Ljiljana Kesic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ljiljana Kesic

Research paper thumbnail of Dental interventions with patients susceptive to subacute bacterial endocarditis

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 2004

Bloody dental interventions are frequently accompanied by transitory bacterimia. It may cause gen... more Bloody dental interventions are frequently accompanied by transitory bacterimia. It may cause generation of subacute bacterial endocarditis with a certain number of heart patients. Pointed out in this paper is the importance of the knowledge on the heart structural disease, which is a good predisposition for generation of the disease. Also pointed out are dental procedures that cause strong bacterimia and may, with different patients, cause subacute bacterial endocarditis. Antibiotic prophylaxis is directed towards the alpha hemolytic streptococcus (streptococcus viridans), is practiced as a one-shot adminstration for the purpose of protecting the patient only at the time of bacterimia, preventing thus generation of resistant varieties. Given in the paper is a short description of the dentist practical procedure with this group of risky patients minimizing the possibility of the disease generation. Pointed out is the antibiotic and dental prophylactic programme as well as some governing mistakes on the subacute bacterial endocarditis generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Malignant transformation of oral lichen planus. A case report

PubMed, Nov 1, 2009

Lichen planus is a chronic, immunological mucocutaneous disease with a wide range of clinical man... more Lichen planus is a chronic, immunological mucocutaneous disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. Since oral lichen planus is considered a pre-malignant condition, a recall system has been recommended one to four times annually to facilitate the early diagnosis of malignant transformation. This paper reports the case of a patient with malignant transformation of oral lichen planus and points out the significance of both the recall system and adequate education by dental care providers regarding early detection of transformation into oral cancer.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformación maligna del líquen plano oral

West Indian Medical Journal, Nov 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of GINGIVALNO UVEćANJE IZAZVANO NIfEDIpINOM -Gingiva i lekovi- GINGIVAL OVERGROwTH INDUCED By NIfEDIpINE - Gingiva and drugs

Uvod. Gingivalno uvećanje izazvano difenilhidantoinom (Dilantin) dosta je opisivano u literaturi.... more Uvod. Gingivalno uvećanje izazvano difenilhidantoinom (Dilantin) dosta je opisivano u literaturi. Odnedavno, pojavili su se i drugi lekovi koji dovode do uvećanja gingive kao i Dilantin. Cilj. Nifedipin, kalcijum-blokator, koristi se u terapiji kardiovaskularnih oboljenja zbog njegovog inhibitornog delovanja na jone kalcijuma koji dolaze do mišićnih ćelija srca i krvnih sudova. U nekim slučajevima uzimanja ovog leka, kao sporedni efekat, može se javiti i prekomerni rast gingivalnog tkiva. Ovim člankom je prikazan jedan slučaj uvećanja gingive uzimanjem nifedipina. Diskusija. U literaturi postoje podaci koji govore o sličnostima u promenama koje izazivaju difenilhidantoin i nifedipin. U radu je prezentovana diskusija o kliničkim i histološkim promenama kao i o mogućoj patogenezi poremećaja. Iako se još uvek ne zna tačan mehanizam nastanka hiperplazije gingive, potvrđeno je da sa prekidom uzimanja nifedipina, dolazi do regresije hiperplastične gingive. Zaključak. Može se zaključiti da se uvećanje gingive javlja kod pacijenata koji u terapiji koriste nifedipin, ali samo na mestima gde su prisutni lokalni faktori zapaljenja.


Parodontopatija je multifaktorijalno, hronično oboljenje praćeno destrukcijom potpornog aparata z... more Parodontopatija je multifaktorijalno, hronično oboljenje praćeno destrukcijom potpornog aparata zuba. Glavni etiološki faktor za nastanak parodontopatije je oralni biofilm sa anaerobnim mikroorganizmima. Pored bakterija, u parodontalnim džepovima su nađeni i virusi. Uloga virusa je značajna zbog toga što dovode do nepravilnosti u pripajanju, hemotaksi i fagocitozi polimorfonuklearnih leukocita. Udruženi virusi i bakterije imaju jači periodontopatogeni potencijal, nego pojedinačno. Ističe se sinergističko delovanje periodontopatogenih bakterija, Epstein-Barr virusa i Cytomegalovirusa. Za razumevanje patogenetskih dešavanja u toku parodontopatije bitno je poznavanje svih etioloških faktora, kao i imunog odgovora domaćina na ove agense, zbog adekvatnog tretmana ovog oboljenja.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Soft Laser in Pain Therapy After

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Health-Related Risk Factors Among Students in Southeast Serbia

Medical Science Monitor, 2020

Background An association between insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of d... more Background An association between insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of dental caries, gingival/periodontal diseases, and consequently general diseases has been established. The null hypothesis that there is no difference in the oral health status among students in a preclinical medical program and those who went through a clinical medical program was tested. The main objective of the study was to analyze oral health risk factors (oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior) as well as their impact on oral health by using convenience sampling. Material/Methods We investigated risk factors for oral health conditions by examining oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behaviors among the students in the medical program of the University of Niš, collecting data using questionnaires. The study included 396 students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and vocational studies. Participants filled out the anonymous questionnaire. Results In both groups, parents were mostly employed, with the representation of employed fathers significantly higher in student group 1 (P<0.05), which is also the only statistically significant difference between the groups. In terms of oral hygiene practices, students were most often trained by parents (68.69%). A very high percentage of students brushed their teeth every day (97.22%), and 54.55% did this twice a day. Of the total number of students, 78.28% thought that it was necessary to use interdental brushes/floss/toothpick. The duration of teeth cleaning was 3 minutes in 39.39%, whereas 55.30% thought that it should be longer than 3 minutes. The most common brushing movements were combined movements and were used by 60.35% of all students. Of all students, 253 (63.89%) never smoked, 182 (49.96%) regularly went to the dentist, and 141 (35.61%) visited the dentist 6 months ago. The majority of students, 265 (66.92%), obtained the greatest amount of information about oral and tooth care from their dentist, which was the case in both age groups. Conclusions This study highlights oral health risk factors among students at the University of Niš. It is essential to determine their oral health knowledge, as it is of great significance both to patients and to students. Also, these students will be the major providers of health services and will be responsible for public oral health promotion. It could help in reformation of the oral health education program. The results of this research indicate that it is necessary to educate preclinical students to solve oral health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical, microbiological and cytomorphometric evaluation of low‐level laser therapy as an adjunct to periodontal therapy in patients with chronic periodontitis

International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 2018

ObjectiveA clinical prospective study was designed to evaluate microbiological, cytomorphometric ... more ObjectiveA clinical prospective study was designed to evaluate microbiological, cytomorphometric and clinical efficacy of low‐level laser therapy (LLLT) as an adjunct to periodontal therapy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.MethodsSixty subjects were included and randomly assigned into 2 groups: SRP (scaling root planning) group (n = 30) and LLLT + SRP group (n = 30). Clinical parameters were measured before intervention, after the fifth treatment, and after a month. All subjects received oral hygiene instructions and full‐mouth conservative periodontal treatment (removal of dental plaque followed by SRP). Afterwards, in group II, Kavo LLLT (980 nm, 0.2 W, 6 J/cm2) was applied. Subgingival samples were collected at baseline and after the fifth treatment to quantify Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis and Treponema denticola by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gingival swabs were taken, and direct sme...

Research paper thumbnail of Laser analgesic during orthodontic therapy

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2017

Uvod: Posebno je važno smanjiti bol nakon prvog postavljanja luka. Većina pacijenata oseća bol ... more Uvod: Posebno je važno smanjiti bol nakon prvog postavljanja luka. Većina pacijenata oseća bol četiri sata nakon što se luk postavi , postiže najviši nivo nakon 24 sata i smanjuje se u narednih nekoliko dana. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da je strah od bola veoma važan razlog za obeshrabrivanje pacijenata da prihvate ovakav ortodontski tretman. Cilj ove studije bio je da se proceni efikasnost biostimulativnog laserskog tretmana u smanjenju bolova kod pacijenata sa fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima. Materijal i metode:Petnaest pacijenata je tretirano biostimulativnim diodnim laserom, tokom dva minuta po kvadrantu, odmah nakon postavljanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata i u naredna četiri dana. Kontrolna grupa od 15 pacijenata dobila je analgetsku terapiju u trajanju, od pet dana. Bol je subjektivno ocenjen kao jak, srednji ili bez bolova. Bol je nestao kod 20% ispitanika u ispitivanoj grupi nakon prvog dana, dok je kod 60% i 26,6% ispitanika srednja i izolovana bol bila prisutna drugog i trećeg dana. Bol je nestao kod svih pacijenata tretiranih laserom petog dana. Jak bol bio je prisutan kod svih ispitanika u kontrolnoj grupi prvog dana,dok je drugog dana smanjen na 60%, a 20% ispitanika sa srednjim intenzitetom bola. Nakon tri dana, kontrolna grupa je pokazala srednji lokalizovan bol u 40% slučajeva, koji se smanjio kod 26,6% nakon četvrtog dana, što ukazuje na kasnije smanjenje bola u odnosu na grupu koja se tretira laserom. Rezultati ukazuju na to da se primena lasera sa niskom energijom može uspešno koristiti za smanjenje bolova tokom početnog nelagodnog perioda nakon postavljanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata. Zaključak: Niskoenergetski laseri mogu uspešno da smanje bol u početnom periodu posle postavljanja fiksnog ortodontskog aparata.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effects of low-level laser and hyaluronic acid on gingivitis catarrhalis in children

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2018

Background/Aim. Gingivitis catarrhalis is the most common disease of the oral mucosa in children,... more Background/Aim. Gingivitis catarrhalis is the most common disease of the oral mucosa in children, representing an inflammation of the gingiva of an exudative nature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy and hyaluronic acid therapy on gingivitis catarrhalis in children using the appropriate clinical parameters. Methods. The study involved 100 children with permanent dentition in whom gingivitis catarrhalis had been diagnosed. The examinees were divided into two groups: the group I consisting of patients with gingival inflammation (50 examinees) in whom the therapy with hyaluronic acid was applied after the removal of soft and hard dental deposits, and the group II consisting of patients with gingival inflammation (50 examinees) in whom low-level laser therapy was applied after the removal of soft and hard dental deposits. Clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effects of low-level laser and hyaluronic acid on gingivitis catarrhalis was pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Gingival overgrowth

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Periodontal disease in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2018

Uvod: Dijabetes (DM; diabetes mellitus) je jedan od najzastupljenijih endokrinih metaboličkih por... more Uvod: Dijabetes (DM; diabetes mellitus) je jedan od najzastupljenijih endokrinih metaboličkih poremećaja. Dijabetes izaziva oštećenje usne duplje i predstavlja faktor rizika za razvoj parodontopatije. Cilj istraživanja je opisati parodontalni status kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tipa 2 i proceniti demografske, socijalne, medicinske i stomatološke faktore rizika povezane sa parodontopatijom i dijabetesom. Materijal i Metode: Analizirani su demografski podaci, medicinska i stomatološka istorija bolesti, urađen pregled parodonta (određen nivo pripojnog epitela, krvarenje pri sondiranju i prisustvo zubnog kamenca) i citomorfometrijska analiza. Rezultati: 160 ispitanika je učestvovalo u istraživanju, starosti 64,2 (±0,2) godina, prosečne dužine trajanja DM 23,6 (±0,39) godina i srednje vrednosti HbA1c 8,70% (±0,45). Visoke vrednosti nivoa epitelnog pripoja i kamenac bili su zastupljeniji kod starijih pacijenata. Krvarenje pri sondiranju je bio istih vrednosti nezavisno od starosti pacijenata. Citomorfometrijska analiza je pokazala prisustvo većih jedara kod starijih pacijenata. Prema regresionoj analizi faktori povezani sa uznapredovalom parodontopatijom su: starost (P<0,001), pušenje cigareta (p<0,001), bivši pušači (p<0,001), pranje zuba (p=0,017), posete stomatologu (p=0,068), dužina trajanja DM (p=0,034), kserostomija (p=0,500), povećanje vrednosti HbA1c (p=0,119), neuropatija (p=0,017), nefropatija (p=0,389), retinopatija (p=0,550) i periferna vaskularna kardiomiopatija (p=0,060). Zaključak: Parodontopatija je često oboljenje kod starijih dijabetesnih bolesnika. Pušenje cigareta u starijoj životnoj dobi je povezano sa visokom učestalošću uznapredovale parodontopatije. Pušači dijabetičari imaju visok rizik za lošu prognozu parodontopatije i moraju dolaziti na redovne parodontološke kontrolne preglede i terapiju.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus in subgingival plaque at peri-implantitis, mucositis and healthy sites. A pilot study

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2011

This study evaluated the prevalence of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) ... more This study evaluated the prevalence of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in peri-implantitis and mucositis sites and the correlation between herpesvirus and clinical parameters. Fifty-six dental implants (mean time of loading, 4.27±1.6 years) were evaluated (20 peri-implantitis, 18 mucositis, 18 healthy peri-implant sites.) The clinical parameters assessed were: visible plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), suppuration (SUP), probing depth (PD). A polymerase chain reaction assay identified HCMV and EBV in subgingival plaque samples. The percent of sites with plaque and BOP was significantly higher around mucositis and peri-implantitis compared with healthy implants (p<0.05). The mean PD around the implants was significantly higher in peri-implantitis, followed by mucositis and healthy implants (p<0.05). HCMV was detected in 13 (65%) and EBV in 9 (45%) of the 20 peri-implantitis sites. HCMV was found in 1 of the 18 (6%) healthy periodontal sites ...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Young Adults


Knowledge about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior... more Knowledge about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior among young adults shows the association of insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of gingival/periodontal diseases, caries, and consequently systemic disease occurrence including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, infections of the respiratory tract, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and neurological disorders. Public health dentists should be trained for oral health needs assessments as well as for the evaluation of community-based oral health improvement strategies among different population groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Low level laser therapy of dentine hypersensitivity: A review

Dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem in everyday dental practice. It is claimed that 14.3... more Dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem in everyday dental practice. It is claimed that 14.3% of all dental patients have some degree of dentine hypersensitivity. Literature data reveal a number of treatment modalities. So far, most of the therapies have failed to be completely successful, but some authors report that lasers may now provide reliable and reproducible treatment. The purpose of this article is to summarize current knowledge regarding low level laser therapy for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. With the development of lasers, it could be expected that laser applications in dentistry will increase According to the literature data, it can be concluded that low level lasers have shown their efficiency in therapy of hypersensitive dentine and present a possible tool for dentine hypersensitivity treatment in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Hygiene Habits Among the Students of the University of Niš in Southern Serbia – a Pilot Study

Acta Medica Medianae, 2017

Oral hygiene is one of the most important factors which affects the status of general health in a... more Oral hygiene is one of the most important factors which affects the status of general health in all patients. These factors may affect the individual's oral hygiene habits: age, gender, education, level of awareness and socioeconomic status. Oral hygiene habits among the students who live in southern Serbia have been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate oral hygiene habits among the students of the University of Niš, southern Serbia. The study involved 249 students (53.83% male and 46.17% female), and each participant completed the study questionnaire. Average age of the participants was 21.67 ± 2.00 years. The prevalence expressed in percentages was as follows: 100% used toothbrush and toothpaste for oral hygiene, 77.51% used dental flossing, 40.96% used mouthrinse solutions, 63.45% brushed their teeth twice per day, 69.88% used combined toothbrush movements, 20.88% used vertical toothbrush movements, 9.24% used horizontal toothbrush movements and 54.62% changed their toothbrushes every 3 months. A significantly high percent (92.37%) of students used chewing gum and 59.84% consumed sweets every day, but a significantly low percent of students were active smokers (17.67%), former smokers (11.24%) and drugs users (13.65%). The percentage of nail biters among the students was 41.31%. The study may highlight the interactions between oral hygiene and related habits. Further research is needed to develop good oral hygiene skills for achieving and maintaining good oral and dental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Gingival Inflammation as a Sign of Diabetic Systemic Chronic Complications


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder and the high level of blood ... more Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder and the high level of blood glucose has profound effects on various systems of the human body. DM increases the risk of periodontal disease and the severe periodontal disease often coexists in diabetic patients with poor glycemic control. The aim of the study was to analyse periodontal health in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 related to diabetic complications and glycohemoglobin A1c values. Methodology: One hundred patients with periodontitis and type 2 DM participated in the study. According to the glycohemoglobin A1c value they were divided in 4 groups: group 1 (4%-6% normal), group 2 (6.1%-7% good), group 3 (7.1%-8% moderately poor), group 4 (> 8% poor metabolic control). The presence of chronic systemic microvascular diabetic complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy) was recorded and periodontal assessments (Plaque, Gingival, Calculus and Periodontal Disease Index) performed. The results were statistically analysed using MS Office Excel, program SPSS, 15.0 version. Results: Gingival index values depended on the level of HbA1c values and higher values of the Gingival and Periodontal Disease Index were noticed as the value of glycohemoglobin A1c was rising (p<0,001). Gingival index values were higher in diabetics with diabetic chronic microvascular complications (p<0.001). Conclusion: It is observed that pronounced gingival inflammation in diabetics is associated with systemic diabetic complications and poor glycemic control.

Research paper thumbnail of Maxillary labial frenulum attachment level in adults

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2016

Odeljenje za preventivnu i dečju stomatologiju, Klinika za stomatologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Un... more Odeljenje za preventivnu i dečju stomatologiju, Klinika za stomatologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija Sažetak. Frenulum gornje usne predstavlja nabor sluzokože koji povezuje usne i periost alveolarnog nastavka maksilarne kosti. Isuviše koronarno postavljen frenulum zahteva hiruršku terapiju. Merenje, klasifikacija i zastupljenost različitih nivoa pripoja frenuluma gornje usne nije mnogo proučavana u literaturi. Iz svih ovih razloga cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati klasifikaciju i odrediti zastupljenost različitih nivoa pripoja frenuluma gornje usne kod mladih odraslih osoba.Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 100 studenata. Kliničkim pregledom određen je nivo pripoja frenulum gornje usne i morfološka klasifikacija. Statistička analiza je urađena uz pomoć SPSS 11.5. U ispitivanju je učestvovalo 100 studenata stomatologije, od kojih 75 (75%) ženskog i 25 (25%) muškog pola, srednje starosti od 23,23±3.6 godina. Najzastupljeniji je gingivalni pripoj frenuluma gornje usne (76%), papilarni (12%), mukozni (8%) i najređi je bio papilarni palatinalni nivo pripoja (2%). Prema morfološkim karakteristikama najzastupljeniji je jednostavni frenulum (78%). Kod mladih odraslih osoba najzastupljeniji je gingivalni nivo pripoja i morfološki tip jednostavni frenulum gornje usne. Najmanje je zastupljen palatinalni papilarni nivo pripoja. Ne postoji razlika u zastupljenosti različitih nivoa pripoja niti morfoloških tipova frenuluma gornje usne između polova.

Research paper thumbnail of Low power laser efficacy in the therapy of periodontitis

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015

Uvod. Parodontopatija je inflamatorno oboljenje potpornog aparata zuba. Spada u najrasprostranjen... more Uvod. Parodontopatija je inflamatorno oboljenje potpornog aparata zuba. Spada u najrasprostranjenija oboljenja od kojih ljudi boluju i predstavlja ogroman problem kojem se pridaje sve veći značaj. Savremena terapija parodontopatije obuhvata klasične metode lečenja, hirurške metode i najnoviju lasersku tehnologiju. Terapija laserima male snage je potpuno bezbolna, neinvazivna i bez štetnih efekata. Cilj rada je bio ispitati efikasnost terapije laserima male snage kao dodatak bazičnoj terapiji parodontopatije. Materijal i metod. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na 50 ispitanika sa parodontopatijom i kliničkim simptomom inflamacije gingive. Pri prvoj poseti određeni su indeksi: plak indeks (PI), gingivalni indeks (GI), parodontalni indeks po Ramfjordu (PDI), uklonjene meke i čvrste naslage, obrađeni parodontalni džepovi. Zatim je na desnoj strani vilica (grupa A) primenjena terapija GaAlAs laserom (Mils 94, 670 nm, 5 mW, 14 min). Terapija laserom je izostavljena na levoj strani vilice svakog ispitanika (grupa B), radi upoređivanja efekata terapije sa i bez lasera. Nakon prve, treće i pete terapije određeni su GI i PI, a nakon mesec dana GI, PI i PDI. Rezultati. Poređenjem srednjih vrednosti indeksa u odnosu na vrednost pre terapije uočeno je značajno smanjenje izraženije na lasiranoj strani. Poređenjem grupa utvrđena je manja vrednost kod lasirane u odnosu na nelasiranu stranu. Zaključak. Laseri male snage pokazali su se efikasnim u eliminaciji inflamacije gingive i unapređenju parodontalnog zdravlja, te se preporučuju kao dodatak bazičnoj terapiji parodontopatije.

Research paper thumbnail of Herpesviruses in Periapical Pathoses: An Updated Systematic Review

Herpesviridae, 2016

Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue ca... more Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue caused by polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin. The aim of this systematic review was to make an update on findings related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) presence in periapical pathoses and to correlate these findings with clinical, histopathological and radiographic features of periapical lesions. Methods were based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. A search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Search key words included the following medical subjects heading terms: (periapical disease OR apical periodontitis OR periapical lesions OR periapical abscess) AND (viruses OR herpesvir*). A manual search involved references from articles retrieved for possible inclusion. The search, evaluation, and critical appraisal of articles were performed by two independent judges. Collected data were analyzed using the measures of descriptive statistics. The final review has included twenty nine articles related to herpesviral presence periapical pathoses. Qualitative analysis indicated that EBV HCMV, and HHV-8 were the most prevalent species in periapical pathoses. Our findings suggest that there is wide variety of herpesviruses detection rates in periapical pathoses in relation to their clinical, histopathological and radiographic features.

Research paper thumbnail of Dental interventions with patients susceptive to subacute bacterial endocarditis

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 2004

Bloody dental interventions are frequently accompanied by transitory bacterimia. It may cause gen... more Bloody dental interventions are frequently accompanied by transitory bacterimia. It may cause generation of subacute bacterial endocarditis with a certain number of heart patients. Pointed out in this paper is the importance of the knowledge on the heart structural disease, which is a good predisposition for generation of the disease. Also pointed out are dental procedures that cause strong bacterimia and may, with different patients, cause subacute bacterial endocarditis. Antibiotic prophylaxis is directed towards the alpha hemolytic streptococcus (streptococcus viridans), is practiced as a one-shot adminstration for the purpose of protecting the patient only at the time of bacterimia, preventing thus generation of resistant varieties. Given in the paper is a short description of the dentist practical procedure with this group of risky patients minimizing the possibility of the disease generation. Pointed out is the antibiotic and dental prophylactic programme as well as some governing mistakes on the subacute bacterial endocarditis generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Malignant transformation of oral lichen planus. A case report

PubMed, Nov 1, 2009

Lichen planus is a chronic, immunological mucocutaneous disease with a wide range of clinical man... more Lichen planus is a chronic, immunological mucocutaneous disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations. Since oral lichen planus is considered a pre-malignant condition, a recall system has been recommended one to four times annually to facilitate the early diagnosis of malignant transformation. This paper reports the case of a patient with malignant transformation of oral lichen planus and points out the significance of both the recall system and adequate education by dental care providers regarding early detection of transformation into oral cancer.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformación maligna del líquen plano oral

West Indian Medical Journal, Nov 1, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of GINGIVALNO UVEćANJE IZAZVANO NIfEDIpINOM -Gingiva i lekovi- GINGIVAL OVERGROwTH INDUCED By NIfEDIpINE - Gingiva and drugs

Uvod. Gingivalno uvećanje izazvano difenilhidantoinom (Dilantin) dosta je opisivano u literaturi.... more Uvod. Gingivalno uvećanje izazvano difenilhidantoinom (Dilantin) dosta je opisivano u literaturi. Odnedavno, pojavili su se i drugi lekovi koji dovode do uvećanja gingive kao i Dilantin. Cilj. Nifedipin, kalcijum-blokator, koristi se u terapiji kardiovaskularnih oboljenja zbog njegovog inhibitornog delovanja na jone kalcijuma koji dolaze do mišićnih ćelija srca i krvnih sudova. U nekim slučajevima uzimanja ovog leka, kao sporedni efekat, može se javiti i prekomerni rast gingivalnog tkiva. Ovim člankom je prikazan jedan slučaj uvećanja gingive uzimanjem nifedipina. Diskusija. U literaturi postoje podaci koji govore o sličnostima u promenama koje izazivaju difenilhidantoin i nifedipin. U radu je prezentovana diskusija o kliničkim i histološkim promenama kao i o mogućoj patogenezi poremećaja. Iako se još uvek ne zna tačan mehanizam nastanka hiperplazije gingive, potvrđeno je da sa prekidom uzimanja nifedipina, dolazi do regresije hiperplastične gingive. Zaključak. Može se zaključiti da se uvećanje gingive javlja kod pacijenata koji u terapiji koriste nifedipin, ali samo na mestima gde su prisutni lokalni faktori zapaljenja.


Parodontopatija je multifaktorijalno, hronično oboljenje praćeno destrukcijom potpornog aparata z... more Parodontopatija je multifaktorijalno, hronično oboljenje praćeno destrukcijom potpornog aparata zuba. Glavni etiološki faktor za nastanak parodontopatije je oralni biofilm sa anaerobnim mikroorganizmima. Pored bakterija, u parodontalnim džepovima su nađeni i virusi. Uloga virusa je značajna zbog toga što dovode do nepravilnosti u pripajanju, hemotaksi i fagocitozi polimorfonuklearnih leukocita. Udruženi virusi i bakterije imaju jači periodontopatogeni potencijal, nego pojedinačno. Ističe se sinergističko delovanje periodontopatogenih bakterija, Epstein-Barr virusa i Cytomegalovirusa. Za razumevanje patogenetskih dešavanja u toku parodontopatije bitno je poznavanje svih etioloških faktora, kao i imunog odgovora domaćina na ove agense, zbog adekvatnog tretmana ovog oboljenja.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Soft Laser in Pain Therapy After

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Health-Related Risk Factors Among Students in Southeast Serbia

Medical Science Monitor, 2020

Background An association between insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of d... more Background An association between insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of dental caries, gingival/periodontal diseases, and consequently general diseases has been established. The null hypothesis that there is no difference in the oral health status among students in a preclinical medical program and those who went through a clinical medical program was tested. The main objective of the study was to analyze oral health risk factors (oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior) as well as their impact on oral health by using convenience sampling. Material/Methods We investigated risk factors for oral health conditions by examining oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behaviors among the students in the medical program of the University of Niš, collecting data using questionnaires. The study included 396 students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and vocational studies. Participants filled out the anonymous questionnaire. Results In both groups, parents were mostly employed, with the representation of employed fathers significantly higher in student group 1 (P<0.05), which is also the only statistically significant difference between the groups. In terms of oral hygiene practices, students were most often trained by parents (68.69%). A very high percentage of students brushed their teeth every day (97.22%), and 54.55% did this twice a day. Of the total number of students, 78.28% thought that it was necessary to use interdental brushes/floss/toothpick. The duration of teeth cleaning was 3 minutes in 39.39%, whereas 55.30% thought that it should be longer than 3 minutes. The most common brushing movements were combined movements and were used by 60.35% of all students. Of all students, 253 (63.89%) never smoked, 182 (49.96%) regularly went to the dentist, and 141 (35.61%) visited the dentist 6 months ago. The majority of students, 265 (66.92%), obtained the greatest amount of information about oral and tooth care from their dentist, which was the case in both age groups. Conclusions This study highlights oral health risk factors among students at the University of Niš. It is essential to determine their oral health knowledge, as it is of great significance both to patients and to students. Also, these students will be the major providers of health services and will be responsible for public oral health promotion. It could help in reformation of the oral health education program. The results of this research indicate that it is necessary to educate preclinical students to solve oral health issues.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical, microbiological and cytomorphometric evaluation of low‐level laser therapy as an adjunct to periodontal therapy in patients with chronic periodontitis

International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 2018

ObjectiveA clinical prospective study was designed to evaluate microbiological, cytomorphometric ... more ObjectiveA clinical prospective study was designed to evaluate microbiological, cytomorphometric and clinical efficacy of low‐level laser therapy (LLLT) as an adjunct to periodontal therapy in the treatment of chronic periodontitis.MethodsSixty subjects were included and randomly assigned into 2 groups: SRP (scaling root planning) group (n = 30) and LLLT + SRP group (n = 30). Clinical parameters were measured before intervention, after the fifth treatment, and after a month. All subjects received oral hygiene instructions and full‐mouth conservative periodontal treatment (removal of dental plaque followed by SRP). Afterwards, in group II, Kavo LLLT (980 nm, 0.2 W, 6 J/cm2) was applied. Subgingival samples were collected at baseline and after the fifth treatment to quantify Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis and Treponema denticola by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gingival swabs were taken, and direct sme...

Research paper thumbnail of Laser analgesic during orthodontic therapy

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2017

Uvod: Posebno je važno smanjiti bol nakon prvog postavljanja luka. Većina pacijenata oseća bol ... more Uvod: Posebno je važno smanjiti bol nakon prvog postavljanja luka. Većina pacijenata oseća bol četiri sata nakon što se luk postavi , postiže najviši nivo nakon 24 sata i smanjuje se u narednih nekoliko dana. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da je strah od bola veoma važan razlog za obeshrabrivanje pacijenata da prihvate ovakav ortodontski tretman. Cilj ove studije bio je da se proceni efikasnost biostimulativnog laserskog tretmana u smanjenju bolova kod pacijenata sa fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima. Materijal i metode:Petnaest pacijenata je tretirano biostimulativnim diodnim laserom, tokom dva minuta po kvadrantu, odmah nakon postavljanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata i u naredna četiri dana. Kontrolna grupa od 15 pacijenata dobila je analgetsku terapiju u trajanju, od pet dana. Bol je subjektivno ocenjen kao jak, srednji ili bez bolova. Bol je nestao kod 20% ispitanika u ispitivanoj grupi nakon prvog dana, dok je kod 60% i 26,6% ispitanika srednja i izolovana bol bila prisutna drugog i trećeg dana. Bol je nestao kod svih pacijenata tretiranih laserom petog dana. Jak bol bio je prisutan kod svih ispitanika u kontrolnoj grupi prvog dana,dok je drugog dana smanjen na 60%, a 20% ispitanika sa srednjim intenzitetom bola. Nakon tri dana, kontrolna grupa je pokazala srednji lokalizovan bol u 40% slučajeva, koji se smanjio kod 26,6% nakon četvrtog dana, što ukazuje na kasnije smanjenje bola u odnosu na grupu koja se tretira laserom. Rezultati ukazuju na to da se primena lasera sa niskom energijom može uspešno koristiti za smanjenje bolova tokom početnog nelagodnog perioda nakon postavljanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata. Zaključak: Niskoenergetski laseri mogu uspešno da smanje bol u početnom periodu posle postavljanja fiksnog ortodontskog aparata.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effects of low-level laser and hyaluronic acid on gingivitis catarrhalis in children

Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2018

Background/Aim. Gingivitis catarrhalis is the most common disease of the oral mucosa in children,... more Background/Aim. Gingivitis catarrhalis is the most common disease of the oral mucosa in children, representing an inflammation of the gingiva of an exudative nature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy and hyaluronic acid therapy on gingivitis catarrhalis in children using the appropriate clinical parameters. Methods. The study involved 100 children with permanent dentition in whom gingivitis catarrhalis had been diagnosed. The examinees were divided into two groups: the group I consisting of patients with gingival inflammation (50 examinees) in whom the therapy with hyaluronic acid was applied after the removal of soft and hard dental deposits, and the group II consisting of patients with gingival inflammation (50 examinees) in whom low-level laser therapy was applied after the removal of soft and hard dental deposits. Clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effects of low-level laser and hyaluronic acid on gingivitis catarrhalis was pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Gingival overgrowth

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Periodontal disease in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2018

Uvod: Dijabetes (DM; diabetes mellitus) je jedan od najzastupljenijih endokrinih metaboličkih por... more Uvod: Dijabetes (DM; diabetes mellitus) je jedan od najzastupljenijih endokrinih metaboličkih poremećaja. Dijabetes izaziva oštećenje usne duplje i predstavlja faktor rizika za razvoj parodontopatije. Cilj istraživanja je opisati parodontalni status kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom tipa 2 i proceniti demografske, socijalne, medicinske i stomatološke faktore rizika povezane sa parodontopatijom i dijabetesom. Materijal i Metode: Analizirani su demografski podaci, medicinska i stomatološka istorija bolesti, urađen pregled parodonta (određen nivo pripojnog epitela, krvarenje pri sondiranju i prisustvo zubnog kamenca) i citomorfometrijska analiza. Rezultati: 160 ispitanika je učestvovalo u istraživanju, starosti 64,2 (±0,2) godina, prosečne dužine trajanja DM 23,6 (±0,39) godina i srednje vrednosti HbA1c 8,70% (±0,45). Visoke vrednosti nivoa epitelnog pripoja i kamenac bili su zastupljeniji kod starijih pacijenata. Krvarenje pri sondiranju je bio istih vrednosti nezavisno od starosti pacijenata. Citomorfometrijska analiza je pokazala prisustvo većih jedara kod starijih pacijenata. Prema regresionoj analizi faktori povezani sa uznapredovalom parodontopatijom su: starost (P<0,001), pušenje cigareta (p<0,001), bivši pušači (p<0,001), pranje zuba (p=0,017), posete stomatologu (p=0,068), dužina trajanja DM (p=0,034), kserostomija (p=0,500), povećanje vrednosti HbA1c (p=0,119), neuropatija (p=0,017), nefropatija (p=0,389), retinopatija (p=0,550) i periferna vaskularna kardiomiopatija (p=0,060). Zaključak: Parodontopatija je često oboljenje kod starijih dijabetesnih bolesnika. Pušenje cigareta u starijoj životnoj dobi je povezano sa visokom učestalošću uznapredovale parodontopatije. Pušači dijabetičari imaju visok rizik za lošu prognozu parodontopatije i moraju dolaziti na redovne parodontološke kontrolne preglede i terapiju.

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of human cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus in subgingival plaque at peri-implantitis, mucositis and healthy sites. A pilot study

International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2011

This study evaluated the prevalence of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) ... more This study evaluated the prevalence of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in peri-implantitis and mucositis sites and the correlation between herpesvirus and clinical parameters. Fifty-six dental implants (mean time of loading, 4.27±1.6 years) were evaluated (20 peri-implantitis, 18 mucositis, 18 healthy peri-implant sites.) The clinical parameters assessed were: visible plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), suppuration (SUP), probing depth (PD). A polymerase chain reaction assay identified HCMV and EBV in subgingival plaque samples. The percent of sites with plaque and BOP was significantly higher around mucositis and peri-implantitis compared with healthy implants (p<0.05). The mean PD around the implants was significantly higher in peri-implantitis, followed by mucositis and healthy implants (p<0.05). HCMV was detected in 13 (65%) and EBV in 9 (45%) of the 20 peri-implantitis sites. HCMV was found in 1 of the 18 (6%) healthy periodontal sites ...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Young Adults


Knowledge about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior... more Knowledge about the importance of oral health and oral hygiene practices, attitudes, and behavior among young adults shows the association of insufficient or irregular oral hygiene with the occurrence of gingival/periodontal diseases, caries, and consequently systemic disease occurrence including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, infections of the respiratory tract, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and neurological disorders. Public health dentists should be trained for oral health needs assessments as well as for the evaluation of community-based oral health improvement strategies among different population groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Low level laser therapy of dentine hypersensitivity: A review

Dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem in everyday dental practice. It is claimed that 14.3... more Dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem in everyday dental practice. It is claimed that 14.3% of all dental patients have some degree of dentine hypersensitivity. Literature data reveal a number of treatment modalities. So far, most of the therapies have failed to be completely successful, but some authors report that lasers may now provide reliable and reproducible treatment. The purpose of this article is to summarize current knowledge regarding low level laser therapy for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. With the development of lasers, it could be expected that laser applications in dentistry will increase According to the literature data, it can be concluded that low level lasers have shown their efficiency in therapy of hypersensitive dentine and present a possible tool for dentine hypersensitivity treatment in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Oral Hygiene Habits Among the Students of the University of Niš in Southern Serbia – a Pilot Study

Acta Medica Medianae, 2017

Oral hygiene is one of the most important factors which affects the status of general health in a... more Oral hygiene is one of the most important factors which affects the status of general health in all patients. These factors may affect the individual's oral hygiene habits: age, gender, education, level of awareness and socioeconomic status. Oral hygiene habits among the students who live in southern Serbia have been rarely investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate oral hygiene habits among the students of the University of Niš, southern Serbia. The study involved 249 students (53.83% male and 46.17% female), and each participant completed the study questionnaire. Average age of the participants was 21.67 ± 2.00 years. The prevalence expressed in percentages was as follows: 100% used toothbrush and toothpaste for oral hygiene, 77.51% used dental flossing, 40.96% used mouthrinse solutions, 63.45% brushed their teeth twice per day, 69.88% used combined toothbrush movements, 20.88% used vertical toothbrush movements, 9.24% used horizontal toothbrush movements and 54.62% changed their toothbrushes every 3 months. A significantly high percent (92.37%) of students used chewing gum and 59.84% consumed sweets every day, but a significantly low percent of students were active smokers (17.67%), former smokers (11.24%) and drugs users (13.65%). The percentage of nail biters among the students was 41.31%. The study may highlight the interactions between oral hygiene and related habits. Further research is needed to develop good oral hygiene skills for achieving and maintaining good oral and dental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Gingival Inflammation as a Sign of Diabetic Systemic Chronic Complications


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder and the high level of blood ... more Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder and the high level of blood glucose has profound effects on various systems of the human body. DM increases the risk of periodontal disease and the severe periodontal disease often coexists in diabetic patients with poor glycemic control. The aim of the study was to analyse periodontal health in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 related to diabetic complications and glycohemoglobin A1c values. Methodology: One hundred patients with periodontitis and type 2 DM participated in the study. According to the glycohemoglobin A1c value they were divided in 4 groups: group 1 (4%-6% normal), group 2 (6.1%-7% good), group 3 (7.1%-8% moderately poor), group 4 (> 8% poor metabolic control). The presence of chronic systemic microvascular diabetic complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy) was recorded and periodontal assessments (Plaque, Gingival, Calculus and Periodontal Disease Index) performed. The results were statistically analysed using MS Office Excel, program SPSS, 15.0 version. Results: Gingival index values depended on the level of HbA1c values and higher values of the Gingival and Periodontal Disease Index were noticed as the value of glycohemoglobin A1c was rising (p<0,001). Gingival index values were higher in diabetics with diabetic chronic microvascular complications (p<0.001). Conclusion: It is observed that pronounced gingival inflammation in diabetics is associated with systemic diabetic complications and poor glycemic control.

Research paper thumbnail of Maxillary labial frenulum attachment level in adults

Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2016

Odeljenje za preventivnu i dečju stomatologiju, Klinika za stomatologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Un... more Odeljenje za preventivnu i dečju stomatologiju, Klinika za stomatologiju, Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija Sažetak. Frenulum gornje usne predstavlja nabor sluzokože koji povezuje usne i periost alveolarnog nastavka maksilarne kosti. Isuviše koronarno postavljen frenulum zahteva hiruršku terapiju. Merenje, klasifikacija i zastupljenost različitih nivoa pripoja frenuluma gornje usne nije mnogo proučavana u literaturi. Iz svih ovih razloga cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati klasifikaciju i odrediti zastupljenost različitih nivoa pripoja frenuluma gornje usne kod mladih odraslih osoba.Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 100 studenata. Kliničkim pregledom određen je nivo pripoja frenulum gornje usne i morfološka klasifikacija. Statistička analiza je urađena uz pomoć SPSS 11.5. U ispitivanju je učestvovalo 100 studenata stomatologije, od kojih 75 (75%) ženskog i 25 (25%) muškog pola, srednje starosti od 23,23±3.6 godina. Najzastupljeniji je gingivalni pripoj frenuluma gornje usne (76%), papilarni (12%), mukozni (8%) i najređi je bio papilarni palatinalni nivo pripoja (2%). Prema morfološkim karakteristikama najzastupljeniji je jednostavni frenulum (78%). Kod mladih odraslih osoba najzastupljeniji je gingivalni nivo pripoja i morfološki tip jednostavni frenulum gornje usne. Najmanje je zastupljen palatinalni papilarni nivo pripoja. Ne postoji razlika u zastupljenosti različitih nivoa pripoja niti morfoloških tipova frenuluma gornje usne između polova.

Research paper thumbnail of Low power laser efficacy in the therapy of periodontitis

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2015

Uvod. Parodontopatija je inflamatorno oboljenje potpornog aparata zuba. Spada u najrasprostranjen... more Uvod. Parodontopatija je inflamatorno oboljenje potpornog aparata zuba. Spada u najrasprostranjenija oboljenja od kojih ljudi boluju i predstavlja ogroman problem kojem se pridaje sve veći značaj. Savremena terapija parodontopatije obuhvata klasične metode lečenja, hirurške metode i najnoviju lasersku tehnologiju. Terapija laserima male snage je potpuno bezbolna, neinvazivna i bez štetnih efekata. Cilj rada je bio ispitati efikasnost terapije laserima male snage kao dodatak bazičnoj terapiji parodontopatije. Materijal i metod. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na 50 ispitanika sa parodontopatijom i kliničkim simptomom inflamacije gingive. Pri prvoj poseti određeni su indeksi: plak indeks (PI), gingivalni indeks (GI), parodontalni indeks po Ramfjordu (PDI), uklonjene meke i čvrste naslage, obrađeni parodontalni džepovi. Zatim je na desnoj strani vilica (grupa A) primenjena terapija GaAlAs laserom (Mils 94, 670 nm, 5 mW, 14 min). Terapija laserom je izostavljena na levoj strani vilice svakog ispitanika (grupa B), radi upoređivanja efekata terapije sa i bez lasera. Nakon prve, treće i pete terapije određeni su GI i PI, a nakon mesec dana GI, PI i PDI. Rezultati. Poređenjem srednjih vrednosti indeksa u odnosu na vrednost pre terapije uočeno je značajno smanjenje izraženije na lasiranoj strani. Poređenjem grupa utvrđena je manja vrednost kod lasirane u odnosu na nelasiranu stranu. Zaključak. Laseri male snage pokazali su se efikasnim u eliminaciji inflamacije gingive i unapređenju parodontalnog zdravlja, te se preporučuju kao dodatak bazičnoj terapiji parodontopatije.

Research paper thumbnail of Herpesviruses in Periapical Pathoses: An Updated Systematic Review

Herpesviridae, 2016

Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue ca... more Apical periodontitis represents a chronic inflammation and destruction of periradicular tissue caused by polymicrobial infection of endodontic origin. The aim of this systematic review was to make an update on findings related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) presence in periapical pathoses and to correlate these findings with clinical, histopathological and radiographic features of periapical lesions. Methods were based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. A search was performed using PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Search key words included the following medical subjects heading terms: (periapical disease OR apical periodontitis OR periapical lesions OR periapical abscess) AND (viruses OR herpesvir*). A manual search involved references from articles retrieved for possible inclusion. The search, evaluation, and critical appraisal of articles were performed by two independent judges. Collected data were analyzed using the measures of descriptive statistics. The final review has included twenty nine articles related to herpesviral presence periapical pathoses. Qualitative analysis indicated that EBV HCMV, and HHV-8 were the most prevalent species in periapical pathoses. Our findings suggest that there is wide variety of herpesviruses detection rates in periapical pathoses in relation to their clinical, histopathological and radiographic features.