Luis Campoverde - (original) (raw)
Papers by Luis Campoverde
El proyecto de riego Zapotillo es una de la obras mas anheladas y necesarias para el desarrollo d... more El proyecto de riego Zapotillo es una de la obras mas anheladas y necesarias para el desarrollo de la region sur del pais, en la actualidad se encuentra en su etapa constructiva y su finalidad es irrigar aproximadamente 788 hectareas netas, que en un futuro no muy lejano aportaran enormemente al desarrollado agropecuario de la zona y permitira un intercambio comercial con la region norte del Peru.
At present, the right to freedom is one of the least touched by justice, currently the right to f... more At present, the right to freedom is one of the least touched by justice, currently the right to freedom is one of the least touched by the justice, because although creating criminal types gives us a broader scope to implement the right to punish is power of the state and is attributed to the justice system, have also been excluded certain behaviors as something kind and unlawful such is the case for the consumption of psychotropic and narcotic substance only possession is punishable as a table because they are sick of addiction and / or dependence is that the degree of modification to our legislation today our prison population is to have 147 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants an amount less than the average in the region south america is 259.15 per 100,000 inhabitants, it seems progress as it wants to see from the point of view of investment for the prison system but the reality will shape with objectivity in the study, now the present study is focused on know the reality of the pr...
Se proyecta adquirir las senales de diferentes sensores del vehiculo y transmitirlos mediante pro... more Se proyecta adquirir las senales de diferentes sensores del vehiculo y transmitirlos mediante protocolos GMS/GPRS hacia un servidor para su diagnostico, notificar al propietario mediante SMS, cuando este proximo a la revision basada en el kilometraje permitir la reserva de turnos mediante servicios web y llevar un historial de mantenimiento.
Introduccion: El Sindrome de Guillain Barre (SGB) es una polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamato... more Introduccion: El Sindrome de Guillain Barre (SGB) es una polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatoria aguda de etiologia autoinmune caracterizada por debilidad muscular y arreflexia, que se manifiesta posteriormente a un suceso generalmente infeccioso. Su clinica puede confundirse con varias afecciones neurologicas, por lo que su diagnostico precoz es de suma importancia para preservar la vida. Objetivos: Describir el perfil epidemiologico, formas de presentacion, y secuelas en pacientes con SGB en el Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo (HTMC). Metodos: Estudio de observacional, transversal, de alcance descriptivo y analitico con enfoque metodologico cuantitativo, desarrollado mediante el uso de historias clinicas a partir del 2012 hasta 2018 en el HTMC. Resultados: En el periodo de estudio se incluyeron 55 pacientes que cumplieron con todos los criterios de investigacion obteniendo los siguientes resultados: el promedio de frecuencia de SGB fue de 7,85 pacientes por ano (3-13 pacientes...
GeoFocus Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica, 2018
RESUMEN Uno de los aspectos clave para facilitar que la información se pueda intercambiar y compa... more RESUMEN Uno de los aspectos clave para facilitar que la información se pueda intercambiar y compartir, asegurando que el significado de los contenidos se entienda de la misma manera por cualquier sistema, es la interoperabilidad semántica, cuya importancia puede ser significativa en campos como el aeronáutico. Para alcanzarla, se ha planteado la conformación de un catálogo normalizado de objetos o entidades, que contiene información descriptiva de una abstracción de estas entidades en el mundo real. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de catálogo de objetos aeronáuticos para el Ecuador a partir del análisis comparativo de tipos de objetos considerados en varios catálogos normalizados y la revisión de la normativa establecida para este fin. Con la ayuda de expertos de información aeronáutica, se ha conseguido por una parte, cumplir con la normativa vigente y, a su vez, adaptarla al contexto nacional. Palabras clave: catálogo de objetos, catálogo de entidades, estándar DFDD, estándar AIFDD, interoperabilidad semántica.
Geofocus Revista Internacional De Ciencia Y Tecnologia De La Informacion Geografica, 2014
RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende analizar la interacción del usuario final con un geoportal. Para es... more RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende analizar la interacción del usuario final con un geoportal. Para este propósito, se evalúa la medida en que se cumplen las expectativas y necesidades del usuario, el grado probable de dificultad que enfrenta, así como el nivel de satisfacción que alcanza en un sitio web. Se analiza especialmente el caso en que el geoportal ha sido creado en base a objetivos y necesidades del promotor, pero sin tener en cuenta las expectativas, necesidades y limitaciones del usuario.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
The creation of management models for the construction of Social Interest Houses in the province ... more The creation of management models for the construction of Social Interest Houses in the province of Azuay has been one of the relevant actions to mitigate the existing housing deficit in the territory in the last ten years. Within this period, two management models have played a leading role: the SAV-BID National Social Housing Program and the SIV National Social Housing Program. Models created and promoted by the Ecuadorian State, with the help of various actors, that try to correct the housing problems present in the vulnerable socioeconomic strata of the country. With this background, a comparative study of the management models applied in Ecuador is proposed, through which the similarities and differences between each of them are evidenced, as well as the potentialities and weaknesses that have characterized them, both in their management as in your application. The study begins with a referential framework, where central issues are considered such as: characterization of the co...
Unmanned Systems Technology XXIII
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted prominent attention from researchers, en... more The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted prominent attention from researchers, engineers, and investors in multidisciplinary fields such as agriculture, signal coverage, emergency situations, disaster events, farmland and environment monitoring, 3D-mapping, and so forth. The paper focuses on the application of a two layer architecture where a WSN is used to collect data coming from sensors monitoring a crop and a drones’ layer where UAV can gather data stored by WSN gateway to transmit them to a data center for processing and feature extractions. The architecture has been evaluated in terms of overall data gathering task and data storage requested at the WSN GTW considering WSN islands disseminated in a crop.
Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping VII
Killkana Salud y Bienestar, 2020
Antecedentes: el sexting es el envío de contenidos de tipo sexual, realizadas por el propio remit... more Antecedentes: el sexting es el envío de contenidos de tipo sexual, realizadas por el propio remitente y que son enviadas a otras personas. El sexting puede involucrar problemas legales e incluso el CiberBullying, ciberacoso, o sextorsion. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia y caracterizar el sexting en los adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón, Cuenca 2018. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, cuantitativo, descriptivo, se aplicó una encuesta a 268 adolescentes matriculados en la institución participante para el período lectivo 2017-2018, los cuales fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente, se indagó sobre características sociodemográficas, frecuencia y caracterización de sexting. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue 15,86 años, el grupo etario más frecuente se ubicó entre los 14 a 16 años, 67,9% de sexo femenino, 69,4% residía en áreas urbanas. El 63,1% afirmó practicar sexting; 58,2% fue pasivo y 20,5% activo. Sobre sexting pas...
This project shows the design, development and evaluation of a prototype analyzer of power qualit... more This project shows the design, development and evaluation of a prototype analyzer of power quality for a three-phase network. To implement the same, you will be structured into five phases: First, define the parameters and indicators to be included in the prototype, as well as the methodology for their determination from the analytical point of view. The second step corresponds to the circuit design for measuring voltage, current and frequency. As a third step, the firmware is developed for processing data in the prototype. As a fourth step, the manufacturing of the device is performed. Finally, there is the evaluation of the results obtained by the prototype implemented.
Letras (Lima), 2002
El presente artículo pretende mostrar de manera muy sucinta la opinión que la crítica literaria ú... more El presente artículo pretende mostrar de manera muy sucinta la opinión que la crítica literaria última tiene sobre la tesis propuesta por Luis Alberto Sánchez respecto al carácter nacional de la literatura peruana. En tal sentido, en algunos casos, por la brevedad de las opiniones, las consideramos en su totalidad (Antonio Cornejo Polar, Wáshington Delgado y Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez), y en otros resumimos sus planteamientos en lo esencial por ser más detallados (Miguel Angel Rodríguez Rea) o entresacamos lo que nos interesa por tratarse de un estudio con un objetivo distinto (Mirko Lauer).
The digestive tract is composed of hollow organs such as: gastrointestinal tract, mouth, esophagu... more The digestive tract is composed of hollow organs such as: gastrointestinal tract, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine presenting three parts, thickness and year. While the solid organs are: liver, pancreas and gallbladder, the latter, the role is the accumulation of bile, it contains a volume of about 50 ml of bile that released into the duodenum through the above lines, and enters it through the papilla and ampulla of Vater which is attached to the visceral surface of the liver. However, this body is more known for the potential problems that can cause, since it serves as seat of the calculations of bile salts (small stones) that obstruct the bile and generate inflammatory diseases that in some cases, can eliminated with medication, in others they should be treated surgically, its inflammation is known as cholecystitis; You can also submit tumors. Therefore, once diagnosed inflammation, the doctor recommended surgery to remove the gallbladder using a medical device called a laparoscopy, during this process are made between one or four small incisions in the abdomen procedure called cholecystectomy. As a result, a time that the patient is discharged, must meet a number of postoperative recommendations which include: eating low fat, ingested analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the effects of pain, prevent the realization of movements to help the wound to one healing among others. Serves as a contribution for the development of this article whose aim is analyzing the laparoscopic cholecystectomy postoperative care, supported by a documentary research to then build the conclusions thereof.
Procedimientos adecuados para los pacientes en cirugías de corazón abierto Appropriate procedures... more Procedimientos adecuados para los pacientes en cirugías de corazón abierto Appropriate procedures for patients in open heart surgeries
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018
The scarcity of clean water resources around the globe has generated a need for their optimum uti... more The scarcity of clean water resources around the globe has generated a need for their optimum utilization. Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, based on the application specific sensors' data acquisition and intelligent processing, are bridging the gaps between the cyber and physical worlds. IoT based smart irrigation management systems can help in achieving optimum water-resource utilization in the precision farming landscape. This paper presents an open-source technology based smart system to predict the irrigation requirements of a field using the sensing of ground parameter like soil moisture, soil temperature, and environmental conditions along with the weather forecast data from the Internet. The sensing nodes, involved in the ground and environmental sensing, consider soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, Ultraviolet (UV) light radiation, and relative humidity of the crop field. The intelligence of the proposed system is based on a smart algorithm, which considers sensed data along with the weather forecast parameters like precipitation, air temperature, humidity, and UV for the near future. The complete system has been developed and deployed on a pilot scale, where the sensor node data is wirelessly collected over the cloud using web-services and a web-based information visualization and decision support system provides the real-time information insights based on the analysis of sensors data and weather forecast data. The system has a provision for a closed-loop control of the water supply to realize a fully autonomous irrigation scheme. The paper describes the system and discusses in detail the information processing results of three weeks data based on the proposed algorithm. The system is fully functional and the prediction results are very encouraging.
Contador Público AuditorCuenc
El proyecto de riego Zapotillo es una de la obras mas anheladas y necesarias para el desarrollo d... more El proyecto de riego Zapotillo es una de la obras mas anheladas y necesarias para el desarrollo de la region sur del pais, en la actualidad se encuentra en su etapa constructiva y su finalidad es irrigar aproximadamente 788 hectareas netas, que en un futuro no muy lejano aportaran enormemente al desarrollado agropecuario de la zona y permitira un intercambio comercial con la region norte del Peru.
At present, the right to freedom is one of the least touched by justice, currently the right to f... more At present, the right to freedom is one of the least touched by justice, currently the right to freedom is one of the least touched by the justice, because although creating criminal types gives us a broader scope to implement the right to punish is power of the state and is attributed to the justice system, have also been excluded certain behaviors as something kind and unlawful such is the case for the consumption of psychotropic and narcotic substance only possession is punishable as a table because they are sick of addiction and / or dependence is that the degree of modification to our legislation today our prison population is to have 147 prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants an amount less than the average in the region south america is 259.15 per 100,000 inhabitants, it seems progress as it wants to see from the point of view of investment for the prison system but the reality will shape with objectivity in the study, now the present study is focused on know the reality of the pr...
Se proyecta adquirir las senales de diferentes sensores del vehiculo y transmitirlos mediante pro... more Se proyecta adquirir las senales de diferentes sensores del vehiculo y transmitirlos mediante protocolos GMS/GPRS hacia un servidor para su diagnostico, notificar al propietario mediante SMS, cuando este proximo a la revision basada en el kilometraje permitir la reserva de turnos mediante servicios web y llevar un historial de mantenimiento.
Introduccion: El Sindrome de Guillain Barre (SGB) es una polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamato... more Introduccion: El Sindrome de Guillain Barre (SGB) es una polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamatoria aguda de etiologia autoinmune caracterizada por debilidad muscular y arreflexia, que se manifiesta posteriormente a un suceso generalmente infeccioso. Su clinica puede confundirse con varias afecciones neurologicas, por lo que su diagnostico precoz es de suma importancia para preservar la vida. Objetivos: Describir el perfil epidemiologico, formas de presentacion, y secuelas en pacientes con SGB en el Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo (HTMC). Metodos: Estudio de observacional, transversal, de alcance descriptivo y analitico con enfoque metodologico cuantitativo, desarrollado mediante el uso de historias clinicas a partir del 2012 hasta 2018 en el HTMC. Resultados: En el periodo de estudio se incluyeron 55 pacientes que cumplieron con todos los criterios de investigacion obteniendo los siguientes resultados: el promedio de frecuencia de SGB fue de 7,85 pacientes por ano (3-13 pacientes...
GeoFocus Revista Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información Geográfica, 2018
RESUMEN Uno de los aspectos clave para facilitar que la información se pueda intercambiar y compa... more RESUMEN Uno de los aspectos clave para facilitar que la información se pueda intercambiar y compartir, asegurando que el significado de los contenidos se entienda de la misma manera por cualquier sistema, es la interoperabilidad semántica, cuya importancia puede ser significativa en campos como el aeronáutico. Para alcanzarla, se ha planteado la conformación de un catálogo normalizado de objetos o entidades, que contiene información descriptiva de una abstracción de estas entidades en el mundo real. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de catálogo de objetos aeronáuticos para el Ecuador a partir del análisis comparativo de tipos de objetos considerados en varios catálogos normalizados y la revisión de la normativa establecida para este fin. Con la ayuda de expertos de información aeronáutica, se ha conseguido por una parte, cumplir con la normativa vigente y, a su vez, adaptarla al contexto nacional. Palabras clave: catálogo de objetos, catálogo de entidades, estándar DFDD, estándar AIFDD, interoperabilidad semántica.
Geofocus Revista Internacional De Ciencia Y Tecnologia De La Informacion Geografica, 2014
RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende analizar la interacción del usuario final con un geoportal. Para es... more RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende analizar la interacción del usuario final con un geoportal. Para este propósito, se evalúa la medida en que se cumplen las expectativas y necesidades del usuario, el grado probable de dificultad que enfrenta, así como el nivel de satisfacción que alcanza en un sitio web. Se analiza especialmente el caso en que el geoportal ha sido creado en base a objetivos y necesidades del promotor, pero sin tener en cuenta las expectativas, necesidades y limitaciones del usuario.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
The creation of management models for the construction of Social Interest Houses in the province ... more The creation of management models for the construction of Social Interest Houses in the province of Azuay has been one of the relevant actions to mitigate the existing housing deficit in the territory in the last ten years. Within this period, two management models have played a leading role: the SAV-BID National Social Housing Program and the SIV National Social Housing Program. Models created and promoted by the Ecuadorian State, with the help of various actors, that try to correct the housing problems present in the vulnerable socioeconomic strata of the country. With this background, a comparative study of the management models applied in Ecuador is proposed, through which the similarities and differences between each of them are evidenced, as well as the potentialities and weaknesses that have characterized them, both in their management as in your application. The study begins with a referential framework, where central issues are considered such as: characterization of the co...
Unmanned Systems Technology XXIII
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted prominent attention from researchers, en... more The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted prominent attention from researchers, engineers, and investors in multidisciplinary fields such as agriculture, signal coverage, emergency situations, disaster events, farmland and environment monitoring, 3D-mapping, and so forth. The paper focuses on the application of a two layer architecture where a WSN is used to collect data coming from sensors monitoring a crop and a drones’ layer where UAV can gather data stored by WSN gateway to transmit them to a data center for processing and feature extractions. The architecture has been evaluated in terms of overall data gathering task and data storage requested at the WSN GTW considering WSN islands disseminated in a crop.
Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping VII
Killkana Salud y Bienestar, 2020
Antecedentes: el sexting es el envío de contenidos de tipo sexual, realizadas por el propio remit... more Antecedentes: el sexting es el envío de contenidos de tipo sexual, realizadas por el propio remitente y que son enviadas a otras personas. El sexting puede involucrar problemas legales e incluso el CiberBullying, ciberacoso, o sextorsion. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia y caracterizar el sexting en los adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón, Cuenca 2018. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, cuantitativo, descriptivo, se aplicó una encuesta a 268 adolescentes matriculados en la institución participante para el período lectivo 2017-2018, los cuales fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente, se indagó sobre características sociodemográficas, frecuencia y caracterización de sexting. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue 15,86 años, el grupo etario más frecuente se ubicó entre los 14 a 16 años, 67,9% de sexo femenino, 69,4% residía en áreas urbanas. El 63,1% afirmó practicar sexting; 58,2% fue pasivo y 20,5% activo. Sobre sexting pas...
This project shows the design, development and evaluation of a prototype analyzer of power qualit... more This project shows the design, development and evaluation of a prototype analyzer of power quality for a three-phase network. To implement the same, you will be structured into five phases: First, define the parameters and indicators to be included in the prototype, as well as the methodology for their determination from the analytical point of view. The second step corresponds to the circuit design for measuring voltage, current and frequency. As a third step, the firmware is developed for processing data in the prototype. As a fourth step, the manufacturing of the device is performed. Finally, there is the evaluation of the results obtained by the prototype implemented.
Letras (Lima), 2002
El presente artículo pretende mostrar de manera muy sucinta la opinión que la crítica literaria ú... more El presente artículo pretende mostrar de manera muy sucinta la opinión que la crítica literaria última tiene sobre la tesis propuesta por Luis Alberto Sánchez respecto al carácter nacional de la literatura peruana. En tal sentido, en algunos casos, por la brevedad de las opiniones, las consideramos en su totalidad (Antonio Cornejo Polar, Wáshington Delgado y Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez), y en otros resumimos sus planteamientos en lo esencial por ser más detallados (Miguel Angel Rodríguez Rea) o entresacamos lo que nos interesa por tratarse de un estudio con un objetivo distinto (Mirko Lauer).
The digestive tract is composed of hollow organs such as: gastrointestinal tract, mouth, esophagu... more The digestive tract is composed of hollow organs such as: gastrointestinal tract, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine presenting three parts, thickness and year. While the solid organs are: liver, pancreas and gallbladder, the latter, the role is the accumulation of bile, it contains a volume of about 50 ml of bile that released into the duodenum through the above lines, and enters it through the papilla and ampulla of Vater which is attached to the visceral surface of the liver. However, this body is more known for the potential problems that can cause, since it serves as seat of the calculations of bile salts (small stones) that obstruct the bile and generate inflammatory diseases that in some cases, can eliminated with medication, in others they should be treated surgically, its inflammation is known as cholecystitis; You can also submit tumors. Therefore, once diagnosed inflammation, the doctor recommended surgery to remove the gallbladder using a medical device called a laparoscopy, during this process are made between one or four small incisions in the abdomen procedure called cholecystectomy. As a result, a time that the patient is discharged, must meet a number of postoperative recommendations which include: eating low fat, ingested analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the effects of pain, prevent the realization of movements to help the wound to one healing among others. Serves as a contribution for the development of this article whose aim is analyzing the laparoscopic cholecystectomy postoperative care, supported by a documentary research to then build the conclusions thereof.
Procedimientos adecuados para los pacientes en cirugías de corazón abierto Appropriate procedures... more Procedimientos adecuados para los pacientes en cirugías de corazón abierto Appropriate procedures for patients in open heart surgeries
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018
The scarcity of clean water resources around the globe has generated a need for their optimum uti... more The scarcity of clean water resources around the globe has generated a need for their optimum utilization. Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, based on the application specific sensors' data acquisition and intelligent processing, are bridging the gaps between the cyber and physical worlds. IoT based smart irrigation management systems can help in achieving optimum water-resource utilization in the precision farming landscape. This paper presents an open-source technology based smart system to predict the irrigation requirements of a field using the sensing of ground parameter like soil moisture, soil temperature, and environmental conditions along with the weather forecast data from the Internet. The sensing nodes, involved in the ground and environmental sensing, consider soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature, Ultraviolet (UV) light radiation, and relative humidity of the crop field. The intelligence of the proposed system is based on a smart algorithm, which considers sensed data along with the weather forecast parameters like precipitation, air temperature, humidity, and UV for the near future. The complete system has been developed and deployed on a pilot scale, where the sensor node data is wirelessly collected over the cloud using web-services and a web-based information visualization and decision support system provides the real-time information insights based on the analysis of sensors data and weather forecast data. The system has a provision for a closed-loop control of the water supply to realize a fully autonomous irrigation scheme. The paper describes the system and discusses in detail the information processing results of three weeks data based on the proposed algorithm. The system is fully functional and the prediction results are very encouraging.
Contador Público AuditorCuenc