Lia Agustina - (original) (raw)
Papers by Lia Agustina
Kekurangan vitamin A masih menjadi masalah yang komplek di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indo... more Kekurangan vitamin A masih menjadi masalah yang komplek di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kekurangan vitamin A umumnya diderita oleh balita, anak-anak, ibu hamil dan menyusui. Kurang vitamin A disebabkan karena konsumsi vitamin A atau provitamin A dalam jumlah rendah, gangguan proses penyerapan dalam usus halus, gangguan proses penyimpanan di hati dan gangguan dalam proses konversi provitamin A menjadi vitamin A. Kekurangan vitamin A dapat diatasi dengan pemberian provitamin A yaitu salah satunya minyak sawit merah (Red Palm Oil). RPO memiliki kandungan ka rotenoid ( α, β, dan γ-karoten), tokoferol dan tokotrienol. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menentukan pengaruh penambahan RPO pada bumbu mie ayam terhadap tingkat kesukaan dan menentukan kecukupan penambahan RPO untuk meningkatkan asupan vitamin A. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Faktor perlakuan adalah konsentrasi penambahan RPO: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100%. Total bahan yang terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga terdapat 5 x 3 = 15 percobaan. Parameter pengamatan meliputi organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan keseluruhan) dan menentukan kecukupan penambahan RPO untuk meningkatkan asupan vitamin A. Pengaruh penambahan RPO pada bumbu mie ayam terhadap tingkat kesukaan warna, aroma dan rasa memiliki tingkat kesukaan didominasi oleh nilai modus 4, hal ini menyatakan bahwa pada tingkat kesukaan warna, aroma dan rasa memiliki nilai netral. Sedangkan terhadap tingkat kesukaan keseluruhan didominasi oleh nilai modus 5, hal ini menyatakan bahwa pada tingkat kesukaan keseluruhan memiliki nilai suka. Dari 25 panelis 75% memilih nilai netral dan 25% memilih nilai suka dalam skala 1-7. Mengkomsumsi RPO sebanyak 6,70 gram dalam 1 porsi bumbu mie ayam dapat memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A sebesar 23,56%
This PPT created by Lia Agustina & Nurul Augustama (Class A, semester 5)
This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effect of EPS, CR, DER and ROA on stock pric... more This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effect of EPS, CR, DER and ROA on stock prices at coal companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research technique used is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and hypothesis test using t test to test partial regression coefficient and F test to test the effect simultaneously with 5% confidence level. In addition all the variables have been tested with the classical assumption test. The results showed that all variables passed the classical assumption test and deserve to be used as research data. The result of statistic t test shows that EPS variable partially have positive and significant effect to stock price, CR variable partially have negative effect and not significant to stock price, DER variable partially have negative and significant effect to share price and ROA variable partially have positive and not significant to stock prices. F test results show simultaneousl...
This study aims to determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock price of cigare... more This study aims to determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock price of cigarettes companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2013-2015, either partially or simultaneously. Financial ratios studied include: return on assets (ROA), earnings per share (EPS), the price earnings ratio (PER). The population in this study is a cigarette company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2013-2015. Samples are four cigarette companies acquired by purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that partially ROA positive and significant impact on stock prices, EPS positive and significant impact on stock prices, and PER positive and significant impact on stock prices. Simultaneously ROA, EPS, and PER affect stock prices. The results of this study are relevant or similar to the results of previous studies.
Jurnal Agroindustri, 2019
ABSTRACTThis study aims to obtain the amount of RPO, ?-carotene content, increase of vitamin A av... more ABSTRACTThis study aims to obtain the amount of RPO, ?-carotene content, increase of vitamin A availability after red palm oil was added to the seasoning. This research uses Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with one factorial that is RPO concentration (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). The results showed that the content of ?-carotene in RPO was 348,23 ppm or equivalent to 28,44 ?g RE per gram, mie ayam seasoning with RPO 100% addition was the most favored and accepted chicken noodle condiment by consumer as a whole, by consuming 100% RPO can meet provitamin A requirements of 117.78 ?g RE (adult female) and RPO (Red Palm Oil), Chicken Noodle Seasoning.
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 2016
Telah dilakukan karakterisasi varietas kedelai melalui pengukuran impedansi yang dapat digunakan ... more Telah dilakukan karakterisasi varietas kedelai melalui pengukuran impedansi yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan antara benih kedelai berkualitas tinggi dan rendah. Pengukuran impedansi menggunakan probe yang dihubungkan pada LCR meter. Benih kedelai yang dikarakterisasi dalam penelitian ini adalah varietas Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Burangrang dan Panderman yang masing-masing diklasifikasikan menjadi benih kedelai normal, kedelai muda, kedelai terinfeksi virus. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah perbedaan nilai impedansi keempat varietas tersebut. Nilai impedansi terbesar diperoleh dari varietas Argomulyo untuk jenis kedelai normal yaitu 20,110 MΩ, varietas Argomulyo untuk kedelai muda yaitu 7,750 MΩ. Untuk kedelai terinfeksi virus, nilai impedansi yang besar pada varietas Anjasmoro yaitu 9,234 MΩ. Persentase daya tumbuh diperoleh benih kedelai normal dengan persentase 100% untuk masing-masing varietas, kedelai muda yaitu 4% untuk varietas Anjasmoro dan keseluruhan benih mati untuk varietas lainnya, pada kedelai terinfeksi virus untuk varietas Anjasmoro memiliki persentase 80%, varietas Argomulyo memiliki persentase 40%, varietas Burangrang memiliki persentase 16% dan varietas Panderman memiliki persentase 32%. Pada penelitian ini yang diuji adalah daya tumbuh dari benih kedelai, namun untuk produktivitas tanamannya belum dilakukan pengujian.
Oncology Letters, 2012
Etoposide (ETP) treatment of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related protein (ATR)-,... more Etoposide (ETP) treatment of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related protein (ATR)-, topoisomerase-binding protein-1 (TopBP1) and human MutY homolog (hMYH)-depleted cells results in a significant reduction in apoptotic signaling. The association between ATR or TopBP1 and hMYH increased following ETP treatment. In hMYH knockdown cells, the interaction between ATR and TopBP1 decreased following ETP treatment. We suggest that hMYH functions as a sensor of ETP-induced apoptosis. The results suggest that in the absence of hMYH, cells are unable to recognize the damage signal and the ATR pathway is not activated.
BMC Molecular Biology, 2014
Background: Human MutY glycosylase homolog (hMYH), a component of the base excision repair pathwa... more Background: Human MutY glycosylase homolog (hMYH), a component of the base excision repair pathway, is responsible for the generation of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites. Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (9-1-1) is a heterotrimeric protein complex that plays a role in cell cycle checkpoint control and DNA repair. In humans, hMYH and 9-1-1 interact through Hus1 and to a lesser degree with Rad1 in the presence of DNA damage. In Saccharomyces pombe, each component of the 9-1-1 complex interacts directly with SpMYH. The glycosylase activity of hMYH is stimulated by Hus1 and the 9-1-1 complex and enhanced by DNA damage treatment. Cells respond to different stress conditions in different manners. Therefore, we investigated whether Rad9 interacted with hMYH under different stresses. Here, we identified and visualized the interaction between hRad9 and hMYH and investigated the functional consequences of this interaction. Results: Co-IP and BiFC indicates that hMYH interacts with hRad9. As shown by GST-pull down assay, this interaction is direct. Furthermore, BiFC with deletion mutants of hMYH showed that hRad9 interacts with N-terminal region of hMYH. The interaction was enhanced by hydroxyurea (HU) treatment. mRNA and protein levels of hMYH and hRad9 were increased following HU treatment. A marked increase in p-Chk1 (S345) and p-Cdk2 (T14, Y15) was observed. But this phosphorylation decreased in siMYH-or siRad9-transfected cells, and more pronounced decrease observed in co-transfected cells. Conclusions: Our data reveal that hRad9 interacts directly with N-terminal region of hMYH. This interaction is enhanced by HU treatment. Knockdown of one or both protein result in decreasing Chk1 and Cdk2 phosphorylation. Since both protein functions in the early detection of DNA damage, we suggest that this interaction occurs early in DNA damage pathway.
Kekurangan vitamin A masih menjadi masalah yang komplek di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indo... more Kekurangan vitamin A masih menjadi masalah yang komplek di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kekurangan vitamin A umumnya diderita oleh balita, anak-anak, ibu hamil dan menyusui. Kurang vitamin A disebabkan karena konsumsi vitamin A atau provitamin A dalam jumlah rendah, gangguan proses penyerapan dalam usus halus, gangguan proses penyimpanan di hati dan gangguan dalam proses konversi provitamin A menjadi vitamin A. Kekurangan vitamin A dapat diatasi dengan pemberian provitamin A yaitu salah satunya minyak sawit merah (Red Palm Oil). RPO memiliki kandungan ka rotenoid ( α, β, dan γ-karoten), tokoferol dan tokotrienol. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menentukan pengaruh penambahan RPO pada bumbu mie ayam terhadap tingkat kesukaan dan menentukan kecukupan penambahan RPO untuk meningkatkan asupan vitamin A. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Faktor perlakuan adalah konsentrasi penambahan RPO: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% dan 100%. Total bahan yang terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga terdapat 5 x 3 = 15 percobaan. Parameter pengamatan meliputi organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan keseluruhan) dan menentukan kecukupan penambahan RPO untuk meningkatkan asupan vitamin A. Pengaruh penambahan RPO pada bumbu mie ayam terhadap tingkat kesukaan warna, aroma dan rasa memiliki tingkat kesukaan didominasi oleh nilai modus 4, hal ini menyatakan bahwa pada tingkat kesukaan warna, aroma dan rasa memiliki nilai netral. Sedangkan terhadap tingkat kesukaan keseluruhan didominasi oleh nilai modus 5, hal ini menyatakan bahwa pada tingkat kesukaan keseluruhan memiliki nilai suka. Dari 25 panelis 75% memilih nilai netral dan 25% memilih nilai suka dalam skala 1-7. Mengkomsumsi RPO sebanyak 6,70 gram dalam 1 porsi bumbu mie ayam dapat memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin A sebesar 23,56%
This PPT created by Lia Agustina & Nurul Augustama (Class A, semester 5)
This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effect of EPS, CR, DER and ROA on stock pric... more This study was conducted with the aim to examine the effect of EPS, CR, DER and ROA on stock prices at coal companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research technique used is purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and hypothesis test using t test to test partial regression coefficient and F test to test the effect simultaneously with 5% confidence level. In addition all the variables have been tested with the classical assumption test. The results showed that all variables passed the classical assumption test and deserve to be used as research data. The result of statistic t test shows that EPS variable partially have positive and significant effect to stock price, CR variable partially have negative effect and not significant to stock price, DER variable partially have negative and significant effect to share price and ROA variable partially have positive and not significant to stock prices. F test results show simultaneousl...
This study aims to determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock price of cigare... more This study aims to determine the effect of the financial performance of the stock price of cigarettes companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2013-2015, either partially or simultaneously. Financial ratios studied include: return on assets (ROA), earnings per share (EPS), the price earnings ratio (PER). The population in this study is a cigarette company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2013-2015. Samples are four cigarette companies acquired by purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that partially ROA positive and significant impact on stock prices, EPS positive and significant impact on stock prices, and PER positive and significant impact on stock prices. Simultaneously ROA, EPS, and PER affect stock prices. The results of this study are relevant or similar to the results of previous studies.
Jurnal Agroindustri, 2019
ABSTRACTThis study aims to obtain the amount of RPO, ?-carotene content, increase of vitamin A av... more ABSTRACTThis study aims to obtain the amount of RPO, ?-carotene content, increase of vitamin A availability after red palm oil was added to the seasoning. This research uses Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with one factorial that is RPO concentration (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). The results showed that the content of ?-carotene in RPO was 348,23 ppm or equivalent to 28,44 ?g RE per gram, mie ayam seasoning with RPO 100% addition was the most favored and accepted chicken noodle condiment by consumer as a whole, by consuming 100% RPO can meet provitamin A requirements of 117.78 ?g RE (adult female) and RPO (Red Palm Oil), Chicken Noodle Seasoning.
Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 2016
Telah dilakukan karakterisasi varietas kedelai melalui pengukuran impedansi yang dapat digunakan ... more Telah dilakukan karakterisasi varietas kedelai melalui pengukuran impedansi yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan antara benih kedelai berkualitas tinggi dan rendah. Pengukuran impedansi menggunakan probe yang dihubungkan pada LCR meter. Benih kedelai yang dikarakterisasi dalam penelitian ini adalah varietas Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, Burangrang dan Panderman yang masing-masing diklasifikasikan menjadi benih kedelai normal, kedelai muda, kedelai terinfeksi virus. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah perbedaan nilai impedansi keempat varietas tersebut. Nilai impedansi terbesar diperoleh dari varietas Argomulyo untuk jenis kedelai normal yaitu 20,110 MΩ, varietas Argomulyo untuk kedelai muda yaitu 7,750 MΩ. Untuk kedelai terinfeksi virus, nilai impedansi yang besar pada varietas Anjasmoro yaitu 9,234 MΩ. Persentase daya tumbuh diperoleh benih kedelai normal dengan persentase 100% untuk masing-masing varietas, kedelai muda yaitu 4% untuk varietas Anjasmoro dan keseluruhan benih mati untuk varietas lainnya, pada kedelai terinfeksi virus untuk varietas Anjasmoro memiliki persentase 80%, varietas Argomulyo memiliki persentase 40%, varietas Burangrang memiliki persentase 16% dan varietas Panderman memiliki persentase 32%. Pada penelitian ini yang diuji adalah daya tumbuh dari benih kedelai, namun untuk produktivitas tanamannya belum dilakukan pengujian.
Oncology Letters, 2012
Etoposide (ETP) treatment of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related protein (ATR)-,... more Etoposide (ETP) treatment of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and Rad3-related protein (ATR)-, topoisomerase-binding protein-1 (TopBP1) and human MutY homolog (hMYH)-depleted cells results in a significant reduction in apoptotic signaling. The association between ATR or TopBP1 and hMYH increased following ETP treatment. In hMYH knockdown cells, the interaction between ATR and TopBP1 decreased following ETP treatment. We suggest that hMYH functions as a sensor of ETP-induced apoptosis. The results suggest that in the absence of hMYH, cells are unable to recognize the damage signal and the ATR pathway is not activated.
BMC Molecular Biology, 2014
Background: Human MutY glycosylase homolog (hMYH), a component of the base excision repair pathwa... more Background: Human MutY glycosylase homolog (hMYH), a component of the base excision repair pathway, is responsible for the generation of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites. Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (9-1-1) is a heterotrimeric protein complex that plays a role in cell cycle checkpoint control and DNA repair. In humans, hMYH and 9-1-1 interact through Hus1 and to a lesser degree with Rad1 in the presence of DNA damage. In Saccharomyces pombe, each component of the 9-1-1 complex interacts directly with SpMYH. The glycosylase activity of hMYH is stimulated by Hus1 and the 9-1-1 complex and enhanced by DNA damage treatment. Cells respond to different stress conditions in different manners. Therefore, we investigated whether Rad9 interacted with hMYH under different stresses. Here, we identified and visualized the interaction between hRad9 and hMYH and investigated the functional consequences of this interaction. Results: Co-IP and BiFC indicates that hMYH interacts with hRad9. As shown by GST-pull down assay, this interaction is direct. Furthermore, BiFC with deletion mutants of hMYH showed that hRad9 interacts with N-terminal region of hMYH. The interaction was enhanced by hydroxyurea (HU) treatment. mRNA and protein levels of hMYH and hRad9 were increased following HU treatment. A marked increase in p-Chk1 (S345) and p-Cdk2 (T14, Y15) was observed. But this phosphorylation decreased in siMYH-or siRad9-transfected cells, and more pronounced decrease observed in co-transfected cells. Conclusions: Our data reveal that hRad9 interacts directly with N-terminal region of hMYH. This interaction is enhanced by HU treatment. Knockdown of one or both protein result in decreasing Chk1 and Cdk2 phosphorylation. Since both protein functions in the early detection of DNA damage, we suggest that this interaction occurs early in DNA damage pathway.