Lilian Maria Tonella Tüzün - (original) (raw)
Papers by Lilian Maria Tonella Tüzün
Yedi , 2019
Until the late nineteenth century, the rarely seen female composers in history of music had music... more Until the late nineteenth century, the rarely seen female composers in history of music had musical education supported by their fathers until the age of marriage when the focus had to turn into a new familiar nucleus. However, only the female artist, who had achieved economic freedom, was able to develop her creativity. Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935) is one of those exceptional cases that managed not only to enter the History of Music but also to change the parameters of Brazilian music. The aim of this study is focused on the role of her works within the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro and her influence on contemporary male composers. The study concludes that her artistic creativity broke rules of the conservative society of her time, not allowing herself to be a victim of the system.
OPUS, 2018
In his study, the Strategy of Interiorization of the Shelter Operation program applied by Federal... more In his study, the Strategy of Interiorization of the Shelter Operation program applied by Federal Government of Brazil together with United Nation agencies to deal with the Venezuelans refugees is investigate. In seven years, the number of request for refuge in Brazil increased 951% as result of the war in Syria, Global Migration Crisis and Venezuela Situation. In 2017, the register of the National Committee for Refugees reached 92.000 Venezuelans crossing the Brazilian border. The over-population in the border cities created a humanitarian emergency and, as consequences, new laws and national emergencies programs. In the investigation, the content analysis was used to describe literature research. In the content analysis, similar data from defined themes were collected and interpreted. The study observed deep alterations in the behaviour of the migratory phenomenon and its consequences in Brazil. From 2018, with references migratory laws, the country is ready to receive more refugees and balance its foreigner percentage is respect to the world.
IJSHS, 2018
The paper compares official data of the refugee Syrian population in the countries of Turkey and ... more The paper compares official data of the refugee Syrian population in the countries of Turkey and Jordan. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) more than 5.5 million people have fled Syria to neighbouring countries, with Turkey and Jordan in first and third place consecutively. The objective of this study is to compare the refugee host policy, work, education and the situation of the child population especially. The literature research methodology was used to describe the content analysis in this paper. According to the results , the following study leaves suggestions of governmental and non-governmental programs.
This paper is an evaluation work of the importance of Music Therapy in the treatment of trauma ex... more This paper is an evaluation work of the importance of Music Therapy in the treatment of trauma experienced during the process by refugee children located in Turkey, and integrating them into Society, based on an experimental work done in Brazil preciously. The numbers of Syrians who are in refugee status living in Turkey are 3,551,078 and the Syrian refugee children are more than 1,200,000 according to official figures. The deep trauma experienced by these children during this process makes psychological treatment necessary. For refugee children in a country where they do not speak the language, it may be more beneficial to take advantage of musical activities rather than mother tongue-based practices; it is thought that musical activities help in the treatment of traumatic events in which children have difficulty expressing even in their own language under normal circumstances. This therapy method saves children from the weight and cohesiveness of words and helps them express their inner struggles easily. The child who finds courage for self-expression over time through treatment, who relieves their creative potential from under pressure, will gain self-esteem with social integration, and will take healthy steps towards being a part of the society they live. Especially children who sing in choir integrate and learn easier the rules of the new society. In this research are information and studies about choral and adaptation of children in society.
The application of technologies in the specific teaching process of music by open university and ... more The application of technologies in the specific teaching process of music by open university and distance education is still new. This study analyzes the using of technology in distance education course ‘Fundamental Theories of Improvisation’ adopted by Cantareira Faculty in Sao Paulo, Brazil, through the free software Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ‘Moodle’, Youtube-live, Skype and e-mail.
The open source platform Moodle offers to the students all communication possibilities, the access on line to the material and external links related to the course, discussion forum and weekly question-answer system. The instructor teaches from his house or office using Youtube-live technology. The group opened a closed account in the Skype, where the instructor can control the roll call of the day and where the students can make their questions and reflections in group or private. At the end, the students send their home works by e-mail to the instructor.
Through a critical vision, this study treats the uses of the technology in this specific course and how the methodology of distance education affect the process of knowledge perception in music.
ÖZET Bu bildiri Türkiye'de bulunan mülteci çocukların süreçte yaşadıkları travmaların tedavisi ve... more ÖZET Bu bildiri Türkiye'de bulunan mülteci çocukların süreçte yaşadıkları travmaların tedavisi ve topluma entegreleri konusunda müzik terapisinin önemine yönelik deneysel bir çalışmadır. Türkiye üzerinde mülteci durumunda bulunan Suriyeli sayısı resmi rakamlara göre 3.000.000'a, Suriyeli mülteci çocuk sayısı 400.000'e yaklaşmaktadır. Özellikle bu çocukların süreç içinde yaşadıkları derin travma psikolojik bir tedaviyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Özellikle çocuklar için ergenlere göre daha etkin bir psikolojik tedavi ve entegre, kaynaştırma yolu olan müzik terapisi bu süreçte değerlendirilmesi gereken bir yöntemdir. Mülteci durumunda oldukları ülkenin dilini bilmeyen çocuklar için söze dayalı olmayan bir tedavi yöntemi olan müzik terapi ile, normal şartlarda kendi dilinde bile ifade etmenin güç olduğu travmatik olayların tedavisinde bir çok zorluk aşılabilir. Bu terapi yöntemi çocuğun içindeki çatışmaları sözcüklerin ağırlığından ve bağlayıcılığından kurtararak daha kolay dışa yansıtmasını sağlar. Tedavi sürecinde zamanla kendini ifade etme cesaretini kazanan, yaratıcı potansiyelini baskı altından kurtaran çocuk sosyal entegre ile birlikte benlik saygısını sağlar ve yaşadığı toplumun bir parçası olma yönünde sağlıklı adımlar atar.
The vocal elements used by the Austrian composer Anton Webern in the Das Augenlicht op.26 for mix... more The vocal elements used by the Austrian composer Anton Webern in the Das Augenlicht op.26 for mixed choir and orchestra are considered the start point of the new phase of the History of Music. The work written in 1935, was the first of the three great voice collections in the last years of his life. The technique applied on this five and half minutes short piece, in the vocal part, is the main factor of the changes of the History of Music. The effect of the technique used by the composer is the perception the feature of the timbre as well as the dramatic tempo suspension, wich together cause the paralysing feeling. The uncommom orchestration of the histerical vocal parts against the light touch of instruments obtain an extraordinary combination with the new harmonical language. Webern changed the conception of the musical perception in his time.
Johann Sebastian Bach'ın Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye) adı altında, iki d... more Johann Sebastian Bach'ın Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye) adı altında, iki defter halinde yazdığı, BWV 846-893 numaralı 48 Prelüd ve Fügleri günümüz piyano repertuvarının en çok icra edilen eserleri arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma eserin yorum başarısının bir ön koşulunun da içerdiği anlam katmanlarına hakimiyet olduğu noktasından hareketle, adı geçen eserin yorumu açısında önem arz eden, ancak zamanında politik sebeplerden dolayı yayın engeli ile karşılaşmış, ders notu aşamasından ileriye gidememiş ve dolayısıyla yeterince bilinememiş, tartışılamamış bir teoriyi konu almaktadır. Çalışma Rus müzik kültürünün XX. yüzyıldaki en etkin figürlerinin başında gelen, müzikolog, besteci, piyanist, pedagog ve yönetici Boleslav Leopoldoviç Yavorski'nin J.S.Bach'ın Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye adı altında yazmış olduğu eserleri ile Hristiyanlık mitolojisi arasındaki kurduğu ilişkiyi açıklayan teorisi incelemektedir. Yavorski geliştirdiği teorisinde Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye ile Protestan Koral müziği arasında bir bağlantı kurmuş, Prelüd ve Fügler ile ortak metinlere sahip olan korallerdeki dini hikayelerde Bach'ın sıkça kullandığı müzikal motifleri tespit etmiştir. Motifler dini figür ve olaylarla eşleştirilmiştir. İncil'de anlatılan hikayeleri sembolize eden motifler Bach tarafından Barok döneminin estetik geleneğine paralel olarak, ancak din dışı müzik formları içinde gizlenerek verilmiştir. Uzun yıllar boyunca Rusya Devlet Konservatuvarlarında verdiği derslerde, işlediği teorisi ile müzik tarihinde önemli sanatçılar arasında sayılan bir kaç nesil piyanistin yorumlarında etken olmuş, Bach müziğine farklı bir boyut ve zenginlik katmıştır. ABSTRACT Johann Sebastian Bach's 48 preludes and fugues numbered BWV 846-893, composed as two books under the name Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (The Well-Tempered Clavier) is one of the most performed works in present-day piano repertoire. This work from the point where it dominated the layers of meaning, contained a prerequisite for the work of the review it succeeded, with the importance in the interpretation of the named work, which during its time faced publication censorship for political reasons, couldn't pass the stage of being lecture notes and thus was not widely known and discussed. The work analyzes the theory explaining the relation between Christian mythology and J.S.Bach's works under the name of Das Wohltemperierte Klavier by one of the most active figures in 20th century Russian music culture, Boleslav Leopoldovich Yavorsky, who was a musicologist, composer, pianist, pedagogue and administrator. Yavorski made a connection between Das Wohltemperierte Klavier and Protestant Chorale in his theory, has identified musical motifs used frequently by Bach in religious stories which have joint text with preludes and fugues. The motifs have been linked with religious figures and events. The motifs symbolising the stories told in the Bible by Bach have been given in a parallel of eastetic Baroque era tradition but hidden in secular music forms. In the years of teaching courses in Russian State Conservatories, he has given depth and diversity to Bach music and has been referred in interpretations among generations of valued, important artists with the theory he put forward.
Yedi , 2019
Until the late nineteenth century, the rarely seen female composers in history of music had music... more Until the late nineteenth century, the rarely seen female composers in history of music had musical education supported by their fathers until the age of marriage when the focus had to turn into a new familiar nucleus. However, only the female artist, who had achieved economic freedom, was able to develop her creativity. Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847-1935) is one of those exceptional cases that managed not only to enter the History of Music but also to change the parameters of Brazilian music. The aim of this study is focused on the role of her works within the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro and her influence on contemporary male composers. The study concludes that her artistic creativity broke rules of the conservative society of her time, not allowing herself to be a victim of the system.
OPUS, 2018
In his study, the Strategy of Interiorization of the Shelter Operation program applied by Federal... more In his study, the Strategy of Interiorization of the Shelter Operation program applied by Federal Government of Brazil together with United Nation agencies to deal with the Venezuelans refugees is investigate. In seven years, the number of request for refuge in Brazil increased 951% as result of the war in Syria, Global Migration Crisis and Venezuela Situation. In 2017, the register of the National Committee for Refugees reached 92.000 Venezuelans crossing the Brazilian border. The over-population in the border cities created a humanitarian emergency and, as consequences, new laws and national emergencies programs. In the investigation, the content analysis was used to describe literature research. In the content analysis, similar data from defined themes were collected and interpreted. The study observed deep alterations in the behaviour of the migratory phenomenon and its consequences in Brazil. From 2018, with references migratory laws, the country is ready to receive more refugees and balance its foreigner percentage is respect to the world.
IJSHS, 2018
The paper compares official data of the refugee Syrian population in the countries of Turkey and ... more The paper compares official data of the refugee Syrian population in the countries of Turkey and Jordan. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) more than 5.5 million people have fled Syria to neighbouring countries, with Turkey and Jordan in first and third place consecutively. The objective of this study is to compare the refugee host policy, work, education and the situation of the child population especially. The literature research methodology was used to describe the content analysis in this paper. According to the results , the following study leaves suggestions of governmental and non-governmental programs.
This paper is an evaluation work of the importance of Music Therapy in the treatment of trauma ex... more This paper is an evaluation work of the importance of Music Therapy in the treatment of trauma experienced during the process by refugee children located in Turkey, and integrating them into Society, based on an experimental work done in Brazil preciously. The numbers of Syrians who are in refugee status living in Turkey are 3,551,078 and the Syrian refugee children are more than 1,200,000 according to official figures. The deep trauma experienced by these children during this process makes psychological treatment necessary. For refugee children in a country where they do not speak the language, it may be more beneficial to take advantage of musical activities rather than mother tongue-based practices; it is thought that musical activities help in the treatment of traumatic events in which children have difficulty expressing even in their own language under normal circumstances. This therapy method saves children from the weight and cohesiveness of words and helps them express their inner struggles easily. The child who finds courage for self-expression over time through treatment, who relieves their creative potential from under pressure, will gain self-esteem with social integration, and will take healthy steps towards being a part of the society they live. Especially children who sing in choir integrate and learn easier the rules of the new society. In this research are information and studies about choral and adaptation of children in society.
The application of technologies in the specific teaching process of music by open university and ... more The application of technologies in the specific teaching process of music by open university and distance education is still new. This study analyzes the using of technology in distance education course ‘Fundamental Theories of Improvisation’ adopted by Cantareira Faculty in Sao Paulo, Brazil, through the free software Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ‘Moodle’, Youtube-live, Skype and e-mail.
The open source platform Moodle offers to the students all communication possibilities, the access on line to the material and external links related to the course, discussion forum and weekly question-answer system. The instructor teaches from his house or office using Youtube-live technology. The group opened a closed account in the Skype, where the instructor can control the roll call of the day and where the students can make their questions and reflections in group or private. At the end, the students send their home works by e-mail to the instructor.
Through a critical vision, this study treats the uses of the technology in this specific course and how the methodology of distance education affect the process of knowledge perception in music.
ÖZET Bu bildiri Türkiye'de bulunan mülteci çocukların süreçte yaşadıkları travmaların tedavisi ve... more ÖZET Bu bildiri Türkiye'de bulunan mülteci çocukların süreçte yaşadıkları travmaların tedavisi ve topluma entegreleri konusunda müzik terapisinin önemine yönelik deneysel bir çalışmadır. Türkiye üzerinde mülteci durumunda bulunan Suriyeli sayısı resmi rakamlara göre 3.000.000'a, Suriyeli mülteci çocuk sayısı 400.000'e yaklaşmaktadır. Özellikle bu çocukların süreç içinde yaşadıkları derin travma psikolojik bir tedaviyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Özellikle çocuklar için ergenlere göre daha etkin bir psikolojik tedavi ve entegre, kaynaştırma yolu olan müzik terapisi bu süreçte değerlendirilmesi gereken bir yöntemdir. Mülteci durumunda oldukları ülkenin dilini bilmeyen çocuklar için söze dayalı olmayan bir tedavi yöntemi olan müzik terapi ile, normal şartlarda kendi dilinde bile ifade etmenin güç olduğu travmatik olayların tedavisinde bir çok zorluk aşılabilir. Bu terapi yöntemi çocuğun içindeki çatışmaları sözcüklerin ağırlığından ve bağlayıcılığından kurtararak daha kolay dışa yansıtmasını sağlar. Tedavi sürecinde zamanla kendini ifade etme cesaretini kazanan, yaratıcı potansiyelini baskı altından kurtaran çocuk sosyal entegre ile birlikte benlik saygısını sağlar ve yaşadığı toplumun bir parçası olma yönünde sağlıklı adımlar atar.
The vocal elements used by the Austrian composer Anton Webern in the Das Augenlicht op.26 for mix... more The vocal elements used by the Austrian composer Anton Webern in the Das Augenlicht op.26 for mixed choir and orchestra are considered the start point of the new phase of the History of Music. The work written in 1935, was the first of the three great voice collections in the last years of his life. The technique applied on this five and half minutes short piece, in the vocal part, is the main factor of the changes of the History of Music. The effect of the technique used by the composer is the perception the feature of the timbre as well as the dramatic tempo suspension, wich together cause the paralysing feeling. The uncommom orchestration of the histerical vocal parts against the light touch of instruments obtain an extraordinary combination with the new harmonical language. Webern changed the conception of the musical perception in his time.
Johann Sebastian Bach'ın Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye) adı altında, iki d... more Johann Sebastian Bach'ın Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye) adı altında, iki defter halinde yazdığı, BWV 846-893 numaralı 48 Prelüd ve Fügleri günümüz piyano repertuvarının en çok icra edilen eserleri arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma eserin yorum başarısının bir ön koşulunun da içerdiği anlam katmanlarına hakimiyet olduğu noktasından hareketle, adı geçen eserin yorumu açısında önem arz eden, ancak zamanında politik sebeplerden dolayı yayın engeli ile karşılaşmış, ders notu aşamasından ileriye gidememiş ve dolayısıyla yeterince bilinememiş, tartışılamamış bir teoriyi konu almaktadır. Çalışma Rus müzik kültürünün XX. yüzyıldaki en etkin figürlerinin başında gelen, müzikolog, besteci, piyanist, pedagog ve yönetici Boleslav Leopoldoviç Yavorski'nin J.S.Bach'ın Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye adı altında yazmış olduğu eserleri ile Hristiyanlık mitolojisi arasındaki kurduğu ilişkiyi açıklayan teorisi incelemektedir. Yavorski geliştirdiği teorisinde Eşit Düzenlenmiş Klavye ile Protestan Koral müziği arasında bir bağlantı kurmuş, Prelüd ve Fügler ile ortak metinlere sahip olan korallerdeki dini hikayelerde Bach'ın sıkça kullandığı müzikal motifleri tespit etmiştir. Motifler dini figür ve olaylarla eşleştirilmiştir. İncil'de anlatılan hikayeleri sembolize eden motifler Bach tarafından Barok döneminin estetik geleneğine paralel olarak, ancak din dışı müzik formları içinde gizlenerek verilmiştir. Uzun yıllar boyunca Rusya Devlet Konservatuvarlarında verdiği derslerde, işlediği teorisi ile müzik tarihinde önemli sanatçılar arasında sayılan bir kaç nesil piyanistin yorumlarında etken olmuş, Bach müziğine farklı bir boyut ve zenginlik katmıştır. ABSTRACT Johann Sebastian Bach's 48 preludes and fugues numbered BWV 846-893, composed as two books under the name Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (The Well-Tempered Clavier) is one of the most performed works in present-day piano repertoire. This work from the point where it dominated the layers of meaning, contained a prerequisite for the work of the review it succeeded, with the importance in the interpretation of the named work, which during its time faced publication censorship for political reasons, couldn't pass the stage of being lecture notes and thus was not widely known and discussed. The work analyzes the theory explaining the relation between Christian mythology and J.S.Bach's works under the name of Das Wohltemperierte Klavier by one of the most active figures in 20th century Russian music culture, Boleslav Leopoldovich Yavorsky, who was a musicologist, composer, pianist, pedagogue and administrator. Yavorski made a connection between Das Wohltemperierte Klavier and Protestant Chorale in his theory, has identified musical motifs used frequently by Bach in religious stories which have joint text with preludes and fugues. The motifs have been linked with religious figures and events. The motifs symbolising the stories told in the Bible by Bach have been given in a parallel of eastetic Baroque era tradition but hidden in secular music forms. In the years of teaching courses in Russian State Conservatories, he has given depth and diversity to Bach music and has been referred in interpretations among generations of valued, important artists with the theory he put forward.