Mª Cristina Reinoso del Río (original) (raw)
Papers by Mª Cristina Reinoso del Río
Revista de Historia de Jerez, 2019
Recientes trabajos de investigación arqueológica en la Torre de Riquelme, obligan a replantear la... more Recientes trabajos de investigación arqueológica en la Torre de Riquelme, obligan a replantear la ubicación de la Puerta de Rota en el flanco suroeste del sistema defensivo andalusí de la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera. La comparación de varios planos donde se representa la puerta y el entorno no parece dejar lugar a dudas, siendo perentorio reubicarla en la actual rotonda de distribución del tráfico de la calle Puerta de Rota. También, se propone una nueva cronología para un plano de la ciudad de Jerez datado, creemos que erróneamente, entre 1820-1824. Por último, se aportan testimonios escritos procedentes de la investigación en archivos que apoyan nuestra propuesta, y se plantea un nuevo emplazamiento para el trazado de las murallas entre la Puerta de Rota y el Arco del Arroyo.
Revista de Historia de Jerez, 2019
Thin walled pottery occupies a specifi c section within Roman tableware. Generally theses small g... more Thin walled pottery occupies a specifi c section within Roman tableware. Generally theses small glasses for drinking, plain or decorated, had a great development from the end of the II century B.C. to the end of the I century A.D. Mesas de Asta was one of the sites included in our
previous work about Roman thin walled pottery production of the province of Cádiz. This time our work includes the totality of the pieces recovered in the archaeological excavations carried out by Manuel Esteve Guerrero between 1942 and 1958. We have carried out a reasoned inventory and a complete analysis of all the vases and potsherds deposited in the Museo Arqueológico Municipal of Jerez de la Frontera. In this sense we present an exhaustive typological classifi -
cation that aims to establish the origin of its production areas, as well as the commercial circuits through which theses goods reached this ancient urban entity in the south of the peninsula.
Anuario Arqueologico De Andalucia 2000 Vol 3 Tomo 1 2003 Isbn 84 8266 333 X Pags 137 145, 2003
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
The first stratigraphic sequences obtained from caves sites in the region were carried out briefl... more The first stratigraphic sequences obtained from caves sites in the region were carried out briefly a quarter of a century ago. This record, supported by some high radiocarbon dates, was used to defend the theory that the Neolithic pottery from "almagra" was indigenous.
Despite the passage of time, no considerable scientific advances have been made and great gaps in our understanding remain. The scarcity of analysis of bone remains and large carbonized floral material is the most marked deficiency in our undestanding of the earliest phases, indicating that the techniques of recovery which have been employed are totally out-dated.
L'Africa Romana. XIX Convegno Internazionale di Studi «Trasformazione dei paesaggi del potere nell’Africa settentrionale fino alla fine del mondo antico» (Sassari-Alghero, 16-19 diciembre 2010)., 2012
Nuevas excavaciones emprendidas en la Cueva de Gorham durante el periodo 1997-2004 han permitido ... more Nuevas excavaciones emprendidas en la Cueva de Gorham durante el periodo 1997-2004 han permitido valorar una amplia diversidad de talleres de origen entre las ofrendas del santuario. En este heterogéneo conjunto son altamente significativas las producciones cartaginesas, tanto metropolitanas como de su área de influencia, durante un lapso cronológico que ocupa prácticamente la totalidad de la vida de este lugar de culto (siglos -VIII a mediados del -II). La hipótesis de trabajo que se somete a consideración es si las inferen- cias que se pueden extraer del registro cultual de Gorham’s Cave permiten releer el papel real de Cartago en el extremo Occidente fenicio. Tampoco menor alcance tendría el hecho de que la clausura definitiva del santuario estuviera en relación con la pérdida definitiva del papel político de Cartago en el Mediterráneo antiguo.
Prados Martínez, F. García Jiménez, I. y Bernard, G., Eds. (2012): Confines. El extremo del mundo durante la Antigüedad. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante., 2012
The cult activities that developed in Gorham's Cave during the first millennium BC were a real paradigm of an ‘outermost-boundary’ sanctuary, a place with the highest symbolism for the Mediterranean mariners, perhaps as a last sacred stop before going into the dark and unknown Ocean beyond the Columns.
Recent fieldwork has not overlooked the high importance of the site, related to the Phoenician religion. The strategic nature of Gorham’s Cave, within the Strait of Gibraltar, also turns the sanctuary into a key place for the study of economic issues. In this sense, the offerings stored inside the cave are also analyzed from the point of view of Mediterranean commerce.
Present data reveals that the sanctuary itself was in operation from an early moment of Phoenician colonization, at least since the first half of the 8th century BC, until the mid-2nd century BC. Its historical-archaeological sequence seems to be a continuum without gaps in the life of the sacred place. In this paper we will present the results from a conventional perspective considering an archaic and punic sanctuary. The understanding of this site is still incomplete, with some unresolved topics, such as determining the main deity of the sanctuary or the reasons that caused the stoppage of worship, issues which we discuss on the basis of new evidence and hypothesis.
Complutum 24.1 (2013), pp. 113-130., 2013
El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistóric... more El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistórico de la Cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar) a la luz de los resultados de las recientes campañas de excavación y estudia los materiales cerámicos con inscripciones u otro tipo de marcas hallados en la cueva. El catálogo incluye un nuevo grafito fenicio y una inscripción greco-ibérica que se relacionan con las ofrendas depositadas en el lugar desde época arcaica hasta el periodo helenístico.
Spal 22, pp. 61-100., 2013
Typological, functional and chronological issues of ceramic kiln furniture with prismatic and «cr... more Typological, functional and chronological issues of ceramic kiln furniture with prismatic and «crescent shaped» morphologies (traditionally associated with pottery production mainly as supports or spacers) are studied in this paper. Although known in regional foregoing historiography, this ceramic tools so far have received limited attention but are considered really interesting for historical analysis, so a first systematization of their morphological evolution and a diachronic approach to their diffusion in Iberian peninsula is proposed. Also we make some considerations about the relationship of these stilts with other technology-transfer processes between phoenician-punic settlers and indigenous societies in ancient Iberia. To complement this analysis of the archaeological evidence of Iberian sites we finally expose a contextualization of the finds in the Mediterranean focusing attention on the use of auxiliary equipment in ancient pottery workshops, trying to trace the origins of this kind of kiln furniture found in Iberian peninsula.
Actas del I Congreso de la SECAH (Universidad de Cádiz, marzo 2011), 2013
A. Lemaire (ed.) Phéniciens d'Orient et d'Occident. Mélanges Josette Elayi. CIPOA 2, Paris, pp. 619-629., 2014
The paper presents an updated overview of the archaeological research in the protohistoric sanctu... more The paper presents an updated overview of the archaeological research in the protohistoric sanctuary of Gorham’s Cave (Gibraltar) based on the results of recent excavations. It also includes the presentation of a new Phoenician graffito found during these recent researches.
Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2020
During 1996-1997 several rescue excavations resulted in the discovery of the main components of a... more During 1996-1997 several rescue excavations resulted in the discovery of the main components of a Punic fish-salting facility located in the area of Pinar Hondo in the current city of El Puerto de Santa María (Cadiz, Spain). The results of the excavations were subsequently released in some preliminary reports that only featured a partial picture of the characteristics of the main structures and contexts of Puerto-19. The study of the items recovered (pottery, fishing gear, faunal remains, etc.) through 2008-2010 has made possible to review the first hypotheses and develop a new scheme of the evolution of the rural site, and as well to complete a deeper characterization of the material assemblages linked to the successive stratigraphic phases. Throughout three main stages, the settlemente evolved from the second half of the 6th century until the last decades of the 3rd century BCE from a fish-processing facility (Building A) to a multifunctional structure (Building B), finally abandoned before the Roman conquest of the area during the Second Punic War.
During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota, archaeological remains in two areas were identified as bei... more During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota,
archaeological remains in two areas were identified as being
in potential danger of further disruption from erosion and
the normal activities of the Base. One of these sites (Site B),
located in an arroyo on the western side of the base containing
Palaeolithic and Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic material. The goal of this rescue project was to obtain a broad survey of
the archaeological and geomorphology of Western Arroyo.
L’intervention au Convent de Caños Santos (Alcalá del Valle, Cadix) a été déterminée par les trav... more L’intervention au Convent de Caños Santos (Alcalá del
Valle, Cadix) a été déterminée par les travaux de réhabilitation de la place qui se trouve en face de la façade principale du bâtiment. Le projet initial supposait le pavé en losange total de cet espace. Le résultat a été l’apparition du sol de pierres originales daté au commencement du XIXéme siècle; autant que le petit jardin et les couloirs aussi pavés. Aucun des structures trouvées a été incorporé au projet final de la réhabilitation.
During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota, archaeological remains in two areas were identified as bei... more During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota,
archaeological remains in two areas were identified as being in
potential danger of further disruption from erosion and the
normal activities of the Base. The second site (Site A) consists
of the remains of a Roman villa, almost all archaeological
traces of which were seriously disrupted during the construction of the base runway in 1956. The goal of this rescue excavation was to recover as complete a record as possible.
Dans cet article nous voulons montrer les résultats des fouilles de l’U. E. 15 Torre de la Merced... more Dans cet article nous voulons montrer les résultats des
fouilles de l’U. E. 15 Torre de la Merced (Rota, Cadix). L’étude
des structures ainsi que des matériaux nous fait comprendre
l’évolution chronologique de la ville à partir de l’époque romaine jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIéme siècle- début du XIXéme siècle.
Cet article présent l’étude préliminaire sur les parois fines mis en dépôt au Musée Provincial de... more Cet article présent l’étude préliminaire sur les parois
fines mis en dépôt au Musée Provincial de Cadix. Les
céramiques ont diverses origines tel que Puerto Real, San
Fernando, Baelo Claudia et Cadix.
Au dedans de l’étude des céramiques à parois fines de la province de Cádiz, que nous sommes en tr... more Au dedans de l’étude des céramiques à parois fines
de la province de Cádiz, que nous sommes en train de faire,
cette fois, nous parlerons de la céramique de Mesas de Asta qui
se trouven au Musée Archéologique Municipal de Jerez.
Comme d’habitude, nous faison une clasification
typologique et aussi un petit étude sur les centres de
productions et les courants commerciaux.
Au dedans de l’étude que nous sommmes en train de faire sur les cerámiques de parois fines à la p... more Au dedans de l’étude que nous sommmes en train
de faire sur les cerámiques de parois fines à la province de Cadix, on trouve le matériel procedent du site romaine de Baelo Claudia. Nous faisons un petit sommaire sur les céramique qui sont dans leur magasin. L’étude present aussi la clasification typologique que les centres de productions et les courants commerciaux.
The cult activities that developed in Gorham’s Cave during the first millennium BC were a real pa... more The cult activities that developed in Gorham’s Cave during the first millennium BC were a real paradigm of an ‘outermost-boundary’ sanctuary, a place with the highest symbolism for the Mediterranean mariners, perhaps as a last sacred stop before going into the dark and unknown Ocean beyond the Columns.
SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2013
Resumen: Estudiamos en este trabajo aspectos tipológicos, funcionales y cronológicos de una serie... more Resumen: Estudiamos en este trabajo aspectos tipológicos, funcionales y cronológicos de una serie de elementos cerámicos de morfología prismática o semilunar tradicionalmente asociados a tareas alfareras, empleados fundamentalmente como soportes o separadores. Aunque conocidos en la bibliografía hispana con anterioridad, se trata de una categoría de enorme interés para el análisis histórico pero que hasta el momento, había recibido una atención reducida, por lo que ahora planteamos una sistematización de su evolución morfológica, una aproximación diacrónica a su dispersión peninsular y también aportamos algunas consideraciones sobre la relación de estos prismas con otros procesos de transferencia tecnológica entre los colonos fenicios y las sociedades indígenas de Iberia. Como complemento a este análisis de la evidencia peninsular, se realiza una contextualización a escala mediterránea del uso de elementos auxiliares en los talleres alfareros antiguos, intentando rastrear así los orígenes de los prismas peninsulares.
Revista de Historia de Jerez, 2019
Recientes trabajos de investigación arqueológica en la Torre de Riquelme, obligan a replantear la... more Recientes trabajos de investigación arqueológica en la Torre de Riquelme, obligan a replantear la ubicación de la Puerta de Rota en el flanco suroeste del sistema defensivo andalusí de la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera. La comparación de varios planos donde se representa la puerta y el entorno no parece dejar lugar a dudas, siendo perentorio reubicarla en la actual rotonda de distribución del tráfico de la calle Puerta de Rota. También, se propone una nueva cronología para un plano de la ciudad de Jerez datado, creemos que erróneamente, entre 1820-1824. Por último, se aportan testimonios escritos procedentes de la investigación en archivos que apoyan nuestra propuesta, y se plantea un nuevo emplazamiento para el trazado de las murallas entre la Puerta de Rota y el Arco del Arroyo.
Revista de Historia de Jerez, 2019
Thin walled pottery occupies a specifi c section within Roman tableware. Generally theses small g... more Thin walled pottery occupies a specifi c section within Roman tableware. Generally theses small glasses for drinking, plain or decorated, had a great development from the end of the II century B.C. to the end of the I century A.D. Mesas de Asta was one of the sites included in our
previous work about Roman thin walled pottery production of the province of Cádiz. This time our work includes the totality of the pieces recovered in the archaeological excavations carried out by Manuel Esteve Guerrero between 1942 and 1958. We have carried out a reasoned inventory and a complete analysis of all the vases and potsherds deposited in the Museo Arqueológico Municipal of Jerez de la Frontera. In this sense we present an exhaustive typological classifi -
cation that aims to establish the origin of its production areas, as well as the commercial circuits through which theses goods reached this ancient urban entity in the south of the peninsula.
Anuario Arqueologico De Andalucia 2000 Vol 3 Tomo 1 2003 Isbn 84 8266 333 X Pags 137 145, 2003
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
The first stratigraphic sequences obtained from caves sites in the region were carried out briefl... more The first stratigraphic sequences obtained from caves sites in the region were carried out briefly a quarter of a century ago. This record, supported by some high radiocarbon dates, was used to defend the theory that the Neolithic pottery from "almagra" was indigenous.
Despite the passage of time, no considerable scientific advances have been made and great gaps in our understanding remain. The scarcity of analysis of bone remains and large carbonized floral material is the most marked deficiency in our undestanding of the earliest phases, indicating that the techniques of recovery which have been employed are totally out-dated.
L'Africa Romana. XIX Convegno Internazionale di Studi «Trasformazione dei paesaggi del potere nell’Africa settentrionale fino alla fine del mondo antico» (Sassari-Alghero, 16-19 diciembre 2010)., 2012
Nuevas excavaciones emprendidas en la Cueva de Gorham durante el periodo 1997-2004 han permitido ... more Nuevas excavaciones emprendidas en la Cueva de Gorham durante el periodo 1997-2004 han permitido valorar una amplia diversidad de talleres de origen entre las ofrendas del santuario. En este heterogéneo conjunto son altamente significativas las producciones cartaginesas, tanto metropolitanas como de su área de influencia, durante un lapso cronológico que ocupa prácticamente la totalidad de la vida de este lugar de culto (siglos -VIII a mediados del -II). La hipótesis de trabajo que se somete a consideración es si las inferen- cias que se pueden extraer del registro cultual de Gorham’s Cave permiten releer el papel real de Cartago en el extremo Occidente fenicio. Tampoco menor alcance tendría el hecho de que la clausura definitiva del santuario estuviera en relación con la pérdida definitiva del papel político de Cartago en el Mediterráneo antiguo.
Prados Martínez, F. García Jiménez, I. y Bernard, G., Eds. (2012): Confines. El extremo del mundo durante la Antigüedad. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Alicante., 2012
The cult activities that developed in Gorham's Cave during the first millennium BC were a real paradigm of an ‘outermost-boundary’ sanctuary, a place with the highest symbolism for the Mediterranean mariners, perhaps as a last sacred stop before going into the dark and unknown Ocean beyond the Columns.
Recent fieldwork has not overlooked the high importance of the site, related to the Phoenician religion. The strategic nature of Gorham’s Cave, within the Strait of Gibraltar, also turns the sanctuary into a key place for the study of economic issues. In this sense, the offerings stored inside the cave are also analyzed from the point of view of Mediterranean commerce.
Present data reveals that the sanctuary itself was in operation from an early moment of Phoenician colonization, at least since the first half of the 8th century BC, until the mid-2nd century BC. Its historical-archaeological sequence seems to be a continuum without gaps in the life of the sacred place. In this paper we will present the results from a conventional perspective considering an archaic and punic sanctuary. The understanding of this site is still incomplete, with some unresolved topics, such as determining the main deity of the sanctuary or the reasons that caused the stoppage of worship, issues which we discuss on the basis of new evidence and hypothesis.
Complutum 24.1 (2013), pp. 113-130., 2013
El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistóric... more El artículo presenta un nuevo estado de la cuestión arqueológico sobre el santuario protohistórico de la Cueva de Gorham (Gibraltar) a la luz de los resultados de las recientes campañas de excavación y estudia los materiales cerámicos con inscripciones u otro tipo de marcas hallados en la cueva. El catálogo incluye un nuevo grafito fenicio y una inscripción greco-ibérica que se relacionan con las ofrendas depositadas en el lugar desde época arcaica hasta el periodo helenístico.
Spal 22, pp. 61-100., 2013
Typological, functional and chronological issues of ceramic kiln furniture with prismatic and «cr... more Typological, functional and chronological issues of ceramic kiln furniture with prismatic and «crescent shaped» morphologies (traditionally associated with pottery production mainly as supports or spacers) are studied in this paper. Although known in regional foregoing historiography, this ceramic tools so far have received limited attention but are considered really interesting for historical analysis, so a first systematization of their morphological evolution and a diachronic approach to their diffusion in Iberian peninsula is proposed. Also we make some considerations about the relationship of these stilts with other technology-transfer processes between phoenician-punic settlers and indigenous societies in ancient Iberia. To complement this analysis of the archaeological evidence of Iberian sites we finally expose a contextualization of the finds in the Mediterranean focusing attention on the use of auxiliary equipment in ancient pottery workshops, trying to trace the origins of this kind of kiln furniture found in Iberian peninsula.
Actas del I Congreso de la SECAH (Universidad de Cádiz, marzo 2011), 2013
A. Lemaire (ed.) Phéniciens d'Orient et d'Occident. Mélanges Josette Elayi. CIPOA 2, Paris, pp. 619-629., 2014
The paper presents an updated overview of the archaeological research in the protohistoric sanctu... more The paper presents an updated overview of the archaeological research in the protohistoric sanctuary of Gorham’s Cave (Gibraltar) based on the results of recent excavations. It also includes the presentation of a new Phoenician graffito found during these recent researches.
Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2020
During 1996-1997 several rescue excavations resulted in the discovery of the main components of a... more During 1996-1997 several rescue excavations resulted in the discovery of the main components of a Punic fish-salting facility located in the area of Pinar Hondo in the current city of El Puerto de Santa María (Cadiz, Spain). The results of the excavations were subsequently released in some preliminary reports that only featured a partial picture of the characteristics of the main structures and contexts of Puerto-19. The study of the items recovered (pottery, fishing gear, faunal remains, etc.) through 2008-2010 has made possible to review the first hypotheses and develop a new scheme of the evolution of the rural site, and as well to complete a deeper characterization of the material assemblages linked to the successive stratigraphic phases. Throughout three main stages, the settlemente evolved from the second half of the 6th century until the last decades of the 3rd century BCE from a fish-processing facility (Building A) to a multifunctional structure (Building B), finally abandoned before the Roman conquest of the area during the Second Punic War.
During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota, archaeological remains in two areas were identified as bei... more During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota,
archaeological remains in two areas were identified as being
in potential danger of further disruption from erosion and
the normal activities of the Base. One of these sites (Site B),
located in an arroyo on the western side of the base containing
Palaeolithic and Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic material. The goal of this rescue project was to obtain a broad survey of
the archaeological and geomorphology of Western Arroyo.
L’intervention au Convent de Caños Santos (Alcalá del Valle, Cadix) a été déterminée par les trav... more L’intervention au Convent de Caños Santos (Alcalá del
Valle, Cadix) a été déterminée par les travaux de réhabilitation de la place qui se trouve en face de la façade principale du bâtiment. Le projet initial supposait le pavé en losange total de cet espace. Le résultat a été l’apparition du sol de pierres originales daté au commencement du XIXéme siècle; autant que le petit jardin et les couloirs aussi pavés. Aucun des structures trouvées a été incorporé au projet final de la réhabilitation.
During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota, archaeological remains in two areas were identified as bei... more During the 1996 survey of NAVSTA Rota,
archaeological remains in two areas were identified as being in
potential danger of further disruption from erosion and the
normal activities of the Base. The second site (Site A) consists
of the remains of a Roman villa, almost all archaeological
traces of which were seriously disrupted during the construction of the base runway in 1956. The goal of this rescue excavation was to recover as complete a record as possible.
Dans cet article nous voulons montrer les résultats des fouilles de l’U. E. 15 Torre de la Merced... more Dans cet article nous voulons montrer les résultats des
fouilles de l’U. E. 15 Torre de la Merced (Rota, Cadix). L’étude
des structures ainsi que des matériaux nous fait comprendre
l’évolution chronologique de la ville à partir de l’époque romaine jusqu’à la fin du XVIIIéme siècle- début du XIXéme siècle.
Cet article présent l’étude préliminaire sur les parois fines mis en dépôt au Musée Provincial de... more Cet article présent l’étude préliminaire sur les parois
fines mis en dépôt au Musée Provincial de Cadix. Les
céramiques ont diverses origines tel que Puerto Real, San
Fernando, Baelo Claudia et Cadix.
Au dedans de l’étude des céramiques à parois fines de la province de Cádiz, que nous sommes en tr... more Au dedans de l’étude des céramiques à parois fines
de la province de Cádiz, que nous sommes en train de faire,
cette fois, nous parlerons de la céramique de Mesas de Asta qui
se trouven au Musée Archéologique Municipal de Jerez.
Comme d’habitude, nous faison une clasification
typologique et aussi un petit étude sur les centres de
productions et les courants commerciaux.
Au dedans de l’étude que nous sommmes en train de faire sur les cerámiques de parois fines à la p... more Au dedans de l’étude que nous sommmes en train
de faire sur les cerámiques de parois fines à la province de Cadix, on trouve le matériel procedent du site romaine de Baelo Claudia. Nous faisons un petit sommaire sur les céramique qui sont dans leur magasin. L’étude present aussi la clasification typologique que les centres de productions et les courants commerciaux.
The cult activities that developed in Gorham’s Cave during the first millennium BC were a real pa... more The cult activities that developed in Gorham’s Cave during the first millennium BC were a real paradigm of an ‘outermost-boundary’ sanctuary, a place with the highest symbolism for the Mediterranean mariners, perhaps as a last sacred stop before going into the dark and unknown Ocean beyond the Columns.
SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2013
Resumen: Estudiamos en este trabajo aspectos tipológicos, funcionales y cronológicos de una serie... more Resumen: Estudiamos en este trabajo aspectos tipológicos, funcionales y cronológicos de una serie de elementos cerámicos de morfología prismática o semilunar tradicionalmente asociados a tareas alfareras, empleados fundamentalmente como soportes o separadores. Aunque conocidos en la bibliografía hispana con anterioridad, se trata de una categoría de enorme interés para el análisis histórico pero que hasta el momento, había recibido una atención reducida, por lo que ahora planteamos una sistematización de su evolución morfológica, una aproximación diacrónica a su dispersión peninsular y también aportamos algunas consideraciones sobre la relación de estos prismas con otros procesos de transferencia tecnológica entre los colonos fenicios y las sociedades indígenas de Iberia. Como complemento a este análisis de la evidencia peninsular, se realiza una contextualización a escala mediterránea del uso de elementos auxiliares en los talleres alfareros antiguos, intentando rastrear así los orígenes de los prismas peninsulares.
This paper offers the results obtained about study of three archaeological interventions in Herre... more This paper offers the results obtained about study of three archaeological interventions in Herrera de Pisuerga site (Palencia, Spain): La Chorquilla, La Ribera y Eras Bajas. The study divided in three parts: typological and chronological classification that make possible the analysis and the fragments and to determent the most frequent forms; evolution of the site in function of the present or absence of certains forms. Finally we cant see the different productions, different factories and the comercial circuits to Herrera de Pisuerga. This conclusions are parcial because the archaeological excavations with thin walled potteries was 12 until 1995, and its study is only about 3 archaeological interventions.
Nous analysons un gros ensemble des céramiques à parois fines de Baelo Claudia, ville romainetrès... more Nous analysons un gros ensemble des céramiques à parois fines de Baelo Claudia, ville romainetrès connue par les salaisons. Aussi que líntérêt typologique est surpassé, ces céramiques nous informant par les circuits commerciaux -à demie et longe distance- ou la ville de Belo a joué un rôle important. Cependant, on mettre aussi en évidence que le grand volume d'eux ont son origine à la province de la Bétique.
Cette fait nous amène dans la problématique de l'identification des centres de production qui traditionnelment ont eu localisé dans le Bas Guadalquivir et la côte gaditaine, mais jusqu'a le moment c'est impossible de situer avec précision. On propose la recherche des évidences dans les grandes centres de potiers romaines de la région: Puerto Real, San Fernando et la mème Baie d'Algesiras, on présentant quelques des éventuels témoignages.
Consuegra en la Historia, I, 2011
Le pays des Ṣaddīna Une étude géographique, historique et archéologique des sites de Ṣaddīna, villes médiévales du Maroc et d’al-Andalus, 2014
La ville médiévale de Ṣaddīna se situe à un endroit stratégique, sur la route qui relie Fès à la ... more La ville médiévale de Ṣaddīna se situe à un endroit stratégique, sur la route qui relie Fès à la côte méditerranéenne. Cet emplacement explique, sans aucun doute, une bonne partie
de sa raison d’être. La mention qui en est faite dans l’une des provinces du Nord, lors de la division du territoire de Maghrib al-Aqsā entre les successeurs d’Idrīs II, devait certainement
avoir un lien avec cette localisation sur la voie qui allait de la capitale idrisside à Bedis (Bādis), séparées l’une de l’autre par
« environ 120 milles de distance », selon Léon l’Africain – et vers la ville de Nakūr, une cité qui eut un rôle historique notable lorsqu’elle fut le siège d’un pouvoir sunnite local, celui des
Banū Ṣāliḥ, entre le huitième et le dixième siècle de l’ère chrétienne.
A LOS PIES DE MATRERA (VILLAMARTÍN, CÁDIZ). Un estudio arqueologico del oriente de Šidūna, 2015
A los pies de Matrera (Villamartín, Cádiz). Un estudio arqueológico del oriente de Siduna., 2015
A los pies de Matrera (Villamartín, Cádiz). Un estudio arqueológico del oriente de Siduna., 2015
A los pies de Matrera (Villamartín, Cádiz). Un estudio arqueológico del oriente de Siduna., 2015