Marcelo Mazzolli - (original) (raw)

Papers by Marcelo Mazzolli

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Sustainability of Highly Vulnerable Countries under Climate Change

Journal of Sustainable Development, Jun 29, 2012

It is not known whether impacts of climate change may grow so intense as to threaten permanently ... more It is not known whether impacts of climate change may grow so intense as to threaten permanently the economic sustainability of countries. In this article, the mid-term impact of climate change was modeled for countries ranked amongst the most vulnerable to climate change. The Gross National Income (GNI) growth rates of three countries highly vulnerable to climate change (Pakistan, Somalia and Burkina Faso) were compared with expected economic losses from disasters, using a dataset that spanned from 1980 to 2010. It was found, in average, that GNI have doubled each decade, while economic losses to disaster have doubled every three decades. The results suggest that the impact is likely to be smaller in the future than it is now, as long as growth rates of both GNI and climate-related losses are maintained. Given the current scenario, localized regions and economies are the ones that seem to be most likely to be affected by climate change.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocorrência de Puma concolor (Linnaeus) (Felidae, Carnivora) em áreas de vegetação remanescente de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, 1993

ABSTRACf. PRESENCEOFPUMACONCOLOR (LINNAEUS) (FELIDAE, CARNIVORA) ON REMNANT HABITATS lN SANTA CAT... more ABSTRACf. PRESENCEOFPUMACONCOLOR (LINNAEUS) (FELIDAE, CARNIVORA) ON REMNANT HABITATS lN SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL. Several reports on puma (Puma concolor) have been made in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil, most of them in remnant original habitats above 800 meters. These records show a thight relationship between the puma with altitude and mainly with habitat quality. The eastern boundary of the puma range is set by the mountain chains of Serra do Mar and Se rra Geral. The definite implementation of National Parks and Reserves, studies of movements, and polimorfism analyses are suggested, in order to provide protected habitats and assure the genetic now amongst puma populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Mosaics of Exotic Forest Plantations and Native Forests as Habitat of Pumas

Environmental Management, Jul 28, 2010

There is a general lack of information on the impact of forest plantations and presence of urban ... more There is a general lack of information on the impact of forest plantations and presence of urban settlements on populations of resource-demanding species such as large felids. To partially address this problem, a project study was conducted to find out whether mosaics of forest plantations and native vegetation can function as adequate habitat for pumas Puma concolor in southern Brazil. The study was conducted within a 1,255 km 2 area, managed for planted stands of Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp. Individual identification of pumas was carried out using a combination of track-matching analysis (discriminant analysis) and camera-trapping. Both techniques recorded very similar number of individual pumas, either total (9-10 individuals) or resident (5-6 individuals). A new approach, developed during this study, was used to individualize pumas by their markings around the muzzle. Estimated density varied from 6.2 to 6.9 individuals per 100 km 2 , ranking amongst the highest across the puma entire range, and a potential total population of up to 87 individuals in the study site. In spite of the availability of extensive areas without human disturbance, a radio-tracked female used a core home range that included forest plantations, an urbanized village, and a two-lane paved road with regular vehicular traffic. These high density of pumas and the specie's intensive use of modified landscapes are interpreted here as derived from conditions rarely found near human settlements: mutual tolerance by pumas and humans, and adequate habitat (regardless of plantations) largely due to inhibition of invasions and hunting. More widely, it suggests the potential of careful management in forestry operations to provide habitat conditions for resourcedemanding species such as the puma. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of curbing invasions and hunting for the maintainance of healthy wildlife populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Mountain Lion Puma concolor attacks on a maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus and a domestic dog in a forestry system

How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

Research paper thumbnail of Hábito alimentar e interferência antrópica na atividade de marcação territorial do Puma concolor e Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora: Felidae) e outros carnívoros na Estação Ecológica de Juréia-Itatins, São Paulo, Brasil

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Sep 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple methods increase detection of large and medium-sized mammals: working with volunteers in south-eastern Oman

Oryx, May 6, 2016

We compared the effectiveness of various methods for surveying medium and large wild mammals in s... more We compared the effectiveness of various methods for surveying medium and large wild mammals in southern Oman. Working with volunteers recruited by Biosphere Expeditions, wildlife professionals and local rangers, we used direct observation, camera traps, sign surveys (tracks and/or dung) and molecular scatology to study  sampling units of  ×  km (grid cells) in an area of  ×  km during a -week period in February-March . Sixteen mammal species were recorded, and the largest numbers of species were recorded by sign surveys and camera traps (both n = ); sign surveys, direct sightings and DNA scatology recorded species across the largest number of grid cells. For species with a sample size large enough for comparison (i.e. detected in $  grid cells), DNA scatology proved most effective for detecting caracal Caracal caracal, signs for hyaena Hyaena hyaena, ibex Capra nubiana, porcupine Hystrix indica and hyrax Procavia capensis, and signs and direct sightings for mountain gazelle Gazella gazella. Clustering, in which records from multiple methods are either adjacent or overlapping, was highest ($ %) for the wolf Canis lupus, porcupine, ibex and gazelle. Our results indicate the best methods to detect and record the distributions of individual species in the study area, and demonstrate the advantage of using multiple methods to reduce the risk of false absences or partial detections. Our findings also highlight the potential of clustering as a means of cross-checking results of observations that are skill-dependent, which is particularly useful when employing a large workforce.

Research paper thumbnail of Persistência e riqueza de mamíferos focais em sistemas agropecuários no planalto meridional brasileiro

Fernandes, também da FATMA, gentilmente cederam cartas topográficas digitais da área de estudo. J... more Fernandes, também da FATMA, gentilmente cederam cartas topográficas digitais da área de estudo. Jorge Luiz Fernandes cordialmente classificou a vegetação de uma imagem de satélite do município de Otacílio Costa. Luiz Pimenta e Ricardo B. Alves da Silva (Titi) auxiliaram com várias dicas nas etapas de georeferenciamento de imagens de satélite e uso de aplicativos para descrição da paisagem. Agradeço a hospitalidade de Estelamaris Agostini e de Rosiléia M. de Quadros, professoras da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), e todos os professores e alunos com os quais convivi durante o projeto. A UNIPLAC serviu como minha base de apoio, ensino, e pesquisa na região de estudo e por isto sou grato. Percebi durante esta vivência que estudantes avançados de pós-graduação com bolsa oriunda de recursos públicos deveriam ser incentivados a lecionar um número máximo de horas remuneradas, dentro de sua área de atuação, em locais distantes dos grandes centros de conhecimento, em detrimento ao que atualmente é determinado. Esta seria uma forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento regional, e também uma forma de inserir o estudante na vida profissional prática.

Research paper thumbnail of Natural recolonization and suburban presence of pumas (Puma concolor) in Brazil

Journal of ecology and the natural environment, Nov 30, 2012

The puma (Puma concolor, Carnivora: Felidae), extinct from considerable extensions of its former ... more The puma (Puma concolor, Carnivora: Felidae), extinct from considerable extensions of its former distribution, is considered threatened in south, southeast and northeast Brazil. Areas in the south and southeast have only recently been recolonized by the species, following decrease in logging activities after depletion of the Atlantic rainforest in the 1960s, and measures implemented since 1993 to protect this ecosystem. Data on recovery of puma populations was obtained from field observations based on the onset of depredation on sheep flocks in 1988, and also from the presence and growing number of records of pumas in urban and suburban areas since 2004. Logging bans caused a rural exodus since and also a 15 fold drop in the deforestation rate, creating conditions for a partial recovery of wildlife. Thirty-five records of puma were compiled demonstrating the historical presence of the species in the area prior to its temporary absence. Recent records included twenty-four cases in urban and suburban areas, and eleven of current breeding populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Loss of historical range of jaguars in southern Brazil

Biodiversity and Conservation, Dec 16, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade de ambiente para a onça-pintada, puma e jaguatirica na Baía de Guaratuba, Estado do Paraná, utilizando os aplicativos Capture e Presence

Biotemas, Sep 30, 2008

Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul... more Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil, em 2006. Parâmetros calculados a partir de amostragem de vestígios e armadilhas-fotográ¿ cas foram riqueza de espécies de mamíferos (>1kg) e proporção de área ocupada (PAO) por onça-pintada, puma, e oportunisticamente, por jaguatirica. Oito quadrantes de 4km 2 foram amostrados, em uma área de 130km 2 , resultando em uma estimativa de 14 espécies de mamíferos (CI(N) =14 a 14, CAPTURE). PAO resultou em 25% para puma, e 100% tanto para a onça-pintada como para a jaguatirica. Argumenta-se que o esperado seria uma probabilidade de captura da onça-pintada similar a do puma, já que ambos deixam sinais em trilhas abertas quando presentes. O resultado de PAO para a onça-pintada é, portanto, considerado um artefato derivado de uma baixa ¿ delidade espacial e/ou baixa densidade, mais do que um produto da baixa detectabilidade da espécie. Esta conjectura é substanciada pela reduzida presença de importantes espécies-presa. Os resultados não diminuem a importância da área para a conservação da onça-pintada, ao invés disto, estas observações objetivamente identi¿ cam a necessidade de restabelecimento de populações de espécies-presa na área.

Research paper thumbnail of Mordida fatal de puma (Carnivora, Felidae) interpretado por fraturas no crânio da presa

Neotropical Biology and Conservation, Jan 16, 2013

Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as b... more Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as being delivered either to the throat, nape of the neck and base of skull. Detailed anatomic descriptions of it are, however, largely absent in literature. In this article, the biting behaviour of a puma while attacking a peccary is described based on the perforations found on the skull of the prey. An observer looking at the prey-predator struggle would mistakenly conclude that the bite was meant to reach the throat region with the intent of suffocation, when in fact the bite reached and damaged the ventral and posterior region of the skull, and the spinal cord. According with the most likely hypothesis derived from matching a puma skull with that of the collared-peccary, the predator grasped it with its forepaws from behind, and bit at the upper throat region while the peccary held its head back exposing the throat region, allowing the upper canines to reach and damage the occipital bone and auditory bulla. Although there are no marks on the vertebrae, the evidence from the skull match indicate that the penetration of the upper canines into the skull allowed the top incisors to reach exactly where the atlas vertebrae and the occipital condyle connect. The lower canines held the upper part of the cranium, puncturing slightly at the postorbital process. The unusual behaviour of biting the skull from below may be partially due to the presence of an extended nuchal crest in collared-peccaries, which prevent predators to reach the spinal cord from above.

Research paper thumbnail of Analise critica de estudos da mastofauna em projetos de aproveitamentos hidreletricos no Planalto Catarinense, Brasil

Natureza & Conservacao, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Registro recente, redução de distribuição e atuais ameaças ao veado-campeiro Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Mammalia, Cervidae) no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Biotemas, Aug 11, 2011

Os campos naturais localizados na microrregião de Lages são o hábitat natural do veado-campeiro, ... more Os campos naturais localizados na microrregião de Lages são o hábitat natural do veado-campeiro, e a localidade de Coxilha Rica, conhecida por seus campos limpos, o seu maior refúgio no Estado de Santa Catarina. Registros recentes e inéditos de veado-campeiro neste Estado são aqui publicados pela primeira vez, bem como evidências de redução de sua distribuição histórica nesta região. Em um ambiente campestre crescentemente invadido por plantios de espécies exóticas, parcelamento da terra, e queima dos campos, o manejo adequado dos locais onde o veado-campeiro ainda persiste pode ser decisivo para a continuidade de suas populações remanescentes.

Research paper thumbnail of Arabian Leopard, Panthera pardus nimr, status and habitat assessment in northwest Dhofar, Oman

Zoology in The Middle East, 2009

The Arabian Leopard Panthera pardus nimr is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN and pu... more The Arabian Leopard Panthera pardus nimr is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN and
published information about this subspecies is scarce. We assessed the status of the species on the border of one of the most important remnants of its current range, the Dhofar mountain range. In this border area, the relative abundance of leopards (0.067 scats per kilometre) was found to be seven times lower than that reported from prime habitat areas in Dhofar. This result suggests that the leopard occurs in this border area in low numbers or uses it only intermittently. This is compatible with expected sub-optimal conditions found along the borders of the species’ ranges. Furthermore, herders have reported that leopards used to be encoun￾tered more frequently in earlier times, which is also supportive evidence of higher vulnerability of this big cat along the edge of its distribution area. However, the habitat of the study area was found to be in relatively good condition, harbouring the leopard’s main prey species and a number of regionally threatened large mammalian fauna, including the Nubian Ibex Capra nubiana, Arabian Gazelle Gazella gazella, Rock Hyrax
Procavia capensis, Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena sultana, Caracal Caracal caracal schmitzi and Arabian
Wolf Canis lupus arabs. Causes of the leopard decline in the area remain unclear, but given the availability
of prey it is possible that human interference may have led to the retraction of the leopard’s range.

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental quality for jaguar, puma and ocelot in Guaratuba Bay, State of Paraná, using the programs Capture and Presence

Biotemas, Jun 1, 2008

Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul... more Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil, em 2006. Parâmetros calculados a partir de amostragem de vestígios e armadilhas-fotográfi cas foram riqueza de espécies de mamíferos (>1kg) e proporção de área ocupada (PAO) por onça-pintada, puma, e oportunisticamente, por jaguatirica. Oito quadrantes de 4km 2 foram amostrados, em uma área de 130km 2 , resultando em uma estimativa de 14 espécies de mamíferos (CI(N) =14 a 14, CAPTURE). PAO resultou em 25% para puma, e 100% tanto para a onça-pintada como para a jaguatirica. Argumenta-se que o esperado seria uma probabilidade de captura da onça-pintada similar a do puma, já que ambos deixam sinais em trilhas abertas quando presentes. O resultado de PAO para a onça-pintada é, portanto, considerado um artefato derivado de uma baixa fi delidade espacial e/ou baixa densidade, mais do que um produto da baixa detectabilidade da espécie. Esta conjectura é substanciada pela reduzida presença de importantes espécies-presa. Os resultados não diminuem a importância da área para a conservação da onça-pintada, ao invés disto, estas observações objetivamente identifi cam a necessidade de restabelecimento de populações de espécies-presa na área.

Research paper thumbnail of Reacción de comunidades rurales de la cordillera occidental de Perú en interacciones con el puma (Puma concolor), con y sin pérdida de animales domésticos

Revista Peruana de Biología, Dec 15, 2019

Marcos. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creat... more Marcos. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.(, que permite el uso no comercial, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada. Para uso comercial, por favor póngase en contacto con

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of habitat use by the mountain lion (puma concolor) and kodkod (oncifelis guigna) in the southern neotropics with implications for the assessment of their vulnerability status

The material contained within this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree at the U... more The material contained within this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree at the University of Durham or any other university. The research reported within this thesis has been conducted by the author unless indicated otherwise.

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat use activity and diet of the Kodkod (Oncifelis guigna) in the Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael, XI region, Chile

Research paper thumbnail of Mountain Lion Puma concolor attacks on a maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus and a domestic dog in a forestry system

Mastozool. neotrop, 2009

How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

Research paper thumbnail of Lethal biting behaviour of pumas (Carnivora, Felidae) interpreted from fractured skull of prey Mordida fatal de puma (Carnivora, Felidae) interpretado por fraturas no crânio da presa

Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as b... more Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as being delivered either to the throat, nape of the neck and base of skull. Detailed anatomic descriptions of it are, however, largely absent in literature. In this article, the biting behaviour of a puma while attacking a peccary is described based on the perforations found on the skull of the prey. An observer looking at the prey-predator struggle would mistakenly conclude that the bite was meant to reach the throat region with the intent of suffocation, when in fact the bite reached and damaged the ventral and posterior region of the skull, and the spinal cord. According with the most likely hypothesis derived from matching a puma skull with that of the collared-peccary, the predator grasped it with its forepaws from behind, and bit at the upper throat region while the peccary held its head back exposing the throat region, allowing the upper canines to reach and damage the occipital bone and auditory bulla. Although there are no marks on the vertebrae, the evidence from the skull match indicate that the penetration of the upper canines into the skull allowed the top incisors to reach exactly where the atlas vertebrae and the occipital condyle connect. The lower canines held the upper part of the cranium, puncturing slightly at the postorbital process. The unusual behaviour of biting the skull from below may be partially due to the presence of an extended nuchal crest in collared-peccaries, which prevent predators to reach the spinal cord from above.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Sustainability of Highly Vulnerable Countries under Climate Change

Journal of Sustainable Development, Jun 29, 2012

It is not known whether impacts of climate change may grow so intense as to threaten permanently ... more It is not known whether impacts of climate change may grow so intense as to threaten permanently the economic sustainability of countries. In this article, the mid-term impact of climate change was modeled for countries ranked amongst the most vulnerable to climate change. The Gross National Income (GNI) growth rates of three countries highly vulnerable to climate change (Pakistan, Somalia and Burkina Faso) were compared with expected economic losses from disasters, using a dataset that spanned from 1980 to 2010. It was found, in average, that GNI have doubled each decade, while economic losses to disaster have doubled every three decades. The results suggest that the impact is likely to be smaller in the future than it is now, as long as growth rates of both GNI and climate-related losses are maintained. Given the current scenario, localized regions and economies are the ones that seem to be most likely to be affected by climate change.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocorrência de Puma concolor (Linnaeus) (Felidae, Carnivora) em áreas de vegetação remanescente de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, 1993

ABSTRACf. PRESENCEOFPUMACONCOLOR (LINNAEUS) (FELIDAE, CARNIVORA) ON REMNANT HABITATS lN SANTA CAT... more ABSTRACf. PRESENCEOFPUMACONCOLOR (LINNAEUS) (FELIDAE, CARNIVORA) ON REMNANT HABITATS lN SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL. Several reports on puma (Puma concolor) have been made in the State of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil, most of them in remnant original habitats above 800 meters. These records show a thight relationship between the puma with altitude and mainly with habitat quality. The eastern boundary of the puma range is set by the mountain chains of Serra do Mar and Se rra Geral. The definite implementation of National Parks and Reserves, studies of movements, and polimorfism analyses are suggested, in order to provide protected habitats and assure the genetic now amongst puma populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Mosaics of Exotic Forest Plantations and Native Forests as Habitat of Pumas

Environmental Management, Jul 28, 2010

There is a general lack of information on the impact of forest plantations and presence of urban ... more There is a general lack of information on the impact of forest plantations and presence of urban settlements on populations of resource-demanding species such as large felids. To partially address this problem, a project study was conducted to find out whether mosaics of forest plantations and native vegetation can function as adequate habitat for pumas Puma concolor in southern Brazil. The study was conducted within a 1,255 km 2 area, managed for planted stands of Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp. Individual identification of pumas was carried out using a combination of track-matching analysis (discriminant analysis) and camera-trapping. Both techniques recorded very similar number of individual pumas, either total (9-10 individuals) or resident (5-6 individuals). A new approach, developed during this study, was used to individualize pumas by their markings around the muzzle. Estimated density varied from 6.2 to 6.9 individuals per 100 km 2 , ranking amongst the highest across the puma entire range, and a potential total population of up to 87 individuals in the study site. In spite of the availability of extensive areas without human disturbance, a radio-tracked female used a core home range that included forest plantations, an urbanized village, and a two-lane paved road with regular vehicular traffic. These high density of pumas and the specie's intensive use of modified landscapes are interpreted here as derived from conditions rarely found near human settlements: mutual tolerance by pumas and humans, and adequate habitat (regardless of plantations) largely due to inhibition of invasions and hunting. More widely, it suggests the potential of careful management in forestry operations to provide habitat conditions for resourcedemanding species such as the puma. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of curbing invasions and hunting for the maintainance of healthy wildlife populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Mountain Lion Puma concolor attacks on a maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus and a domestic dog in a forestry system

How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

Research paper thumbnail of Hábito alimentar e interferência antrópica na atividade de marcação territorial do Puma concolor e Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora: Felidae) e outros carnívoros na Estação Ecológica de Juréia-Itatins, São Paulo, Brasil

Revista Brasileira De Zoologia, Sep 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Multiple methods increase detection of large and medium-sized mammals: working with volunteers in south-eastern Oman

Oryx, May 6, 2016

We compared the effectiveness of various methods for surveying medium and large wild mammals in s... more We compared the effectiveness of various methods for surveying medium and large wild mammals in southern Oman. Working with volunteers recruited by Biosphere Expeditions, wildlife professionals and local rangers, we used direct observation, camera traps, sign surveys (tracks and/or dung) and molecular scatology to study  sampling units of  ×  km (grid cells) in an area of  ×  km during a -week period in February-March . Sixteen mammal species were recorded, and the largest numbers of species were recorded by sign surveys and camera traps (both n = ); sign surveys, direct sightings and DNA scatology recorded species across the largest number of grid cells. For species with a sample size large enough for comparison (i.e. detected in $  grid cells), DNA scatology proved most effective for detecting caracal Caracal caracal, signs for hyaena Hyaena hyaena, ibex Capra nubiana, porcupine Hystrix indica and hyrax Procavia capensis, and signs and direct sightings for mountain gazelle Gazella gazella. Clustering, in which records from multiple methods are either adjacent or overlapping, was highest ($ %) for the wolf Canis lupus, porcupine, ibex and gazelle. Our results indicate the best methods to detect and record the distributions of individual species in the study area, and demonstrate the advantage of using multiple methods to reduce the risk of false absences or partial detections. Our findings also highlight the potential of clustering as a means of cross-checking results of observations that are skill-dependent, which is particularly useful when employing a large workforce.

Research paper thumbnail of Persistência e riqueza de mamíferos focais em sistemas agropecuários no planalto meridional brasileiro

Fernandes, também da FATMA, gentilmente cederam cartas topográficas digitais da área de estudo. J... more Fernandes, também da FATMA, gentilmente cederam cartas topográficas digitais da área de estudo. Jorge Luiz Fernandes cordialmente classificou a vegetação de uma imagem de satélite do município de Otacílio Costa. Luiz Pimenta e Ricardo B. Alves da Silva (Titi) auxiliaram com várias dicas nas etapas de georeferenciamento de imagens de satélite e uso de aplicativos para descrição da paisagem. Agradeço a hospitalidade de Estelamaris Agostini e de Rosiléia M. de Quadros, professoras da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), e todos os professores e alunos com os quais convivi durante o projeto. A UNIPLAC serviu como minha base de apoio, ensino, e pesquisa na região de estudo e por isto sou grato. Percebi durante esta vivência que estudantes avançados de pós-graduação com bolsa oriunda de recursos públicos deveriam ser incentivados a lecionar um número máximo de horas remuneradas, dentro de sua área de atuação, em locais distantes dos grandes centros de conhecimento, em detrimento ao que atualmente é determinado. Esta seria uma forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento regional, e também uma forma de inserir o estudante na vida profissional prática.

Research paper thumbnail of Natural recolonization and suburban presence of pumas (Puma concolor) in Brazil

Journal of ecology and the natural environment, Nov 30, 2012

The puma (Puma concolor, Carnivora: Felidae), extinct from considerable extensions of its former ... more The puma (Puma concolor, Carnivora: Felidae), extinct from considerable extensions of its former distribution, is considered threatened in south, southeast and northeast Brazil. Areas in the south and southeast have only recently been recolonized by the species, following decrease in logging activities after depletion of the Atlantic rainforest in the 1960s, and measures implemented since 1993 to protect this ecosystem. Data on recovery of puma populations was obtained from field observations based on the onset of depredation on sheep flocks in 1988, and also from the presence and growing number of records of pumas in urban and suburban areas since 2004. Logging bans caused a rural exodus since and also a 15 fold drop in the deforestation rate, creating conditions for a partial recovery of wildlife. Thirty-five records of puma were compiled demonstrating the historical presence of the species in the area prior to its temporary absence. Recent records included twenty-four cases in urban and suburban areas, and eleven of current breeding populations.

Research paper thumbnail of Loss of historical range of jaguars in southern Brazil

Biodiversity and Conservation, Dec 16, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade de ambiente para a onça-pintada, puma e jaguatirica na Baía de Guaratuba, Estado do Paraná, utilizando os aplicativos Capture e Presence

Biotemas, Sep 30, 2008

Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul... more Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil, em 2006. Parâmetros calculados a partir de amostragem de vestígios e armadilhas-fotográ¿ cas foram riqueza de espécies de mamíferos (>1kg) e proporção de área ocupada (PAO) por onça-pintada, puma, e oportunisticamente, por jaguatirica. Oito quadrantes de 4km 2 foram amostrados, em uma área de 130km 2 , resultando em uma estimativa de 14 espécies de mamíferos (CI(N) =14 a 14, CAPTURE). PAO resultou em 25% para puma, e 100% tanto para a onça-pintada como para a jaguatirica. Argumenta-se que o esperado seria uma probabilidade de captura da onça-pintada similar a do puma, já que ambos deixam sinais em trilhas abertas quando presentes. O resultado de PAO para a onça-pintada é, portanto, considerado um artefato derivado de uma baixa ¿ delidade espacial e/ou baixa densidade, mais do que um produto da baixa detectabilidade da espécie. Esta conjectura é substanciada pela reduzida presença de importantes espécies-presa. Os resultados não diminuem a importância da área para a conservação da onça-pintada, ao invés disto, estas observações objetivamente identi¿ cam a necessidade de restabelecimento de populações de espécies-presa na área.

Research paper thumbnail of Mordida fatal de puma (Carnivora, Felidae) interpretado por fraturas no crânio da presa

Neotropical Biology and Conservation, Jan 16, 2013

Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as b... more Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as being delivered either to the throat, nape of the neck and base of skull. Detailed anatomic descriptions of it are, however, largely absent in literature. In this article, the biting behaviour of a puma while attacking a peccary is described based on the perforations found on the skull of the prey. An observer looking at the prey-predator struggle would mistakenly conclude that the bite was meant to reach the throat region with the intent of suffocation, when in fact the bite reached and damaged the ventral and posterior region of the skull, and the spinal cord. According with the most likely hypothesis derived from matching a puma skull with that of the collared-peccary, the predator grasped it with its forepaws from behind, and bit at the upper throat region while the peccary held its head back exposing the throat region, allowing the upper canines to reach and damage the occipital bone and auditory bulla. Although there are no marks on the vertebrae, the evidence from the skull match indicate that the penetration of the upper canines into the skull allowed the top incisors to reach exactly where the atlas vertebrae and the occipital condyle connect. The lower canines held the upper part of the cranium, puncturing slightly at the postorbital process. The unusual behaviour of biting the skull from below may be partially due to the presence of an extended nuchal crest in collared-peccaries, which prevent predators to reach the spinal cord from above.

Research paper thumbnail of Analise critica de estudos da mastofauna em projetos de aproveitamentos hidreletricos no Planalto Catarinense, Brasil

Natureza & Conservacao, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Registro recente, redução de distribuição e atuais ameaças ao veado-campeiro Ozotoceros bezoarticus (Mammalia, Cervidae) no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil

Biotemas, Aug 11, 2011

Os campos naturais localizados na microrregião de Lages são o hábitat natural do veado-campeiro, ... more Os campos naturais localizados na microrregião de Lages são o hábitat natural do veado-campeiro, e a localidade de Coxilha Rica, conhecida por seus campos limpos, o seu maior refúgio no Estado de Santa Catarina. Registros recentes e inéditos de veado-campeiro neste Estado são aqui publicados pela primeira vez, bem como evidências de redução de sua distribuição histórica nesta região. Em um ambiente campestre crescentemente invadido por plantios de espécies exóticas, parcelamento da terra, e queima dos campos, o manejo adequado dos locais onde o veado-campeiro ainda persiste pode ser decisivo para a continuidade de suas populações remanescentes.

Research paper thumbnail of Arabian Leopard, Panthera pardus nimr, status and habitat assessment in northwest Dhofar, Oman

Zoology in The Middle East, 2009

The Arabian Leopard Panthera pardus nimr is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN and pu... more The Arabian Leopard Panthera pardus nimr is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN and
published information about this subspecies is scarce. We assessed the status of the species on the border of one of the most important remnants of its current range, the Dhofar mountain range. In this border area, the relative abundance of leopards (0.067 scats per kilometre) was found to be seven times lower than that reported from prime habitat areas in Dhofar. This result suggests that the leopard occurs in this border area in low numbers or uses it only intermittently. This is compatible with expected sub-optimal conditions found along the borders of the species’ ranges. Furthermore, herders have reported that leopards used to be encoun￾tered more frequently in earlier times, which is also supportive evidence of higher vulnerability of this big cat along the edge of its distribution area. However, the habitat of the study area was found to be in relatively good condition, harbouring the leopard’s main prey species and a number of regionally threatened large mammalian fauna, including the Nubian Ibex Capra nubiana, Arabian Gazelle Gazella gazella, Rock Hyrax
Procavia capensis, Striped Hyaena Hyaena hyaena sultana, Caracal Caracal caracal schmitzi and Arabian
Wolf Canis lupus arabs. Causes of the leopard decline in the area remain unclear, but given the availability
of prey it is possible that human interference may have led to the retraction of the leopard’s range.

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental quality for jaguar, puma and ocelot in Guaratuba Bay, State of Paraná, using the programs Capture and Presence

Biotemas, Jun 1, 2008

Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul... more Duas expedições de um mês cada foram conduzidas à Baía de Guaratuba, na Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil, em 2006. Parâmetros calculados a partir de amostragem de vestígios e armadilhas-fotográfi cas foram riqueza de espécies de mamíferos (>1kg) e proporção de área ocupada (PAO) por onça-pintada, puma, e oportunisticamente, por jaguatirica. Oito quadrantes de 4km 2 foram amostrados, em uma área de 130km 2 , resultando em uma estimativa de 14 espécies de mamíferos (CI(N) =14 a 14, CAPTURE). PAO resultou em 25% para puma, e 100% tanto para a onça-pintada como para a jaguatirica. Argumenta-se que o esperado seria uma probabilidade de captura da onça-pintada similar a do puma, já que ambos deixam sinais em trilhas abertas quando presentes. O resultado de PAO para a onça-pintada é, portanto, considerado um artefato derivado de uma baixa fi delidade espacial e/ou baixa densidade, mais do que um produto da baixa detectabilidade da espécie. Esta conjectura é substanciada pela reduzida presença de importantes espécies-presa. Os resultados não diminuem a importância da área para a conservação da onça-pintada, ao invés disto, estas observações objetivamente identifi cam a necessidade de restabelecimento de populações de espécies-presa na área.

Research paper thumbnail of Reacción de comunidades rurales de la cordillera occidental de Perú en interacciones con el puma (Puma concolor), con y sin pérdida de animales domésticos

Revista Peruana de Biología, Dec 15, 2019

Marcos. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creat... more Marcos. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.(, que permite el uso no comercial, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada. Para uso comercial, por favor póngase en contacto con

Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of habitat use by the mountain lion (puma concolor) and kodkod (oncifelis guigna) in the southern neotropics with implications for the assessment of their vulnerability status

The material contained within this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree at the U... more The material contained within this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree at the University of Durham or any other university. The research reported within this thesis has been conducted by the author unless indicated otherwise.

Research paper thumbnail of Habitat use activity and diet of the Kodkod (Oncifelis guigna) in the Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael, XI region, Chile

Research paper thumbnail of Mountain Lion Puma concolor attacks on a maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus and a domestic dog in a forestry system

Mastozool. neotrop, 2009

How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

Research paper thumbnail of Lethal biting behaviour of pumas (Carnivora, Felidae) interpreted from fractured skull of prey Mordida fatal de puma (Carnivora, Felidae) interpretado por fraturas no crânio da presa

Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as b... more Biting behaviour of pumas at the moment of killing their prey is mentioned in the literature as being delivered either to the throat, nape of the neck and base of skull. Detailed anatomic descriptions of it are, however, largely absent in literature. In this article, the biting behaviour of a puma while attacking a peccary is described based on the perforations found on the skull of the prey. An observer looking at the prey-predator struggle would mistakenly conclude that the bite was meant to reach the throat region with the intent of suffocation, when in fact the bite reached and damaged the ventral and posterior region of the skull, and the spinal cord. According with the most likely hypothesis derived from matching a puma skull with that of the collared-peccary, the predator grasped it with its forepaws from behind, and bit at the upper throat region while the peccary held its head back exposing the throat region, allowing the upper canines to reach and damage the occipital bone and auditory bulla. Although there are no marks on the vertebrae, the evidence from the skull match indicate that the penetration of the upper canines into the skull allowed the top incisors to reach exactly where the atlas vertebrae and the occipital condyle connect. The lower canines held the upper part of the cranium, puncturing slightly at the postorbital process. The unusual behaviour of biting the skull from below may be partially due to the presence of an extended nuchal crest in collared-peccaries, which prevent predators to reach the spinal cord from above.