MOHAMMED ABDUL - AZIZ - (original) (raw)
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences, Oct 10, 2016
The histopathology of trachea was studied in three genetic lines of broilers which vaccinated wit... more The histopathology of trachea was studied in three genetic lines of broilers which vaccinated with avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines. Differences in genetic immune response and susceptibility are known for many of the major viral pathogens of poultry. Consequently, the study was done. A total of 150 one-day-old consist of three chicken strains of broilers (Cobb 500, Ross 308 and Hubbard F-15) were assigned into six equal groups of 25 bird as fallow G1, G2 and G3 were vaccinated with IBV Ma5 and 4/91 strains at day 8 and 21 respectively, while the last three groups G4, G5 and G6 did not vaccinated with IB vaccine and remained as control groups. The result revealed that the Hubbard chicken strain had moderate to severe post vaccinal reaction represented by deciliation and necrosis of mucosal epithelia, also desquamation of goblet cells and epithelia with mild infiltration of lymphocyte in the lamina properia with blood vessels congestion after 2 days of vaccination. Then focal sloughing of epithelial mucosa with sever hyperplasia of sub mucosal glands together with mild to moderate lymphocytic infiltration blood vessels congestion and multifocal deciliation of tracheal epithelia after 10 days of vaccination. In conclusion, Hubbard chicken strain may have the lowest and slowest immune response in comparison with Ross and Cobb chicken strains.
Unedited Workshop Proceedings: Debating Multiculturalism 1
The Dialogue Society is a registered charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of adva... more The Dialogue Society is a registered charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities through dialogue. It operates nationwide with regional branches across the UK. Through localised community projects, discussion forums, teaching programmes and capacity building publications it enable people to venture across boundaries of religion, culture and social class. It provides a platform where people can meet to share narratives and perspectives, discover the values they have in common and be at ease with their differences.
The aim of this study was to know, which of broiler strains have the best cellular and humoral im... more The aim of this study was to know, which of broiler strains have the best cellular and humoral immune response against infectious bronchitis virus vaccines (IBVv). Differences in genetic immune response and susceptibility are known for many of the major viral pathogens of poultry. Consequently, the study was done. An increase in the level of humoral and cellular immunity provides a possible means of enhancing protection of flocks against IBVv. One-day-old consist of three chicken strain of broilers (Cobb 500, Ross 308 and Hubbard F-15) were assigned into six equal groups of 25 bird as fallow G1, G2 and G3 were vaccinated with IBV Ma5 strain at day 8 and with 4/91 strain at day 21, while the last three groups G4, G5 and G6 did not vaccinated with IB vaccine. All groups were vaccinated with Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine. After completing the immune tests Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Phytohemagglotnin (PHA)-skin test and lymphoid organs indices it turned out that the Hub...
International Journal of Research and Education, 2020
This study examined the effect of traditional and electronic mind maps on improving the immediate... more This study examined the effect of traditional and electronic mind maps on improving the immediate learning (immediately after learning) and delayed achievement on Alfegh course among secondary school male students and habits of mind they have. A quasiexperimental design was used for two groups (60 Students): the experimental group consisted of 30 students taught by electronic mind maps and the control group that consisted of 30 students taught by traditional mind maps. The preand postdesign was used to compare the level of performance between the two groups. Achievement test and mind habit scale were prepared by the researches. Findings showed that mental maps (both electronic and traditional) had an effect in developing achievement and improving mind habits which was verified by the significance differences between preand postachievement test and mind habits scale for each group.
These days, the Internet of Things is a quickly developing innovation that grants to include adva... more These days, the Internet of Things is a quickly developing innovation that grants to include advanced gadgets into a system. Utilizing the Internet of things innovation to gather facts from an assortment of Internet associated GNSS beneficiaries gives an interesting chance to get continuous data about the uncommon and Fleeting movement of ionospheric attributes with excessive desires. The capacity to make a thick sensor arrangement is accomplished through the utilization of modest single-recurrence GNSS beneficiaries dependent on the Arduino innovation. This methodology can be actualized to acquire ongoing information on the all-out total electron content of the ionosphere. The assured information of the ionosphere deferral to radio signal of Global navigation for system satellite /Global positioning system satellite TV for PC and the estimation of the ionospheric TEC are accomplished straightforwardly within the Global navigation for system satellite beneficiary. The consequences a...
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
The geometry of cutting tool surfaces is one of the crucial parameters affecting the quality of m... more The geometry of cutting tool surfaces is one of the crucial parameters affecting the quality of manufacturing process and has been traditionally defined using the principles of projective geometry. The parameters of geometry defining the various cutting tool angles are described by means of taking appropriate projections of the cutting tool surfaces. Development in the field of computer Aided Geometric Design(CAGD) now provide more elegant approach for specifying the cutting tool surfaces as a set of biparametric surface patches. This study of machining processes involves analyzing the chip formation process. Years of research has conclusively shown that it a process involving plastic deformation in which large strains and strain rates are developed by localized shear deformation of work material immediately ahead of tool. Heat generated during the chip formation process as a result of plastic deformation and friction. The heat influences chip shape, tool wear, surface finish and cu...
Prospectiva, 2018
Por medio del estudio computacional de 4-(6-(dimetilamino)benzo[d]tiazol-2-il)benzonitrilo se rea... more Por medio del estudio computacional de 4-(6-(dimetilamino)benzo[d]tiazol-2-il)benzonitrilo se realizó la optimización de la geometría molecular, donde a partir de la estructura más estable energéticamente se obtuvieron las propiedades espectroscópicas de UV-vis, IR, RMN 1H, RMN 13C, la ocupación e hibridación por medio del análisis NBO, de igual forma, se determinaron sus propiedades electrónicas (orbitales HOMO-LUMO) y de óptica no lineal (ONL). Por último, se estudió la reactividad mediante el mapa de potencial electrostático (MEP) y los descriptores de reactividad global y local (funciones de Fukui). Todos los cálculos se realizaron al nivel DFT/cam-B3LYP/6-31G(2d) empleando el programa Gaussian09W y GaussView 5.08como interfaz gráfica. Los resultados fueron comparados con los valores experimentales descritos para fragmentos estructurales análogos de la literatura conservando el mismo ambiente químico, obteniendo una buena correlación.
BMC Public Health, 2018
Background: The declaration of poliomyelitis eradication as a programmatic emergency for global p... more Background: The declaration of poliomyelitis eradication as a programmatic emergency for global public health by the 65th World Health Assembly in 2012 necessitated innovations and strategies to achieve results. Review of the confirmed polio cases in 2013 showed that most of the cases were from non-compliant households, where parents connived with vaccinators to finger mark the children without actually vaccinating the children with oral polio vaccine or children were absent from home at the time of the visit of vaccinators. Methods: We used pre-post design to quantify the outcomes of directly observed vaccination in 90 local government areas from 12 northern Nigeria states at very high risk of polio transmission. The strategy is an intervention, vaccinating children under the direct supervision of an independent supervisor to ensure compliance. Attractive incentives (pluses) were used to make parents willingly submit their children for vaccination or directly attract children to the vaccination teams or post as part of this strategy. Results: There was a steady increase in population immunity in all the 90 DOPV implementing LGAs since the introduction of DOPV in 2013. The number of states in which > 90% of children received > 4 OPV doses increased from 7 in 2013 to 11 states by July 2016. Yobe state reported the highest proportional increase from 75 to 99% by July 2016 (22% increase), while Kano state reported 17% increase, from 82 to 99% by July 2016. Conclusion: Directly observed polio vaccination strategy improved uptake of polio vaccines and population immunity in high-risk areas for polio transmission.
Management Studies and Economic Systems, 2016
This paper attempted to explore the expectation level of individuals to match themselves with the... more This paper attempted to explore the expectation level of individuals to match themselves with the career offers and their awareness level to make the right decision in choosing right career in an economy of unemployment problems especially among the educated persons. This descriptive analytical research work is done on the basis of perceptions of students of different levels of education. The stratified probabilistic sampling is used to collect information from representative units of the population. A well structured questionnaire is used to collect data from 235 educated youths of Sylhet city, Bangladesh. Sylhet is one of the seven divisional cities of the country with 160 million people in most densely populated area of the world. This developing economy has an alarming issue of increasing unemployment problem of educated people. The collected data were processed through Microsoft Excel 07 and SPSS 19 to get the desired outputs by using statistical methods like frequency distribution, cross tabulation and Chi-square tests. It is supposed to get significant difference in the expectation level of youths from their careers, scopes of using education and skill in the job and the social status and other expectation from the job. But the research on an economy of underemployment proved no such difference in the expectation from careers as majority of the people have to struggle to get a job to survive by minimizing the matching process.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Tourism is very important economic source for the country, tourists bring money into the hosting ... more Tourism is very important economic source for the country, tourists bring money into the hosting countries, and so most countries try to attract more tourists. This research uses the methodology of literature review of some articles to monitor the factors affecting the tourism demand to Asian countries as well as finding the forecasting model that has been used to determine the number of tourists. The study concludes that the factors are of two types, short-term and long-term. The long-term factors are “income, tourism price, tourism price substitute, travel cost, travel value and exchange rate”. The short-term factors are economic crisis, SARS and the Gulf War. The most accurate forecasting model was found to be seasonal, non-seasonal ARIMA model.
Advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Jun 2, 2012
In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) system has become most popular in service ... more In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) system has become most popular in service industries and logistics, manufacturing, as it is inexpensive and reliable device for automatic identification. Therefore, RFID system would be useful in a problem of mobile robot self-localization, if tags are distributed in the environment, and the robot is equipped with a RFID reader to communicate with the tags. In fact, there are millions of robots working for us today. There are some essential characteristics Sensing, Movement, Energy, Intelligence [1]. The robot must have and this might help to decide what is and what not a robot is. It will also help you to decide what features you will need to build into a machine before it can count as a robot. In this paper, we propose in service industries method for learning-based localization with a RFID system by using ZIGBEE communication. We also propose a method that enables a user to easily place tags in effective locations. In experiments with a mobile robot, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated. In experiments with a mobile robot, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated - Communications and communication protocols play an important role in mobile robot systems.
Advances in Electrical Engineering Systems, May 28, 2012
Now a days there were so many problems regarding the crowd control and security issues in the hol... more Now a days there were so many problems regarding the crowd control and security issues in the holy areas.Especially during pilgrimage, the pilgrimage authority is facing so many problems regarding crowd control,security issues,identification of the pilgrims and the tracking of the pilgrims.India is a multi-religious country, in which so many holy areas are thereEvery year,the respective authorities of the holy areas werefacing many problems. But they are unable to provide those facilities in a full fledge manner.However,providing a solution to solve the problems completely is impossible.But we can reduce these problems upto some extent.There are so many technologies which were implemented in Saudi Arabia during Hajj pilgrimage for to reduce these types of problems.Here,we are proposing one architecture in which we are using RFID technology. In our proposed paper,we are dealing the Tirupati pilgrims case.Details about every pilgrim will be taken at the entrance, and each pilgrim will be given an active RFID tag with a specific UID numbers.Here readers were used to read the UID numbers of each tag and these UID numbers are given to the host server where it updates the location of the particular pilgrim.In this we are providing these tags as wrist band tags.Here we are using LAN network between the readers and the host servers,Intranet between the PML servers and Internet between the Gateway PML servers.A mobile sensor node is placed in every segmented area which is an additional feature in our paper
2008 IEEE International Test Conference, 2008
Soft errors due to alpha and cosmic particles are a growing reliability threat to information sys... more Soft errors due to alpha and cosmic particles are a growing reliability threat to information systems. In this work, a methodology is developed to analyze the effects of single event upsets (SEU) and obtain FIT rates for commercial microprocessors in live information systems. Our methodology is based on data collectedfrom error logs and error traces of the information systems present globally in the field. We also compare the system effects of errors that are suspected to be due to SEUs as compared with non-SEU errors. Soft errors are further localized within specific microprocessor resources with the assistance of the machine check architecture. The analyzedfield data represents a worldwide population of microprocessors installed in the field. In total, several thousands systems and thirty-six months offield data were analyzed. The methodology used in carrying out this field analysis is discussed in detail and results are presented. Paper 24.3 INTERNATIONAL TEST CONFERENCE
Journal of biomedical research, 2014
Many surgeons practice prophylactic drainage after cholecystectomy without reliable evidence. Thi... more Many surgeons practice prophylactic drainage after cholecystectomy without reliable evidence. This study was conducted to answer the question whether to drain or not to drain after cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis. A retrospective review of all patients who had cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia, was conducted from April 2010 to April 2012. Data were extracted from hospital case files. Preoperative data included clinical presentation, routine investigations and liver function tests. Operative data included excessive adhesions, bleeding, bile leak, and drain insertion. Complicated cases such as pericholecystic collections, mucocele and empyema were also reported. Patients who needed therapeutic drainage were excluded. Postoperative data included hospital stay, volume of drained fluid, time of drain removal, and drain site problems. The study included 103 patients allocated into two groups; group A (n = 38) for pati...
Urban Transport and the Environment, 2004
Synthetic Communications, 1990
... N-HYDROXYGUANIDINES FROM AMINOIMINOMETHANESULFONIC ACIDS Audrey E. Miller*, Daniel J. Feeney,... more ... N-HYDROXYGUANIDINES FROM AMINOIMINOMETHANESULFONIC ACIDS Audrey E. Miller*, Daniel J. Feeney, Yan Ma, Lyn Zarcone, MA Aziz' and E. Magnuson Department of Chemistry University of Connecticut, Storrs, Ct. 06269-3060 ...
Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 2001
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2007
The torsion potential energy surface for cyclodecane has been examined using molecular mechanics ... more The torsion potential energy surface for cyclodecane has been examined using molecular mechanics and quantum chemical methods. The boat-chair-boat (BCB) conformer is predicted as the most stable structure at all levels of theory employed, in agreement with low temperature experiments. We found 13 low-energy conformers that cover a range of ~10 kcal mol-1. The relative abundance of the main isomers (named BCB, TBC, TBCC and TCCC) as a function of the temperature is discussed. In addition, energy calculations at high correlated levels of theory (MP4(SDTQ) and CCSD(T)) were for the first time performed for these conformations. In general, the predicted Gibbs population is in fairly good agreement with the experimental data. The simulated IR, VCD and 13 C NMR spectra were obtained showing good accordance with the observed data, providing important features for conformational analysis of cyclodecane.
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences, Oct 10, 2016
The histopathology of trachea was studied in three genetic lines of broilers which vaccinated wit... more The histopathology of trachea was studied in three genetic lines of broilers which vaccinated with avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccines. Differences in genetic immune response and susceptibility are known for many of the major viral pathogens of poultry. Consequently, the study was done. A total of 150 one-day-old consist of three chicken strains of broilers (Cobb 500, Ross 308 and Hubbard F-15) were assigned into six equal groups of 25 bird as fallow G1, G2 and G3 were vaccinated with IBV Ma5 and 4/91 strains at day 8 and 21 respectively, while the last three groups G4, G5 and G6 did not vaccinated with IB vaccine and remained as control groups. The result revealed that the Hubbard chicken strain had moderate to severe post vaccinal reaction represented by deciliation and necrosis of mucosal epithelia, also desquamation of goblet cells and epithelia with mild infiltration of lymphocyte in the lamina properia with blood vessels congestion after 2 days of vaccination. Then focal sloughing of epithelial mucosa with sever hyperplasia of sub mucosal glands together with mild to moderate lymphocytic infiltration blood vessels congestion and multifocal deciliation of tracheal epithelia after 10 days of vaccination. In conclusion, Hubbard chicken strain may have the lowest and slowest immune response in comparison with Ross and Cobb chicken strains.
Unedited Workshop Proceedings: Debating Multiculturalism 1
The Dialogue Society is a registered charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of adva... more The Dialogue Society is a registered charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities through dialogue. It operates nationwide with regional branches across the UK. Through localised community projects, discussion forums, teaching programmes and capacity building publications it enable people to venture across boundaries of religion, culture and social class. It provides a platform where people can meet to share narratives and perspectives, discover the values they have in common and be at ease with their differences.
The aim of this study was to know, which of broiler strains have the best cellular and humoral im... more The aim of this study was to know, which of broiler strains have the best cellular and humoral immune response against infectious bronchitis virus vaccines (IBVv). Differences in genetic immune response and susceptibility are known for many of the major viral pathogens of poultry. Consequently, the study was done. An increase in the level of humoral and cellular immunity provides a possible means of enhancing protection of flocks against IBVv. One-day-old consist of three chicken strain of broilers (Cobb 500, Ross 308 and Hubbard F-15) were assigned into six equal groups of 25 bird as fallow G1, G2 and G3 were vaccinated with IBV Ma5 strain at day 8 and with 4/91 strain at day 21, while the last three groups G4, G5 and G6 did not vaccinated with IB vaccine. All groups were vaccinated with Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine. After completing the immune tests Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Phytohemagglotnin (PHA)-skin test and lymphoid organs indices it turned out that the Hub...
International Journal of Research and Education, 2020
This study examined the effect of traditional and electronic mind maps on improving the immediate... more This study examined the effect of traditional and electronic mind maps on improving the immediate learning (immediately after learning) and delayed achievement on Alfegh course among secondary school male students and habits of mind they have. A quasiexperimental design was used for two groups (60 Students): the experimental group consisted of 30 students taught by electronic mind maps and the control group that consisted of 30 students taught by traditional mind maps. The preand postdesign was used to compare the level of performance between the two groups. Achievement test and mind habit scale were prepared by the researches. Findings showed that mental maps (both electronic and traditional) had an effect in developing achievement and improving mind habits which was verified by the significance differences between preand postachievement test and mind habits scale for each group.
These days, the Internet of Things is a quickly developing innovation that grants to include adva... more These days, the Internet of Things is a quickly developing innovation that grants to include advanced gadgets into a system. Utilizing the Internet of things innovation to gather facts from an assortment of Internet associated GNSS beneficiaries gives an interesting chance to get continuous data about the uncommon and Fleeting movement of ionospheric attributes with excessive desires. The capacity to make a thick sensor arrangement is accomplished through the utilization of modest single-recurrence GNSS beneficiaries dependent on the Arduino innovation. This methodology can be actualized to acquire ongoing information on the all-out total electron content of the ionosphere. The assured information of the ionosphere deferral to radio signal of Global navigation for system satellite /Global positioning system satellite TV for PC and the estimation of the ionospheric TEC are accomplished straightforwardly within the Global navigation for system satellite beneficiary. The consequences a...
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
The geometry of cutting tool surfaces is one of the crucial parameters affecting the quality of m... more The geometry of cutting tool surfaces is one of the crucial parameters affecting the quality of manufacturing process and has been traditionally defined using the principles of projective geometry. The parameters of geometry defining the various cutting tool angles are described by means of taking appropriate projections of the cutting tool surfaces. Development in the field of computer Aided Geometric Design(CAGD) now provide more elegant approach for specifying the cutting tool surfaces as a set of biparametric surface patches. This study of machining processes involves analyzing the chip formation process. Years of research has conclusively shown that it a process involving plastic deformation in which large strains and strain rates are developed by localized shear deformation of work material immediately ahead of tool. Heat generated during the chip formation process as a result of plastic deformation and friction. The heat influences chip shape, tool wear, surface finish and cu...
Prospectiva, 2018
Por medio del estudio computacional de 4-(6-(dimetilamino)benzo[d]tiazol-2-il)benzonitrilo se rea... more Por medio del estudio computacional de 4-(6-(dimetilamino)benzo[d]tiazol-2-il)benzonitrilo se realizó la optimización de la geometría molecular, donde a partir de la estructura más estable energéticamente se obtuvieron las propiedades espectroscópicas de UV-vis, IR, RMN 1H, RMN 13C, la ocupación e hibridación por medio del análisis NBO, de igual forma, se determinaron sus propiedades electrónicas (orbitales HOMO-LUMO) y de óptica no lineal (ONL). Por último, se estudió la reactividad mediante el mapa de potencial electrostático (MEP) y los descriptores de reactividad global y local (funciones de Fukui). Todos los cálculos se realizaron al nivel DFT/cam-B3LYP/6-31G(2d) empleando el programa Gaussian09W y GaussView 5.08como interfaz gráfica. Los resultados fueron comparados con los valores experimentales descritos para fragmentos estructurales análogos de la literatura conservando el mismo ambiente químico, obteniendo una buena correlación.
BMC Public Health, 2018
Background: The declaration of poliomyelitis eradication as a programmatic emergency for global p... more Background: The declaration of poliomyelitis eradication as a programmatic emergency for global public health by the 65th World Health Assembly in 2012 necessitated innovations and strategies to achieve results. Review of the confirmed polio cases in 2013 showed that most of the cases were from non-compliant households, where parents connived with vaccinators to finger mark the children without actually vaccinating the children with oral polio vaccine or children were absent from home at the time of the visit of vaccinators. Methods: We used pre-post design to quantify the outcomes of directly observed vaccination in 90 local government areas from 12 northern Nigeria states at very high risk of polio transmission. The strategy is an intervention, vaccinating children under the direct supervision of an independent supervisor to ensure compliance. Attractive incentives (pluses) were used to make parents willingly submit their children for vaccination or directly attract children to the vaccination teams or post as part of this strategy. Results: There was a steady increase in population immunity in all the 90 DOPV implementing LGAs since the introduction of DOPV in 2013. The number of states in which > 90% of children received > 4 OPV doses increased from 7 in 2013 to 11 states by July 2016. Yobe state reported the highest proportional increase from 75 to 99% by July 2016 (22% increase), while Kano state reported 17% increase, from 82 to 99% by July 2016. Conclusion: Directly observed polio vaccination strategy improved uptake of polio vaccines and population immunity in high-risk areas for polio transmission.
Management Studies and Economic Systems, 2016
This paper attempted to explore the expectation level of individuals to match themselves with the... more This paper attempted to explore the expectation level of individuals to match themselves with the career offers and their awareness level to make the right decision in choosing right career in an economy of unemployment problems especially among the educated persons. This descriptive analytical research work is done on the basis of perceptions of students of different levels of education. The stratified probabilistic sampling is used to collect information from representative units of the population. A well structured questionnaire is used to collect data from 235 educated youths of Sylhet city, Bangladesh. Sylhet is one of the seven divisional cities of the country with 160 million people in most densely populated area of the world. This developing economy has an alarming issue of increasing unemployment problem of educated people. The collected data were processed through Microsoft Excel 07 and SPSS 19 to get the desired outputs by using statistical methods like frequency distribution, cross tabulation and Chi-square tests. It is supposed to get significant difference in the expectation level of youths from their careers, scopes of using education and skill in the job and the social status and other expectation from the job. But the research on an economy of underemployment proved no such difference in the expectation from careers as majority of the people have to struggle to get a job to survive by minimizing the matching process.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Tourism is very important economic source for the country, tourists bring money into the hosting ... more Tourism is very important economic source for the country, tourists bring money into the hosting countries, and so most countries try to attract more tourists. This research uses the methodology of literature review of some articles to monitor the factors affecting the tourism demand to Asian countries as well as finding the forecasting model that has been used to determine the number of tourists. The study concludes that the factors are of two types, short-term and long-term. The long-term factors are “income, tourism price, tourism price substitute, travel cost, travel value and exchange rate”. The short-term factors are economic crisis, SARS and the Gulf War. The most accurate forecasting model was found to be seasonal, non-seasonal ARIMA model.
Advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Jun 2, 2012
In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) system has become most popular in service ... more In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) system has become most popular in service industries and logistics, manufacturing, as it is inexpensive and reliable device for automatic identification. Therefore, RFID system would be useful in a problem of mobile robot self-localization, if tags are distributed in the environment, and the robot is equipped with a RFID reader to communicate with the tags. In fact, there are millions of robots working for us today. There are some essential characteristics Sensing, Movement, Energy, Intelligence [1]. The robot must have and this might help to decide what is and what not a robot is. It will also help you to decide what features you will need to build into a machine before it can count as a robot. In this paper, we propose in service industries method for learning-based localization with a RFID system by using ZIGBEE communication. We also propose a method that enables a user to easily place tags in effective locations. In experiments with a mobile robot, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated. In experiments with a mobile robot, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated - Communications and communication protocols play an important role in mobile robot systems.
Advances in Electrical Engineering Systems, May 28, 2012
Now a days there were so many problems regarding the crowd control and security issues in the hol... more Now a days there were so many problems regarding the crowd control and security issues in the holy areas.Especially during pilgrimage, the pilgrimage authority is facing so many problems regarding crowd control,security issues,identification of the pilgrims and the tracking of the pilgrims.India is a multi-religious country, in which so many holy areas are thereEvery year,the respective authorities of the holy areas werefacing many problems. But they are unable to provide those facilities in a full fledge manner.However,providing a solution to solve the problems completely is impossible.But we can reduce these problems upto some extent.There are so many technologies which were implemented in Saudi Arabia during Hajj pilgrimage for to reduce these types of problems.Here,we are proposing one architecture in which we are using RFID technology. In our proposed paper,we are dealing the Tirupati pilgrims case.Details about every pilgrim will be taken at the entrance, and each pilgrim will be given an active RFID tag with a specific UID numbers.Here readers were used to read the UID numbers of each tag and these UID numbers are given to the host server where it updates the location of the particular pilgrim.In this we are providing these tags as wrist band tags.Here we are using LAN network between the readers and the host servers,Intranet between the PML servers and Internet between the Gateway PML servers.A mobile sensor node is placed in every segmented area which is an additional feature in our paper
2008 IEEE International Test Conference, 2008
Soft errors due to alpha and cosmic particles are a growing reliability threat to information sys... more Soft errors due to alpha and cosmic particles are a growing reliability threat to information systems. In this work, a methodology is developed to analyze the effects of single event upsets (SEU) and obtain FIT rates for commercial microprocessors in live information systems. Our methodology is based on data collectedfrom error logs and error traces of the information systems present globally in the field. We also compare the system effects of errors that are suspected to be due to SEUs as compared with non-SEU errors. Soft errors are further localized within specific microprocessor resources with the assistance of the machine check architecture. The analyzedfield data represents a worldwide population of microprocessors installed in the field. In total, several thousands systems and thirty-six months offield data were analyzed. The methodology used in carrying out this field analysis is discussed in detail and results are presented. Paper 24.3 INTERNATIONAL TEST CONFERENCE
Journal of biomedical research, 2014
Many surgeons practice prophylactic drainage after cholecystectomy without reliable evidence. Thi... more Many surgeons practice prophylactic drainage after cholecystectomy without reliable evidence. This study was conducted to answer the question whether to drain or not to drain after cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis. A retrospective review of all patients who had cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia, was conducted from April 2010 to April 2012. Data were extracted from hospital case files. Preoperative data included clinical presentation, routine investigations and liver function tests. Operative data included excessive adhesions, bleeding, bile leak, and drain insertion. Complicated cases such as pericholecystic collections, mucocele and empyema were also reported. Patients who needed therapeutic drainage were excluded. Postoperative data included hospital stay, volume of drained fluid, time of drain removal, and drain site problems. The study included 103 patients allocated into two groups; group A (n = 38) for pati...
Urban Transport and the Environment, 2004
Synthetic Communications, 1990
... N-HYDROXYGUANIDINES FROM AMINOIMINOMETHANESULFONIC ACIDS Audrey E. Miller*, Daniel J. Feeney,... more ... N-HYDROXYGUANIDINES FROM AMINOIMINOMETHANESULFONIC ACIDS Audrey E. Miller*, Daniel J. Feeney, Yan Ma, Lyn Zarcone, MA Aziz' and E. Magnuson Department of Chemistry University of Connecticut, Storrs, Ct. 06269-3060 ...
Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 2001
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2007
The torsion potential energy surface for cyclodecane has been examined using molecular mechanics ... more The torsion potential energy surface for cyclodecane has been examined using molecular mechanics and quantum chemical methods. The boat-chair-boat (BCB) conformer is predicted as the most stable structure at all levels of theory employed, in agreement with low temperature experiments. We found 13 low-energy conformers that cover a range of ~10 kcal mol-1. The relative abundance of the main isomers (named BCB, TBC, TBCC and TCCC) as a function of the temperature is discussed. In addition, energy calculations at high correlated levels of theory (MP4(SDTQ) and CCSD(T)) were for the first time performed for these conformations. In general, the predicted Gibbs population is in fairly good agreement with the experimental data. The simulated IR, VCD and 13 C NMR spectra were obtained showing good accordance with the observed data, providing important features for conformational analysis of cyclodecane.