотивам относятся фрагменты терракотовых статуэток, зеркала-подвески, украшения, бронзовые фибула и наконечник стрелы. Анализ предметов позволил отнести время функционирования святилища к началу II—IV вв. н. э. Большинство из них находит близкие аналогии на варвар-
ских памятниках Юго-Западного и Центрального Крыма. Вместе с тем, находки некоторых вещей уникальны для юго-западной части полуострова и ранее были известны только в Центральном и Горном Крыму.

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Research paper thumbnail of Находки из раскопок поселения Кавказ (№ 17) на перешейке  Гераклейского полуострова  (по материалам исследований О.Я. Савели) /The finds from the excavations of the settlement Caucasus (No. 17) on the isthmus of Heraclean Peninsula (based on the research materials by O. Ya. Savelya)

Западная Таврида в истории и культуре древнего и средневекового Средиземноморья. Материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции, п. Черноморское, 9-11 сентября 2022 года / Ответственные редакторы: С. Б. Ланцов, Н. В. Куклева, 2022

In the 1970s and 1980s, O.Ya. Savelia discovered a number of non-Greek sites of the Classical and... more In the 1970s and 1980s, O.Ya. Savelia discovered a number of non-Greek sites of the Classical and Hellenistic periods located to the east of the "Nearest chora" of Chersonesos. These discoveries determined the vector of the long-term discussion about the Chersonesian expansion on the Heraclean Peninsula and about the nature of the relations between Chersonesos and the Taurians. However, the materials of these studies remained literally unpublished, which did not allow the researchers to evaluate the chronology of the sites and its cultural attribution. The paper publishes the most striking finds from the excavations of the settlement of the Kizil-Koba culture named Caucasus located in the central part of the Sapun-Gora Mountain, explored by O.Ya. Savelia in 1973, 1974 and 1982. Based on the analysis of ancient imports, the assemblages discovered by the researcher are dated to the period from the first half to the middle of the 4th century BC. The upper date of the settlement's existence cannot be determined at the moment, but there are grounds to extend it until the beginning of the Hellenistic period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yu. A. Vinogradov, M. I. Tiurin, E. S. Lesnaya. Fragment of a mould for manufacturing of the relief bowls from the southern suburbs of Chersonesos (in Russian)/ Фрагмент формы для изготовления рельефной чаши из Южного пригорода Херсонеса

Археологические вести, 2022

Among the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, the production of relief hemispherical... more Among the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, the production of relief hemispherical mouldmade bowls has been until recently identified only at several Bosporan centres. In view of the absence of finds of moulds for manufacturing of such vessels, the question of the production of “Megarian” bowls in the Tauric Chersonesos remained open. In 2021, in the course of the rescue archaeological excavations conducted in the Southern Suburbs of Chersonesos, The Rescue Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture RAS in cooperation with a team from the State Museum-Preserve “Tauric Chersonese” there was found a fragment of a ceramic mould for manufacture of relief hemispherical bowls of the Bosporan type (Fig. 1, 1). The object is made from a dense ceramic mass with inclusions of glittering particles of mica, some red particles and lime; the colour of the clay varies from light grey (5Y 7/1) to orange (7.5Y 6/6) (Fig. 1, 2–4). This matrix was intended for manufacturing of long-petal bowls characteristic of the Bosporan workshops of the Mithridates’ time. The morphology and ornamentation of the object generally find close parallels among the materials from excavations of Pantikapaion.
Finds of bowls of the Bosporan group of relief pottery are rather rare in Chersonesos and its close surroundings. At present, the authors are informed about only nine examples of similar ware (Fig. 2). The closest analogues to the decoration on the mould here published are represented on fragments of a bowl (Fig. 2, 5) from the fortified complex in Berman’s balka (rural house in ancient area 347). Apparently this vessel was manufactured using a matrix or a mould made using the same set of stamps. Thus our find is an evidence of the ma facture of relief mouldmade bowls of the Bosporan type in Chersonesos.
Possibly, the initiative for the making of these bowls can have been issued from one of the Bosporan workshops; such an ergasterion quite probably was represented by the Pantikapaion workshop of Demetrios. It cannot be ruled out that some ware now attributed to workshops of Pantikapaion could have been produced at an ergasterion situated in Chersonesos. Like in Bosporos, the manufacture of bowls in Chersonesos probably was taking place in the final 2nd — first decades of the 1st cen. BC when the two centres both were part of the state of Mithridates VI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Хиосская керамика и её имитации из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического / Lesnaya E.S. Chian Pottery and Its Imitations from Excavations at Tauric Chersonese // ПИФК. 2021. № 4. С. 163–173

Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры, 2021

This article is devoted to the Chian pottery found during excavations at Tauric Chersonese. These... more This article is devoted to the Chian pottery found during excavations at Tauric Chersonese. These vessels are considered in the context of the formation of the early ceramic collection of the site and distribution of Chian imports to Greek sites in the Northern Black Sea region. There are unslipped black-fi gure kantharos of the late variant among rare types of
Chian imports. We have no opportunity to determine the main painting plot because of a poor
preservation of the fragment. But similar vessels from the ceramic deposits at Olbia and Nymfaion
allow us to date Chersonesian sherd to the fi rst part of the 5th cent. BC. White-slip forms are presented by fragments of a miniature cup and a close-shaped vessel (olpe?) decorated with brown-painted bands. Their date is limited to the second half of the 6th cent. BC. Finding of these
vessels at Chersonese confi rms the upper chronological border of the period of its production that was determined according to the Olbian and Berezan fi nds. With that these sherds are one of the earliest in the Chersonesian ceramic collection. Also several white-slip kantharoi are known. One complete vessel was found in the burial and two fragmentary forms were found in the city. This type was widespread until the beginning of the 5th cent. BC. Apart from white-slip kantharoi, there are three monochrome black-glazed kantharoi in the Chersonesian collection. Based on the features of their shape they should be dated within the frame of the end of the 5th and the fi rst half of the 4th cent. BC. At the same time, I know about a dozen sherds of greyware vessels that seem to be imitations of the black-glazed kantharoi. They completely copied Chian shape and are covered with dark slip. These vessels were found in the ceramic deposits of the end of the 5th and the fi rst half of the 4th cent. BC. That is they were in sync with their prototypes. It is still not clear where greyware kantharoi were imported from.

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Research paper thumbnail of Асташова Н.С., Лесная Е.С. Находки анатолийской керамики в Херсонесе // Astashova N.S., Lesnaia E.S. Finds of Anatolian pottery in Tauric Chersonesos // АРХОНТ. Материалы научной конференции, Севастополь, 20–24 сентября 2021 года. Севастополь: ГИАМЗ «Херсонес Таврический», 2021.

АРХОНТ. Материалы научной конференции, Севастополь, 20–24 сентября 2021 года. Севастополь: ГИАМЗ «Херсонес Таврический», 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Rescue excavations on the farmstead of block 177 (178) on Heraclean peninsula in 2018-2019 / Аржанов А.Ю., Тюрин М.И., Лесная Е.С. Охранные работы на усадьбе участка 177 (178)  на Гераклейском полуострове в 2018–2019 гг.//История и археология Крыма. Вып. XIII. 2020. С. 25-38.

Rescue excavations in the vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos revealed a farmstead on the of block 178... more Rescue excavations in the vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos revealed a farmstead on the of block 178 on Heraclean peninsula. The northern part of the building has been unearthed, including three rooms. The analysis of the amphora stamps, black-glazed pottery, coins and other materials allows us to date the farmstead to the late 4th - the third quarter of the 3rd centuries BC.

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Research paper thumbnail of The evidence of crisis in the Chora of Chersonesos in the 3rd century BC: on the chronology of the farmsteads of the Heraclean Peninsula (in Russian) = Кризисные явления в округе Херсонеса в III в. до н.э.: к вопросу о хронологии усадеб Гераклейского полуострова // Боспорский феномен. 2020

Боспорский феномен. Боспорское царство М. И. Ростовцева. Взгляд из XXI века. Материалы международной научной конференции. Часть 2, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Масюта Д.О., Лєсная К.С. Розвідки в верхів'ях долини р. Кача // Археологічні дослідження в Україні 2013. Київ, 2014. С. 60.

Археологічні дослідження в Україні, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Восточногреческая керамика из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического / East Greek pottery from excavations in Tauric Chersonesos // Археологические вести. 2020. № 27. С. 99–112.

Археологические вести, 2020

This paper is devoted to studies of East Greek pottery found during excavations in the townsite o... more This paper is devoted to studies of East Greek pottery found during excavations in the townsite of Tauric Chersonesos in South-Western Crimea. These finds are marked by separate forms of tableware and transporting containers; an attempt is proposed at their attribution and dating corresponding to the modern concepts about this group of ceramic imports. Peculiarities of the chronology and composition of the Chersonesean collection of East Greek pottery are noted distinguishing it from collections from other sites in North-Western and Northern Black Sea regions. A special importance of the former is supposed for the solution of the problem of the date of the foundation of the permanent Greek settlement on the shore of Karantinnaya Bay.

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Research paper thumbnail of Detail of a Belt Set from the Golden Horde Period from South-Western Crimea / Масюта Д.А., Лесная Е.С. Деталь поясного набора золотоордынского времени из Юго-Западного Крыма // Поволжская археология. 2020. № 2 (32). C. 238–247.

Поволжская археология, 2020

The work deals with the publication of a rare bronze plaque discovered during the archaeological... more The work deals with the publication of a rare bronze plaque discovered during the archaeological surveys of 2012–2013 in the upper reaches of the Kacha river in SouthWestern Crimea. The item was crafted by means of casting in a rigid die, and represents a four-petal plate with a loop soldered to the lower petal. The front surface features an image of a polymorphic creature – a dragon, and the back surface contains traces of solder with the remains of the bases of pins or stitch loops. It is assumed that the plate is a part of a military belt set of the Golden Horde period. These types of ferrules and plates with a dragon image made of precious metals, as well as bronze, horn and bone, have been found in the territory of the Golden Horde and the neighbouring territories and date back to the period of the 13th – 14th centuries. The stylistics of the mythical animal image on the plate from the vicinity of Verkhorechye accounts for its similarity to the images of dog-headed dragons in the fine art of Russian regions, but the design and construction features of our finding are characteristic of the items discovered in the Volga region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lamps of the 5th – first half of the 4th century BC from Tauric Chersonesos excavations (in Russian) / Светильники V – первой половины IV вв. до н.э. из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического // Forum Olbicum III: до 70-рiччя з дня народження В.В. Крапiвiної. Миколаїв, 2020. С.118–122.

Forum Olbicum III: до 70-рiччя з дня народження В.В. Крапiвiної, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Тюрин М.И., Лесная Е.С., Цыганов Н.Н. К хронологии памятников ближней хоры Херсонеса: материалы раскопок усадьбы участка 178 на Гераклейском полуострове

АРХОНТ, 2019

Античная усадьба древнего сельскохозяйственного участка 178 хоры Херсонеса на Гераклейском полуо... more Античная усадьба древнего сельскохозяйственного участка 178 хоры Херсонеса на Гераклейском полуострове частично исследована экспедицией историко-археологического музея-заповедника "Херсонес Таврический" в ходе спасательных работ в 2018-2019 гг. Анализ полученных материалов позволяет предполагать, что жизнь на усадьбе не прерывалась с конца IV до третьей четверти III вв. до н.э. включительно. Такая датировка вступает в некоторое противоречие с общепринятой хронологией античных памятников Гераклейского полуострова, согласно которой основная масса объектов гибнет в 70-х III и 80-х гг. II вв. до н.э.. В работе выделяется группа памятников с близкой хронологией, которые пережили 70-е − 60-е гг. III в. и, вероятно, прекратили своё существование во второй половине столетия.

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Research paper thumbnail of The medieval sity Bolgar. Еxcavation CXCIX / Болгарское городище. Раскоп CXCIX

Археологические исследования: Болгар-Свияжск, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Имитации некоторых форм восточногреческой столовой керамики из раскопок Херсонеса // Боспорский феномен. Общее и особенное в историко-культурном пространстве античного мира. Часть 2. 2018. С. 61–67

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Несколько комплексов раннеклассического времени из Херсонеса (северо-восточный район) / Some Early Classical Assemblages from Chersonesos (North-Eastern District) (in Russian) // ИСГУ. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 3. С. 305–313.

The analysis of the ceramic assemblages revealed in the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos in ... more The analysis of the ceramic assemblages revealed in the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos in 1982 is presented in the article. They are s a few rocky cavities of artificial origin and overlying cultural layer. The material is represented by both imported products and local (the Black Sea region) reminiscences of imported samples. Undoubtedly, these findings are interesting for the study of the early ceramic collection of the site and the economic life of its population at the initial stage of the settlement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Рыжов С.Г., Лесная Е.С. О некоторых находках из раскопок 6-й поперечной улицы в Херсонесе / About some finds from the excavations of the 6th transverse street in Chersonesos (in Russian) // БЧ. 2018. Вып. XIX. С. 409-414. pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of О некоторых находках с округи Калос-Лимена из раскопок А.Н. Щеглова (бухта Ветреная)//Археология Северо-Западного Крыма. Симферополь, 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Комплекс керамики классического времени из раскопок Р.Х. Лёпера в Херсонесе // В.Ю. Зуев, В.А. Хршановский (Ред.) Элита Боспора и Боспорская элитарная культура. Материалы международного Круглого стола. Санкт-Петербург, 22-25 ноября 2016 г. СПб. 2016. С. 393 - 400.

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Research paper thumbnail of Burial XIV c. from excavations of the temple on the Agora of Tauric Chersonese (Crimean Peninsula) // Лесная Е.С., Гинькут Н.В., Костромичёва А.В. Погребение 14 в. из раскопок храма на Агоре Херсонеса Таврического (Крымский полуостров)

Исторические, культурные, межнациональные, религиозные и политические связи Крыма со Средиземноморским регионом и странами Востока: Материалы VIII Международной научной конференции (Севастополь, 3–8 июня 2024 г.)., 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Дорошко В.В., Лесная Е.С., Неделькин Е.В., Тюрин М.И. Археологические исследования на раскопе 2 // Бюллетень Института истории материальной культуры Российской академии наук (охранная археология). – 2024. – № 15. – С. 46-60.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biya-Sala Sanctuary of the Roman Time in the South-Western Crimea / Святилище римского времени Бия-Сала в Юго-Западном Крыму

Stratum plus № 4, 2022

The authors publish the materials of research in Biya-Sala sanctuary, located on the top of the h... more The authors publish the materials of research in Biya-Sala sanctuary, located on the top of the hill in the upper reaches of Kacha valley. The finds are mainly represented by the fragments of hand-made and red glazed pottery, amphorae, glass vessels, as well as animal bones and teeth. The fragments of terracottas, mirror-pendant, jewelry, a bronze fibula and an arrowhead are attributed to votive offerings. The analysis of the objects showed that the sanctuary functioned in the early 2 nd — 4 th century AD. Most of these objects are similar to those from the barbarian sites of the South-Western and Central Crimea. At the same time, some finds are unique to the south-western part of the peninsula and were previously known only in the Central and Mountain Crimea.

В научный оборот вводятся материалы исследований святилища Бия-Сала, расположенного на вершине взгорья в верховьях долины р. Кача. Обнаруженные находки в основном представлены обломками лепной, краснолаковой посуды, амфор, стеклянных сосудов, а также костей и зубов животных. К вотивам относятся фрагменты терракотовых статуэток, зеркала-подвески, украшения, бронзовые фибула и наконечник стрелы. Анализ предметов позволил отнести время функционирования святилища к началу II—IV вв. н. э. Большинство из них находит близкие аналогии на варвар-
ских памятниках Юго-Западного и Центрального Крыма. Вместе с тем, находки некоторых вещей уникальны для юго-западной части полуострова и ранее были известны только в Центральном и Горном Крыму.

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Research paper thumbnail of Находки из раскопок поселения Кавказ (№ 17) на перешейке  Гераклейского полуострова  (по материалам исследований О.Я. Савели) /The finds from the excavations of the settlement Caucasus (No. 17) on the isthmus of Heraclean Peninsula (based on the research materials by O. Ya. Savelya)

Западная Таврида в истории и культуре древнего и средневекового Средиземноморья. Материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции, п. Черноморское, 9-11 сентября 2022 года / Ответственные редакторы: С. Б. Ланцов, Н. В. Куклева, 2022

In the 1970s and 1980s, O.Ya. Savelia discovered a number of non-Greek sites of the Classical and... more In the 1970s and 1980s, O.Ya. Savelia discovered a number of non-Greek sites of the Classical and Hellenistic periods located to the east of the "Nearest chora" of Chersonesos. These discoveries determined the vector of the long-term discussion about the Chersonesian expansion on the Heraclean Peninsula and about the nature of the relations between Chersonesos and the Taurians. However, the materials of these studies remained literally unpublished, which did not allow the researchers to evaluate the chronology of the sites and its cultural attribution. The paper publishes the most striking finds from the excavations of the settlement of the Kizil-Koba culture named Caucasus located in the central part of the Sapun-Gora Mountain, explored by O.Ya. Savelia in 1973, 1974 and 1982. Based on the analysis of ancient imports, the assemblages discovered by the researcher are dated to the period from the first half to the middle of the 4th century BC. The upper date of the settlement's existence cannot be determined at the moment, but there are grounds to extend it until the beginning of the Hellenistic period.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yu. A. Vinogradov, M. I. Tiurin, E. S. Lesnaya. Fragment of a mould for manufacturing of the relief bowls from the southern suburbs of Chersonesos (in Russian)/ Фрагмент формы для изготовления рельефной чаши из Южного пригорода Херсонеса

Археологические вести, 2022

Among the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, the production of relief hemispherical... more Among the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, the production of relief hemispherical mouldmade bowls has been until recently identified only at several Bosporan centres. In view of the absence of finds of moulds for manufacturing of such vessels, the question of the production of “Megarian” bowls in the Tauric Chersonesos remained open. In 2021, in the course of the rescue archaeological excavations conducted in the Southern Suburbs of Chersonesos, The Rescue Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture RAS in cooperation with a team from the State Museum-Preserve “Tauric Chersonese” there was found a fragment of a ceramic mould for manufacture of relief hemispherical bowls of the Bosporan type (Fig. 1, 1). The object is made from a dense ceramic mass with inclusions of glittering particles of mica, some red particles and lime; the colour of the clay varies from light grey (5Y 7/1) to orange (7.5Y 6/6) (Fig. 1, 2–4). This matrix was intended for manufacturing of long-petal bowls characteristic of the Bosporan workshops of the Mithridates’ time. The morphology and ornamentation of the object generally find close parallels among the materials from excavations of Pantikapaion.
Finds of bowls of the Bosporan group of relief pottery are rather rare in Chersonesos and its close surroundings. At present, the authors are informed about only nine examples of similar ware (Fig. 2). The closest analogues to the decoration on the mould here published are represented on fragments of a bowl (Fig. 2, 5) from the fortified complex in Berman’s balka (rural house in ancient area 347). Apparently this vessel was manufactured using a matrix or a mould made using the same set of stamps. Thus our find is an evidence of the ma facture of relief mouldmade bowls of the Bosporan type in Chersonesos.
Possibly, the initiative for the making of these bowls can have been issued from one of the Bosporan workshops; such an ergasterion quite probably was represented by the Pantikapaion workshop of Demetrios. It cannot be ruled out that some ware now attributed to workshops of Pantikapaion could have been produced at an ergasterion situated in Chersonesos. Like in Bosporos, the manufacture of bowls in Chersonesos probably was taking place in the final 2nd — first decades of the 1st cen. BC when the two centres both were part of the state of Mithridates VI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Хиосская керамика и её имитации из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического / Lesnaya E.S. Chian Pottery and Its Imitations from Excavations at Tauric Chersonese // ПИФК. 2021. № 4. С. 163–173

Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры, 2021

This article is devoted to the Chian pottery found during excavations at Tauric Chersonese. These... more This article is devoted to the Chian pottery found during excavations at Tauric Chersonese. These vessels are considered in the context of the formation of the early ceramic collection of the site and distribution of Chian imports to Greek sites in the Northern Black Sea region. There are unslipped black-fi gure kantharos of the late variant among rare types of
Chian imports. We have no opportunity to determine the main painting plot because of a poor
preservation of the fragment. But similar vessels from the ceramic deposits at Olbia and Nymfaion
allow us to date Chersonesian sherd to the fi rst part of the 5th cent. BC. White-slip forms are presented by fragments of a miniature cup and a close-shaped vessel (olpe?) decorated with brown-painted bands. Their date is limited to the second half of the 6th cent. BC. Finding of these
vessels at Chersonese confi rms the upper chronological border of the period of its production that was determined according to the Olbian and Berezan fi nds. With that these sherds are one of the earliest in the Chersonesian ceramic collection. Also several white-slip kantharoi are known. One complete vessel was found in the burial and two fragmentary forms were found in the city. This type was widespread until the beginning of the 5th cent. BC. Apart from white-slip kantharoi, there are three monochrome black-glazed kantharoi in the Chersonesian collection. Based on the features of their shape they should be dated within the frame of the end of the 5th and the fi rst half of the 4th cent. BC. At the same time, I know about a dozen sherds of greyware vessels that seem to be imitations of the black-glazed kantharoi. They completely copied Chian shape and are covered with dark slip. These vessels were found in the ceramic deposits of the end of the 5th and the fi rst half of the 4th cent. BC. That is they were in sync with their prototypes. It is still not clear where greyware kantharoi were imported from.

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Research paper thumbnail of Асташова Н.С., Лесная Е.С. Находки анатолийской керамики в Херсонесе // Astashova N.S., Lesnaia E.S. Finds of Anatolian pottery in Tauric Chersonesos // АРХОНТ. Материалы научной конференции, Севастополь, 20–24 сентября 2021 года. Севастополь: ГИАМЗ «Херсонес Таврический», 2021.

АРХОНТ. Материалы научной конференции, Севастополь, 20–24 сентября 2021 года. Севастополь: ГИАМЗ «Херсонес Таврический», 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Rescue excavations on the farmstead of block 177 (178) on Heraclean peninsula in 2018-2019 / Аржанов А.Ю., Тюрин М.И., Лесная Е.С. Охранные работы на усадьбе участка 177 (178)  на Гераклейском полуострове в 2018–2019 гг.//История и археология Крыма. Вып. XIII. 2020. С. 25-38.

Rescue excavations in the vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos revealed a farmstead on the of block 178... more Rescue excavations in the vicinity of Tauric Chersonesos revealed a farmstead on the of block 178 on Heraclean peninsula. The northern part of the building has been unearthed, including three rooms. The analysis of the amphora stamps, black-glazed pottery, coins and other materials allows us to date the farmstead to the late 4th - the third quarter of the 3rd centuries BC.

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Research paper thumbnail of The evidence of crisis in the Chora of Chersonesos in the 3rd century BC: on the chronology of the farmsteads of the Heraclean Peninsula (in Russian) = Кризисные явления в округе Херсонеса в III в. до н.э.: к вопросу о хронологии усадеб Гераклейского полуострова // Боспорский феномен. 2020

Боспорский феномен. Боспорское царство М. И. Ростовцева. Взгляд из XXI века. Материалы международной научной конференции. Часть 2, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Масюта Д.О., Лєсная К.С. Розвідки в верхів'ях долини р. Кача // Археологічні дослідження в Україні 2013. Київ, 2014. С. 60.

Археологічні дослідження в Україні, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Восточногреческая керамика из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического / East Greek pottery from excavations in Tauric Chersonesos // Археологические вести. 2020. № 27. С. 99–112.

Археологические вести, 2020

This paper is devoted to studies of East Greek pottery found during excavations in the townsite o... more This paper is devoted to studies of East Greek pottery found during excavations in the townsite of Tauric Chersonesos in South-Western Crimea. These finds are marked by separate forms of tableware and transporting containers; an attempt is proposed at their attribution and dating corresponding to the modern concepts about this group of ceramic imports. Peculiarities of the chronology and composition of the Chersonesean collection of East Greek pottery are noted distinguishing it from collections from other sites in North-Western and Northern Black Sea regions. A special importance of the former is supposed for the solution of the problem of the date of the foundation of the permanent Greek settlement on the shore of Karantinnaya Bay.

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Research paper thumbnail of Detail of a Belt Set from the Golden Horde Period from South-Western Crimea / Масюта Д.А., Лесная Е.С. Деталь поясного набора золотоордынского времени из Юго-Западного Крыма // Поволжская археология. 2020. № 2 (32). C. 238–247.

Поволжская археология, 2020

The work deals with the publication of a rare bronze plaque discovered during the archaeological... more The work deals with the publication of a rare bronze plaque discovered during the archaeological surveys of 2012–2013 in the upper reaches of the Kacha river in SouthWestern Crimea. The item was crafted by means of casting in a rigid die, and represents a four-petal plate with a loop soldered to the lower petal. The front surface features an image of a polymorphic creature – a dragon, and the back surface contains traces of solder with the remains of the bases of pins or stitch loops. It is assumed that the plate is a part of a military belt set of the Golden Horde period. These types of ferrules and plates with a dragon image made of precious metals, as well as bronze, horn and bone, have been found in the territory of the Golden Horde and the neighbouring territories and date back to the period of the 13th – 14th centuries. The stylistics of the mythical animal image on the plate from the vicinity of Verkhorechye accounts for its similarity to the images of dog-headed dragons in the fine art of Russian regions, but the design and construction features of our finding are characteristic of the items discovered in the Volga region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lamps of the 5th – first half of the 4th century BC from Tauric Chersonesos excavations (in Russian) / Светильники V – первой половины IV вв. до н.э. из раскопок Херсонеса Таврического // Forum Olbicum III: до 70-рiччя з дня народження В.В. Крапiвiної. Миколаїв, 2020. С.118–122.

Forum Olbicum III: до 70-рiччя з дня народження В.В. Крапiвiної, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Тюрин М.И., Лесная Е.С., Цыганов Н.Н. К хронологии памятников ближней хоры Херсонеса: материалы раскопок усадьбы участка 178 на Гераклейском полуострове

АРХОНТ, 2019

Античная усадьба древнего сельскохозяйственного участка 178 хоры Херсонеса на Гераклейском полуо... more Античная усадьба древнего сельскохозяйственного участка 178 хоры Херсонеса на Гераклейском полуострове частично исследована экспедицией историко-археологического музея-заповедника "Херсонес Таврический" в ходе спасательных работ в 2018-2019 гг. Анализ полученных материалов позволяет предполагать, что жизнь на усадьбе не прерывалась с конца IV до третьей четверти III вв. до н.э. включительно. Такая датировка вступает в некоторое противоречие с общепринятой хронологией античных памятников Гераклейского полуострова, согласно которой основная масса объектов гибнет в 70-х III и 80-х гг. II вв. до н.э.. В работе выделяется группа памятников с близкой хронологией, которые пережили 70-е − 60-е гг. III в. и, вероятно, прекратили своё существование во второй половине столетия.

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Research paper thumbnail of The medieval sity Bolgar. Еxcavation CXCIX / Болгарское городище. Раскоп CXCIX

Археологические исследования: Болгар-Свияжск, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Имитации некоторых форм восточногреческой столовой керамики из раскопок Херсонеса // Боспорский феномен. Общее и особенное в историко-культурном пространстве античного мира. Часть 2. 2018. С. 61–67

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Research paper thumbnail of Лесная Е.С. Несколько комплексов раннеклассического времени из Херсонеса (северо-восточный район) / Some Early Classical Assemblages from Chersonesos (North-Eastern District) (in Russian) // ИСГУ. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 3. С. 305–313.

The analysis of the ceramic assemblages revealed in the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos in ... more The analysis of the ceramic assemblages revealed in the North-Eastern district of Chersonesos in 1982 is presented in the article. They are s a few rocky cavities of artificial origin and overlying cultural layer. The material is represented by both imported products and local (the Black Sea region) reminiscences of imported samples. Undoubtedly, these findings are interesting for the study of the early ceramic collection of the site and the economic life of its population at the initial stage of the settlement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Рыжов С.Г., Лесная Е.С. О некоторых находках из раскопок 6-й поперечной улицы в Херсонесе / About some finds from the excavations of the 6th transverse street in Chersonesos (in Russian) // БЧ. 2018. Вып. XIX. С. 409-414. pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of О некоторых находках с округи Калос-Лимена из раскопок А.Н. Щеглова (бухта Ветреная)//Археология Северо-Западного Крыма. Симферополь, 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Комплекс керамики классического времени из раскопок Р.Х. Лёпера в Херсонесе // В.Ю. Зуев, В.А. Хршановский (Ред.) Элита Боспора и Боспорская элитарная культура. Материалы международного Круглого стола. Санкт-Петербург, 22-25 ноября 2016 г. СПб. 2016. С. 393 - 400.

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