Lucia Dutca - (original) (raw)

Papers by Lucia Dutca

Research paper thumbnail of Idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy misdiagnosed as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Case study

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Background. Pachydermoperiostosis (or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) is a rare genetic di... more Background. Pachydermoperiostosis (or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) is a rare genetic disease that usually begins in childhood or adolescence, is characterized by certain clinical signs (pachydermia, periostosis, drum sticks) that gradually progress over many years until the disease stabilizes. Currently, there are 2 genes in which mutations are associated with the development of pachydermoperiostosis - HPGD and SLCO2A1. The functions of these genes are not fully understood, but their influence on the metabolism of prostaglandin E2 is known. Case presentation. We present a case of a 20-year-old patient mistakenly diagnosed as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Symptoms on admission to the hospital: pain accompanied by swelling in the hands and feet, arthralgias in the talocrural joints, knees with slight swelling, paresthesia in the extremities, hyperhidrosis, fatigue. Clinical and paraclinical examinations confirmed the diagnosis of pachydermoperiostosis. Conclusions. Pachyder...

Research paper thumbnail of Immune and mathematical procedures in early diagnosis of psoriatic and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. Improvement of early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis based on clinical data, immunol... more Objectives. Improvement of early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis based on clinical data, immunological and mathematical research methods. Material and methods. The study was carried out between 2019 and 2022 at the Rheumatology and Nephrology Discipline, in the arthrology and rheumatology departments of the Timofei Moşneaga Republican Clinical Hospital. To accomplish the tasks set out in the study, 110 patients were examined, including 55 patients with psoriatic arthritis (group I) and 55 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (group II). Results. The range with the highest probability of psoriatic arthritis for the instrumental index is between 0.54 and 1.86. Of the 55 patients with psoriatic arthritis in 95% of patients clinical, laboratory, immunological and instrumental indices were within the range of the highest probability of the disease, which indicates a fairly high reliability of the mathematical model. Conclusions. Immune disorders in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of comorbidities on the clinical and ultrasound features of psoriatic arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. The objective was to evaluate the relationship of comorbid pathology with the clinica... more Objectives. The objective was to evaluate the relationship of comorbid pathology with the clinical and ultrasound characteristics of the evolution of psoriatic arthritis in order to optimize the management. Material and methods. In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, a group of 92 patients with psoriatic arthritis was selected, established in accordance with the CASPAR diagnostic criteria (2006). The patients were treated in the rheumatology and arthrology departments of the Timofei Moşneaga Republican Clinical Hospital and of the Saint Trinity Municipal Clinical Hospital in Chisinau during 2017-2020. A type 1 cohort study is planned (prospective study with retrospective components). Results. Expression at the time of examination of the history data was observed in 54 (58,7%), clinical enthesitis was observed in 47 (51.1%) patients. During the clinical examination of patients, it was found that the frequency of TJC/14 was 11.3% (145/1288), SJC/14 – 4.5% (58/128...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of clinical manifestations of gout in the elderly people

Revista română de reumatologie, Sep 30, 2022

Introduction. Gout in elderly patients is characterized a pronounced comorbid background [2,8-10]... more Introduction. Gout in elderly patients is characterized a pronounced comorbid background [2,8-10], which causes difficulties in their management [9]. Objectives of the study. Analysis of the comorbid background for gout in different age groups. Identification of risk factors characteristics, the onset and evolution of gout in elderly people compared to middle-aged patients. Material and methods. To achieve the goal of the cross-sectional study, 237 patients with gout (average age for the men 60±8.0 years and for the women 63±9.0 years) were examined. Results. The patients were separated into two groups, depending on the age of onset of gout: the age of onset up to and including 59 years (group I, 146 people) and the age of onset after 60 years inclusive (group II, 91 people). The average age in group I was 58.1±11.7 years, in group II-72.8±4.1 years (p<0,1). Conclusions. The average number of concomitant diseases is 2 times higher in the group of gout patients aged 60 years and older (4.0 [3.0; 5.0]) than in the group of patients with gout under the age of 59 years inclusive (2.0 [2.0;3.0], p <0,1), in patients with the onset of gout at the age of 59 years inclusive, the development of coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure and nephrolithiasis occurs significantly earlier than in patients with the onset of gout at the age of 60 years and older (48,4±6,9 years and 59,1±5,0 years; 53,6 ± 3,4 years and 65,6±9,0 years; 37,3±8,9 years and, respectively, 54,9±14,6 years, p<0,05 in all cases).

Research paper thumbnail of Aprecierea evoluţiei sindromului algic la pacienţii cu osteoartroză, trataţi cu preparate condroprotectoare combinate

Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-... more Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. Assessing the pain syndrome development in patients with osteoarthritis treated with combined chondroprotective drugs.Scopul lucrării: aprecierea evoluţiei sindromului algic la pacienţii cu osteoartroză, trataţi cu preparate condroprotectoare combinate. Material şi metode. După divizarea pacienţilor în loturi, ei au primit tratament după diferite scheme şi combinaţii de preparate: lotul I – glucosamină sulfat 1500 mg/24 ore plus condoroitină sulfat 1200 mg/24 ore, per os 3 luni, 2 cure pe an, plus diclofenac 100 mg/24 ore; lotul II – derivatul acidului hialuronic i/articular săptămânal – 5 injecţii/1-2 cure pe an, plus diclofenac 100 mg/24 ore; lotul III – tratament combinat (glucosamina sulfat 1500 mg/24 ore, plus condroitină sulfat 1200 mg/24 ore, per os 3 luni, 2 cure pe an, plus derivatul acidului hialuronic i/articular săptămânal – 5 ...

Research paper thumbnail of The X-Ray Peculiarities of the Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

Catedra Medicină Internă FR şi SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfînta Treime”, SCR or. Chiş... more Catedra Medicină Internă FR şi SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfînta Treime”, SCR or. ChişinăuOsteoarthritis is a multifactorial chronic and disabling disease, characterized by progressive destruction of joint cartilage. The aim of our study was to assess the X- ray peculiarities of the knee and hip osteoarthritis in patients from R. Moldova Osteoartroza este o maladie articulară cronică, multifactorială şi invalidantă, ce se caracterizează prin distrucţia progresivă a cartilajului articular. Scopul studiului nostru a fost aprecierea particularităţilor radiologice ale osteoartrozei articulaţiei genunchiului şi coxofemurale la pacienţii din republica Moldova

Research paper thumbnail of Системная склеродермия. Особенности поражения у мужчины. Клинический случай

Systemic scleroderma. The peculiarities of affecting the man. Clinical case.Sclerodermia sistemic... more Systemic scleroderma. The peculiarities of affecting the man. Clinical case.Sclerodermia sistemică (Ssc) este o maladie generalizată a țesutului conjunctiv caracterizată prin dezvoltarea manifestărilor patologice cutanate, ale aparatului locomotor a organelor interne (cordului, pulmonilor, rinichilor, tractului gastrointestinal) și a dereglărilor vasospastice difuze cauzate de afectarea țesutului conjunctiv cu predominarea fibrozei și de alterarea vasculară de tipul microangiopatiei obliterante. Aproximativ 15% până la 25% dintre persoanele cu trăsături de sclerodermie sistemică prezintă, de asemenea, simptome ale unei alte afecțiuni care afectează țesutul conjunctiv, cum ar fi polimiozita, dermatomiozita, artrita reumatoidă, sindromul Sjögren sau lupusul eritematos sistemic. Prevalența sclerodermiei sistemice este estimată a varia între 50 și 300 de cazuri la 1 milion de persoane. Din motive necunoscute, femeile au de patru ori mai multe șanse să dezvolte afecțiune...

Research paper thumbnail of Expressions and difficulty of clinical manifestations in the early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. Study of clinical manifestations in psoriatic arthritis: enthesitis, dactylitis, peri... more Objectives. Study of clinical manifestations in psoriatic arthritis: enthesitis, dactylitis, peripheral arthritis, axial arthritis, skin manifestations, for early diagnosis, which would allow the establishment of an adjusted treatment and the elaboration of measures to prevent complications. Materials and methods. The performed clinical study has an analytical-observational retrospective and included the patients who were hospitalized in the Rheumatology and Arthrology departments of the “Timofei Moşneaga” Republican Clinical Hospital during 2015-2021. The study included 103 patients with psoriasis (47 men and 56 women) with various clinical forms of psoriasis and different ages. Results. The clinical examination of primary or referred patients with cutaneous manifestations, revealed peripheral arthritis in 15 patients (24.6%), dactylitis – in 37 (60.7%), heel pain was detected in 32 (52.5%), axial arthritis – in 30 (49.2%), enthesitis, distal interphalangeal arthritis and tendoniti...

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis - study of patients from the Republic of Moldova

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Introduction. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic musculoskeletal and cutaneous inflammatory d... more Introduction. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic musculoskeletal and cutaneous inflammatory disease that affects about 20-30% of patients with psoriasis. In addition to musculoskeletal and cutaneous manifestations, patients with PsA have a higher prevalence of comorbidities compared to the general population. More than half of patients with PsA have at least one comorbidity, with up to 40% of patients having more than three comorbidities. Purpose of the study. To evaluate the relationship of cardiovascular comorbid pathology with the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the evolution of psoriatic arthritis and quality of life to optimize patient management tactics. Material and methods. In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, a group of 92 patients with psoriatic arthritis was selected, established in accordance with the CASPAR diagnostic criteria (2006). The patients were treated in the rheumatology and arthrology departments of the Republican Clinica...

Research paper thumbnail of Kidney involvement in COVID-19 disease: review article

Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, Departamentul de medicină internă, Universitatea de Sta... more Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, Departamentul de medicină internă, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu", Chișinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Spectrul infecţiilor care induc bolile renale este foarte divers. Infecţiile se manifestă sub formă de mai multe sindroame clinice renale: injurie renală acuta (IRA), glomerulonefrită acută și cronică, sindrom nefrotic, sindrom nefritic. Noul coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are tropism către celulele renale, ceea ce indică la implicarea renală îm cazul COVID-19. Material și metode. Sinteză narativă de literatură în baza publicaţiilor selectate cu ajutorul motoarelor de căutare în bazele internaţionale de date. Rezultate. Virusul SRAS-CoV-2, de rând cu alte sisteme de organe, afectează și rinichiul, producând leziuni ale diferitor structuri renale prin câteva mecanisme de bază. Leziunea renală directă, mecanismul tromboinflamator, furtuna citokinică cât și hipotensiunea, hipovolemia, sepsisul, t...

Research paper thumbnail of Particularitățile clinico-evolutive ale sclerodermiei sistemice la pacienții cu infecția SARS Cov2

Departamentul Medicina Internă, Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, USMF Nicolae Testemițan... more Departamentul Medicina Internă, Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, USMF Nicolae Testemițanu, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Spitalul Clinic Republican Timofei MoșneagaIntroducere Sclerodermia sistemică fiind o boală autoimună, se consideră un factor de risc independent pentru infectarea cu virusul SARS Cov2 cu dezvoltarea frecventă a formelor grave și consecințe pe termen lung. Riscul este crescut în special la pacienții sclerodermici cu afectări vasculare și pulmonare preexistente (foto 1 și 2). Materiale și metode Au fost contactați sau supravegheți 149 pacienți cu sclerodermie sistemică, dintre care doar 2 au fost de sex masculin. Vârsta medie a subiecților incluși în studiu a constituit 56,3±4,3 ani. Durata medie a maladiei – 12,8±4,1 ani, cu forma difuză a bolii au fost 46 (30,9%) și cea limitată 103 (69,1% ) pacienți. Afectarea pulmonară preexistentă au avut 87 (58,4%) dintre pacienți (foto 2) și 73 (49%) din ei administrau terapie imunosupresivă. Rezultate Rezultatele în...

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty in diagnosis of secondary parasitic reactive arthritis

IP USMF Nicolae TestemițanuWe present a rare case of reactive arthritis secondary to an Echinococ... more IP USMF Nicolae TestemițanuWe present a rare case of reactive arthritis secondary to an Echinococcus infection. In regions where the disease is endemic, such as the southern regions of Moldova, the possibility of musculoskeletal involvement due to hydatid cyst should be considered in patients with musculoskeletal symptoms

Research paper thumbnail of Particularităţile radiologice ale coxartrozei şi gonartrozei

Catedra Medicină Internă FR si SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfinta Treime”, SCR or. Chis... more Catedra Medicină Internă FR si SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfinta Treime”, SCR or. Chisinău

Research paper thumbnail of Maladiile concomitente ca factori de risc în osteoartroza deformantă

Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-... more Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. Findings of concomitant diseases as risk factors for debut and evolution of osteoarthritis.Scopul lucrării: aprecierea maladiilor concomitente ca factori de risc pentru debutul şi evoluţia osteoartrozei deformante. Material şi metode. Cercetările au fost efectuate în baza unui lot de 160 de pacienţi cu osteoartoză deformantă, stabilit conform criteriilor ARA (1991). Studiul s-a desfăşurat în cadrul Spitalului Clinic Municipal „Sfânta Treime”, secţia „Reumatologie”, între anii 2003 şi 2008. Pacienţii studiaţi au fost evaluaţi detaliat conform unui program de examinare clinică complexă, pentru a determina afectarea clinică şi paraclinică a aparatului locomotor. Rezultate. Majoritatea pacienţilor incluşi în studiu (86,9%) au avut debutul maladiei între vârsta de 40 şi 65 de ani. Pacienţii au raportat debutul la vârsta mai tânără de 40 de ani ...

Research paper thumbnail of Idiopathic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy misdiagnosed as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Case study

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Background. Pachydermoperiostosis (or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) is a rare genetic di... more Background. Pachydermoperiostosis (or primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) is a rare genetic disease that usually begins in childhood or adolescence, is characterized by certain clinical signs (pachydermia, periostosis, drum sticks) that gradually progress over many years until the disease stabilizes. Currently, there are 2 genes in which mutations are associated with the development of pachydermoperiostosis - HPGD and SLCO2A1. The functions of these genes are not fully understood, but their influence on the metabolism of prostaglandin E2 is known. Case presentation. We present a case of a 20-year-old patient mistakenly diagnosed as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Symptoms on admission to the hospital: pain accompanied by swelling in the hands and feet, arthralgias in the talocrural joints, knees with slight swelling, paresthesia in the extremities, hyperhidrosis, fatigue. Clinical and paraclinical examinations confirmed the diagnosis of pachydermoperiostosis. Conclusions. Pachyder...

Research paper thumbnail of Immune and mathematical procedures in early diagnosis of psoriatic and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. Improvement of early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis based on clinical data, immunol... more Objectives. Improvement of early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis based on clinical data, immunological and mathematical research methods. Material and methods. The study was carried out between 2019 and 2022 at the Rheumatology and Nephrology Discipline, in the arthrology and rheumatology departments of the Timofei Moşneaga Republican Clinical Hospital. To accomplish the tasks set out in the study, 110 patients were examined, including 55 patients with psoriatic arthritis (group I) and 55 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (group II). Results. The range with the highest probability of psoriatic arthritis for the instrumental index is between 0.54 and 1.86. Of the 55 patients with psoriatic arthritis in 95% of patients clinical, laboratory, immunological and instrumental indices were within the range of the highest probability of the disease, which indicates a fairly high reliability of the mathematical model. Conclusions. Immune disorders in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis...

Research paper thumbnail of Impact of comorbidities on the clinical and ultrasound features of psoriatic arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. The objective was to evaluate the relationship of comorbid pathology with the clinica... more Objectives. The objective was to evaluate the relationship of comorbid pathology with the clinical and ultrasound characteristics of the evolution of psoriatic arthritis in order to optimize the management. Material and methods. In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, a group of 92 patients with psoriatic arthritis was selected, established in accordance with the CASPAR diagnostic criteria (2006). The patients were treated in the rheumatology and arthrology departments of the Timofei Moşneaga Republican Clinical Hospital and of the Saint Trinity Municipal Clinical Hospital in Chisinau during 2017-2020. A type 1 cohort study is planned (prospective study with retrospective components). Results. Expression at the time of examination of the history data was observed in 54 (58,7%), clinical enthesitis was observed in 47 (51.1%) patients. During the clinical examination of patients, it was found that the frequency of TJC/14 was 11.3% (145/1288), SJC/14 – 4.5% (58/128...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of clinical manifestations of gout in the elderly people

Revista română de reumatologie, Sep 30, 2022

Introduction. Gout in elderly patients is characterized a pronounced comorbid background [2,8-10]... more Introduction. Gout in elderly patients is characterized a pronounced comorbid background [2,8-10], which causes difficulties in their management [9]. Objectives of the study. Analysis of the comorbid background for gout in different age groups. Identification of risk factors characteristics, the onset and evolution of gout in elderly people compared to middle-aged patients. Material and methods. To achieve the goal of the cross-sectional study, 237 patients with gout (average age for the men 60±8.0 years and for the women 63±9.0 years) were examined. Results. The patients were separated into two groups, depending on the age of onset of gout: the age of onset up to and including 59 years (group I, 146 people) and the age of onset after 60 years inclusive (group II, 91 people). The average age in group I was 58.1±11.7 years, in group II-72.8±4.1 years (p<0,1). Conclusions. The average number of concomitant diseases is 2 times higher in the group of gout patients aged 60 years and older (4.0 [3.0; 5.0]) than in the group of patients with gout under the age of 59 years inclusive (2.0 [2.0;3.0], p <0,1), in patients with the onset of gout at the age of 59 years inclusive, the development of coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure and nephrolithiasis occurs significantly earlier than in patients with the onset of gout at the age of 60 years and older (48,4±6,9 years and 59,1±5,0 years; 53,6 ± 3,4 years and 65,6±9,0 years; 37,3±8,9 years and, respectively, 54,9±14,6 years, p<0,05 in all cases).

Research paper thumbnail of Aprecierea evoluţiei sindromului algic la pacienţii cu osteoartroză, trataţi cu preparate condroprotectoare combinate

Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-... more Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. Assessing the pain syndrome development in patients with osteoarthritis treated with combined chondroprotective drugs.Scopul lucrării: aprecierea evoluţiei sindromului algic la pacienţii cu osteoartroză, trataţi cu preparate condroprotectoare combinate. Material şi metode. După divizarea pacienţilor în loturi, ei au primit tratament după diferite scheme şi combinaţii de preparate: lotul I – glucosamină sulfat 1500 mg/24 ore plus condoroitină sulfat 1200 mg/24 ore, per os 3 luni, 2 cure pe an, plus diclofenac 100 mg/24 ore; lotul II – derivatul acidului hialuronic i/articular săptămânal – 5 injecţii/1-2 cure pe an, plus diclofenac 100 mg/24 ore; lotul III – tratament combinat (glucosamina sulfat 1500 mg/24 ore, plus condroitină sulfat 1200 mg/24 ore, per os 3 luni, 2 cure pe an, plus derivatul acidului hialuronic i/articular săptămânal – 5 ...

Research paper thumbnail of The X-Ray Peculiarities of the Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

Catedra Medicină Internă FR şi SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfînta Treime”, SCR or. Chiş... more Catedra Medicină Internă FR şi SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfînta Treime”, SCR or. ChişinăuOsteoarthritis is a multifactorial chronic and disabling disease, characterized by progressive destruction of joint cartilage. The aim of our study was to assess the X- ray peculiarities of the knee and hip osteoarthritis in patients from R. Moldova Osteoartroza este o maladie articulară cronică, multifactorială şi invalidantă, ce se caracterizează prin distrucţia progresivă a cartilajului articular. Scopul studiului nostru a fost aprecierea particularităţilor radiologice ale osteoartrozei articulaţiei genunchiului şi coxofemurale la pacienţii din republica Moldova

Research paper thumbnail of Системная склеродермия. Особенности поражения у мужчины. Клинический случай

Systemic scleroderma. The peculiarities of affecting the man. Clinical case.Sclerodermia sistemic... more Systemic scleroderma. The peculiarities of affecting the man. Clinical case.Sclerodermia sistemică (Ssc) este o maladie generalizată a țesutului conjunctiv caracterizată prin dezvoltarea manifestărilor patologice cutanate, ale aparatului locomotor a organelor interne (cordului, pulmonilor, rinichilor, tractului gastrointestinal) și a dereglărilor vasospastice difuze cauzate de afectarea țesutului conjunctiv cu predominarea fibrozei și de alterarea vasculară de tipul microangiopatiei obliterante. Aproximativ 15% până la 25% dintre persoanele cu trăsături de sclerodermie sistemică prezintă, de asemenea, simptome ale unei alte afecțiuni care afectează țesutul conjunctiv, cum ar fi polimiozita, dermatomiozita, artrita reumatoidă, sindromul Sjögren sau lupusul eritematos sistemic. Prevalența sclerodermiei sistemice este estimată a varia între 50 și 300 de cazuri la 1 milion de persoane. Din motive necunoscute, femeile au de patru ori mai multe șanse să dezvolte afecțiune...

Research paper thumbnail of Expressions and difficulty of clinical manifestations in the early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Objectives. Study of clinical manifestations in psoriatic arthritis: enthesitis, dactylitis, peri... more Objectives. Study of clinical manifestations in psoriatic arthritis: enthesitis, dactylitis, peripheral arthritis, axial arthritis, skin manifestations, for early diagnosis, which would allow the establishment of an adjusted treatment and the elaboration of measures to prevent complications. Materials and methods. The performed clinical study has an analytical-observational retrospective and included the patients who were hospitalized in the Rheumatology and Arthrology departments of the “Timofei Moşneaga” Republican Clinical Hospital during 2015-2021. The study included 103 patients with psoriasis (47 men and 56 women) with various clinical forms of psoriasis and different ages. Results. The clinical examination of primary or referred patients with cutaneous manifestations, revealed peripheral arthritis in 15 patients (24.6%), dactylitis – in 37 (60.7%), heel pain was detected in 32 (52.5%), axial arthritis – in 30 (49.2%), enthesitis, distal interphalangeal arthritis and tendoniti...

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiovascular comorbidities in psoriatic arthritis - study of patients from the Republic of Moldova

Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences

Introduction. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic musculoskeletal and cutaneous inflammatory d... more Introduction. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic musculoskeletal and cutaneous inflammatory disease that affects about 20-30% of patients with psoriasis. In addition to musculoskeletal and cutaneous manifestations, patients with PsA have a higher prevalence of comorbidities compared to the general population. More than half of patients with PsA have at least one comorbidity, with up to 40% of patients having more than three comorbidities. Purpose of the study. To evaluate the relationship of cardiovascular comorbid pathology with the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the evolution of psoriatic arthritis and quality of life to optimize patient management tactics. Material and methods. In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study, a group of 92 patients with psoriatic arthritis was selected, established in accordance with the CASPAR diagnostic criteria (2006). The patients were treated in the rheumatology and arthrology departments of the Republican Clinica...

Research paper thumbnail of Kidney involvement in COVID-19 disease: review article

Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, Departamentul de medicină internă, Universitatea de Sta... more Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, Departamentul de medicină internă, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu", Chișinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Spectrul infecţiilor care induc bolile renale este foarte divers. Infecţiile se manifestă sub formă de mai multe sindroame clinice renale: injurie renală acuta (IRA), glomerulonefrită acută și cronică, sindrom nefrotic, sindrom nefritic. Noul coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are tropism către celulele renale, ceea ce indică la implicarea renală îm cazul COVID-19. Material și metode. Sinteză narativă de literatură în baza publicaţiilor selectate cu ajutorul motoarelor de căutare în bazele internaţionale de date. Rezultate. Virusul SRAS-CoV-2, de rând cu alte sisteme de organe, afectează și rinichiul, producând leziuni ale diferitor structuri renale prin câteva mecanisme de bază. Leziunea renală directă, mecanismul tromboinflamator, furtuna citokinică cât și hipotensiunea, hipovolemia, sepsisul, t...

Research paper thumbnail of Particularitățile clinico-evolutive ale sclerodermiei sistemice la pacienții cu infecția SARS Cov2

Departamentul Medicina Internă, Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, USMF Nicolae Testemițan... more Departamentul Medicina Internă, Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologie, USMF Nicolae Testemițanu, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Spitalul Clinic Republican Timofei MoșneagaIntroducere Sclerodermia sistemică fiind o boală autoimună, se consideră un factor de risc independent pentru infectarea cu virusul SARS Cov2 cu dezvoltarea frecventă a formelor grave și consecințe pe termen lung. Riscul este crescut în special la pacienții sclerodermici cu afectări vasculare și pulmonare preexistente (foto 1 și 2). Materiale și metode Au fost contactați sau supravegheți 149 pacienți cu sclerodermie sistemică, dintre care doar 2 au fost de sex masculin. Vârsta medie a subiecților incluși în studiu a constituit 56,3±4,3 ani. Durata medie a maladiei – 12,8±4,1 ani, cu forma difuză a bolii au fost 46 (30,9%) și cea limitată 103 (69,1% ) pacienți. Afectarea pulmonară preexistentă au avut 87 (58,4%) dintre pacienți (foto 2) și 73 (49%) din ei administrau terapie imunosupresivă. Rezultate Rezultatele în...

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty in diagnosis of secondary parasitic reactive arthritis

IP USMF Nicolae TestemițanuWe present a rare case of reactive arthritis secondary to an Echinococ... more IP USMF Nicolae TestemițanuWe present a rare case of reactive arthritis secondary to an Echinococcus infection. In regions where the disease is endemic, such as the southern regions of Moldova, the possibility of musculoskeletal involvement due to hydatid cyst should be considered in patients with musculoskeletal symptoms

Research paper thumbnail of Particularităţile radiologice ale coxartrozei şi gonartrozei

Catedra Medicină Internă FR si SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfinta Treime”, SCR or. Chis... more Catedra Medicină Internă FR si SC, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” , SCM „Sfinta Treime”, SCR or. Chisinău

Research paper thumbnail of Maladiile concomitente ca factori de risc în osteoartroza deformantă

Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-... more Conferinţa naţională în medicina internă din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională, 19-20 mai 2011, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaSummary. Findings of concomitant diseases as risk factors for debut and evolution of osteoarthritis.Scopul lucrării: aprecierea maladiilor concomitente ca factori de risc pentru debutul şi evoluţia osteoartrozei deformante. Material şi metode. Cercetările au fost efectuate în baza unui lot de 160 de pacienţi cu osteoartoză deformantă, stabilit conform criteriilor ARA (1991). Studiul s-a desfăşurat în cadrul Spitalului Clinic Municipal „Sfânta Treime”, secţia „Reumatologie”, între anii 2003 şi 2008. Pacienţii studiaţi au fost evaluaţi detaliat conform unui program de examinare clinică complexă, pentru a determina afectarea clinică şi paraclinică a aparatului locomotor. Rezultate. Majoritatea pacienţilor incluşi în studiu (86,9%) au avut debutul maladiei între vârsta de 40 şi 65 de ani. Pacienţii au raportat debutul la vârsta mai tânără de 40 de ani ...