Mihnea Preotesi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
papers in other peer-reviewed journals by Mihnea Preotesi
The study of community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For... more The study of community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For instance, assessing the impact of most development projects requires the study of the potentially affected communities, both before, during and after the implementation of the project. Community studies suppose the manipulation of both qualitative and quantitative data, and often require complex activities of data collection and validating. This research note addresses a few practical issues for carrying the fieldwork during in rural communities. We do not discuss much the designing and the methodological aspects of such research, but we focus on the difficulties, risks and potential success strategies during data collecting.
Papers by Mihnea Preotesi
Concepție grafică, machetare şi tehnoredactare: Luminița LOGIN Coperta: Nicolae LOGIN DESPRE AUTO... more Concepție grafică, machetare şi tehnoredactare: Luminița LOGIN Coperta: Nicolae LOGIN DESPRE AUTORI Simona Maria STĂNESCU este cercetător științific III în Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții (ICCV), Academia Română. Este doctorand în sociologie al Universității București, Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială, cu o temă de analiză a statului bunăstării. Domeniile de interes: politică socială, construcție instituțională și cadru legislativ în domeniul social, drepturile omului și economia socială. Printre publicații: Aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană: impactul asupra statului bunăstării românesc (coordonator, 2004); Enciclopedia dezvoltării sociale (co-coordonator, 2007); Politici de incluziune socială în perioada de criză economică (co-coordonator, 2010); Raport de cercetare privind economia socială în România din perspectivă europeană comparată (co-coordonator, 2010). simona_vonica@yahoo.com Sorin CACE este doctor în sociologie și în economie, cercetător științific I în ICCV, Academia Română. Domeniile de interes: statul bunăstării, ocuparea forței de muncă, situația romilor și economia socială. Printre publicații: Legal şi egal pe piața muncii pentru comunitățile de romi. Diagnoza factorilor care influențează nivelul de ocupare la populația de romi (cocoordonator, 2010); Economia socială în Europa (coautor, 2010); Economia socială-două profiluri regionale (co-coordonator, 2010); Bune practici în domeniul economiei sociale (coautor, 2010).
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, May 1, 2014
The paper I suggest is based on the preliminary results of the research project Deindustrializati... more The paper I suggest is based on the preliminary results of the research project Deindustrialization and under-development in the Romanian Transition. Individual/Collective Strategies/ Reply Policies. Case study: Valea Jiului, that will be done within the project ID-141086 "Pluri-şi interdisciplinaritate în programe doctorale şi postdoctoraleIe" This project is constructed from the perspective of the social development paradigm. The modernization theories suggest the paradigm of development as modernization from an evolutionist perspective. While the communist project of social development chose explicitly industrialization as a corollary of modernization, such process of (post) modernization initiated in the moment of the communism' collapse. On economic level the transition meant also a continue and emphasized process of de-industrialization illustrated by the constant decrease of the number of industrial employees from maximum 4 millions in 1990 to 1,2 millions of employees in 2011 (data sourse: Zamfir s.s., coord. 2011). In the same time a transfer of the agriculture employees to the subsistence agriculture was registered (now the employees represent only ,2% of the total persons working in agriculture-MADR, 2013). The high reduction of the percentage of employed population represents a factor generating underdevelopment and has a negative impact on the balance of the social insurance systems (pensions, unemployment, health). This paper intends to describe and analyze a special case of the communist under-development from the perspective of causes, factors and mechanisms of this process located in the region Valea Jiului. The selection of the mining restructuring in Valea Jiului is based on the fact that this represents an example of failure of the social policies aiming to reduce the effects of the transition (effects increased in the respective case exactly by the manner of implementation of certain economic policy measures).
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2010
Studying community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For ins... more Studying community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For instance, assessing the impact of most development projects requires the study of the potentially affected communities, both before, during and after the implementation of the project. Community studies suppose the manipulation of both qualitative and quantitative data, and often require complex activities of data collection and validating. This research note addresses few practical issues for carrying the fieldwork during in rural communities. We do not discuss much about designing and the methodological aspects of such research, but we focus on the difficulties, risks and potential success strategies during data collecting.
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2020
This analysis is based on the premises that social, economic and fiscal policies can discriminate... more This analysis is based on the premises that social, economic and fiscal policies can discriminate in a legitim manner certain categories against others only from the perspective of 3 types of reasons: economic criteria; social criteria; meritocratic criteria. From this perspective, any comparative advantage offered to certain groups or individuals, which can not be justified by any of these 3 legitim criteria of discrimination, is actually a privilege, unjustified from the public policies perspective. Even when these advantages follow the logic of differencing based on such legitim criteria, this differencing should be reasonable (to fulfil the condition of social equity as is defined in the theoretic and conceptual frame of this analysis). In Romania, there are significant differences, which do not follow the logic of discrimination according to any of the 3 mentioned criteria, from the perspective of rights, neither from that of obligations. On the other side, even when these are legitim from the above-mentioned perspective, the level of these differences is hard to justify. The differences address categories of people, but are not present on inter-categories level: between the residents connected to centralized heating system (massive subvention regardless the income) and those unconnected (no subvention); the pensions calculated according to different stages of contribution-the entire period, last 5 years, best 5 years, no correlation with the contribution but only with the last month salary. Health insurance is paid only by certain categories, regardless the income, other are excepted also, disregarding the income and some categories pay the contribution to a minimum level, regardless the income. Plus, the level of these differences is unjustified and unjustifiable. The "special" part of the special pensions exceeds in some cases 15 times over the part according to contribution and with the legal possibility unlimited increasing of this non-contributory part for certain categories. The hypothesis I intend to present in this analysis is that this accelerate increasing of the social inequity in the post-communist Romania is the product of establishing and functioning of certain power relations reflected in political decisions that favour one part of the population and disadvantage, correlative, another part of the population. The inequality increased not only based on the meritocratic mechanisms functioning within the economic context of free competition, but mainly based on elite selection mechanisms and social, privileged, un-meritocratic mobility.
Sociologie Romaneasca, 2019
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2017
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is a summary in the English language of the book: Sărac lipit, caut altă viaţă! Fenomenul să... more This is a summary in the English language of the book: Sărac lipit, caut altă viaţă! Fenomenul sărăciei extreme şi al zonelor sărace în România 2001, published by Nemira in 2004
A book about the "new" emerging poverty in Romania 2001, defining extreme poverty and p... more A book about the "new" emerging poverty in Romania 2001, defining extreme poverty and poor areas. This research project had the financial support of the World Bank’s grant “Poverty-Social Exclusion Link” and the Ministry of Education and Research’s grant “Dimensions, Types and Determinants of Extreme Poverty in Romania”. The findings presented are structured on two levels, (i) individual/household and (ii) poor areas. At individual and household level we answered the questions concerning the persons in extreme poverty, the deprivations they face, the way they ended in extreme poverty and how they get on. At the level of the poor areas, the questions concerned the extent to which the poor areas attend to become ghetto-like, so that the present concentration of poor tends to associate with delinquency and with phenomena of social dissolution (divorces, child abandonment by the parents, domestic violence, and delinquency).
... au fost: ● identificarea unor modele conceptuale, în funcţie de analiza literaturii de specia... more ... au fost: ● identificarea unor modele conceptuale, în funcţie de analiza literaturii de specialitate, cu privire la fenomenul stigmatizării, discriminării şi marginalizării persoanelor cu probleme de sănătate mintală; ● identificarea credinţelor, atitudinilor şi stereotipurilor cu privire la ...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2014
The paper is based on the preliminary results of the research project "Deindustrialization a... more The paper is based on the preliminary results of the research project "Deindustrialization and under-development in the Romanian Transition. Individual/Collective Strategies and Reply Policies. Case study: Valea Jiului", that will be done within the POSDRU project "Plural and interdisciplinary in doctoral and post-doctoral programs". This paper intends to analyze the complex relation between economic development, social development and modernization. The basic hypothesis of the proposed analysis is that the economic development is not an irreversible process not even when it leads to social development as part of a modernizing program. Valea Jiului represents an example of how the economic and social development built on weak basis, become unsustainable. The collapse of this weak basis initiated after 1989 when the economy and the society changed and after a transition period produced a major negative social impact started with the restructuring of the mining. In...
Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 2016
The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context and compared to othe... more The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context and compared to other former communist countries. Large differences can be observed in the cases of certain groups which are vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. For these groups, the most important thing is the intervention of supportive social policies. Besides the higher incidence of poverty and vulnerability, the efficiency of the social transfers in reduction of the poverty (other than pensions) is three times lower in Romania compared to the European average. One of the explanations proposed in this paper refers to the philosophy of the social protection system focused mainly on categorical benefits offered to some large categories presumed to have certain pre-defined vulnerabilities. The rate of the benefits based on testing means is low and the rate of the benefits for supporting those in need of urgent intervention is extremely low. On the other hand, the rate of financial benefits is signif...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2017
The current article describes the development of a methodology to collect field data in order to ... more The current article describes the development of a methodology to collect field data in order to measure poverty and in work poverty at local level and it is part of a set of methodologies developed in order to map existing / necessary social services and infrastructure, poverty and in work poverty in Romania, for The Romanian Ministry of Labour and Social Justice. The article highlights the sources of data for this demarche and it also explains step by step the design, the used indicators and the research tools for field data collection. The proposed model will use locally collected data for all localities in Romania and therefore provides the premises for in-depth analyses at regional, county, but also local level, with various analysis objectives.
As regard to the risk of poverty and social exclusion but also to the relative poverty, Romania h... more As regard to the risk of poverty and social exclusion but also to the relative poverty, Romania has significantly higher rates than the EU average. Although the social impact of the transition was an important one in all former communist countries, the comparison between them reveals the functioning of a different model of social development followed by Romania and Bulgaria during the transition period. The proposed analysis will start from identifying, in the general picture of poverty in nowadays Romania, those groups that are mostly vulnerable, those with the greatest potential for accentuating vulnerability and those with the most precarious addressability; it will also focus on the effectiveness of the social protection system in reducing the risk of poverty and in supporting each of these vulnerable categories. The approach will be carried out from a comparative perspective, the comparison with the EU countries being complemented by those from the group of former communist cou...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2016
In this paper, we analyse profiles of the active population in relation to some new situations of... more In this paper, we analyse profiles of the active population in relation to some new situations of working time overload and from the viewpoint of labour intensity: the relationship between certain socio-demographic characteristics, the experimentation of some new situations such as the ones described above and the behaviour in relation to employers and labour market, in general. All these types of situations that might occur on the job can be framed into the wider category of "working conditions" and represent, together with the factors with negative impact that can be grouped under the heading "working relationships", the main factors generating stress on the job. The impact of these factors is heightened on one hand by the general socio-economic context and on the other hand by certain individual characteristics of the employees. The data show that a relatively significant share of the individuals included in the sample of our research experimented on the job s...
This analysis intends to capitalize the results of several case studies made during the past year... more This analysis intends to capitalize the results of several case studies made during the past years within rural communities. These socio-economic diagnoses on community level had been done according to a multidimensional model; each of these was focused, according to the goals, mainly on one or other of the dimensions of the manner of defining the social development. The goal of integrating these study cases’ results is to make an analysis of the factors and mechanisms regulating the emergence and evolution of the social problems on community level and of the concrete and differential manners of functioning on local level of the socio-economic mechanisms with impact on the social development. A direction of analysis is haw impact of the structural factors of the development is regulated by the functioning of some contextual/local mechanisms and also the concrete manner of development of some development programs. On the other side we intend to identify the key-factors of the develop...
The study of community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For... more The study of community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For instance, assessing the impact of most development projects requires the study of the potentially affected communities, both before, during and after the implementation of the project. Community studies suppose the manipulation of both qualitative and quantitative data, and often require complex activities of data collection and validating. This research note addresses a few practical issues for carrying the fieldwork during in rural communities. We do not discuss much the designing and the methodological aspects of such research, but we focus on the difficulties, risks and potential success strategies during data collecting.
Concepție grafică, machetare şi tehnoredactare: Luminița LOGIN Coperta: Nicolae LOGIN DESPRE AUTO... more Concepție grafică, machetare şi tehnoredactare: Luminița LOGIN Coperta: Nicolae LOGIN DESPRE AUTORI Simona Maria STĂNESCU este cercetător științific III în Institutul de Cercetare a Calității Vieții (ICCV), Academia Română. Este doctorand în sociologie al Universității București, Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială, cu o temă de analiză a statului bunăstării. Domeniile de interes: politică socială, construcție instituțională și cadru legislativ în domeniul social, drepturile omului și economia socială. Printre publicații: Aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană: impactul asupra statului bunăstării românesc (coordonator, 2004); Enciclopedia dezvoltării sociale (co-coordonator, 2007); Politici de incluziune socială în perioada de criză economică (co-coordonator, 2010); Raport de cercetare privind economia socială în România din perspectivă europeană comparată (co-coordonator, 2010). simona_vonica@yahoo.com Sorin CACE este doctor în sociologie și în economie, cercetător științific I în ICCV, Academia Română. Domeniile de interes: statul bunăstării, ocuparea forței de muncă, situația romilor și economia socială. Printre publicații: Legal şi egal pe piața muncii pentru comunitățile de romi. Diagnoza factorilor care influențează nivelul de ocupare la populația de romi (cocoordonator, 2010); Economia socială în Europa (coautor, 2010); Economia socială-două profiluri regionale (co-coordonator, 2010); Bune practici în domeniul economiei sociale (coautor, 2010).
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, May 1, 2014
The paper I suggest is based on the preliminary results of the research project Deindustrializati... more The paper I suggest is based on the preliminary results of the research project Deindustrialization and under-development in the Romanian Transition. Individual/Collective Strategies/ Reply Policies. Case study: Valea Jiului, that will be done within the project ID-141086 "Pluri-şi interdisciplinaritate în programe doctorale şi postdoctoraleIe" This project is constructed from the perspective of the social development paradigm. The modernization theories suggest the paradigm of development as modernization from an evolutionist perspective. While the communist project of social development chose explicitly industrialization as a corollary of modernization, such process of (post) modernization initiated in the moment of the communism' collapse. On economic level the transition meant also a continue and emphasized process of de-industrialization illustrated by the constant decrease of the number of industrial employees from maximum 4 millions in 1990 to 1,2 millions of employees in 2011 (data sourse: Zamfir s.s., coord. 2011). In the same time a transfer of the agriculture employees to the subsistence agriculture was registered (now the employees represent only ,2% of the total persons working in agriculture-MADR, 2013). The high reduction of the percentage of employed population represents a factor generating underdevelopment and has a negative impact on the balance of the social insurance systems (pensions, unemployment, health). This paper intends to describe and analyze a special case of the communist under-development from the perspective of causes, factors and mechanisms of this process located in the region Valea Jiului. The selection of the mining restructuring in Valea Jiului is based on the fact that this represents an example of failure of the social policies aiming to reduce the effects of the transition (effects increased in the respective case exactly by the manner of implementation of certain economic policy measures).
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2010
Studying community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For ins... more Studying community is very common in current Romanian academic and non-academic research. For instance, assessing the impact of most development projects requires the study of the potentially affected communities, both before, during and after the implementation of the project. Community studies suppose the manipulation of both qualitative and quantitative data, and often require complex activities of data collection and validating. This research note addresses few practical issues for carrying the fieldwork during in rural communities. We do not discuss much about designing and the methodological aspects of such research, but we focus on the difficulties, risks and potential success strategies during data collecting.
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2020
This analysis is based on the premises that social, economic and fiscal policies can discriminate... more This analysis is based on the premises that social, economic and fiscal policies can discriminate in a legitim manner certain categories against others only from the perspective of 3 types of reasons: economic criteria; social criteria; meritocratic criteria. From this perspective, any comparative advantage offered to certain groups or individuals, which can not be justified by any of these 3 legitim criteria of discrimination, is actually a privilege, unjustified from the public policies perspective. Even when these advantages follow the logic of differencing based on such legitim criteria, this differencing should be reasonable (to fulfil the condition of social equity as is defined in the theoretic and conceptual frame of this analysis). In Romania, there are significant differences, which do not follow the logic of discrimination according to any of the 3 mentioned criteria, from the perspective of rights, neither from that of obligations. On the other side, even when these are legitim from the above-mentioned perspective, the level of these differences is hard to justify. The differences address categories of people, but are not present on inter-categories level: between the residents connected to centralized heating system (massive subvention regardless the income) and those unconnected (no subvention); the pensions calculated according to different stages of contribution-the entire period, last 5 years, best 5 years, no correlation with the contribution but only with the last month salary. Health insurance is paid only by certain categories, regardless the income, other are excepted also, disregarding the income and some categories pay the contribution to a minimum level, regardless the income. Plus, the level of these differences is unjustified and unjustifiable. The "special" part of the special pensions exceeds in some cases 15 times over the part according to contribution and with the legal possibility unlimited increasing of this non-contributory part for certain categories. The hypothesis I intend to present in this analysis is that this accelerate increasing of the social inequity in the post-communist Romania is the product of establishing and functioning of certain power relations reflected in political decisions that favour one part of the population and disadvantage, correlative, another part of the population. The inequality increased not only based on the meritocratic mechanisms functioning within the economic context of free competition, but mainly based on elite selection mechanisms and social, privileged, un-meritocratic mobility.
Sociologie Romaneasca, 2019
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2017
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This is a summary in the English language of the book: Sărac lipit, caut altă viaţă! Fenomenul să... more This is a summary in the English language of the book: Sărac lipit, caut altă viaţă! Fenomenul sărăciei extreme şi al zonelor sărace în România 2001, published by Nemira in 2004
A book about the "new" emerging poverty in Romania 2001, defining extreme poverty and p... more A book about the "new" emerging poverty in Romania 2001, defining extreme poverty and poor areas. This research project had the financial support of the World Bank’s grant “Poverty-Social Exclusion Link” and the Ministry of Education and Research’s grant “Dimensions, Types and Determinants of Extreme Poverty in Romania”. The findings presented are structured on two levels, (i) individual/household and (ii) poor areas. At individual and household level we answered the questions concerning the persons in extreme poverty, the deprivations they face, the way they ended in extreme poverty and how they get on. At the level of the poor areas, the questions concerned the extent to which the poor areas attend to become ghetto-like, so that the present concentration of poor tends to associate with delinquency and with phenomena of social dissolution (divorces, child abandonment by the parents, domestic violence, and delinquency).
... au fost: ● identificarea unor modele conceptuale, în funcţie de analiza literaturii de specia... more ... au fost: ● identificarea unor modele conceptuale, în funcţie de analiza literaturii de specialitate, cu privire la fenomenul stigmatizării, discriminării şi marginalizării persoanelor cu probleme de sănătate mintală; ● identificarea credinţelor, atitudinilor şi stereotipurilor cu privire la ...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2014
The paper is based on the preliminary results of the research project "Deindustrialization a... more The paper is based on the preliminary results of the research project "Deindustrialization and under-development in the Romanian Transition. Individual/Collective Strategies and Reply Policies. Case study: Valea Jiului", that will be done within the POSDRU project "Plural and interdisciplinary in doctoral and post-doctoral programs". This paper intends to analyze the complex relation between economic development, social development and modernization. The basic hypothesis of the proposed analysis is that the economic development is not an irreversible process not even when it leads to social development as part of a modernizing program. Valea Jiului represents an example of how the economic and social development built on weak basis, become unsustainable. The collapse of this weak basis initiated after 1989 when the economy and the society changed and after a transition period produced a major negative social impact started with the restructuring of the mining. In...
Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 2016
The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context and compared to othe... more The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context and compared to other former communist countries. Large differences can be observed in the cases of certain groups which are vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. For these groups, the most important thing is the intervention of supportive social policies. Besides the higher incidence of poverty and vulnerability, the efficiency of the social transfers in reduction of the poverty (other than pensions) is three times lower in Romania compared to the European average. One of the explanations proposed in this paper refers to the philosophy of the social protection system focused mainly on categorical benefits offered to some large categories presumed to have certain pre-defined vulnerabilities. The rate of the benefits based on testing means is low and the rate of the benefits for supporting those in need of urgent intervention is extremely low. On the other hand, the rate of financial benefits is signif...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2017
The current article describes the development of a methodology to collect field data in order to ... more The current article describes the development of a methodology to collect field data in order to measure poverty and in work poverty at local level and it is part of a set of methodologies developed in order to map existing / necessary social services and infrastructure, poverty and in work poverty in Romania, for The Romanian Ministry of Labour and Social Justice. The article highlights the sources of data for this demarche and it also explains step by step the design, the used indicators and the research tools for field data collection. The proposed model will use locally collected data for all localities in Romania and therefore provides the premises for in-depth analyses at regional, county, but also local level, with various analysis objectives.
As regard to the risk of poverty and social exclusion but also to the relative poverty, Romania h... more As regard to the risk of poverty and social exclusion but also to the relative poverty, Romania has significantly higher rates than the EU average. Although the social impact of the transition was an important one in all former communist countries, the comparison between them reveals the functioning of a different model of social development followed by Romania and Bulgaria during the transition period. The proposed analysis will start from identifying, in the general picture of poverty in nowadays Romania, those groups that are mostly vulnerable, those with the greatest potential for accentuating vulnerability and those with the most precarious addressability; it will also focus on the effectiveness of the social protection system in reducing the risk of poverty and in supporting each of these vulnerable categories. The approach will be carried out from a comparative perspective, the comparison with the EU countries being complemented by those from the group of former communist cou...
Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2016
In this paper, we analyse profiles of the active population in relation to some new situations of... more In this paper, we analyse profiles of the active population in relation to some new situations of working time overload and from the viewpoint of labour intensity: the relationship between certain socio-demographic characteristics, the experimentation of some new situations such as the ones described above and the behaviour in relation to employers and labour market, in general. All these types of situations that might occur on the job can be framed into the wider category of "working conditions" and represent, together with the factors with negative impact that can be grouped under the heading "working relationships", the main factors generating stress on the job. The impact of these factors is heightened on one hand by the general socio-economic context and on the other hand by certain individual characteristics of the employees. The data show that a relatively significant share of the individuals included in the sample of our research experimented on the job s...
This analysis intends to capitalize the results of several case studies made during the past year... more This analysis intends to capitalize the results of several case studies made during the past years within rural communities. These socio-economic diagnoses on community level had been done according to a multidimensional model; each of these was focused, according to the goals, mainly on one or other of the dimensions of the manner of defining the social development. The goal of integrating these study cases’ results is to make an analysis of the factors and mechanisms regulating the emergence and evolution of the social problems on community level and of the concrete and differential manners of functioning on local level of the socio-economic mechanisms with impact on the social development. A direction of analysis is haw impact of the structural factors of the development is regulated by the functioning of some contextual/local mechanisms and also the concrete manner of development of some development programs. On the other side we intend to identify the key-factors of the develop...
Reforma instituţională declanşată în România, după anul 1989, a înglobat şi domeniul protecţiei c... more Reforma instituţională declanşată în România, după anul 1989, a înglobat şi domeniul protecţiei consumatorului. În spaţiul public românesc, au luat fiinţă şi s-au afirmat diverse instituţii noi cu atribuţii specifice, care nu existau înainte de anul 1989. Instituţia protecţiei consumatorului din România a fost însă atât de subdimensionată în anii socialismului – din perspectivă teoretică, metodologică, conceptuală şi practic-operativă – încât, în mod inerent, multe dintre intervenţiile reformatoare absolut necesare au vizat, în diverse etape, teoria formei fără fond – teorie cu o istorie destul de veche în spaţiul sociocultural şi economic autohton. După anul 1989, prin creşterea complexităţii societăţii româneşti şi prin contactul mai larg al populaţiei din România cu realităţile civilizaţiei occidentale, exigenţele consumatorilor au început nu numai să crească, dar şi să se exprime mai liber. Cu toate acestea, mentalităţile unor mase largi de consumatori din ţara noastră, ca de al...