Novita Lusiana - (original) (raw)
Papers by Novita Lusiana
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Makanan dan minuman merupakan kebutuhan pokok untukmenunjang kehidupan makhluk hidup dalam kehidu... more Makanan dan minuman merupakan kebutuhan pokok untukmenunjang kehidupan makhluk hidup dalam kehidupan sehari- haridengan memenuhi syarat kesehatan hygiene dan sanitasi yangterkelola dengan baik. Pencegahan terjadinya kerusakan danpenyakit akibat pangan di lakukan melalui tindakan penerapanprinsip higine dan sanitasi pada makanan yang mengacu padaPermenkes No.1096/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 mulai dari pemilihanbahan baku, sumber air yang digunakan, pengolahan bahanmakanan, kebersihan peralatan yang digunakan, penyimpananmakanan jadi dan proses akhir pengolahan. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk Mengetahui hygiene sanitasi makanan di daerahindustri rumahan keripik rubikyang terletak di Kecamatan Mandau,Kota Duri. Penelitian ini merupakan peneltian kualitatif deskriptifyaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam.Sampel yang menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terpenuhinya syarat airuntuk pencucian bahan baku, pengolahan yang dil...
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES)
Mutiara Waste Bank (The Gade Clean & Gold) is a Unit Waste Bank in Pekanbaru which does not have ... more Mutiara Waste Bank (The Gade Clean & Gold) is a Unit Waste Bank in Pekanbaru which does not have waste management data in National Waste Management Information System since 2019. Several problems related to waste management in this Waste Bank were found, namely : re-sorting Waste Bank managers from waste that has been sorted by customers, piles of garbage that fill garbage storage area and irregular waste transportation. The purpose of this research was to find out in-depth information about waste management at Waste Bank Mutiara. Data were collected using interview guidelines and observation sheets, then analyzed using triangulation techniques. The research subjects were 5 people, 1 key informant, 1 main informant and 3 supporting informants. The results showed that waste management at Mutiara Waste Bank was not optimal. There were facilities and infrastructure have not been fulfilled, such as uninsulated waste storage areas and unavailability of containers equipped wish label/sign...
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat disebut sebagai periode emas sekaligus periode kriti... more Masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat disebut sebagai periode emas sekaligus periode kritis terjadi pada usia 6-24 bulan. Secara nasional, cakupan balita usia 0-23 bulan dengan gizi buruk pada tahun 2018 sebesar 3,8%, sedangkan balita gizi kurang sebesar 11,4%. Cakupan balita dengan status gizi kurang di Kota Pekanbaru pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 587 jiwa. Pada tahun 2020, prevalensi balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya dengan status balita gizi kurang sebanyak 77 jiwa (3,1%). Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mengetahui hubungan pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI terhadap pertumbuhan. Jenis penelitian ini Analitik Kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya pada bulan Agustus 2021. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh anak usia 6-24 bulan yang berada di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Cluster Random Sampling. An...
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, Jan 30, 2021
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science), 2016
Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors-ris... more Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors-risk factors that affect the incidence of LBW among other things is the social characteristics of maternal demographic, medical risk mothers before pregnancy also contribute to the incidence of LBW, and the status of antenatal care. The research goal is to know the factors associated with the incidence of LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014. Method: This type of study is a case-control study design (Case Control Study). Cases of infants born with LBW in
Breakfast or breakfast is the first food consumed by someone. Usually people eat dinner around 19... more Breakfast or breakfast is the first food consumed by someone. Usually people eat dinner around 19:00 and only eat again in the morning around 06:00. Means that for about 10-12 hours they are fasting. With the existence of fasting, the supply of blood sugar (glucose) in a person's body is only enough for the activity of two to three hours in the morning. Without breakfast someone will experience hypoglycemia or below normal glucose levels. Hypoglycemia results in body trembling, dizziness and concentration pain. That's all because of lack of glucose which is a source of energy for the brain. This type of research is Observational Analytic Quantitative with Cross Sectional design. In this study the independent variables and the dependent variables are collected at the same time After conducting research on the Relationship of Nutritional Status with Breakfast Habits in Children at SDN 171 Pekanbaru in 2019 with a sample of 73 students, it was found that 73 children who normall...
Kualitas imunisasi yang diberikan sangat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan vaksin, seperti dari proses... more Kualitas imunisasi yang diberikan sangat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan vaksin, seperti dari proses penyimpanan vaksin dikamar dingin atau kamar beku, pentingnya alat-alat untuk mengukur dan mempertahankan suhu, suhu optimum untuk vaksin hidup dan Suhu optimum untuk vaksin mati itu berbeda, serta pengaturan lemari es, cara susunan vaksin di dalam lemari es, wadah pembawa vaksin, dan Cold Pack dan Cool Pack pun perlu di perhatikan. Karena jika pengelolaan vaksin yang tidak benar akan menyebabkan vaksin akan rusak dan tidak bekerja sesuai lagi dengan fungsi sebenarnya, malah bisa membuat kerugian pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan pengetahuan bidan tentang imunisasi dengan perilaku pengelolaan vaksin di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional. Dengan sampel 36 bidan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh. Pengumpulan data dilakuk...
Pendidikan seks sangat penting diberikan kepada anak ketika berusia 2-3 tahun. Di negara berkemba... more Pendidikan seks sangat penting diberikan kepada anak ketika berusia 2-3 tahun. Di negara berkembang seperti Amerika Serikat sekitar 47% pendidikan seks telah terealisasikan, dimana program pemerintah memberikan buku panduan pendidikan seks kepada setiap orang tua yang memiliki anak. Adapun pendidikan seks yang diberikan adalah pendidikan seks dasar berupa belajar sopan santun, dari mana datangnya bayi, mengenali jenis kelamin dan lain sebagainya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan di SMP N 17 Pekanbaru oleh peneliti, dan peneliti mendapatkan informasi dari guru BK (Bagian Kesiswaan) dan wakil kepalasekolah, bahwa siswa-siswi SMP N 17 tidak pernah sama sekali mendapatkan informasi atau penyuluhan dari tenaga kesehatan mengenai pendidikan seks pada remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendidikan seks pada remaja usia 10-13 tahun di SMP N 17 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan pende...
Sebagian Wanita Usia Subur lebih memilih alat kontrasepsi hormonal sebagai metode kontrasepsi yan... more Sebagian Wanita Usia Subur lebih memilih alat kontrasepsi hormonal sebagai metode kontrasepsi yang paling efektif untuk menjarangkan ataupun menunda kehamilan. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita usia subur dalam pemilihan alat kontrasepsi hormonal yaitu umur, pengetahuan, jumlah anak, dukungan suami dan sikap. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di BPM Sri Maya Tresia, SST pada akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal, faktor yang paling berpengaruh yaitu umur, pengetahuan dan jumlah anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor apa aja yang sangat mempengaruhi pemilihan alat kontrasepsi hormonal pada wanita usia subur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional . Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh akseptor KB hormonal tahun 2015 dan diambil sebagai sampel akseptor KB hormonal pada bulan Agustus-Oktober. Dengan menggunakan accidental sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel. Set...
Abstract: Data on research on women's health research shows that 75% of women in the world mu... more Abstract: Data on research on women's health research shows that 75% of women in the world must have vaginal discharge at least ever lived and 45% can experience it twice or more. Such conditions can be prevented by carrying out good vulva hygiene habits, while this habit must be a problem that must be accustomed to each individual and is needed with knowledge, for which health workers have an important role to educate the public about the importance of good health to be maintained. This study uses a type of quantitative analytic research with the research design used is cross sectional. The subjects of this study were 64 female students of class XI and 58 female students of class XII at SMAN 11 Pekanbaru for the period 2017-2018. Data collection is done by filling out the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Chi Squere test. The incidence of vaginal discharge at SMAN 11 Pekanbaru is quite high, namely 56.6% of respondents consider vaginal discharge. Regarding th...
The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which both... more The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which bother them in daily activates, it also make their life quality worse, inconfidence and make them disquietude. In strength of the data that taken from Department of Health Pekanbaru known that amount number of the women most with 45 to 59 years old, they are in Melur Health Center as many as 678 patients. The purpose of this research is to know the factors which related in disquietude of women in facing menopause in Melur Health Center Pekanbaru 2014. This research type is analytic quantitative with cross sectional design. The research conducted at 11 to 13 April 2014 in Melur Health Center. The populations in this research are all women with 45-59 years old and the sample amount 104 people with taking-sample as propulsivesampling. On the strength of universal analytic known the result that most of the women feel disquiets as many as 56 women (53,8%), lack of knowledge as many as 59 women (5...
Emesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting are common in the morning, but will disappear in a few h... more Emesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting are common in the morning, but will disappear in a few hours that occur during trimester I. Nausea and vomiting is caused by increased estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin expenditure. In general, people reduce nausea and vomiting by taking anti-nausea medicine. The anti-nausea madicine that can be used by the public like ginger decoction and vitamin B6. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of ginger decoction to decrease nausea and vomiting in Deliana’s BPM. The research design was quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test in the experimental group and the control group. The population in this research that all pregnant women in the first trimester in Deliana’s BPM. , samples are 30 people in this research using observation sheet. The data analysis used paired test. Statistical test results showed that the average level of nausea and vomiting of pregnant women after drink of decoction ginger is ...
Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors - r... more Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors - risk factors that affect the incidence of LBW among other things is the social characteristics of maternal demographic, medical risk mothers before pregnancy also contribute to the incidence of LBW, and the status of antenatal care. The research goal is to know the factors associated with the incidence of LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014. Method: This type of study is a case-control study design (Case Control Study). Cases of infants born with LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014 and Control of babies born with normal weight at the Arifin Achmad Year 2013-2014. Result: The study maternal Hb 11 gr% (OR = 13.895 (95% CI 8.061 to 23.950), mothers who have a spacing of 35 years) were more at risk of having a baby with LBW 5 times compared to mothers who did not include at-risk age category (age 20 to age 35 years) (OR = 5.266 (95% CI: 3.423 to 8.100), mothe...
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Some recent research suggests the likelihood of an accelerated teenage girls experience menarche,... more Some recent research suggests the likelihood of an accelerated teenage girls experience menarche, which means the faster entering the reproductive period. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with age of menarche girls, including maternal age of menarche, nutritional status and socioeconomic status. This study uses quantitative analytical methods, with cross sectional design, are carried out from March-April 2012 in Junior High School PGRI Pekanbaru. Sampling technique is done by simple random sampling simple random The subject of this study was grade VII and VIII SMP PGRI Pekanbaru numbered 62 people. Measuring instrument used was quesionnaire. Data for bivariate analysis with ChiSquare test. The results obtained most of the girls experienced menarche at normal age of female students by 43 people (69.4%), women who experienced menarche at normal age of mothers was 49 students (79.0%), with significantly by 0.015 (p value <0, 05) with OR = 5,52. Normal nu...
The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which both... more The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which bother them in daily activates, it also make their life quality worse, inconfidence and make them disquietude. In strength of the data that taken from Department of Health Pekanbaru known that amount number of the women most with 45 to 59 years old, they are in Melur Health Center as many as 678 patients. The purpose of this research is to know the factors which related in disquietude of women in facing menopause in Melur Health Center Pekanbaru 2014. This research type is analytic quantitative with cross sectional design. The research conducted at 11 to 13 April 2014 in Melur Health Center. The populations in this research are all women with 45-59 years old and the sample amount 104 people with taking-sample as propulsivesampling. On the strength of universal analytic known the result that most of the women feel disquiets as many as 56 women (53,8%), lack of knowledge as many as 59 women (5...
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Makanan dan minuman merupakan kebutuhan pokok untukmenunjang kehidupan makhluk hidup dalam kehidu... more Makanan dan minuman merupakan kebutuhan pokok untukmenunjang kehidupan makhluk hidup dalam kehidupan sehari- haridengan memenuhi syarat kesehatan hygiene dan sanitasi yangterkelola dengan baik. Pencegahan terjadinya kerusakan danpenyakit akibat pangan di lakukan melalui tindakan penerapanprinsip higine dan sanitasi pada makanan yang mengacu padaPermenkes No.1096/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 mulai dari pemilihanbahan baku, sumber air yang digunakan, pengolahan bahanmakanan, kebersihan peralatan yang digunakan, penyimpananmakanan jadi dan proses akhir pengolahan. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk Mengetahui hygiene sanitasi makanan di daerahindustri rumahan keripik rubikyang terletak di Kecamatan Mandau,Kota Duri. Penelitian ini merupakan peneltian kualitatif deskriptifyaitu dengan melakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam.Sampel yang menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terpenuhinya syarat airuntuk pencucian bahan baku, pengolahan yang dil...
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES)
Mutiara Waste Bank (The Gade Clean & Gold) is a Unit Waste Bank in Pekanbaru which does not have ... more Mutiara Waste Bank (The Gade Clean & Gold) is a Unit Waste Bank in Pekanbaru which does not have waste management data in National Waste Management Information System since 2019. Several problems related to waste management in this Waste Bank were found, namely : re-sorting Waste Bank managers from waste that has been sorted by customers, piles of garbage that fill garbage storage area and irregular waste transportation. The purpose of this research was to find out in-depth information about waste management at Waste Bank Mutiara. Data were collected using interview guidelines and observation sheets, then analyzed using triangulation techniques. The research subjects were 5 people, 1 key informant, 1 main informant and 3 supporting informants. The results showed that waste management at Mutiara Waste Bank was not optimal. There were facilities and infrastructure have not been fulfilled, such as uninsulated waste storage areas and unavailability of containers equipped wish label/sign...
Media Kesmas (Public Health Media)
Masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat disebut sebagai periode emas sekaligus periode kriti... more Masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat disebut sebagai periode emas sekaligus periode kritis terjadi pada usia 6-24 bulan. Secara nasional, cakupan balita usia 0-23 bulan dengan gizi buruk pada tahun 2018 sebesar 3,8%, sedangkan balita gizi kurang sebesar 11,4%. Cakupan balita dengan status gizi kurang di Kota Pekanbaru pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 587 jiwa. Pada tahun 2020, prevalensi balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya dengan status balita gizi kurang sebanyak 77 jiwa (3,1%). Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mengetahui hubungan pola pemberian ASI dan MP-ASI terhadap pertumbuhan. Jenis penelitian ini Analitik Kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya pada bulan Agustus 2021. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh anak usia 6-24 bulan yang berada di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Harapan Raya dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Cluster Random Sampling. An...
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing, Jan 30, 2021
Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan (Journal of Midwivery Science), 2016
Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors-ris... more Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors-risk factors that affect the incidence of LBW among other things is the social characteristics of maternal demographic, medical risk mothers before pregnancy also contribute to the incidence of LBW, and the status of antenatal care. The research goal is to know the factors associated with the incidence of LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014. Method: This type of study is a case-control study design (Case Control Study). Cases of infants born with LBW in
Breakfast or breakfast is the first food consumed by someone. Usually people eat dinner around 19... more Breakfast or breakfast is the first food consumed by someone. Usually people eat dinner around 19:00 and only eat again in the morning around 06:00. Means that for about 10-12 hours they are fasting. With the existence of fasting, the supply of blood sugar (glucose) in a person's body is only enough for the activity of two to three hours in the morning. Without breakfast someone will experience hypoglycemia or below normal glucose levels. Hypoglycemia results in body trembling, dizziness and concentration pain. That's all because of lack of glucose which is a source of energy for the brain. This type of research is Observational Analytic Quantitative with Cross Sectional design. In this study the independent variables and the dependent variables are collected at the same time After conducting research on the Relationship of Nutritional Status with Breakfast Habits in Children at SDN 171 Pekanbaru in 2019 with a sample of 73 students, it was found that 73 children who normall...
Kualitas imunisasi yang diberikan sangat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan vaksin, seperti dari proses... more Kualitas imunisasi yang diberikan sangat berkaitan dengan pengelolaan vaksin, seperti dari proses penyimpanan vaksin dikamar dingin atau kamar beku, pentingnya alat-alat untuk mengukur dan mempertahankan suhu, suhu optimum untuk vaksin hidup dan Suhu optimum untuk vaksin mati itu berbeda, serta pengaturan lemari es, cara susunan vaksin di dalam lemari es, wadah pembawa vaksin, dan Cold Pack dan Cool Pack pun perlu di perhatikan. Karena jika pengelolaan vaksin yang tidak benar akan menyebabkan vaksin akan rusak dan tidak bekerja sesuai lagi dengan fungsi sebenarnya, malah bisa membuat kerugian pada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan pengetahuan bidan tentang imunisasi dengan perilaku pengelolaan vaksin di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional. Dengan sampel 36 bidan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh. Pengumpulan data dilakuk...
Pendidikan seks sangat penting diberikan kepada anak ketika berusia 2-3 tahun. Di negara berkemba... more Pendidikan seks sangat penting diberikan kepada anak ketika berusia 2-3 tahun. Di negara berkembang seperti Amerika Serikat sekitar 47% pendidikan seks telah terealisasikan, dimana program pemerintah memberikan buku panduan pendidikan seks kepada setiap orang tua yang memiliki anak. Adapun pendidikan seks yang diberikan adalah pendidikan seks dasar berupa belajar sopan santun, dari mana datangnya bayi, mengenali jenis kelamin dan lain sebagainya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan di SMP N 17 Pekanbaru oleh peneliti, dan peneliti mendapatkan informasi dari guru BK (Bagian Kesiswaan) dan wakil kepalasekolah, bahwa siswa-siswi SMP N 17 tidak pernah sama sekali mendapatkan informasi atau penyuluhan dari tenaga kesehatan mengenai pendidikan seks pada remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendidikan seks pada remaja usia 10-13 tahun di SMP N 17 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan pende...
Sebagian Wanita Usia Subur lebih memilih alat kontrasepsi hormonal sebagai metode kontrasepsi yan... more Sebagian Wanita Usia Subur lebih memilih alat kontrasepsi hormonal sebagai metode kontrasepsi yang paling efektif untuk menjarangkan ataupun menunda kehamilan. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita usia subur dalam pemilihan alat kontrasepsi hormonal yaitu umur, pengetahuan, jumlah anak, dukungan suami dan sikap. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di BPM Sri Maya Tresia, SST pada akseptor kontrasepsi hormonal, faktor yang paling berpengaruh yaitu umur, pengetahuan dan jumlah anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor apa aja yang sangat mempengaruhi pemilihan alat kontrasepsi hormonal pada wanita usia subur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional . Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh akseptor KB hormonal tahun 2015 dan diambil sebagai sampel akseptor KB hormonal pada bulan Agustus-Oktober. Dengan menggunakan accidental sampling sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel. Set...
Abstract: Data on research on women's health research shows that 75% of women in the world mu... more Abstract: Data on research on women's health research shows that 75% of women in the world must have vaginal discharge at least ever lived and 45% can experience it twice or more. Such conditions can be prevented by carrying out good vulva hygiene habits, while this habit must be a problem that must be accustomed to each individual and is needed with knowledge, for which health workers have an important role to educate the public about the importance of good health to be maintained. This study uses a type of quantitative analytic research with the research design used is cross sectional. The subjects of this study were 64 female students of class XI and 58 female students of class XII at SMAN 11 Pekanbaru for the period 2017-2018. Data collection is done by filling out the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Chi Squere test. The incidence of vaginal discharge at SMAN 11 Pekanbaru is quite high, namely 56.6% of respondents consider vaginal discharge. Regarding th...
The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which both... more The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which bother them in daily activates, it also make their life quality worse, inconfidence and make them disquietude. In strength of the data that taken from Department of Health Pekanbaru known that amount number of the women most with 45 to 59 years old, they are in Melur Health Center as many as 678 patients. The purpose of this research is to know the factors which related in disquietude of women in facing menopause in Melur Health Center Pekanbaru 2014. This research type is analytic quantitative with cross sectional design. The research conducted at 11 to 13 April 2014 in Melur Health Center. The populations in this research are all women with 45-59 years old and the sample amount 104 people with taking-sample as propulsivesampling. On the strength of universal analytic known the result that most of the women feel disquiets as many as 56 women (53,8%), lack of knowledge as many as 59 women (5...
Emesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting are common in the morning, but will disappear in a few h... more Emesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting are common in the morning, but will disappear in a few hours that occur during trimester I. Nausea and vomiting is caused by increased estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin expenditure. In general, people reduce nausea and vomiting by taking anti-nausea medicine. The anti-nausea madicine that can be used by the public like ginger decoction and vitamin B6. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of ginger decoction to decrease nausea and vomiting in Deliana’s BPM. The research design was quasi experimental with pre-test and post-test in the experimental group and the control group. The population in this research that all pregnant women in the first trimester in Deliana’s BPM. , samples are 30 people in this research using observation sheet. The data analysis used paired test. Statistical test results showed that the average level of nausea and vomiting of pregnant women after drink of decoction ginger is ...
Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors - r... more Background: Impact of babies born with low birth weight is the growth rate will slow. Factors - risk factors that affect the incidence of LBW among other things is the social characteristics of maternal demographic, medical risk mothers before pregnancy also contribute to the incidence of LBW, and the status of antenatal care. The research goal is to know the factors associated with the incidence of LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014. Method: This type of study is a case-control study design (Case Control Study). Cases of infants born with LBW in Riau Prov Arifin Achmad Hospital in 2013-2014 and Control of babies born with normal weight at the Arifin Achmad Year 2013-2014. Result: The study maternal Hb 11 gr% (OR = 13.895 (95% CI 8.061 to 23.950), mothers who have a spacing of 35 years) were more at risk of having a baby with LBW 5 times compared to mothers who did not include at-risk age category (age 20 to age 35 years) (OR = 5.266 (95% CI: 3.423 to 8.100), mothe...
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Some recent research suggests the likelihood of an accelerated teenage girls experience menarche,... more Some recent research suggests the likelihood of an accelerated teenage girls experience menarche, which means the faster entering the reproductive period. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with age of menarche girls, including maternal age of menarche, nutritional status and socioeconomic status. This study uses quantitative analytical methods, with cross sectional design, are carried out from March-April 2012 in Junior High School PGRI Pekanbaru. Sampling technique is done by simple random sampling simple random The subject of this study was grade VII and VIII SMP PGRI Pekanbaru numbered 62 people. Measuring instrument used was quesionnaire. Data for bivariate analysis with ChiSquare test. The results obtained most of the girls experienced menarche at normal age of female students by 43 people (69.4%), women who experienced menarche at normal age of mothers was 49 students (79.0%), with significantly by 0.015 (p value <0, 05) with OR = 5,52. Normal nu...
The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which both... more The phase-menopause women, many of them experience clinical and physiological tendency which bother them in daily activates, it also make their life quality worse, inconfidence and make them disquietude. In strength of the data that taken from Department of Health Pekanbaru known that amount number of the women most with 45 to 59 years old, they are in Melur Health Center as many as 678 patients. The purpose of this research is to know the factors which related in disquietude of women in facing menopause in Melur Health Center Pekanbaru 2014. This research type is analytic quantitative with cross sectional design. The research conducted at 11 to 13 April 2014 in Melur Health Center. The populations in this research are all women with 45-59 years old and the sample amount 104 people with taking-sample as propulsivesampling. On the strength of universal analytic known the result that most of the women feel disquiets as many as 56 women (53,8%), lack of knowledge as many as 59 women (5...