MA Subandi - (original) (raw)
Papers by MA Subandi
Background Recovery-oriented mental health service has become the focus of global change in menta... more Background Recovery-oriented mental health service has become the focus of global change in mental health services. Most of North industrialized countries have adopted and implemented this paradigm in the last two decades. Only recently that some developing countries are trying to follow this step. In Indonesia’s case, there has been little attention to developing a recovery orientation by mental health authorities. The aim of this article is to synthesize and analyze the recovery-oriented guidelines from five industrialized countries that we can use as a primary model for developing a protocol to be implemented in community health centre in Kulonprogo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Method We used a narrative literature review by searching for guidelines from many different sources. We found 57 guidelines, but only 13 from five countries met the criteria, including five guidelines from Australia, one from Ireland, three from Canada, two from the UK, and two from the US. To analyze...
Setiap penyakit, betapapun ringannya, seperti flu, sakit perut, kepala pusing dirasakan oleh sese... more Setiap penyakit, betapapun ringannya, seperti flu, sakit perut, kepala pusing dirasakan oleh seseorang sebagai suatu gangguan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 0leh sebab itu penyakit tidak disambut baik. Pasien rumah sakit sering menunjukkan berbagai simtom psikologik, terutama kecemasan dan depresi (Pennebaker, dkk., dalam Taylor, 1995). Pasien bahkan merasa tidak berdaya (Taylor, 1995). Pennebaker, dan kawan-kawan (dalam Taylor, 1995) juga menyatakan bahwa kecemasan, depresi dan gangguan psikologik lain sering menyertai simtom fisik. Pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit biasanya mengalami kecemasan karena memikirkan gangguan atau penyakitnya, merasa bingung dan cemas rnengenai harapan hasil perawatan, serta risau dengan peran yang ditinggalkan. Pasien harus melakukan penyesuaian terhadap situasi baru, yang sukar. Rumah sakit kurang dapat menenangkan pasien yang cemas, bahkan memperburuk kondisi tersebut (Mason, dkk., dalam Taylor, 1995).
Transcultural Psychiatry, 2020
The cultural understanding of illness among caregivers of first-episode psychotic persons is a cr... more The cultural understanding of illness among caregivers of first-episode psychotic persons is a crucial issue. Not only does it influence caregivers’ care-seeking behavior and length of time until receiving medical treatment (known as the ‘duration of untreated psychosis’ or DUP), but it also predicts the outcome of the illness. This article aims to explore cultural understanding and care-seeking behavior among caregivers of psychotic patients in Java, Indonesia. Data for this article have been taken from two studies conducted by our research group in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Methods of data collection include surveys, case studies, ethnographic fieldwork, and in-depth interviews. Results of analyses, within and across studies, indicate that caregivers have employed diverse cultural explanatory models in order to understand psychotic illness. Local cultural beliefs, including possession and forms of black magic, were among the most common initial concepts held by family members in rela...
Community Mental Health Journal, 2020
The treatment gap in mental health care in Indonesia is a critical issue due in large measure to ... more The treatment gap in mental health care in Indonesia is a critical issue due in large measure to the dearth of professional mental health staff. In response to this need, our team designed a mental health training program for existing community health workers. The training program was offered to 65 participants at 2 (two) community primary care center (Puskesmas); we evaluated the training program with quantitative and qualitative methods. We assessed the gains in knowledge using a 20-question knowledge assessment test. In addition, in Puskesmas 1, the test was repeated as a follow-up test 4 months after the training. Statistical analysis showed that the differences between pre-test and post-test scores were significant in both Puskesmas 1 (p = 0.004) and Puskesmas 2 (p < 0.001). This study concluded that the model of integrative training appears effective for preparing Indonesian CHWs to recognize and respond to needs for mental health care.
viii, 18 hal. : ill.; 21 cm
Psikosis merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan jiwa berat yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kontak de... more Psikosis merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan jiwa berat yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kontak dengan realita pada individu. Sekitar 400.000 jiwa di Indonesia mengalami gangguan psikosis, namun hingga saat ini belum ada model pencegahan yang dikembangkan untuk mengurangi prevalensi psikosis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi modul "Remaja Tangguh" yang digunakan untuk mencegah berkembangnya psikosis dengan mengembangkan kemampuan proactive coping. Validasi modul dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pertama validasi isi yang dilakukan dengan penilaian tiga orang expert. Hasil analisis menunjukkan modul memiliki validitas isi yang baik dengan nilai Aiken's V yang bergerak dari 0,67 hingga 1,00. Kedua validasi empirik dilakukan melalui eksperimen kuasi dengan rancangan wait list control group design with pre-test dan post-test design. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 18 orang remaja dengan risiko tinggi psikosis yang terbagi dalam kelompok eksperimen da...
Students in the process of memorizing The Qur�an and participating in academic activities are n... more Students in the process of memorizing The Qur�an and participating in academic activities are not separated from the emotion-pressing problems. Therefore, they need to have some creative abilities to solve these problems. This research is qualitative descriptive phenomenology, with nine participants and four providers of data. The data were collected by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. In the research using the qualitative method through the phenomenological approach, there are four processes to be passed: epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis of meaning. The process of the analyzing and interpreting data covers bracketing, horizonalizing, meaning units to get textural description, imaginative variation to get structural description, and composing the structural description and the textural one into one universal meaning representing the whole participant. The result showed that dynamic resiliency owned by the participants high...
The purpose of this paper was to explore family burden, coping, and support for psychotic patient... more The purpose of this paper was to explore family burden, coping, and support for psychotic patients in a Javanese setting. A combination of ethnographic and clinical methodology was employed. During my fieldwork in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I followed 9 participants diagnosed as having first episode psychosis. Three of them met the ICD-10 criteria for Schizophrenia, five for Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder (ATPD), and one for Schizoaffective Disor¬der. I carried out ethnographic fieldwork among nine participants and their families in their natural home setting, as well as conducting in-depth interviews. In addition, I administered the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scale (F-COPES) for family members and Sentence Completion Test (SCT). The result indicated that despite experiencing psychological and economic burden, families provided a high level of support for their mentally ill members which are reflected in the application of Javanese principle of ngemong. Three asp...
Most of the studies on the family of psychotic illness focus on the negative sides of family life... more Most of the studies on the family of psychotic illness focus on the negative sides of family life, such as high expressed emotion, family burden and stigma. Very few studies look at the positive aspects of the family such as empowerment and resilience. This study aims at investigating the role of family‟s empowerment, and well-being on predicting the recovery of the patients. Ninety nine families of psychotic patients were assessed using the Family Empowerment Scale, and the Connor-Davison Resilience Scale. Meanwhile the patients‟ recovery was assessed using Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Regression analysis yield result that family empowerment and resilience accounted for a significant amount of variance in patient‟s recovery. It is concluded that family condition influences patient‟s recovery. This research suggests that it is important to increase family empowerment and resilience as part of the treatment for psychotic patients.
Buku ini dirancang untuk mewadahi berbagai titik pertemuan antara psikologi dan budaya. Dari sisi... more Buku ini dirancang untuk mewadahi berbagai titik pertemuan antara psikologi dan budaya. Dari sisi topik yang disajikan, buku ini memberikan keragaman pembahasan, mulai dari psikologi perkembangan, psikologi keluarga, psikologi sosial, psikologi klinis (gangguan dan kesehatan mental), sampai pada psikologi positif dan psikologi transpersonal. Bagian pertama membahas aspek budaya dalam berbagai kajian psikologi antara lain konsep perkembangan sepanjang hayat, identitas diri, proses akulturasi remaja sampai budaya malu. Bagian kedua membahas aspek budaya dalam berbagai bidang kesehatan mental. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber bacaan penting bagi mahasiswa psikologi yang mendalami psikologi dan budaya , dan mahasiswa antropologi yang mendalami psikologi.
Buku ini berisi kumpulan dari beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan dengan psikoterapi, terdiri dari be... more Buku ini berisi kumpulan dari beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan dengan psikoterapi, terdiri dari beberapa catatan kuliah, makalah-makalah maupun artiekl-artikel yang tersebar dalam beberapa jurnal. Dengan penambahan dan pengurangan seperlunya.
Expatriation has become a phenomenon that can be found in many parts of the world as entering glo... more Expatriation has become a phenomenon that can be found in many parts of the world as entering globalization era. Expatriation has been done not only by employees that were assigned by their company but also by individuals who choose to develop their capabilities by having cross cultures experiences and become a self-initiated expatriate. The aim of this study was to find meaning and process of self-initiated expatriate psychological acculturation in Yogyakarta. This study used phenomenological qualitative approach to comprehend meaning of self-initiated expatriate psychological acculturation in Yogyakarta. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews with six self-initiated expatriates that has built a new life in Yogyakarta with their spouse. The research findings showed that respondents chose to be self-initiated expatriates in Yogyakarta to seize an opportunity of a better living in Yogyakarta. In acculturation process, they develop two kinds of coping, adopting new culture and ...
Buku ini diharapkan dpat menambah literatur di bidang Psikologi Agama, maupun Psikologi Islami. S... more Buku ini diharapkan dpat menambah literatur di bidang Psikologi Agama, maupun Psikologi Islami. Sebagian besar buku yang terbit di bidang Psikologi Agama merupakan kajian terhadap literatur-literatur yang bersifat teoritis. Buku yang merupakan hasil penelitian empiris di bidang Psikologi Agama sangat jarang ditemukan. Padahal, penelitian-penelitian psikologi yang berkaitan dengan perilaku beragama sudah banyak sekali dilaksanakan di Fakultas Psikologi seluruh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, saya berharap buku ini dapat memicu terbitnya buku-buku lain di bidang Psikologi Agama.
Istilah Meditasi telah dikenal luas baik di indonesia maupun di mancanegara, baik dikalangan masy... more Istilah Meditasi telah dikenal luas baik di indonesia maupun di mancanegara, baik dikalangan masyarakat awam maupun dikalangan ilmiah. Tujuan orang melakukan meditasi sangat beragam dalam tradisi keagamaan tertentu, meditasi dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan kehidpuan rohani, mendekatkan diri pada tuhan atau mencapai kesadaran mistik-transendental dengan Tuhan.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the concept of well-being among the Balinese Gand... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the concept of well-being among the Balinese Gandhian and the processes needed to reach such condition. The participants were the Balinese Gandhian form Gedong Gandhi Ashram and the Ashram Gandhi Putri. Ethnographic perspective and phenomenological approach were applied in this study. Results reveal mokshartham jagadhita as a Balinese indigenous concept of well-being, referring to the physical and psycho-spiritual well-being which consists of: suka tan mewali duka (non-dual happiness), shaantih (peace), and harmony. This condition can be reached by the fulfillment of the physical, social, and psycho-spiritual needs, which transforms the personality into the ideal state of sthita-pradnya. The search for meaning was also involved during the attainment of this state. The aforementioned process involves the cognitive, affective, behavioral, and transcendental dimensions. The concept of mokshartham jagaditha is compared with the Western con...
This paper aims at discussing the concept of Explanatory Model (EM) as being applied for psychoti... more This paper aims at discussing the concept of Explanatory Model (EM) as being applied for psychotic illness in a Javanese cultural context. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia where nine participants diagnosed as having first episode psychosis were followed in the course of two years. Three of them met the ICD-10 criteria for Schizophrenia, five for Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder (ATPD), and one for Schizoaffective Disorder. An ethnographic methodology was employed by interviewing participants and their families in their natural home setting. While most of the research on EM focuses on the diversity of illness attribution, this paper explores the diverse and changing family EM of psychotic illness that run the gamut from supernatural to psychological explanation, focusing on the extent to which families seek to minimize stigma. The result of this research indicates that family EM changes overtime following the changing of the course of the illness. It is argue...
Sebagian besar literatur ilmiah yang terkait dengan spiritualitas memberikan perhatian yang lebih... more Sebagian besar literatur ilmiah yang terkait dengan spiritualitas memberikan perhatian yang lebih banyak kepada kaitan antara spiritualitas dengan kesehatan mental, sedangkan kaitan antara spiritualitas dengan gangguan mental lebih sedikit dibicarakan. Padahal ketiga hal ini, yaitu spiritualitas, kesehatan, dan gangguan mental mempunyai kaitan yang sangat erat. Paper ini mencoba untuk melihat kedua sisi spiritualitas ini dalam perspektif yang seimbang.
Background Recovery-oriented mental health service has become the focus of global change in menta... more Background Recovery-oriented mental health service has become the focus of global change in mental health services. Most of North industrialized countries have adopted and implemented this paradigm in the last two decades. Only recently that some developing countries are trying to follow this step. In Indonesia’s case, there has been little attention to developing a recovery orientation by mental health authorities. The aim of this article is to synthesize and analyze the recovery-oriented guidelines from five industrialized countries that we can use as a primary model for developing a protocol to be implemented in community health centre in Kulonprogo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Method We used a narrative literature review by searching for guidelines from many different sources. We found 57 guidelines, but only 13 from five countries met the criteria, including five guidelines from Australia, one from Ireland, three from Canada, two from the UK, and two from the US. To analyze...
Setiap penyakit, betapapun ringannya, seperti flu, sakit perut, kepala pusing dirasakan oleh sese... more Setiap penyakit, betapapun ringannya, seperti flu, sakit perut, kepala pusing dirasakan oleh seseorang sebagai suatu gangguan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 0leh sebab itu penyakit tidak disambut baik. Pasien rumah sakit sering menunjukkan berbagai simtom psikologik, terutama kecemasan dan depresi (Pennebaker, dkk., dalam Taylor, 1995). Pasien bahkan merasa tidak berdaya (Taylor, 1995). Pennebaker, dan kawan-kawan (dalam Taylor, 1995) juga menyatakan bahwa kecemasan, depresi dan gangguan psikologik lain sering menyertai simtom fisik. Pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit biasanya mengalami kecemasan karena memikirkan gangguan atau penyakitnya, merasa bingung dan cemas rnengenai harapan hasil perawatan, serta risau dengan peran yang ditinggalkan. Pasien harus melakukan penyesuaian terhadap situasi baru, yang sukar. Rumah sakit kurang dapat menenangkan pasien yang cemas, bahkan memperburuk kondisi tersebut (Mason, dkk., dalam Taylor, 1995).
Transcultural Psychiatry, 2020
The cultural understanding of illness among caregivers of first-episode psychotic persons is a cr... more The cultural understanding of illness among caregivers of first-episode psychotic persons is a crucial issue. Not only does it influence caregivers’ care-seeking behavior and length of time until receiving medical treatment (known as the ‘duration of untreated psychosis’ or DUP), but it also predicts the outcome of the illness. This article aims to explore cultural understanding and care-seeking behavior among caregivers of psychotic patients in Java, Indonesia. Data for this article have been taken from two studies conducted by our research group in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Methods of data collection include surveys, case studies, ethnographic fieldwork, and in-depth interviews. Results of analyses, within and across studies, indicate that caregivers have employed diverse cultural explanatory models in order to understand psychotic illness. Local cultural beliefs, including possession and forms of black magic, were among the most common initial concepts held by family members in rela...
Community Mental Health Journal, 2020
The treatment gap in mental health care in Indonesia is a critical issue due in large measure to ... more The treatment gap in mental health care in Indonesia is a critical issue due in large measure to the dearth of professional mental health staff. In response to this need, our team designed a mental health training program for existing community health workers. The training program was offered to 65 participants at 2 (two) community primary care center (Puskesmas); we evaluated the training program with quantitative and qualitative methods. We assessed the gains in knowledge using a 20-question knowledge assessment test. In addition, in Puskesmas 1, the test was repeated as a follow-up test 4 months after the training. Statistical analysis showed that the differences between pre-test and post-test scores were significant in both Puskesmas 1 (p = 0.004) and Puskesmas 2 (p < 0.001). This study concluded that the model of integrative training appears effective for preparing Indonesian CHWs to recognize and respond to needs for mental health care.
viii, 18 hal. : ill.; 21 cm
Psikosis merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan jiwa berat yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kontak de... more Psikosis merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan jiwa berat yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kontak dengan realita pada individu. Sekitar 400.000 jiwa di Indonesia mengalami gangguan psikosis, namun hingga saat ini belum ada model pencegahan yang dikembangkan untuk mengurangi prevalensi psikosis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi modul "Remaja Tangguh" yang digunakan untuk mencegah berkembangnya psikosis dengan mengembangkan kemampuan proactive coping. Validasi modul dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Pertama validasi isi yang dilakukan dengan penilaian tiga orang expert. Hasil analisis menunjukkan modul memiliki validitas isi yang baik dengan nilai Aiken's V yang bergerak dari 0,67 hingga 1,00. Kedua validasi empirik dilakukan melalui eksperimen kuasi dengan rancangan wait list control group design with pre-test dan post-test design. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 18 orang remaja dengan risiko tinggi psikosis yang terbagi dalam kelompok eksperimen da...
Students in the process of memorizing The Qur�an and participating in academic activities are n... more Students in the process of memorizing The Qur�an and participating in academic activities are not separated from the emotion-pressing problems. Therefore, they need to have some creative abilities to solve these problems. This research is qualitative descriptive phenomenology, with nine participants and four providers of data. The data were collected by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. In the research using the qualitative method through the phenomenological approach, there are four processes to be passed: epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis of meaning. The process of the analyzing and interpreting data covers bracketing, horizonalizing, meaning units to get textural description, imaginative variation to get structural description, and composing the structural description and the textural one into one universal meaning representing the whole participant. The result showed that dynamic resiliency owned by the participants high...
The purpose of this paper was to explore family burden, coping, and support for psychotic patient... more The purpose of this paper was to explore family burden, coping, and support for psychotic patients in a Javanese setting. A combination of ethnographic and clinical methodology was employed. During my fieldwork in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, I followed 9 participants diagnosed as having first episode psychosis. Three of them met the ICD-10 criteria for Schizophrenia, five for Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder (ATPD), and one for Schizoaffective Disor¬der. I carried out ethnographic fieldwork among nine participants and their families in their natural home setting, as well as conducting in-depth interviews. In addition, I administered the Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scale (F-COPES) for family members and Sentence Completion Test (SCT). The result indicated that despite experiencing psychological and economic burden, families provided a high level of support for their mentally ill members which are reflected in the application of Javanese principle of ngemong. Three asp...
Most of the studies on the family of psychotic illness focus on the negative sides of family life... more Most of the studies on the family of psychotic illness focus on the negative sides of family life, such as high expressed emotion, family burden and stigma. Very few studies look at the positive aspects of the family such as empowerment and resilience. This study aims at investigating the role of family‟s empowerment, and well-being on predicting the recovery of the patients. Ninety nine families of psychotic patients were assessed using the Family Empowerment Scale, and the Connor-Davison Resilience Scale. Meanwhile the patients‟ recovery was assessed using Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Regression analysis yield result that family empowerment and resilience accounted for a significant amount of variance in patient‟s recovery. It is concluded that family condition influences patient‟s recovery. This research suggests that it is important to increase family empowerment and resilience as part of the treatment for psychotic patients.
Buku ini dirancang untuk mewadahi berbagai titik pertemuan antara psikologi dan budaya. Dari sisi... more Buku ini dirancang untuk mewadahi berbagai titik pertemuan antara psikologi dan budaya. Dari sisi topik yang disajikan, buku ini memberikan keragaman pembahasan, mulai dari psikologi perkembangan, psikologi keluarga, psikologi sosial, psikologi klinis (gangguan dan kesehatan mental), sampai pada psikologi positif dan psikologi transpersonal. Bagian pertama membahas aspek budaya dalam berbagai kajian psikologi antara lain konsep perkembangan sepanjang hayat, identitas diri, proses akulturasi remaja sampai budaya malu. Bagian kedua membahas aspek budaya dalam berbagai bidang kesehatan mental. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber bacaan penting bagi mahasiswa psikologi yang mendalami psikologi dan budaya , dan mahasiswa antropologi yang mendalami psikologi.
Buku ini berisi kumpulan dari beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan dengan psikoterapi, terdiri dari be... more Buku ini berisi kumpulan dari beberapa tulisan yang berkaitan dengan psikoterapi, terdiri dari beberapa catatan kuliah, makalah-makalah maupun artiekl-artikel yang tersebar dalam beberapa jurnal. Dengan penambahan dan pengurangan seperlunya.
Expatriation has become a phenomenon that can be found in many parts of the world as entering glo... more Expatriation has become a phenomenon that can be found in many parts of the world as entering globalization era. Expatriation has been done not only by employees that were assigned by their company but also by individuals who choose to develop their capabilities by having cross cultures experiences and become a self-initiated expatriate. The aim of this study was to find meaning and process of self-initiated expatriate psychological acculturation in Yogyakarta. This study used phenomenological qualitative approach to comprehend meaning of self-initiated expatriate psychological acculturation in Yogyakarta. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews with six self-initiated expatriates that has built a new life in Yogyakarta with their spouse. The research findings showed that respondents chose to be self-initiated expatriates in Yogyakarta to seize an opportunity of a better living in Yogyakarta. In acculturation process, they develop two kinds of coping, adopting new culture and ...
Buku ini diharapkan dpat menambah literatur di bidang Psikologi Agama, maupun Psikologi Islami. S... more Buku ini diharapkan dpat menambah literatur di bidang Psikologi Agama, maupun Psikologi Islami. Sebagian besar buku yang terbit di bidang Psikologi Agama merupakan kajian terhadap literatur-literatur yang bersifat teoritis. Buku yang merupakan hasil penelitian empiris di bidang Psikologi Agama sangat jarang ditemukan. Padahal, penelitian-penelitian psikologi yang berkaitan dengan perilaku beragama sudah banyak sekali dilaksanakan di Fakultas Psikologi seluruh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, saya berharap buku ini dapat memicu terbitnya buku-buku lain di bidang Psikologi Agama.
Istilah Meditasi telah dikenal luas baik di indonesia maupun di mancanegara, baik dikalangan masy... more Istilah Meditasi telah dikenal luas baik di indonesia maupun di mancanegara, baik dikalangan masyarakat awam maupun dikalangan ilmiah. Tujuan orang melakukan meditasi sangat beragam dalam tradisi keagamaan tertentu, meditasi dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan kehidpuan rohani, mendekatkan diri pada tuhan atau mencapai kesadaran mistik-transendental dengan Tuhan.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the concept of well-being among the Balinese Gand... more The purpose of this research was to investigate the concept of well-being among the Balinese Gandhian and the processes needed to reach such condition. The participants were the Balinese Gandhian form Gedong Gandhi Ashram and the Ashram Gandhi Putri. Ethnographic perspective and phenomenological approach were applied in this study. Results reveal mokshartham jagadhita as a Balinese indigenous concept of well-being, referring to the physical and psycho-spiritual well-being which consists of: suka tan mewali duka (non-dual happiness), shaantih (peace), and harmony. This condition can be reached by the fulfillment of the physical, social, and psycho-spiritual needs, which transforms the personality into the ideal state of sthita-pradnya. The search for meaning was also involved during the attainment of this state. The aforementioned process involves the cognitive, affective, behavioral, and transcendental dimensions. The concept of mokshartham jagaditha is compared with the Western con...
This paper aims at discussing the concept of Explanatory Model (EM) as being applied for psychoti... more This paper aims at discussing the concept of Explanatory Model (EM) as being applied for psychotic illness in a Javanese cultural context. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia where nine participants diagnosed as having first episode psychosis were followed in the course of two years. Three of them met the ICD-10 criteria for Schizophrenia, five for Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder (ATPD), and one for Schizoaffective Disorder. An ethnographic methodology was employed by interviewing participants and their families in their natural home setting. While most of the research on EM focuses on the diversity of illness attribution, this paper explores the diverse and changing family EM of psychotic illness that run the gamut from supernatural to psychological explanation, focusing on the extent to which families seek to minimize stigma. The result of this research indicates that family EM changes overtime following the changing of the course of the illness. It is argue...
Sebagian besar literatur ilmiah yang terkait dengan spiritualitas memberikan perhatian yang lebih... more Sebagian besar literatur ilmiah yang terkait dengan spiritualitas memberikan perhatian yang lebih banyak kepada kaitan antara spiritualitas dengan kesehatan mental, sedangkan kaitan antara spiritualitas dengan gangguan mental lebih sedikit dibicarakan. Padahal ketiga hal ini, yaitu spiritualitas, kesehatan, dan gangguan mental mempunyai kaitan yang sangat erat. Paper ini mencoba untuk melihat kedua sisi spiritualitas ini dalam perspektif yang seimbang.