Longina Strumska-Cylwik - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Longina Strumska-Cylwik
Forum Oświatowe, 2016
The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop's controversial w... more The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop's controversial window-display which included typical items related to disability and illness. The study's aim is to recognize the specificity of emotional perception, as reported by respondents with and without motor disability, against the background of cultural patterns of emotionality and contemporary discourses on people with disabilities.
Forum Oświatowe, Dec 31, 2016
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja, Dec 31, 2018
Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem... more Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem moich rozważań jest problem przedsiębiorczości postrzegany w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat. Jako badacz problemu otwartości, zauważyłam szereg korela-cji zachodzących między zagadnieniami otwartości i przedsiębiorczości człowieka, które ilustrują załączone do tekstu schematy (zob. schemat nr 1-Matryca otwartości, schemat nr 2-Matryca przedsiębiorczości oraz schemat nr 3-obrazujący różne strategie myślenia). Są one oparte zarówno na studiach teoretycznych, jak i praktycznych i stanowią od-zwierciedlenie najczęstszych opisów, wyjaśnień, charakterystyk i interpretacji omawianych pojęć. Pozwalają jednocześnie dostrzec wiele wspólnych cech w omawianych terminach, na przykład: kreatywność, odwaga, elastyczność, rozwojowość, aktywność etc. Skłoniło mnie to do przyjęcia pewnego założenia, a mianowicie: że przedsiębiorczość człowieka w dużej mierze uwarunkowana jest jego otwartością n...
With a specific online article as point of departure, this article 1 investigates the phenomenon ... more With a specific online article as point of departure, this article 1 investigates the phenomenon of "bad behaviour" on the part of socalled "celebrities" online. It focuses on the article in question to be able to show what is at stake, namely, the fact that ordinary people are affected by celebrities' online actions, specifically in the form of either confusion regarding their own behaviour, or by imitating the actions concerned. This is followed by raising questions regarding online behaviour and "normalisation" and exploring these through the work of relevant authors such as Goffman (2006), Maisonneuve (1995), Huizinga (2007) and others, with a view to make sense of the fact that even supposedly shocking behaviour on the part of celebrities seems to be judged in terms of different criteria compared to everyday actions on the part of ordinary people. The role of advanced electronic technology in affecting people's behaviour is also noted, before turning to Plato and (particularly) Aristotle's notion of mimesis (imitation) to be able to understand what might be termed the "celebrity effect". The related question of identification with the images of celebrities is also briefly examined before concluding with a reference to Boorstin's (1992) famous account of a "celebrity".
The main aim of this research is to introduce diverse qualities of thinking about ‘Otherness’/‘Ot... more The main aim of this research is to introduce diverse qualities of thinking about ‘Otherness’/‘Other’ in a contemporary, multicultural and at the same time transcultural world, and also to search for and discover their origins (sources), as well as to search for an answer to the question of what really hinders or blocks contact and communication with the Other and who, actually, the ‘Other’ is. The research was carried out from the hermeneutic perspective and concerned the problem of the Other/Otherness, which refers to "the circular process of understanding" by Hans Georg Gadamer, helping to understand the phenomenon and the fact that everyone is different (the hermeneutic perspective allows emphasis on the hermeneutical measurement of the subject of ‘Otherness’/ ‘Other’ and their multidimensional nature). In order to broaden the understanding of the issue mentioned above, I will refer to number of theories, such as: Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Ricoueur, Rene Girard, Erving Go...
The main aim of this paper is to search for different ways people think about their own emotional... more The main aim of this paper is to search for different ways people think about their own emotionality and about experienced and manifested emotions that have a substantial influence on the shape and quality of their lives. I am also attempting to outline the connection between expressiveness and emotional restraint, and between intercommunication and its quality. At the same time, I am trying to find the answer to the question about what is conducive to unconstrained expression of emotions by humans, and what makes it difficult for them, leading to restrained manifestation of emotions. In my research, I am paying attention to the cultural, individual, as well as innate (common to the whole mankind) nature of emotions – the nature which determines specific ways of experiencing and manifesting emotions, and at the same time letting people, to a lesser or a larger degree, expose their emotions freely. It traces into differences between expressive (emotional) cultures (that give people m...
Drawing on the international research program ‘Teacher presence. A Multicultural Comparison’, thi... more Drawing on the international research program ‘Teacher presence. A Multicultural Comparison’, this paper tackles the issue of Polish teacher candidates’ representations of teacher presence in the classroom. The basis for the current study consists of drawings made by the participants in response to the task ‘Me, in my class’ and its accompanying question: What does this drawing tell me about you as an early childhood education teacher? Drawings done by the participants show not only the way in which the respondents perceive themselves and their roles as teachers but also the way in which they conceive the relationship with students in the classroom. The analysis of the collected material indicates strong institutional features embedded in the physical space of the school, where both the teacher and the students appear as typical products of the institution and where the relationship of power and subordination is still maintained. The classroom as an organized, didactic space and tea...
The main problem of this work are hidden meanings given to old age and aging, encoded in selected... more The main problem of this work are hidden meanings given to old age and aging, encoded in selected verbal and non-verbal messages observed in the contemporary world. Whereas the main aim of the work is for the respondents to search for, decode and give “own meanings” to such messages; the expression “own meaning” is crucial here because it draws attention to the intersubjective nature of any existing meanings and their manifold entanglements that go far beyond individually created meanings or opinions. At the same time, the problem of giving meanings is closely linked with the interpretation that shows the way something is recognized and understood by an individual, a group or society. Such an approach imposes particular requirements on the respondents and expects them to subject these discussed messages to multilevel analysis research (the messages are tested not only in terms of the respondents’ own, individual experiences, but also in the prospect of various social and cultural en...
Forum Oświatowe, 2016
The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop’s controversial windo... more The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop’s controversial window-display which included typical items related to disability and illness. The study’s aim is to recognize the specificity of emotional perception, as reported by respondents with and without motor disability, against the background of cultural patterns of emotionality and contemporary discourses on people with disabilities.
This paper refers to the “giraffe language” and “jackal language”, which allude to the “non-viole... more This paper refers to the “giraffe language” and “jackal language”, which allude to the “non-violent communication” concept according to Marshall B. Rosenberg. The two languages being discussed describe two different types of rhetoric and, at the same time, two opposite communication/social rituals used by people in their everyday life and also in the mass media, and omnipresent in the advertisement. The paper tries to draw attention that contemporary media is based on “jackal language” (often strongly rooted in our culture and mentality) being a language of violence, blocking empathy and stimulating conflicts and tension in interpersonal communication and relationships). Unfortunately media makes a tremendous impact on the customers (especially on young people). This paper aims to propagate and encourage using the “giraffe language” described as the language of love, understanding and clemency. The ‘giraffe language’ encourages constructive, matterof-fact and unbiased communication...
The main goal of this research is to determine effective methods for coping with distress and mod... more The main goal of this research is to determine effective methods for coping with distress and moderating its symptoms. My research was carried out in two directions: it is research penetrating stress theories and relating to famous researchers of the phenomenon in question, such as: Hans H. Selye, Alexander Lowen, Arnie Cann, Alix Kirsta, Henri Rubinstein, Jan F. Terelak and others. Also, it refers to own research and individual ideas originating from respondents' experiences in the scope of dealing with stress. They present their own, often unique methods for dealing with distress. It is to be noted that the methods are usually strongly connected with their personal sensitivity, preferences, temperament as well as the "imprinted habits" ordering them to react and behave in a specific way in a crisis 'situation'. It is to be emphasised that it is not easy to universalise strategies for dealing with stress since different people will react differently to a given...
The subjects of this research project are the interpretations of selected advertising messages. T... more The subjects of this research project are the interpretations of selected advertising messages. The main aim of this work is to discover ways of reading the advertising messages in the context of the common semantic field of their receivers. It is worth noting that despite the fact that such messages are always accompanied by certain intentions and motives of their creators (broadcasters) – they are not the object of authors’ interests in this particular text. The object of interest is the key role played by the interpretations of the advertising text made by its receivers. They are viewed from the perspective of common cultural ground of members of community the interpreters come from. In the opinion of the authors, cultural community significantly determines the approach of interpreters towards the advertising text, and also determines its final interpretation. This means that the interpreters of advertising messages are seen here as a specific interpretive society, actively parti...
This study looks into the question of media language and gender across two different cultures, Po... more This study looks into the question of media language and gender across two different cultures, Poland and Malaysia. The study pays particular attention to the language of print media which has the potential to create images of gender and leave long lasting impressions in the minds of the readers. Language is also said to be the most sophisticated symbol that mankind has to deal with. Where gender relationship is concerned, the content of the print media via media language and visuals have the potential to accentuate the prominence and dominance of masculinity versus femininity. Media language also plays an important role in creating social awareness that is associated with opinions, beliefs and ideas accepted and prevalent in specific societies. These opinions become patterns and models of the way people think also of their thinking about the question of gender relationship. It is the nature of the media to create meanings and convey them to societies. This means that media messages...
The aim of this work is an attempt to reconstruct and update the concept of state upbringing of K... more The aim of this work is an attempt to reconstruct and update the concept of state upbringing of Kazimierz Sośnicki. It seems to be significant in the context of the growing role of the state in the contemporary European reality of migration anxiety. The starting point of analysis is to establish the concept of Sośnicki in an idea of duality of a two-way relationship between social relations and socially constructed ethos, from which a particular participatory methodology of state upbringing has been derived. We perceive it as a project that is inclined towards children’s citizenship, which gives the possibility of making comparisons with Janusz Korczak’s thinking about child’s citizenship.
The main aim of this paper is to search for ways of effective expression of experienced emotions:... more The main aim of this paper is to search for ways of effective expression of experienced emotions: fear, anxiety, anger and displeasure, especially in case when they become present during intercommunication and can jeopardize it. It is worth mentioning that feelings and emotions like fear, anxiety and anger belong to basic emotions, meaning they are innate, common to the whole mankind. It was Paul Ekman who managed to single them out. Yet, despite the fact that those emotions are inborn and experienced by all people, they are often perceived as strange and hostile, and sometimes even treated as “absent discourses” that people should avoid, be ashamed of, and should even repress them from their own consciousness. At the same time, while these emotions are perceived as embarrassing, they are often hidden from the outside world, and their existence is even denied (which was confirmed in the results of my research). It happens especially when they turn out to be incompatible with the exp...
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
The subject of our interest is the rhetoric of Makarenko’s readings/interpretations of upbringing... more The subject of our interest is the rhetoric of Makarenko’s readings/interpretations of upbringing designated for parents. We would like to subject it to consideration in the prospect/perspective of Foucault’s governmentality category, understood as a specific metacategory/joint category connecting the axes of power (the Soviet power), knowledge (political economy), and the subject (homo sovieticus). Applying the governmentality category provides for the possibility of attempting to reconstruct traces of tangle/discursive relations and undiscursive elements of the policy of arranging a family which is a component of a broader policy of the Soviet state aimed at “forging” the new Soviet man. In this context, we will recognize Makarenko’s pedagogy as a kind of conceptualization and implementation of the policy of the Soviet state at the family level, having the goal of shaping a man of collective mentality, completely subordinated to the Soviet state, with standardized and ideologized ...
Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica
Celem analizy jest próba interpretacji znaczeń nadawanych wymianie barterowej przez jej uczestnik... more Celem analizy jest próba interpretacji znaczeń nadawanych wymianie barterowej przez jej uczestników. Ramę interpretacyjną stanowią dwa konteksty teoretyczne: dyskurs odwzajemnienia i dyskurs samowystarczalności, w których ulokowałyśmy wypowiedzi badanych. Pierwszy z nich odsyła do strategii działania zakorzenionej w tradycjach i rytuałach gospodarki przedpieniężnej, drugi natomiast nawiązuje do klasycznej liberalnej wykładni człowieczeństwa, wypełniającego się w działaniach ukierunkowanych na pozyskiwanie niezależności od innych. Napięcia powstające między tymi strategiami wyjaśnia koncepcja szacunku Richarda Sennetta, zgodnie z którą jest on zyskiwany przez dawanie innym lub przez samorozwój. Analizowane interpretacje uczestników wymiany barterowej wskazują, że obydwie strategie są przez nich traktowane jako wzajemnie niesprzeczne sposoby wyjaśniania praktyk, w których biorą udział.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
The presented text aims, on the one hand, to recall people’s lives that should not be forgotten, ... more The presented text aims, on the one hand, to recall people’s lives that should not be forgotten, and on the other hand, it is an attempt to mark in their context the borderline of the validity of contemporary pedagogical reflection on symbolic violence. The former concerns the analysis of Polish Jews’ childhood experiences from the World War II period, connected with the breaking of the primary national and religious identity and re-integration into a new Polish identity. The latter aim is related to the embedding of the indicated problem on the background of contemporary pedagogical reflection, and in particular critical pedagogy, for which one of the key categories has become symbolic violence, aimed at changing the human identity. The goal is to analyze the children’s testimonies of the Holocaust, in which the theoretical concept of the enslaved childhood of Wiesław Theiss was used. It allowed to capture the field of enslavement of Jewish children in its various dimensions.
Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem... more Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem moich rozważań jest problem przedsiębiorczości postrzegany w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat. Jako badacz problemu otwartości, zauważyłam szereg korelacji zachodzących między zagadnieniami otwartości i przedsiębiorczości człowieka, które ilustrują załączone do tekstu schematy (zob. schemat nr 1-Matryca otwartości, schemat nr 2-Matryca przedsiębiorczości oraz schemat nr 3-obrazujący różne strategie myślenia). Są one oparte zarówno na studiach teoretycznych, jak i praktycznych i stanowią odzwierciedlenie najczęstszych opisów, wyjaśnień, charakterystyk i interpretacji omawianych pojęć. Pozwalają jednocześnie dostrzec wiele wspólnych cech w omawianych terminach, na przykład: kreatywność, odwaga, elastyczność, rozwojowość, aktywność etc. Skłoniło mnie to do przyjęcia pewnego założenia, a mianowicie: że przedsiębiorczość człowieka w dużej mierze uwarunkowana jest jego otwartością na świat i innych ludzi. Powszechnie uznaje się otwartość za cechę pozytywną, za zaletę, co oczywiście tylko pozornie może wydawać się prawdziwe. Kiedy sięgniemy do głębszych warstw rozumienia pojęcia, okazuje się, że posiada również silne zabarwienia pejoratywne. Na przykład: otwarta rana, otwarta wojna, otwarty konflikt, i wiele innych. Ludzie otwarci jednakże, są na ogół utożsamiani z ludźmi życzliwymi, komunikatywnymi, empatycznymi, kreatywnymi. Sama otwartość zaś kojarzona jest jako stan pożądany, pogłębiający związki między ludźmi, sprzyjający rozwojowi, przyjaźni, zapewniający właściwe relacje interpersonalne, zwiększający kreatywność człowieka, pomagający rozwiązywać problemy, a także osiągać sukcesy etc. W tych ostatnich dostrzegamy wyraźne związki otwartości z zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości, albowiem człowiek przedsiębiorczy charakteryzowany jest jako człowiek "umiejący załatwić wszystkie sprawy, pełen inicjatywy, energii, pomysłowy, zaradny, rzutki". 1 "Mający ducha inicjatywy, skory do podejmowania różnych spraw (…)" 2. Według Peter Drucker'a-"każdy, kto ma odwagę podjąć decyzję, może nauczyć się prowadzić biznes (...) przedsiębiorca zawsze poszukuje zmiany, reaguje na nią i wykorzystuje ją jako okazję". 3 LONGINA STRUMSKA-CYLWIK Schemat 1-Matryca znaczeń *Umiejętność widzenia siebie takim, jakimi się jest *Dyskursywny charakter wszelkiej wiedzy *Odwaga odkrywania nowej wiedzy o sobie i w ogóle * Rozum "transwersalny" W. Welsch (1998) *Odwaga bycia sobą * Kreatywność *Otwartość na poziomie myślenia i działania, na poziomie ciała i werbalnego komunikowania się oraz na poziomie emocji. *Gotowość do wzajemnej wymiany perspektyw (sprzężeń zwrotnych) *"Wychodzenie poza siebie"-"bycie poza sobą" Zbigniew Kwieciński (2000), Paul Ricoeur (2003) *Życzliwość, tolerancja, empatia *"Transparentność"-przejrzystość S. Jourard (1970) *Otwartość na nową wiedzę, wyzwania, "inność", "odmienność" *Zdolność do "dialektycznego myślenia", dialektycznego zadawania pytań (do dokonywania "bisocjacji"dwójkojarzenia) * Umiejętność antycypowania przyszłości Jaques Delors,(1998) *Otwartość nieufna, ironiczna, pojmowana po "rortiańsku" (Richard Rorty, Andrzej Szahaj 1996) *Szczerość, jawność, bezpośredniość, prostolinijność-(synonimy otwartości) *Otwartość "racjonalna"-"kontrolowane transgresje" Józef Kozielecki (1987); Chantal Delsol (2001) wpisane w otwartość. *"Dezintegracja pozytywna", "trud istnienia"-"Per Aspera ad Astra" Czesław Miłosz (1989), Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1975,1979). Źródło: Opracowanie własne Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka… 125 Schemat 2-Matryca znaczeń "Przedsiębiorczość" *Zdolność człowieka do kreowania i zaspokajania swoich i cudzych potrzeb *Aktywność *Inicjatywa *Krytycyzm *Tworzenie otoczenia poprzez jego rekonfigurację, restrukturalizację (wyjście ponad podwójną pętlę) [Stefan Kwiatkowski] * Kreatywność *Elastyczność *Skłonność do redefiniowania otoczenia *poszukiwanie zmiany i reagowanie naz mianę *Ciekawość (poszukiwanie) *Eksperymentowanie *Wykorzystywanie czynnika niepewności i ryzyka oraz podejmowanie ryzyka (RACJONALNOŚĆ-ANTYCYPOWANIE PRZYSZŁOŚCI) [PeterDrucker] *Odwaga (podejmowania decyzji) *Energiczność *Pomysłowość *Wprowadzanie nowych kombinacji (Joseph Schumpeter) *Zaradność *Radzenie sobie ze strachem przed porażką
Forum Oświatowe, 2016
The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop's controversial w... more The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop's controversial window-display which included typical items related to disability and illness. The study's aim is to recognize the specificity of emotional perception, as reported by respondents with and without motor disability, against the background of cultural patterns of emotionality and contemporary discourses on people with disabilities.
Forum Oświatowe, Dec 31, 2016
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja, Dec 31, 2018
Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem... more Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem moich rozważań jest problem przedsiębiorczości postrzegany w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat. Jako badacz problemu otwartości, zauważyłam szereg korela-cji zachodzących między zagadnieniami otwartości i przedsiębiorczości człowieka, które ilustrują załączone do tekstu schematy (zob. schemat nr 1-Matryca otwartości, schemat nr 2-Matryca przedsiębiorczości oraz schemat nr 3-obrazujący różne strategie myślenia). Są one oparte zarówno na studiach teoretycznych, jak i praktycznych i stanowią od-zwierciedlenie najczęstszych opisów, wyjaśnień, charakterystyk i interpretacji omawianych pojęć. Pozwalają jednocześnie dostrzec wiele wspólnych cech w omawianych terminach, na przykład: kreatywność, odwaga, elastyczność, rozwojowość, aktywność etc. Skłoniło mnie to do przyjęcia pewnego założenia, a mianowicie: że przedsiębiorczość człowieka w dużej mierze uwarunkowana jest jego otwartością n...
With a specific online article as point of departure, this article 1 investigates the phenomenon ... more With a specific online article as point of departure, this article 1 investigates the phenomenon of "bad behaviour" on the part of socalled "celebrities" online. It focuses on the article in question to be able to show what is at stake, namely, the fact that ordinary people are affected by celebrities' online actions, specifically in the form of either confusion regarding their own behaviour, or by imitating the actions concerned. This is followed by raising questions regarding online behaviour and "normalisation" and exploring these through the work of relevant authors such as Goffman (2006), Maisonneuve (1995), Huizinga (2007) and others, with a view to make sense of the fact that even supposedly shocking behaviour on the part of celebrities seems to be judged in terms of different criteria compared to everyday actions on the part of ordinary people. The role of advanced electronic technology in affecting people's behaviour is also noted, before turning to Plato and (particularly) Aristotle's notion of mimesis (imitation) to be able to understand what might be termed the "celebrity effect". The related question of identification with the images of celebrities is also briefly examined before concluding with a reference to Boorstin's (1992) famous account of a "celebrity".
The main aim of this research is to introduce diverse qualities of thinking about ‘Otherness’/‘Ot... more The main aim of this research is to introduce diverse qualities of thinking about ‘Otherness’/‘Other’ in a contemporary, multicultural and at the same time transcultural world, and also to search for and discover their origins (sources), as well as to search for an answer to the question of what really hinders or blocks contact and communication with the Other and who, actually, the ‘Other’ is. The research was carried out from the hermeneutic perspective and concerned the problem of the Other/Otherness, which refers to "the circular process of understanding" by Hans Georg Gadamer, helping to understand the phenomenon and the fact that everyone is different (the hermeneutic perspective allows emphasis on the hermeneutical measurement of the subject of ‘Otherness’/ ‘Other’ and their multidimensional nature). In order to broaden the understanding of the issue mentioned above, I will refer to number of theories, such as: Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Ricoueur, Rene Girard, Erving Go...
The main aim of this paper is to search for different ways people think about their own emotional... more The main aim of this paper is to search for different ways people think about their own emotionality and about experienced and manifested emotions that have a substantial influence on the shape and quality of their lives. I am also attempting to outline the connection between expressiveness and emotional restraint, and between intercommunication and its quality. At the same time, I am trying to find the answer to the question about what is conducive to unconstrained expression of emotions by humans, and what makes it difficult for them, leading to restrained manifestation of emotions. In my research, I am paying attention to the cultural, individual, as well as innate (common to the whole mankind) nature of emotions – the nature which determines specific ways of experiencing and manifesting emotions, and at the same time letting people, to a lesser or a larger degree, expose their emotions freely. It traces into differences between expressive (emotional) cultures (that give people m...
Drawing on the international research program ‘Teacher presence. A Multicultural Comparison’, thi... more Drawing on the international research program ‘Teacher presence. A Multicultural Comparison’, this paper tackles the issue of Polish teacher candidates’ representations of teacher presence in the classroom. The basis for the current study consists of drawings made by the participants in response to the task ‘Me, in my class’ and its accompanying question: What does this drawing tell me about you as an early childhood education teacher? Drawings done by the participants show not only the way in which the respondents perceive themselves and their roles as teachers but also the way in which they conceive the relationship with students in the classroom. The analysis of the collected material indicates strong institutional features embedded in the physical space of the school, where both the teacher and the students appear as typical products of the institution and where the relationship of power and subordination is still maintained. The classroom as an organized, didactic space and tea...
The main problem of this work are hidden meanings given to old age and aging, encoded in selected... more The main problem of this work are hidden meanings given to old age and aging, encoded in selected verbal and non-verbal messages observed in the contemporary world. Whereas the main aim of the work is for the respondents to search for, decode and give “own meanings” to such messages; the expression “own meaning” is crucial here because it draws attention to the intersubjective nature of any existing meanings and their manifold entanglements that go far beyond individually created meanings or opinions. At the same time, the problem of giving meanings is closely linked with the interpretation that shows the way something is recognized and understood by an individual, a group or society. Such an approach imposes particular requirements on the respondents and expects them to subject these discussed messages to multilevel analysis research (the messages are tested not only in terms of the respondents’ own, individual experiences, but also in the prospect of various social and cultural en...
Forum Oświatowe, 2016
The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop’s controversial windo... more The article discusses a study of physical disability triggered by a sexshop’s controversial window-display which included typical items related to disability and illness. The study’s aim is to recognize the specificity of emotional perception, as reported by respondents with and without motor disability, against the background of cultural patterns of emotionality and contemporary discourses on people with disabilities.
This paper refers to the “giraffe language” and “jackal language”, which allude to the “non-viole... more This paper refers to the “giraffe language” and “jackal language”, which allude to the “non-violent communication” concept according to Marshall B. Rosenberg. The two languages being discussed describe two different types of rhetoric and, at the same time, two opposite communication/social rituals used by people in their everyday life and also in the mass media, and omnipresent in the advertisement. The paper tries to draw attention that contemporary media is based on “jackal language” (often strongly rooted in our culture and mentality) being a language of violence, blocking empathy and stimulating conflicts and tension in interpersonal communication and relationships). Unfortunately media makes a tremendous impact on the customers (especially on young people). This paper aims to propagate and encourage using the “giraffe language” described as the language of love, understanding and clemency. The ‘giraffe language’ encourages constructive, matterof-fact and unbiased communication...
The main goal of this research is to determine effective methods for coping with distress and mod... more The main goal of this research is to determine effective methods for coping with distress and moderating its symptoms. My research was carried out in two directions: it is research penetrating stress theories and relating to famous researchers of the phenomenon in question, such as: Hans H. Selye, Alexander Lowen, Arnie Cann, Alix Kirsta, Henri Rubinstein, Jan F. Terelak and others. Also, it refers to own research and individual ideas originating from respondents' experiences in the scope of dealing with stress. They present their own, often unique methods for dealing with distress. It is to be noted that the methods are usually strongly connected with their personal sensitivity, preferences, temperament as well as the "imprinted habits" ordering them to react and behave in a specific way in a crisis 'situation'. It is to be emphasised that it is not easy to universalise strategies for dealing with stress since different people will react differently to a given...
The subjects of this research project are the interpretations of selected advertising messages. T... more The subjects of this research project are the interpretations of selected advertising messages. The main aim of this work is to discover ways of reading the advertising messages in the context of the common semantic field of their receivers. It is worth noting that despite the fact that such messages are always accompanied by certain intentions and motives of their creators (broadcasters) – they are not the object of authors’ interests in this particular text. The object of interest is the key role played by the interpretations of the advertising text made by its receivers. They are viewed from the perspective of common cultural ground of members of community the interpreters come from. In the opinion of the authors, cultural community significantly determines the approach of interpreters towards the advertising text, and also determines its final interpretation. This means that the interpreters of advertising messages are seen here as a specific interpretive society, actively parti...
This study looks into the question of media language and gender across two different cultures, Po... more This study looks into the question of media language and gender across two different cultures, Poland and Malaysia. The study pays particular attention to the language of print media which has the potential to create images of gender and leave long lasting impressions in the minds of the readers. Language is also said to be the most sophisticated symbol that mankind has to deal with. Where gender relationship is concerned, the content of the print media via media language and visuals have the potential to accentuate the prominence and dominance of masculinity versus femininity. Media language also plays an important role in creating social awareness that is associated with opinions, beliefs and ideas accepted and prevalent in specific societies. These opinions become patterns and models of the way people think also of their thinking about the question of gender relationship. It is the nature of the media to create meanings and convey them to societies. This means that media messages...
The aim of this work is an attempt to reconstruct and update the concept of state upbringing of K... more The aim of this work is an attempt to reconstruct and update the concept of state upbringing of Kazimierz Sośnicki. It seems to be significant in the context of the growing role of the state in the contemporary European reality of migration anxiety. The starting point of analysis is to establish the concept of Sośnicki in an idea of duality of a two-way relationship between social relations and socially constructed ethos, from which a particular participatory methodology of state upbringing has been derived. We perceive it as a project that is inclined towards children’s citizenship, which gives the possibility of making comparisons with Janusz Korczak’s thinking about child’s citizenship.
The main aim of this paper is to search for ways of effective expression of experienced emotions:... more The main aim of this paper is to search for ways of effective expression of experienced emotions: fear, anxiety, anger and displeasure, especially in case when they become present during intercommunication and can jeopardize it. It is worth mentioning that feelings and emotions like fear, anxiety and anger belong to basic emotions, meaning they are innate, common to the whole mankind. It was Paul Ekman who managed to single them out. Yet, despite the fact that those emotions are inborn and experienced by all people, they are often perceived as strange and hostile, and sometimes even treated as “absent discourses” that people should avoid, be ashamed of, and should even repress them from their own consciousness. At the same time, while these emotions are perceived as embarrassing, they are often hidden from the outside world, and their existence is even denied (which was confirmed in the results of my research). It happens especially when they turn out to be incompatible with the exp...
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
The subject of our interest is the rhetoric of Makarenko’s readings/interpretations of upbringing... more The subject of our interest is the rhetoric of Makarenko’s readings/interpretations of upbringing designated for parents. We would like to subject it to consideration in the prospect/perspective of Foucault’s governmentality category, understood as a specific metacategory/joint category connecting the axes of power (the Soviet power), knowledge (political economy), and the subject (homo sovieticus). Applying the governmentality category provides for the possibility of attempting to reconstruct traces of tangle/discursive relations and undiscursive elements of the policy of arranging a family which is a component of a broader policy of the Soviet state aimed at “forging” the new Soviet man. In this context, we will recognize Makarenko’s pedagogy as a kind of conceptualization and implementation of the policy of the Soviet state at the family level, having the goal of shaping a man of collective mentality, completely subordinated to the Soviet state, with standardized and ideologized ...
Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica
Celem analizy jest próba interpretacji znaczeń nadawanych wymianie barterowej przez jej uczestnik... more Celem analizy jest próba interpretacji znaczeń nadawanych wymianie barterowej przez jej uczestników. Ramę interpretacyjną stanowią dwa konteksty teoretyczne: dyskurs odwzajemnienia i dyskurs samowystarczalności, w których ulokowałyśmy wypowiedzi badanych. Pierwszy z nich odsyła do strategii działania zakorzenionej w tradycjach i rytuałach gospodarki przedpieniężnej, drugi natomiast nawiązuje do klasycznej liberalnej wykładni człowieczeństwa, wypełniającego się w działaniach ukierunkowanych na pozyskiwanie niezależności od innych. Napięcia powstające między tymi strategiami wyjaśnia koncepcja szacunku Richarda Sennetta, zgodnie z którą jest on zyskiwany przez dawanie innym lub przez samorozwój. Analizowane interpretacje uczestników wymiany barterowej wskazują, że obydwie strategie są przez nich traktowane jako wzajemnie niesprzeczne sposoby wyjaśniania praktyk, w których biorą udział.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
The presented text aims, on the one hand, to recall people’s lives that should not be forgotten, ... more The presented text aims, on the one hand, to recall people’s lives that should not be forgotten, and on the other hand, it is an attempt to mark in their context the borderline of the validity of contemporary pedagogical reflection on symbolic violence. The former concerns the analysis of Polish Jews’ childhood experiences from the World War II period, connected with the breaking of the primary national and religious identity and re-integration into a new Polish identity. The latter aim is related to the embedding of the indicated problem on the background of contemporary pedagogical reflection, and in particular critical pedagogy, for which one of the key categories has become symbolic violence, aimed at changing the human identity. The goal is to analyze the children’s testimonies of the Holocaust, in which the theoretical concept of the enslaved childhood of Wiesław Theiss was used. It allowed to capture the field of enslavement of Jewish children in its various dimensions.
Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem... more Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat Tematem moich rozważań jest problem przedsiębiorczości postrzegany w kontekście otwartości człowieka na świat. Jako badacz problemu otwartości, zauważyłam szereg korelacji zachodzących między zagadnieniami otwartości i przedsiębiorczości człowieka, które ilustrują załączone do tekstu schematy (zob. schemat nr 1-Matryca otwartości, schemat nr 2-Matryca przedsiębiorczości oraz schemat nr 3-obrazujący różne strategie myślenia). Są one oparte zarówno na studiach teoretycznych, jak i praktycznych i stanowią odzwierciedlenie najczęstszych opisów, wyjaśnień, charakterystyk i interpretacji omawianych pojęć. Pozwalają jednocześnie dostrzec wiele wspólnych cech w omawianych terminach, na przykład: kreatywność, odwaga, elastyczność, rozwojowość, aktywność etc. Skłoniło mnie to do przyjęcia pewnego założenia, a mianowicie: że przedsiębiorczość człowieka w dużej mierze uwarunkowana jest jego otwartością na świat i innych ludzi. Powszechnie uznaje się otwartość za cechę pozytywną, za zaletę, co oczywiście tylko pozornie może wydawać się prawdziwe. Kiedy sięgniemy do głębszych warstw rozumienia pojęcia, okazuje się, że posiada również silne zabarwienia pejoratywne. Na przykład: otwarta rana, otwarta wojna, otwarty konflikt, i wiele innych. Ludzie otwarci jednakże, są na ogół utożsamiani z ludźmi życzliwymi, komunikatywnymi, empatycznymi, kreatywnymi. Sama otwartość zaś kojarzona jest jako stan pożądany, pogłębiający związki między ludźmi, sprzyjający rozwojowi, przyjaźni, zapewniający właściwe relacje interpersonalne, zwiększający kreatywność człowieka, pomagający rozwiązywać problemy, a także osiągać sukcesy etc. W tych ostatnich dostrzegamy wyraźne związki otwartości z zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości, albowiem człowiek przedsiębiorczy charakteryzowany jest jako człowiek "umiejący załatwić wszystkie sprawy, pełen inicjatywy, energii, pomysłowy, zaradny, rzutki". 1 "Mający ducha inicjatywy, skory do podejmowania różnych spraw (…)" 2. Według Peter Drucker'a-"każdy, kto ma odwagę podjąć decyzję, może nauczyć się prowadzić biznes (...) przedsiębiorca zawsze poszukuje zmiany, reaguje na nią i wykorzystuje ją jako okazję". 3 LONGINA STRUMSKA-CYLWIK Schemat 1-Matryca znaczeń *Umiejętność widzenia siebie takim, jakimi się jest *Dyskursywny charakter wszelkiej wiedzy *Odwaga odkrywania nowej wiedzy o sobie i w ogóle * Rozum "transwersalny" W. Welsch (1998) *Odwaga bycia sobą * Kreatywność *Otwartość na poziomie myślenia i działania, na poziomie ciała i werbalnego komunikowania się oraz na poziomie emocji. *Gotowość do wzajemnej wymiany perspektyw (sprzężeń zwrotnych) *"Wychodzenie poza siebie"-"bycie poza sobą" Zbigniew Kwieciński (2000), Paul Ricoeur (2003) *Życzliwość, tolerancja, empatia *"Transparentność"-przejrzystość S. Jourard (1970) *Otwartość na nową wiedzę, wyzwania, "inność", "odmienność" *Zdolność do "dialektycznego myślenia", dialektycznego zadawania pytań (do dokonywania "bisocjacji"dwójkojarzenia) * Umiejętność antycypowania przyszłości Jaques Delors,(1998) *Otwartość nieufna, ironiczna, pojmowana po "rortiańsku" (Richard Rorty, Andrzej Szahaj 1996) *Szczerość, jawność, bezpośredniość, prostolinijność-(synonimy otwartości) *Otwartość "racjonalna"-"kontrolowane transgresje" Józef Kozielecki (1987); Chantal Delsol (2001) wpisane w otwartość. *"Dezintegracja pozytywna", "trud istnienia"-"Per Aspera ad Astra" Czesław Miłosz (1989), Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1975,1979). Źródło: Opracowanie własne Rozważania nad zagadnieniem przedsiębiorczości w kontekście otwartości człowieka… 125 Schemat 2-Matryca znaczeń "Przedsiębiorczość" *Zdolność człowieka do kreowania i zaspokajania swoich i cudzych potrzeb *Aktywność *Inicjatywa *Krytycyzm *Tworzenie otoczenia poprzez jego rekonfigurację, restrukturalizację (wyjście ponad podwójną pętlę) [Stefan Kwiatkowski] * Kreatywność *Elastyczność *Skłonność do redefiniowania otoczenia *poszukiwanie zmiany i reagowanie naz mianę *Ciekawość (poszukiwanie) *Eksperymentowanie *Wykorzystywanie czynnika niepewności i ryzyka oraz podejmowanie ryzyka (RACJONALNOŚĆ-ANTYCYPOWANIE PRZYSZŁOŚCI) [PeterDrucker] *Odwaga (podejmowania decyzji) *Energiczność *Pomysłowość *Wprowadzanie nowych kombinacji (Joseph Schumpeter) *Zaradność *Radzenie sobie ze strachem przed porażką