Marre Karu - (original) (raw)


Publications by Marre Karu

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Equality Index 2017: Methodological Report

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Equality Index 2017: Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015

Papers by Marre Karu

Research paper thumbnail of Generous but unequal: the contradictions of parenting leaves in the Baltic States

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Lapsehoolduspuhkusel isad Eestis: esimesed sammud kahe leivateenija/kahe hoolitseja peremudeli suunas

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida ... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida Eesti ühiskonnas lapsehoolduse peresisest jagunemist meeste ja naiste vahel ning avada põhjuseid, miks liigub Eesti ühiskond kahe leivateenija/kahe hoolitseja peremudeli suunas väga aeglaselt. Ennekõike keskendutakse peremudeli ühele komponendile, hoolitsusele ning selle hoolitsuskohustuse peresisesele jagunemisele meeste ja naiste vahel. Väitekiri tugineb kolmele iseseisvale uurimusele, mis avab perekondade käitumist seoses lapsehoolduspuhkuse soolise jagunemisega erinevatest aspektidest. Uurimused näitavad, et Eestis on sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel soolise võrd¬õigus¬likkuse põhimõtete rakendamine takerdunud osalt minevikukoge¬muste, vananenud võrdõiguslikkuse ideoloogia ning isarolli hilise tunnustamise tõttu. Lapse eest hoolitsemine ei ole Eesti hegemoonilise maskuliinsuse osa, mehed ei tunneta, et neilt oodataks suuremat osalust lapsehoolduses ning kardavad sellise ebatüüpilise va...

Research paper thumbnail of In collaboration with

for women and men? European CommissionThis publication is supported under the European Community ... more for women and men? European CommissionThis publication is supported under the European Community programme for employment and social solidarity (2007–13) (Progress). This programme is managed by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission. It was established to financially support the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment and social affairs area, as set out in the social agenda, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Lisbon strategy goals in these fields. The seven-year programme targets all stakeholders who can help shape the development of appropriate and effective employment and social legislation and policies, across the EU-27, EFTA–EEA and EU candidate and pre-candidate countries. The mission of Progress is to strengthen the EU contribution in support of Member States ’ commitments and efforts to create more and better jobs and to build a more cohesive society. To that eff...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies

This report was financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-Gene... more This report was financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice; Unit D2 'Equality between men and women', in the framework of a contract managed by the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) in partnership with Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS). It does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the European Commission or of the Directorate-General for Justice and nor is any person acting on their behalf responsible for the use that might be made of the information contained in this publication.

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers on parental leave: an analysis of rights and take-up in 29 countries

Community, Work & Family, 2017

ABSTRACT Using information published in 2014 annual review of the International Network on Leave ... more ABSTRACT Using information published in 2014 annual review of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research, the article analyses parental leave and benefit policies in 29 countries to identify which characteristics can potentially facilitate fathers’ take-up of parental leave. The scarce statistics that is available shows that only few countries have been successful in increasing fathers’ participation in the parental leaves, despite the fact that some recent policy schemes seem to have drawn lessons from the Nordic success. There are several countries which indeed have adopted principles similar to the Nordic countries in their leave schemes, such as fathers’ quota, generous income-related benefit or long duration of the leave. The evidence suggests that only taking over some elements of the successful policy schemes does not necessarily lead to a change in the leave-taking behaviour of fathers and families. The evidence shows reasonably high take-up of parental leave only in countries where there is a combination of fathers’ quota and high level of benefit. There is still no evidence to confirm that replicating the fathers’ quota in its Nordic designs other societies would generate similar behavioural change as it did in the Nordic countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Noorteseire aastaraamat 2011: Noored ja noorsootöö

Sissejuhatus 4.1. Noorsootöös osalemist motiveerivad põhjused 4.2. Huvitegevus 4.3. Noortekeskuse... more Sissejuhatus 4.1. Noorsootöös osalemist motiveerivad põhjused 4.2. Huvitegevus 4.3. Noortekeskused 4.4. Noorteühingud ja noorte osalemine 4.5. Noorteprojektid 4.6. Noortelaagrid 4.7. Õpilasmalev ja töölaagrid 4.8. Vabatahtlik tegevus 4.9. Noorsootöös osalemise tulemused Kokkuvõte Kasutatud kirjandus

Research paper thumbnail of Slow Steps towards Dual Earner/Dual Carer Family Model: Why Do Fathers Not Take Parental Leave

The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family mod... more The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family model and focuses on fathers' decision regarding taking their parental leave. Based on theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen, data from 20 qualitative interviews with fathers of small children are analysed to explore the beliefs fathers have when it comes to parental leave. The analysis distinguishes between two images of 'good parenting' that play a role in the fathers' intention to take parental leave. First, there is an image of an outcome-oriented 'project manager' aff ected by failure anxiety, and second, there is a much more relaxed image of a 'good parent' as a 'companion' who values everyday contact and a close relationship with the child(ren).

Research paper thumbnail of Estonia: halfway from the Soviet Union to the Nordic countries

The politics of parental leave policiesChildren, parenting, gender and the labour market, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Absence from work – Estonia

Absence from work has been a topical issue in Estonia due to changes in the health insurance bene... more Absence from work has been a topical issue in Estonia due to changes in the health insurance benefit system in the framework of the labour law reform on 1 July 2009. The negative and positive outcomes of reducing the financing of sick leave have been discussed. A reduction in employees’ productivity and increase in the level of occupational injuries and diseases is expected. However, it is also hoped to reduce absence from work without a reason.

Research paper thumbnail of Child Participation in Justice: Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Tilliga ja tillita ” – a low budget provocative culinary awareness campaign

The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or opinio... more The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission.

Research paper thumbnail of Taotlemine ja mitte-taotlemine: kas sotsiaaltoetused jõuavad sihtrühmadeni?

Artikli peamiseks eesmärgiks on teadvustada sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel, rakendamisel ning ana... more Artikli peamiseks eesmärgiks on teadvustada sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel, rakendamisel ning analüüsimisel olulist asjaolu: suur osa rahalistest toetustest ei jõua inimesteni, kellel on nende järele vajadus ning seadusega antud õigus. Selle peamiseks põhjuseks peetakse toetuste mitte-taotlemist. Artikkel vaatleb toetuste taotlemise protsessi-kuidas inimesed jõuavad taotlemiseni-ning administratsioonist, toetusskeemidest ja indiviidist endast tulenevaid mitte-taotlemise põhjuseid. Samuti tutvustatakse Euroopa heaoluriikide uurimistulemusi, mis näitavad üllatavalt madalaid toetuste taotlemise määrasid ning mõningaid strateegiaid, millega püütakse toetuste taotlemist soodustada. Lõpetuseks juhitakse tähelepanu sellele, et sotsiaalpoliitika efektiivsuse suurendamiseks ning ressursside sihipärasemaks kulutamiseks on ka Eestis tarvis toetuste taotlemist ning mitte-taotlemist arvesse võtta. Sissejuhatus Kaasaegsetes kapitalistlikes ühiskondades eeldatakse, et inimene saavutab oma materiaalse heaolu ja teised olulised ressursid tööturul oma tööjõudu müües. Paraku on inimeste elu täis sündmusi, mis oodatult või ootamatult nende tööturul osalemist piiravad või selle peatavad. Selleks, et inimesi dekommodifitseerida ehk vähendada nende sõltuvust tööturust, on loodud terve rida kindlustussüsteeme ning muid sotsiaalpoliitika meetmeid erinevate riskide puhuks, mil inimene ei ole võimeline endale sissetulekut tööturu kaudu tagama. Kui B.S. Rowntree 19. sajandil oma nägemuse vaesuse dünaamikast esitas, oli vaesus tugevalt seotud elukaare ning selle jooksul toimuvate tüüpiliste sündmustega (Leisering, Leibfried, 1999) ning seetõttu suhteliselt etteennustatav. Elukaarega seotud vaesus on praeguseks mõningate arvamuste kohaselt tänu sotsiaalkindlustusele kaotatud (Puide, 2001). Elustiilide individualiseerumine on loonud nö isiklikud ‚riski elulood', mis ei järgi varasemaid ühiskondlikke norme ja mustreid (Beck, Beck-Bernsheim, 2002). Kuna suur osa riske on ennustamatud, on keeruline universaalsete kindlustusskeemide ning toetustega kindlustada inimestele sissetulek igaks elujuhtumiks. Seetõttu on aina olulisemaks muutumas vajaduse korral makstavad miinimumsissetulekut kindlustavad toetused, mis on nö viimaseks turvavõrguks enne sügavasse vaesusesse langemist (Garcia, Kazepov, 2002). Kuigi kõigis heaoluriikides on vaesuse ärahoidmiseks ja leevendamiseks loodud hulgaliselt kindlustussüsteeme, toetusi ja teenuseid, elab siiski suhteliselt suur osa inimesi vaesuses ning alla toimetulekupiiri (Groenez, Nicaise, 2002). Vaesus säilib vaatamata heaoluriikide püüdlustele sotsiaalpoliitilisi meetmeid pide-Taotlemine ja mitte-taotlemine: kas sotsiaaltoetused jõuavad sihtrühmadeni? __________________________________________________________________________________________________Marre Karu-55-means-tested benefits, Avebury.

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men and on gender equality policies

Purpose Europe is experiencing a financial and economic crisis. This began with the 'credit c... more Purpose Europe is experiencing a financial and economic crisis. This began with the 'credit crunch'in the financial services sector and evolved as a sovereign debt crisis. Fiscal consolidation and austerity measures have been deployed in response to the crisis to reduce public deficits and debt. This crisis is still unfolding so that the analysis and findings of this report must remain a work in progress.

Research paper thumbnail of Estonia

The politics of parental leave policies

Research paper thumbnail of Eesti keele õppe ja tasemeeksami sooritamise motivatsioon

Research paper thumbnail of Parental Leave in Estonia: Does Familization of Fathers Lead to Defamilization of Mothers?

Nora Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, May 17, 2012

... by some researchers not to over-estimate the emancipatory impact of parental leave (eg Brunin... more ... by some researchers not to over-estimate the emancipatory impact of parental leave (eg Bruning & Plantenga 19997. Bruning, Gwennaële and ... Heymann, Jody; Earle, Alison & Hayes, Jeffrey (2007) The Work, Family, and Equity Index: How Does the United States Measure Up? ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Equality Index 2017: Methodological Report

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Equality Index 2017: Measuring gender equality in the European Union 2005-2015

Research paper thumbnail of Generous but unequal: the contradictions of parenting leaves in the Baltic States

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 9, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Lapsehoolduspuhkusel isad Eestis: esimesed sammud kahe leivateenija/kahe hoolitseja peremudeli suunas

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida ... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida Eesti ühiskonnas lapsehoolduse peresisest jagunemist meeste ja naiste vahel ning avada põhjuseid, miks liigub Eesti ühiskond kahe leivateenija/kahe hoolitseja peremudeli suunas väga aeglaselt. Ennekõike keskendutakse peremudeli ühele komponendile, hoolitsusele ning selle hoolitsuskohustuse peresisesele jagunemisele meeste ja naiste vahel. Väitekiri tugineb kolmele iseseisvale uurimusele, mis avab perekondade käitumist seoses lapsehoolduspuhkuse soolise jagunemisega erinevatest aspektidest. Uurimused näitavad, et Eestis on sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel soolise võrd¬õigus¬likkuse põhimõtete rakendamine takerdunud osalt minevikukoge¬muste, vananenud võrdõiguslikkuse ideoloogia ning isarolli hilise tunnustamise tõttu. Lapse eest hoolitsemine ei ole Eesti hegemoonilise maskuliinsuse osa, mehed ei tunneta, et neilt oodataks suuremat osalust lapsehoolduses ning kardavad sellise ebatüüpilise va...

Research paper thumbnail of In collaboration with

for women and men? European CommissionThis publication is supported under the European Community ... more for women and men? European CommissionThis publication is supported under the European Community programme for employment and social solidarity (2007–13) (Progress). This programme is managed by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission. It was established to financially support the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment and social affairs area, as set out in the social agenda, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Lisbon strategy goals in these fields. The seven-year programme targets all stakeholders who can help shape the development of appropriate and effective employment and social legislation and policies, across the EU-27, EFTA–EEA and EU candidate and pre-candidate countries. The mission of Progress is to strengthen the EU contribution in support of Member States ’ commitments and efforts to create more and better jobs and to build a more cohesive society. To that eff...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and Men and on Gender Equality Policies

This report was financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-Gene... more This report was financed by and prepared for the use of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice; Unit D2 'Equality between men and women', in the framework of a contract managed by the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) in partnership with Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IRS). It does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the European Commission or of the Directorate-General for Justice and nor is any person acting on their behalf responsible for the use that might be made of the information contained in this publication.

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers on parental leave: an analysis of rights and take-up in 29 countries

Community, Work & Family, 2017

ABSTRACT Using information published in 2014 annual review of the International Network on Leave ... more ABSTRACT Using information published in 2014 annual review of the International Network on Leave Policies and Research, the article analyses parental leave and benefit policies in 29 countries to identify which characteristics can potentially facilitate fathers’ take-up of parental leave. The scarce statistics that is available shows that only few countries have been successful in increasing fathers’ participation in the parental leaves, despite the fact that some recent policy schemes seem to have drawn lessons from the Nordic success. There are several countries which indeed have adopted principles similar to the Nordic countries in their leave schemes, such as fathers’ quota, generous income-related benefit or long duration of the leave. The evidence suggests that only taking over some elements of the successful policy schemes does not necessarily lead to a change in the leave-taking behaviour of fathers and families. The evidence shows reasonably high take-up of parental leave only in countries where there is a combination of fathers’ quota and high level of benefit. There is still no evidence to confirm that replicating the fathers’ quota in its Nordic designs other societies would generate similar behavioural change as it did in the Nordic countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Noorteseire aastaraamat 2011: Noored ja noorsootöö

Sissejuhatus 4.1. Noorsootöös osalemist motiveerivad põhjused 4.2. Huvitegevus 4.3. Noortekeskuse... more Sissejuhatus 4.1. Noorsootöös osalemist motiveerivad põhjused 4.2. Huvitegevus 4.3. Noortekeskused 4.4. Noorteühingud ja noorte osalemine 4.5. Noorteprojektid 4.6. Noortelaagrid 4.7. Õpilasmalev ja töölaagrid 4.8. Vabatahtlik tegevus 4.9. Noorsootöös osalemise tulemused Kokkuvõte Kasutatud kirjandus

Research paper thumbnail of Slow Steps towards Dual Earner/Dual Carer Family Model: Why Do Fathers Not Take Parental Leave

The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family mod... more The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family model and focuses on fathers' decision regarding taking their parental leave. Based on theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen, data from 20 qualitative interviews with fathers of small children are analysed to explore the beliefs fathers have when it comes to parental leave. The analysis distinguishes between two images of 'good parenting' that play a role in the fathers' intention to take parental leave. First, there is an image of an outcome-oriented 'project manager' aff ected by failure anxiety, and second, there is a much more relaxed image of a 'good parent' as a 'companion' who values everyday contact and a close relationship with the child(ren).

Research paper thumbnail of Estonia: halfway from the Soviet Union to the Nordic countries

The politics of parental leave policiesChildren, parenting, gender and the labour market, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Absence from work – Estonia

Absence from work has been a topical issue in Estonia due to changes in the health insurance bene... more Absence from work has been a topical issue in Estonia due to changes in the health insurance benefit system in the framework of the labour law reform on 1 July 2009. The negative and positive outcomes of reducing the financing of sick leave have been discussed. A reduction in employees’ productivity and increase in the level of occupational injuries and diseases is expected. However, it is also hoped to reduce absence from work without a reason.

Research paper thumbnail of Child Participation in Justice: Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Tilliga ja tillita ” – a low budget provocative culinary awareness campaign

The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or opinio... more The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission.

Research paper thumbnail of Taotlemine ja mitte-taotlemine: kas sotsiaaltoetused jõuavad sihtrühmadeni?

Artikli peamiseks eesmärgiks on teadvustada sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel, rakendamisel ning ana... more Artikli peamiseks eesmärgiks on teadvustada sotsiaalpoliitika kujundamisel, rakendamisel ning analüüsimisel olulist asjaolu: suur osa rahalistest toetustest ei jõua inimesteni, kellel on nende järele vajadus ning seadusega antud õigus. Selle peamiseks põhjuseks peetakse toetuste mitte-taotlemist. Artikkel vaatleb toetuste taotlemise protsessi-kuidas inimesed jõuavad taotlemiseni-ning administratsioonist, toetusskeemidest ja indiviidist endast tulenevaid mitte-taotlemise põhjuseid. Samuti tutvustatakse Euroopa heaoluriikide uurimistulemusi, mis näitavad üllatavalt madalaid toetuste taotlemise määrasid ning mõningaid strateegiaid, millega püütakse toetuste taotlemist soodustada. Lõpetuseks juhitakse tähelepanu sellele, et sotsiaalpoliitika efektiivsuse suurendamiseks ning ressursside sihipärasemaks kulutamiseks on ka Eestis tarvis toetuste taotlemist ning mitte-taotlemist arvesse võtta. Sissejuhatus Kaasaegsetes kapitalistlikes ühiskondades eeldatakse, et inimene saavutab oma materiaalse heaolu ja teised olulised ressursid tööturul oma tööjõudu müües. Paraku on inimeste elu täis sündmusi, mis oodatult või ootamatult nende tööturul osalemist piiravad või selle peatavad. Selleks, et inimesi dekommodifitseerida ehk vähendada nende sõltuvust tööturust, on loodud terve rida kindlustussüsteeme ning muid sotsiaalpoliitika meetmeid erinevate riskide puhuks, mil inimene ei ole võimeline endale sissetulekut tööturu kaudu tagama. Kui B.S. Rowntree 19. sajandil oma nägemuse vaesuse dünaamikast esitas, oli vaesus tugevalt seotud elukaare ning selle jooksul toimuvate tüüpiliste sündmustega (Leisering, Leibfried, 1999) ning seetõttu suhteliselt etteennustatav. Elukaarega seotud vaesus on praeguseks mõningate arvamuste kohaselt tänu sotsiaalkindlustusele kaotatud (Puide, 2001). Elustiilide individualiseerumine on loonud nö isiklikud ‚riski elulood', mis ei järgi varasemaid ühiskondlikke norme ja mustreid (Beck, Beck-Bernsheim, 2002). Kuna suur osa riske on ennustamatud, on keeruline universaalsete kindlustusskeemide ning toetustega kindlustada inimestele sissetulek igaks elujuhtumiks. Seetõttu on aina olulisemaks muutumas vajaduse korral makstavad miinimumsissetulekut kindlustavad toetused, mis on nö viimaseks turvavõrguks enne sügavasse vaesusesse langemist (Garcia, Kazepov, 2002). Kuigi kõigis heaoluriikides on vaesuse ärahoidmiseks ja leevendamiseks loodud hulgaliselt kindlustussüsteeme, toetusi ja teenuseid, elab siiski suhteliselt suur osa inimesi vaesuses ning alla toimetulekupiiri (Groenez, Nicaise, 2002). Vaesus säilib vaatamata heaoluriikide püüdlustele sotsiaalpoliitilisi meetmeid pide-Taotlemine ja mitte-taotlemine: kas sotsiaaltoetused jõuavad sihtrühmadeni? __________________________________________________________________________________________________Marre Karu-55-means-tested benefits, Avebury.

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men and on gender equality policies

Purpose Europe is experiencing a financial and economic crisis. This began with the 'credit c... more Purpose Europe is experiencing a financial and economic crisis. This began with the 'credit crunch'in the financial services sector and evolved as a sovereign debt crisis. Fiscal consolidation and austerity measures have been deployed in response to the crisis to reduce public deficits and debt. This crisis is still unfolding so that the analysis and findings of this report must remain a work in progress.

Research paper thumbnail of Estonia

The politics of parental leave policies

Research paper thumbnail of Eesti keele õppe ja tasemeeksami sooritamise motivatsioon

Research paper thumbnail of Parental Leave in Estonia: Does Familization of Fathers Lead to Defamilization of Mothers?

Nora Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, May 17, 2012

... by some researchers not to over-estimate the emancipatory impact of parental leave (eg Brunin... more ... by some researchers not to over-estimate the emancipatory impact of parental leave (eg Bruning & Plantenga 19997. Bruning, Gwennaële and ... Heymann, Jody; Earle, Alison & Hayes, Jeffrey (2007) The Work, Family, and Equity Index: How Does the United States Measure Up? ...

Research paper thumbnail of Fathers and parental leave: slow steps towards dual earner/dual carer family model in Estonia

Research paper thumbnail of Slow Steps towards Dual Earner/Dual Carer Family Model: Why Do Fathers Not Take Parental Leave

The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family mod... more The article looks at the transition of Estonian society towards dual earner/dual carer family model and focuses on fathers' decision regarding taking their parental leave. Based on theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen, data from 20 qualitative interviews with fathers of small children are analysed to explore the beliefs fathers have when it comes to parental leave. The analysis distinguishes between two images of 'good parenting' that play a role in the fathers' intention to take parental leave. First, there is an image of an outcome-oriented 'project manager' aff ected by failure anxiety, and second, there is a much more relaxed image of a 'good parent' as a 'companion' who values everyday contact and a close relationship with the child(ren).