Marc Babut - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marc Babut
La directive 2000/60/CE etablissant un cadre pour une politique communautaire dans le domaine de ... more La directive 2000/60/CE etablissant un cadre pour une politique communautaire dans le domaine de l'eau vise a maintenir et ameliorer la qualite de l'environnement aquatique d'ici 2015. L'article 16 de la directiveimpose en particulier de definir des normes de qualite environnementale (NQE) pour les substances prioritaires proposees par la Commission europeenne. Ces normes de qualite sont des concentrations seuils qui ne doivent pas etre depassees dans le milieu pour assurer la protection des ecosystemes aquatiques et de la sante Cet article synthetise tout d'abord les connaissances concernant la methodologie generale pour la determination des NQE et commente les choix proposes par la Commission europeenne, puis examine certaines des difficultes rencontrees pour etablir les NQE pour les substances prioritaires de la DCE et pour leur mise en application. La determination des NQE s'appuie sur les donnees d'ecotoxicite pour les organismes aquatiques disponibl...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Journal européen d’hydrologie, 1994
Dans un premier temps, une enquete aupres des agriculteurs a permis le recensement des divers pro... more Dans un premier temps, une enquete aupres des agriculteurs a permis le recensement des divers produits appliques sur le perimetre. Les plus utilises ont ete ensuite recherches dans l'eau, sur des echantillons preleves ponctuellemnt, une fois par semaine, dans la bâche du point de captage alimentee par deux collecteurs. Ce travail preliminaire, mene pendant une periode d'un an, a montre la presence de trois molecules: isoproturon, atrazine et deethylatrazine. Il a part ailleurs conduit, sur une une periode de 3 ans, a la mise en place de differentes strategies d'echantillonnage faisant intervenir la frequence et les points de prelevement (bâche et collecteurs)
Journal français d’hydrologie, 1991
Cette etude, consacree a l'extraction des micropolluants organiques de l'eau, comprend de... more Cette etude, consacree a l'extraction des micropolluants organiques de l'eau, comprend deux parties : la premiere realisee en laboratoire a permis, sur des "eaux pures" surchargees en micropolluants organiques varies (amines, phenols, pesticides, PCB, Hydrocarbures), la comparaison des performances de l'extraction liquide-liquide en continu (Cleor) et de l'extraction liquide-liquide classique en ampoule pratiquee dans les memes conditions de solvant et de pH. Dans la deuxieme partie, une comparaison est entreprise a la suite d'une etude "in situ" entre les renseignements apportes d'une part par une campagne "micropolluants organiques" effectuees avec "Cleor" et d'autre part, par la meme campagne effectuee a l'aide de prelevements d'eau ponctuels suivis d'une extraction liquide-liquide en ampoule pratiquee dans les conditions d'extraction utilisees habituellement par le Laboratoire par une recherche en aveugle des "micropolluants organiques".
Ce document decrit un schema d’evaluation par etapes (approche graduee) pour des sites d’accumula... more Ce document decrit un schema d’evaluation par etapes (approche graduee) pour des sites d’accumulation de sediments en eau douce. Dans un premier temps, il presente un etat de l’art des schemas d’evaluation developpes dans differents pays, en organisant la presentation par type de demarche. Un premier type, dont le modele est la TRIADE, consiste a evaluer le danger des sediments en accumulant des « elements de preuve » (LOE) predefinis ; les options de gestion proposees a la fin du processus d’evaluation dependent des resultats. Dans le deuxieme type, la demarche d’evaluation se developpe a partir des options de gestion, et les mesures constituant les LOE sont adaptees aux options de gestion a evaluer. La demarche d’evaluation developpee dans le cadre du projet DIESE est une demarche generique, adaptable a differentes situations, sediments de retenue, sites contamines etc. Elle se decompose en 4 etapes (preliminaire, screening, evaluation detaillee, evaluation poussee), et s’articule...
National audienceLes modèles biodynamiques classiques ont été validés pour formaliser la variabil... more National audienceLes modèles biodynamiques classiques ont été validés pour formaliser la variabilité de la bioaccumulation de contaminants par différentes espèces d'organismes. La bioaccumulation est alors décrite comme la résultante des processus d'absorption et d'élimination (Luoma et Rainbow, 2005). Chez les invertébrés benthiques, ces modèles ont été développés à l'origine pour les métaux, puis pour quelques contaminants organiques, en considérant l'organisme comme un compartiment unique et en ne prenant en compte généralement qu'une seule voie d'exposition. Toutefois, il est crucial de tenir compte dans de tels modèles de tous les processus impliqués dans la bioaccumulation de contaminants, tels que différentes voies d'absorption et notamment la voie trophique, la croissance de l'organisme, mais aussi les effets de saturation et/ou de biotransformation. Ces phénomènes sont d'autant plus importants à prendre en compte pour les invertébrés ...
A previous study carried out in the context of the 'polychlorobiphenyl action plan' showe... more A previous study carried out in the context of the 'polychlorobiphenyl action plan' showed an increase of per- and polyfluoro-alkyl compounds (PFAS) concentrations in fish fillets from downstream of Lyon. PFAS are persistent chemicals, whose fate is quite distinct from 'classical' hydrophobic pollutants fate, thus justifying to study their distribution in the environment, as well as their bioaccumulation pathways. The current study aimed to better understand PFAS’s fate in the Rhone River, and in particular (i) to describe the uptake and elimination kinetics in two benthic invertebrates species, namely chironomid larvae (Chironomus riparius) and gammarids (Gammarus spp.), (ii) to assess the role of bottom sediment in accumulation processes, and (iii) to reconstruct the PFAS contamination history at a site downstream of Lyon (Ile du Beurre) by the mean of a sediment core. We established a spatial temporal profile of the PFAS sediment contamination, assessed PFAS conce...
Aquatic Toxicology
Toxicokinetic (TK) models refer to the process of contaminant bioaccumulation as a balance betwee... more Toxicokinetic (TK) models refer to the process of contaminant bioaccumulation as a balance between rate of uptake from different sources (e.g. water or food), and rate of elimination via different processes such as excretion, growth and/or biotransformation. Biotransformation can considerably modify the fate of chemicals in an organism, especially their bioavailability, residence time, and toxicity. Invertebrate models generally neglect this process as they assume a low metabolic activity. However, some species such as Gammarus sp. amphipods are able to metabolize a vast range of organic compounds. Some recent TK models include biotransformation, but they prove limited for estimating related parameters by giving negative values and/or large uncertainties for biotransformation rate(s). Here we propose a generic TK model accounting for biotransformation using a Bayesian framework for simultaneously estimating the parameters. We illustrated the added value of our method by fitting this generic TK model to 22 published datasets of several benthic invertebrate species exposed to different chemicals. All parameters are estimated simultaneously for all datasets and showed narrow estimates. Furthermore, the median model predictions and their 95% credibility intervals showed that the model confidently fitted the data. In most cases the uncertainties around biotransformation rate(s) were reduced in comparison to the original studies. From a methodology standpoint, this paper reflects
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2021
A preparatory study was performed for the development of a sediment quality and risk assessment s... more A preparatory study was performed for the development of a sediment quality and risk assessment strategy for Switzerland addressing the following questions: the sediment fraction to be analyzed chemically (<63 µm or alternatively <2 mm); the suitability of using perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as an indicator of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) contamination in sediments; the availability of data for the derivation of sediment quality guidelines; and the suitability of normalization to total organic carbon (TOC). The results confirmed PFOS as a suitable indicator of PFAS contamination in sediments from small streams, being the most detected and on average with the highest concentrations among the analyzed PFAS. The fine fraction (<63 µm) was more appropriate to screen for possible sources and studying the compounds profile at the study sites, but the analysis of the <2 mm fraction and the normalization to a sample consisting of 100% of the <63 μm fraction was in principle feasible for PFOS. Sediment quality guidelines for PFOS aiming to protect benthic invertebrates from generic adverse effects could be derived but the available toxicity database is still too sparse. It was only possible to derive preliminary values. Sediment quality guidelines to protect wildlife and human health from secondary poisoning using the Equilibrium Partitioning approach and simple trophic web models were also derived. The use of food web models to derive sediment quality guidelines has not been validated while the available database of Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factors and Trophic Magnification Factors for PFOS remains still limited. However it is still larger than the effect concentrations database based on sediment studies using benthic invertebrates. Normalization to TOC content in the field (0.2 to 12.9%) was determinant in the quality assessment outcome. This is a widely accepted practice for hydrophobic organic contaminants but its endorsement for PFOS would also benefit from validation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Box 1: Some figures on reservoirs in France Box 2: SDAGE plans 2016-2021 with provisions regardin... more Box 1: Some figures on reservoirs in France Box 2: SDAGE plans 2016-2021 with provisions regarding the cumulative effects of reservoirs Box 3: Types of reservoirs Box 4: Benefits of remote detection techniques Box 5: The specific case of draining Box 6: Effects of reservoirs over large time and space scales Box 7: Phosphorus and its complex cycle in reservoirs I.1.2 Uses and trends in small reservoirs worldwide Water storage has increased greatly worldwide since the 1950s, in particular for irrigation needs. In 2003, there was 6,700 km 3 of stored water. In 2010, estimates based on data analysis, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistics, considered that the surface area of agricultural reservoirs covered at least 70,000 km 2 , which represents 0.1 to 6% of arable land on earth, with several million small reservoirs 3. The USA alone had 2.5 million small agricultural reservoirs and Australia over 2 million with a total capacity of about 10% of that stored in large reservoirs in the country. In terms of density, values of between 0.15 and 6.1 reservoirs/km² were found in Australia for fairly recent years, depending on source and catchment area size, which is the same order of magnitude as for a US catchment area. Small reservoirs are often for agricultural purposes, mainly irrigation and watering livestock. These reservoirs collect and store rainwater to secure the means of subsistence and increase crop yields. They are known to be essential tools for overcoming the vagaries of weather and thereby stabilising crop yields. Agricultural use of reservoirs varies: for example, in Australia, these small structures are mainly for watering livestock, while irrigation reservoirs are larger. Similarly, reservoirs are used for watering livestock in upland pasture areas. However, irrigation remains the main agricultural use of reservoirs, although some authors note that, particularly in India, these reservoirs provide other services at the same time: watering livestock, water reserves for firefighting, improvement of the local micro-climate, flood control, washing clothes, fish farming and bathing. The number of reservoirs has greatly increased over recent decades. In 35 years, the number of such reservoirs in Australia has been multiplied by 2 to 10 depending on the catchment area studied (i.e. 5 to 22% per year), while an annual increase of 1 to 3% has been cited for the US and up to 60% or more in India. Varied, and often interconnected, factors explain this rapid development of small reservoirs, usually for agriculture. In particular, droughts and economic pressures on the food and agriculture sectors have been identified as drivers. This trend has often been supported or encouraged by government incentive programmes. However, agricultural use of reservoirs could be abandoned over time. This is especially true in the context of growing urbanisation. 5 The Circular of 30 June 2008 defines abstractable volume as the volume that the environment is able to supply under satisfactory ecological conditions, i.e. those compatible with the basic guidelines set by the SDAGE plan, and where relevant, the general aims and rules of the SAGE plan. 6 Circular of 30 June 2008 pertaining to restoration of quantitative equilibriums with regard to water abstraction and joint management of irrigation abstractions. 7 A basin in quantitative deficit is in a situation where there is a mismatch between resource availability and abstractions. In such areas, it is necessary to restore quantitative equilibrium, to ensure compliance with objectives for the status of surface water bodies and groundwater while seeking sustainable maintenance of the main uses. 8 Abstractable volume should be understood as the volume that can really be abstracted from the environment over a given period: in the case of reservoirs, with the exception of low-water substitution reservoirs, their filling conditions are to be considered and not the way the stored water is used. 9 Low-water regulating flows are set to satisfy all uses in eight years out of ten on average and to achieve good water status. 10 Discrepancy between abstractable volume and the volume abstracted in the driest year out of five on average greater than a threshold of the order of 30%. The Decree dated 29 December 2011 11 covers the reform of impact assessments for projects for works, structures or developments which became applicable on 1 June 2012. This reform aims to better take the cumulative effects of projects into account. As per Articles R. 122-4 and R. 122-5 of the Environmental Code, an impact assessment must, in particular, include an analysis of the cumulative effects of the project with other known projects. Known projects are projects made public which, when the impact assessment was filed: were subject to an impact paper under Article R. 214-6 and to a public enquiry; or were subject to an impact assessment under this Code and for which an Opinion of the relevant government administrative authority responsible for the environment has been made public. It is the applicant's responsibility to identify known projects using the national register of impact assessments. A reservoir project must be compatible with the SDAGE plan, and the SAGE plan where one exists, which is the case when the project does not contravene the guidelines or basic principles of these documents. Furthermore, many SDAGE plans have provisions asking government services to ensure that the cumulative impact of reservoir projects is taken into account when a project is examined. Similarly, SAGE plans may have specified rules aimed at operations which could have significant cumulative impacts in terms of abstractions in their perimeter.
CTIT technical reports series, 2014
This Technical Guidance Document on Biota Monitoring (the Implementation of EQSbiota) aims to fac... more This Technical Guidance Document on Biota Monitoring (the Implementation of EQSbiota) aims to facilitate the implementation of environmental quality standards (EQS) in biota under the Water Framework Directive by addressing in particular the sampling strategies appropriate for monitoring programmes designed to assess compliance with biota EQS. It is Guidance Document No. 32 in the series of guidance documents prepared to support the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) for the Water Framework Directive. It elaborates extensively on the content of Guidance Document No. 25 on Chemical Monitoring in Sediment and Biota under the Water Framework Directive, and is complemented by Guidance Document No. 33, the Technical Guidance Document on Analytical Methods for Biota Monitoring. Guidance Documents 32 and 33 together address the requirement for guidance on biota monitoring mentioned in Article 3(8a) of Directive 2008/105/EC as amended by Directive 2013/39/EU. The original Directive 2008/1...
Introduction: The publication of guidelines for dioxins and related compounds in foodstuffs by th... more Introduction: The publication of guidelines for dioxins and related compounds in foodstuffs by the European Commission in 2006 [1, 2] prompted in France inventories of dioxins (PCDDs), furans (PCDFs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) contamination of freshwater fishes in rivers and lakes. Dioxin-like PCBs represent in fact most of the toxic load, and are well correlated to the sum of indicator-PCBs [3]. Fish consumption advisories were promulgated accordingly, in particular in the Rhone river basin, and relevant sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) for these compounds have been required as a component of a management plan. Most of the SQGs for PCBs available in the literature deal with the protection of benthic invertebrates from direct effects [4-6]. Their reliability for the protection of top predators, including fish consumers, is therefore at least questionable.
Emission-control policies have been implemented in Europe and North America since the 1990s for p... more Emission-control policies have been implemented in Europe and North America since the 1990s for polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs). To assess the effect of these policies on temporal trends and spatial patterns for these compounds in a large European river system, sediment cores were collected in seven depositional areas along the Rhone River in France, dated, and analyzed for PCDDs and PCDFs. Results show concentrations increase in the downstream direction and have decreased temporally at all sites during the last two decades, with an average decrease of 83% from 1992 to 2010. The time for a 50% decrease in concentrations (t1/2) averaged 6.9 ± 2.6 and 9.1 ± 2.9 years for the sum of measured PCDDs and PCDFs, respectively. Congener patterns are similar among cores and indicate dominance of regional atmospheric deposition and possibly weathered local sources. Local sources are clearly indicated at the most downstream site, where concentrations of the most toxic dioxin...
Flowing through rather densely populated and industrialized areas, the Rhone river and its tribut... more Flowing through rather densely populated and industrialized areas, the Rhone river and its tributaries are subject to diffuse and localised releases of a wide variety of chemicals. The most persistent ones may accumulate in aquatic biota, in particular fish. We summarize here two recent studies, which are a first step in an updated knowledge of the contaminants of emerging concern in the Rhone and its tributaries. The most prevalent compounds in the Rhone catchment are polybromodiphenylethers (PBDEs), as in many other streams. Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) will have to be scrutinized more carefully in the future.
In January 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Saigon River and its urban canals. Analyses... more In January 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Saigon River and its urban canals. Analyses of grain size distribution, organic matter content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content (TPP, PIP, POP), carbon content (TC, POC, PIC), major elements and trace metals (Mg, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Pb, U, Fe, Al) and organic coumpounds including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some insecticides, as well as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and some perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were performed. In November 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Can Gio Mangrove biosphere. Analyses of grain size distribution, organic matter content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content (TPP, PIP, POP), carbon content (TC, POC, PIC) and major elements and trace metals (Mg, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Pb, U, Fe, Al) were performed.
Data in Brief, 2020
Sedimentological and geochemical data were obtained for bed sediments from a tropical estuary env... more Sedimentological and geochemical data were obtained for bed sediments from a tropical estuary environment in Vietnam in October 2014, January 2016, and November 2016. The data include grain-size distribution, percentage of clay, silt and sand, percentage of organic matter, concentration of total particulate phosphorus (TPP), concentration of particulate
La directive 2000/60/CE etablissant un cadre pour une politique communautaire dans le domaine de ... more La directive 2000/60/CE etablissant un cadre pour une politique communautaire dans le domaine de l'eau vise a maintenir et ameliorer la qualite de l'environnement aquatique d'ici 2015. L'article 16 de la directiveimpose en particulier de definir des normes de qualite environnementale (NQE) pour les substances prioritaires proposees par la Commission europeenne. Ces normes de qualite sont des concentrations seuils qui ne doivent pas etre depassees dans le milieu pour assurer la protection des ecosystemes aquatiques et de la sante Cet article synthetise tout d'abord les connaissances concernant la methodologie generale pour la determination des NQE et commente les choix proposes par la Commission europeenne, puis examine certaines des difficultes rencontrees pour etablir les NQE pour les substances prioritaires de la DCE et pour leur mise en application. La determination des NQE s'appuie sur les donnees d'ecotoxicite pour les organismes aquatiques disponibl...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Journal européen d’hydrologie, 1994
Dans un premier temps, une enquete aupres des agriculteurs a permis le recensement des divers pro... more Dans un premier temps, une enquete aupres des agriculteurs a permis le recensement des divers produits appliques sur le perimetre. Les plus utilises ont ete ensuite recherches dans l'eau, sur des echantillons preleves ponctuellemnt, une fois par semaine, dans la bâche du point de captage alimentee par deux collecteurs. Ce travail preliminaire, mene pendant une periode d'un an, a montre la presence de trois molecules: isoproturon, atrazine et deethylatrazine. Il a part ailleurs conduit, sur une une periode de 3 ans, a la mise en place de differentes strategies d'echantillonnage faisant intervenir la frequence et les points de prelevement (bâche et collecteurs)
Journal français d’hydrologie, 1991
Cette etude, consacree a l'extraction des micropolluants organiques de l'eau, comprend de... more Cette etude, consacree a l'extraction des micropolluants organiques de l'eau, comprend deux parties : la premiere realisee en laboratoire a permis, sur des "eaux pures" surchargees en micropolluants organiques varies (amines, phenols, pesticides, PCB, Hydrocarbures), la comparaison des performances de l'extraction liquide-liquide en continu (Cleor) et de l'extraction liquide-liquide classique en ampoule pratiquee dans les memes conditions de solvant et de pH. Dans la deuxieme partie, une comparaison est entreprise a la suite d'une etude "in situ" entre les renseignements apportes d'une part par une campagne "micropolluants organiques" effectuees avec "Cleor" et d'autre part, par la meme campagne effectuee a l'aide de prelevements d'eau ponctuels suivis d'une extraction liquide-liquide en ampoule pratiquee dans les conditions d'extraction utilisees habituellement par le Laboratoire par une recherche en aveugle des "micropolluants organiques".
Ce document decrit un schema d’evaluation par etapes (approche graduee) pour des sites d’accumula... more Ce document decrit un schema d’evaluation par etapes (approche graduee) pour des sites d’accumulation de sediments en eau douce. Dans un premier temps, il presente un etat de l’art des schemas d’evaluation developpes dans differents pays, en organisant la presentation par type de demarche. Un premier type, dont le modele est la TRIADE, consiste a evaluer le danger des sediments en accumulant des « elements de preuve » (LOE) predefinis ; les options de gestion proposees a la fin du processus d’evaluation dependent des resultats. Dans le deuxieme type, la demarche d’evaluation se developpe a partir des options de gestion, et les mesures constituant les LOE sont adaptees aux options de gestion a evaluer. La demarche d’evaluation developpee dans le cadre du projet DIESE est une demarche generique, adaptable a differentes situations, sediments de retenue, sites contamines etc. Elle se decompose en 4 etapes (preliminaire, screening, evaluation detaillee, evaluation poussee), et s’articule...
National audienceLes modèles biodynamiques classiques ont été validés pour formaliser la variabil... more National audienceLes modèles biodynamiques classiques ont été validés pour formaliser la variabilité de la bioaccumulation de contaminants par différentes espèces d'organismes. La bioaccumulation est alors décrite comme la résultante des processus d'absorption et d'élimination (Luoma et Rainbow, 2005). Chez les invertébrés benthiques, ces modèles ont été développés à l'origine pour les métaux, puis pour quelques contaminants organiques, en considérant l'organisme comme un compartiment unique et en ne prenant en compte généralement qu'une seule voie d'exposition. Toutefois, il est crucial de tenir compte dans de tels modèles de tous les processus impliqués dans la bioaccumulation de contaminants, tels que différentes voies d'absorption et notamment la voie trophique, la croissance de l'organisme, mais aussi les effets de saturation et/ou de biotransformation. Ces phénomènes sont d'autant plus importants à prendre en compte pour les invertébrés ...
A previous study carried out in the context of the 'polychlorobiphenyl action plan' showe... more A previous study carried out in the context of the 'polychlorobiphenyl action plan' showed an increase of per- and polyfluoro-alkyl compounds (PFAS) concentrations in fish fillets from downstream of Lyon. PFAS are persistent chemicals, whose fate is quite distinct from 'classical' hydrophobic pollutants fate, thus justifying to study their distribution in the environment, as well as their bioaccumulation pathways. The current study aimed to better understand PFAS’s fate in the Rhone River, and in particular (i) to describe the uptake and elimination kinetics in two benthic invertebrates species, namely chironomid larvae (Chironomus riparius) and gammarids (Gammarus spp.), (ii) to assess the role of bottom sediment in accumulation processes, and (iii) to reconstruct the PFAS contamination history at a site downstream of Lyon (Ile du Beurre) by the mean of a sediment core. We established a spatial temporal profile of the PFAS sediment contamination, assessed PFAS conce...
Aquatic Toxicology
Toxicokinetic (TK) models refer to the process of contaminant bioaccumulation as a balance betwee... more Toxicokinetic (TK) models refer to the process of contaminant bioaccumulation as a balance between rate of uptake from different sources (e.g. water or food), and rate of elimination via different processes such as excretion, growth and/or biotransformation. Biotransformation can considerably modify the fate of chemicals in an organism, especially their bioavailability, residence time, and toxicity. Invertebrate models generally neglect this process as they assume a low metabolic activity. However, some species such as Gammarus sp. amphipods are able to metabolize a vast range of organic compounds. Some recent TK models include biotransformation, but they prove limited for estimating related parameters by giving negative values and/or large uncertainties for biotransformation rate(s). Here we propose a generic TK model accounting for biotransformation using a Bayesian framework for simultaneously estimating the parameters. We illustrated the added value of our method by fitting this generic TK model to 22 published datasets of several benthic invertebrate species exposed to different chemicals. All parameters are estimated simultaneously for all datasets and showed narrow estimates. Furthermore, the median model predictions and their 95% credibility intervals showed that the model confidently fitted the data. In most cases the uncertainties around biotransformation rate(s) were reduced in comparison to the original studies. From a methodology standpoint, this paper reflects
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2021
A preparatory study was performed for the development of a sediment quality and risk assessment s... more A preparatory study was performed for the development of a sediment quality and risk assessment strategy for Switzerland addressing the following questions: the sediment fraction to be analyzed chemically (<63 µm or alternatively <2 mm); the suitability of using perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as an indicator of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) contamination in sediments; the availability of data for the derivation of sediment quality guidelines; and the suitability of normalization to total organic carbon (TOC). The results confirmed PFOS as a suitable indicator of PFAS contamination in sediments from small streams, being the most detected and on average with the highest concentrations among the analyzed PFAS. The fine fraction (<63 µm) was more appropriate to screen for possible sources and studying the compounds profile at the study sites, but the analysis of the <2 mm fraction and the normalization to a sample consisting of 100% of the <63 μm fraction was in principle feasible for PFOS. Sediment quality guidelines for PFOS aiming to protect benthic invertebrates from generic adverse effects could be derived but the available toxicity database is still too sparse. It was only possible to derive preliminary values. Sediment quality guidelines to protect wildlife and human health from secondary poisoning using the Equilibrium Partitioning approach and simple trophic web models were also derived. The use of food web models to derive sediment quality guidelines has not been validated while the available database of Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factors and Trophic Magnification Factors for PFOS remains still limited. However it is still larger than the effect concentrations database based on sediment studies using benthic invertebrates. Normalization to TOC content in the field (0.2 to 12.9%) was determinant in the quality assessment outcome. This is a widely accepted practice for hydrophobic organic contaminants but its endorsement for PFOS would also benefit from validation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Box 1: Some figures on reservoirs in France Box 2: SDAGE plans 2016-2021 with provisions regardin... more Box 1: Some figures on reservoirs in France Box 2: SDAGE plans 2016-2021 with provisions regarding the cumulative effects of reservoirs Box 3: Types of reservoirs Box 4: Benefits of remote detection techniques Box 5: The specific case of draining Box 6: Effects of reservoirs over large time and space scales Box 7: Phosphorus and its complex cycle in reservoirs I.1.2 Uses and trends in small reservoirs worldwide Water storage has increased greatly worldwide since the 1950s, in particular for irrigation needs. In 2003, there was 6,700 km 3 of stored water. In 2010, estimates based on data analysis, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistics, considered that the surface area of agricultural reservoirs covered at least 70,000 km 2 , which represents 0.1 to 6% of arable land on earth, with several million small reservoirs 3. The USA alone had 2.5 million small agricultural reservoirs and Australia over 2 million with a total capacity of about 10% of that stored in large reservoirs in the country. In terms of density, values of between 0.15 and 6.1 reservoirs/km² were found in Australia for fairly recent years, depending on source and catchment area size, which is the same order of magnitude as for a US catchment area. Small reservoirs are often for agricultural purposes, mainly irrigation and watering livestock. These reservoirs collect and store rainwater to secure the means of subsistence and increase crop yields. They are known to be essential tools for overcoming the vagaries of weather and thereby stabilising crop yields. Agricultural use of reservoirs varies: for example, in Australia, these small structures are mainly for watering livestock, while irrigation reservoirs are larger. Similarly, reservoirs are used for watering livestock in upland pasture areas. However, irrigation remains the main agricultural use of reservoirs, although some authors note that, particularly in India, these reservoirs provide other services at the same time: watering livestock, water reserves for firefighting, improvement of the local micro-climate, flood control, washing clothes, fish farming and bathing. The number of reservoirs has greatly increased over recent decades. In 35 years, the number of such reservoirs in Australia has been multiplied by 2 to 10 depending on the catchment area studied (i.e. 5 to 22% per year), while an annual increase of 1 to 3% has been cited for the US and up to 60% or more in India. Varied, and often interconnected, factors explain this rapid development of small reservoirs, usually for agriculture. In particular, droughts and economic pressures on the food and agriculture sectors have been identified as drivers. This trend has often been supported or encouraged by government incentive programmes. However, agricultural use of reservoirs could be abandoned over time. This is especially true in the context of growing urbanisation. 5 The Circular of 30 June 2008 defines abstractable volume as the volume that the environment is able to supply under satisfactory ecological conditions, i.e. those compatible with the basic guidelines set by the SDAGE plan, and where relevant, the general aims and rules of the SAGE plan. 6 Circular of 30 June 2008 pertaining to restoration of quantitative equilibriums with regard to water abstraction and joint management of irrigation abstractions. 7 A basin in quantitative deficit is in a situation where there is a mismatch between resource availability and abstractions. In such areas, it is necessary to restore quantitative equilibrium, to ensure compliance with objectives for the status of surface water bodies and groundwater while seeking sustainable maintenance of the main uses. 8 Abstractable volume should be understood as the volume that can really be abstracted from the environment over a given period: in the case of reservoirs, with the exception of low-water substitution reservoirs, their filling conditions are to be considered and not the way the stored water is used. 9 Low-water regulating flows are set to satisfy all uses in eight years out of ten on average and to achieve good water status. 10 Discrepancy between abstractable volume and the volume abstracted in the driest year out of five on average greater than a threshold of the order of 30%. The Decree dated 29 December 2011 11 covers the reform of impact assessments for projects for works, structures or developments which became applicable on 1 June 2012. This reform aims to better take the cumulative effects of projects into account. As per Articles R. 122-4 and R. 122-5 of the Environmental Code, an impact assessment must, in particular, include an analysis of the cumulative effects of the project with other known projects. Known projects are projects made public which, when the impact assessment was filed: were subject to an impact paper under Article R. 214-6 and to a public enquiry; or were subject to an impact assessment under this Code and for which an Opinion of the relevant government administrative authority responsible for the environment has been made public. It is the applicant's responsibility to identify known projects using the national register of impact assessments. A reservoir project must be compatible with the SDAGE plan, and the SAGE plan where one exists, which is the case when the project does not contravene the guidelines or basic principles of these documents. Furthermore, many SDAGE plans have provisions asking government services to ensure that the cumulative impact of reservoir projects is taken into account when a project is examined. Similarly, SAGE plans may have specified rules aimed at operations which could have significant cumulative impacts in terms of abstractions in their perimeter.
CTIT technical reports series, 2014
This Technical Guidance Document on Biota Monitoring (the Implementation of EQSbiota) aims to fac... more This Technical Guidance Document on Biota Monitoring (the Implementation of EQSbiota) aims to facilitate the implementation of environmental quality standards (EQS) in biota under the Water Framework Directive by addressing in particular the sampling strategies appropriate for monitoring programmes designed to assess compliance with biota EQS. It is Guidance Document No. 32 in the series of guidance documents prepared to support the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) for the Water Framework Directive. It elaborates extensively on the content of Guidance Document No. 25 on Chemical Monitoring in Sediment and Biota under the Water Framework Directive, and is complemented by Guidance Document No. 33, the Technical Guidance Document on Analytical Methods for Biota Monitoring. Guidance Documents 32 and 33 together address the requirement for guidance on biota monitoring mentioned in Article 3(8a) of Directive 2008/105/EC as amended by Directive 2013/39/EU. The original Directive 2008/1...
Introduction: The publication of guidelines for dioxins and related compounds in foodstuffs by th... more Introduction: The publication of guidelines for dioxins and related compounds in foodstuffs by the European Commission in 2006 [1, 2] prompted in France inventories of dioxins (PCDDs), furans (PCDFs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) contamination of freshwater fishes in rivers and lakes. Dioxin-like PCBs represent in fact most of the toxic load, and are well correlated to the sum of indicator-PCBs [3]. Fish consumption advisories were promulgated accordingly, in particular in the Rhone river basin, and relevant sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) for these compounds have been required as a component of a management plan. Most of the SQGs for PCBs available in the literature deal with the protection of benthic invertebrates from direct effects [4-6]. Their reliability for the protection of top predators, including fish consumers, is therefore at least questionable.
Emission-control policies have been implemented in Europe and North America since the 1990s for p... more Emission-control policies have been implemented in Europe and North America since the 1990s for polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs). To assess the effect of these policies on temporal trends and spatial patterns for these compounds in a large European river system, sediment cores were collected in seven depositional areas along the Rhone River in France, dated, and analyzed for PCDDs and PCDFs. Results show concentrations increase in the downstream direction and have decreased temporally at all sites during the last two decades, with an average decrease of 83% from 1992 to 2010. The time for a 50% decrease in concentrations (t1/2) averaged 6.9 ± 2.6 and 9.1 ± 2.9 years for the sum of measured PCDDs and PCDFs, respectively. Congener patterns are similar among cores and indicate dominance of regional atmospheric deposition and possibly weathered local sources. Local sources are clearly indicated at the most downstream site, where concentrations of the most toxic dioxin...
Flowing through rather densely populated and industrialized areas, the Rhone river and its tribut... more Flowing through rather densely populated and industrialized areas, the Rhone river and its tributaries are subject to diffuse and localised releases of a wide variety of chemicals. The most persistent ones may accumulate in aquatic biota, in particular fish. We summarize here two recent studies, which are a first step in an updated knowledge of the contaminants of emerging concern in the Rhone and its tributaries. The most prevalent compounds in the Rhone catchment are polybromodiphenylethers (PBDEs), as in many other streams. Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) will have to be scrutinized more carefully in the future.
In January 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Saigon River and its urban canals. Analyses... more In January 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Saigon River and its urban canals. Analyses of grain size distribution, organic matter content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content (TPP, PIP, POP), carbon content (TC, POC, PIC), major elements and trace metals (Mg, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Pb, U, Fe, Al) and organic coumpounds including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some insecticides, as well as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and some perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were performed. In November 2016, 17 bed sediments were sampled in the Can Gio Mangrove biosphere. Analyses of grain size distribution, organic matter content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content (TPP, PIP, POP), carbon content (TC, POC, PIC) and major elements and trace metals (Mg, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Pb, U, Fe, Al) were performed.
Data in Brief, 2020
Sedimentological and geochemical data were obtained for bed sediments from a tropical estuary env... more Sedimentological and geochemical data were obtained for bed sediments from a tropical estuary environment in Vietnam in October 2014, January 2016, and November 2016. The data include grain-size distribution, percentage of clay, silt and sand, percentage of organic matter, concentration of total particulate phosphorus (TPP), concentration of particulate