Luis Ángel - (original) (raw)
Papers by Luis Ángel
The meat has a rather complex and variable chemical composition based on a number of factors both... more The meat has a rather complex and variable chemical composition based on a number of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic. The detailed knowledge of its composition and how these components are affected by the conditions of handling, processing and storage will ultimately determine their nutritional value, durability and degree of acceptance by the consumer. Currently there is a growing demand by consumers; to demand high quality products, natural and nutrient rich, attractive in appearance, with a long shelf life and packaged in formats respectful to the environment. Because of this problem, in recent years there have been alternatives to ensure the conservation of food and at the same time meet the new needs of the modern consumer. Within these technological alternatives include the use of biopreservatives in fresh meat or edible coatings as a method of food preservation. These coatings act as biopreservatives or moisture barrier, oxygen and aroma migration between the food and th...
Actualmente, en la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica de Santiago ... more Actualmente, en la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Guayaquil, los estudiantes realizan diversos proyectos audiovisuales, dentro las materias que constan en su pensum academico. Algunos de estos trabajos han llegado a ser premiados en festivales por su calidad artistica. Sin embargo, la mayoria de estos proyectos no gozan de la promocion adecuada, debido al alto costo que esto implicaria para la carrera. Generalmente, los mejores videos son exhibidos en el MAAC cine una vez al ano, y luego guardados en el Centro de Produccion Audiovisual. El proposito de la presente propuesta es otorgarle una solucion efectiva y sencilla al problema de difusion que presenta la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion. Nuestra propuesta consiste en la presentacion de un diseno para la creacion de un sitio web dedicado a la difusion de los cortometrajes, documentales u otros trabajos filmados por los estudiantes de la carrera. Esta seria una alternativa ta...
El Canal de Castilla fue el sueno ilustrado del siglo XVIII en Espana, la mayor infraestructura e... more El Canal de Castilla fue el sueno ilustrado del siglo XVIII en Espana, la mayor infraestructura espanola de la epoca que, en la actualidad, sin caer en el olvido, pasa casi inadvertida por la geografia castellano-leonesa. En este trabajo se busca la reutilizacion de dos edificios abandonados del canal, los inmediatos a las esclusas 22, 23 y 24, un antiguo molino y una obsoleta central hidroelectrica. Para ello, tras un proceso de informacion sobre el canal, se realizan alzados con identificacion de los materiales de fachada, se localizan en estas vistas las lesiones visibles desde las fotografias realizadas, y se elaboran fichas con los procesos patologicos en detalle. Todo esto con la finalidad de usar el molino, como centro de interpretacion, y la central hidroelectrica para alquiler de barcos turisticos, bicicletas y almacen. El proyecto tiene la intencion de diferenciar la preexistencia de la intervencion, no se pretende conseguir la imagen de lo que en su dia fueron el molino y...
Fundamentos del método de análisis de componentes principales orientado al análisis de imágenes m... more Fundamentos del método de análisis de componentes principales orientado al análisis de imágenes multiespectrales. Aplicaciones más relevantes en teledetección.Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2013). Análisis de componentes principales. Aplicaciones en teledetección.
Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León, 2015
espanolLa Ley 4/2002, de 11 de abril, de cooperativas de Castilla y Leon, contem-pla, no con la s... more espanolLa Ley 4/2002, de 11 de abril, de cooperativas de Castilla y Leon, contem-pla, no con la suficiente claridad, distintas modalidades o formas de inte-gracion y colaboracion de las cooperativas. Sin embargo, la realidad muestra su escasa utilizacion, a pesar de la preocupante atomizacion que presenta el sector cooperativo. En este trabajo analizamos y delimitamos, juridicamente, esas formas de colaboracion e integracion; destacamos sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Clarificamos, tambien, las perspectivas que se ofrecen al cooperativismo agroalimentario despues de la Ley 13/2013, de 2 de agosto, y de la Ley 1/2014, de 19 de marzo, Agraria de Castilla y Leon. En fin, exponemos algunas propuestas normativas para el estimulo de la integracion y de la colaboracion de las cooperativas en Castilla y Leon. EnglishThe Act 4/2002, of 11 April, cooperatives Castilla y Leon, contemplates, not clearly enough, different types or forms of integration and collabora-tion of cooperatives. However, ...
The present work of investigation Analysis of losses pos-harvests of maize (Zea Mays) in the cant... more The present work of investigation Analysis of losses pos-harvests of maize (Zea Mays) in the canton Pindal Loja's province, it had as object: 1) the operations Evaluate pos-crop and commercialization of maize, 2) To construct an offer of managing pos-harvests and alternative commercialization for the maize adapted to the zone of study and 3) To socialize results obtained with producers and interested in general. The used methodology was based on the summary of secondary information, registered in books and Internet sites; as well as of primary information obtained across surveys, to the producers of the zone. The study added to it in laboratory of the losses he pos-harvests across a random sampling in: crop of maize, storage, transport and commercialization; with base in it an offer was generated to reduce the losses in the most critical phase. Finally the results were socialized in participative form by the farmers. The results established the phases with major losses, which ar...
Real structures on a mathematical object equipped with a holomorphic structure are antiholomorphi... more Real structures on a mathematical object equipped with a holomorphic structure are antiholomorphic involutions. Klein surfaces, that is, pairs consisting of a Riemann surface and a real structure, were rst studied by Klein and Weichold, who gave in [54] and [86] a topological classication of them. Real structures on complex Lie algebras and complex Lie groups were studied by E. Cartan, Tits, Vogan, etc. Real structures on complex vector spaces are antilinear involutions. Real structures for vector bundles are antiholomorphic involutions, which are antilinear in the bres. This notion was introduced by Atiyah in [4]. Gross and Harris gave in [43] a classication of real line bundles on Klein surfaces. A common feature of these involutions is that their xed-point subspaces are dened over the real numbers. For instance, they are real algebraic curves in the case of Klein surfaces, real vector spaces in the case of real structures on complex vector spaces, or a real Lie groups in the case of real structures on complex Lie groups. Vector bundles or principal bundles equipped with various extra structures are called generically as augmented bundles. This thesis deals with the study of three examples of augmented bundles (Higgs pairs, G-Higgs bundles and G-parabolic Higgs bundles, where G is a real reductive Lie group) in the presence of real structures on their constituent components. 0.1.1 Historical background The Hodge correspondence establishes an isomorphism between representations Hom(π 1 (X), G) of the fundamental group π 1 (X) of a compact Riemann surface X into an abelian group G and the cohomological group H 1 (X, G), that parametrizes isomorphism classes of G-bundles over X. The augmented bundles that we study have appeared as sucessive generalizations of the non-abelian Hodge correspondence, that is an extension, when the group is not abelian, of the Hodge correspondence. If G is the unitary group U(n), the non-abelian Hodge correspondence is known as the theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri. The moduli space of stable holo-1 morphic vector bundles of rank n and degree d on a compact Riemman surface X was constructed by Mumford in [58]. Narasimhan and Seshadri proved in [57] that this moduli space, for d = 0 and genus g of X greater than one, was homeomorphic to the moduli space of irreducible representations of π 1 (X) into U(n). Seventeen years later, Donaldson gave in [30] a new proof of the theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri using the approach of Gauge Theory. If G is a compact Lie group, the correspondence was proved by Ramanathan. He introduced in [68] and [69] a notion of stability for G-bundles and constructed the moduli space M d (G) of G-bundles of topological class d ∈ π 1 (G), for any compact Riemann surface X of genus g ≥ 2. Ramanathan proved in [67] that M 0 (G) is homeomorphic to the moduli space of representations R(G) of π 1 (X) into G. If G is a non compact reductive Lie group, Higgs bundles are required in the correspondence. They were rst introduced by Hitchin in [46], for G = SL(2, C). He constructed its moduli space M(SL(2, C)) relating Mumford's notion of stability with solutions of the Hitchin equations. Hitchin pointed out that a solution of the Hitchin equations produces a reductive at connection. The existence of a harmonic metric on a reductive at bundle was proved by Donaldson in [32], for SL(2, C) and by Corlette in [29], for a complex reductive Lie group G. The Corlette-Donaldson correspondence establishes a homeomorphism between the moduli space of reductive at connections and the moduli space of harmonic bundles, which, in turn, is in bijection with solutions of the Hitchin equations. The existence of the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles M(G), for any complex reductive Lie group G, was constructed by Simpson in [79, 80]. He generalized the non-abelian Hodge correspondence in [78] for G-Higgs bundles over compact Kähler manifolds. Gothen, Garcia-Prada and Mundet i Riera introduced in [39] the notion of Higgs pairs (E, ϕ) , which consist of a holomorphic G-bundle E over a compact Riemann surface X, where G is a connected reductive complex Lie group and a holomorphic section ϕ of the vector bundle associated to E, via a representation ρ : G → GL(V) of G on a complex vector space V, tensored by a line bundle L. Let H be a maximal compact subgroup of G, such that ρ reduce to a representation ρ : H → U(V). These authors dened α-polystability, where α is an element of the center of
The insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1) encodes the IGF-1 protein, which in turn plays a ke... more The insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1) encodes the IGF-1 protein, which in turn plays a key role in muscle development in both, the pre-natal and post-natal stages of animals. Thus, it has been described in several studies as a candidate marker gene for growth traits. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5’ flanking region of IGF-1 and its association with gene expression levels, blood circulating IGF-1 hormone, daily weight gain (GDP) and total gain of weight (GTP) in lambs. The study was executed in three phases. In Phase 1, a search of SNPs was performed by PCR and sequencing of a 265 bp region upstream the transcription start site of the IGF-1 gene. Then, 22 lambs were genotyped by PCR-RFLPs for the variant herein reported and IGF-1 concentration, GDP and GTP were measure. The two alleles obtained were called A and B, generating the genotypes AA, BB and AB, for homozygous for the variant, homozygous w...
Respuesta productiva y características de la canal de ovinos en engorda intensiva suplementados c... more Respuesta productiva y características de la canal de ovinos en engorda intensiva suplementados con cromo orgánico y clorhidrato de zilpaterol
Reservats tots els drets. Està prohibit la reproducció total o parcial d'aquesta obra per qualsev... more Reservats tots els drets. Està prohibit la reproducció total o parcial d'aquesta obra per qualsevol mitjà o procediment, compresos la impressió, la reprografia, el microfilm, el tractament informàtic o qualsevol altre sistema, així com la distribució d'exemplars mitjançant lloguer i préstec, sense l'autorització escrita de l'autor o dels límits que autoritzi la Llei de Propietat Intel•lectual. i FITXA DEL TREBALL FINAL Títol del treball: Analysis data insight from multi-players in a mobile social game Nom de l'autor:
SUMARIO: I. Acotaciones iniciales. I. 1. Necesidad de agrupamiento en las asambleas. I. 2. Discip... more SUMARIO: I. Acotaciones iniciales. I. 1. Necesidad de agrupamiento en las asambleas. I. 2. Disciplina interna. I. 3. La prohibicion de mandato imperativo. II. Normativa reguladora de los grupos parlamentarios en las Cortes castellano-leonesas. II. 1. Referencias estatutarias. II. 2. Previsiones reglamentarias. II. 2. 1. Requisitos formales. II. 2. 2. Conexion con formaciones politicas. II. 2. 3. Facultades del grupo parlamentario y sus limites. III. Propuestas para paliar el conflicto entre derechos del representante individual y disciplina de la formacion politica. Bibliografia.
La palabra ‘inteligencia’ es polisémica y dista mucho de contentar a todos. Los autores que se ha... more La palabra ‘inteligencia’ es polisémica y dista mucho de contentar a todos. Los autores que se han ocupado de la noción no se ponen de acuerdo en aspectos nucleares del concepto. A la espera de ulteriores clarificaciones, una de las expresiones que han hallado en nuestro tiempo mayor resonancia popular es la de “inteligencia emocional”. Entre los aspectos positivos aportados por los trabajos que han analizado con desigual acierto la cuestión merece destacarse el énfasis otorgado a la imbricación de los procesos cognitivos y afectivos. En este estudio se reflexiona sobre esa trabazón, así como en sus implicaciones educativas.
ABSTRACT Purpose Comparison of different layouts and control strategies for Solar Domestic Hot Wa... more ABSTRACT Purpose Comparison of different layouts and control strategies for Solar Domestic Hot Water systems installed in a solar heating & cooling plant, useful to assess the point of maximum energy saving for different climates. Background New policies on energy savings appeared in the EU in the last years made grow the amount of SDHW systems. As explained in the document published by the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP) in 2008 1 , barely 50% of the final energy demand in Europe is being consumed for heating and cooling. Furthermore, at the end of 2008 the EU stated as an objective for the year 2020 the production of 20% of the final energy demand from renewables. It is expected that this facts will increase the areas of solar thermal collectors to heat and cool buildings; as a consequence, a study on the relevance of heating, cooling and DHW requirements must be done to elaborate optimized control strategies for the overall plant.
there is no systematized methodology for analysing the fiscal balance results. For this reason, t... more there is no systematized methodology for analysing the fiscal balance results. For this reason, the fiscal flows haven't been studied in detail. In this paper we present a classification of the available analyse instruments. Moreover, we realize some contributions for explaining the fiscal flows and for analysing the redistributive impact of the fiscal flows and other budgetary sections. this last issue allows evaluating the effective capacity for modifying the redistributive impacts of the fiscal flows.
Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria. …, 2002
The meat has a rather complex and variable chemical composition based on a number of factors both... more The meat has a rather complex and variable chemical composition based on a number of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic. The detailed knowledge of its composition and how these components are affected by the conditions of handling, processing and storage will ultimately determine their nutritional value, durability and degree of acceptance by the consumer. Currently there is a growing demand by consumers; to demand high quality products, natural and nutrient rich, attractive in appearance, with a long shelf life and packaged in formats respectful to the environment. Because of this problem, in recent years there have been alternatives to ensure the conservation of food and at the same time meet the new needs of the modern consumer. Within these technological alternatives include the use of biopreservatives in fresh meat or edible coatings as a method of food preservation. These coatings act as biopreservatives or moisture barrier, oxygen and aroma migration between the food and th...
Actualmente, en la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica de Santiago ... more Actualmente, en la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Guayaquil, los estudiantes realizan diversos proyectos audiovisuales, dentro las materias que constan en su pensum academico. Algunos de estos trabajos han llegado a ser premiados en festivales por su calidad artistica. Sin embargo, la mayoria de estos proyectos no gozan de la promocion adecuada, debido al alto costo que esto implicaria para la carrera. Generalmente, los mejores videos son exhibidos en el MAAC cine una vez al ano, y luego guardados en el Centro de Produccion Audiovisual. El proposito de la presente propuesta es otorgarle una solucion efectiva y sencilla al problema de difusion que presenta la carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicacion. Nuestra propuesta consiste en la presentacion de un diseno para la creacion de un sitio web dedicado a la difusion de los cortometrajes, documentales u otros trabajos filmados por los estudiantes de la carrera. Esta seria una alternativa ta...
El Canal de Castilla fue el sueno ilustrado del siglo XVIII en Espana, la mayor infraestructura e... more El Canal de Castilla fue el sueno ilustrado del siglo XVIII en Espana, la mayor infraestructura espanola de la epoca que, en la actualidad, sin caer en el olvido, pasa casi inadvertida por la geografia castellano-leonesa. En este trabajo se busca la reutilizacion de dos edificios abandonados del canal, los inmediatos a las esclusas 22, 23 y 24, un antiguo molino y una obsoleta central hidroelectrica. Para ello, tras un proceso de informacion sobre el canal, se realizan alzados con identificacion de los materiales de fachada, se localizan en estas vistas las lesiones visibles desde las fotografias realizadas, y se elaboran fichas con los procesos patologicos en detalle. Todo esto con la finalidad de usar el molino, como centro de interpretacion, y la central hidroelectrica para alquiler de barcos turisticos, bicicletas y almacen. El proyecto tiene la intencion de diferenciar la preexistencia de la intervencion, no se pretende conseguir la imagen de lo que en su dia fueron el molino y...
Fundamentos del método de análisis de componentes principales orientado al análisis de imágenes m... more Fundamentos del método de análisis de componentes principales orientado al análisis de imágenes multiespectrales. Aplicaciones más relevantes en teledetección.Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2013). Análisis de componentes principales. Aplicaciones en teledetección.
Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León, 2015
espanolLa Ley 4/2002, de 11 de abril, de cooperativas de Castilla y Leon, contem-pla, no con la s... more espanolLa Ley 4/2002, de 11 de abril, de cooperativas de Castilla y Leon, contem-pla, no con la suficiente claridad, distintas modalidades o formas de inte-gracion y colaboracion de las cooperativas. Sin embargo, la realidad muestra su escasa utilizacion, a pesar de la preocupante atomizacion que presenta el sector cooperativo. En este trabajo analizamos y delimitamos, juridicamente, esas formas de colaboracion e integracion; destacamos sus ventajas e inconvenientes. Clarificamos, tambien, las perspectivas que se ofrecen al cooperativismo agroalimentario despues de la Ley 13/2013, de 2 de agosto, y de la Ley 1/2014, de 19 de marzo, Agraria de Castilla y Leon. En fin, exponemos algunas propuestas normativas para el estimulo de la integracion y de la colaboracion de las cooperativas en Castilla y Leon. EnglishThe Act 4/2002, of 11 April, cooperatives Castilla y Leon, contemplates, not clearly enough, different types or forms of integration and collabora-tion of cooperatives. However, ...
The present work of investigation Analysis of losses pos-harvests of maize (Zea Mays) in the cant... more The present work of investigation Analysis of losses pos-harvests of maize (Zea Mays) in the canton Pindal Loja's province, it had as object: 1) the operations Evaluate pos-crop and commercialization of maize, 2) To construct an offer of managing pos-harvests and alternative commercialization for the maize adapted to the zone of study and 3) To socialize results obtained with producers and interested in general. The used methodology was based on the summary of secondary information, registered in books and Internet sites; as well as of primary information obtained across surveys, to the producers of the zone. The study added to it in laboratory of the losses he pos-harvests across a random sampling in: crop of maize, storage, transport and commercialization; with base in it an offer was generated to reduce the losses in the most critical phase. Finally the results were socialized in participative form by the farmers. The results established the phases with major losses, which ar...
Real structures on a mathematical object equipped with a holomorphic structure are antiholomorphi... more Real structures on a mathematical object equipped with a holomorphic structure are antiholomorphic involutions. Klein surfaces, that is, pairs consisting of a Riemann surface and a real structure, were rst studied by Klein and Weichold, who gave in [54] and [86] a topological classication of them. Real structures on complex Lie algebras and complex Lie groups were studied by E. Cartan, Tits, Vogan, etc. Real structures on complex vector spaces are antilinear involutions. Real structures for vector bundles are antiholomorphic involutions, which are antilinear in the bres. This notion was introduced by Atiyah in [4]. Gross and Harris gave in [43] a classication of real line bundles on Klein surfaces. A common feature of these involutions is that their xed-point subspaces are dened over the real numbers. For instance, they are real algebraic curves in the case of Klein surfaces, real vector spaces in the case of real structures on complex vector spaces, or a real Lie groups in the case of real structures on complex Lie groups. Vector bundles or principal bundles equipped with various extra structures are called generically as augmented bundles. This thesis deals with the study of three examples of augmented bundles (Higgs pairs, G-Higgs bundles and G-parabolic Higgs bundles, where G is a real reductive Lie group) in the presence of real structures on their constituent components. 0.1.1 Historical background The Hodge correspondence establishes an isomorphism between representations Hom(π 1 (X), G) of the fundamental group π 1 (X) of a compact Riemann surface X into an abelian group G and the cohomological group H 1 (X, G), that parametrizes isomorphism classes of G-bundles over X. The augmented bundles that we study have appeared as sucessive generalizations of the non-abelian Hodge correspondence, that is an extension, when the group is not abelian, of the Hodge correspondence. If G is the unitary group U(n), the non-abelian Hodge correspondence is known as the theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri. The moduli space of stable holo-1 morphic vector bundles of rank n and degree d on a compact Riemman surface X was constructed by Mumford in [58]. Narasimhan and Seshadri proved in [57] that this moduli space, for d = 0 and genus g of X greater than one, was homeomorphic to the moduli space of irreducible representations of π 1 (X) into U(n). Seventeen years later, Donaldson gave in [30] a new proof of the theorem of Narasimhan and Seshadri using the approach of Gauge Theory. If G is a compact Lie group, the correspondence was proved by Ramanathan. He introduced in [68] and [69] a notion of stability for G-bundles and constructed the moduli space M d (G) of G-bundles of topological class d ∈ π 1 (G), for any compact Riemann surface X of genus g ≥ 2. Ramanathan proved in [67] that M 0 (G) is homeomorphic to the moduli space of representations R(G) of π 1 (X) into G. If G is a non compact reductive Lie group, Higgs bundles are required in the correspondence. They were rst introduced by Hitchin in [46], for G = SL(2, C). He constructed its moduli space M(SL(2, C)) relating Mumford's notion of stability with solutions of the Hitchin equations. Hitchin pointed out that a solution of the Hitchin equations produces a reductive at connection. The existence of a harmonic metric on a reductive at bundle was proved by Donaldson in [32], for SL(2, C) and by Corlette in [29], for a complex reductive Lie group G. The Corlette-Donaldson correspondence establishes a homeomorphism between the moduli space of reductive at connections and the moduli space of harmonic bundles, which, in turn, is in bijection with solutions of the Hitchin equations. The existence of the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles M(G), for any complex reductive Lie group G, was constructed by Simpson in [79, 80]. He generalized the non-abelian Hodge correspondence in [78] for G-Higgs bundles over compact Kähler manifolds. Gothen, Garcia-Prada and Mundet i Riera introduced in [39] the notion of Higgs pairs (E, ϕ) , which consist of a holomorphic G-bundle E over a compact Riemann surface X, where G is a connected reductive complex Lie group and a holomorphic section ϕ of the vector bundle associated to E, via a representation ρ : G → GL(V) of G on a complex vector space V, tensored by a line bundle L. Let H be a maximal compact subgroup of G, such that ρ reduce to a representation ρ : H → U(V). These authors dened α-polystability, where α is an element of the center of
The insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1) encodes the IGF-1 protein, which in turn plays a ke... more The insulin-like growth factor 1 gene (IGF-1) encodes the IGF-1 protein, which in turn plays a key role in muscle development in both, the pre-natal and post-natal stages of animals. Thus, it has been described in several studies as a candidate marker gene for growth traits. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5’ flanking region of IGF-1 and its association with gene expression levels, blood circulating IGF-1 hormone, daily weight gain (GDP) and total gain of weight (GTP) in lambs. The study was executed in three phases. In Phase 1, a search of SNPs was performed by PCR and sequencing of a 265 bp region upstream the transcription start site of the IGF-1 gene. Then, 22 lambs were genotyped by PCR-RFLPs for the variant herein reported and IGF-1 concentration, GDP and GTP were measure. The two alleles obtained were called A and B, generating the genotypes AA, BB and AB, for homozygous for the variant, homozygous w...
Respuesta productiva y características de la canal de ovinos en engorda intensiva suplementados c... more Respuesta productiva y características de la canal de ovinos en engorda intensiva suplementados con cromo orgánico y clorhidrato de zilpaterol
Reservats tots els drets. Està prohibit la reproducció total o parcial d'aquesta obra per qualsev... more Reservats tots els drets. Està prohibit la reproducció total o parcial d'aquesta obra per qualsevol mitjà o procediment, compresos la impressió, la reprografia, el microfilm, el tractament informàtic o qualsevol altre sistema, així com la distribució d'exemplars mitjançant lloguer i préstec, sense l'autorització escrita de l'autor o dels límits que autoritzi la Llei de Propietat Intel•lectual. i FITXA DEL TREBALL FINAL Títol del treball: Analysis data insight from multi-players in a mobile social game Nom de l'autor:
SUMARIO: I. Acotaciones iniciales. I. 1. Necesidad de agrupamiento en las asambleas. I. 2. Discip... more SUMARIO: I. Acotaciones iniciales. I. 1. Necesidad de agrupamiento en las asambleas. I. 2. Disciplina interna. I. 3. La prohibicion de mandato imperativo. II. Normativa reguladora de los grupos parlamentarios en las Cortes castellano-leonesas. II. 1. Referencias estatutarias. II. 2. Previsiones reglamentarias. II. 2. 1. Requisitos formales. II. 2. 2. Conexion con formaciones politicas. II. 2. 3. Facultades del grupo parlamentario y sus limites. III. Propuestas para paliar el conflicto entre derechos del representante individual y disciplina de la formacion politica. Bibliografia.
La palabra ‘inteligencia’ es polisémica y dista mucho de contentar a todos. Los autores que se ha... more La palabra ‘inteligencia’ es polisémica y dista mucho de contentar a todos. Los autores que se han ocupado de la noción no se ponen de acuerdo en aspectos nucleares del concepto. A la espera de ulteriores clarificaciones, una de las expresiones que han hallado en nuestro tiempo mayor resonancia popular es la de “inteligencia emocional”. Entre los aspectos positivos aportados por los trabajos que han analizado con desigual acierto la cuestión merece destacarse el énfasis otorgado a la imbricación de los procesos cognitivos y afectivos. En este estudio se reflexiona sobre esa trabazón, así como en sus implicaciones educativas.
ABSTRACT Purpose Comparison of different layouts and control strategies for Solar Domestic Hot Wa... more ABSTRACT Purpose Comparison of different layouts and control strategies for Solar Domestic Hot Water systems installed in a solar heating & cooling plant, useful to assess the point of maximum energy saving for different climates. Background New policies on energy savings appeared in the EU in the last years made grow the amount of SDHW systems. As explained in the document published by the European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP) in 2008 1 , barely 50% of the final energy demand in Europe is being consumed for heating and cooling. Furthermore, at the end of 2008 the EU stated as an objective for the year 2020 the production of 20% of the final energy demand from renewables. It is expected that this facts will increase the areas of solar thermal collectors to heat and cool buildings; as a consequence, a study on the relevance of heating, cooling and DHW requirements must be done to elaborate optimized control strategies for the overall plant.
there is no systematized methodology for analysing the fiscal balance results. For this reason, t... more there is no systematized methodology for analysing the fiscal balance results. For this reason, the fiscal flows haven't been studied in detail. In this paper we present a classification of the available analyse instruments. Moreover, we realize some contributions for explaining the fiscal flows and for analysing the redistributive impact of the fiscal flows and other budgetary sections. this last issue allows evaluating the effective capacity for modifying the redistributive impacts of the fiscal flows.
Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria. …, 2002