Lieske Voget-Kleschin - (original) (raw)

Papers by Lieske Voget-Kleschin

Research paper thumbnail of Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Handbuch Umweltethik

Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricu... more Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics im Jahr 1999 Entwicklungen hin zu einem eigenstandigen Feld mit Fachgesellschaft, Tagungen und Fachzeitschriften zu beobachten sind, stellt die Beschaftigung mit Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft aus ethischer Perspektive im deutschsprachigen Diskurs (noch) keinen klar abgegrenzten Bereich der angewandten Ethik dar. Sowohl im englischsprachigen als auch – soweit vorhanden – im deutschsprachigen Bereich konzentriert sich die Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen Aspekten der Landwirtschaft auf einige wenige Themenfelder, vor allem auf landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung und Gentechnik sowie auf Seiten der Ernahrung insbesondere auf Vegetarismus, Verbraucherschutz und Ernahrung als Frage guten Lebens.

Research paper thumbnail of Administrative simplification of the EU Common Agricultural Policy - possibilities, approaches and constraints

Summary Agriculture fulfills a variety of societal functions: it mainly produces food but also bi... more Summary Agriculture fulfills a variety of societal functions: it mainly produces food but also biomass used for energy and materials; it shapes agrarian landscapes and biotopes, and determines the level of animal welfare. In addition, it influences socio-economic structures. In order to promote the societal functions of agriculture, the state should establish framework conditions in such a way that the entrepreneurial activities of farmers simultaneously serve the public good. This can be achieved through the imposition of obligations and the creation of incentives. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU) is of major importance in this context. The present CAP, however, is failing to tackle current and future challenges in the policy field of agriculture and rural areas. Since its 2003 reform, the CAP has basically been at a standstill. Due to insufficiently developed incentive systems as well as insufficient regulatory enforcement, numerous important German ...

Research paper thumbnail of Designing an effective agri-environment-climate policy as part of the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy

Summary The European Union is facing huge environmental and climate-related challenges. Greenhous... more Summary The European Union is facing huge environmental and climate-related challenges. Greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity losses, ammonia emissions and continuing excessive nutrient loads in water bodies demand a much more targeted and consistent agri-environment-climate policy than has hitherto been the case. Agri-environment-climate policy measures to date – including within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – have not sufficiently reduced the environmental pollution caused by agriculture. In its 2018 draft regulations, the European Commission proposes a "new delivery model" for the post-2020 CAP. This model shifts responsibility for policy-making towards member states and strives for greater "results orientation", offering member states the possibility of implementing the CAP to focus much more on the public good. Under these legislative proposals, the EU will in future only specify the objectives and broad types of interventions, leaving member states...

Research paper thumbnail of Möglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU

Zu kaum einer anderen Forderung zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) besteht seit den 1990er Jahren... more Zu kaum einer anderen Forderung zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) besteht seit den 1990er Jahren ein derart breiter Konsens zwischen den Beteiligten wie bei der nach einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der GAP. Eine Vereinfachung ist dringend geboten, und zwar fur beide Saulen der GAP und fur alle Akteursebenen (EU, Mitgliedstaat, d. h. in Deutschland: Bund und Bundeslander, Zuwendungsempfanger). Vor dem Hintergrund der anstehenden Reform der GAP fur die Zeit nach 2020 diskutiert der Beirat in der vorliegenden Stellungnahme Moglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung. Die Stellungnahme vertieft damit die in der Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats „Fur eine gemeinwohlorientierte Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU nach 2020: Grundsatzfragen und Empfehlungen“ ausgesprochene Empfehlung „Verwaltungsbelastung auf ein angemessenes Mas reduzieren“ (WBAE 2018: 71).Verwaltungsvereinfachung ist kein Selbstzweck. Sie muss die rechtsstaatlichen Vorgaben der Legitimita...

Research paper thumbnail of Zur effektiven Gestaltung der Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU

Inhaltsverzeichnis v Verzeichnis der Abbildungen vii Verzeichnis der Tabellen vii Verzeichnis der... more Inhaltsverzeichnis v Verzeichnis der Abbildungen vii Verzeichnis der Tabellen vii Verzeichnis der Textboxen vii Abkürzungsverzeichnis viii 1 Einleitung 1 2 Kritische Würdigung der gegenwärtigen Agrarumwelt-und Klimaschutzpolitik innerhalb der GAP in Deutschland 4 3 Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Agrarumwelt-und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der GAP 9

Research paper thumbnail of Suffizienz: Umweltethik und Lebenstilfragen

Research paper thumbnail of Nachhaltige Lebensstile : Welchen Beitrag kann ein bewusster Fleischkonsum zu mehr Naturschutz, Klimaschutz und Gesundheit leisten?

Research paper thumbnail of Vilmer Thesen zu Lebensstilen und Naturschutz

Ohne Lebensstilveraenderungen (Suffizienz) kann der oekologische Umbau der Gesellschaft nicht gel... more Ohne Lebensstilveraenderungen (Suffizienz) kann der oekologische Umbau der Gesellschaft nicht gelingen. Effizienz allein wird auch in Zukunft nicht ausreichen, um den Naturverbrauch und die Naturzerstoerung aufzuhalten. Moralische Forderungen und Bewusstseinsappelle sind jedoch unzureichend. Dies ist die Lehre aus den 1970er bis 1990er Jahren. Stattdessen muss es bei der Suche nach Aenderungen von Lebensstilen auch um gesellschaftliche, politische und oekonomische Leitplanken und Lenkungsinstrumente gehen. Nachhaltige Lebensstile entstehen durch individuelles Handeln, veraenderte Anerkennungsverhaeltnisse und unterstuetzende Rahmenbedingungen. Fuer Naturschuetzerinnen und Naturschuetzer sind insbesondere folgende Fragen von Belang: Welche Auswirkungen haben Lebensstile auf Naturerhaltung oder -zerstoerung?; Welche Lebensstile haben Menschen, denen Natur wichtig ist, welche koennen oder sollen sie anstreben?; Welchen Stellenwert hat Natur und Naturerleben im Konzept eines guten Leben...

Research paper thumbnail of Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricu... more Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics im Jahr 1999 Entwicklungen hin zu einem eigenstandigen Feld mit Fachgesellschaft, Tagungen und Fachzeitschriften zu beobachten sind, stellt die Beschaftigung mit Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft aus ethischer Perspektive im deutschsprachigen Diskurs (noch) keinen klar abgegrenzten Bereich der angewandten Ethik dar. Sowohl im englischsprachigen als auch – soweit vorhanden – im deutschsprachigen Bereich konzentriert sich die Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen Aspekten der Landwirtschaft auf einige wenige Themenfelder, vor allem auf landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung und Gentechnik sowie auf Seiten der Ernahrung insbesondere auf Vegetarismus, Verbraucherschutz und Ernahrung als Frage guten Lebens.

Research paper thumbnail of Politik für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung: Eine integrierte Ernährungspolitik entwickeln und faire Ernährungsbedingungen gestalten

Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernahren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheits... more Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernahren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheitsstatus, unsere Lebensqualitat und unser Wohlbefinden. Viele Lebensmittel tragen einen grosen sozialen, umwelt-, klima- und tierschutzbezogenen Fusabdruck. Politik fur nachhaltigere Ernahrung ist in diesem Gutachten definiert als eine Politik, die alle vier Zieldimensionen integriert: Gesundheit, Soziales, Umwelt (einschlieslich Klima) und Tierwohl (Abb. ZF-1, siehe Beitrag). Die Herausforderungen, eine nachhaltigere Ernahrung zu verwirklichen, sind gros. Die notwendigen Fortschritte werden nur mit einer umfassenden Transformation des heutigen Ernahrungssystems erreichbar sein. Die Frage, was eine nachhaltigere Ernahrung ausmacht, ist schwieriger zu beantworten, als in der Offentlichkeit vielfach vermutet wird. Gleichzeitig sind wir als Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten mit Ernahrungsumgebungen konfrontiert, die ein nachhaltigeres Einkaufen und Essen erschweren. Vor diesem Hintergrund empfie...

Research paper thumbnail of Using the capability approach to conceptualize sustainable development

While both the scientific discourse on the capability approach and the scientific discourse regar... more While both the scientific discourse on the capability approach and the scientific discourse regarding sustainable development in general and sustainability theory specifically are broad and well-developed, the two discourses are more or less separated. In this contribution I ask if and in how far the capability approach can be employed in developing a conception of sust ainable development. To this end, I will draw on a formal framework regarding normative theories of sustainable development, distinguishing two dimensions of sustainable development. Subsequently, I will explore if and in how far the CA offe rs substantial answers in regard to the questions outlined in the sustainability framework. In doing so, I will distinguish the interpretation of the CA by Amartya K. Sen and Martha C. Nussbaum respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting sustainability in food consumption - Developing an integrated food policy and creating fair food environments. Executive summary and synthesis report

Executive summary How we eat has a major impact on our individual health status, our quality of l... more Executive summary How we eat has a major impact on our individual health status, our quality of life and our well-being. Many of the foods we eat have a major social, environmental, climate and animal welfare footprint. This expertise defines policies to promote sustainability in food consumption as policies that integrate all four target dimensions: human health, social aspects, the natural environment (including climate) and animal welfare (Figure ES-1: The four key goals of more sustainability in food consumption (“Big Four”), see article). Achieving greater sustainability in food consump-tion poses great challenges. The necessary progress can only be achieved with a comprehensive transformation of today’s food system.The question of what constitutes greater sustainability in food consumption is more difficult to answer than often assumed by the public. As consumers, we are at the same time confronted with food environments that run counter to more sustainable shopping and eating...

Research paper thumbnail of 4. Concepts and conceptions of sustainable development for agriculture and food production

Sustainable governance and management of food systems, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Special Issue on Individual Environmental Responsibility

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2019

Human beings are the cause of many current environmental problems. This poses the question of how... more Human beings are the cause of many current environmental problems. This poses the question of how to respond to these problems at the national and international level. However, many people ask themselves whether they should personally contribute to solving these problems and how they could (best) do so. This is the focus of this Special Issue on Individual Environmental Responsibility. The introduction proposes a way to structure this complex debate by distinguishing three broad clusters of arguments. The first cluster tackles the kind of ethical theory we need to properly address different aspects of individual responsibility. The second cluster asks what individuals should do from an ethical point of view. The third cluster investigates the role of contextual factors and the limits of demandingness in individual obligations. This introduction presents the papers of the Special Issue and the interrelations between them using those clusters of arguments as reference.

Research paper thumbnail of Caring for nature matters: a relational approach for understanding nature’s contributions to human well-being

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2018

Ecosystem services frameworks effectively assume that nature's contributions to human well-being ... more Ecosystem services frameworks effectively assume that nature's contributions to human well-being derive from people receiving benefits from nature. At the same time, efforts (money, time, or energy) for conservation, restoration or stewardship are often considered costs to be minimized. But what if caring for nature is itself an essential component of human well-being? Taking up and developing the concept of relational values, we explore the idea that well-being cannot be reduced to the reception of benefits, and that instead much derives from positive agency including caring for nature. In this paper, we ask specifically, a) how can "care" be conceptualised with respect to nature, b) how does caring for nature matter both to protecting nature and to people's well-being, and c) what are the implications for research and practice? We describe the theoretical background, drawing especially from (eco)feminist philosophy, and explore its (mostly) implicit uses in the conservation literature. Based on this analysis we propose a preliminary framework of caring for nature and discuss its potential to enrich the spectrum of moral relations to/with nature. We explore both its consequences for environmental research and for the practice of conservation.

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of meaning. Why IPBES needs the social sciences and humanities

Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2017

The term "biodiversity" is often used to describe phenomena of nature, which can be studied witho... more The term "biodiversity" is often used to describe phenomena of nature, which can be studied without a reference to the socially constructed, evaluative, or indeed normative contexts. In our paper, we challenge this conception by focusing particularly on methodological aspects of biodiversity research. We thereby engage with the idea of interdisciplinary biodiversity research as a scientific approach directed at the recognition and management of contemporary society in its ecological embedding. By doing this, we explore how research on and assessments of biodiversity can be enhanced if meaning, aspiration, desires, and related aspects of agency are methodically taken into account. In six sections, we substantiate our claim that the discourse on biodiversity (including the IPBES (Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) debate) is incomplete without contributions from the social sciences and humanities. In the introduction, a brief overview of biodiversity's conceptual history is provided showing that "biodiversity" is a lexical invention intended to create a strong political momentum. However, that does not impede its usability as a research concept. Section 2 examines the origins of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by way of sociological discourse analysis. Subsequently, it proposes a matrix as a means to structure the ambiguities and tensions inherent in the CBD. The matrix reemphasizes our main thesis regarding the need to bring social and ethical expertise to the biodiversity discourse. In Section 3, we offer a brief sketch of the different methods of the natural and social sciences as well as ethics. This lays the groundwork for our Section 4, which explains and illustrates what social sciences and ethics can contribute to biodiversity research. Section 5 turns from research to politics and argues that biodiversity governance necessitates deliberative discourses in which participation of lay people plays an important role. Section 6 provides our conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Ethics oder: Die Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Messung des Beitrags ethischer Theorie zur Steigerung ethischer Sensibilität

Zeitschrift Fur Didaktik Der Philosophie Und Ethik, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Concepts and Conceptions of Sustainable Development: A Comparative Perspective

Ethics of Science in the Research for Sustainable Development, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Employing the capability approach in assigning individual responsibility for sustainable development

The ethics of consumption, 2013

The capability approach (CA) gives a static picture of how individual capabilities come about. Su... more The capability approach (CA) gives a static picture of how individual capabilities come about. Sustainable development (SD) deals with societal development, that is, a collective and temporal process. Employing the CA in re-conceptualizing SD thus necessitates accommodating that individual behavior individually and collectively creates feedbacks on natural and social conditions. Acknowledging negative feedbacks of individual behavior on natural conditions allows reasoning the necessity for changing individual behavior. However, since SD constitutes a societal challenge, assigning responsibility for SD to individuals alone overburdens individuals. This contribution argues that employing the CA in re-conceptualizing SD allows explaining the occurrence of such overburden and demonstrating how it can be alleviated.

Research paper thumbnail of Employing a normative conception of sustainability to reason and specify green consumerism

Climate change and sustainable development, 2012

Two common objections against moral arguments claiming the necessity of individual changes in foo... more Two common objections against moral arguments claiming the necessity of individual changes in food consumption encompass first, that the relation between these choices and the predicted harm is indirect and second, that such claims infringe on the individual’s freedom of choice in a way that qualifies as unjust. This paper aims to discuss the contribution of a normative conception of sustainability in rebutting these objections and thus reasoning a moral argument asking for green food consumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Handbuch Umweltethik

Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricu... more Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics im Jahr 1999 Entwicklungen hin zu einem eigenstandigen Feld mit Fachgesellschaft, Tagungen und Fachzeitschriften zu beobachten sind, stellt die Beschaftigung mit Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft aus ethischer Perspektive im deutschsprachigen Diskurs (noch) keinen klar abgegrenzten Bereich der angewandten Ethik dar. Sowohl im englischsprachigen als auch – soweit vorhanden – im deutschsprachigen Bereich konzentriert sich die Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen Aspekten der Landwirtschaft auf einige wenige Themenfelder, vor allem auf landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung und Gentechnik sowie auf Seiten der Ernahrung insbesondere auf Vegetarismus, Verbraucherschutz und Ernahrung als Frage guten Lebens.

Research paper thumbnail of Administrative simplification of the EU Common Agricultural Policy - possibilities, approaches and constraints

Summary Agriculture fulfills a variety of societal functions: it mainly produces food but also bi... more Summary Agriculture fulfills a variety of societal functions: it mainly produces food but also biomass used for energy and materials; it shapes agrarian landscapes and biotopes, and determines the level of animal welfare. In addition, it influences socio-economic structures. In order to promote the societal functions of agriculture, the state should establish framework conditions in such a way that the entrepreneurial activities of farmers simultaneously serve the public good. This can be achieved through the imposition of obligations and the creation of incentives. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU) is of major importance in this context. The present CAP, however, is failing to tackle current and future challenges in the policy field of agriculture and rural areas. Since its 2003 reform, the CAP has basically been at a standstill. Due to insufficiently developed incentive systems as well as insufficient regulatory enforcement, numerous important German ...

Research paper thumbnail of Designing an effective agri-environment-climate policy as part of the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy

Summary The European Union is facing huge environmental and climate-related challenges. Greenhous... more Summary The European Union is facing huge environmental and climate-related challenges. Greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity losses, ammonia emissions and continuing excessive nutrient loads in water bodies demand a much more targeted and consistent agri-environment-climate policy than has hitherto been the case. Agri-environment-climate policy measures to date – including within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – have not sufficiently reduced the environmental pollution caused by agriculture. In its 2018 draft regulations, the European Commission proposes a "new delivery model" for the post-2020 CAP. This model shifts responsibility for policy-making towards member states and strives for greater "results orientation", offering member states the possibility of implementing the CAP to focus much more on the public good. Under these legislative proposals, the EU will in future only specify the objectives and broad types of interventions, leaving member states...

Research paper thumbnail of Möglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU

Zu kaum einer anderen Forderung zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) besteht seit den 1990er Jahren... more Zu kaum einer anderen Forderung zur Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) besteht seit den 1990er Jahren ein derart breiter Konsens zwischen den Beteiligten wie bei der nach einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der GAP. Eine Vereinfachung ist dringend geboten, und zwar fur beide Saulen der GAP und fur alle Akteursebenen (EU, Mitgliedstaat, d. h. in Deutschland: Bund und Bundeslander, Zuwendungsempfanger). Vor dem Hintergrund der anstehenden Reform der GAP fur die Zeit nach 2020 diskutiert der Beirat in der vorliegenden Stellungnahme Moglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung. Die Stellungnahme vertieft damit die in der Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats „Fur eine gemeinwohlorientierte Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU nach 2020: Grundsatzfragen und Empfehlungen“ ausgesprochene Empfehlung „Verwaltungsbelastung auf ein angemessenes Mas reduzieren“ (WBAE 2018: 71).Verwaltungsvereinfachung ist kein Selbstzweck. Sie muss die rechtsstaatlichen Vorgaben der Legitimita...

Research paper thumbnail of Zur effektiven Gestaltung der Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU

Inhaltsverzeichnis v Verzeichnis der Abbildungen vii Verzeichnis der Tabellen vii Verzeichnis der... more Inhaltsverzeichnis v Verzeichnis der Abbildungen vii Verzeichnis der Tabellen vii Verzeichnis der Textboxen vii Abkürzungsverzeichnis viii 1 Einleitung 1 2 Kritische Würdigung der gegenwärtigen Agrarumwelt-und Klimaschutzpolitik innerhalb der GAP in Deutschland 4 3 Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Agrarumwelt-und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der GAP 9

Research paper thumbnail of Suffizienz: Umweltethik und Lebenstilfragen

Research paper thumbnail of Nachhaltige Lebensstile : Welchen Beitrag kann ein bewusster Fleischkonsum zu mehr Naturschutz, Klimaschutz und Gesundheit leisten?

Research paper thumbnail of Vilmer Thesen zu Lebensstilen und Naturschutz

Ohne Lebensstilveraenderungen (Suffizienz) kann der oekologische Umbau der Gesellschaft nicht gel... more Ohne Lebensstilveraenderungen (Suffizienz) kann der oekologische Umbau der Gesellschaft nicht gelingen. Effizienz allein wird auch in Zukunft nicht ausreichen, um den Naturverbrauch und die Naturzerstoerung aufzuhalten. Moralische Forderungen und Bewusstseinsappelle sind jedoch unzureichend. Dies ist die Lehre aus den 1970er bis 1990er Jahren. Stattdessen muss es bei der Suche nach Aenderungen von Lebensstilen auch um gesellschaftliche, politische und oekonomische Leitplanken und Lenkungsinstrumente gehen. Nachhaltige Lebensstile entstehen durch individuelles Handeln, veraenderte Anerkennungsverhaeltnisse und unterstuetzende Rahmenbedingungen. Fuer Naturschuetzerinnen und Naturschuetzer sind insbesondere folgende Fragen von Belang: Welche Auswirkungen haben Lebensstile auf Naturerhaltung oder -zerstoerung?; Welche Lebensstile haben Menschen, denen Natur wichtig ist, welche koennen oder sollen sie anstreben?; Welchen Stellenwert hat Natur und Naturerleben im Konzept eines guten Leben...

Research paper thumbnail of Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricu... more Wahrend im englischsprachigen Raum insbesondere seit der Grundung der European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics im Jahr 1999 Entwicklungen hin zu einem eigenstandigen Feld mit Fachgesellschaft, Tagungen und Fachzeitschriften zu beobachten sind, stellt die Beschaftigung mit Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft aus ethischer Perspektive im deutschsprachigen Diskurs (noch) keinen klar abgegrenzten Bereich der angewandten Ethik dar. Sowohl im englischsprachigen als auch – soweit vorhanden – im deutschsprachigen Bereich konzentriert sich die Auseinandersetzung mit ethischen Aspekten der Landwirtschaft auf einige wenige Themenfelder, vor allem auf landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung und Gentechnik sowie auf Seiten der Ernahrung insbesondere auf Vegetarismus, Verbraucherschutz und Ernahrung als Frage guten Lebens.

Research paper thumbnail of Politik für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung: Eine integrierte Ernährungspolitik entwickeln und faire Ernährungsbedingungen gestalten

Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernahren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheits... more Die Art und Weise, wie wir uns ernahren, beeinflusst wesentlich unseren individuellen Gesundheitsstatus, unsere Lebensqualitat und unser Wohlbefinden. Viele Lebensmittel tragen einen grosen sozialen, umwelt-, klima- und tierschutzbezogenen Fusabdruck. Politik fur nachhaltigere Ernahrung ist in diesem Gutachten definiert als eine Politik, die alle vier Zieldimensionen integriert: Gesundheit, Soziales, Umwelt (einschlieslich Klima) und Tierwohl (Abb. ZF-1, siehe Beitrag). Die Herausforderungen, eine nachhaltigere Ernahrung zu verwirklichen, sind gros. Die notwendigen Fortschritte werden nur mit einer umfassenden Transformation des heutigen Ernahrungssystems erreichbar sein. Die Frage, was eine nachhaltigere Ernahrung ausmacht, ist schwieriger zu beantworten, als in der Offentlichkeit vielfach vermutet wird. Gleichzeitig sind wir als Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten mit Ernahrungsumgebungen konfrontiert, die ein nachhaltigeres Einkaufen und Essen erschweren. Vor diesem Hintergrund empfie...

Research paper thumbnail of Using the capability approach to conceptualize sustainable development

While both the scientific discourse on the capability approach and the scientific discourse regar... more While both the scientific discourse on the capability approach and the scientific discourse regarding sustainable development in general and sustainability theory specifically are broad and well-developed, the two discourses are more or less separated. In this contribution I ask if and in how far the capability approach can be employed in developing a conception of sust ainable development. To this end, I will draw on a formal framework regarding normative theories of sustainable development, distinguishing two dimensions of sustainable development. Subsequently, I will explore if and in how far the CA offe rs substantial answers in regard to the questions outlined in the sustainability framework. In doing so, I will distinguish the interpretation of the CA by Amartya K. Sen and Martha C. Nussbaum respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting sustainability in food consumption - Developing an integrated food policy and creating fair food environments. Executive summary and synthesis report

Executive summary How we eat has a major impact on our individual health status, our quality of l... more Executive summary How we eat has a major impact on our individual health status, our quality of life and our well-being. Many of the foods we eat have a major social, environmental, climate and animal welfare footprint. This expertise defines policies to promote sustainability in food consumption as policies that integrate all four target dimensions: human health, social aspects, the natural environment (including climate) and animal welfare (Figure ES-1: The four key goals of more sustainability in food consumption (“Big Four”), see article). Achieving greater sustainability in food consump-tion poses great challenges. The necessary progress can only be achieved with a comprehensive transformation of today’s food system.The question of what constitutes greater sustainability in food consumption is more difficult to answer than often assumed by the public. As consumers, we are at the same time confronted with food environments that run counter to more sustainable shopping and eating...

Research paper thumbnail of 4. Concepts and conceptions of sustainable development for agriculture and food production

Sustainable governance and management of food systems, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Special Issue on Individual Environmental Responsibility

Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2019

Human beings are the cause of many current environmental problems. This poses the question of how... more Human beings are the cause of many current environmental problems. This poses the question of how to respond to these problems at the national and international level. However, many people ask themselves whether they should personally contribute to solving these problems and how they could (best) do so. This is the focus of this Special Issue on Individual Environmental Responsibility. The introduction proposes a way to structure this complex debate by distinguishing three broad clusters of arguments. The first cluster tackles the kind of ethical theory we need to properly address different aspects of individual responsibility. The second cluster asks what individuals should do from an ethical point of view. The third cluster investigates the role of contextual factors and the limits of demandingness in individual obligations. This introduction presents the papers of the Special Issue and the interrelations between them using those clusters of arguments as reference.

Research paper thumbnail of Caring for nature matters: a relational approach for understanding nature’s contributions to human well-being

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2018

Ecosystem services frameworks effectively assume that nature's contributions to human well-being ... more Ecosystem services frameworks effectively assume that nature's contributions to human well-being derive from people receiving benefits from nature. At the same time, efforts (money, time, or energy) for conservation, restoration or stewardship are often considered costs to be minimized. But what if caring for nature is itself an essential component of human well-being? Taking up and developing the concept of relational values, we explore the idea that well-being cannot be reduced to the reception of benefits, and that instead much derives from positive agency including caring for nature. In this paper, we ask specifically, a) how can "care" be conceptualised with respect to nature, b) how does caring for nature matter both to protecting nature and to people's well-being, and c) what are the implications for research and practice? We describe the theoretical background, drawing especially from (eco)feminist philosophy, and explore its (mostly) implicit uses in the conservation literature. Based on this analysis we propose a preliminary framework of caring for nature and discuss its potential to enrich the spectrum of moral relations to/with nature. We explore both its consequences for environmental research and for the practice of conservation.

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of meaning. Why IPBES needs the social sciences and humanities

Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2017

The term "biodiversity" is often used to describe phenomena of nature, which can be studied witho... more The term "biodiversity" is often used to describe phenomena of nature, which can be studied without a reference to the socially constructed, evaluative, or indeed normative contexts. In our paper, we challenge this conception by focusing particularly on methodological aspects of biodiversity research. We thereby engage with the idea of interdisciplinary biodiversity research as a scientific approach directed at the recognition and management of contemporary society in its ecological embedding. By doing this, we explore how research on and assessments of biodiversity can be enhanced if meaning, aspiration, desires, and related aspects of agency are methodically taken into account. In six sections, we substantiate our claim that the discourse on biodiversity (including the IPBES (Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) debate) is incomplete without contributions from the social sciences and humanities. In the introduction, a brief overview of biodiversity's conceptual history is provided showing that "biodiversity" is a lexical invention intended to create a strong political momentum. However, that does not impede its usability as a research concept. Section 2 examines the origins of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) by way of sociological discourse analysis. Subsequently, it proposes a matrix as a means to structure the ambiguities and tensions inherent in the CBD. The matrix reemphasizes our main thesis regarding the need to bring social and ethical expertise to the biodiversity discourse. In Section 3, we offer a brief sketch of the different methods of the natural and social sciences as well as ethics. This lays the groundwork for our Section 4, which explains and illustrates what social sciences and ethics can contribute to biodiversity research. Section 5 turns from research to politics and argues that biodiversity governance necessitates deliberative discourses in which participation of lay people plays an important role. Section 6 provides our conclusions.

Research paper thumbnail of Food Ethics oder: Die Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Messung des Beitrags ethischer Theorie zur Steigerung ethischer Sensibilität

Zeitschrift Fur Didaktik Der Philosophie Und Ethik, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Concepts and Conceptions of Sustainable Development: A Comparative Perspective

Ethics of Science in the Research for Sustainable Development, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Employing the capability approach in assigning individual responsibility for sustainable development

The ethics of consumption, 2013

The capability approach (CA) gives a static picture of how individual capabilities come about. Su... more The capability approach (CA) gives a static picture of how individual capabilities come about. Sustainable development (SD) deals with societal development, that is, a collective and temporal process. Employing the CA in re-conceptualizing SD thus necessitates accommodating that individual behavior individually and collectively creates feedbacks on natural and social conditions. Acknowledging negative feedbacks of individual behavior on natural conditions allows reasoning the necessity for changing individual behavior. However, since SD constitutes a societal challenge, assigning responsibility for SD to individuals alone overburdens individuals. This contribution argues that employing the CA in re-conceptualizing SD allows explaining the occurrence of such overburden and demonstrating how it can be alleviated.

Research paper thumbnail of Employing a normative conception of sustainability to reason and specify green consumerism

Climate change and sustainable development, 2012

Two common objections against moral arguments claiming the necessity of individual changes in foo... more Two common objections against moral arguments claiming the necessity of individual changes in food consumption encompass first, that the relation between these choices and the predicted harm is indirect and second, that such claims infringe on the individual’s freedom of choice in a way that qualifies as unjust. This paper aims to discuss the contribution of a normative conception of sustainability in rebutting these objections and thus reasoning a moral argument asking for green food consumption.