Estudos de Conservação e Restauro, 2018
Testemunho de intervenções históricas de restauro, o suporte da pintura sobre tela “O Cavaleiro d... more Testemunho de intervenções históricas de restauro, o suporte da pintura sobre tela “O Cavaleiro da Ordem de Malta”, datada do século XVIII, foi alvo da aplicação, pelo seu reverso, de camadas de impregnação à base de óleo e pigmentos. O estudo científico das camadas de impregnação, com o recurso à microscopia ótica (MO) de reflexão, com luz polarizada e com radiação ultravioleta (UV), cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa (GC-MS), micro-espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (micro-FTIR) e microscopia eletrónica de varrimento acoplada a espectrometria de raios X por dispersão de energia (SEM-EDX), possibilitou a identificação de duas camadas compostas por diversos pigmentos aglutinados em óleo de linhaça e ainda a presença de resina colofónia, cola animal e amido.
Brazilian Dental Science, 2010
RESUMOO cisto dentígero (CD) é o mais freqüente dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento compr... more RESUMOO cisto dentígero (CD) é o mais freqüente dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento compreendendo em cerca de 20% de todos os cistos epiteliados dos maxilares. A proposta deste trabalho foi avaliar as características clínicas e histopatológicas de casos diagnosticados como CDs no Laboratório de Patologia Cirúrgica da Faculdade de Odontologia de Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) no período de 1990 a 2001. Duzentos CDs tiveram os dados clínicos coletados a partir das fichas de biópsia e as características histopatológicas revisadas. Na análise dos dados clínicos encontrou-se a maioria dos casos ocorrendo na segunda década de vida (44,7%), no sexo masculino (53,7%) e na região posterior da mandíbula (74,1%). A avaliação histopatológica mostrou que 81,87% dos casos exibiam revestimento epitelial do tipo estratificado pavimentoso não-ceratinizado. Apenas 31,2% da amostra apresentaram restos epiteliais odontogênicos na cápsula, enquanto 46,6% dos casos exibiram infiltrad...
Anteriormente considerados apenas por uma perspectiva taxonomica, os zoologicos nao conseguiam ab... more Anteriormente considerados apenas por uma perspectiva taxonomica, os zoologicos nao conseguiam abranger atividades relacionadas a Educacao Ambiental. Com a mudanca desta postura para uma visao socio-ambiental, estes espacos hoje funcionam como grandes centros educativos, dialogando tanto com instituicoes que desenvolvem trabalhos no âmbito formal quanto com as demais que desenvolvem suas atividades nos espacos informais. Mas sera que sao vistos desta forma pela sociedade? Assim, o presente projeto foi desenvolvido no intuito de estudar como criancas da comunidade moradora do entorno do Zoologico de Salvador – BA o percebiam. A partir disto, buscou-se promover atividades ludicas educativas que evidenciassem uma real apropriacao do zoologico enquanto espaco educativo, no intuito de envolve-las com a conservacao da natureza. As atividades foram desenvolvidas durante tres meses e os resultados mostraram que houve uma sensibilizacao positiva na maioria das criancas, sendo observado uma c...
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 2012
Objetivos: Investigar la inmunoexpresion del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidermico (epide... more Objetivos: Investigar la inmunoexpresion del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidermico (epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR) en una muestra de leucoplasias orales (LO) y determinar la asociacion del receptor con displasia, con el consumo de tabaco, con la localizacion de la lesion y con el indice de proliferacion. Aunque el EGFR deberia sobreexpresarse en algunas leucoplasias orales, aun deben investigarse los factores que pueden interferir con su expresion y la influencia de este receptor en la proliferacion epitelial. Diseno del estudio: Las muestras de leucoplasia oral (48) y de epitelio oral normal (10) se examinaron inmunohistologicamente para identificar la expresion del EGFR. Se realizo la Inmunohistoquimica para Ki-67, y p27 en las muestras de leucoplasia. La expresion del EGFR se asocio con las caracteristicas clinicas y patologicas. Resultados: El EGFR fue positivo en el 62,5% de las leucoplasias y en el 50% del epitelio oral normal. El numero de LO positivas a EGFR localizadas en sitios de alto riesgo fue significativamente mayor que el de EGFR en lugares de bajo riesgo. La mayoria de las leucoplasias p27 negativas eran EGFR positivas y el indice de p27 en la capa parabasal disminuyo en presencia de displasia. La positividad del EGFR no se asocio con la exposicion al tabaco ni con la displasia, ni con el Ki-67. Conclusion: El EGFR se expresa en situaciones de leucoplasia independientemente de si hay displasia, pero la positividad del EGFR debe ser mas frecuente en las lesiones situadas en zonas de alto riesgo de cancer. La asociacion entre EGFR y p27 puede representar un importante mecanismo en el control de la proliferacion celular y la progresion maligna del epitelio oral y por lo tanto requiere una mayor investigacion.
The educational institutions seek to be conducive to good environmental practices demonstrating t... more The educational institutions seek to be conducive to good environmental practices demonstrating their commitment to the environment and to future generations. The Environmental Management Systems (EMS), including the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 may be an opportunity for institutions to manage correctly all their resources and eliminate unnecessary risks and costs, while reinforcing its values on the protection of the environment particularly in environmental protection, pollution prevention, compliance, legal and socioeconomic needs. The intention of this study was to determine the factors that influence the environmental policy approach in schools, to relate the different characteristics of schools with their approaches and determine which environmental factors that influence the environmental attitude of the schools. The results were collected through a questionnaire survey, targeted at the education preschool, 1, 2, 3 and secondary cycles of the Oporto Metropolitan Area. Through the analysis of the responses of 405 schools, concluded that those with better environmental performance and better conditions for implementing an EMS are the schools with the EB2.3/ES typology, public, belonging to the municipalities of Gondomar, Maia and Sto Tirso, located in urban areas and with recent school buildings in excellent or good states of preservation. Generally all schools demonstrate a good environmental performance considered above satisfactory to the implementation of an EMS.
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 2014
In this study, we report the first case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis endocarditis in an immunoco... more In this study, we report the first case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis endocarditis in an immunocompetent child born in the United States. Mass spectrometry of the vegetation identified coagulation, humoral immune proteins, neutrophil granule proteins, and histones. Few neutrophils on histopathology suggest that neutrophil extracellular traps may contribute to tuberculous endocardiac mass formation.
International Journal of Morphology, 2006
Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal, 2008
to report the immunoexpression of metallothionein in oral leukoplakia and to correlate with histo... more to report the immunoexpression of metallothionein in oral leukoplakia and to correlate with histological grade and clinical localization. Leukoplakia is the most common potentially malignant lesion of the oral cavity. As the histological study of oral leukoplakia can not predict precisely the malignant transformation of this lesion, and metallothionein is a protein that has been associated with carcinogenesis, this study could be auxiliary in this histological assessment of this lesion. samples of oral leukoplakia (35 cases) and of normal oral mucosa (10 cases) were evaluated. Oral leukoplakia was graded in: hyperkeratosis without dysplasic change (9 cases), mild dysplasia (8 cases), moderated dysplasia (10 cases), and severe dysplasia (8 cases). Immunohistochemistry for the metallothionein was performed and the Mann-Whitney test was used in statistical analysis. metallothionein was identified in squamous cells of the all samples. The metallothionein stain in all cases exhibit a mos...
Anticancer research
Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are integrated in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. Reduced expression o... more Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are integrated in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. Reduced expression of these proteins has been reported in head and neck carcinoma; however, few studies have examined the normal levels of these proteins in oral tissues or investigated factors which could interfere with this expression. The aim of this study was to detect the expression pattern of hMSH2 and hMLH1 in normal oral mucosa and to correlate this with demographic data, smoking and local inflammation. The expression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 was evaluated in 38 samples of normal mucosa epithelium using immunohistochemistry. No relationship was observed between hMSH2 and hMLH1 and demographic data. The hMLH1 but not hMSH2 expression was altered in smokers and in the presence of inflammation. Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are highly expressed in the normal epithelium of oral mucosa. In addition, hMLH1 expression is directly influenced by tobacco use and inflammation.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2012
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar práticas e significados atribuídos à saúde e à doença pela... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar práticas e significados atribuídos à saúde e à doença pela população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de enfoque antropológico com realização de observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 13 indivíduos entre 30 e 66 anos. Os resultados apontam que as condições de vida e saúde deste grupo são muito precárias, sendo a violência sobressalente nas narrativas. Os principais problemas de saúde foram o abuso de substâncias psicoativas, HIV/AIDS, transtornos mentais, problemas odontológicos, dermatológicos e gastrointestinais. A saúde foi associada, entre outros significados, à capacidade de resistir ao cotidiano de dificuldades, enquanto a doença vinculou-se ao estado de debilidade impeditivo de lutar pela sobrevivência. Os serviços de saúde são procurados em situações graves e urgentes. Conclui-se pela necessidade de políticas específicas visando garantir condições de vida adequadas e a...
Open Journal of Radiology, 2012
The cementoblastoma is a very rare odontogenic neoplasm characterised by the formation of cementu... more The cementoblastoma is a very rare odontogenic neoplasm characterised by the formation of cementum-like tissue in connection with the root of a tooth. An 18-year-old boy was referred to the Clinic of Oral Pathology of the School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, complaining of an irradiating, itching pain from the region of the lower right first molar. He reported that the symptoms began three months prior, with a gradual increase in intensity during this period. The pain episodes were of short duration, with characteristics of toothache originating from the pulp. Upon intra-oral clinical examination, an open bite and slight increase in volume at the buccal alveolar region of the lower right first molar was observed. He also reported palpation and percussion pain symptoms in this region. Electrical, heat and cold pulp vitality tests were performed, and the tooth was vital. Periapical and panoramic radiographs showed radiolucent images with diffuse, poorly defined borders at the mesial root periapex extending to the interradicular region suggesting an inflammatory periapical lesion. In this early presentation, the three-dimensional image was fundamental to the final diagnosis of cementoblastoma.
Food Research International, 2014
International Journal of Morphology, 2008
The association among clinicopathological features and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression was evalua... more The association among clinicopathological features and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression was evaluated in twentynine cases of intra-oral mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). MEC was prevalent in the female gender (79.3%), tumors were more frequent in ages between 21 and 40 years (48.3%), and the palate was the most commonly affected site (72.4%). Microscopically, 27 cases (93.1%) were classified as low grade of malignancy. The c-erbB-2 expression was considered positive in 9 (31%) cases and no significant association (p>0.05) was found among protein expression and gender nor between patient age and site or histological grade of the lesion. c-erbB-2 expression in MEC may reflect intrisinc biologic properties of salivary gland neoplasms and may be linked to histogenesis and cellular differentiaton.
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2010
... Email: Eric J. Lowe ( *Correspondence: Eric J. Lowe, Division of Pediatri... more ... Email: Eric J. Lowe ( *Correspondence: Eric J. Lowe, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, 601 Children's Lane, Norfolk, VA 23507. Publication History. ...
Journal of Periodontology, 2011
Previous literature showed contrasting results regarding dendritic cell (DC) counts in patients w... more Previous literature showed contrasting results regarding dendritic cell (DC) counts in patients with periodontal diseases. Although smoking decreases the number of DCs in the lungs, the effect of smoking on the quantitative distribution of Langerhans cells (LCs) and DCs in patients with chronic gingivitis has not been investigated to our knowledge. Gingival samples were obtained from 30 patients (15 smokers and 15 non-smokers). Immunohistochemical staining was performed to identify CD1a+ immature LCs and CD83+ mature DCs. The inflammatory infiltrate was evaluated and counted. Densities of cells were calculated within the oral epithelium (OE), sulcular epithelium (SE), and lamina propria (LP) for CD1a+ cells and within the LP for CD83+ cells. Results were compared between groups. This study evaluates whether the high number of cigarettes and smoking years affects densities of cells. Correlations among densities of LCs and DCs with densities of inflammatory infiltrate, number of cigarettes, and smoking years were performed. Densities of inflammatory infiltrate and CD1a+ cells from the SE and LP were significantly lower for smokers than for non-smokers (P <0.05). This result could not be identified for CD1a+ cells from the OE and for CD83+ cells from the LP. The number of cigarettes and smoking years did not affect densities of cells. No statistically significant correlations could be drawn among densities of LCs and DCs and inflammatory infiltrate, number of cigarettes, and smoking years. Smoking proved to affect the quantitative distribution of LCs and DCs in patients with chronic gingivitis.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2012
BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This ... more BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This tumor is characterized by a great variability in clinical behavior, and little is known about the pathological mechanisms involved in its variance. Angiogenesis is an important step in tumor progression and is believed to be an essential event for metastatic dissemination. METHODS: We aimed to investigate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in mucoepidermoid carcinoma measuring the density of neoformed and lymphatic vessels using CD105 and D2-40 antibodies, respectively, and by immunohistochemical evaluation of VEGF-A and VEGF-C proteins. It was also investigated the expression of D2-40 in neoplastic cells. RESULTS: We studied 26 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, which showed great angiogenic activity measured by neoformed vessel density. However, a low density of lymphatics was observed. VEGF-A, VEGF-C, and D2-40 were commonly detected in mucoepidermoid carcinoma, but only VEGF-A expression correlated with neoformed vessel density. Recurrence and nodal metastasis were associated with low VEGF-A expression and low neoformed vessel density, indicating that impaired angiogenesis could lead to an aggressive phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: Angiogenesis seems important in the modulation of mucoepidermoid carcinoma pathogenesis; however, none of the parameters analyzed could predict tumor behavior.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2013
BACKGROUND: Odontogenic tumors exhibited variable biologica behaviors. Metallothionein (MT) is co... more BACKGROUND: Odontogenic tumors exhibited variable biologica behaviors. Metallothionein (MT) is correlated with the cellular homeostasis of essential metals, cellular differentiation, and proliferation. The core goals of this study are (i) to report and to compare MT expression among benign epithelial odontogenic tumors; (ii) to correlate MT with cellular proliferation index; and (iii) to evaluate the influence of the inflammatory infiltrate on MT expression.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten cases of solid ameloblastomas (SABs), 4 squamous odontogenic tumors (SOTs), 5 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOTs), and 3 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors (CEOTs) were subjected to immunohistochemical to anti-MT, anti-Ki-67, and anti-PCNA. Statistical analysis was performed using BioEstat â 4.0. RESULTS: Metallothionein staining was found to be the highest in the SABs (93.1%), followed by SOTs (52.9%), AOTs (38.4%), and CEOTs (0%). MT staining exhibited statistically significant differences between the SABs and the SOTs (P = 0.0047) and the AOTs (P = 0.0022). A weak-to-strong positive correlation between IMT and IK or IP was observed in SABs and SOTs, whereas a strong negative correlation was observed in AOTs. No differences in IMT, IK, and IP were observed between inflammation groups A and B. CONCLUSIONS: The increased MT expression observed in the SABs might be correlated with clinical behavior (local invasiveness and high rate of recurrence). In the SABs and SOTs, MT plays a role in the stimulation of cellular proliferation. In contrast, MT can inhibit cellular proliferation in the AOT. The IMT, IK, and IP are not affected by inflammation.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2006
Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis (HBID) is a rare disorder first described in 1960.... more Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis (HBID) is a rare disorder first described in 1960. To date, all but one published case trace their ancestry back to an Indian tribe in North Carolina. Affected patients usually develop asymptomatic ocular and oral lesions. The latter may resemble other dermatologic conditions that affect the oral mucosa, such as white sponge nevus. This report describes a case of a Brazilian patient who showed clinical and histological features of HBID, which appears to be the first reported case in South America. Although genetic analysis could not be carried out, the family history suggests a genetic etiology.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2010
BACKGROUND: Metallothionein (MT) is a protein correlated with cellular differentiation and prolif... more BACKGROUND: Metallothionein (MT) is a protein correlated with cellular differentiation and proliferation, as well as with the inhibition of apoptosis. The aims were to report and to compare the MT expression in odontogenic cysts and keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT); to correlate the MT with cellular proliferation; and to evaluate the influence of the inflammation in MT. METHODS: Nine cases of radicular cyst (RC), nine dentigerous cyst (DC), four orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC), and eight KOT were submitted to immunohistochemistry using anti-MT and anti-Ki-67. Indexes of MT (IMT) and Ki-67 (IK) were obtained. Lesions were grouped according to inflammation: mild-to-moderate (group A) and intense (group B). RESULTS: IMT proved to be highest in RC (91%), followed by DC (89%), KOT (78%), and OOC (63%). IMT was inversely correlated with IK in KOT, and OCC, but was positively correlated with RC and DC. No differences in IMT and in IK could be observed between groups A and B. CONCLUSIONS: The higher IMT found in RC and DC compared to OCC and KOT, as well as the differences between the last ones, is possibly correlated with their different histopathological features and clinical behavior. In RC and DC, MT may play a role in cellular proliferation. However, it seems that MT is either less or is not related to proliferation in OOC and in KOT. Moreover, inflammation does not seem to alter IMT and IK.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2011
Estudos de Conservação e Restauro, 2018
Testemunho de intervenções históricas de restauro, o suporte da pintura sobre tela “O Cavaleiro d... more Testemunho de intervenções históricas de restauro, o suporte da pintura sobre tela “O Cavaleiro da Ordem de Malta”, datada do século XVIII, foi alvo da aplicação, pelo seu reverso, de camadas de impregnação à base de óleo e pigmentos. O estudo científico das camadas de impregnação, com o recurso à microscopia ótica (MO) de reflexão, com luz polarizada e com radiação ultravioleta (UV), cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa (GC-MS), micro-espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (micro-FTIR) e microscopia eletrónica de varrimento acoplada a espectrometria de raios X por dispersão de energia (SEM-EDX), possibilitou a identificação de duas camadas compostas por diversos pigmentos aglutinados em óleo de linhaça e ainda a presença de resina colofónia, cola animal e amido.
Brazilian Dental Science, 2010
RESUMOO cisto dentígero (CD) é o mais freqüente dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento compr... more RESUMOO cisto dentígero (CD) é o mais freqüente dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento compreendendo em cerca de 20% de todos os cistos epiteliados dos maxilares. A proposta deste trabalho foi avaliar as características clínicas e histopatológicas de casos diagnosticados como CDs no Laboratório de Patologia Cirúrgica da Faculdade de Odontologia de Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) no período de 1990 a 2001. Duzentos CDs tiveram os dados clínicos coletados a partir das fichas de biópsia e as características histopatológicas revisadas. Na análise dos dados clínicos encontrou-se a maioria dos casos ocorrendo na segunda década de vida (44,7%), no sexo masculino (53,7%) e na região posterior da mandíbula (74,1%). A avaliação histopatológica mostrou que 81,87% dos casos exibiam revestimento epitelial do tipo estratificado pavimentoso não-ceratinizado. Apenas 31,2% da amostra apresentaram restos epiteliais odontogênicos na cápsula, enquanto 46,6% dos casos exibiram infiltrad...
Anteriormente considerados apenas por uma perspectiva taxonomica, os zoologicos nao conseguiam ab... more Anteriormente considerados apenas por uma perspectiva taxonomica, os zoologicos nao conseguiam abranger atividades relacionadas a Educacao Ambiental. Com a mudanca desta postura para uma visao socio-ambiental, estes espacos hoje funcionam como grandes centros educativos, dialogando tanto com instituicoes que desenvolvem trabalhos no âmbito formal quanto com as demais que desenvolvem suas atividades nos espacos informais. Mas sera que sao vistos desta forma pela sociedade? Assim, o presente projeto foi desenvolvido no intuito de estudar como criancas da comunidade moradora do entorno do Zoologico de Salvador – BA o percebiam. A partir disto, buscou-se promover atividades ludicas educativas que evidenciassem uma real apropriacao do zoologico enquanto espaco educativo, no intuito de envolve-las com a conservacao da natureza. As atividades foram desenvolvidas durante tres meses e os resultados mostraram que houve uma sensibilizacao positiva na maioria das criancas, sendo observado uma c...
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal, 2012
Objetivos: Investigar la inmunoexpresion del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidermico (epide... more Objetivos: Investigar la inmunoexpresion del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidermico (epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR) en una muestra de leucoplasias orales (LO) y determinar la asociacion del receptor con displasia, con el consumo de tabaco, con la localizacion de la lesion y con el indice de proliferacion. Aunque el EGFR deberia sobreexpresarse en algunas leucoplasias orales, aun deben investigarse los factores que pueden interferir con su expresion y la influencia de este receptor en la proliferacion epitelial. Diseno del estudio: Las muestras de leucoplasia oral (48) y de epitelio oral normal (10) se examinaron inmunohistologicamente para identificar la expresion del EGFR. Se realizo la Inmunohistoquimica para Ki-67, y p27 en las muestras de leucoplasia. La expresion del EGFR se asocio con las caracteristicas clinicas y patologicas. Resultados: El EGFR fue positivo en el 62,5% de las leucoplasias y en el 50% del epitelio oral normal. El numero de LO positivas a EGFR localizadas en sitios de alto riesgo fue significativamente mayor que el de EGFR en lugares de bajo riesgo. La mayoria de las leucoplasias p27 negativas eran EGFR positivas y el indice de p27 en la capa parabasal disminuyo en presencia de displasia. La positividad del EGFR no se asocio con la exposicion al tabaco ni con la displasia, ni con el Ki-67. Conclusion: El EGFR se expresa en situaciones de leucoplasia independientemente de si hay displasia, pero la positividad del EGFR debe ser mas frecuente en las lesiones situadas en zonas de alto riesgo de cancer. La asociacion entre EGFR y p27 puede representar un importante mecanismo en el control de la proliferacion celular y la progresion maligna del epitelio oral y por lo tanto requiere una mayor investigacion.
The educational institutions seek to be conducive to good environmental practices demonstrating t... more The educational institutions seek to be conducive to good environmental practices demonstrating their commitment to the environment and to future generations. The Environmental Management Systems (EMS), including the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 may be an opportunity for institutions to manage correctly all their resources and eliminate unnecessary risks and costs, while reinforcing its values on the protection of the environment particularly in environmental protection, pollution prevention, compliance, legal and socioeconomic needs. The intention of this study was to determine the factors that influence the environmental policy approach in schools, to relate the different characteristics of schools with their approaches and determine which environmental factors that influence the environmental attitude of the schools. The results were collected through a questionnaire survey, targeted at the education preschool, 1, 2, 3 and secondary cycles of the Oporto Metropolitan Area. Through the analysis of the responses of 405 schools, concluded that those with better environmental performance and better conditions for implementing an EMS are the schools with the EB2.3/ES typology, public, belonging to the municipalities of Gondomar, Maia and Sto Tirso, located in urban areas and with recent school buildings in excellent or good states of preservation. Generally all schools demonstrate a good environmental performance considered above satisfactory to the implementation of an EMS.
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 2014
In this study, we report the first case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis endocarditis in an immunoco... more In this study, we report the first case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis endocarditis in an immunocompetent child born in the United States. Mass spectrometry of the vegetation identified coagulation, humoral immune proteins, neutrophil granule proteins, and histones. Few neutrophils on histopathology suggest that neutrophil extracellular traps may contribute to tuberculous endocardiac mass formation.
International Journal of Morphology, 2006
Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal, 2008
to report the immunoexpression of metallothionein in oral leukoplakia and to correlate with histo... more to report the immunoexpression of metallothionein in oral leukoplakia and to correlate with histological grade and clinical localization. Leukoplakia is the most common potentially malignant lesion of the oral cavity. As the histological study of oral leukoplakia can not predict precisely the malignant transformation of this lesion, and metallothionein is a protein that has been associated with carcinogenesis, this study could be auxiliary in this histological assessment of this lesion. samples of oral leukoplakia (35 cases) and of normal oral mucosa (10 cases) were evaluated. Oral leukoplakia was graded in: hyperkeratosis without dysplasic change (9 cases), mild dysplasia (8 cases), moderated dysplasia (10 cases), and severe dysplasia (8 cases). Immunohistochemistry for the metallothionein was performed and the Mann-Whitney test was used in statistical analysis. metallothionein was identified in squamous cells of the all samples. The metallothionein stain in all cases exhibit a mos...
Anticancer research
Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are integrated in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. Reduced expression o... more Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are integrated in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. Reduced expression of these proteins has been reported in head and neck carcinoma; however, few studies have examined the normal levels of these proteins in oral tissues or investigated factors which could interfere with this expression. The aim of this study was to detect the expression pattern of hMSH2 and hMLH1 in normal oral mucosa and to correlate this with demographic data, smoking and local inflammation. The expression of hMSH2 and hMLH1 was evaluated in 38 samples of normal mucosa epithelium using immunohistochemistry. No relationship was observed between hMSH2 and hMLH1 and demographic data. The hMLH1 but not hMSH2 expression was altered in smokers and in the presence of inflammation. Both hMSH2 and hMLH1 are highly expressed in the normal epithelium of oral mucosa. In addition, hMLH1 expression is directly influenced by tobacco use and inflammation.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2012
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar práticas e significados atribuídos à saúde e à doença pela... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar práticas e significados atribuídos à saúde e à doença pela população em situação de rua em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de enfoque antropológico com realização de observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 13 indivíduos entre 30 e 66 anos. Os resultados apontam que as condições de vida e saúde deste grupo são muito precárias, sendo a violência sobressalente nas narrativas. Os principais problemas de saúde foram o abuso de substâncias psicoativas, HIV/AIDS, transtornos mentais, problemas odontológicos, dermatológicos e gastrointestinais. A saúde foi associada, entre outros significados, à capacidade de resistir ao cotidiano de dificuldades, enquanto a doença vinculou-se ao estado de debilidade impeditivo de lutar pela sobrevivência. Os serviços de saúde são procurados em situações graves e urgentes. Conclui-se pela necessidade de políticas específicas visando garantir condições de vida adequadas e a...
Open Journal of Radiology, 2012
The cementoblastoma is a very rare odontogenic neoplasm characterised by the formation of cementu... more The cementoblastoma is a very rare odontogenic neoplasm characterised by the formation of cementum-like tissue in connection with the root of a tooth. An 18-year-old boy was referred to the Clinic of Oral Pathology of the School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, complaining of an irradiating, itching pain from the region of the lower right first molar. He reported that the symptoms began three months prior, with a gradual increase in intensity during this period. The pain episodes were of short duration, with characteristics of toothache originating from the pulp. Upon intra-oral clinical examination, an open bite and slight increase in volume at the buccal alveolar region of the lower right first molar was observed. He also reported palpation and percussion pain symptoms in this region. Electrical, heat and cold pulp vitality tests were performed, and the tooth was vital. Periapical and panoramic radiographs showed radiolucent images with diffuse, poorly defined borders at the mesial root periapex extending to the interradicular region suggesting an inflammatory periapical lesion. In this early presentation, the three-dimensional image was fundamental to the final diagnosis of cementoblastoma.
Food Research International, 2014
International Journal of Morphology, 2008
The association among clinicopathological features and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression was evalua... more The association among clinicopathological features and c-erbB-2 oncoprotein expression was evaluated in twentynine cases of intra-oral mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). MEC was prevalent in the female gender (79.3%), tumors were more frequent in ages between 21 and 40 years (48.3%), and the palate was the most commonly affected site (72.4%). Microscopically, 27 cases (93.1%) were classified as low grade of malignancy. The c-erbB-2 expression was considered positive in 9 (31%) cases and no significant association (p>0.05) was found among protein expression and gender nor between patient age and site or histological grade of the lesion. c-erbB-2 expression in MEC may reflect intrisinc biologic properties of salivary gland neoplasms and may be linked to histogenesis and cellular differentiaton.
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2010
... Email: Eric J. Lowe ( *Correspondence: Eric J. Lowe, Division of Pediatri... more ... Email: Eric J. Lowe ( *Correspondence: Eric J. Lowe, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, 601 Children's Lane, Norfolk, VA 23507. Publication History. ...
Journal of Periodontology, 2011
Previous literature showed contrasting results regarding dendritic cell (DC) counts in patients w... more Previous literature showed contrasting results regarding dendritic cell (DC) counts in patients with periodontal diseases. Although smoking decreases the number of DCs in the lungs, the effect of smoking on the quantitative distribution of Langerhans cells (LCs) and DCs in patients with chronic gingivitis has not been investigated to our knowledge. Gingival samples were obtained from 30 patients (15 smokers and 15 non-smokers). Immunohistochemical staining was performed to identify CD1a+ immature LCs and CD83+ mature DCs. The inflammatory infiltrate was evaluated and counted. Densities of cells were calculated within the oral epithelium (OE), sulcular epithelium (SE), and lamina propria (LP) for CD1a+ cells and within the LP for CD83+ cells. Results were compared between groups. This study evaluates whether the high number of cigarettes and smoking years affects densities of cells. Correlations among densities of LCs and DCs with densities of inflammatory infiltrate, number of cigarettes, and smoking years were performed. Densities of inflammatory infiltrate and CD1a+ cells from the SE and LP were significantly lower for smokers than for non-smokers (P <0.05). This result could not be identified for CD1a+ cells from the OE and for CD83+ cells from the LP. The number of cigarettes and smoking years did not affect densities of cells. No statistically significant correlations could be drawn among densities of LCs and DCs and inflammatory infiltrate, number of cigarettes, and smoking years. Smoking proved to affect the quantitative distribution of LCs and DCs in patients with chronic gingivitis.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2012
BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This ... more BACKGROUND: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands. This tumor is characterized by a great variability in clinical behavior, and little is known about the pathological mechanisms involved in its variance. Angiogenesis is an important step in tumor progression and is believed to be an essential event for metastatic dissemination. METHODS: We aimed to investigate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in mucoepidermoid carcinoma measuring the density of neoformed and lymphatic vessels using CD105 and D2-40 antibodies, respectively, and by immunohistochemical evaluation of VEGF-A and VEGF-C proteins. It was also investigated the expression of D2-40 in neoplastic cells. RESULTS: We studied 26 cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, which showed great angiogenic activity measured by neoformed vessel density. However, a low density of lymphatics was observed. VEGF-A, VEGF-C, and D2-40 were commonly detected in mucoepidermoid carcinoma, but only VEGF-A expression correlated with neoformed vessel density. Recurrence and nodal metastasis were associated with low VEGF-A expression and low neoformed vessel density, indicating that impaired angiogenesis could lead to an aggressive phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: Angiogenesis seems important in the modulation of mucoepidermoid carcinoma pathogenesis; however, none of the parameters analyzed could predict tumor behavior.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2013
BACKGROUND: Odontogenic tumors exhibited variable biologica behaviors. Metallothionein (MT) is co... more BACKGROUND: Odontogenic tumors exhibited variable biologica behaviors. Metallothionein (MT) is correlated with the cellular homeostasis of essential metals, cellular differentiation, and proliferation. The core goals of this study are (i) to report and to compare MT expression among benign epithelial odontogenic tumors; (ii) to correlate MT with cellular proliferation index; and (iii) to evaluate the influence of the inflammatory infiltrate on MT expression.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten cases of solid ameloblastomas (SABs), 4 squamous odontogenic tumors (SOTs), 5 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOTs), and 3 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors (CEOTs) were subjected to immunohistochemical to anti-MT, anti-Ki-67, and anti-PCNA. Statistical analysis was performed using BioEstat â 4.0. RESULTS: Metallothionein staining was found to be the highest in the SABs (93.1%), followed by SOTs (52.9%), AOTs (38.4%), and CEOTs (0%). MT staining exhibited statistically significant differences between the SABs and the SOTs (P = 0.0047) and the AOTs (P = 0.0022). A weak-to-strong positive correlation between IMT and IK or IP was observed in SABs and SOTs, whereas a strong negative correlation was observed in AOTs. No differences in IMT, IK, and IP were observed between inflammation groups A and B. CONCLUSIONS: The increased MT expression observed in the SABs might be correlated with clinical behavior (local invasiveness and high rate of recurrence). In the SABs and SOTs, MT plays a role in the stimulation of cellular proliferation. In contrast, MT can inhibit cellular proliferation in the AOT. The IMT, IK, and IP are not affected by inflammation.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2006
Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis (HBID) is a rare disorder first described in 1960.... more Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis (HBID) is a rare disorder first described in 1960. To date, all but one published case trace their ancestry back to an Indian tribe in North Carolina. Affected patients usually develop asymptomatic ocular and oral lesions. The latter may resemble other dermatologic conditions that affect the oral mucosa, such as white sponge nevus. This report describes a case of a Brazilian patient who showed clinical and histological features of HBID, which appears to be the first reported case in South America. Although genetic analysis could not be carried out, the family history suggests a genetic etiology.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2010
BACKGROUND: Metallothionein (MT) is a protein correlated with cellular differentiation and prolif... more BACKGROUND: Metallothionein (MT) is a protein correlated with cellular differentiation and proliferation, as well as with the inhibition of apoptosis. The aims were to report and to compare the MT expression in odontogenic cysts and keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT); to correlate the MT with cellular proliferation; and to evaluate the influence of the inflammation in MT. METHODS: Nine cases of radicular cyst (RC), nine dentigerous cyst (DC), four orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC), and eight KOT were submitted to immunohistochemistry using anti-MT and anti-Ki-67. Indexes of MT (IMT) and Ki-67 (IK) were obtained. Lesions were grouped according to inflammation: mild-to-moderate (group A) and intense (group B). RESULTS: IMT proved to be highest in RC (91%), followed by DC (89%), KOT (78%), and OOC (63%). IMT was inversely correlated with IK in KOT, and OCC, but was positively correlated with RC and DC. No differences in IMT and in IK could be observed between groups A and B. CONCLUSIONS: The higher IMT found in RC and DC compared to OCC and KOT, as well as the differences between the last ones, is possibly correlated with their different histopathological features and clinical behavior. In RC and DC, MT may play a role in cellular proliferation. However, it seems that MT is either less or is not related to proliferation in OOC and in KOT. Moreover, inflammation does not seem to alter IMT and IK.
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 2011