Liudmyla Ilich - (original) (raw)
Papers by Liudmyla Ilich
Theoretical principles of administration of experimental activities at the secondary educational ... more Theoretical principles of administration of experimental activities at the secondary educational institutions are distinguished in the article in three dimensions such as: a part of innovative activities, projects administration as well as theoretical and methodical direction of an educational institution existence. Ukrainian and foreign experience in administrative organisation of experiments at the secondary educational establishments is outlined with the aim to improve their activities as a long-term run taking educational innovations and school needs diagnostics into consideration. The article reveals the peculiarities of functioning and administration at Kyiv Lyceum «Prestizh» which has been a school-lab for quality inspection of implementation of innovative educational technologies in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and IT of Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine since 2018. The Lyceum has become an experimental platform at All-Ukrainian level dealing with the topic ...
Derzhavne upravlinnya udoskonalennya ta rozvytok
Purpose: The article provides synthesis and critical analysis of the best foreign practices conce... more Purpose: The article provides synthesis and critical analysis of the best foreign practices concerning peace education and outlines the system of civic education based on peace-making and peacekeeping trends in the light of contemporary Ukrainian realities. The authors identify the potential of education in conflict-affected environments in foreign studies, which is of great use in conditions of protracted conflict in the East of Ukraine. On implementing peace education, Ukraine should consider the necessity to tackle the following problems: inequality, recognition and respect for multiculturalism, local communities' involvement in educational policy and reforms; reconciliation, combating injustice and conflict consequences. Methodology: In the study system approach is used which consider. peace education in the system of general education. The systematic method has become the basis for realization methodological instruments in the process of critical analyzing the most successful world practices in peace education and determining own vision of citizenship education system. Furthermore, a set of methods of scientific knowledge applied in humanitarian and social sciences are used, in particular, methods of structural and functional analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogue and generalization. Conclusions: Peace education events in volatile environment should take place in different sectors, cobbering the processes of social changes. On implementing peace education in Ukraine, definitions like 'lecturer's mission' and 'teacher's mission' should be the first to pay the closest attention to. The tasks of providing the teacher with strategies, practices and methods of self-efficiency improvement, impact on students' SE and other results, as well as creating strong school communities are among the priorities. Regarding the educational level of Ukrainian citizens as pretty high, this country's peace education should cope with the challenges of the youth's civic education more than just tasks to teach reading and writing. Implications: Promoting peace education should provide gradual changes of attitudinal guidance in the society aimed at shaping universal human values. Their final purpose is to ensure sustainable development of society based on the principles of democracy and peace.
Теоретичні та практичні аспекти використання математичних методів та інформаційних технологій в освіті й науці: колективна монографія. Київ. ун-т ім. Б. Грінченка, 2021
Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021
The article highlights the problem of universal design implementation in general secondary educat... more The article highlights the problem of universal design implementation in general secondary education institutions of Ukraine; defined the normative legal act for the implementation of universal design, namely: the Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; Convention against Discrimination, World Declaration on Education for All, Salamanca Declaration; conducted analysis of the National Doctrine of Education Development, which states that the creation of conditions for personal development and creative self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine indicates that the modern education system of Ukraine is based on the ideas of humanistic educational paradigm, the essence of which meets the needs of students with modern values, and interaction of participants in the educational process, built on personality-oriented and competency- based approaches; described approaches to defining the concept of “universal design” (the Law of Ukraine on Education defines...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Socio-economic revival is impossible without concentration and making an effort on solving youth ... more Socio-economic revival is impossible without concentration and making an effort on solving youth problems. Most countries entered the new millennium with a significant burden of unresolved youth problems which become more evident during the global financial crisis. Modern problems of youth inequality, unemployment and marginalization, frequently encountered illegal social practices and antisocial manifestations among young people characterized serious and long lasting effects and therefore require in-depth analysis and regulation, development of a realistic, balanced, prudent policy towards the younger generations. This study is devoted to a number of current issues of the youth labor market in Ukraine. The main socio-economic characteristics of the Ukrainian youth, namely education level, features in economic activity in the formal and informal sectors, and professional composition of employed young people are investigated. The trends of the youth labor market over the 2000-2011 periods with respect to gender, educational, regional and industrial characteristics are determined in the article. Keywords: youth, labor market, economic activity, employment, unemployment.
The monograph highlights the results of the scientific topic "Theoretical and practical aspe... more The monograph highlights the results of the scientific topic "Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of mathematical methods and information technology in education and science" (registration number 0116U004625) by the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology and Management, Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv (deadline: March 2016 - March 2021). The main scientific and practical results in the following areas are presented: mathematical and computer modeling, hardware and software of automated control systems, application of digital technologies in the educational process. For scientific and pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers who are interested in modern problems of application of mathematical methods and digital technologies in education and science.
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2020
Demography and social economy, 2019
STATISTICAL MODELING OF SKILLS MISMATCH IN THE LABOR MARKET The existence of significant disparit... more STATISTICAL MODELING OF SKILLS MISMATCH IN THE LABOR MARKET The existence of significant disparities within the scope of labor demand and supply in Ukraine leads to simultaneous shortage of skilled workers for some jobs and / or skills, as well as excessive supply of labor force obtaining irrelevant vocational qualifications and skills. This situation reduces the employment efficiency, restrains labor productivity growth, and confirms low labor force quality. In this context, educational and skill imbalance is an essential deterrent of national economy efficiency as it concerns the mismatch between skills and existing jobs requirements, over-educated as well as undereducated employee which is defined by excess or lack of special knowledge level to accomplish a specific work tasks. Based on studies of leading European practices of educational and skills misbalance measuring and considering existing statistical database in Ukraine, the article suggests methodological approaches to estimate vertical and horizontal skills mismatch with the use of statistical modeling methods. Such an approach promotes evaluating the level of labor force education and skills level depending on their main features (age, gender, type of settlement, economic activity), follow and investigate the condition, trends, and patterns of labor force demand and supply balance processes. Statistical models of interlinks between vertical and horizontal mismatches indices are built. Trends of changes within vertical and horizontal mismatches are investigated; their differences and main distinguishing feature of their developments are highlighted. On the ground of the calculations made the indices of vertical and horizontal mismatches by sectors and economic activities at times are estimated, the reasons for their development trends differentiation in direction are defined. The results obtained may serve as an informational basis to justify sectoral priorities concerning security of national educational system flexibility and employment structural changes advancement.
The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative ec... more The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative economy formation and relevant employment model. The similar trends are being observed in Ukraine. Benefitting from the advantages existing and removal of key curbs regarding ICT introduction are of the actual importance in this country. The active participation of the state in gaining the true balance between technologies development and creation of proper conditions for market gears operation as well as favorable regulatory environment formation will favor ICT development in Ukraine. The specificity of innovative economy and their effect on local labor market and employment are considered in the article. Transformation of labor contents and character, gradual transition from functioning to project activity requires shaping a set of new skills peculiar to labor force as well as universal employee formation who is capable to fulfill both production and organizational duties, be engaged in projects and, correspondingly, who possesses creative abilities and thinking a new way while estimating production processes concerning their interdisciplinary and intercultural links. Based on monitoring examination of labor force skills matching to workplaces requirements the following future skills are shaped: design mindset, systems, project, computational, novel and adaptive thinking, transdisciplinarity, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration, inter-sector communication, project management, programming IT solutions, service orientation, multilingual and multicultural abilities, coordinating with others, artistic skills, ability to work under uncertainty. Prospective future jobs which need above-mentioned skills are analyzed.
Young Scientist, 2019
УДК 331.548 ільїч л.М. Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи прОФесійна О... more УДК 331.548 ільїч л.М. Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи прОФесійна Орієнтація населення В уМОВах глОБалізаційних прОцесіВ на ринКу праці анотація. У статті проаналізовано окремі аспекти впливу глобалізації на формування ринку праці: основні показники безробіття та наявність вакансій, трудову та освітню міграції, нові форми зайнятості, потреби перспективного ринку праці. Здійснено підсумки міграції населення в Україні (усі потоки міграції), проаналізовано ключові центри тяжіння робочої сили на світовому ринку праці, висвітлено процес репатріації, як зворотній бік трудової міграції. Проаналізовано основні фактори, які спонукають населення до освітньої міграції. Згруповано окремі ознаки нових форм зайнятості, які виникли в процесі діджиталізації. Професійну орієнтацію визначено як чинник, що сприяє поглибленому інформуванню населення про потреби ринку праці в умовах глобалізаційних процесів. Запропоновано удосконалити інформаційну складову професійної орієнтації з метою поглиблення знань населення про стан та потреби ринку праці в умовах глобалізації. Ключові слова: глобалізація, ринок праці, трудова міграція, освітня міграція, діджеталізація, нові форми зайнятості, професійна орієнтація. ilich liudmyla Kyiv Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies prOfEssiOnAl OriEntAtiOn Of thE pOpulAtiOn in thE cOnditiOns Of glOBAlizAtiOn prOcEssEs in thE lABOr mArKEt summary. The article analyzes some aspects of the impact of globalization on the formation of the labor market: the main indicators of unemployment and job vacancies, labor and educational migration, new forms of employment, the needs of a promising labor market. At present, one of the influential effects of globalization processes on employment is unemployment and labor migration.The results of the migration of the population in Ukraine (all flows of migration), the key centers of attraction of labor in the world labor market are analyzed, the process of repatriation is highlighted, as a reverse side of labor migration. The process of providing the global labor market with skilled personnel is accompanied by migration processes in education. The main factors that drive educational migration are analyzed. Some features of new forms of employment that emerged during the digitization process are grouped. Based on the study, the labor market situation has suffered significant losses in connection with labor migration, and has undergone dramatic changes due to the development of informatization of the economy, exacerbation of supply and demand imbalances. These reasons led, as a compensatory process, to the replacement of traditional forms of employment through digitization, which contributed to the emergence of new forms of employment, and the result of labor and educational migration for a certain part of the population became their repatriation. Vocational orientation is defined as a factor contributing to the in-depth awareness of the population about labor market needs in the context of globalization processes. It is suggested to improve the information component of vocational orientation in order to deepen the knowledge of the population about the state and needs of the labor market in the context of globalization. The article analyzes the research of demand and supply forecasts for Ukraine's labor market. According to the results of the study, it was found that the labor market suffered significant losses due to labor migration, underwent changes due to the development of informatization of the economy, exacerbation of supply and demand imbalance. These reasons led to the emergence of new forms of employment, the result of labor and educational migration for a certain proportion of the population became their repatriation.
The up-to-date trends of global labour market transformation are examined in the article. Socioec... more The up-to-date trends of global labour market transformation are examined in the article. Socioeconomic and technological factors causing global economy modification and affecting changes in
contents and kind of work, forms of employment and socio labour relations in general are defined.
Transformation of economy stipulates reallocation of human resources from inefficient economic activities into more productive ones where there are more favourable working conditions and employment quality provided. Advanced economy global development inevitably leads to gradual aging and some jobs becoming obsolete accompanying with consecutive introduction of new jobs which demand for raising standards as for skilled labour force. This paper lists the set of jobs which tend to become obsolete at labour market as well as those which come into service until 2030. Based on the employers’ sociological survey carried out by the author, the list of labour force skills to be of demand in future is proposed.
The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative ec... more The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative economy formation and relevant employment model. The similar trends are being observed in Ukraine. Benefitting from the advantages existing and removal of key curbs regarding ICT introduction are of the actual importance in this country. The active participation of the state in gaining the true balance between technologies development and creation of proper conditions for market gears operation as well as favorable regulatory environment formation will favor ICT development in Ukraine. The specificity of innovative economy and their effect on local labor market and employment are considered in the article. Transformation of labor contents and character, gradual transition from functioning to project activity requires shaping a set of new skills peculiar to labor force as well as universal employee formation who is capable to fulfill both production and organizational duties, be engaged in projects and, correspondingly, who possesses creative abilities and thinking a new way while estimating production processes concerning their interdisciplinary and intercultural links. Based on monitoring examination of labor force skills matching to workplaces requirements the following future skills are shaped: design mindset, systems, project, computational, novel and adaptive thinking, transdisciplinarity, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration, inter-sector communication, project management, programming IT solutions, service orientation, multilingual and multicultural abilities, coordinating with others, artistic skills, ability to work under uncertainty. Prospective future jobs which need above-mentioned skills are analyzed. Nowadays world community faces the beginning of the 4 th industrial revolution. The latest technological changes which took place in the spheres unrelated before such as artificial intelligence, processing power, Big Data, internet of things, mobile internet, cloud technologies, 3D printing ensure the labor production growth, innovative-cost rate intensification and , as a result, lead to improving life quality in the countries focused on informational sector development. Information and communication technologies (ICT) transform the labor market converting labor contents and character, forms of employment, workplaces structure and make new demands for highly skilled labor force training. Informatization of most public life spheres and activities shows up in new forms of population employment occurrence and growing demand for human resources possessing skills to fulfill information and knowledge-intensive jobs such as management, finances, law, marketing, science and education, mass media, health care, culture etc. Innovative economy requires for personnel handling research, analytical and diagnostic skills which includes information gathering, processing, transfer and storing, as well as communicative skills. The latter means more than simple mastering of speech culture and interpersonal communication,
Формування ринкової економіки, 2007
У статті розглядаються проблеми якісного забезпечення економіки кваліфікованими кадрами. Проаналі... more У статті розглядаються проблеми якісного забезпечення
економіки кваліфікованими кадрами. Проаналізовано складові держаного замовлення на підготовку кадрів, визначено основні принципи та запропоновано модель його формування.
У статті досліджується стан мережі професійно-технічної освіти та виявлено основні тенденції у її... more У статті досліджується стан мережі професійно-технічної освіти та виявлено основні тенденції у її розвитку. На підставі отриманих результатів визначено пріоритетні напрями оптимізації мережі досліджуваного сегменту ринку освітніх послуг.
Theoretical principles of administration of experimental activities at the secondary educational ... more Theoretical principles of administration of experimental activities at the secondary educational institutions are distinguished in the article in three dimensions such as: a part of innovative activities, projects administration as well as theoretical and methodical direction of an educational institution existence. Ukrainian and foreign experience in administrative organisation of experiments at the secondary educational establishments is outlined with the aim to improve their activities as a long-term run taking educational innovations and school needs diagnostics into consideration. The article reveals the peculiarities of functioning and administration at Kyiv Lyceum «Prestizh» which has been a school-lab for quality inspection of implementation of innovative educational technologies in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and IT of Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine since 2018. The Lyceum has become an experimental platform at All-Ukrainian level dealing with the topic ...
Derzhavne upravlinnya udoskonalennya ta rozvytok
Purpose: The article provides synthesis and critical analysis of the best foreign practices conce... more Purpose: The article provides synthesis and critical analysis of the best foreign practices concerning peace education and outlines the system of civic education based on peace-making and peacekeeping trends in the light of contemporary Ukrainian realities. The authors identify the potential of education in conflict-affected environments in foreign studies, which is of great use in conditions of protracted conflict in the East of Ukraine. On implementing peace education, Ukraine should consider the necessity to tackle the following problems: inequality, recognition and respect for multiculturalism, local communities' involvement in educational policy and reforms; reconciliation, combating injustice and conflict consequences. Methodology: In the study system approach is used which consider. peace education in the system of general education. The systematic method has become the basis for realization methodological instruments in the process of critical analyzing the most successful world practices in peace education and determining own vision of citizenship education system. Furthermore, a set of methods of scientific knowledge applied in humanitarian and social sciences are used, in particular, methods of structural and functional analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogue and generalization. Conclusions: Peace education events in volatile environment should take place in different sectors, cobbering the processes of social changes. On implementing peace education in Ukraine, definitions like 'lecturer's mission' and 'teacher's mission' should be the first to pay the closest attention to. The tasks of providing the teacher with strategies, practices and methods of self-efficiency improvement, impact on students' SE and other results, as well as creating strong school communities are among the priorities. Regarding the educational level of Ukrainian citizens as pretty high, this country's peace education should cope with the challenges of the youth's civic education more than just tasks to teach reading and writing. Implications: Promoting peace education should provide gradual changes of attitudinal guidance in the society aimed at shaping universal human values. Their final purpose is to ensure sustainable development of society based on the principles of democracy and peace.
Теоретичні та практичні аспекти використання математичних методів та інформаційних технологій в освіті й науці: колективна монографія. Київ. ун-т ім. Б. Грінченка, 2021
Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021
The article highlights the problem of universal design implementation in general secondary educat... more The article highlights the problem of universal design implementation in general secondary education institutions of Ukraine; defined the normative legal act for the implementation of universal design, namely: the Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; Convention against Discrimination, World Declaration on Education for All, Salamanca Declaration; conducted analysis of the National Doctrine of Education Development, which states that the creation of conditions for personal development and creative self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine indicates that the modern education system of Ukraine is based on the ideas of humanistic educational paradigm, the essence of which meets the needs of students with modern values, and interaction of participants in the educational process, built on personality-oriented and competency- based approaches; described approaches to defining the concept of “universal design” (the Law of Ukraine on Education defines...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Socio-economic revival is impossible without concentration and making an effort on solving youth ... more Socio-economic revival is impossible without concentration and making an effort on solving youth problems. Most countries entered the new millennium with a significant burden of unresolved youth problems which become more evident during the global financial crisis. Modern problems of youth inequality, unemployment and marginalization, frequently encountered illegal social practices and antisocial manifestations among young people characterized serious and long lasting effects and therefore require in-depth analysis and regulation, development of a realistic, balanced, prudent policy towards the younger generations. This study is devoted to a number of current issues of the youth labor market in Ukraine. The main socio-economic characteristics of the Ukrainian youth, namely education level, features in economic activity in the formal and informal sectors, and professional composition of employed young people are investigated. The trends of the youth labor market over the 2000-2011 periods with respect to gender, educational, regional and industrial characteristics are determined in the article. Keywords: youth, labor market, economic activity, employment, unemployment.
The monograph highlights the results of the scientific topic "Theoretical and practical aspe... more The monograph highlights the results of the scientific topic "Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of mathematical methods and information technology in education and science" (registration number 0116U004625) by the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Information Technology and Management, Borys Hrinchenko University of Kyiv (deadline: March 2016 - March 2021). The main scientific and practical results in the following areas are presented: mathematical and computer modeling, hardware and software of automated control systems, application of digital technologies in the educational process. For scientific and pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers who are interested in modern problems of application of mathematical methods and digital technologies in education and science.
Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2020
Demography and social economy, 2019
STATISTICAL MODELING OF SKILLS MISMATCH IN THE LABOR MARKET The existence of significant disparit... more STATISTICAL MODELING OF SKILLS MISMATCH IN THE LABOR MARKET The existence of significant disparities within the scope of labor demand and supply in Ukraine leads to simultaneous shortage of skilled workers for some jobs and / or skills, as well as excessive supply of labor force obtaining irrelevant vocational qualifications and skills. This situation reduces the employment efficiency, restrains labor productivity growth, and confirms low labor force quality. In this context, educational and skill imbalance is an essential deterrent of national economy efficiency as it concerns the mismatch between skills and existing jobs requirements, over-educated as well as undereducated employee which is defined by excess or lack of special knowledge level to accomplish a specific work tasks. Based on studies of leading European practices of educational and skills misbalance measuring and considering existing statistical database in Ukraine, the article suggests methodological approaches to estimate vertical and horizontal skills mismatch with the use of statistical modeling methods. Such an approach promotes evaluating the level of labor force education and skills level depending on their main features (age, gender, type of settlement, economic activity), follow and investigate the condition, trends, and patterns of labor force demand and supply balance processes. Statistical models of interlinks between vertical and horizontal mismatches indices are built. Trends of changes within vertical and horizontal mismatches are investigated; their differences and main distinguishing feature of their developments are highlighted. On the ground of the calculations made the indices of vertical and horizontal mismatches by sectors and economic activities at times are estimated, the reasons for their development trends differentiation in direction are defined. The results obtained may serve as an informational basis to justify sectoral priorities concerning security of national educational system flexibility and employment structural changes advancement.
The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative ec... more The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative economy formation and relevant employment model. The similar trends are being observed in Ukraine. Benefitting from the advantages existing and removal of key curbs regarding ICT introduction are of the actual importance in this country. The active participation of the state in gaining the true balance between technologies development and creation of proper conditions for market gears operation as well as favorable regulatory environment formation will favor ICT development in Ukraine. The specificity of innovative economy and their effect on local labor market and employment are considered in the article. Transformation of labor contents and character, gradual transition from functioning to project activity requires shaping a set of new skills peculiar to labor force as well as universal employee formation who is capable to fulfill both production and organizational duties, be engaged in projects and, correspondingly, who possesses creative abilities and thinking a new way while estimating production processes concerning their interdisciplinary and intercultural links. Based on monitoring examination of labor force skills matching to workplaces requirements the following future skills are shaped: design mindset, systems, project, computational, novel and adaptive thinking, transdisciplinarity, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration, inter-sector communication, project management, programming IT solutions, service orientation, multilingual and multicultural abilities, coordinating with others, artistic skills, ability to work under uncertainty. Prospective future jobs which need above-mentioned skills are analyzed.
Young Scientist, 2019
УДК 331.548 ільїч л.М. Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи прОФесійна О... more УДК 331.548 ільїч л.М. Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи прОФесійна Орієнтація населення В уМОВах глОБалізаційних прОцесіВ на ринКу праці анотація. У статті проаналізовано окремі аспекти впливу глобалізації на формування ринку праці: основні показники безробіття та наявність вакансій, трудову та освітню міграції, нові форми зайнятості, потреби перспективного ринку праці. Здійснено підсумки міграції населення в Україні (усі потоки міграції), проаналізовано ключові центри тяжіння робочої сили на світовому ринку праці, висвітлено процес репатріації, як зворотній бік трудової міграції. Проаналізовано основні фактори, які спонукають населення до освітньої міграції. Згруповано окремі ознаки нових форм зайнятості, які виникли в процесі діджиталізації. Професійну орієнтацію визначено як чинник, що сприяє поглибленому інформуванню населення про потреби ринку праці в умовах глобалізаційних процесів. Запропоновано удосконалити інформаційну складову професійної орієнтації з метою поглиблення знань населення про стан та потреби ринку праці в умовах глобалізації. Ключові слова: глобалізація, ринок праці, трудова міграція, освітня міграція, діджеталізація, нові форми зайнятості, професійна орієнтація. ilich liudmyla Kyiv Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies prOfEssiOnAl OriEntAtiOn Of thE pOpulAtiOn in thE cOnditiOns Of glOBAlizAtiOn prOcEssEs in thE lABOr mArKEt summary. The article analyzes some aspects of the impact of globalization on the formation of the labor market: the main indicators of unemployment and job vacancies, labor and educational migration, new forms of employment, the needs of a promising labor market. At present, one of the influential effects of globalization processes on employment is unemployment and labor migration.The results of the migration of the population in Ukraine (all flows of migration), the key centers of attraction of labor in the world labor market are analyzed, the process of repatriation is highlighted, as a reverse side of labor migration. The process of providing the global labor market with skilled personnel is accompanied by migration processes in education. The main factors that drive educational migration are analyzed. Some features of new forms of employment that emerged during the digitization process are grouped. Based on the study, the labor market situation has suffered significant losses in connection with labor migration, and has undergone dramatic changes due to the development of informatization of the economy, exacerbation of supply and demand imbalances. These reasons led, as a compensatory process, to the replacement of traditional forms of employment through digitization, which contributed to the emergence of new forms of employment, and the result of labor and educational migration for a certain part of the population became their repatriation. Vocational orientation is defined as a factor contributing to the in-depth awareness of the population about labor market needs in the context of globalization processes. It is suggested to improve the information component of vocational orientation in order to deepen the knowledge of the population about the state and needs of the labor market in the context of globalization. The article analyzes the research of demand and supply forecasts for Ukraine's labor market. According to the results of the study, it was found that the labor market suffered significant losses due to labor migration, underwent changes due to the development of informatization of the economy, exacerbation of supply and demand imbalance. These reasons led to the emergence of new forms of employment, the result of labor and educational migration for a certain proportion of the population became their repatriation.
The up-to-date trends of global labour market transformation are examined in the article. Socioec... more The up-to-date trends of global labour market transformation are examined in the article. Socioeconomic and technological factors causing global economy modification and affecting changes in
contents and kind of work, forms of employment and socio labour relations in general are defined.
Transformation of economy stipulates reallocation of human resources from inefficient economic activities into more productive ones where there are more favourable working conditions and employment quality provided. Advanced economy global development inevitably leads to gradual aging and some jobs becoming obsolete accompanying with consecutive introduction of new jobs which demand for raising standards as for skilled labour force. This paper lists the set of jobs which tend to become obsolete at labour market as well as those which come into service until 2030. Based on the employers’ sociological survey carried out by the author, the list of labour force skills to be of demand in future is proposed.
The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative ec... more The level of intellectual activity in developed countries gives evidence concerning innovative economy formation and relevant employment model. The similar trends are being observed in Ukraine. Benefitting from the advantages existing and removal of key curbs regarding ICT introduction are of the actual importance in this country. The active participation of the state in gaining the true balance between technologies development and creation of proper conditions for market gears operation as well as favorable regulatory environment formation will favor ICT development in Ukraine. The specificity of innovative economy and their effect on local labor market and employment are considered in the article. Transformation of labor contents and character, gradual transition from functioning to project activity requires shaping a set of new skills peculiar to labor force as well as universal employee formation who is capable to fulfill both production and organizational duties, be engaged in projects and, correspondingly, who possesses creative abilities and thinking a new way while estimating production processes concerning their interdisciplinary and intercultural links. Based on monitoring examination of labor force skills matching to workplaces requirements the following future skills are shaped: design mindset, systems, project, computational, novel and adaptive thinking, transdisciplinarity, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration, inter-sector communication, project management, programming IT solutions, service orientation, multilingual and multicultural abilities, coordinating with others, artistic skills, ability to work under uncertainty. Prospective future jobs which need above-mentioned skills are analyzed. Nowadays world community faces the beginning of the 4 th industrial revolution. The latest technological changes which took place in the spheres unrelated before such as artificial intelligence, processing power, Big Data, internet of things, mobile internet, cloud technologies, 3D printing ensure the labor production growth, innovative-cost rate intensification and , as a result, lead to improving life quality in the countries focused on informational sector development. Information and communication technologies (ICT) transform the labor market converting labor contents and character, forms of employment, workplaces structure and make new demands for highly skilled labor force training. Informatization of most public life spheres and activities shows up in new forms of population employment occurrence and growing demand for human resources possessing skills to fulfill information and knowledge-intensive jobs such as management, finances, law, marketing, science and education, mass media, health care, culture etc. Innovative economy requires for personnel handling research, analytical and diagnostic skills which includes information gathering, processing, transfer and storing, as well as communicative skills. The latter means more than simple mastering of speech culture and interpersonal communication,
Формування ринкової економіки, 2007
У статті розглядаються проблеми якісного забезпечення економіки кваліфікованими кадрами. Проаналі... more У статті розглядаються проблеми якісного забезпечення
економіки кваліфікованими кадрами. Проаналізовано складові держаного замовлення на підготовку кадрів, визначено основні принципи та запропоновано модель його формування.
У статті досліджується стан мережі професійно-технічної освіти та виявлено основні тенденції у її... more У статті досліджується стан мережі професійно-технічної освіти та виявлено основні тенденції у її розвитку. На підставі отриманих результатів визначено пріоритетні напрями оптимізації мережі досліджуваного сегменту ринку освітніх послуг.
Колективна монографія є результатом досліджень соціально-економічних аспектів функціонування ринк... more Колективна монографія є результатом досліджень соціально-економічних аспектів функціонування ринку праці в Україні. Головна увага приділена удосконаленню теоретико-методологічних підходів та розробці
науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо підвищення ефективності державної політики зайнятості в Україні.
Монографія складається з шести розділів, кожний з яких вміщує результати науково-практичних досліджень стану, динаміки та особливостей розвитку національного ринку праці. У роботі розглянуто концептуальне підґрунтя становлення українського ринку праці, обґрунтовано теоретичні засади його сегментації, визначено зміну соціально-трудових відносин на ринку праці за умов становлення ”нової економіки”, розкрито ціннісно-мотиваційну сферу як основу функціонування ринку праці. Авторами виявлено основні етапи та особливості функціонування українського ринку праці, його характерні
риси, надано авторську оцінку основних ризиків ринку праці, ефективності політики зайнятості. Визначено типові сегменти ринків праці та надано оцінку тенденцій їх розвитку. Обґрунтовано пріоритетні напрями підвищення ефективності ринку освітніх послуг з метою подолання наявного дисбалансу попиту та пропозиції на ринку праці. Висвітлено роль заробітної плати як регулятора ринку праці, гострота її диференціації в Україні, накреслено напрями вдосконалення системи оплати праці в економіці України. Розглянуто
особливості стимулювання економічної активності незайнятого населення. Розроблено комплекс пропозицій щодо вдосконалення програмного методу здійснення політики зайнятості населення України.
Для науковців, органів державної та виконавчої влади, викладачів, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей, а також усіх, кого цікавлять соціально-економічні проблеми функціонування ринку праці.
Монографію підготував колектив науковців Інституту демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В.... more Монографію підготував колектив науковців Інституту демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи НАН України. В сучасних умовах пріоритетного значення набуває розвиток інноваційної зайнятості як необхідної передумови формування суспільства знань. Наукове осмислення тенденцій змін зайнятості в
результаті поширення наукоємних та інформаційних технологій дало змогу обґрунтувати напрями регулювання сфери зайнятості враховуючи вплив інноваційних факторів розвитку. Здійснено типологізацію інноваційних видів зайнятості з урахуванням демографічного, техніко-інформаційного, економічного, освітньо-професійного, соціального та інституційного вимірів. Діагностовано та класифіковано основні ризики та загрози розвитку інноваційних видів зайнятості в Україні за результатами аналізу впливу чинників у межах релевантної ретроспективи та сьогодення. Розроблено рекомендації щодо стимулювання розвитку інноваційної зайнятості з метою забезпечення відповідності структурних зрушень на ринку праці пріоритетам реконструкції економіки України.
Монографія розрахована на фахівців у галузі демографії, соціальної економіки і соціальної політики, працівників державного управління, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів економічних та інших гуманітарних спеціальностей.
Повнотекстову версію монографії українською мовою розміщено у вільному доступі на офіційному сайті Інституту демографії та соціальних досліджень імені М.В. Птухи НАН України за посиланням:
Sustainable development - XXI century: management, technology, models. Discussions 2017
Рецензенти: чл.-кор. НАН України, д.т.н., проф. Трофимчук О.М. (Інститут телекомунікацій та глоба... more Рецензенти: чл.-кор. НАН України, д.т.н., проф. Трофимчук О.М. (Інститут телекомунікацій та глобального інформаційного простору НАН України) д.е.н., проф. Микитенко В.В. (ДУ-Інститут економіки природокористування та сталого розвитку НАН України‖) д.т.н., проф. Черноусенко О.Ю. (НТУУ-Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського‖) д.г.н., проф. Мезенцев К.В. (Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка) д.е.н., с.н.с. Пилипів В.В. (Київський національний економічний університет ім. Вадима Гетьмана) д.е.н., с.н.с. Чукаєва І.К. (ДУ-Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України‖) Сталий розвиток-ХХІ століття: управління, технології, моделі. Дискусії 2017: колективна монографія / Аверіхіна Т.В., Адамець Т.П., Андерсон Н.В. [та ін.]; НТУУ-Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського‖; Інститут телекомунікацій та глобального інформаційного простору НАН України; Вища економіко-гуманітарна школа / за наук. ред. проф. Хлобистова Є.В.-Київ, 2017.-546 с. Науковий редактор-доктор економічних наук, професор Хлобистов Є.В. Збережено авторську орфорграфію, пунктуацію і стилістику. Відповідальність за зміст матеріалів несуть автори. Результати досліджень, оприлюднені в колективній монографії, були обговорені на IV Міжнародній науково-практичній конференції "Сталий розвиток-ХХІ століття: управління, технології, моделі (наукові читання імені Ігоря Недіна)", яка відбулася 11-12 травня 2017 року в м. Києві.
Національна доповідь продовжує традицію, започатковану Національною академією наук України щодо д... more Національна доповідь продовжує традицію, започатковану Національною академією наук України щодо дослідження ключових проблем соціально-економічного розвитку кра-
їни. Актуальність проблем, які розглядаються у представленій доповіді, визначається необхідністю якнайшвидшої зміни існуючих засад економічного розвитку та створення умов для активного використання можливостей вітчизняного науково-технічного та інноваційного потенціалів.
Загальна мета представленої доповіді полягає в оцінці стану інноваційної сфери в Україні, визначенні найбільш актуальних проблем і бар’єрів, що гальмують інноваційну діяльність, а також в обгрунтуванні стратегічних напрямів інноваційного розвитку
держави та розробленні конкретних пропозицій щодо його стимулювання в умовах подальшої інтеграції України у світовий економічний та науково-технологічний простір.
Розраховано на представників політичної, наукової,
адміністративної та ділової еліти України та всіх, хто цікавиться питаннями науково-технічного та соціально-економічного розвитку.
Labor economics and socio-labor relations, 2012
У навчальному посібнику розглядаються теоретичні та практичні аспекти функціонування ринку праці.... more У навчальному посібнику розглядаються теоретичні та практичні аспекти функціонування ринку праці. Відповідно до ринкових умов, міжнародних стандартів та норм трудового права сформовано основний понятійний апарат економіки праці, висвітлено методологічні засади дослідження сучасних суспільних тенденцій і явищ у сфері соціально-трудових відносин.
Навчальний посібник розкриває основні проблеми трансформації концепції зайнятості, становлення та розвитку соціального партнерства, сучасні підходи до управління людськими ресурсами тощо.
Навчальний посібник підготовлено відповідно до Галузевих стандартів вищої освіти для навчальної дисципліни «Економіка праці та соціально-трудові відносини».
Для студентів економічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів, слухачів інститутів і факультетів післядипломної освіти, а також керівників підприємств (організацій), спеціалістів у сфері праці та зайнятості.