Marek Jakoubek - (original) (raw)

Papers by Marek Jakoubek

Research paper thumbnail of Profesor Thomas Hylland Eriksen obdržel čestný doktorát Univerzity Karlovy

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Jeden z nejznámějších a nejvlivnějších sociálních antropologů posledních dekád, profesor antropol... more Jeden z nejznámějších a nejvlivnějších sociálních antropologů posledních dekád, profesor antropologie univerzity v Oslu, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, obdržel 22. září 2021 ve velké aule Karolina z rukou rektora čestný doktorát Univerzity Karlovy. Podnět k udělení tohoto čestného ocenění vzešel u Ústavu etnologie Filozofické fakulty UK.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropologie mezi pozitivismem a konstruktivismem aneb krátký diskurz na téma jedné věty Ivy Heroldové

Dějiny – teorie – kritika

Tento článek se zabývá otázkou původu zakladatelů obce Svatá Helena. V první části textu autor př... more Tento článek se zabývá otázkou původu zakladatelů obce Svatá Helena. V první části textu autor představuje Nešporovu hypotézu, podle níž zakladatelé této obce byli východočeští toleranční sektáři. Druhá část studie se zabývá rozpory mezi Nešporovou hypotézou o původu této skupiny a přesvědčením jejích členů, že jsou potomky exulantů, kteří odešli po bitvě na Bílé hoře. Bere v úvahu, že podle Nešporova přesvědčení jsou tyto domněnky mylné. Ze sociálně antropologické perspektivy autor argumentuje, že „pokud lidé věří, že je něco pravda, pak to je pravda“, a tak jsou v tomto smyslu i členové dané obce skutečně potomky pobělohorských exulantů. Na obecné rovině je tato polemika myšlena jako ukázka rozdílných pozic mezi pozitivistickým přístupem, který sdílí (česká) etnologie a historiografie, a perspektivou sociálního konstruktivismu, který v tomto kontextu hájí rodící se česká sociální antropologie.

Research paper thumbnail of Voyvodovo bibliography — the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovo — the only Czech village in Bulgaria, up to 2020)

Voyvodovo bibliography-the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovothe only C... more Voyvodovo bibliography-the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovothe only Czech village in Bulgaria, up to 2020) The contribution presents a complex bibliography of texts related to the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Vojvodovo, written in Bulgarian and published up to 2020. The items are arranged in an alphabetical order according to the author's surname; where the name of the author is missing, the item is arranged according to the first letter of the title.

Research paper thumbnail of An interview with Prof. Judith M. Okely I seem to provoke controversy…

Zakladatel nového náboženství, prorok Muhammad (kol.-), udržoval se židovskými sousedy v Mekce až... more Zakladatel nového náboženství, prorok Muhammad (kol.-), udržoval se židovskými sousedy v Mekce až do svého odchodu v roce , hidžry, korektní vztahy, neboť jeho zjevení se částečně opíralo o židovské tradice i o studium židovského svatého Písma. Vystaven pronásledování ze strany svého vlastního kmene i nepochopení a nepřijetí ze strany Židů, změnil vůči nim Muhammad po příchodu do Medíny svůj vztah. I když v Medíně jeho učení slavilo úspěch právě v řadách judaizovaného obyvatelstva, skutečné Židy Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná | 33 Podněstří-kvazistátní struktura na politické mapě Evropy | David Behenský a David Šanc ] Tento text vznikl s podporou Grantového systému Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, projekt č. SGS-Nadnárodní politické procesy.

Research paper thumbnail of Jiří Lípa, Václav Weinrich and the project of the National Geographic Society “Gypsies: Wanderers of the world”

The aim of the contribution is to offer a Czech reader a possibility to get acquainted with a cha... more The aim of the contribution is to offer a Czech reader a possibility to get acquainted with a chapter of the publication Gypsies: Wanderers of the world (McDowell 1970). The book is an output of the project run under the auspices of National Geographic Society and the chapter, devoted to the situation of Gypsies/Roma in Czechoslovakia in late 1960s, is based on the sojourn of the author and huis team in the country and his cooperation with Jiří Lípa, then a leading specialist on Gypsies/Roma at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Partly, the chapter consist of excerpts from the (today perhaps lost) manuscript How we lived, written by Czech Sinto Václav Weinrich, who spent his childhood in an itinerant group of his relatives. The Czech translation of these parts offers (unfortunately only fragmentary) views into the life of travelling Sinti that ceased to exist already several decades ago.

Research paper thumbnail of Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov’s “Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo” in the translation of Barbora Čížková)

Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov's "Memories of the life of C... more Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov's "Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo" in the translation of Barbora Čížková) The contribution has three layers. The first one, that is not presented here, is a text "Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo" written in Bulgarian by an inhabitant of the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Voyvodovo, and a neighbor of Voyvodovo Czechs, Bulgarian Božidar Popov, a son of the local Methodist pastor. The second layer-the core of the contribution-is a work of a Voyvodovo Czech and Popov's peer Barbora Čižková. She translated Popov's memoirs, or better to say she rather strongly interprets it and supplements it by her own commentaries and memoires. The last layer, written by the editor, is the analysis and commentary of the two preceding layers, each of them in itself and in mutual comparison. The contribution presents not only new information on history of Voyvodovo, but also a confrontation of Czech and Bulgarian views of the local Czech community.

Research paper thumbnail of Vojvodovo Sketches

The dissertation "Vojvodovo Sketches" thesis consists of an introduction and further of... more The dissertation "Vojvodovo Sketches" thesis consists of an introduction and further of published texts related to Vojvodovo. Vojvodovo, a Czech village in north-western Bulgaria founded in 1900 by about twenty Czech evangelical families from the village of Svatá Helena in what is today the Romanian part of Banat, which they left because of religious disputes and a shortage of land. Although Bulgaria engaged in several armed conflicts in the first decades of the twentieth century, the village flourished economically and the population rose steadily during that period. Eventually, however, its economic prosperity, based almost exclusively on agriculture, was curtailed by a land shortage. As a result, some villagers emigrated to Argentina in 1928. By 1934/5 the village was again overcrowded and suffering serious land shortage. This time some of its inhabitants moved to the Turkish village of Belinci in north-eastern Bulgaria (Isperich region). The history of Czech settlement...

Research paper thumbnail of On Food, Pots, Gender, Iron, and Archaeological Theory: Interview with Professor Randi Haaland

African Archaeological Review, 2022

La professeure Randi Haaland est une archéologue norvégienne réputée pour une approche antropolog... more La professeure Randi Haaland est une archéologue norvégienne réputée pour une approche antropologique distinctive et des intérêts de recherche mondiaux. Dans cette conversation, Randi Haaland réfléchit sur son engagement extraordinaire et multiforme avec lʼarchéologie et lʼAfrique depuis plus de cinquante ans, à partir de son expérience formatrice dʼune jeune femme parmi les Four au Soudan au milieu des années 1960, en passant par ses recherches entre les paradigmes processuel et post-processuel, jusquʼaux programmes de renforcement des capacités quʼelle a initiés avec le soutien de lʼAgence norvégienne de coopération au développement (NORAD). Randi Haaland a créé sa voie unique dans lʼarchéologie de lʼAfrique. Cet entretien montre quʼelle a été la bonne voie vers une compréhension nouvelle et approfondie du passé humain, en particulier sur la culture culinaire, les débuts de la production alimentaire, le genre et la technologie.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropowebzin Přehledová Stať Bibliografický Přehled Překladové (Odborné) Ciganologické Literatury Vydané Čr a SR Po Roce 1989 Bibliographical Overview of the Translated (Specialized) Gypsiological Literature Published in the Czech and Slovak Republic After 1989

antropologických a historických věd, FF ZČU, Plzeň © Katedra antropologických a historických věd ... more antropologických a historických věd, FF ZČU, Plzeň © Katedra antropologických a historických věd FF ZČU v Plzni, Sedláčkova 15, 301 25 Plzeň 45 Abstract: The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. articles published in journals and texts published in anthologies); 3) chapters in translated books; 4) original, not yet published texts, translated to Czech. Wherever the data was accessible, the information about the translator and the original bibliographical information are attached. In case of monographs, the information about the published Czech and Slovak reviews is supplemented. At the outset of each section, the statistical overview of the items involved regarding the total number and languages from which the translations were made is offered. All items are structured chronologically. Od roku 1989 se v bývalých zemích Československa začaly-v mnohem hojnější míře než jak tomu bylo do té doby-objevovat překlady publikací a statí...

Research paper thumbnail of Balkán a migrace : na křižovatce antropologických perspektiv

Pro víru nebo za půdou? Několik poznámek k migračním motivacím bulharských Čechů Gabriela Fatková... more Pro víru nebo za půdou? Několik poznámek k migračním motivacím bulharských Čechů Gabriela Fatková Jedna opomenutá kapitola ekonomické migrace mezi Bulharskem a Řeckem: Bulharští Karakačani ve spleti řeckého nacionalismu Lukáš Hanus Přechod české krajanské komunity z obce Gerník (Rumunsko) do transnacionálního momentu Marek Jakoubek "Cesta do Prahi" vojvodovského Čecha Petra Dobiáše (Příspěvek ke studiu přesídlení vojvodovských Čechů z Bulharska do Československa v letech 1949-1950) Michal Pavlásek Obec Svatá Helena jako vinice Boží misiemi oplocená. Krůčky k přehodnocení chápání české (e)migrace na Balkáně 111 Summary 147 Publikace vychází pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.

Research paper thumbnail of Dvojí život vojvodovského rodáka Aloise Filipa (Dvě vojvodovské edice)

The edition presents a commented transcription of the memoirs of Alois Filip, a former inhabitant... more The edition presents a commented transcription of the memoirs of Alois Filip, a former inhabitant of the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Vojvodovo. The memoirs cover many aspects of the (ex)Vojvodovo villager's life in Bulgaria as well as in South Moravia, where almost all Vojvodovan Czechs and Slovaks settled after remigration following World War II. The edition is supplemented by informative commentaries and prefaced by a short introduction explaining the background to the manuscript in the context of the history of Vojvodovo and its Czech (ex)inhabitants.

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografický přehled překladové (odborné) ciganologické literatury vydané v ČR a SR po roce 1989

The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. ... more The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. articles published in journals and texts published in anthologies); 3) chapters in translated books; 4) original, not yet published texts, translated to Czech. Wherever the data was accessible, the information about the translator and the original bibliographical information are attached. In case of monographs, the information about the published Czech and Slovak reviews is supplemented. At the outset of each section, the statistical overview of the items involved regarding the total number and languages from which the translations were made is offered. All items are structured chronologically.

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology in Eastern Europe between positivism and constructivism : A case from the Czech Republic

This article deals with the relationship of ethnology and sociocultural anthropology in the Czech... more This article deals with the relationship of ethnology and sociocultural anthropology in the Czech Republic. The author argues that these discourses are different in principle and, therefore, should not be blended together or, more importantly, confused one for another. One specific ethnographic case is used to show that the two scholar discourses provide different perspectives, or more precisely, are based on various theoretical backgrounds. The ethnographic example is an issue of the collective identity of inhabitants of Voyvodovo, the only Czech village in Bulgaria, specifically their belief that they are descendants of the exiles after the 1620 White Mountain Battle. Texts of selected authors are analysed to compare the different approaches of ethnology and social anthropology. The ethnologists strive to reveal objective historical Truth, led by the principle of the positivist historiography, best characterised by Ranke’s ‘Wie es eigentlich gewesen?’ For them, if the beliefs and ...

Research paper thumbnail of O jedné zapomenuté cikánské národopisné skice: J. Vlach a jeho Cikáni

Žánr materiálových, resp. pramenných edic, tedy příspěvků založených na prezentaci starších a obv... more Žánr materiálových, resp. pramenných edic, tedy příspěvků založených na prezentaci starších a obvykle běžně již nedostupných textů, lze v rámci jinak stále se utěšeně rozrůstající romistické literatury považovat za spíše opomíjený. Že daný žánr má čtenářům-a to zdaleka nejen úzkoprofilově zaměřeným odborníkům-rozhodně co nabídnout, přitom bezpochyby ukázal v rámci romisticky orientovaných bádání dosud patrně nejvýznamnější počin daného druhu, za který lze považovat vydání ab Hortisových Cigánů v Uhorsku. 2 Na uvedenou "laťku" přítomná edice nemíří, její rozsah jí to v principu ani nedovoluje, spíše naopak-v obecné poloze je jejím cílem ukázat, že i mnohem drobnější ediční dílka než ab Hortisův opus mohou poskytnout zajímavé informace či perspektivy, a to nejen historického, resp. dobového charakteru, ale i coby podnět pro aktuální (nejen) romistickou práci. AUTOR, DÍLO, KONTEXT Text, jehož edici níže přinášíme, byl publikován roku 1908 v rámci díla Jaroslava Vlacha Národové evropští. 3 J. Vlach byl profesí středoškolský pedagog působící na reálném gymnáziu na Smíchově, kde se věnoval výuce předmětů z oborů dějepis a zeměpis. Příznačně pro svou dobu gymnaziální profesor Vlach nejen, že sledoval dění v oboru jak doma, tak i v zahraničí, ale sám byl také poměrně plodným autorem. Pomineme-1

Research paper thumbnail of O vojvodovských Bulharech

In recent years, there was a great boom of publications on the village of Vojvodovo. Although the... more In recent years, there was a great boom of publications on the village of Vojvodovo. Although there was a plenty of contributions on this topic in scholarly journals recently, there are still some blind spots that remain uncovered by the scholars. One of these are the Vojvodovo Bulgarians, who were – since the 1920s – the second most numerous (!) group of Vojvodovo inhabitants. It is them, the local Vojvodovo Bulgarians, the neighbors of the Vojvodovo Czechs, whose identities, changing in the course of time, we describe in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of “What Is Lasting? Luck. We Still Believe in Luck.” An Interview with Carol Miller on Half a Century of Studying Roma (Featuring Judith Okely)

Anthropos, 2021

Carol Miller (born 1926) is an American anthropologist and fieldworker who has been engaged in th... more Carol Miller (born 1926) is an American anthropologist and fieldworker who has been engaged in the study of American Machvaia for several decades. She studied psychology and anthropology at the University of Washington, and later taught anthropology and gave lectures

Research paper thumbnail of A breakthrough of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries – reality or a myth? (On amnesia in ethnicity studies)

Ethnicities, 2021

There is universal agreement in the scholarly community on the crucial position of the book Ethni... more There is universal agreement in the scholarly community on the crucial position of the book Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference (ed. F Barth, 1969) in the modern study of ethnicity. General consensus goes that this work has a status of a founding work that developed a theoretical paradigm and model of ethnic groups, on which the study of ethnicity draws until today. This study critically reviews this reputation. The author, drawing on the works of authors who had published their works before Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, suggests that theoretical positions proposed by Barth and his colleagues in the famous book were not at all new by that time, neither were they considered novel by contemporary readers. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries acquired the status of a ground-breaking work, founding a new era of anthropological study of ethnicity only later, and not because of the results the book really provided, but rather thanks to statements about the ...

Research paper thumbnail of National Indifference in Post-Ottoman Spaces: A Case from Northwest Bulgaria

Nationalities Papers, 2021

This study represents an application of the concept of national indifference in the Post-Ottoman ... more This study represents an application of the concept of national indifference in the Post-Ottoman Balkans. It addresses the question of why two minority communities in Northwest Bulgaria in the first half of 20th century – the Protestant Voyvodovo community and the Catholic community of Bărdarski Geran, both marked by a strong principle of religious endogamy, intermarried. The author maintains that the main reason why these two communities intermarried was – despite all the differences between them – their national indifference, a parameter that both communities shared. These marriages did not cross the ethno-national boundary (the communities were nationally indifferent and thus ethno-national borders did not divide them). Contrary to standard understandings of the concept of national indifference, the author emphasizes that national indifference can be said to have two sides. On the one hand, nationally indifferent groups represent those in which the “we-they” opposition does not f...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnic groups and boundaries today: a legacy of fifty years

Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of O etnických skupinách – a bez etnicity. K půlstoletému výročí vydání Ethnic Groups and Boundaries

Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 2019

On Ethnic Groupsand (yet) without Ethnicity. On Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of Ethnic Group... more On Ethnic Groupsand (yet) without Ethnicity. On Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. On the Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of publishing Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, a work edited by Fredrik Barth, the author reflects on the reasons and causes of the renown and impact of the book that is today generally considered a key text in ethnic studies, be it in the anthropological or broader social-scientific discourse. As a starting point for the reevaluation the author takes a period view on the book, i.e. considers the context of the time when it was written and published. In some cases the period contextualization leads to quite unexpected findings. First of all, there is a kind of paradox, since in the book, considered essential in the study of ethnicity, F. Barth does not use the term "ethnicity" a single time. At the same time the author shows that in many cases period authors did not consider the book to represent a watershed in ethnic studies. Moreover, as is further shown, the reception of the book wasespecially in North Americaquite delayed and only very slow. In other words, contemporary responses to the book are not in accordance with the canonical narrative of its influence and impact. So, if we insist on the key position of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries in ethnic studies, at least some of the explanations thereof need to be revised; and perhaps some new ones need to be found, too. A 50 th Anniversary is an exceptionally suitable time for this enterprise.

Research paper thumbnail of Profesor Thomas Hylland Eriksen obdržel čestný doktorát Univerzity Karlovy

Lidé města

Jeden z nejznámějších a nejvlivnějších sociálních antropologů posledních dekád, profesor antropol... more Jeden z nejznámějších a nejvlivnějších sociálních antropologů posledních dekád, profesor antropologie univerzity v Oslu, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, obdržel 22. září 2021 ve velké aule Karolina z rukou rektora čestný doktorát Univerzity Karlovy. Podnět k udělení tohoto čestného ocenění vzešel u Ústavu etnologie Filozofické fakulty UK.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropologie mezi pozitivismem a konstruktivismem aneb krátký diskurz na téma jedné věty Ivy Heroldové

Dějiny – teorie – kritika

Tento článek se zabývá otázkou původu zakladatelů obce Svatá Helena. V první části textu autor př... more Tento článek se zabývá otázkou původu zakladatelů obce Svatá Helena. V první části textu autor představuje Nešporovu hypotézu, podle níž zakladatelé této obce byli východočeští toleranční sektáři. Druhá část studie se zabývá rozpory mezi Nešporovou hypotézou o původu této skupiny a přesvědčením jejích členů, že jsou potomky exulantů, kteří odešli po bitvě na Bílé hoře. Bere v úvahu, že podle Nešporova přesvědčení jsou tyto domněnky mylné. Ze sociálně antropologické perspektivy autor argumentuje, že „pokud lidé věří, že je něco pravda, pak to je pravda“, a tak jsou v tomto smyslu i členové dané obce skutečně potomky pobělohorských exulantů. Na obecné rovině je tato polemika myšlena jako ukázka rozdílných pozic mezi pozitivistickým přístupem, který sdílí (česká) etnologie a historiografie, a perspektivou sociálního konstruktivismu, který v tomto kontextu hájí rodící se česká sociální antropologie.

Research paper thumbnail of Voyvodovo bibliography — the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovo — the only Czech village in Bulgaria, up to 2020)

Voyvodovo bibliography-the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovothe only C... more Voyvodovo bibliography-the second round (A bibliography of Bulgarian works on Voyvodovothe only Czech village in Bulgaria, up to 2020) The contribution presents a complex bibliography of texts related to the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Vojvodovo, written in Bulgarian and published up to 2020. The items are arranged in an alphabetical order according to the author's surname; where the name of the author is missing, the item is arranged according to the first letter of the title.

Research paper thumbnail of An interview with Prof. Judith M. Okely I seem to provoke controversy…

Zakladatel nového náboženství, prorok Muhammad (kol.-), udržoval se židovskými sousedy v Mekce až... more Zakladatel nového náboženství, prorok Muhammad (kol.-), udržoval se židovskými sousedy v Mekce až do svého odchodu v roce , hidžry, korektní vztahy, neboť jeho zjevení se částečně opíralo o židovské tradice i o studium židovského svatého Písma. Vystaven pronásledování ze strany svého vlastního kmene i nepochopení a nepřijetí ze strany Židů, změnil vůči nim Muhammad po příchodu do Medíny svůj vztah. I když v Medíně jeho učení slavilo úspěch právě v řadách judaizovaného obyvatelstva, skutečné Židy Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy | Lena Arava-Novotná | 33 Podněstří-kvazistátní struktura na politické mapě Evropy | David Behenský a David Šanc ] Tento text vznikl s podporou Grantového systému Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, projekt č. SGS-Nadnárodní politické procesy.

Research paper thumbnail of Jiří Lípa, Václav Weinrich and the project of the National Geographic Society “Gypsies: Wanderers of the world”

The aim of the contribution is to offer a Czech reader a possibility to get acquainted with a cha... more The aim of the contribution is to offer a Czech reader a possibility to get acquainted with a chapter of the publication Gypsies: Wanderers of the world (McDowell 1970). The book is an output of the project run under the auspices of National Geographic Society and the chapter, devoted to the situation of Gypsies/Roma in Czechoslovakia in late 1960s, is based on the sojourn of the author and huis team in the country and his cooperation with Jiří Lípa, then a leading specialist on Gypsies/Roma at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Partly, the chapter consist of excerpts from the (today perhaps lost) manuscript How we lived, written by Czech Sinto Václav Weinrich, who spent his childhood in an itinerant group of his relatives. The Czech translation of these parts offers (unfortunately only fragmentary) views into the life of travelling Sinti that ceased to exist already several decades ago.

Research paper thumbnail of Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov’s “Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo” in the translation of Barbora Čížková)

Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov's "Memories of the life of C... more Telling and retelling of memories of Bulgarian Czechs (Božidar Popov's "Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo" in the translation of Barbora Čížková) The contribution has three layers. The first one, that is not presented here, is a text "Memories of the life of Czechs who lived in Voyvodovo" written in Bulgarian by an inhabitant of the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Voyvodovo, and a neighbor of Voyvodovo Czechs, Bulgarian Božidar Popov, a son of the local Methodist pastor. The second layer-the core of the contribution-is a work of a Voyvodovo Czech and Popov's peer Barbora Čižková. She translated Popov's memoirs, or better to say she rather strongly interprets it and supplements it by her own commentaries and memoires. The last layer, written by the editor, is the analysis and commentary of the two preceding layers, each of them in itself and in mutual comparison. The contribution presents not only new information on history of Voyvodovo, but also a confrontation of Czech and Bulgarian views of the local Czech community.

Research paper thumbnail of Vojvodovo Sketches

The dissertation "Vojvodovo Sketches" thesis consists of an introduction and further of... more The dissertation "Vojvodovo Sketches" thesis consists of an introduction and further of published texts related to Vojvodovo. Vojvodovo, a Czech village in north-western Bulgaria founded in 1900 by about twenty Czech evangelical families from the village of Svatá Helena in what is today the Romanian part of Banat, which they left because of religious disputes and a shortage of land. Although Bulgaria engaged in several armed conflicts in the first decades of the twentieth century, the village flourished economically and the population rose steadily during that period. Eventually, however, its economic prosperity, based almost exclusively on agriculture, was curtailed by a land shortage. As a result, some villagers emigrated to Argentina in 1928. By 1934/5 the village was again overcrowded and suffering serious land shortage. This time some of its inhabitants moved to the Turkish village of Belinci in north-eastern Bulgaria (Isperich region). The history of Czech settlement...

Research paper thumbnail of On Food, Pots, Gender, Iron, and Archaeological Theory: Interview with Professor Randi Haaland

African Archaeological Review, 2022

La professeure Randi Haaland est une archéologue norvégienne réputée pour une approche antropolog... more La professeure Randi Haaland est une archéologue norvégienne réputée pour une approche antropologique distinctive et des intérêts de recherche mondiaux. Dans cette conversation, Randi Haaland réfléchit sur son engagement extraordinaire et multiforme avec lʼarchéologie et lʼAfrique depuis plus de cinquante ans, à partir de son expérience formatrice dʼune jeune femme parmi les Four au Soudan au milieu des années 1960, en passant par ses recherches entre les paradigmes processuel et post-processuel, jusquʼaux programmes de renforcement des capacités quʼelle a initiés avec le soutien de lʼAgence norvégienne de coopération au développement (NORAD). Randi Haaland a créé sa voie unique dans lʼarchéologie de lʼAfrique. Cet entretien montre quʼelle a été la bonne voie vers une compréhension nouvelle et approfondie du passé humain, en particulier sur la culture culinaire, les débuts de la production alimentaire, le genre et la technologie.

Research paper thumbnail of Antropowebzin Přehledová Stať Bibliografický Přehled Překladové (Odborné) Ciganologické Literatury Vydané Čr a SR Po Roce 1989 Bibliographical Overview of the Translated (Specialized) Gypsiological Literature Published in the Czech and Slovak Republic After 1989

antropologických a historických věd, FF ZČU, Plzeň © Katedra antropologických a historických věd ... more antropologických a historických věd, FF ZČU, Plzeň © Katedra antropologických a historických věd FF ZČU v Plzni, Sedláčkova 15, 301 25 Plzeň 45 Abstract: The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. articles published in journals and texts published in anthologies); 3) chapters in translated books; 4) original, not yet published texts, translated to Czech. Wherever the data was accessible, the information about the translator and the original bibliographical information are attached. In case of monographs, the information about the published Czech and Slovak reviews is supplemented. At the outset of each section, the statistical overview of the items involved regarding the total number and languages from which the translations were made is offered. All items are structured chronologically. Od roku 1989 se v bývalých zemích Československa začaly-v mnohem hojnější míře než jak tomu bylo do té doby-objevovat překlady publikací a statí...

Research paper thumbnail of Balkán a migrace : na křižovatce antropologických perspektiv

Pro víru nebo za půdou? Několik poznámek k migračním motivacím bulharských Čechů Gabriela Fatková... more Pro víru nebo za půdou? Několik poznámek k migračním motivacím bulharských Čechů Gabriela Fatková Jedna opomenutá kapitola ekonomické migrace mezi Bulharskem a Řeckem: Bulharští Karakačani ve spleti řeckého nacionalismu Lukáš Hanus Přechod české krajanské komunity z obce Gerník (Rumunsko) do transnacionálního momentu Marek Jakoubek "Cesta do Prahi" vojvodovského Čecha Petra Dobiáše (Příspěvek ke studiu přesídlení vojvodovských Čechů z Bulharska do Československa v letech 1949-1950) Michal Pavlásek Obec Svatá Helena jako vinice Boží misiemi oplocená. Krůčky k přehodnocení chápání české (e)migrace na Balkáně 111 Summary 147 Publikace vychází pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.

Research paper thumbnail of Dvojí život vojvodovského rodáka Aloise Filipa (Dvě vojvodovské edice)

The edition presents a commented transcription of the memoirs of Alois Filip, a former inhabitant... more The edition presents a commented transcription of the memoirs of Alois Filip, a former inhabitant of the only Czech village in Bulgaria-Vojvodovo. The memoirs cover many aspects of the (ex)Vojvodovo villager's life in Bulgaria as well as in South Moravia, where almost all Vojvodovan Czechs and Slovaks settled after remigration following World War II. The edition is supplemented by informative commentaries and prefaced by a short introduction explaining the background to the manuscript in the context of the history of Vojvodovo and its Czech (ex)inhabitants.

Research paper thumbnail of Bibliografický přehled překladové (odborné) ciganologické literatury vydané v ČR a SR po roce 1989

The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. ... more The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. articles published in journals and texts published in anthologies); 3) chapters in translated books; 4) original, not yet published texts, translated to Czech. Wherever the data was accessible, the information about the translator and the original bibliographical information are attached. In case of monographs, the information about the published Czech and Slovak reviews is supplemented. At the outset of each section, the statistical overview of the items involved regarding the total number and languages from which the translations were made is offered. All items are structured chronologically.

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology in Eastern Europe between positivism and constructivism : A case from the Czech Republic

This article deals with the relationship of ethnology and sociocultural anthropology in the Czech... more This article deals with the relationship of ethnology and sociocultural anthropology in the Czech Republic. The author argues that these discourses are different in principle and, therefore, should not be blended together or, more importantly, confused one for another. One specific ethnographic case is used to show that the two scholar discourses provide different perspectives, or more precisely, are based on various theoretical backgrounds. The ethnographic example is an issue of the collective identity of inhabitants of Voyvodovo, the only Czech village in Bulgaria, specifically their belief that they are descendants of the exiles after the 1620 White Mountain Battle. Texts of selected authors are analysed to compare the different approaches of ethnology and social anthropology. The ethnologists strive to reveal objective historical Truth, led by the principle of the positivist historiography, best characterised by Ranke’s ‘Wie es eigentlich gewesen?’ For them, if the beliefs and ...

Research paper thumbnail of O jedné zapomenuté cikánské národopisné skice: J. Vlach a jeho Cikáni

Žánr materiálových, resp. pramenných edic, tedy příspěvků založených na prezentaci starších a obv... more Žánr materiálových, resp. pramenných edic, tedy příspěvků založených na prezentaci starších a obvykle běžně již nedostupných textů, lze v rámci jinak stále se utěšeně rozrůstající romistické literatury považovat za spíše opomíjený. Že daný žánr má čtenářům-a to zdaleka nejen úzkoprofilově zaměřeným odborníkům-rozhodně co nabídnout, přitom bezpochyby ukázal v rámci romisticky orientovaných bádání dosud patrně nejvýznamnější počin daného druhu, za který lze považovat vydání ab Hortisových Cigánů v Uhorsku. 2 Na uvedenou "laťku" přítomná edice nemíří, její rozsah jí to v principu ani nedovoluje, spíše naopak-v obecné poloze je jejím cílem ukázat, že i mnohem drobnější ediční dílka než ab Hortisův opus mohou poskytnout zajímavé informace či perspektivy, a to nejen historického, resp. dobového charakteru, ale i coby podnět pro aktuální (nejen) romistickou práci. AUTOR, DÍLO, KONTEXT Text, jehož edici níže přinášíme, byl publikován roku 1908 v rámci díla Jaroslava Vlacha Národové evropští. 3 J. Vlach byl profesí středoškolský pedagog působící na reálném gymnáziu na Smíchově, kde se věnoval výuce předmětů z oborů dějepis a zeměpis. Příznačně pro svou dobu gymnaziální profesor Vlach nejen, že sledoval dění v oboru jak doma, tak i v zahraničí, ale sám byl také poměrně plodným autorem. Pomineme-1

Research paper thumbnail of O vojvodovských Bulharech

In recent years, there was a great boom of publications on the village of Vojvodovo. Although the... more In recent years, there was a great boom of publications on the village of Vojvodovo. Although there was a plenty of contributions on this topic in scholarly journals recently, there are still some blind spots that remain uncovered by the scholars. One of these are the Vojvodovo Bulgarians, who were – since the 1920s – the second most numerous (!) group of Vojvodovo inhabitants. It is them, the local Vojvodovo Bulgarians, the neighbors of the Vojvodovo Czechs, whose identities, changing in the course of time, we describe in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of “What Is Lasting? Luck. We Still Believe in Luck.” An Interview with Carol Miller on Half a Century of Studying Roma (Featuring Judith Okely)

Anthropos, 2021

Carol Miller (born 1926) is an American anthropologist and fieldworker who has been engaged in th... more Carol Miller (born 1926) is an American anthropologist and fieldworker who has been engaged in the study of American Machvaia for several decades. She studied psychology and anthropology at the University of Washington, and later taught anthropology and gave lectures

Research paper thumbnail of A breakthrough of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries – reality or a myth? (On amnesia in ethnicity studies)

Ethnicities, 2021

There is universal agreement in the scholarly community on the crucial position of the book Ethni... more There is universal agreement in the scholarly community on the crucial position of the book Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference (ed. F Barth, 1969) in the modern study of ethnicity. General consensus goes that this work has a status of a founding work that developed a theoretical paradigm and model of ethnic groups, on which the study of ethnicity draws until today. This study critically reviews this reputation. The author, drawing on the works of authors who had published their works before Ethnic Groups and Boundaries, suggests that theoretical positions proposed by Barth and his colleagues in the famous book were not at all new by that time, neither were they considered novel by contemporary readers. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries acquired the status of a ground-breaking work, founding a new era of anthropological study of ethnicity only later, and not because of the results the book really provided, but rather thanks to statements about the ...

Research paper thumbnail of National Indifference in Post-Ottoman Spaces: A Case from Northwest Bulgaria

Nationalities Papers, 2021

This study represents an application of the concept of national indifference in the Post-Ottoman ... more This study represents an application of the concept of national indifference in the Post-Ottoman Balkans. It addresses the question of why two minority communities in Northwest Bulgaria in the first half of 20th century – the Protestant Voyvodovo community and the Catholic community of Bărdarski Geran, both marked by a strong principle of religious endogamy, intermarried. The author maintains that the main reason why these two communities intermarried was – despite all the differences between them – their national indifference, a parameter that both communities shared. These marriages did not cross the ethno-national boundary (the communities were nationally indifferent and thus ethno-national borders did not divide them). Contrary to standard understandings of the concept of national indifference, the author emphasizes that national indifference can be said to have two sides. On the one hand, nationally indifferent groups represent those in which the “we-they” opposition does not f...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnic groups and boundaries today: a legacy of fifty years

Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of O etnických skupinách – a bez etnicity. K půlstoletému výročí vydání Ethnic Groups and Boundaries

Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 2019

On Ethnic Groupsand (yet) without Ethnicity. On Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of Ethnic Group... more On Ethnic Groupsand (yet) without Ethnicity. On Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. On the Occasion of the 50 th Anniversary of publishing Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, a work edited by Fredrik Barth, the author reflects on the reasons and causes of the renown and impact of the book that is today generally considered a key text in ethnic studies, be it in the anthropological or broader social-scientific discourse. As a starting point for the reevaluation the author takes a period view on the book, i.e. considers the context of the time when it was written and published. In some cases the period contextualization leads to quite unexpected findings. First of all, there is a kind of paradox, since in the book, considered essential in the study of ethnicity, F. Barth does not use the term "ethnicity" a single time. At the same time the author shows that in many cases period authors did not consider the book to represent a watershed in ethnic studies. Moreover, as is further shown, the reception of the book wasespecially in North Americaquite delayed and only very slow. In other words, contemporary responses to the book are not in accordance with the canonical narrative of its influence and impact. So, if we insist on the key position of Ethnic Groups and Boundaries in ethnic studies, at least some of the explanations thereof need to be revised; and perhaps some new ones need to be found, too. A 50 th Anniversary is an exceptionally suitable time for this enterprise.