Leti Karmila - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Leti Karmila
Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Ke... more Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) cadres must be able to communicate and motivate parents to be responsible for children's growth and development. One of the BKKBN policy directions contained in the 2015-2019 BKKBN Renstra is a policy to increase family development regarding parents' understanding of the importance of families in caring for toddler and child development. The implementation of government policies to improve the quality of children in the context of family development is carried out through Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of parents to nurture and foster children's growth and development through physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and moral stimulation activities. Based on this situation, it is considered important to provide seminars to cadres in the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service regarding knowledge about the effectiveness of communication which will provide information to parents of toddlers. The role of cadres in Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) services is very strategic in order to achieve healthy and quality toddlers.
At-Tanzir, Jan 2, 2023
Proses komunikasi dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan yang berulang dilakukan dengan menyampai... more Proses komunikasi dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan yang berulang dilakukan dengan menyampaikan informasi-informasi terkait dampak kebakaran serta pencegahannya. Proses komunikasi bencana serta skema pencegahannya telah direncanakan, namun kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan masih saja berulang, sehingga perlu dikaji kembali langkah-langkah komunikasi bencana yang telah ditempuh. Manajemen komunikasi bencana selalu dibutuhkan baik dalam dalam kondisi darurat maupun pasca bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan mendeskripsikan manajemen komunikasi bencana dalam pencegahan kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi evaluatif. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur manajemen komunikasi bencana yang digunakan dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan terdiri perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi.
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi, Jan 27, 2023
Di era digital saat ini, media sosial menjadi ruang publik baru (public sphere) yang digunakan ol... more Di era digital saat ini, media sosial menjadi ruang publik baru (public sphere) yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi, termasuk digunakan untuk membentuk suatu opini publik. Pada tanggal 24 September 2022 PT Esteh Indonesia Makmur selaku perusahan pemilik merek Es Teh Indonesia melakukan somasi kepada pemilik akun twitter yang melakukan kritik terhadap salah satu produk minumannya karena dianggap melanggar UU ITE. Hal ini menjadi suatu isu dan menghasilkan opini publik di media sosial Twitter. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang opini publik yang terbentuk dari masyarakat pengguna twitter terhadap somasi yang dilakukan oleh Es Teh Indonesia, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, berupa metode penelitian Etnografi Komunakasi Virtual. Hasil penelitian secara umum menyatakan bahwa terbentuk opini publik yang negatif dari publik terhadap somasi yang dilakukan oleh Es Teh Indonesia. Publik menilai apa yang dilakukan adalah hal yang tidak tepat dan tidak perlu untuk dilakukan, ini tercermin dari berbagai sindiran dan ejekan yang muncul akibat somasi tersebut. Walaupun disisi lain ada opini publik yang menyatakan bahwa kritik yang dilakukan dinilai kurang baik karena menggunakan bahasa atau kata-kata kasar dan kurang sopan.
The communication process to prevent repeated land fires is carried out by conveying information ... more The communication process to prevent repeated land fires is carried out by conveying information about the impact of fires and their prevention. The disaster communication process and prevention scheme have been planned. However, peatland fires in South Sumatra are still recurring, so it is necessary to review the disaster communication steps that have been taken. Disaster communication management is always needed both in emergency and post-disaster conditions. This study aims to evaluate and describe disaster communication management in preventing peatland fires in South Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative method with an evaluative study approach. Collecting data was done using interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Data analysis in this study used an interactive analysis model. The results of this study indicate that the elements of disaster communication management used in efforts to prevent peatland fires in South Sumatra consist of planning, organizing, impleme...
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi
In the current digital era, social media has become a new public space (public sphere) that is us... more In the current digital era, social media has become a new public space (public sphere) that is used by the public to communicate and interact, including being used to form a public opinion. On September 24, 2022, PT Esteh Indonesia Makmur, as the company that owns the Indonesian Es Tea brand, made a subpoena to the Twitter account owner who criticized one of its beverage products because it was considered a violation of the ITE Law. This became an issue and generated public opinion on social media Twitter. This study intends to find out and analyze the public opinion that is formed from the community of Twitter users towards subpoenas conducted by Es Teh Indonesia, using a qualitative approach, in the form of the Virtual Communication Ethnographic research method. The results of the study generally stated that a negative public opinion was formed from the public towards the summons made by Indonesian Es Teh. The public considered that what was done was inappropriate and unnecessary,...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
From the perspective of political communication, the phenomenon of the Hashtag Movement #2019GANT... more From the perspective of political communication, the phenomenon of the Hashtag Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDEN is a political movement against the mainstream that has brought back the president for the second time. There is a phenomenon where parties who do not want it try to campaign to replace the president. This is what then invites controversy that is not simple. The focus of this research is trying to observe the background and the process of triggering the Hashtag Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDEN. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. With data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews, participant observation of literature study studies and documentation studies. Interviews were specifically conducted with the main initiator and several secondary sources as a supplement. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Theoretically, research uses symbol theory, and speech action theory that is elaborated according to the focus of research as part of political communication activities. Based on the analysis of the research data obtained, the results were found that indicate that the message Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN is the result of an idea or idea that represents a movement that accommodates groups that do not want Jokowi to be elected the second time to be president of the Republic of Indonesia Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDENT found the right momentum, both in terms of time, political movements, and mass response. He became one of the forces that played an important role in the process of political communication, especially those played by parties who did not agree with the president to come to power a second time. This movement found its relevance to the aspirations that developed in the voting community, especially towards the 2019 Presidential Election. Hashtag Movement # 2019GantiPresiden is a reasonable form of political communication carried out in a democratic country, so that this movement is constitutionally legal and does not contain treason or actions that can harm democratic politics in Indonesia.
Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Ke... more Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) cadres must be able to communicate and motivate parents to be responsible for children's growth and development . One of the BKKBN policy directions contained in the 2015-2019 BKKBN Renstra is a policy to increase family development regarding parents' understanding of the importance of families in caring for toddler and child development. The implementation of government policies to improve the quality of children in the context of family development is carried out through Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of parents to nurture and foster children's growth and development through physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and moral stimulation activities. Based on this situation, it is considered important to provide seminars to cadres in the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service regarding knowledge a...
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
UMKM Mas Lembu sekarang memasarkan produk olahan ikan lele berbumbu siap goreng yang higienis dan... more UMKM Mas Lembu sekarang memasarkan produk olahan ikan lele berbumbu siap goreng yang higienis dan lezat rasanya. Penjualan ikan lele berbumbu saat ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat luas terutama ibu-ibu pekerja yang memiliki waktu memasak tidak banyak sehingga memudahkan dan praktis dengan adanya Mas lembu ini. Permasalahan yang ada di UMKM Mas Lembu ini terkendala pemasaran yang kurang luas sehingga target pasar masih belum terlalu banyak jangkauannya. Sehingga perlu adanya starategi pemasaran yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual dari produk ikan lele berbumbu. Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Stimulus (PKMS) bekerjasama dengan UMKM Mas Lembu berupaya memasarkan produk ikan lele berbumbu yang dihasilkan agar meningkatkan penjualan produk UMKM sehingga keberlangsungan anggota kelompok UMKM Mas Lembu dapat meningkat. Strategi pemasaran yang telah dilakukan meliputi pemasaran secara daring (iklan radio dan media massa) serta secara luring (pelatihan strategi pemasaran ...
Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Ke... more Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) cadres must be able to communicate and motivate parents to be responsible for children's growth and development. One of the BKKBN policy directions contained in the 2015-2019 BKKBN Renstra is a policy to increase family development regarding parents' understanding of the importance of families in caring for toddler and child development. The implementation of government policies to improve the quality of children in the context of family development is carried out through Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of parents to nurture and foster children's growth and development through physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and moral stimulation activities. Based on this situation, it is considered important to provide seminars to cadres in the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service regarding knowledge about the effectiveness of communication which will provide information to parents of toddlers. The role of cadres in Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) services is very strategic in order to achieve healthy and quality toddlers.
At-Tanzir, Jan 2, 2023
Proses komunikasi dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan yang berulang dilakukan dengan menyampai... more Proses komunikasi dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan yang berulang dilakukan dengan menyampaikan informasi-informasi terkait dampak kebakaran serta pencegahannya. Proses komunikasi bencana serta skema pencegahannya telah direncanakan, namun kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan masih saja berulang, sehingga perlu dikaji kembali langkah-langkah komunikasi bencana yang telah ditempuh. Manajemen komunikasi bencana selalu dibutuhkan baik dalam dalam kondisi darurat maupun pasca bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan mendeskripsikan manajemen komunikasi bencana dalam pencegahan kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi evaluatif. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur manajemen komunikasi bencana yang digunakan dalam upaya pencegahan kebakaran lahan gambut di Sumatera Selatan terdiri perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi.
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi, Jan 27, 2023
Di era digital saat ini, media sosial menjadi ruang publik baru (public sphere) yang digunakan ol... more Di era digital saat ini, media sosial menjadi ruang publik baru (public sphere) yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi, termasuk digunakan untuk membentuk suatu opini publik. Pada tanggal 24 September 2022 PT Esteh Indonesia Makmur selaku perusahan pemilik merek Es Teh Indonesia melakukan somasi kepada pemilik akun twitter yang melakukan kritik terhadap salah satu produk minumannya karena dianggap melanggar UU ITE. Hal ini menjadi suatu isu dan menghasilkan opini publik di media sosial Twitter. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang opini publik yang terbentuk dari masyarakat pengguna twitter terhadap somasi yang dilakukan oleh Es Teh Indonesia, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, berupa metode penelitian Etnografi Komunakasi Virtual. Hasil penelitian secara umum menyatakan bahwa terbentuk opini publik yang negatif dari publik terhadap somasi yang dilakukan oleh Es Teh Indonesia. Publik menilai apa yang dilakukan adalah hal yang tidak tepat dan tidak perlu untuk dilakukan, ini tercermin dari berbagai sindiran dan ejekan yang muncul akibat somasi tersebut. Walaupun disisi lain ada opini publik yang menyatakan bahwa kritik yang dilakukan dinilai kurang baik karena menggunakan bahasa atau kata-kata kasar dan kurang sopan.
The communication process to prevent repeated land fires is carried out by conveying information ... more The communication process to prevent repeated land fires is carried out by conveying information about the impact of fires and their prevention. The disaster communication process and prevention scheme have been planned. However, peatland fires in South Sumatra are still recurring, so it is necessary to review the disaster communication steps that have been taken. Disaster communication management is always needed both in emergency and post-disaster conditions. This study aims to evaluate and describe disaster communication management in preventing peatland fires in South Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative method with an evaluative study approach. Collecting data was done using interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Data analysis in this study used an interactive analysis model. The results of this study indicate that the elements of disaster communication management used in efforts to prevent peatland fires in South Sumatra consist of planning, organizing, impleme...
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi
In the current digital era, social media has become a new public space (public sphere) that is us... more In the current digital era, social media has become a new public space (public sphere) that is used by the public to communicate and interact, including being used to form a public opinion. On September 24, 2022, PT Esteh Indonesia Makmur, as the company that owns the Indonesian Es Tea brand, made a subpoena to the Twitter account owner who criticized one of its beverage products because it was considered a violation of the ITE Law. This became an issue and generated public opinion on social media Twitter. This study intends to find out and analyze the public opinion that is formed from the community of Twitter users towards subpoenas conducted by Es Teh Indonesia, using a qualitative approach, in the form of the Virtual Communication Ethnographic research method. The results of the study generally stated that a negative public opinion was formed from the public towards the summons made by Indonesian Es Teh. The public considered that what was done was inappropriate and unnecessary,...
Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 2020
From the perspective of political communication, the phenomenon of the Hashtag Movement #2019GANT... more From the perspective of political communication, the phenomenon of the Hashtag Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDEN is a political movement against the mainstream that has brought back the president for the second time. There is a phenomenon where parties who do not want it try to campaign to replace the president. This is what then invites controversy that is not simple. The focus of this research is trying to observe the background and the process of triggering the Hashtag Movement #2019GANTIPRESIDEN. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. With data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews, participant observation of literature study studies and documentation studies. Interviews were specifically conducted with the main initiator and several secondary sources as a supplement. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Theoretically, research uses symbol theory, and speech action theory that is elaborated according to the focus of research as part of political communication activities. Based on the analysis of the research data obtained, the results were found that indicate that the message Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDEN is the result of an idea or idea that represents a movement that accommodates groups that do not want Jokowi to be elected the second time to be president of the Republic of Indonesia Hashtag #2019GANTIPRESIDENT found the right momentum, both in terms of time, political movements, and mass response. He became one of the forces that played an important role in the process of political communication, especially those played by parties who did not agree with the president to come to power a second time. This movement found its relevance to the aspirations that developed in the voting community, especially towards the 2019 Presidential Election. Hashtag Movement # 2019GantiPresiden is a reasonable form of political communication carried out in a democratic country, so that this movement is constitutionally legal and does not contain treason or actions that can harm democratic politics in Indonesia.
Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Ke... more Cadres are volunteers who are at the forefront of the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service. Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) cadres must be able to communicate and motivate parents to be responsible for children's growth and development . One of the BKKBN policy directions contained in the 2015-2019 BKKBN Renstra is a policy to increase family development regarding parents' understanding of the importance of families in caring for toddler and child development. The implementation of government policies to improve the quality of children in the context of family development is carried out through Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) which aims to increase the knowledge and skills of parents to nurture and foster children's growth and development through physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and moral stimulation activities. Based on this situation, it is considered important to provide seminars to cadres in the Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) service regarding knowledge a...
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
UMKM Mas Lembu sekarang memasarkan produk olahan ikan lele berbumbu siap goreng yang higienis dan... more UMKM Mas Lembu sekarang memasarkan produk olahan ikan lele berbumbu siap goreng yang higienis dan lezat rasanya. Penjualan ikan lele berbumbu saat ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat luas terutama ibu-ibu pekerja yang memiliki waktu memasak tidak banyak sehingga memudahkan dan praktis dengan adanya Mas lembu ini. Permasalahan yang ada di UMKM Mas Lembu ini terkendala pemasaran yang kurang luas sehingga target pasar masih belum terlalu banyak jangkauannya. Sehingga perlu adanya starategi pemasaran yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual dari produk ikan lele berbumbu. Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Stimulus (PKMS) bekerjasama dengan UMKM Mas Lembu berupaya memasarkan produk ikan lele berbumbu yang dihasilkan agar meningkatkan penjualan produk UMKM sehingga keberlangsungan anggota kelompok UMKM Mas Lembu dapat meningkat. Strategi pemasaran yang telah dilakukan meliputi pemasaran secara daring (iklan radio dan media massa) serta secara luring (pelatihan strategi pemasaran ...