Massimo Pallottino - (original) (raw)

Journal articles by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of «Non lasciare nessuno indietro»: il motore della cooperazione allo sviluppo

Aggiornamenti Sociali, 2021

La cooperazione allo sviluppo è tradizionalmente uno degli strumenti principali di cui la comuni... more La cooperazione allo sviluppo è tradizionalmente uno degli strumenti principali di cui la comunità internazionale dispone nella lotta contro la povertà a livello globale. Ma, in un mondo caratterizzato da tensioni e problemi che sempre più assumono dimensioni globali e in cui tutti gli elementi appaiono interconnessi, quali sono le condizioni della sua efficacia? Ma soprattutto da quali spinte è attraversata e con che esiti? Qual è l’effetto della crescente importanza degli attori privati e della logica di mercato di cui sono portatori?

Development cooperation has traditionally been one of the main tools available to the international community in the fight against poverty at the global level. But, in a world characterized by tensions and problems that are increasingly global in scope and in which all elements appear interconnected, what are the conditions for its effectiveness? Above all, what are the forces that are driving it and what are the outcomes? What is the effect of the growing importance of private players and the market logic they carry?

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015) "A New Agenda for International Development Cooperation: Lessons learnt from the Buen Vivir experience"

The debate on growth and development that has been going on over the last decades has clearly hig... more The debate on growth and development that has been going on over the last decades has clearly highlighted a number of flaws and contradictions that the theory, as well as the practice, of International Development Cooperation (IDC) has failed to address in a convincing and effective way. IDC, once the prime tool for promoting a change in the livelihoods of the poorest and most vulnerable, is increasingly under scrutiny and does not seem to have provided an effective response to the current crisis. Buen Vivir (good life), Latin America’s new concept for collective well-being, which has emerged over recent years from the traditional cosmovisions of Andean indigenous peoples and translated into political and institutional practice, offers elements of reflection on economy, environment and social life that are useful for reframing the way ‘well-being’ is conceived within the current development setting: a fresh perspective on the most urgent global concerns is particularly useful as the debate regarding the successors to the Millennium Development Goals post-2015 starts to heat up. The new approach to IDC developed in Ecuador in recent years represents an attempt to put some of these elements into practice. However, beyond the experiences in Latin America, that can claim a closer link, albeit not without tensions, with the indigenous peoples with which the Buen Vivir culture has its roots, these suggestions can show an interesting convergence with alternative views on development emerging from the reflections and practices of Western social movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015) “Buen Vivir: a new toolbox for an alternative to neo-liberal dominance?”

Interest in the cosmovisions of the Andean indigenous peoples, which are collectively referred to... more Interest in the cosmovisions of the Andean indigenous peoples, which are collectively referred to as buen vivir, has given origin in recent years to a lively debate on their implications in terms of social, political and economic models. These debates have generated arguments in the context of the so-called 'turn to left' of Latino American politics and have contributed to building up an understanding of society that is opposed to the neo-liberal mainstream. The cornerstones of this perspective are the processes through which (ethno-linguistic) communities seek their full recognition and where the rights of 'mother earth' (pacha mama) can be put at the basis of a renewed approach to natural resources management and exploitation: all this is part of a reconfiguration of political spaces, implying new opportunities for social groups that had long been marginalised. Based on a heated critique of the neo-liberal global order and mainstream development paradigms, buen vivir has thus become a powerful call for social movements in search of alternatives to current mainstream approaches, as well as the basis for processes of constitutionalisation and institutionalisation, namely in countries such as Ecuador and Bolivia, and has been further translated into attempts to create a new 'plurinational' state model. Concrete policies have also been inspired by the same principles and have substantiated in a sort of 'buen vivir-based' state and development. The space between the cultural roots of the different forms of indigenous cosmovisions (in which many different Andean indigenous peoples can be recognised) deserves to be understood and questioned: how are the ideological foundations of the political programme based on (or recalling) buen vivir actually based on their claimed roots? To what extent can this translation be seen as a sort of 'betrayal' of those roots? To what extent have the concrete policies that claim that origin been able to retain their principles (community, rights of 'mother earth', harmonic coexistence of all living beings in nature)?

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015)  "Beyond growth and development: Buen Vivir as an alternative to current paradigma"

The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir (‘good life’), Latin America’s ... more The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir (‘good life’), Latin America’s new concept for collective well being, can be considered a way forward beyond current paradigms related to economic growth, development, ideology and state building, with its strengths and potential weaknesses or just a new version of political discourse. In order to answer this question, we will briefly review the literature that can help to trace the buen vivir origins in the cosmovisions of Latino American indigenous peoples, and to connect it to reflections made in different areas of social, economic and political sciences, trying to identify the areas in which divergences arise using established approaches and frameworks. In the conclusions we will also try to look at the added value brought by the buen vivir towards a renewed understanding of political, social, and economic objectives of the associated life.

Research paper thumbnail of Why international development cooperation needs the contribution of peace studies? And why is peace research currently so marginal in international development cooperation?

Book chapters by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of Magistero ambientale e coscienza civile: un dialogo sul futuro dell'umanità

Il ritorno delle armi. Guerre del nostro tempo. Ottavo rapporto sui conflitti dimenticati, 2024

Questo capitolo esplora il rapporto tra magistero ambientale e coscienza civile, evidenziando l'u... more Questo capitolo esplora il rapporto tra magistero ambientale e coscienza civile, evidenziando l'urgenza di una responsabilità collettiva nella cura della "casa comune". Attraverso un dialogo tra riflessione teologica e dibattito civile e accademico, viene delineata l'importanza di un approccio integrale che connetta ambiente, società ed economia. Centrale è il richiamo alla "conversione ecologica" e all'ecologia integrale, enfatizzato dalla Laudato Si’ e dalla Laudate Deum, che sollecitano azioni concrete contro il cambiamento climatico e un ripensamento del modello di sviluppo globale, orientato al bene comune e alla sostenibilità. Il testo incoraggia una visione olistica e una governance inclusiva per affrontare le sfide del futuro.

This chapter explores the relationship between environmental magisterium and civil conscience, highlighting the urgency of a collective responsibility in caring for the 'common home'. Through a dialogue between theological reflection and civil and academic debate, the importance of an integral approach that connects environment, society and economy is outlined. Central is the call for "ecological conversion" and integral ecology, emphasised by Laudato Si' and Laudate Deum, which call for concrete action against climate change and a rethinking of the global development model, oriented towards the common good and sustainability. The text encourages a holistic vision and inclusive governance to meet the challenges of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pallottino, M. (2014). Costruire la pace ai confini. Pratiche di controllo e retoriche di sviluppo nelle Southern Lowlands dell’Etiopia. In R. Belloni, M. Cereghini, & F. Strazzari (Eds.), Costruire la pace tra Stato e territori. I dilemmi del peacebuilding (pp. 181–214). Trento: Erickson.

Working papers by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S.,  Pallottino, M. (2013) “Beyond growth and development: Buen Vivir as an alternative to current paradigms”

Working paper n. 172, 2013

Edited Journals by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (eds) (2015) “Buen Vivir: Theory and Practice of Social and Enviromental Sustainability”,.

Miscellaneous by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of Disuguaglianze a Roma: il caso del Municipio 15

Mapparoma, 2022

Il presente studio esamina il fenomeno delle disuguaglianze, intese come un fattore multidimensio... more Il presente studio esamina il fenomeno delle disuguaglianze, intese come un fattore multidimensionale, che incide su diversi aspetti della vita umana e sociale. In particolare, l’obiettivo principale della ricerca è quello di verificare se nel territorio del XV Municipio di Roma, generalmente riconosciuto come una realtà ricca e sviluppata, esistono delle condizioni di disuguaglianza, se si riscontrano dei fattori sociali e urbanistici associati al fenomeno delle disuguaglianze e che tipo di raffronto si può fare tra i dati che emergono dall’analisi del suddetto territorio rispetto agli altri municipi del comune di Roma.

This study examines the phenomenon of inequality, understood as a multidimensional factor, which affects various aspects of human and social life. In particular, the main objective of the research is to verify whether in the territory of the XV Municipality of Rome, generally recognized as a rich and developed reality, there are conditions of inequality, whether there are social and urban factors associated with the phenomenon of inequality and what kind of comparison can be made between the data that emerge from the analysis of this territory compared to the other municipalities of the municipality of Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Pallottino, M. (2015). Dalla Populorum Progressio alla Laudato Si’: sviluppo umano integrale e sviluppo sostenibile. Pavia: Intervento presso la Scuola di Partecipazione e Cittadinanza della Diocesi di Pavia.

Research paper thumbnail of The interplay of power and knowledge in planned social change: from policy making to project planning: a case from Southern Ethiopia

Different/diverging value and knowledge systems 9 Selective elaboration and use of knowledge 9 In... more Different/diverging value and knowledge systems 9 Selective elaboration and use of knowledge 9 Interplay of knowledge and power systems 10 The necessary ambiguity and fuzziness of development cooperation 10

[Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino, M (2015) “Sustainable Development Goals? Meglio la Laudato Si’ ” [in Italian].](

Menabò N.32, Nov 16, 2015

Salvatore Monni e Massimo Pallottino ricordano che lo scorso 25 settembre a New York sono stati p... more Salvatore Monni e Massimo Pallottino ricordano che lo scorso 25 settembre a New York sono stati presentati i nuovi Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) rispetto ai quali sono stati formulati numerosi giudizi positivi. Monni e Pallottino, illustrando le principali caratteristiche della nuova agenda di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite spiegano perché, a loro avviso, essa sia meno innovativa di quanto si tende a ritenere. A questa conclusione i due autori giungono anche attraverso un confronto con l’enciclica Laudato Si’ di Papa Francesco.

[Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino, M (2014) “Dai Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Lost in translation” [in Italian].](

Monni e Pallottino ricordano che nel 2015 verranno a scadenza gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Mille... more Monni e Pallottino ricordano che nel 2015 verranno a scadenza gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio e che è in corso il dibattito per definire i nuovi obiettivi. Monni e Pallottino illustrano il risultato provvisorio di questo dibattito che consiste in una lista di 17 nuovi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile e sostengono che in questa lista sono presenti tutte le parole chiave del ‘politically correct’ dello sviluppo, ma sembra mancare la cosa più importante: il coraggio di rompere con le vecchie idee.

Announcemens/events by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of  Call For Papers for the Special session on: Sustainable Development Goals Post 2015 debate. FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS Rome,25–27 June 2015.Deadline: March 10 2015.

The debate around post 2015 is heating up while the international community is waiting for the Un... more The debate around post 2015 is heating up while the international community is waiting for the United Nations General Assembly of September 2015, where the new international reference framework, based on a new conception of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will be endorsed. The evaluation of the outcomes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has contributed highlighting some advancements as well as some limitations, which need to be taken into consideration when looking into the future. The international negotiations are currently focussing on the proposal formulated by the Open Working Group that, at the end of its mandate has elaborated a proposal consisting in 17 objectives and 160 targets. Yet, the debate so far has highlighted that the future framework will have to be universal (that is: not only considering the so-called developing nations, but applicable to all human societies); adherent to the specific needs of the different peoples; based on human rights; based on the consideration of the intersection between economic, social and environmental sustainability; looking at a perspective for global change able to go beyond a simple and unidimensional understanding of development, solely based on the increment of GDP.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers: Int. J. of Environmental Policy and Decision Making     Special Issue on: "Buen Vivir: Theory and Practice of Social and Environmental Sustainability"   (final papers: 30/04/2014)

Research paper thumbnail of BUEN VIVIR: EXPLORING ALTERNATIVES TO GO BEYOND THE CRISIS  Special Session of the Research Area “Human Development and Institutions”  25th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference – Paris 7 – 9 November 2013

This special session focuses his attention on Buen vivir, which has brought a wave of freshness t... more This special session focuses his attention on Buen vivir, which has brought a wave of freshness to the debate on alternative and sustainable development, a debate that has been renewed in connection with the international crisis of recent years, as orthodox models of development have shown all their weaknesses. Buen vivir has also found expression at political and institutional level in countries such as Ecuador and Bolivia, thus contributing to the opening of new political spaces for social groups that had long been marginalised. Based on heated critique of the neo-liberal global order and mainstream development paradigms, Buen vivir seems to avoid two opposing weaknesses often associated with 'alternative' approaches: one is that it is weak in proposing a viable 'positive' practical perspective and the other, that it is based on 'praxis without a theory'. The three elements (a critique to the current mainstream, a comprehensive strategic approach to social change, and a praxis) are inextricably linked in buen vivir, with the distinctive feature of being translated into real political and institutional arrangements. At international level, Buen vivir has become a powerful call for social movements in search of alternatives to current mainstream approaches.

Papers by Massimo Pallottino

Research paper thumbnail of Arguing on Qualities and Processes Reasoning 'Out of the Box ' on Current Beyond 2015 Debates

Measuring development The International debate on the objectives of development, and on the ways ... more Measuring development The International debate on the objectives of development, and on the ways it they needs to be measured and appreciated has seen remarkable progresses during the last years. GDP has been for long the most accepted synthetic indicator of the advancement of the human societies, and the effort of replacing it with something different and more comprehensive has kept busy for years scholars and development practitioners. In 1993, the UNDP first published its Human Development Index, thus opening an important space in the international debate, that was further deepened with the different thematic summit of the nineties and an increased awareness about the biophysical limits of the earth. This reflection found one of its peaks with the Millennium Declaration, on which the Millennium Development Goals were then founded. This renewed understanding of change in human societies represents a real advancement; yet, the framework on which MDGs are based and the MDGs themselv...

Research paper thumbnail of Why international development cooperation needs the contribution of peace studies? And why is peace research currently so marginal in international development cooperation?

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Development Goals? Meglio la Laudato Si

Research paper thumbnail of «Non lasciare nessuno indietro»: il motore della cooperazione allo sviluppo

Aggiornamenti Sociali, 2021

La cooperazione allo sviluppo è tradizionalmente uno degli strumenti principali di cui la comuni... more La cooperazione allo sviluppo è tradizionalmente uno degli strumenti principali di cui la comunità internazionale dispone nella lotta contro la povertà a livello globale. Ma, in un mondo caratterizzato da tensioni e problemi che sempre più assumono dimensioni globali e in cui tutti gli elementi appaiono interconnessi, quali sono le condizioni della sua efficacia? Ma soprattutto da quali spinte è attraversata e con che esiti? Qual è l’effetto della crescente importanza degli attori privati e della logica di mercato di cui sono portatori?

Development cooperation has traditionally been one of the main tools available to the international community in the fight against poverty at the global level. But, in a world characterized by tensions and problems that are increasingly global in scope and in which all elements appear interconnected, what are the conditions for its effectiveness? Above all, what are the forces that are driving it and what are the outcomes? What is the effect of the growing importance of private players and the market logic they carry?

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015) "A New Agenda for International Development Cooperation: Lessons learnt from the Buen Vivir experience"

The debate on growth and development that has been going on over the last decades has clearly hig... more The debate on growth and development that has been going on over the last decades has clearly highlighted a number of flaws and contradictions that the theory, as well as the practice, of International Development Cooperation (IDC) has failed to address in a convincing and effective way. IDC, once the prime tool for promoting a change in the livelihoods of the poorest and most vulnerable, is increasingly under scrutiny and does not seem to have provided an effective response to the current crisis. Buen Vivir (good life), Latin America’s new concept for collective well-being, which has emerged over recent years from the traditional cosmovisions of Andean indigenous peoples and translated into political and institutional practice, offers elements of reflection on economy, environment and social life that are useful for reframing the way ‘well-being’ is conceived within the current development setting: a fresh perspective on the most urgent global concerns is particularly useful as the debate regarding the successors to the Millennium Development Goals post-2015 starts to heat up. The new approach to IDC developed in Ecuador in recent years represents an attempt to put some of these elements into practice. However, beyond the experiences in Latin America, that can claim a closer link, albeit not without tensions, with the indigenous peoples with which the Buen Vivir culture has its roots, these suggestions can show an interesting convergence with alternative views on development emerging from the reflections and practices of Western social movements.

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015) “Buen Vivir: a new toolbox for an alternative to neo-liberal dominance?”

Interest in the cosmovisions of the Andean indigenous peoples, which are collectively referred to... more Interest in the cosmovisions of the Andean indigenous peoples, which are collectively referred to as buen vivir, has given origin in recent years to a lively debate on their implications in terms of social, political and economic models. These debates have generated arguments in the context of the so-called 'turn to left' of Latino American politics and have contributed to building up an understanding of society that is opposed to the neo-liberal mainstream. The cornerstones of this perspective are the processes through which (ethno-linguistic) communities seek their full recognition and where the rights of 'mother earth' (pacha mama) can be put at the basis of a renewed approach to natural resources management and exploitation: all this is part of a reconfiguration of political spaces, implying new opportunities for social groups that had long been marginalised. Based on a heated critique of the neo-liberal global order and mainstream development paradigms, buen vivir has thus become a powerful call for social movements in search of alternatives to current mainstream approaches, as well as the basis for processes of constitutionalisation and institutionalisation, namely in countries such as Ecuador and Bolivia, and has been further translated into attempts to create a new 'plurinational' state model. Concrete policies have also been inspired by the same principles and have substantiated in a sort of 'buen vivir-based' state and development. The space between the cultural roots of the different forms of indigenous cosmovisions (in which many different Andean indigenous peoples can be recognised) deserves to be understood and questioned: how are the ideological foundations of the political programme based on (or recalling) buen vivir actually based on their claimed roots? To what extent can this translation be seen as a sort of 'betrayal' of those roots? To what extent have the concrete policies that claim that origin been able to retain their principles (community, rights of 'mother earth', harmonic coexistence of all living beings in nature)?

Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino , M. (2015)  "Beyond growth and development: Buen Vivir as an alternative to current paradigma"

The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir (‘good life’), Latin America’s ... more The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir (‘good life’), Latin America’s new concept for collective well being, can be considered a way forward beyond current paradigms related to economic growth, development, ideology and state building, with its strengths and potential weaknesses or just a new version of political discourse. In order to answer this question, we will briefly review the literature that can help to trace the buen vivir origins in the cosmovisions of Latino American indigenous peoples, and to connect it to reflections made in different areas of social, economic and political sciences, trying to identify the areas in which divergences arise using established approaches and frameworks. In the conclusions we will also try to look at the added value brought by the buen vivir towards a renewed understanding of political, social, and economic objectives of the associated life.

Research paper thumbnail of Why international development cooperation needs the contribution of peace studies? And why is peace research currently so marginal in international development cooperation?

Research paper thumbnail of Magistero ambientale e coscienza civile: un dialogo sul futuro dell'umanità

Il ritorno delle armi. Guerre del nostro tempo. Ottavo rapporto sui conflitti dimenticati, 2024

Questo capitolo esplora il rapporto tra magistero ambientale e coscienza civile, evidenziando l'u... more Questo capitolo esplora il rapporto tra magistero ambientale e coscienza civile, evidenziando l'urgenza di una responsabilità collettiva nella cura della "casa comune". Attraverso un dialogo tra riflessione teologica e dibattito civile e accademico, viene delineata l'importanza di un approccio integrale che connetta ambiente, società ed economia. Centrale è il richiamo alla "conversione ecologica" e all'ecologia integrale, enfatizzato dalla Laudato Si’ e dalla Laudate Deum, che sollecitano azioni concrete contro il cambiamento climatico e un ripensamento del modello di sviluppo globale, orientato al bene comune e alla sostenibilità. Il testo incoraggia una visione olistica e una governance inclusiva per affrontare le sfide del futuro.

This chapter explores the relationship between environmental magisterium and civil conscience, highlighting the urgency of a collective responsibility in caring for the 'common home'. Through a dialogue between theological reflection and civil and academic debate, the importance of an integral approach that connects environment, society and economy is outlined. Central is the call for "ecological conversion" and integral ecology, emphasised by Laudato Si' and Laudate Deum, which call for concrete action against climate change and a rethinking of the global development model, oriented towards the common good and sustainability. The text encourages a holistic vision and inclusive governance to meet the challenges of the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pallottino, M. (2014). Costruire la pace ai confini. Pratiche di controllo e retoriche di sviluppo nelle Southern Lowlands dell’Etiopia. In R. Belloni, M. Cereghini, & F. Strazzari (Eds.), Costruire la pace tra Stato e territori. I dilemmi del peacebuilding (pp. 181–214). Trento: Erickson.

Research paper thumbnail of Disuguaglianze a Roma: il caso del Municipio 15

Mapparoma, 2022

Il presente studio esamina il fenomeno delle disuguaglianze, intese come un fattore multidimensio... more Il presente studio esamina il fenomeno delle disuguaglianze, intese come un fattore multidimensionale, che incide su diversi aspetti della vita umana e sociale. In particolare, l’obiettivo principale della ricerca è quello di verificare se nel territorio del XV Municipio di Roma, generalmente riconosciuto come una realtà ricca e sviluppata, esistono delle condizioni di disuguaglianza, se si riscontrano dei fattori sociali e urbanistici associati al fenomeno delle disuguaglianze e che tipo di raffronto si può fare tra i dati che emergono dall’analisi del suddetto territorio rispetto agli altri municipi del comune di Roma.

This study examines the phenomenon of inequality, understood as a multidimensional factor, which affects various aspects of human and social life. In particular, the main objective of the research is to verify whether in the territory of the XV Municipality of Rome, generally recognized as a rich and developed reality, there are conditions of inequality, whether there are social and urban factors associated with the phenomenon of inequality and what kind of comparison can be made between the data that emerge from the analysis of this territory compared to the other municipalities of the municipality of Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Pallottino, M. (2015). Dalla Populorum Progressio alla Laudato Si’: sviluppo umano integrale e sviluppo sostenibile. Pavia: Intervento presso la Scuola di Partecipazione e Cittadinanza della Diocesi di Pavia.

Research paper thumbnail of The interplay of power and knowledge in planned social change: from policy making to project planning: a case from Southern Ethiopia

Different/diverging value and knowledge systems 9 Selective elaboration and use of knowledge 9 In... more Different/diverging value and knowledge systems 9 Selective elaboration and use of knowledge 9 Interplay of knowledge and power systems 10 The necessary ambiguity and fuzziness of development cooperation 10

[Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino, M (2015) “Sustainable Development Goals? Meglio la Laudato Si’ ” [in Italian].](

Menabò N.32, Nov 16, 2015

Salvatore Monni e Massimo Pallottino ricordano che lo scorso 25 settembre a New York sono stati p... more Salvatore Monni e Massimo Pallottino ricordano che lo scorso 25 settembre a New York sono stati presentati i nuovi Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) rispetto ai quali sono stati formulati numerosi giudizi positivi. Monni e Pallottino, illustrando le principali caratteristiche della nuova agenda di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite spiegano perché, a loro avviso, essa sia meno innovativa di quanto si tende a ritenere. A questa conclusione i due autori giungono anche attraverso un confronto con l’enciclica Laudato Si’ di Papa Francesco.

[Research paper thumbnail of Monni, S., Pallottino, M (2014) “Dai Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Lost in translation” [in Italian].](

Monni e Pallottino ricordano che nel 2015 verranno a scadenza gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Mille... more Monni e Pallottino ricordano che nel 2015 verranno a scadenza gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio e che è in corso il dibattito per definire i nuovi obiettivi. Monni e Pallottino illustrano il risultato provvisorio di questo dibattito che consiste in una lista di 17 nuovi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile e sostengono che in questa lista sono presenti tutte le parole chiave del ‘politically correct’ dello sviluppo, ma sembra mancare la cosa più importante: il coraggio di rompere con le vecchie idee.

Research paper thumbnail of  Call For Papers for the Special session on: Sustainable Development Goals Post 2015 debate. FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS Rome,25–27 June 2015.Deadline: March 10 2015.

The debate around post 2015 is heating up while the international community is waiting for the Un... more The debate around post 2015 is heating up while the international community is waiting for the United Nations General Assembly of September 2015, where the new international reference framework, based on a new conception of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will be endorsed. The evaluation of the outcomes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has contributed highlighting some advancements as well as some limitations, which need to be taken into consideration when looking into the future. The international negotiations are currently focussing on the proposal formulated by the Open Working Group that, at the end of its mandate has elaborated a proposal consisting in 17 objectives and 160 targets. Yet, the debate so far has highlighted that the future framework will have to be universal (that is: not only considering the so-called developing nations, but applicable to all human societies); adherent to the specific needs of the different peoples; based on human rights; based on the consideration of the intersection between economic, social and environmental sustainability; looking at a perspective for global change able to go beyond a simple and unidimensional understanding of development, solely based on the increment of GDP.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers: Int. J. of Environmental Policy and Decision Making     Special Issue on: "Buen Vivir: Theory and Practice of Social and Environmental Sustainability"   (final papers: 30/04/2014)

Research paper thumbnail of BUEN VIVIR: EXPLORING ALTERNATIVES TO GO BEYOND THE CRISIS  Special Session of the Research Area “Human Development and Institutions”  25th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference – Paris 7 – 9 November 2013

This special session focuses his attention on Buen vivir, which has brought a wave of freshness t... more This special session focuses his attention on Buen vivir, which has brought a wave of freshness to the debate on alternative and sustainable development, a debate that has been renewed in connection with the international crisis of recent years, as orthodox models of development have shown all their weaknesses. Buen vivir has also found expression at political and institutional level in countries such as Ecuador and Bolivia, thus contributing to the opening of new political spaces for social groups that had long been marginalised. Based on heated critique of the neo-liberal global order and mainstream development paradigms, Buen vivir seems to avoid two opposing weaknesses often associated with 'alternative' approaches: one is that it is weak in proposing a viable 'positive' practical perspective and the other, that it is based on 'praxis without a theory'. The three elements (a critique to the current mainstream, a comprehensive strategic approach to social change, and a praxis) are inextricably linked in buen vivir, with the distinctive feature of being translated into real political and institutional arrangements. At international level, Buen vivir has become a powerful call for social movements in search of alternatives to current mainstream approaches.

Research paper thumbnail of Arguing on Qualities and Processes Reasoning 'Out of the Box ' on Current Beyond 2015 Debates

Measuring development The International debate on the objectives of development, and on the ways ... more Measuring development The International debate on the objectives of development, and on the ways it they needs to be measured and appreciated has seen remarkable progresses during the last years. GDP has been for long the most accepted synthetic indicator of the advancement of the human societies, and the effort of replacing it with something different and more comprehensive has kept busy for years scholars and development practitioners. In 1993, the UNDP first published its Human Development Index, thus opening an important space in the international debate, that was further deepened with the different thematic summit of the nineties and an increased awareness about the biophysical limits of the earth. This reflection found one of its peaks with the Millennium Declaration, on which the Millennium Development Goals were then founded. This renewed understanding of change in human societies represents a real advancement; yet, the framework on which MDGs are based and the MDGs themselv...

Research paper thumbnail of Why international development cooperation needs the contribution of peace studies? And why is peace research currently so marginal in international development cooperation?

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Development Goals? Meglio la Laudato Si

Research paper thumbnail of A New Agenda for International Development Cooperation: Lessons learnt from the Buen Vivir experience

Research paper thumbnail of Dai Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Lost in Translation

media italiani come (purtroppo) anche nelle aule delle nostre università si discute poco, eppure ... more media italiani come (purtroppo) anche nelle aule delle nostre università si discute poco, eppure da almeno quattro anni (dal vertice tenutosi nel 2010 a New York) i governi nazionali e società civile sono impegnati in un ampio e intenso dibattito per definire l'agenda che sostituirà gli obiettivi del Millennio, meglio conosciuti come MDGs(Millennium Development Goals).

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking International Cooperation: The Contribution of Peace Studies

Junco Journal of Universities and International Development Cooperation, Mar 17, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Un'altra cooperazione è possibile?

Research paper thumbnail of Un’agenda per lo sviluppo: la cooperazione dopo gli Obiettivi del Millennio

[Research paper thumbnail of Dai Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Lost in translation [in Italian]](

media italiani come (purtroppo) anche nelle aule delle nostre università si discute poco, eppure ... more media italiani come (purtroppo) anche nelle aule delle nostre università si discute poco, eppure da almeno quattro anni (dal vertice tenutosi nel 2010 a New York) i governi nazionali e società civile sono impegnati in un ampio e intenso dibattito per definire l'agenda che sostituirà gli obiettivi del Millennio, meglio conosciuti come MDGs(Millennium Development Goals).

Research paper thumbnail of Jeux de gouvernance: Regards et réflexions sur un concept

La" gouvernance" est devenue un mot clé de la réflexion sur les sociétés. Cet ouvrage s... more La" gouvernance" est devenue un mot clé de la réflexion sur les sociétés. Cet ouvrage s' inscrit au sein des débats autour de ce concept, avec l'intention de contribuer à en préciser le sens, tout en illustrant les difficultés liées à son utilisation dans le domaine des relations internationales et du développement. Il représente l'aboutissement d'un débat et de patients travaux d'écriture à l'institut universitaire d'études du développement (IUED). Au-delà de ses utilisations comme outil idéologique ou des effets de mode, le concept apparaît ...

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond growth and development: buen vivir as an alternative to current paradigms

International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making, 2015

The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir ("good life"), Latin America's ... more The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent buen vivir ("good life"), Latin America's new concept for collective well being, can be considered a way forward beyond current paradigms related to economic growth, development, ideology and state building, with its strengths and potential weaknesses or just a new version of political discourse. In order to answer this question, we will briefly review the literature that can help to trace the buen vivir origins in the cosmovisions of latinoamerican indigenous peoples, and to connect it to reflections made in different areas of social, economic and political sciences, trying to identify the areas in which divergences arise using established approaches and frameworks. In the conclusions we'll also try to look at the added value brought by the buen vivir towards a renewed understanding of political, social, economic objectives of the associated life.

Research paper thumbnail of Sviluppo sostenibile, pace e commercio delle armi

Sviluppo sostenibile, per chi? Una visione critica per la coerenza delle politiche italiane ed europee (GCAP Italia, Rome), 2018