Milan Marinković - (original) (raw)
Papers by Milan Marinković
The quality of road infrastructure largely depends on the quality of road construction and adequa... more The quality of road infrastructure largely depends on the quality of road construction and adequate construction machinery. In order to reduce uncertainties and improve the performance of road infrastructure, it is necessary to apply modern and appropriate construction machinery. The aim of this study was to create a novel integrated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for the selection of pavers for the middle category of roads. A total of 16 criteria were defined and then divided into four main groups, on the basis of which the performance of 12 pavers was evaluated. Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (IMF SWARA) with D numbers (IMF D-SWARA) was extended to determine the significance of the criteria for the selection of construction machinery based on two groups of experts. Rough measurement of choices and their ranking as a compromise solution (R-MARCOS) was used to evaluate and rank the performance of construction machinery. The results show that th...
У докторској дисертацији су приказана испитивања мјешавина за хладне рециклаже на лицу мјеста гдј... more У докторској дисертацији су приказана испитивања мјешавина за хладне рециклаже на лицу мјеста гдје се користи постојећи материјал. У досадашњим истраживањима највише су коришћени цемент, битуменска емулзија и пјенушави битумен. У овим истраживањима су коришћени цемент и битуменска емулзија а поред њих и летећи пепео, зеолит, згура и бакелит. Укупно је испитивано 7 мјешавина. Испитивања су урађена према Виртген упутству за хладне рециклаже. Испитиване су индиректне затезне чвртоће и динамички модули еластичности након 7 и 28 дана за суве узорке, након 28 дана за водом засићене узорке и за узорке изложене дејству мраза.U doktorskoj disertaciji su prikazana ispitivanja mješavina za hladne reciklaže na licu mjesta gdje se koristi postojeći materijal. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima najviše su korišćeni cement, bitumenska emulzija i pjenušavi bitumen. U ovim istraživanjima su korišćeni cement i bitumenska emulzija a pored njih i leteći pepeo, zeolit, zgura i bakelit. Ukupno je ispitivano 7 ...
The construction industry, as one of the most complex sectors, depends on using wasted and recycl... more The construction industry, as one of the most complex sectors, depends on using wasted and recycled materials, timely decision-making, and adequate execution of all activities in supply chains. This paper presents tests of mixtures for cold in-place recycling where existing material is used. In this research, we used cement and bitumen emulsion as well as fly ash, zeolite, slag, and Bakelite. A total of seven mixtures were tested in order to increase sustainability. It was tested the indirect tensile strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity after seven and 28 days for dry specimens, after 28 days for water-saturated specimens and for specimens exposed to frost. After completing the tests using the MEREC (MEthod based on the Removal Effects of Criteria) and CoCoSo (Combined Compromise Solution) multi-criteria model, mixtures were evaluated and ranked in terms of mechanical properties, price, and environmental protection. Considering the ranking of mixtures using the CoCoSo method, ...
Symmetry, 2019
Sustainable development is one of the most important preconditions for preserving resources and b... more Sustainable development is one of the most important preconditions for preserving resources and balanced functioning of a complete supply chain in different areas. Taking into account the complexity of sustainable development and a supply chain, different decisions have to be made day-to-day, requiring the consideration of different parameters. One of the most important decisions in a sustainable supply chain is the selection of a sustainable supplier and, often the applied methodology is multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). In this paper, a new hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting suppliers in a sustainable supply chain for a construction company has been developed. The evaluation and selection of suppliers have been carried out on the basis of 21 criteria that belong to all aspects of sustainability. The determination of the weight values of criteria has been performed applying the full consistency method (FUCOM), while a new rough complex proportional assessment (COPR...
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2017
Put i saobraćaj, May 11, 2018
Stručni rad Sažetak: Pojam predvidljivih puteva podrazumijeva kategorizaciju puteva i očekivanja ... more Stručni rad Sažetak: Pojam predvidljivih puteva podrazumijeva kategorizaciju puteva i očekivanja od učesnika u saobraćaju na osnovu primijenjenih elemenata. Cilj uvođenja elemenata predvidljivih puteva jeste povećanje bezbjednosti. Rezultati različitih studija su pokazali uticaj postojanja i dimenzija pojedinih elemenata puta na broj saobraćajnih nezgoda. U radu su prikazani elementi koncepta predvidljivih puteva i uticaj svakog od njih na bezbjednost. Zbog težnje ka povećanju stepena bezbjednosti u toku prethodnih godina je počelo primjenjivanje pojedinih elemenata koncepta predvidljivih puteva u Novom Sadu i u radu su prikazani određeni primjeri.
Milan Marinković 1 Tiana Milović 2 Bojan Matić 3 UDK: 665.775.4 DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.... more Milan Marinković 1 Tiana Milović 2 Bojan Matić 3 UDK: 665.775.4 DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.051 Summary: The use of warm mix asphalt (WMA) instead of hot mix asphalt (HMA) is more environmentally friendly. Developed WMA technologies allow to reduce the mixing and compaction temperatures by 20-40°C. One of them is asphalt foaming technology which provides a foaming effect in mixing phase by use of water-containing additives such as zeolites. Zeolite improves the performances of bitumen and asphalt mixtures. Adding zeolite, especially synthetic, reduces permanent deformation in the asphalt.
Asphalt production plants play an important role in the field of civil engineering, but also in t... more Asphalt production plants play an important role in the field of civil engineering, but also in the entire economic system since the construction of roads enables uninterrupted functioning within it. In this paper, the ranking of asphalt production plants on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has been performed. The modern economy needs contemporary models and methods to solve complicated MCDM problems and, for these purposes, it has been developed an original Interval Rough Number (IRN) Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model that implies an extension of two methods belonging to the field with interval rough numbers. After forming a list of eight most significant criteria for assessing the efficiency of asphalt production plants, the Interval Rough Number PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (IRN PIPRECIA) method was developed to determine the significance of the criteria. A total of 21 locations with asphalt mixture installation were consid...
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Структуру саобраћајног тока чине различите врсте возила. Податак који се узима у поступку прорачу... more Структуру саобраћајног тока чине различите врсте возила. Податак који се узима у поступку прорачуна коловозне конструкције, а који указује на врсте возила, назива се ПГДС. ПГДС је просјечан годишњи дневни саобраћај. Иста вриједност ПГДС може да има различиту структуру која се огледа у различитом проценту одређених врста возила. За прорачун саобраћајног оптерећења према стандарду СРПС У.Ц4.010 важно је познавати стопу промјене броја тешких теретних возила. Просјечна стопа промјене броја тешких теретних возила се користи приликом прорачуна мјеродавног оптерећења. Број путничких аутомобила не узимамо у прорачун. Анализа промјене броја тешких теретних возила је извршена за државне путеве на територији Србије на којима се броји саобраћај. У раду је приказан преглед начина бројања саобраћаја на државним путевима. Анализиран је просјечни проценат промјене броја тешких теретних возила у периоду од 2014. године до 2017. године.
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Motorization rate is defined in two ways. The first definition says that the degree of motorizati... more Motorization rate is defined in two ways. The first definition says that the degree of motorization is the number of inhabitants per passenger car while the second definition represents motorization rate as the number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants. As absolute saturation limit, 500 passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants are taken. This paper analyzes motorization rate for local government units in the territory of Serbia, Republic of Srpska, Federation of BiH and Montenegro. The number of inhabitants and the number of registered passenger cars were collected. In addition, the analysis was done for countries and entities. Also, the data has been collected for Northern Macedonia as a state. A comparison of the results obtained with other European and individual world countries for 2017 was made.
The quality of road infrastructure largely depends on the quality of road construction and adequa... more The quality of road infrastructure largely depends on the quality of road construction and adequate construction machinery. In order to reduce uncertainties and improve the performance of road infrastructure, it is necessary to apply modern and appropriate construction machinery. The aim of this study was to create a novel integrated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for the selection of pavers for the middle category of roads. A total of 16 criteria were defined and then divided into four main groups, on the basis of which the performance of 12 pavers was evaluated. Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (IMF SWARA) with D numbers (IMF D-SWARA) was extended to determine the significance of the criteria for the selection of construction machinery based on two groups of experts. Rough measurement of choices and their ranking as a compromise solution (R-MARCOS) was used to evaluate and rank the performance of construction machinery. The results show that th...
У докторској дисертацији су приказана испитивања мјешавина за хладне рециклаже на лицу мјеста гдј... more У докторској дисертацији су приказана испитивања мјешавина за хладне рециклаже на лицу мјеста гдје се користи постојећи материјал. У досадашњим истраживањима највише су коришћени цемент, битуменска емулзија и пјенушави битумен. У овим истраживањима су коришћени цемент и битуменска емулзија а поред њих и летећи пепео, зеолит, згура и бакелит. Укупно је испитивано 7 мјешавина. Испитивања су урађена према Виртген упутству за хладне рециклаже. Испитиване су индиректне затезне чвртоће и динамички модули еластичности након 7 и 28 дана за суве узорке, након 28 дана за водом засићене узорке и за узорке изложене дејству мраза.U doktorskoj disertaciji su prikazana ispitivanja mješavina za hladne reciklaže na licu mjesta gdje se koristi postojeći materijal. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima najviše su korišćeni cement, bitumenska emulzija i pjenušavi bitumen. U ovim istraživanjima su korišćeni cement i bitumenska emulzija a pored njih i leteći pepeo, zeolit, zgura i bakelit. Ukupno je ispitivano 7 ...
The construction industry, as one of the most complex sectors, depends on using wasted and recycl... more The construction industry, as one of the most complex sectors, depends on using wasted and recycled materials, timely decision-making, and adequate execution of all activities in supply chains. This paper presents tests of mixtures for cold in-place recycling where existing material is used. In this research, we used cement and bitumen emulsion as well as fly ash, zeolite, slag, and Bakelite. A total of seven mixtures were tested in order to increase sustainability. It was tested the indirect tensile strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity after seven and 28 days for dry specimens, after 28 days for water-saturated specimens and for specimens exposed to frost. After completing the tests using the MEREC (MEthod based on the Removal Effects of Criteria) and CoCoSo (Combined Compromise Solution) multi-criteria model, mixtures were evaluated and ranked in terms of mechanical properties, price, and environmental protection. Considering the ranking of mixtures using the CoCoSo method, ...
Symmetry, 2019
Sustainable development is one of the most important preconditions for preserving resources and b... more Sustainable development is one of the most important preconditions for preserving resources and balanced functioning of a complete supply chain in different areas. Taking into account the complexity of sustainable development and a supply chain, different decisions have to be made day-to-day, requiring the consideration of different parameters. One of the most important decisions in a sustainable supply chain is the selection of a sustainable supplier and, often the applied methodology is multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). In this paper, a new hybrid MCDM model for evaluating and selecting suppliers in a sustainable supply chain for a construction company has been developed. The evaluation and selection of suppliers have been carried out on the basis of 21 criteria that belong to all aspects of sustainability. The determination of the weight values of criteria has been performed applying the full consistency method (FUCOM), while a new rough complex proportional assessment (COPR...
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2017
Put i saobraćaj, May 11, 2018
Stručni rad Sažetak: Pojam predvidljivih puteva podrazumijeva kategorizaciju puteva i očekivanja ... more Stručni rad Sažetak: Pojam predvidljivih puteva podrazumijeva kategorizaciju puteva i očekivanja od učesnika u saobraćaju na osnovu primijenjenih elemenata. Cilj uvođenja elemenata predvidljivih puteva jeste povećanje bezbjednosti. Rezultati različitih studija su pokazali uticaj postojanja i dimenzija pojedinih elemenata puta na broj saobraćajnih nezgoda. U radu su prikazani elementi koncepta predvidljivih puteva i uticaj svakog od njih na bezbjednost. Zbog težnje ka povećanju stepena bezbjednosti u toku prethodnih godina je počelo primjenjivanje pojedinih elemenata koncepta predvidljivih puteva u Novom Sadu i u radu su prikazani određeni primjeri.
Milan Marinković 1 Tiana Milović 2 Bojan Matić 3 UDK: 665.775.4 DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.... more Milan Marinković 1 Tiana Milović 2 Bojan Matić 3 UDK: 665.775.4 DOI:10.14415/konferencijaGFS2017.051 Summary: The use of warm mix asphalt (WMA) instead of hot mix asphalt (HMA) is more environmentally friendly. Developed WMA technologies allow to reduce the mixing and compaction temperatures by 20-40°C. One of them is asphalt foaming technology which provides a foaming effect in mixing phase by use of water-containing additives such as zeolites. Zeolite improves the performances of bitumen and asphalt mixtures. Adding zeolite, especially synthetic, reduces permanent deformation in the asphalt.
Asphalt production plants play an important role in the field of civil engineering, but also in t... more Asphalt production plants play an important role in the field of civil engineering, but also in the entire economic system since the construction of roads enables uninterrupted functioning within it. In this paper, the ranking of asphalt production plants on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has been performed. The modern economy needs contemporary models and methods to solve complicated MCDM problems and, for these purposes, it has been developed an original Interval Rough Number (IRN) Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model that implies an extension of two methods belonging to the field with interval rough numbers. After forming a list of eight most significant criteria for assessing the efficiency of asphalt production plants, the Interval Rough Number PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (IRN PIPRECIA) method was developed to determine the significance of the criteria. A total of 21 locations with asphalt mixture installation were consid...
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Структуру саобраћајног тока чине различите врсте возила. Податак који се узима у поступку прорачу... more Структуру саобраћајног тока чине различите врсте возила. Податак који се узима у поступку прорачуна коловозне конструкције, а који указује на врсте возила, назива се ПГДС. ПГДС је просјечан годишњи дневни саобраћај. Иста вриједност ПГДС може да има различиту структуру која се огледа у различитом проценту одређених врста возила. За прорачун саобраћајног оптерећења према стандарду СРПС У.Ц4.010 важно је познавати стопу промјене броја тешких теретних возила. Просјечна стопа промјене броја тешких теретних возила се користи приликом прорачуна мјеродавног оптерећења. Број путничких аутомобила не узимамо у прорачун. Анализа промјене броја тешких теретних возила је извршена за државне путеве на територији Србије на којима се броји саобраћај. У раду је приказан преглед начина бројања саобраћаја на државним путевима. Анализиран је просјечни проценат промјене броја тешких теретних возила у периоду од 2014. године до 2017. године.
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Motorization rate is defined in two ways. The first definition says that the degree of motorizati... more Motorization rate is defined in two ways. The first definition says that the degree of motorization is the number of inhabitants per passenger car while the second definition represents motorization rate as the number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants. As absolute saturation limit, 500 passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants are taken. This paper analyzes motorization rate for local government units in the territory of Serbia, Republic of Srpska, Federation of BiH and Montenegro. The number of inhabitants and the number of registered passenger cars were collected. In addition, the analysis was done for countries and entities. Also, the data has been collected for Northern Macedonia as a state. A comparison of the results obtained with other European and individual world countries for 2017 was made.