Liisi Kööts-Ausmees - (original) (raw)

Papers by Liisi Kööts-Ausmees

Research paper thumbnail of Emotsionaalne kogemus: Seosed isiksuse, subjektiivse heaolu, meenutamise ja välisteguritega

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Emotsionaalne kogemus on keeruline n... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Emotsionaalne kogemus on keeruline nähtus, sest aju töötleb selle loomiseks pidevalt erinevatest allikatest tulenevat teavet, nagu näiteks kehalisi aistinguid, eelnevaid teadmisi objektide ja situatsioonide kohta ning ka ümbritsevast maailmast pärinevat sensoorset informatsiooni. Käesolev väitekiri põhineb eeldusel, et emotsioonitekkes on üks peamisi tegureid see, kuidas inimesed enda jaoks olulisi sündmusi tõlgendavad. Töös kasutatakse ühe uurimisviisina kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit, mis võimaldab emotsioone hinnata nende loomulikus keskkonnas. Kuna mõõtmised toimuvad reaalajas, aitab see vältida ka mälust tingitud moonutusi. Nimelt on mitmed senised uurimused rõhutanud inimeste ebatäpsust minevikusündmuste ja emotsioonide meenutamisel. Ka väitekirjas esitatud tulemused näitavad, et inimese üldine emotsionaalsus mõjutab oluliselt seda, kui eredalt ja intensiivselt oma elusündmusi meenutatakse. Veel uuritakse käesolevas do...

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI - The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–Reported Health Status in Europe

Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI for The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–... more Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI for The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–Reported Health Status in Europe by Kööts–Ausmees Liisi and Realo Anu in European Journal of Personality

Research paper thumbnail of ÜLEVA ADE Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Experience in

Research paper thumbnail of Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psuhhiaatrilist... more Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psuhhiaatriliste hairetega patsientide seisundi kasitlemisel. Hindamisel kasutatakse erinevaid teste ja katseid, analuusides nii kvantitatiivseid tulemusi kui ka kvalitatiivset sooritust testide lahendamisel. See aitab tapsustada patsiendi vaimsete voimete taset, kognitiivsete kaebuste olemust ja neid tingivaid pohjusi ning seelabi holbustab ravi planeerimist. Neuropsuhholoogilised uuringud on olulised patsiendi funktsionaalse toimetuleku kindlaksmaaramisel.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(5):276–280

Research paper thumbnail of Jüri Allik Countries The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Emotional Experience in 21 European

In the current study, the relationship between life satisfaction (LS) and the affective component... more In the current study, the relationship between life satisfaction (LS) and the affective components of subjective well-being (SWB) was examined in a sample of 40,487 people across 21 European countries using data from the European Social Survey. After running multilevel confirmatory factor analyses in order to establish the measurement invariance of the constructs across the countries, the individual-level dataset was linked to available country-level aggregate personality traits, cultural values, and human development index (HDI). Results from hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis showed that LS is best predicted by positive and negative affect (PA and NA, respectively), but may also be predicted by the degree of mixed emotions (ME). At the country level, national mean scores of Extraversion and Neuroticism moderated the relationship between LS and ME in different directions, whereas neither of the two personality traits had a significant impact on the relationship of LS to PA...

Research paper thumbnail of Age Differences in Personality Traits and Social Desirability: A Multi-Rater Multi-Sample Study

Little research has examined age differences by using more than one source of information. We com... more Little research has examined age differences by using more than one source of information. We compared age differences in Five-Factor Model (FFM) facets and nuances in self-reports and ratings by knowledgeable informants using samples from three countries (Estonia, Germany, and the Czech Republic; N=5,624). We hypothesized that age differences would be larger in self- than informant-reports, because of greater social desirability in self-descriptions with advancing age. Indeed, we found that age differences were systematically smaller in informant-reports compared to self-reports; this trend was stronger for traits independently rated as socially desirable. As age differences may be best approximated by average trends of self- and informant-reports, we provide meta-analytic age trends for multi-rater composite scores of the FFM facets and nuances.

Research paper thumbnail of Life Satisfaction Among Ethnic Minorities in Europe

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2016

Although life satisfaction (LS) of ethnic minorities can be significantly undermined by several p... more Although life satisfaction (LS) of ethnic minorities can be significantly undermined by several psychological and material hardships, relatively few studies have examined this issue across Europe. The aim of the present study is to examine the impact of belonging to an ethnic minority group on LS, using data from the sixth wave of the European Social Survey (ESS6), carried out in 2012 in 29 countries ( N = 54,540). About 6.7% of all the participants in the ESS6 considered themselves belonging to an ethnic minority group. Our findings show that LS is lower for the ethnic minorities than for the majority not only in the pooled ESS6 sample but also in 19 European countries, most notably in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Multilevel analysis indicated that the negative impact of ethnic minority status on LS tended to be enhanced in ex-Communist countries as well as in countries with higher ethnic diversity. The findings of this study show clearly that policy makers of several Europe...

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between the Five‐Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a large population‐based adult sample

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2015

The relationship between the Five-Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a l... more The relationship between the Five-Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a large population-based adult sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional experience: relations to personality, subjective well-being, recollection, and external influences

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary - The Role of the Five–factor Personality Traits in General Self–rated Health

Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary for The Role of the Five–factor Personality ... more Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary for The Role of the Five–factor Personality Traits in General Self–rated Health by Kööts–Ausmees Liisi, Schmidt Monika, Esko Tõnu, Metspalu Andres, Allik Jüri and Realo Anu in European Journal of Personality

Research paper thumbnail of Personality traits relate to chronotype at both the phenotypic and genetic level

Journal of Personality

INTRODUCTION Diurnal preferences have been linked to personality but often with mixed results. Th... more INTRODUCTION Diurnal preferences have been linked to personality but often with mixed results. The present study examines the relationships between sleep timing (chronotype), diurnal preferences and the Five-Factor Model of personality traits at the phenotypic and genetic level. METHODS Self- and informant-reports of the NEO Personality Inventory-3, self-reports of the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, and DNA samples were available for 2,515 Estonian adults (Mage = 45.76 years; 59% females). Genetic correlations were obtained through summary statistics of genome-wide association studies. RESULTS Results showed that higher Conscientiousness and lower Openness to Experience were significant predictors of earlier chronotype. At the level of facets, we found that more straightforward (A2) and excitement-seeking (E5), yet less self-disciplined (C5) people were more likely to have later chronotypes. The nuance-level Polypersonality score was correlated with chronotype at r = .28 (p < .001). Conscientiousness and Openness were genetically related with diurnal preferences. The polygenic score for morningness-eveningness significantly predicted the Polypersonality score. CONCLUSION Phenotypic measures of chronotype and personality showed significant associations at all three of levels of the personality hierarchy. Our findings indicate that the relationship between personality and morningness-eveningness is partly due to genetic factors. Future studies are necessary to further refine the relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Co-occurring Emotions and Personality Traits in Anger Expression

Frontiers in psychology, 2018

The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of co-occurring emotions and their inte... more The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of co-occurring emotions and their interactive effects with the Big Five personality traits in anger expression. Everyday anger expression ("anger-in" and "anger-out" behavior) was studied with the experience-sampling method in a group of 110 participants for 14 consecutive days on 7 random occasions per day. Our results showed that the simultaneously co-occurring emotions that buffer against anger expression are sadness, surprise, disgust, disappointment, and irritation for anger-in behavior, and fear, sadness and disappointment for anger-out reactions. While previous studies have shown that differentiating one's current affect into discrete emotion categories buffers against anger expression (Pond et al., 2012), our study further demonstrated the existence of specific interactive effects between the experience of momentary emotions and personality traits that lead to higher levels of either suppressi...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of personality traits in reporting the development of adverse drug reactions: a prospective cohort study of the Estonian general population

BMJ open, Jan 10, 2018

To examine the role of the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality traits in reporting the developmen... more To examine the role of the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality traits in reporting the development of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) when controlling for sociodemographic variables and health status. Prospective cohort study. The Estonian Biobank of the Estonian Genome Centre, University of Tartu. 814 women and 543 men (mean age=47.9 years; =15.2) who after the initial enrolment in the Estonian Biobank were re-contacted for follow-up purposes about 5.3 years after the enrolment and for whom both self- and informant-reported personality data were available. Participants who did not report having any ADRs at baseline but who reported ADRs at the follow-up about 5.3 years later versus participants who did not report any ADRs at either time point. The reports of developing ADRs were predicted from the FFM personality traits after statistically controlling for sociodemographic variables (age, gender and education), baseline indicators of health status (number of diagnoses and medicines ta...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Social Capital and Individualism–Collectivism in Europe

The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wi... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP url' above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.

Research paper thumbnail of SNP-Based Heritability Estimates of Common and Specific Variance in Self- and Informant-Reported Neuroticism Scales

Journal of personality, Jan 15, 2016

Our study aims to estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance of Neuroticism and its facet... more Our study aims to estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance of Neuroticism and its facet scales that can be attributed to common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two adult populations from Estonia (EGCUT; N = 3,292) and the Netherlands (Lifelines; N = 13,383). Genomic-relatedness-matrix restricted maximum likelihood (GREML) using genome-wide complex trait analysis (GCTA) software was employed. To build upon previous research, we used self- and informant reports of the 30-facet NEO personality inventories and analyzed both the usual sum scores and the residual facet scores of Neuroticism. In the EGCUT cohort, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the additive effects of common genetic variants in self- and informant-reported Neuroticism domain scores was 15.2% (p = .070, SE = .11) and 6.2% (p = .293, SE = .12), respectively. The SNP-based heritability estimates at the level of Neuroticism facet scales differed greatly across cohorts and modes of measure...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Five-factor Personality Traits in General Self-rated Health

European Journal of Personality, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Association Between Life Satisfaction and Self-Reported Health Status in Europe

European Journal of Personality, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Age Differences in the Variance of Personality Characteristics

European Journal of Personality, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Finno-Ugric emotions: The meaning of anger in Estonian and Finnish1

Research paper thumbnail of Emotsionaalne kogemus: Seosed isiksuse, subjektiivse heaolu, meenutamise ja välisteguritega

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Emotsionaalne kogemus on keeruline n... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Emotsionaalne kogemus on keeruline nähtus, sest aju töötleb selle loomiseks pidevalt erinevatest allikatest tulenevat teavet, nagu näiteks kehalisi aistinguid, eelnevaid teadmisi objektide ja situatsioonide kohta ning ka ümbritsevast maailmast pärinevat sensoorset informatsiooni. Käesolev väitekiri põhineb eeldusel, et emotsioonitekkes on üks peamisi tegureid see, kuidas inimesed enda jaoks olulisi sündmusi tõlgendavad. Töös kasutatakse ühe uurimisviisina kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit, mis võimaldab emotsioone hinnata nende loomulikus keskkonnas. Kuna mõõtmised toimuvad reaalajas, aitab see vältida ka mälust tingitud moonutusi. Nimelt on mitmed senised uurimused rõhutanud inimeste ebatäpsust minevikusündmuste ja emotsioonide meenutamisel. Ka väitekirjas esitatud tulemused näitavad, et inimese üldine emotsionaalsus mõjutab oluliselt seda, kui eredalt ja intensiivselt oma elusündmusi meenutatakse. Veel uuritakse käesolevas do...

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI - The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–Reported Health Status in Europe

Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI for The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–... more Supporting info item, per2037-sup-0001-SI for The Association between Life Satisfaction and Self–Reported Health Status in Europe by Kööts–Ausmees Liisi and Realo Anu in European Journal of Personality

Research paper thumbnail of ÜLEVA ADE Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Experience in

Research paper thumbnail of Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psuhhiaatrilist... more Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psuhhiaatriliste hairetega patsientide seisundi kasitlemisel. Hindamisel kasutatakse erinevaid teste ja katseid, analuusides nii kvantitatiivseid tulemusi kui ka kvalitatiivset sooritust testide lahendamisel. See aitab tapsustada patsiendi vaimsete voimete taset, kognitiivsete kaebuste olemust ja neid tingivaid pohjusi ning seelabi holbustab ravi planeerimist. Neuropsuhholoogilised uuringud on olulised patsiendi funktsionaalse toimetuleku kindlaksmaaramisel.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(5):276–280

Research paper thumbnail of Jüri Allik Countries The Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Emotional Experience in 21 European

In the current study, the relationship between life satisfaction (LS) and the affective component... more In the current study, the relationship between life satisfaction (LS) and the affective components of subjective well-being (SWB) was examined in a sample of 40,487 people across 21 European countries using data from the European Social Survey. After running multilevel confirmatory factor analyses in order to establish the measurement invariance of the constructs across the countries, the individual-level dataset was linked to available country-level aggregate personality traits, cultural values, and human development index (HDI). Results from hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analysis showed that LS is best predicted by positive and negative affect (PA and NA, respectively), but may also be predicted by the degree of mixed emotions (ME). At the country level, national mean scores of Extraversion and Neuroticism moderated the relationship between LS and ME in different directions, whereas neither of the two personality traits had a significant impact on the relationship of LS to PA...

Research paper thumbnail of Age Differences in Personality Traits and Social Desirability: A Multi-Rater Multi-Sample Study

Little research has examined age differences by using more than one source of information. We com... more Little research has examined age differences by using more than one source of information. We compared age differences in Five-Factor Model (FFM) facets and nuances in self-reports and ratings by knowledgeable informants using samples from three countries (Estonia, Germany, and the Czech Republic; N=5,624). We hypothesized that age differences would be larger in self- than informant-reports, because of greater social desirability in self-descriptions with advancing age. Indeed, we found that age differences were systematically smaller in informant-reports compared to self-reports; this trend was stronger for traits independently rated as socially desirable. As age differences may be best approximated by average trends of self- and informant-reports, we provide meta-analytic age trends for multi-rater composite scores of the FFM facets and nuances.

Research paper thumbnail of Life Satisfaction Among Ethnic Minorities in Europe

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2016

Although life satisfaction (LS) of ethnic minorities can be significantly undermined by several p... more Although life satisfaction (LS) of ethnic minorities can be significantly undermined by several psychological and material hardships, relatively few studies have examined this issue across Europe. The aim of the present study is to examine the impact of belonging to an ethnic minority group on LS, using data from the sixth wave of the European Social Survey (ESS6), carried out in 2012 in 29 countries ( N = 54,540). About 6.7% of all the participants in the ESS6 considered themselves belonging to an ethnic minority group. Our findings show that LS is lower for the ethnic minorities than for the majority not only in the pooled ESS6 sample but also in 19 European countries, most notably in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Multilevel analysis indicated that the negative impact of ethnic minority status on LS tended to be enhanced in ex-Communist countries as well as in countries with higher ethnic diversity. The findings of this study show clearly that policy makers of several Europe...

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between the Five‐Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a large population‐based adult sample

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2015

The relationship between the Five-Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a l... more The relationship between the Five-Factor Model personality traits and peptic ulcer disease in a large population-based adult sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional experience: relations to personality, subjective well-being, recollection, and external influences

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary - The Role of the Five–factor Personality Traits in General Self–rated Health

Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary for The Role of the Five–factor Personality ... more Supporting info item, per2058-sup-0001-Supplementary for The Role of the Five–factor Personality Traits in General Self–rated Health by Kööts–Ausmees Liisi, Schmidt Monika, Esko Tõnu, Metspalu Andres, Allik Jüri and Realo Anu in European Journal of Personality

Research paper thumbnail of Personality traits relate to chronotype at both the phenotypic and genetic level

Journal of Personality

INTRODUCTION Diurnal preferences have been linked to personality but often with mixed results. Th... more INTRODUCTION Diurnal preferences have been linked to personality but often with mixed results. The present study examines the relationships between sleep timing (chronotype), diurnal preferences and the Five-Factor Model of personality traits at the phenotypic and genetic level. METHODS Self- and informant-reports of the NEO Personality Inventory-3, self-reports of the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, and DNA samples were available for 2,515 Estonian adults (Mage = 45.76 years; 59% females). Genetic correlations were obtained through summary statistics of genome-wide association studies. RESULTS Results showed that higher Conscientiousness and lower Openness to Experience were significant predictors of earlier chronotype. At the level of facets, we found that more straightforward (A2) and excitement-seeking (E5), yet less self-disciplined (C5) people were more likely to have later chronotypes. The nuance-level Polypersonality score was correlated with chronotype at r = .28 (p < .001). Conscientiousness and Openness were genetically related with diurnal preferences. The polygenic score for morningness-eveningness significantly predicted the Polypersonality score. CONCLUSION Phenotypic measures of chronotype and personality showed significant associations at all three of levels of the personality hierarchy. Our findings indicate that the relationship between personality and morningness-eveningness is partly due to genetic factors. Future studies are necessary to further refine the relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Co-occurring Emotions and Personality Traits in Anger Expression

Frontiers in psychology, 2018

The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of co-occurring emotions and their inte... more The main aim of the current study was to examine the role of co-occurring emotions and their interactive effects with the Big Five personality traits in anger expression. Everyday anger expression ("anger-in" and "anger-out" behavior) was studied with the experience-sampling method in a group of 110 participants for 14 consecutive days on 7 random occasions per day. Our results showed that the simultaneously co-occurring emotions that buffer against anger expression are sadness, surprise, disgust, disappointment, and irritation for anger-in behavior, and fear, sadness and disappointment for anger-out reactions. While previous studies have shown that differentiating one's current affect into discrete emotion categories buffers against anger expression (Pond et al., 2012), our study further demonstrated the existence of specific interactive effects between the experience of momentary emotions and personality traits that lead to higher levels of either suppressi...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of personality traits in reporting the development of adverse drug reactions: a prospective cohort study of the Estonian general population

BMJ open, Jan 10, 2018

To examine the role of the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality traits in reporting the developmen... more To examine the role of the Five Factor Model (FFM) personality traits in reporting the development of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) when controlling for sociodemographic variables and health status. Prospective cohort study. The Estonian Biobank of the Estonian Genome Centre, University of Tartu. 814 women and 543 men (mean age=47.9 years; =15.2) who after the initial enrolment in the Estonian Biobank were re-contacted for follow-up purposes about 5.3 years after the enrolment and for whom both self- and informant-reported personality data were available. Participants who did not report having any ADRs at baseline but who reported ADRs at the follow-up about 5.3 years later versus participants who did not report any ADRs at either time point. The reports of developing ADRs were predicted from the FFM personality traits after statistically controlling for sociodemographic variables (age, gender and education), baseline indicators of health status (number of diagnoses and medicines ta...

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between Social Capital and Individualism–Collectivism in Europe

The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wi... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP url' above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.

Research paper thumbnail of SNP-Based Heritability Estimates of Common and Specific Variance in Self- and Informant-Reported Neuroticism Scales

Journal of personality, Jan 15, 2016

Our study aims to estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance of Neuroticism and its facet... more Our study aims to estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance of Neuroticism and its facet scales that can be attributed to common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two adult populations from Estonia (EGCUT; N = 3,292) and the Netherlands (Lifelines; N = 13,383). Genomic-relatedness-matrix restricted maximum likelihood (GREML) using genome-wide complex trait analysis (GCTA) software was employed. To build upon previous research, we used self- and informant reports of the 30-facet NEO personality inventories and analyzed both the usual sum scores and the residual facet scores of Neuroticism. In the EGCUT cohort, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the additive effects of common genetic variants in self- and informant-reported Neuroticism domain scores was 15.2% (p = .070, SE = .11) and 6.2% (p = .293, SE = .12), respectively. The SNP-based heritability estimates at the level of Neuroticism facet scales differed greatly across cohorts and modes of measure...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of the Five-factor Personality Traits in General Self-rated Health

European Journal of Personality, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Association Between Life Satisfaction and Self-Reported Health Status in Europe

European Journal of Personality, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Age Differences in the Variance of Personality Characteristics

European Journal of Personality, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Finno-Ugric emotions: The meaning of anger in Estonian and Finnish1