Munzir Hitami - (original) (raw)
Papers by Munzir Hitami
Al-Hikmah, Jan 31, 2024
The 21st century requires teachers to be able to have professional competence and also master IT.... more The 21st century requires teachers to be able to have professional competence and also master IT. Mastering IT without being accompanied by the values of Islamic Religious Education will result in the birth of a generation that is intellectual but far from religious teachings. This will certainly cause a lot of damage on Earth later. To overcome this, it is necessary to develop an instrument that is able to measure the professional competence of high school mathematics teachers integrated with Islamic Religious Education values based on the 21st century. This ADDIE model is combined with the Andromeda Spiral Integration model. The sample of this study was 210 students at public high schools in Tapung District, Kampar Regency. The data analysis used was using EFA and CFA analysis which was analyzed with the SPSS 21 application. The development results showed that the instrument was successfully developed and met the validity, reliability and practicality for the development of an instrument. This study also succeeded in finding an integration model for the instrument developed which was named Spiral Andromeda Factor Analysis (SAAF).
Al-Aulia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
The purpose of education is inseparable from the purpose of human life. Education is only a tool ... more The purpose of education is inseparable from the purpose of human life. Education is only a tool used by humans to maintain the continuation of their lives both as individuals and as members of society. This research is library research. Data were obtained from two sources, namely (1) primary sources (documents, notes and direct relics of events or eyewitness accounts), and (2) secondary sources (encyclopedia articles and research reviews). The data analysis technique uses the thematic interpretation method which is divided into several interconnected stages. This research focuses on discussing the terms of educational material contained in the verses of the Koran including Al Hasanah, Sa'id, Takwa, Salam and Mardhotillah or Ridwanullah. This study tries to explore the meanings through the interpretations of the scholars and relates to current educational theories thematically. Islam and science are like two sides of a coin which are interrelated and cannot be separated. The res...
Kreatifitas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam
Pandemi mengajarkan kita untuk mengubah proses pembelajaran konvesional menjadi proses pembelajar... more Pandemi mengajarkan kita untuk mengubah proses pembelajaran konvesional menjadi proses pembelajaran online. Proses pembelajaran di dalam Islam tidak hanya sebatas menuntut ilmu di jenjang pendidikan tetapi menuntut ilmu sepanjang hayat. Hal ini tertuang di dalam kitab suci umat Islam yaitu al-Quran. al-Quran sangat banyak berbicara tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan sains. Salah satu yang ada di dalam al-Quran adalah tentang metode pembelajaran. Begitu banyak teori metode pembelajaran yang dapat dipelajari. Metode pembelajaran yang disampaikan pada penelitian ini yang terdapat di dalam al-Quran adalah Tausyiah, Da’wah, Mujadalah, Bayyan/Mubaiyyin, Nazhr, Ra’a, Qissah, dan Sual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan instrument wawancara dan observasi dengan sampel sebanyak tiga orang guru. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Miles dan Huberman. Hasil yang diperolah pada penggunaan metode pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran online pada Sekolah Dasar Isla...
DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pentingnya memahami hakikat objek pendidikan perspektif pendi... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pentingnya memahami hakikat objek pendidikan perspektif pendidikan Islam. Secara umum objek pendidikan sering dipahami hanya sekedar manusia yang membutuhkan pembelajaran. Namun dalam pendidikan Islam, objek pendidikan tidak hanya sekedar manusia secara individual, tetapi melebihi dari itu. Manusia sebagai objek pendidikan memiliki dimensi yang sangat luas. Pendidikan Islam telah mengisyaratkan hal itu dalam sumber utamanya yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Sunaah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Untuk menjawab masalah penelitian ini, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah objek pendidikan dalam Islam mengacuk kepada beberapa kata. Pertama, kata ahl yaitu memiliki makna keluarga, istri, kerabat, atau orang yang tinggal di tempat yang sama. kata ahl juga bisa mengacu kepada berbagai kelompok-kelompok yang terbentuk dan dibentuk dalam realitas kehidupan umat manusia. Kedua, kata ‘asyirah memiliki pema...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Integrated Islamic Schools under the auspices of JSIT have an integrated curriculum by combining ... more Integrated Islamic Schools under the auspices of JSIT have an integrated curriculum by combining the national curriculum and JSIT's own curriculum. However, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, limited learning activities caused problems in the process of implementing the TERPADU approach (study, explore, formulate, present, apply, mundane, ukhrowi). This study aims to analyze the implementation of the TERPADU concept at SMPS IT Mutiara Duri. The research method uses a case study at SMPIT Mutiara Duri with data collection techniques involving interviews, documentation and observations. The results of the study revealed that the learning plan and implementation of learning with the TERPADU approach could be implemented well and the teacher had no difficulty in meeting the indicators of success in the subjects being taught.
Buku ini mencoba mengamati dan mengkaji konsep perubahan umat manusia dalam perspektif al-qur'... more Buku ini mencoba mengamati dan mengkaji konsep perubahan umat manusia dalam perspektif al-qur'an. Dalam hal ini harus dinyatakan bahwa al-qur'an sebenarnya bukanlah kitab sejarah yang memuat informasi mengenai babakan perjalan ummat manusia secara detil dan mendalam, akan tetapi hal itu bukan berarti didalamnya tidak terdapat ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan tema perubahan. lewat pendekatan tafsir semantik-tematik, penulis menemukan informasi yang jelas dalam al-qur'an mengenai tema perubahan umat manusia dari masa ke mas
xii, 128 hal.: ill.; 21 cm
Psikobuletin, Jan 31, 2022
Improving student wellbeing is very important to be researched and developed because it is relate... more Improving student wellbeing is very important to be researched and developed because it is related to the development of students' social, emotional and academic competencies as well as defense efforts against attacks of emotional disorders that occur in students, namely depression, suicide, self-harm, antisocial behavior (bullying and violence) and substance abuse. One of the methods to improve student wellbeing is the stress management method, because one of the factors that affect student wellbeing is the level of academic stress. The purpose of this study was to identify stress management methods that have been used by previous researchers in improving student wellbeing. The method used in this research is a systematic literature review. The results of the study found that of the 239 articles found in the early stages, there were 19 articles that were relevant according to the criteria set by the researcher. The stress management methods found in this study was relaxation and meditation methods; mindfulness methods; cognitive therapy, and behavior modification methods.
Asia-Pacific Journal on Religion and Society, Jun 30, 2019
Quran role Digitalizing Memorizing This article is intended to analyze the role transmutation of ... more Quran role Digitalizing Memorizing This article is intended to analyze the role transmutation of religion occurred in the religious community in Southeast Asia, especially in the Muslim community. Religion personally and collectively is usually believed as a form of the human obedience to the Almighty. Many activities either individual or collective are considered as manifestation of belief or implementation of God's orders that the scripture contained. Often reading religious scripture like the Qur'an inspirited some radical groups to spread intimidation and violence for realization of their goal as be seen in several late decades. Meanwhile there are interesting phenomena take place in the Muslim community i.e. increasing memorization of the Quran besides its digitalization. In consequent, the former will emerge a generation of memorizers (ḥuffāⱬ) and the latter will facilitate the nonmemorizers to deal easily with their holy book as such. Then, what is likely the impact of these phenomena in the future of the Muslim life. Are they will dominantly enhance radicalization or de-radicalization or other impact in accordance with development of technological and industrial era that so called the 4.0 era or the 5.0 era.
Asia-Pacific Journal on Religion and Society, Dec 30, 2019
JKIP : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan, Apr 9, 2021
Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018), 2018
The Quran explains, that the physical aspect, the human has, that form which can be in the form o... more The Quran explains, that the physical aspect, the human has, that form which can be in the form of the body senses. This research aims to analyze the potential of senses in Al-Quran contained in the human self as the basic elements of the human Physic and its application in the Study of Islamic religious education. This research is Library research using the method of thematic tafsir, it is collecting the ayat that talk about human senses, then determine the topic and perform analyze with using tafsir tahlili analyze, which then draw conclusions. The results of this research is a senses potential form of Sensory hearing, aslsam, al-bashr, and al-dhuq. As for the Potential development of the senses, is through Tafakur, Taddabbur, planting of good planting belief and the use of methods, techniques and learning strategies that are in accordance with the lesson taught, are directional, phased and continuous improvement.
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Firman Allah: Kebenaran Mutlak Bab 3 Firman ALlah: Teks Unggul Kebudayaan... more Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Firman Allah: Kebenaran Mutlak Bab 3 Firman ALlah: Teks Unggul Kebudayaan Bab 4 Firman Allah: Sebuah Komunikasi Universal Bab 5 Firman Allah: Tindakan Allah dalam Sejarah Bab 6 Firman Allah: Masa Depan Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an Bab 7 Penutup
Nusantara; Journal for Southeast Asian Islamic Studies, 2021
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian literature dengan fokus pada ayat al-Qur’an yang berkenaan... more Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian literature dengan fokus pada ayat al-Qur’an yang berkenaan dengan nilai-nilai pluralisme agama. Sedangkan tafsir yang digunakan adalah tafsir yang di tulis ole beberapa ulama dan intelektual muslim Nusantara. Penelitian ini, menjadi penting ketika kesadaran akan pluralisme agama di Indonesia semakin tergerus oleh perkembangan politik, budaya, dan lainnya. Maka mengkaji para ulama tafsir Indonesia menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakuakan. Meskipun terjadi perbedaan penafsiran karena terjadi perbedaan ruang dan waktu, namun demikian terdapat beberapa nilai yang memberikan kesimpulan yang sama, yaitu Pertama, Mengakui eksistensi agama lain; Kedua, memberinya hak untuk hidup berdampingan saling menghormati pemeluk agama lain tanpa ada unsur kecurigaan. Ketiga, Larangan adanya unsur paksaan dalam beragama. Keempat, kesatuan ajaran dan Kelima, pengakuan keselamatan pada masing-masing agama.
In the world of general education, there have been three kinds of educational theories: the first... more In the world of general education, there have been three kinds of educational theories: the first is tabularasa theory that had been emerged by John Locke (1632-1704) and, later, known as Empirism; the second is talent theory that had been pioneered by Arthur Schopenhour (1768-1860) and, later welllknown as Nativism; and the third is realism theory that had been presented by William Stern (1871-1939) and, later, famous as Convergence.The said three general educational theories above are based on the anthropocentric philosophy, while the Islamic educational theory is based on the theocentric philosophy that is referred to the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions. Here below the writer presents and focuses on the Islamic aspects of education which are based on the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions. They consist of teacher as a social agent, student, teaching material, method of teaching, goal of teaching that has to be reached, evaluation, educational envire...
EDURELIGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
The view of Islamic education in delivering its students to become normative theologically orient... more The view of Islamic education in delivering its students to become normative theologically oriented human beings so far has developed, it must redesign its learning methodology to be contemporary modernist, namely trying to continue to strengthen spiritual morals which is a product of the theological pole as well as strengthen scientific knowledge, namely the merging of the two poles. Therefore, it is necessary to study the thoughts of Islamic education thinkers from time to time in the hope that they can be used as material for thoughts, comparisons and references so that quality Islamic education can be realized as a model for general education that has been secular oriented. Fazlur Rahman is one of the originators of contemporary Islamic education thought. he stated that Muslims should be able to combine the two poles of education by integrating secular Western education into Islamic education learning. This thought is known as the Islamization of secular education in the world o...
This study is based on the presence of spirit (ghirah) to return to Islamic teachings among Musli... more This study is based on the presence of spirit (ghirah) to return to Islamic teachings among Muslim students in Riau after the 212. This study shows that: First, the ulama who has the same understanding with students is Habib Rizieq Shihab. Second, the idea about Khilafah Islamiyah and the implementation of syari’ah or Islamis law is still dominant. Third, there is an idea that killing is a part of jihad. Fourth, the consciousness about differences is still low. Based on this finding, the radical potential which is high among students is basically disquieting. Furthermore, the basis of this understanding is affected by the dakwah concept of some extra campus organizations and their ideological organization. Keyword: Radicalism, Muslim Studies, Riau. ADDIN ISSN: 0854-0594; E-ISSN: 2476-9479 Volume 14, Number 1, February 2020: 75-98 DOI: 10.21043/addin.v14i1.8552 Under the Banner Dakwah: the Radical Potential among Muslim Students in Riau
Al-Fikra : jurnal ilmiah keislaman, Jul 27, 2017
In the circumstance of scientific development nowadays, the religious study, especially Islamic s... more In the circumstance of scientific development nowadays, the religious study, especially Islamic study, also undergoes development and threat as well. The threat mainly rises from new different branches of sciences that are used as tools and approaches toward religious study. On the one hand, the religious study like Islamic study is usually intended to strengthen and defend the religious belief, and on the other hand, the religious study as academic subject demands all its objects to be placed in
Al-Hikmah, Jan 31, 2024
The 21st century requires teachers to be able to have professional competence and also master IT.... more The 21st century requires teachers to be able to have professional competence and also master IT. Mastering IT without being accompanied by the values of Islamic Religious Education will result in the birth of a generation that is intellectual but far from religious teachings. This will certainly cause a lot of damage on Earth later. To overcome this, it is necessary to develop an instrument that is able to measure the professional competence of high school mathematics teachers integrated with Islamic Religious Education values based on the 21st century. This ADDIE model is combined with the Andromeda Spiral Integration model. The sample of this study was 210 students at public high schools in Tapung District, Kampar Regency. The data analysis used was using EFA and CFA analysis which was analyzed with the SPSS 21 application. The development results showed that the instrument was successfully developed and met the validity, reliability and practicality for the development of an instrument. This study also succeeded in finding an integration model for the instrument developed which was named Spiral Andromeda Factor Analysis (SAAF).
Al-Aulia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
The purpose of education is inseparable from the purpose of human life. Education is only a tool ... more The purpose of education is inseparable from the purpose of human life. Education is only a tool used by humans to maintain the continuation of their lives both as individuals and as members of society. This research is library research. Data were obtained from two sources, namely (1) primary sources (documents, notes and direct relics of events or eyewitness accounts), and (2) secondary sources (encyclopedia articles and research reviews). The data analysis technique uses the thematic interpretation method which is divided into several interconnected stages. This research focuses on discussing the terms of educational material contained in the verses of the Koran including Al Hasanah, Sa'id, Takwa, Salam and Mardhotillah or Ridwanullah. This study tries to explore the meanings through the interpretations of the scholars and relates to current educational theories thematically. Islam and science are like two sides of a coin which are interrelated and cannot be separated. The res...
Kreatifitas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam
Pandemi mengajarkan kita untuk mengubah proses pembelajaran konvesional menjadi proses pembelajar... more Pandemi mengajarkan kita untuk mengubah proses pembelajaran konvesional menjadi proses pembelajaran online. Proses pembelajaran di dalam Islam tidak hanya sebatas menuntut ilmu di jenjang pendidikan tetapi menuntut ilmu sepanjang hayat. Hal ini tertuang di dalam kitab suci umat Islam yaitu al-Quran. al-Quran sangat banyak berbicara tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan sains. Salah satu yang ada di dalam al-Quran adalah tentang metode pembelajaran. Begitu banyak teori metode pembelajaran yang dapat dipelajari. Metode pembelajaran yang disampaikan pada penelitian ini yang terdapat di dalam al-Quran adalah Tausyiah, Da’wah, Mujadalah, Bayyan/Mubaiyyin, Nazhr, Ra’a, Qissah, dan Sual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan instrument wawancara dan observasi dengan sampel sebanyak tiga orang guru. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Miles dan Huberman. Hasil yang diperolah pada penggunaan metode pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran online pada Sekolah Dasar Isla...
DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pentingnya memahami hakikat objek pendidikan perspektif pendi... more Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pentingnya memahami hakikat objek pendidikan perspektif pendidikan Islam. Secara umum objek pendidikan sering dipahami hanya sekedar manusia yang membutuhkan pembelajaran. Namun dalam pendidikan Islam, objek pendidikan tidak hanya sekedar manusia secara individual, tetapi melebihi dari itu. Manusia sebagai objek pendidikan memiliki dimensi yang sangat luas. Pendidikan Islam telah mengisyaratkan hal itu dalam sumber utamanya yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Sunaah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Untuk menjawab masalah penelitian ini, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah objek pendidikan dalam Islam mengacuk kepada beberapa kata. Pertama, kata ahl yaitu memiliki makna keluarga, istri, kerabat, atau orang yang tinggal di tempat yang sama. kata ahl juga bisa mengacu kepada berbagai kelompok-kelompok yang terbentuk dan dibentuk dalam realitas kehidupan umat manusia. Kedua, kata ‘asyirah memiliki pema...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Integrated Islamic Schools under the auspices of JSIT have an integrated curriculum by combining ... more Integrated Islamic Schools under the auspices of JSIT have an integrated curriculum by combining the national curriculum and JSIT's own curriculum. However, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, limited learning activities caused problems in the process of implementing the TERPADU approach (study, explore, formulate, present, apply, mundane, ukhrowi). This study aims to analyze the implementation of the TERPADU concept at SMPS IT Mutiara Duri. The research method uses a case study at SMPIT Mutiara Duri with data collection techniques involving interviews, documentation and observations. The results of the study revealed that the learning plan and implementation of learning with the TERPADU approach could be implemented well and the teacher had no difficulty in meeting the indicators of success in the subjects being taught.
Buku ini mencoba mengamati dan mengkaji konsep perubahan umat manusia dalam perspektif al-qur'... more Buku ini mencoba mengamati dan mengkaji konsep perubahan umat manusia dalam perspektif al-qur'an. Dalam hal ini harus dinyatakan bahwa al-qur'an sebenarnya bukanlah kitab sejarah yang memuat informasi mengenai babakan perjalan ummat manusia secara detil dan mendalam, akan tetapi hal itu bukan berarti didalamnya tidak terdapat ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan tema perubahan. lewat pendekatan tafsir semantik-tematik, penulis menemukan informasi yang jelas dalam al-qur'an mengenai tema perubahan umat manusia dari masa ke mas
xii, 128 hal.: ill.; 21 cm
Psikobuletin, Jan 31, 2022
Improving student wellbeing is very important to be researched and developed because it is relate... more Improving student wellbeing is very important to be researched and developed because it is related to the development of students' social, emotional and academic competencies as well as defense efforts against attacks of emotional disorders that occur in students, namely depression, suicide, self-harm, antisocial behavior (bullying and violence) and substance abuse. One of the methods to improve student wellbeing is the stress management method, because one of the factors that affect student wellbeing is the level of academic stress. The purpose of this study was to identify stress management methods that have been used by previous researchers in improving student wellbeing. The method used in this research is a systematic literature review. The results of the study found that of the 239 articles found in the early stages, there were 19 articles that were relevant according to the criteria set by the researcher. The stress management methods found in this study was relaxation and meditation methods; mindfulness methods; cognitive therapy, and behavior modification methods.
Asia-Pacific Journal on Religion and Society, Jun 30, 2019
Quran role Digitalizing Memorizing This article is intended to analyze the role transmutation of ... more Quran role Digitalizing Memorizing This article is intended to analyze the role transmutation of religion occurred in the religious community in Southeast Asia, especially in the Muslim community. Religion personally and collectively is usually believed as a form of the human obedience to the Almighty. Many activities either individual or collective are considered as manifestation of belief or implementation of God's orders that the scripture contained. Often reading religious scripture like the Qur'an inspirited some radical groups to spread intimidation and violence for realization of their goal as be seen in several late decades. Meanwhile there are interesting phenomena take place in the Muslim community i.e. increasing memorization of the Quran besides its digitalization. In consequent, the former will emerge a generation of memorizers (ḥuffāⱬ) and the latter will facilitate the nonmemorizers to deal easily with their holy book as such. Then, what is likely the impact of these phenomena in the future of the Muslim life. Are they will dominantly enhance radicalization or de-radicalization or other impact in accordance with development of technological and industrial era that so called the 4.0 era or the 5.0 era.
Asia-Pacific Journal on Religion and Society, Dec 30, 2019
JKIP : Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan, Apr 9, 2021
Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018), 2018
The Quran explains, that the physical aspect, the human has, that form which can be in the form o... more The Quran explains, that the physical aspect, the human has, that form which can be in the form of the body senses. This research aims to analyze the potential of senses in Al-Quran contained in the human self as the basic elements of the human Physic and its application in the Study of Islamic religious education. This research is Library research using the method of thematic tafsir, it is collecting the ayat that talk about human senses, then determine the topic and perform analyze with using tafsir tahlili analyze, which then draw conclusions. The results of this research is a senses potential form of Sensory hearing, aslsam, al-bashr, and al-dhuq. As for the Potential development of the senses, is through Tafakur, Taddabbur, planting of good planting belief and the use of methods, techniques and learning strategies that are in accordance with the lesson taught, are directional, phased and continuous improvement.
Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Firman Allah: Kebenaran Mutlak Bab 3 Firman ALlah: Teks Unggul Kebudayaan... more Bab 1 Pendahuluan Bab 2 Firman Allah: Kebenaran Mutlak Bab 3 Firman ALlah: Teks Unggul Kebudayaan Bab 4 Firman Allah: Sebuah Komunikasi Universal Bab 5 Firman Allah: Tindakan Allah dalam Sejarah Bab 6 Firman Allah: Masa Depan Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an Bab 7 Penutup
Nusantara; Journal for Southeast Asian Islamic Studies, 2021
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian literature dengan fokus pada ayat al-Qur’an yang berkenaan... more Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian literature dengan fokus pada ayat al-Qur’an yang berkenaan dengan nilai-nilai pluralisme agama. Sedangkan tafsir yang digunakan adalah tafsir yang di tulis ole beberapa ulama dan intelektual muslim Nusantara. Penelitian ini, menjadi penting ketika kesadaran akan pluralisme agama di Indonesia semakin tergerus oleh perkembangan politik, budaya, dan lainnya. Maka mengkaji para ulama tafsir Indonesia menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakuakan. Meskipun terjadi perbedaan penafsiran karena terjadi perbedaan ruang dan waktu, namun demikian terdapat beberapa nilai yang memberikan kesimpulan yang sama, yaitu Pertama, Mengakui eksistensi agama lain; Kedua, memberinya hak untuk hidup berdampingan saling menghormati pemeluk agama lain tanpa ada unsur kecurigaan. Ketiga, Larangan adanya unsur paksaan dalam beragama. Keempat, kesatuan ajaran dan Kelima, pengakuan keselamatan pada masing-masing agama.
In the world of general education, there have been three kinds of educational theories: the first... more In the world of general education, there have been three kinds of educational theories: the first is tabularasa theory that had been emerged by John Locke (1632-1704) and, later, known as Empirism; the second is talent theory that had been pioneered by Arthur Schopenhour (1768-1860) and, later welllknown as Nativism; and the third is realism theory that had been presented by William Stern (1871-1939) and, later, famous as Convergence.The said three general educational theories above are based on the anthropocentric philosophy, while the Islamic educational theory is based on the theocentric philosophy that is referred to the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions. Here below the writer presents and focuses on the Islamic aspects of education which are based on the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Traditions. They consist of teacher as a social agent, student, teaching material, method of teaching, goal of teaching that has to be reached, evaluation, educational envire...
EDURELIGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
The view of Islamic education in delivering its students to become normative theologically orient... more The view of Islamic education in delivering its students to become normative theologically oriented human beings so far has developed, it must redesign its learning methodology to be contemporary modernist, namely trying to continue to strengthen spiritual morals which is a product of the theological pole as well as strengthen scientific knowledge, namely the merging of the two poles. Therefore, it is necessary to study the thoughts of Islamic education thinkers from time to time in the hope that they can be used as material for thoughts, comparisons and references so that quality Islamic education can be realized as a model for general education that has been secular oriented. Fazlur Rahman is one of the originators of contemporary Islamic education thought. he stated that Muslims should be able to combine the two poles of education by integrating secular Western education into Islamic education learning. This thought is known as the Islamization of secular education in the world o...
This study is based on the presence of spirit (ghirah) to return to Islamic teachings among Musli... more This study is based on the presence of spirit (ghirah) to return to Islamic teachings among Muslim students in Riau after the 212. This study shows that: First, the ulama who has the same understanding with students is Habib Rizieq Shihab. Second, the idea about Khilafah Islamiyah and the implementation of syari’ah or Islamis law is still dominant. Third, there is an idea that killing is a part of jihad. Fourth, the consciousness about differences is still low. Based on this finding, the radical potential which is high among students is basically disquieting. Furthermore, the basis of this understanding is affected by the dakwah concept of some extra campus organizations and their ideological organization. Keyword: Radicalism, Muslim Studies, Riau. ADDIN ISSN: 0854-0594; E-ISSN: 2476-9479 Volume 14, Number 1, February 2020: 75-98 DOI: 10.21043/addin.v14i1.8552 Under the Banner Dakwah: the Radical Potential among Muslim Students in Riau
Al-Fikra : jurnal ilmiah keislaman, Jul 27, 2017
In the circumstance of scientific development nowadays, the religious study, especially Islamic s... more In the circumstance of scientific development nowadays, the religious study, especially Islamic study, also undergoes development and threat as well. The threat mainly rises from new different branches of sciences that are used as tools and approaches toward religious study. On the one hand, the religious study like Islamic study is usually intended to strengthen and defend the religious belief, and on the other hand, the religious study as academic subject demands all its objects to be placed in