M Fitri Rahmadana - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by M Fitri Rahmadana
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
This research is motivated by the low economic learning outcomes of students of class X IPS SMA N... more This research is motivated by the low economic learning outcomes of students of class X IPS SMA N 1 Tukka Kab. Central Tapanuli. The purpose of this study is to develop an innovative learning model using the ADDIE method to produce a TCODE learning model with the role of digital literacy to improve student economic learning outcomes. Based on the validation of the learning model experts gave an assessment of 92.5%, media experts 87.5%, and material experts 90%. So that the developed model is feasible to use. From the t-test, it is known that the sig value is 0.004 <0.05. So it can be concluded that the TCODE learning model is effectively used. Furthermore, through the 2-way Anova test obtained a sig value of 0.00 <0.05, the conclusion is that there is an interaction between learning models and digital literacy to improve economic learning outcomes.
The background of the research was the observations regarding the low student learning outcomes b... more The background of the research was the observations regarding the low student learning outcomes because the learning process takes place without a student handbook and the teacher's lack of ability in developing teaching materials so that the learning process still uses the lecture method. Thus, it causes the learning process to be less effective. The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based on the learning cycle model developed in accounting subjects for class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan. The location of the research was at SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan, on Jalan Gatot Subroto KM 4,5. The class was class X Accounting for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This research applied qQuantitative research and developmental (Research and Development) with a 4-D teaching material development model (Four D Model), or 4P by Thiagjaran and Semmel (Trianto, 2013) . The 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: (1) define, (2) design...
Pemahaman terhadap manajemen modal dalam perusahaan ini menjadi dasar bagi mahasiswa dalam mengat... more Pemahaman terhadap manajemen modal dalam perusahaan ini menjadi dasar bagi mahasiswa dalam mengatur perputaran modal kerja dalam suatu entitas bisnis, sehingga memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa untuk diterima dalam dunia kerja. Saat ini kemampuan kognitif saja tidak begitu atau kurang berperan di dunia kerja. Orang yang pintar belum tentu mampu berkerja secara team selain itu belum tentu memiliki afektif dan keterampilan yang menunjang keberhasilan kerja team (Junaidi, 2009). Model pembelajaran kooperatif pada dasarnya memberikan ruang yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa untuk bereksplorasi dan saling bekerjasama. Dengan pembelajaran kooperatif mahasiswa didorong bekerja sama secara maksimal. Kerjasama di sini adalah setiap anggota kelompok harus saling membantu menguasai bahan ajar. Bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi harus membantu teman sekelompoknya yang memiliki kemampuan rendah, karena penilaian akhir ditentukan oleh keberhasilan kelompok. Penelitian ini dilakukan pad...
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Mata Kuliahkewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Untuk Berwirausaha, Jul 16, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matakuliah kewirausahaan terhadap... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matakuliah kewirausahaan terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2013 dengan jumlah populasi adalah seluruh mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti atau menempuh mata kuliah kewirausahaan dengan jumlah sebanyak 1289, dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak307 orang,teknik penentuan sampel dengan purposive sampling dan dilakukan dengan cara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini dengan menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh mata kuliah kewirausahaan terhadapminat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha adalah dengan menggunakan rumus uji regresi linier sederhana dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan rumus uji t.Setelah pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus regersi linier sederhana, maka diperoleh persamaan Y = 60.632+ 165X. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t dengan melihat tabel coefficienst sebesar0.005, atau nilai coefficienst sig t 0.005 <0.05.Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan dengan minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha dapat diterima.Diharapkan kepada pihak Universitas atau juga pihak Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan agar menambah jumlah SKS untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan, dan kepada pembaca agar melakukan penelitian yang relevan dengan penelitian ini.
Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Kreativitas Task Commitment Dan Jenis Kelamin Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Siswakelas Xi Jurusan Ips Sma Swasta Budi Agung Medan T a 2012 2013, Jul 16, 2013
Prestasi belajar merupakan kebutuhan setiap siswa juga sebagai indikatorkeberhasilan belajar. Fak... more Prestasi belajar merupakan kebutuhan setiap siswa juga sebagai indikatorkeberhasilan belajar. Faktor yang terkait dengan capaian prestasi belajar adalah kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan telaah secara mendalam kedudukan faktor internal terhadap prestasi belajar dengan tinjauan jenis kelamin. Sehingga memberikan pemahaman yang lebih komperhensif bagi praktisi pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan denganpopulasi dan sampel sebanyak 38 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan denganteknik sensus sampling. Kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment diukurmenggunakan instrumen angket dengan total 81 butir pertanyaan. Uji validitasmenggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Reliabilitas diuji menggunakanrumus Alpha Cronbach. Kemudian data dan hipotesis dianalisis dengan analisisRank Spearman.Setelah dilakukan analisis maka hasil dari penelitian ini hipotesis diterima,bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi baik pada siswa laki- laki dan perempuan di SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan TA. 2012/ 2013. Kecerdasan, kreativitas dan task commitment merupakan faktor internalsiswa yang mendukung prestasi belajarnya. Selanjutnya, perlu dipertimbangkan faktor eksternal yang turut berpengaruh pada capaian prestasi belajarnya. Proses yang terjadi diluar siswa perlu dicermati bahkan diarahkan menjadi faktor pendukung, antara lain adalah interaksi edukasi yang merupakan inti dari proses belajar mengajar. Upaya tersebut dapat diwujudkan sebagai pendidikan karakter yang bertujuan menjadi siswa sebagai insan yang cerdas, kreatif, mandiri bertanggung jawab dan berbudi pekerti.
Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi
The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based... more The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle model developed in accounting subjects for class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan. The location of the research was at SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan, on Jalan Gatot Subroto KM 4,5. The class was class X Accounting for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This research applied quantitative research and development with a 4-D teaching material development model (Four D Model), or 4P by Thiagjaran and Semmel (Trianto, 2013). The 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. The data analysis technique used was descriptive and inferential techniques. Based on the results of the research, the product of booklet teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle model in accounting subjects with general journal material in class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan was feasible to use based on material expert validation with a...
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajajar siswa. Penelitian... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya perbedaan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 6 Medan T.A 2013/2014 dengan menerapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran STAD dengan Card Sort dan model konvensional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 6 Medan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara random dimana 25 siswa kelas X-4 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan menerapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran STAD dengan Card Sort dan 31 siswa kelas X-2 sebagai kelas kontrol dengan menerapkan model konvensional. Hasil uji One Way Anova untuk variabel motivasi belajar diketahui bahwa nilai Sig 0,258 > 0,05; hal ini berarti Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah diterapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran kooperatif STAD dan Card Sort dengan motivasi belajar si...
The process of sustainable economic growth is the main condition for the continuity of local econ... more The process of sustainable economic growth is the main condition for the continuity of local economic development. Economic needs will continue to increase along with the increase in population growth and so we need an increase in revenue each year. This can be achieved by an increase in aggregate output (goods and services) or GDP every year. The increase was due to the contribution of economic sectors are experiencing a shift although relatively insignificant. Sectors which was originally a dominant sector was experiencing a shift and impact on other sectors. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the sectors into the base and non-base sectors, changes and shifts between sectors and between sectors in the economy causality area of the city of Medan. By using secondary data sourced from the field in the figures for the year 2003 - 2012, the method of data analysis used in this study is to use the Location Quotient (LQ), Shift-Share analysis and Granger Causality. F...
This research examines the interdependence analysis of government income to government expenditur... more This research examines the interdependence analysis of government income to government expenditure in Indonesia, in which problems arise in this study is that government expenditure is always greater than the government income, although government income in a given year is greater than government expenditure. This research aims to look at the pattern or direction of causality between government income to government expenditure. Variables to be tested are government income and government expenditure. The data that are used are time series data 1988-2011 period. Sources of data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of North Sumatra Province. The method used is the Granger Causality. Results of the research showed that between government income to government spending have a unidirectional causality, the causality runs from government expenditure to government income, then there is a relationship between the two variables and both have long-term rapid adjustment towards the long-t...
Regional tax revenue in Medan City as a source of financing has increased quite significantly, th... more Regional tax revenue in Medan City as a source of financing has increased quite significantly, therefore local taxes remain the prima donna for financing regional expenditures in Medan City. For the Government of Medan City, although the fiscal capacity that comes from local revenue is still limited, local taxes still play an important role in increasing tax revenue in Medan City. Based on Law Number 28 Year 2011, hotel, restaurant and entertainment tax collection implements a self-assessment system so that taxpayer awareness is a very determining factor for taxpayer compliance in carrying out tax obligations and rights. This study aims 1) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax audit on taxpayer awareness of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment taxes in Medan City; 2) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax inspection and taxpayer awareness on taxpayer compliance of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment ta...
The economic growth in one region is influenced by local government policy and other factors that... more The economic growth in one region is influenced by local government policy and other factors that can affect the rate of economic growth such as local revenue, capital expenditure and balancing funds. Fixed assets such as infrastructure that can support economic activity is needed to stimulate economic growth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of regional generated revenues and general allocation fund to capital expenditure and their impact on economic growth. The data which used in this study is secondary data of regional generated revenues and general allocation fund, capital expenditure and regional gross domestic product in thirty three districts/towns of North Sumatera Province for the period of 2010 to 2015. The analysis was used path analysis by using SPSS 23.0 for windows. The result of the research showed that simultaneously and partially regional generated revenues and general allocation fund have positive effect on capital expenditure and simultaneously r...
The Problem this research is the low activity and economic students learning result class X-2 SMA... more The Problem this research is the low activity and economic students learning result class X-2 SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa. The purpose of this research was to determine by applying collaboration learning Model Group Investigation and Snowball Throwing approach can enchance learning activities and economics students learning outcomes in class X-2 SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa Academic Year 2011/2012 second semester. Research subjects were students of class X-2 numbered 36 people and object is the implementation collaboration of Group Investigation learning model and Snowball Throwing. Techniques used for data collection in this study using the test result of learning and observation sheet of activity students. From applied research the observation of activity students indicate an increase from cycle I to cycle II. From cycle I students whom have 27,77% active, 22,22% moderately active, 44,44% less active,and 5,55% inactive stu...
The problem in this research is there a possitive and significant effect between remedial teachin... more The problem in this research is there a possitive and significant effect between remedial teaching and learning achievment of student class X SMK Harapan Stabat academic year 2013/2014. The aimed of this research is to determine the effect of remedial teaching to learning achievement of students class X SMK Harapan Stabat academic year 2013/2014. The population of this research are 173 respondents, and use purposive samping technique was taken 78 respondents be sample. Technique of research coleccting data is questionnaire 20 items with cronbach alpha technique variable reliable in 0,735 for behaviour learning variable. Technique of data analysis are descriptif and inferencial. While hypothesist test are use F-test anf t-test. Based on results get the simple regression equation are Y=20,238+0,671X. Results of Determination test from R2 are 0,545. And t-test showed tcount=9,553 with level significant 0,000<0,05. So, can get conclusion that There was positif and significant effect ...
This study aims to determine the effect of self efficacy and Entrepreneurship Interests Against F... more This study aims to determine the effect of self efficacy and Entrepreneurship Interests Against Force Achievement Student Entrepreneurship 2010 Program Trade System Department of Education studies Education, State University of Economics, Faculty of Economics was held in Medan.Penelitian Trade System Study Program Faculty of Economics, University of Medan by taking a sample of students as 83 people. and the instruments used to measure transform and Self-Efficacy and Interest in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Student Learning Achievement Against the form of questionnaires and tests the validity of the questionnaire was tested by using correlation techniques prduct moment with the results of self-efficacy instrument 20 about the learning achievement of entrepreneurship there are 19 and 20 valid questions about the instrument interest in entrepreneurship to entrepreneurship learning achievement 19 valid question. Test reliability test using Cronbach alpha with self efficacy results ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
Economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students in vocational schools have an impor... more Economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students in vocational schools have an important role in influencing poverty alleviation in North Sumatra Province. This study aims to determine the effect of economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students of vocational secondary school (VSS) to poverty level in North Sumatra Province from 2001 to 2015. The data used are secondary data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of North Sumatra Province. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The study concludes that economic growth, unemployment rates and the number of students in vocational schools have significant impact on poverty levels in the province of North Sumatra. The existence of a significant influence between economic growth, unemployment rate, and the number of students at VSS level against poverty level indicates that Provincial Governments need to implement policies in an effort to increase economic growth, unemployment rate. and the number of students in vocational schools to stimulate poverty alleviation in North Sumatra Province, so that the level of poverty can be controlled.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences
This study aims: (1) to know the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes taught by the... more This study aims: (1) to know the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes taught by the Guided Inquiry learning model and the modified free inquiry learning model; (2) knowing the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes for students who have high achievement motivation and HOTS Economic learning outcomes for students who have low achievement motivation; and (3) knowing the interaction between inquiry learning models and achievement motivation on learning outcomes. The population in this study are all social studies 11th grade students in Senior High School 5 Medan, amounting to 3 classes. The sample in this study is determined randomly by random sampling technique, by taking 2 classes with a total of 34 students per class. The research method uses quasi-experimental. The instrument of this study is the achievement test and achievement motivation test. Analysis of the data used is Anvaa Factorial 2 x 2. Based on the research results obtained: (1) there are differ...
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership, AISTEEL 2022, 20 September 2022, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia
This research is motivated by the low economic learning outcomes of students of class X IPS SMA N... more This research is motivated by the low economic learning outcomes of students of class X IPS SMA N 1 Tukka Kab. Central Tapanuli. The purpose of this study is to develop an innovative learning model using the ADDIE method to produce a TCODE learning model with the role of digital literacy to improve student economic learning outcomes. Based on the validation of the learning model experts gave an assessment of 92.5%, media experts 87.5%, and material experts 90%. So that the developed model is feasible to use. From the t-test, it is known that the sig value is 0.004 <0.05. So it can be concluded that the TCODE learning model is effectively used. Furthermore, through the 2-way Anova test obtained a sig value of 0.00 <0.05, the conclusion is that there is an interaction between learning models and digital literacy to improve economic learning outcomes.
The background of the research was the observations regarding the low student learning outcomes b... more The background of the research was the observations regarding the low student learning outcomes because the learning process takes place without a student handbook and the teacher's lack of ability in developing teaching materials so that the learning process still uses the lecture method. Thus, it causes the learning process to be less effective. The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based on the learning cycle model developed in accounting subjects for class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan. The location of the research was at SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan, on Jalan Gatot Subroto KM 4,5. The class was class X Accounting for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This research applied qQuantitative research and developmental (Research and Development) with a 4-D teaching material development model (Four D Model), or 4P by Thiagjaran and Semmel (Trianto, 2013) . The 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: (1) define, (2) design...
Pemahaman terhadap manajemen modal dalam perusahaan ini menjadi dasar bagi mahasiswa dalam mengat... more Pemahaman terhadap manajemen modal dalam perusahaan ini menjadi dasar bagi mahasiswa dalam mengatur perputaran modal kerja dalam suatu entitas bisnis, sehingga memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa untuk diterima dalam dunia kerja. Saat ini kemampuan kognitif saja tidak begitu atau kurang berperan di dunia kerja. Orang yang pintar belum tentu mampu berkerja secara team selain itu belum tentu memiliki afektif dan keterampilan yang menunjang keberhasilan kerja team (Junaidi, 2009). Model pembelajaran kooperatif pada dasarnya memberikan ruang yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa untuk bereksplorasi dan saling bekerjasama. Dengan pembelajaran kooperatif mahasiswa didorong bekerja sama secara maksimal. Kerjasama di sini adalah setiap anggota kelompok harus saling membantu menguasai bahan ajar. Bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan tinggi harus membantu teman sekelompoknya yang memiliki kemampuan rendah, karena penilaian akhir ditentukan oleh keberhasilan kelompok. Penelitian ini dilakukan pad...
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Mata Kuliahkewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Untuk Berwirausaha, Jul 16, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matakuliah kewirausahaan terhadap... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matakuliah kewirausahaan terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2013 dengan jumlah populasi adalah seluruh mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti atau menempuh mata kuliah kewirausahaan dengan jumlah sebanyak 1289, dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak307 orang,teknik penentuan sampel dengan purposive sampling dan dilakukan dengan cara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dari penelitian ini dengan menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh mata kuliah kewirausahaan terhadapminat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha adalah dengan menggunakan rumus uji regresi linier sederhana dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan rumus uji t.Setelah pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus regersi linier sederhana, maka diperoleh persamaan Y = 60.632+ 165X. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t dengan melihat tabel coefficienst sebesar0.005, atau nilai coefficienst sig t 0.005 <0.05.Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan dengan minat mahasiswa untuk berwirausaha dapat diterima.Diharapkan kepada pihak Universitas atau juga pihak Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Medan agar menambah jumlah SKS untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran mata kuliah kewirausahaan, dan kepada pembaca agar melakukan penelitian yang relevan dengan penelitian ini.
Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Kreativitas Task Commitment Dan Jenis Kelamin Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Siswakelas Xi Jurusan Ips Sma Swasta Budi Agung Medan T a 2012 2013, Jul 16, 2013
Prestasi belajar merupakan kebutuhan setiap siswa juga sebagai indikatorkeberhasilan belajar. Fak... more Prestasi belajar merupakan kebutuhan setiap siswa juga sebagai indikatorkeberhasilan belajar. Faktor yang terkait dengan capaian prestasi belajar adalah kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan telaah secara mendalam kedudukan faktor internal terhadap prestasi belajar dengan tinjauan jenis kelamin. Sehingga memberikan pemahaman yang lebih komperhensif bagi praktisi pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan denganpopulasi dan sampel sebanyak 38 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan denganteknik sensus sampling. Kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment diukurmenggunakan instrumen angket dengan total 81 butir pertanyaan. Uji validitasmenggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Reliabilitas diuji menggunakanrumus Alpha Cronbach. Kemudian data dan hipotesis dianalisis dengan analisisRank Spearman.Setelah dilakukan analisis maka hasil dari penelitian ini hipotesis diterima,bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kecerdasan, kreativitas, dan task commitment terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi baik pada siswa laki- laki dan perempuan di SMA Swasta Budi Agung Medan TA. 2012/ 2013. Kecerdasan, kreativitas dan task commitment merupakan faktor internalsiswa yang mendukung prestasi belajarnya. Selanjutnya, perlu dipertimbangkan faktor eksternal yang turut berpengaruh pada capaian prestasi belajarnya. Proses yang terjadi diluar siswa perlu dicermati bahkan diarahkan menjadi faktor pendukung, antara lain adalah interaksi edukasi yang merupakan inti dari proses belajar mengajar. Upaya tersebut dapat diwujudkan sebagai pendidikan karakter yang bertujuan menjadi siswa sebagai insan yang cerdas, kreatif, mandiri bertanggung jawab dan berbudi pekerti.
Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi
The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based... more The purpose of this research was to determine the feasibility of booklet teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle model developed in accounting subjects for class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan. The location of the research was at SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan, on Jalan Gatot Subroto KM 4,5. The class was class X Accounting for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This research applied quantitative research and development with a 4-D teaching material development model (Four D Model), or 4P by Thiagjaran and Semmel (Trianto, 2013). The 4D development model consists of 4 main stages, namely: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. The data analysis technique used was descriptive and inferential techniques. Based on the results of the research, the product of booklet teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle model in accounting subjects with general journal material in class X SMK BM Panca Budi 2 Medan was feasible to use based on material expert validation with a...
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajajar siswa. Penelitian... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya perbedaan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 6 Medan T.A 2013/2014 dengan menerapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran STAD dengan Card Sort dan model konvensional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 6 Medan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara random dimana 25 siswa kelas X-4 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan menerapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran STAD dengan Card Sort dan 31 siswa kelas X-2 sebagai kelas kontrol dengan menerapkan model konvensional. Hasil uji One Way Anova untuk variabel motivasi belajar diketahui bahwa nilai Sig 0,258 > 0,05; hal ini berarti Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah diterapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran kooperatif STAD dan Card Sort dengan motivasi belajar si...
The process of sustainable economic growth is the main condition for the continuity of local econ... more The process of sustainable economic growth is the main condition for the continuity of local economic development. Economic needs will continue to increase along with the increase in population growth and so we need an increase in revenue each year. This can be achieved by an increase in aggregate output (goods and services) or GDP every year. The increase was due to the contribution of economic sectors are experiencing a shift although relatively insignificant. Sectors which was originally a dominant sector was experiencing a shift and impact on other sectors. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the sectors into the base and non-base sectors, changes and shifts between sectors and between sectors in the economy causality area of the city of Medan. By using secondary data sourced from the field in the figures for the year 2003 - 2012, the method of data analysis used in this study is to use the Location Quotient (LQ), Shift-Share analysis and Granger Causality. F...
This research examines the interdependence analysis of government income to government expenditur... more This research examines the interdependence analysis of government income to government expenditure in Indonesia, in which problems arise in this study is that government expenditure is always greater than the government income, although government income in a given year is greater than government expenditure. This research aims to look at the pattern or direction of causality between government income to government expenditure. Variables to be tested are government income and government expenditure. The data that are used are time series data 1988-2011 period. Sources of data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of North Sumatra Province. The method used is the Granger Causality. Results of the research showed that between government income to government spending have a unidirectional causality, the causality runs from government expenditure to government income, then there is a relationship between the two variables and both have long-term rapid adjustment towards the long-t...
Regional tax revenue in Medan City as a source of financing has increased quite significantly, th... more Regional tax revenue in Medan City as a source of financing has increased quite significantly, therefore local taxes remain the prima donna for financing regional expenditures in Medan City. For the Government of Medan City, although the fiscal capacity that comes from local revenue is still limited, local taxes still play an important role in increasing tax revenue in Medan City. Based on Law Number 28 Year 2011, hotel, restaurant and entertainment tax collection implements a self-assessment system so that taxpayer awareness is a very determining factor for taxpayer compliance in carrying out tax obligations and rights. This study aims 1) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax audit on taxpayer awareness of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment taxes in Medan City; 2) to analyze the effect of tax knowledge, service quality, tax inspection and taxpayer awareness on taxpayer compliance of paying hotel taxes, restaurant taxes and entertainment ta...
The economic growth in one region is influenced by local government policy and other factors that... more The economic growth in one region is influenced by local government policy and other factors that can affect the rate of economic growth such as local revenue, capital expenditure and balancing funds. Fixed assets such as infrastructure that can support economic activity is needed to stimulate economic growth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of regional generated revenues and general allocation fund to capital expenditure and their impact on economic growth. The data which used in this study is secondary data of regional generated revenues and general allocation fund, capital expenditure and regional gross domestic product in thirty three districts/towns of North Sumatera Province for the period of 2010 to 2015. The analysis was used path analysis by using SPSS 23.0 for windows. The result of the research showed that simultaneously and partially regional generated revenues and general allocation fund have positive effect on capital expenditure and simultaneously r...
The Problem this research is the low activity and economic students learning result class X-2 SMA... more The Problem this research is the low activity and economic students learning result class X-2 SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa. The purpose of this research was to determine by applying collaboration learning Model Group Investigation and Snowball Throwing approach can enchance learning activities and economics students learning outcomes in class X-2 SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa Academic Year 2011/2012 second semester. Research subjects were students of class X-2 numbered 36 people and object is the implementation collaboration of Group Investigation learning model and Snowball Throwing. Techniques used for data collection in this study using the test result of learning and observation sheet of activity students. From applied research the observation of activity students indicate an increase from cycle I to cycle II. From cycle I students whom have 27,77% active, 22,22% moderately active, 44,44% less active,and 5,55% inactive stu...
The problem in this research is there a possitive and significant effect between remedial teachin... more The problem in this research is there a possitive and significant effect between remedial teaching and learning achievment of student class X SMK Harapan Stabat academic year 2013/2014. The aimed of this research is to determine the effect of remedial teaching to learning achievement of students class X SMK Harapan Stabat academic year 2013/2014. The population of this research are 173 respondents, and use purposive samping technique was taken 78 respondents be sample. Technique of research coleccting data is questionnaire 20 items with cronbach alpha technique variable reliable in 0,735 for behaviour learning variable. Technique of data analysis are descriptif and inferencial. While hypothesist test are use F-test anf t-test. Based on results get the simple regression equation are Y=20,238+0,671X. Results of Determination test from R2 are 0,545. And t-test showed tcount=9,553 with level significant 0,000<0,05. So, can get conclusion that There was positif and significant effect ...
This study aims to determine the effect of self efficacy and Entrepreneurship Interests Against F... more This study aims to determine the effect of self efficacy and Entrepreneurship Interests Against Force Achievement Student Entrepreneurship 2010 Program Trade System Department of Education studies Education, State University of Economics, Faculty of Economics was held in Medan.Penelitian Trade System Study Program Faculty of Economics, University of Medan by taking a sample of students as 83 people. and the instruments used to measure transform and Self-Efficacy and Interest in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Student Learning Achievement Against the form of questionnaires and tests the validity of the questionnaire was tested by using correlation techniques prduct moment with the results of self-efficacy instrument 20 about the learning achievement of entrepreneurship there are 19 and 20 valid questions about the instrument interest in entrepreneurship to entrepreneurship learning achievement 19 valid question. Test reliability test using Cronbach alpha with self efficacy results ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017), 2017
Economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students in vocational schools have an impor... more Economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students in vocational schools have an important role in influencing poverty alleviation in North Sumatra Province. This study aims to determine the effect of economic growth, unemployment rate and the number of students of vocational secondary school (VSS) to poverty level in North Sumatra Province from 2001 to 2015. The data used are secondary data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of North Sumatra Province. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The study concludes that economic growth, unemployment rates and the number of students in vocational schools have significant impact on poverty levels in the province of North Sumatra. The existence of a significant influence between economic growth, unemployment rate, and the number of students at VSS level against poverty level indicates that Provincial Governments need to implement policies in an effort to increase economic growth, unemployment rate. and the number of students in vocational schools to stimulate poverty alleviation in North Sumatra Province, so that the level of poverty can be controlled.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences
This study aims: (1) to know the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes taught by the... more This study aims: (1) to know the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes taught by the Guided Inquiry learning model and the modified free inquiry learning model; (2) knowing the difference between HOTS Economic learning outcomes for students who have high achievement motivation and HOTS Economic learning outcomes for students who have low achievement motivation; and (3) knowing the interaction between inquiry learning models and achievement motivation on learning outcomes. The population in this study are all social studies 11th grade students in Senior High School 5 Medan, amounting to 3 classes. The sample in this study is determined randomly by random sampling technique, by taking 2 classes with a total of 34 students per class. The research method uses quasi-experimental. The instrument of this study is the achievement test and achievement motivation test. Analysis of the data used is Anvaa Factorial 2 x 2. Based on the research results obtained: (1) there are differ...