Lokman DAL - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Lokman DAL

Research paper thumbnail of C Segment Automobile Selection Byusing Electre Method

Gece Kitaplığı, 2020

The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobile... more The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobiles under the criteria determined by a consumer by ELECTRE method which is one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Within the scope of the study, quantitative data were collected about the options and criteria determined by a consumer who wanted to buy a brandnew and C segment car. The collected data were analyzed by weighting. As a result of the findings, the automobiles that the consumer can choose are proposed in order.

Research paper thumbnail of Financial Risk Tolerance In Cryptocurrency Investors (Quantitative Article)

The aim of this study is to determine financial risk tolerances of crypto currency investors and ... more The aim of this study is to determine financial risk tolerances of crypto currency investors and to classify them according to risk groups, and also determine the relationship between these levels of tolerance in terms of demographic characteristics and investment profiles. Within the scope of the study, the data was collected from 233 active cryptocurrency investors in Turkey by Convenience Sampling Method. A questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as data collection instrument. The responses of the participants to the survey questions were scored and risk groups were determined. The average financial risk tolerance of the investors was determined as 3.85 out of 5 points. It was determined that %62.2 of the 233 participants consisted of individuals above the average and having high risk tolerance. In order to determine whether there is a significant relationship between demographic characteristics, investment profiles and risk tolerances of cryptocurrency investors, Independ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kripto Para Yatırımcılarında Finansal Risk Toleransı

Bu calismanin amaci, kripto para yatirimcilarinin finansal risk toleranslarinin belirlenerek risk... more Bu calismanin amaci, kripto para yatirimcilarinin finansal risk toleranslarinin belirlenerek risk gruplarina gore siniflandirilmasi; risk tolerans duzeylerinin demografik ozellikler ve yatirim profilleri acisindan iliskisinin incelenmesidir. Calisma kapsaminda Turkiye’de 233 aktif kripto para yatirimcisindan Kolayda Ornekleme Yontemiyle veri toplanmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak iki bolumden olusan anket kullanilmistir. Katilimcilarin anket sorularina verdikleri yanitlar skorlanarak risk gruplari belirlenmistir. Yatirimcilarin finansal risk tolerans ortalamasi 5 puan uzerinden 3,85 olarak belirlenmistir. 233 katilimcinin %62,2’lik kisminin ortalamanin ustunde ve yuksek risk toleransina sahip bireylerden olustugu belirlenmistir. Kripto para yatirimcilarinin demografik ozellikleri, yatirim profilleri ile risk toleranslari arasinda anlamli bir iliski olup olmadiginin belirlenmesi amaciyla Bagimsiz Orneklem t Testi ve Tek Yonlu ANOVA testleri yapilmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore, yati...

Research paper thumbnail of Hi̇zmetkâr Li̇derli̇k Davranişlari Ve Li̇der-Üye Etki̇leşi̇mi̇ İli̇şki̇si̇: Bi̇r Devlet Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Araştirma

Hizmetkâr liderlik, son yillarda artan sayida arastirmaya konu olan modern bir liderlik yaklasimi... more Hizmetkâr liderlik, son yillarda artan sayida arastirmaya konu olan modern bir liderlik yaklasimidir. Bu calisma, Turkiye’deki bir devlet universitesinde bolum baskanlarinin hizmetkâr liderlik davranislarini ve bu davranislarin lider-uye etkilesimiyle iliskisini arastirmaktadir. Arastirmaya konu hizmetkar liderlik boyutlari, sosyal ve ahlaki sevgi, alcakgonulluluk, fedakarlik, vizyon, guven, guclendirme, hizmet; lider-uye etkilesimi boyutlari ise etki, sadakat, katki ve profesyonel saygidir. Arastirma, calismaya esas veriyi 20 bolum baskani ve 210 ogretim elemanindan toplamistir. Veri toplama araci olarak, Robert Steven Dennis (2004) tarafindan gelistirilen Hizmetkâr Liderlik Olcegi ile Liden ve Maslyn (1998) tarafindan gelistirilen Lider-Uye Etkilesimi Olcekleri kullanilmistir. Veri setinin normal dagilim gostermedigi arastirmada, Spearman Korelâsyon Analizi kullanilmistir. Arastirma bulgulari, hizmetkâr liderlik ile gerek lider-uye etkilesimi gerekse lider uye etkilesimi boyutlari...

Research paper thumbnail of Hizmetkâr Liderlik Davranışları ve Lider-Üye Etkileşimi İlişkisi: Bir Devlet Üniversitesi Üzerine Araştırma

Servant leadership is a modern leadership approach that is subject to increasing number of resear... more Servant leadership is a modern leadership approach that is subject to increasing number of research in recent years. This study examines the servant leadership behaviors of department heads and its relationship with leader-member exchange at a state university in Turkey. The dimensions of servant leadership adopted for the study are love, humility, altruism, vision, trust, empowerment and service. The dimensions of leader-member exchange are effect, loyalty, contribution and professional respect. The data has been collected from 20 department heads and 210 academic personnel. The research uses Servant Leadership Assessment Instrument of Robert Steven Dennis (2004) and Leader-Member Exchange Instrument of Liden and Maslyn (1998). Since the data set is not normally distributed, non-parametric Spearman Correlation Analysis is used to test hypotheses. The research findings indicate that there’s a positive and linear relationship between the servant leadership and the leader member excha...

Research paper thumbnail of C Segment Automobile Selection By Using ELECTRE Method

Academic Studies in Science and Mathematics - II, 2020

The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobile... more The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobiles under the criteria determined by a consumer by ELECTRE method which is one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Within the scope of the study, quantitative data were collected about the options and criteria determined by a consumer who wanted to buy a brandnew and C segment car. The collected data were analyzed by weighting. As a result of the findings, the automobiles that the consumer can choose are proposed in order.

Research paper thumbnail of C Segment Automobile Selection Byusing Electre Method

Gece Kitaplığı, 2020

The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobile... more The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobiles under the criteria determined by a consumer by ELECTRE method which is one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Within the scope of the study, quantitative data were collected about the options and criteria determined by a consumer who wanted to buy a brandnew and C segment car. The collected data were analyzed by weighting. As a result of the findings, the automobiles that the consumer can choose are proposed in order.

Research paper thumbnail of Financial Risk Tolerance In Cryptocurrency Investors (Quantitative Article)

The aim of this study is to determine financial risk tolerances of crypto currency investors and ... more The aim of this study is to determine financial risk tolerances of crypto currency investors and to classify them according to risk groups, and also determine the relationship between these levels of tolerance in terms of demographic characteristics and investment profiles. Within the scope of the study, the data was collected from 233 active cryptocurrency investors in Turkey by Convenience Sampling Method. A questionnaire consisting of two parts was used as data collection instrument. The responses of the participants to the survey questions were scored and risk groups were determined. The average financial risk tolerance of the investors was determined as 3.85 out of 5 points. It was determined that %62.2 of the 233 participants consisted of individuals above the average and having high risk tolerance. In order to determine whether there is a significant relationship between demographic characteristics, investment profiles and risk tolerances of cryptocurrency investors, Independ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kripto Para Yatırımcılarında Finansal Risk Toleransı

Bu calismanin amaci, kripto para yatirimcilarinin finansal risk toleranslarinin belirlenerek risk... more Bu calismanin amaci, kripto para yatirimcilarinin finansal risk toleranslarinin belirlenerek risk gruplarina gore siniflandirilmasi; risk tolerans duzeylerinin demografik ozellikler ve yatirim profilleri acisindan iliskisinin incelenmesidir. Calisma kapsaminda Turkiye’de 233 aktif kripto para yatirimcisindan Kolayda Ornekleme Yontemiyle veri toplanmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak iki bolumden olusan anket kullanilmistir. Katilimcilarin anket sorularina verdikleri yanitlar skorlanarak risk gruplari belirlenmistir. Yatirimcilarin finansal risk tolerans ortalamasi 5 puan uzerinden 3,85 olarak belirlenmistir. 233 katilimcinin %62,2’lik kisminin ortalamanin ustunde ve yuksek risk toleransina sahip bireylerden olustugu belirlenmistir. Kripto para yatirimcilarinin demografik ozellikleri, yatirim profilleri ile risk toleranslari arasinda anlamli bir iliski olup olmadiginin belirlenmesi amaciyla Bagimsiz Orneklem t Testi ve Tek Yonlu ANOVA testleri yapilmistir. Analiz sonuclarina gore, yati...

Research paper thumbnail of Hi̇zmetkâr Li̇derli̇k Davranişlari Ve Li̇der-Üye Etki̇leşi̇mi̇ İli̇şki̇si̇: Bi̇r Devlet Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Araştirma

Hizmetkâr liderlik, son yillarda artan sayida arastirmaya konu olan modern bir liderlik yaklasimi... more Hizmetkâr liderlik, son yillarda artan sayida arastirmaya konu olan modern bir liderlik yaklasimidir. Bu calisma, Turkiye’deki bir devlet universitesinde bolum baskanlarinin hizmetkâr liderlik davranislarini ve bu davranislarin lider-uye etkilesimiyle iliskisini arastirmaktadir. Arastirmaya konu hizmetkar liderlik boyutlari, sosyal ve ahlaki sevgi, alcakgonulluluk, fedakarlik, vizyon, guven, guclendirme, hizmet; lider-uye etkilesimi boyutlari ise etki, sadakat, katki ve profesyonel saygidir. Arastirma, calismaya esas veriyi 20 bolum baskani ve 210 ogretim elemanindan toplamistir. Veri toplama araci olarak, Robert Steven Dennis (2004) tarafindan gelistirilen Hizmetkâr Liderlik Olcegi ile Liden ve Maslyn (1998) tarafindan gelistirilen Lider-Uye Etkilesimi Olcekleri kullanilmistir. Veri setinin normal dagilim gostermedigi arastirmada, Spearman Korelâsyon Analizi kullanilmistir. Arastirma bulgulari, hizmetkâr liderlik ile gerek lider-uye etkilesimi gerekse lider uye etkilesimi boyutlari...

Research paper thumbnail of Hizmetkâr Liderlik Davranışları ve Lider-Üye Etkileşimi İlişkisi: Bir Devlet Üniversitesi Üzerine Araştırma

Servant leadership is a modern leadership approach that is subject to increasing number of resear... more Servant leadership is a modern leadership approach that is subject to increasing number of research in recent years. This study examines the servant leadership behaviors of department heads and its relationship with leader-member exchange at a state university in Turkey. The dimensions of servant leadership adopted for the study are love, humility, altruism, vision, trust, empowerment and service. The dimensions of leader-member exchange are effect, loyalty, contribution and professional respect. The data has been collected from 20 department heads and 210 academic personnel. The research uses Servant Leadership Assessment Instrument of Robert Steven Dennis (2004) and Leader-Member Exchange Instrument of Liden and Maslyn (1998). Since the data set is not normally distributed, non-parametric Spearman Correlation Analysis is used to test hypotheses. The research findings indicate that there’s a positive and linear relationship between the servant leadership and the leader member excha...

Research paper thumbnail of C Segment Automobile Selection By Using ELECTRE Method

Academic Studies in Science and Mathematics - II, 2020

The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobile... more The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobiles under the criteria determined by a consumer by ELECTRE method which is one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Within the scope of the study, quantitative data were collected about the options and criteria determined by a consumer who wanted to buy a brandnew and C segment car. The collected data were analyzed by weighting. As a result of the findings, the automobiles that the consumer can choose are proposed in order.